O o n l B a g t j P l Hank{sgivhngfeistive Iin eai r l ^ 'mmMiis[ ByB ON NJE IE BAIRD JONES c alls. ilrcady under cultivation aroundund lhe community of Mrs.rs. Benoit came to Twin Fallslls liIn December of "Wcliadiid som e p re tty skim py y e a rs bul w e.' andLORAYlA Y N EO . SM ITH Her parents; Mr. andi PMrs. E. B. Williams, lock Crock. Everything else camc am e a c ro ss the B lue 1904 and ai has lived her slncc. “I1 guguess exccpt for had al loasoast a roast chickcn for Tiianksgivir Times-Nis-Ncws w riters manaR(^ the new building;g wwhich was the cenler of Laj, .akes Grade, a Sleep wagon road leading Into and WandcIda R eed wlio beat m e h e re byy 12 days, I may be ^ liommadcJc mince meal pie and pumpkin . -TU'IN. FALLS - Many Ma early day,Tidn Falls5 a ctiv ity for th e new farm con:ommunlty. out u t of S nake R iv er Canyon wc«w csl o f th e p rese n t th e loilongest resideiit of Ihc area.I. I'\I've seen iols of Hooversaiisaid. residents loday are refhvfleclint’ on different ways In1 '* "IwasaboutlOycarsoIda:d a t tJie tim e a n d we lived p ^ , ’crrlne Memorial Bridge. cliangso b se n 'e d th e Thanks(?lvinKJ in the hotel. ThanksgivingIng that year was very "As I recall the entire dinnclinner complete witii Harold Hoover' and Christrlsimas tho Hoover children cnjoye liollday. festive. Nearly evcr>-oiie; cconnected w ith th e in- pm )umpkin or mince pie cost the diners50to75ccnls."dim Hanarold Hoover, who owns EasiEasl Five Poinls sharing aa,"l)i:lch” oflhrec-flavorod Ice .Mrs, Lesley Oeiioit.it. widow■ of allorney Flarrj- ing land sales In the area' vestment company handlinf? ^irs. Benoit said. M oblk)lle Home Park, was Iwrn in lhe Kim'bcrly purchased;ed al lhe old Sterling creamery ne Bcnoii, rccallslior first•st ThanksKivinK1 In Twin Falls’ livedinthehotcl."shesald. d. One c of the area investorss frfrom Chicago had railro:road station where his parenisits IIlived Ix’cause of railroad 1lr tracks where the Shell Oi! Co. plant w as 72 y e a rs aRd wficnn IJietli city h a d only a handful of f For dinner, as the plonecleer resident recalls, the isslste d in bringing n N egro chcfh ef a n d his w ife to the lii!> fat[athcr's Job as railroad agent. . located. ' p e rm a n en t buildings,, many rnj tents and an elaborate ll turkey, as well as beef ne\ i i^icnu includod trad itio n a l ti jew community and the foodK)d was prepared lo “I1 f guess the Thanksgivings I rcrcmcmbci: most . - "We useused lo walk lliure and my fattier wou new hotel called th e P’errin e rr c . and lamb. Fruit was placeaced on every table and )crfectIon, Mrs. Benoit recalls.s. . w eree tthose in the 1920’s when myly twol' sisters, my a cjuarl-slz•sized brick of Ice crcam. Wc wouk . . ■ “As I rccall thankspiksKlviiiK din n er m a rk e d 'lh e! came from the Perrine orchrchard In-the Blue Lakes 7 T ills y e a r M rs. Benoit, a l 82,2, wwill be preparing a - parenisnTs and I sa t down lo a fcasl...My-molhcrwasa .M\ have .1 ththin slice and m ake it- la sl a s lo utffcial opening of theI hotelhoi and was a jjala occasionI area of Snnke River Canyon. - ■■ .... ‘tururkey and dressing for a dinnerncr wilh her daugliter inagnljnlficent cook and we alw ays mmanagiHlXo ai have possible.":\"h ejH iid . . for ju s t about everyonele inir th e new lown. .Mrs, Benbll1 VcRctables and other prodroduce came from'farms ind dauglitcr's family. goodi hholiday ,diij.rier.” ho s.Vid,' (Contlnuedonpg,2)

f R t nl e s ; m WcxWS Idaho^) ’s Largest Eveniining-l\e ivspn per'' - - _ Even lo*\ lor l 5 ‘ cornor d«livi

'" 'W i ■« sp litts !*abs ' -•* At m ' F CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - LlbyLibya broke lies with expectcclcd to win w ide A ra b backing, E g y p t tod a y to p ro lest Pre sidsident e i Anwdr Sadal's Thec breakingb of lies cxpcctcd sinc M visit^ to Israel. Bul Influcnlhsnllal Saudi Arabia week; —- was the latest snub-by radical m reportedly threw lls supportirt behindfc the pcacc regimemes, and came despite Eg) ^m ission In a.m ovc Ihat couldd sliorcsli up S a d a t a n d a ssuranees ra n to Arab allies tliat Cairo h. ■ Ajy tl I ' fu rth e r sp lit lIic A rab w orld.I. c h a nIgcd g c Us bnsic policy, bul it In announcing it-was wlthdrchdrawing diplomatic revolutllulionlzed its a p p ro a ch lo Isra el by o] recognition of Egypt. Libyaa saso id it w ould a p p ly a directect dialogue. the Arab boycott of IsraelEl to t< Egypt as well BulI theI semi-official newspaper Al / bccause "what comcs from■om E g y p t m a y be s.ald.KIiKing Khaled of Saudi Arabia has de coming from or going lo the•enemy.” one supportlortforSac^at. In addition, lh e govcm m erilcril ofc stro n g m a n Col. - ■■ "T'he he president relum ed (rom his pence Moammar Khadafy said Egyptian E( airliners lerusalisalem to (Ind an'important mcssag would not be allowed lo landnd inij Tripoli, and the KingKI Khdlcd waiting for hlm,”^lhe new lo ln t b o rd e r betw een th e twvo o ac o u n trie s w ould be said.. “In ‘ this message, the Saudi im scaled off to prevent land traffraffle I fro m C airo. expressressed* est^m o( President Sadal The Libyan aclion forc^d EEf gyptnlr,- ll^g sta te - E g yp p t’s t’ rote, efforls and sacrifices for U run airline, to halt flightss to Algeria as well, cause.'>e.” s in c c they nrc usually ro u tedudviaTripoll. vl ‘ Thele reported Saudi supporl. If true, H ow ever, llic Libyan govem'cmmcnt i stressed the help1 enableci Sa'daf lo withstand the- mi Mark Mlllor/Tlmea-Nowo move r would not affect thehc “cxccilcnt treat- wavee o01 f Arab criticism a n d possibly b rea W H ETH ER IN a formmul i atmo^bere, such as tbe tt abandaoeeof tbe past yearI'ear. Oteervaoce of mcnt” of, the cstfmalcdd .2 250,000 Egyptian hlsisofisolatlon In tfie A rab world, tbe Interior of tbe FlrslIrst United Presbyterian Ib T aiik sg lv iD g D ay h a s long beenbeei a high point of ' "n a tio n als living in Libya. Middiiddlc East experts said moderate (. S Cbtird) In Twlo Falls,I, sabove, or aipund tbelr autumn ai in tbe Magic Valley.By. P: lc h tre d In th e Libya also safd it had1 madem “necessary" mentsts such as Kuwait,■ Qatar. Bahral B a y fo'o r t h a n k s dinner tables, or erfaaps outdoors, Magic Presbyterian P cburcb Is Rev., Thidat’,s'inltlalivc. eiRlitdays. insportatlon w as a covercd wagor 1-WlN FALLS - Tlic: TwinT» Fnlls Tr.ilflc .mil m a rrIrrlage of a Kcnlucky couple, uf tra n s Actlnping Foreign Minister Butros Ghai le v en g e r said he lirst m e t his wif(wifewhenshc'was2- □ . Safety Commission practlcictlced what il preachcs ^ClbvenRer's wife Mattie died;d ’ T uesday, tw o w eeks Cle> I the Clevengers never reallyly c o n sid ere d ih e lr . •\vlih U.SU.S. Ambassador Hermann Ellis am ------a.nfti fte rsh e-au ffered a stro k e . SheewasBC. w weeki>ks-ol(h..Hl6 m other, h e sa idi. , toitook him to SCO a ...... T uesday. ’marrlcdyearsahardshlp. ■...... w llh cn\envoys from "Asian countries In-the D ue to ha za rd o u s trav/el e l conditions( crenleci by ‘'S “ he’s been a blessing to m e‘."Clevenger ," I said, nelglilglibor’s new boby. He scheduled similar lalks in the e\ 'e together on March “We'('e 'd n e v e r'h a d an e a sie r life;,["comporl5on." foi the snow storm whicli swcswept across the Manic ; Funeral services will be heldId IF rld n y a t th e c h u rc h T'he he Clevengers began their life to iVcst E u ro p ea n am b assad o rs. Valloy Mondny, only Ihretfiree of the seven mem- where Clevcnf’cr hns been a paspastor for W years. Ho 14, 1897.V It w as Clevenger’s 17tli 171 b irth d a y a n- M rs.CClevenger h said beforc her dealh. bors of tlie commission1 bnbraved the elements lo ------a p p e a r nt th e com m ission n ■ H i S on m e etin s, S' Since llicrc w as no quoruiorunVpresent. noulflclal 1|~ j actlo h c o u ld be taken. H o m e l i ni k s 9 T l I

R D a m p a i d s a f e t y; y ^ I

''''WA By UnlW Press Intematnational V A 1traditional stoy-at-home, "eai'eat -drlnk-and- latch-foolbaH" period, Tlinnksfksglvlng's long ■ . ' ' ' ' s t a y s weekend holiday could be a relallInllvely safe oniT . V . ' or American motorists, accordlnding to national I afety exports. MMU illions took to th e ro a d s la te Wednesday,W( but s || — RAIH_____ mllllinilllons more traveled by plane.e.bus.and 1: train, , rjust stayed at home. AAagicNV alley ”^iA United Press IntcrnotlonalI surveyst showed .j| . r:>r. . ' ...... only,Inly.t'^'P persons had.djedjnjrafflcffic accid en ts b y ...... " G I V E T H A N K S : M.Most farming and 2! a.na.m .-M ST today. T h e su rv ey pperiod e r began at 6 j^H ).m. local time Wednesday andnd ends at mid- |^H ranching fam ilies giveJive thanks today to \ P;"?-, ■ ■ ilRlil Sunday. . be able to live as theyc 3ydo.Pagel7. X,The Nntlonal.5afely.Councll estimesti ated 4(KI to 56060 p

MaglcA' V d;f6i- :~ .r " 17 ' redlcted H0,000 passengerswoulould be handled ' 7 ' :-V : ■ / I th e aiiTJort VVednesdoy. Theylicy ex p ec ted a Jol^horrttmoB-NoftS , C laaU lod .... 46-SJI OblfuorlosC ...... IB . bijjfje Igger crowd Sunday.,' , JE R O M EB FALCONER Mike Atwood)d uw orks few w e ^ to troirnin a bird to hunl wtth a man...... QDm/cs 014f 'OC pinion 4 G n Greyhound Corp., which Is inn ccontract talks ' W> * . ■with a redta]Itail hawk which w as broughtht t ■ ^ Jf —- . '— -Tlmos-Nows.-TwtnFoNs.-llis.-ldaho—^Thuraday, Nov6mt>ofjaOf.3a..l977-- ; , - - - - ! '.------2' A r g e h t i rn e q u a k e

E a i r l y t r a % c i h o lMays i rrecalledid I t1 o l l p a s s ey came upon uj the Kelso Oakley —- ia long distance for early . Wednesday, ' breakintJng ' - I ' . . E l l e n B > o s e „ „ south of Twin Falls that day-Iy —to attend. windows In .Porio Alegre iv losti • l« lo n g ln g s from GGei erm any, ''O'V.':' E llen B rosc grew, up In Roc becom ing tem po«frllyl05 to school w ith Uie . - T hey woiwould havo to remain ; ' Brazil, rocking Chile's Pacific sSoolled Slnco he was onlynly 5 ye ars old "W e w ent lo Creek where her parents wei Tlie rav^ potatoes., sui Drexlcjr said, "so . overnight;ht and Uio Strieker . Coast and sending pajama „lii„ ^ wlien his familyf ccame here. Kelso kids." Di l i S e a r s am ong’ilie first resid cn ls.• Tli by a friendly farm famll n asked them for ranch honhomo also providled HjXI x p l a i n s clad people into the streets o: 1 .^0^ Drcxicr’s first n,memory of we just plain i earliest Tlianksglving dinnei’"f” footsore boys camc jgiving ob- somcUiingtocfleat.” Uicse .-occtaccommodations. Her Buenos Aires. nUi C early Thanksgi EGVETIAN AmbhsMdor ^ic A prlntlnfl error _ — she-recatls-wore minus, -tt gygf^ried them unlil in Fall.s d a les He slill remembers re how 'm other;>r; Mrs. H erm an---^ . Thc Argentine Seismic neW ierc servances in Twin 1 lim ed M eguid lold U » U nited , Blje appears on page 3 turkey. finally reachcd homo ' and tils friends Strieker,ir. hihad thc first organ In ™ ’Service said thc quake 2. Uie tim e of g rate fu l tie a: aUoM General Assembly •• -of the Sear* ••cm keys their anxious familes raw p o ta to es they Uio a rcea o d and a brotlier, Ber- , measured seven on thc open •TJiere weren’t any turkey ! holldav «'C MW potato Incidcidcnl, * were tor the ra 'ednesday President Sadat's 74 Section" In today'i body delayed the traditional:al holidayIn 0 sustain Uicm on nard, ployciloyed th e violin, so Uiis I e nded ■ Rlcfiler scale at il: In nils a re a then but everylx)d other youths. were f^vcn lo s £lt to Israel was a peace . newspaper. . had cows, Wc h a d .ro a st l)cef*for o dinner, d. sta rted out th e tiom ew ard-dtrck. I tolent. plu!plus family hospitality. J™* I ■ center. ..r ” 0’*' deceased. ; liu lo a tflfcfn •■(rom a poslUon bet- CLip-rr SUPS somelimes a chicken butt we*w A n o th e r o ld lim e r. early that "We kept rightrij on walking, all contontrlbuted to thc ^ I • Tlie gov'emment -said, bet : Blraigtli, not weakness'." led, a re incorrectly — always had a special dlnnec.MC." Jan'is,thcnaladofl5,w try-out their eating the potatoes' p< *as we popularityrity of Uic family dance • « ‘ , w een 80 and 100 were killed Igerla loloed in supporting and priced as: the early day schooi tcacheichcr a dance on Thanksglvim Uie plentiful w e n t," D rcxleiJer said, since by hall. Tlielie buUdlng later was • IOO persons were injured ant r S " i adat’s effort altbou^ most as "Sale 4 for 56,50, In Tw in F a lls in 1905, inland soutli now the boysys reolizcd their convertedte d ito a b a m and now Is 10.000 left homeless a! says, h u n tin g on Uic open r a b n a tio n s denounced it. ugc Regular »5to 56.50". ' fam ilie s m iglithtbcupsct, Indlsrcpaliipolr- . buildings toppled and huge . A re g u la r T h a n k s g lv in re dances ofTwin Falls. ivlng -'There always were d calls they And suree enough, the , fissurcsopenedinUieground,id, T h e a d v e rtiie m e n t observance in tlie plonee v because Drexler reca )neer q,, every holiday be nal bank they • worried parer■ents had w alled^ T h e lown of Cauccte lookecked should have read: com m unily of R ock C reek w« IB else to followed Uie canal «cn "Sale $4 to 96.90, tlicre wasn’t anything e le six m iles ‘ d in n e r fo r Uielicm, so wllh tho JyJ[Qwe J* , talks Nif ( ew O rleans5 ■ "like a city tliat had beei a com m unity d a n cc held in th Jarvis said. BeforJ l r f i t e boys’ safe rcrelurn. at least bombed with delermlnallottlon . Regular 55 to $6". town's main building, a hotihotel d a y o( gutos. Uie only.inlv Iran- so u th of town. LiHjy d i d n ’t th re e Tw in Falls F a famUlcs had . I and many times,” an at We are sorry for any with dance floor. Later th ■ sp o rta tio n available> 4wj s by ize'the eanal a spcclal reasoison to be thankful l i X T l i erms draw n^ A rgentine rep o rte r wrole fron■om Inconvenience this may Slricker family bulJl'a dancInncc (ggi or horse and W bugi ffv so previously realize future t e Like boys (liatyeor. Jy United Press intemalfonaJI thesceno. c a u s« o u r ch o p p ers. hall. local da n ce s w ere pcp ^ d a r >■' •San Juan’s governor late al Twin everywhere they/ lostlo track of Two of Drexler’s D com- JERUS/U SA L E M C J P I I - ^NcNew Orleans shippers ^11 Seara, Roebuck & C o . ;atcr from tlie beginning of Monday requesled blankets, Tliere was nol enougli wate Uiey thouglit po n io n s w■c ere broUiers, Irwin tg-ael said today it will con- agre;rced to demands by .lhe (lany Falls city hislorj- wh whic ci of tents and medical supplies bcbe — In Bock C reek to irrig ate man; a b o u t retu rn in gI lhome Uiey Magoffin ondd Loulo 1 Magoffin. oiks wlUi E g y p t tow ard Intelitemallonal Longshoremen’s st of riclallybe^nslnl9C5. fields or gardens and most o rea liz ed Uiat Uief mmany curves whose widowiw now liv e s in Idle E o sl p c ac e set*- • -Assossociation for a guaranteed ■he fourth hunter. the vegetables were canried. J a r v i s s a id h is5 fifamily on the conol banksks lhad caused Shoshone. The it. annimual Income, but the Port of ;, 1905. his th e m to have diffeliffering ideas Jennings Baylcylor. later became The statementstall came after a Balta ltlm o rc rem ained sliut down Mrs. Brose, then ElleiIlien arrived here July 23, 19( ioting Uic ab o u t Uic m ost direct, dl route a cartoonist forfc Walt Disney. »,^hmlOur ir cabinet session at over/cr thc issue and negotiations r Y O UH I F I R S T Larsen, began teaching In 1912191 15th-birthday. p«Miatln in Pacific bock homc. Drexler vis.IsiUd mn, l„ 1 Prime Mini tcr contm tinued in Philadelphia, In Pleasant Valley school nearnea arrival ol the Union P he said, After some argurguing one of Hollywood In IJ ;cm Begin reported on Thc Tl a g re em e n t wllh lh e New S E A S O >N O N SKIS?! Rock Creek. Later she taughlught Rallro'ad which he ' M cnahcm te rs decided to rleans Steam ship in R ogerson, Schools closcd forfo reached Twin Falls Aug.\u g .7 th a t th e youthful h u n te n „ . . his weelweekend talks with Ori ; , Terrific! CCome see us and go " th is " w ay while wh: Drexler G ladysra S t r i e k e r EB yptionlan P re sid e n t A nw ar Asscssociation was reached late ope day. Thanksgiving, and an y e o r. Thanksglvin]■ing dances also SadaL WedWednesday nljait a fle r unionI our good buysys on ski equipment, oftM Mrs. Brose recalls, sli tn id g e d anolher. thm high “Wc could seee tUie Hansen are recallecled by Gladys “FurUieirUier talks will lake presresident Thomas "Teddy" (fidn't take part in thc danccinccs ■ He olso recalls thqt ski wear andai accessories. nes were elevator. I rerremember,” Strieker, a Ifelonglife resident of pjace concconcerning Uie esfabllsti'-. Gle(leason authorized a widening li^ q u s c she had to be a t schosday dum p e d Into N ewA'Mcxico" M( took the position t )ugh asscls to, ••dissol«c" SSandia bccause IQ Santa Fc District Court. assets which Golljollegos didn't have enou(t 5’ questions about * : •According to ‘th th e dcscrlbcd as questionallonable of support its liobiabilities, Thc other states’ W H A ITA Albuquerque Tribune, th e Uie p a re n t com pany. department questiestioned some, admitting sonome assets u n d e r* &)mpany. Sandia Lltc, In.Ii Jordon said thole assets i $<; million out of som e SIO In su ra n ce lawiIWS ha d eiU ier boen S BStloned in m illion in assets. settled .or hava v o gone to court. ' ^ v a SAL LE! stirance Co., callcd solventnt byt Uiemselves were questio F O ¥ | urpose of Sandia ■ Its officers a n d insolvent bylyUie tli other states onlyI int it Mie • T tie Insurance:e department “So the puq ^ M ate superintendent ofI iiIn- "technical'’" sense of of. their also contended thatthe the firms really has expixpired.”hesaid. # lebratmg..... It's dur Aminiversary nirance, will bo dissolved,I, andan admissibility under InsuranceInsi of Sierra and SiSandia were Moore decliidined comment on ^ W e're Cdi Its assets, liabilities and som e law s. "intentionally depleting dcf ond the ease whenen co n tac tcd by th e * ZOOO life in su ra n ce policiesla f(for He said there wasIS nevern< a diminishing thclhe already- Times-News, u c " of the F R I D A Y &S ^ S A T U R D)AY-NOV i / . 2 S & 2 6 New Mexicans will bc tranrons-. question of Uie “value" ^______IJ firred back to the parcjarcnt assets, com pany. Gollegos, however./c r . so ld : S je rra o fT w in F a lls willIhold hol some of Uie assets. Inc PLANTS C O M E I NM... . PLANTS cs of abo u t $2,6 m iillon in m or [leujs I' F f Qie life Insurance policies i € i m t y e w M exicans and oilier■ noinon- . near thc Powder Mounliluntoln ski. _,TWINFAU$,IDAHO REGIS'ISTER FOR 8 INCH POTS vliose area In Colorado were . i 6 Inch Pots Idaho policy holders who: ,cr»"way -SUB:IBSCRIPTION RATiTES: :|,,J _ ^Reg.*14”-*16” glides had . been heldJ bby overvalued,” 8:95 f= f R e e ^ Sandia. Gallegos sold the dissdlSM lvine h o m e DEIIVERV: r Y. B Y M A Il: lomodvonco # it The agreement was reachciched ofSandlameansUiafUiI "th e New o n .M o .,h . Poyoblo i NOW Sundoy) * NOW ®y lawyers for the two concom- Mexico insurance depaiIcpartm ent ooiiy 8 Sundov .. •.,4.00 • I I m o n lh...... 4,35 ' ■ # j P . \ u i s \ % Banles and the stole Supt.pt. of i and New Mexico citizen;iz c n s ., a rc , InR lo be SUBSCRIPTI!’TIONS S 3 monlhi...... 12.25 * r i a -Insurance Kenneth Mooroore, relieved from having ...... 24.50 * o u t t h e ’ DELIVERY'SERVICE SE i m o m h i ...... A ' M oore h a d sued to h av e Itthe concerned about IQ-I, 'y®or...... : • • “ S OO ; * . tompany dissolved, — - regulations- of Uip^jCoi.c o m p a n y , w Mail lubudplicjliont ors-(old onl/------' ® ------l A RR tG E — Sandia Intierltod the New Ne and Uie hazard i m. t . 1.S1 i„. or doiivory Is not * ® . moinioinod. Mexico policies, inltlall;lally solvency." issued by thc old New Mexi(cxico He said Moore had r i-'NEWS TOLL-FREE PH O N E NUfiUMBERS: t | J] — " S P E C;iM I I E N THE PL-ANT PLANT )an y , c o u rt to h a v e Sandiaf ddis S v i S life Jnsurance _Compan; . . FlUt, Rogarion. LARGE SELECTIO Ing to because "Uie dangerir IsIs th a t If ■ . ^ . ERRARIUM SUPPLY throug mergers, according i ,1 loel nf n - Buhl, C0»t1«l0fdI ...... ■S3tl-4648 -H olll.ltf...... 326-5375 ^ . IN T S tei pene Gallegos, a SantoQ FFc Uierc ever Is a realII test^0ftc: .a Bufl.y,Rup.ft,Po«Poui, W*nil»1l. Jsroni'>m*. # OFGIFfSFOR“ P U H attorney who handled tlic. ca:case company haying lo ppay a y d e a th Ookl«y. Norlandi ....678-2552 . Csojllng. Hog.fj.rmon .536-2535 * HEADQUARTERS ’for the insurance departmeim ent benefits, casli values,S. loans."loj a ______^ ALL AGES SAVE '■ 'os a special assistant attorncom cy . UP TO ^ • g e n e ra l. ■' Gallegos said Sandia didrdldn;t ‘sell any policies since Sandandia POTS was Incorporated InrDocemlx■mber V ^ • j ODDS'KHDS ;)9TO. and didn'l h av e anyly 1In- S-25%0OFF -“W " ' •fiuranceagentshere. 50% g ' Sandia was formed, aac- *« \m I j r p l SAVE cording to both Gallegos and ar 9 ALL . . ^ j \ . Bob .Inrdon, princip:cipal •lawyer fo'r Sierra Life In- I: t t R P L A NN T S ^ suranco Co . after slalee in-i WICKEI ■■1 . i surance departmentss iin W -■ 4 INCH / ^Montana. Wyoming ana n d BASKET M % t o 4 f l % '■Nevada d isp u te d th c aiad- ' I ■- I § - POTS ------. . misslbilily. under insuramranee - Reg.i2.V9:_ „ - .laws, of.some Sierra assets, DAILY G A e r u s i ^ ' Jo rd an sa id the .N’ew .Mfxii ,'(irm was established — ai ANNIVERSARYy ‘ CACTUS I ' sotne assets ot Sletra trarl_rans_;^ _ I > ; (erred to It ~ " to clim ina -SPECIALS CACTUS} " disputes" In otiicr slates oVi Uic adm issib ility of .son '■ assels. EACH B ( ^ He said, "the cost" ot,( tl11,1. „ ■ ■ I BBOSTON FERN~r~ -.1 . lOSTON FERN '* .13 *ots . * V S "POTS' E specially Fo . - r ' M a d e E 'o r T h e is e n M«lo to r s .— : 'R eq. '-K16.95 SHOFfEUT.Snf.SEASONEfiS^- ‘"IgV’S;95 DAILY DEMOIfflNSTRATIONS u l r<>treal - 1 9 7rs 8 MERCURY BOIOBCAT RUNABQllU T ' m 18 beautifulul ccolors to choose from,m. 4 speech transm issionin fo r u p to JRJHL______. “wAsHi.vuTus; " fc p17“= r r J/ M.K.03. andand w e ll deliver anywKE'iv&re'in Mogic volley. ' Wtille House cliefs plannedmed a p S T g o u r m\ET e ' CO O K S ; splendid lurkey feast I President Carler. liis ,'X fam fREEbiKil Changes £ I .and Ills'slaft at Camp David I):i' for as lonsn g a s ▼ ' : today, MAGIC VALLE.EY'S LARGESl'aIiW^DiMOSrUNIQI president and • MrsM you ownn 1the .car. . . L a rtc r Invited a ides andd tliUit-ir _ ' • ^ 3 2 C GIF-F T A N D P L A Hi t t S T O R E ‘ families , to tlie' .Marylirylarfd . ^ l » r retreat for an early even Or Lease Cheie a p ! t v e n in x ' C m m M' ,J4arri6oi^i ^ , : dinner. The lirst laoy pnitiucwi ------— menu including roast turl — ------— # with cornbread dressiisslng^ m m t n r fs i i s e i n M o ' r o AAA ; candled sweet potatoi MAIN AVE. WEST TWIN T FALLS AAA J cranberri^.' natural gib . X h e eeasiest a p la cc In th Katzenbach defdescribed urban general aiand the liberal measui sures the FBI took to head leRTlTionc te Interview th a l hcic nationalist groups.’’ .. — rlotecs.asji.poli)olicc-persecuted e 1 e m e nIts. t s the black off v violence. ■’Vei, he had hr testified before thc Senalele iiatioiiatlsts"stS'tindT:xtrcmisl9-t)f— recogn ; minority. gnized-this-vloleiico-when------—IntcUigcnco-Commlltoft-about-In ut------But~lho-intemal-FBI'mcm<^ . 1 ' ' T h e m em o0 r e f e r r e d lo ' the liM»s ; aare rt l^iade to appear ,he w;was In' a position of hlslelicrtothoFBI. hi • commented. "Clark has ;iark nnd.Kat- as a .pollpolice-persecuted • respon;onsibllity.", ___• ____statcmenls Cla " ll said thc bureau In-n- c hoscn to forget th a t In I9fi7.he ," the internal meriio Ucsii ! z en b a ch gave TheTl Washinglon minorlly," ll isides the internal niemo. lerprcte-d te the leller as ap­p- was ver>’ conccmed with, the • Postinl974 -- I long afler they said, th e filefile contained a I9G7 C lark proval pi and prnisp of a'■whitete relationship of black I’. le ft Office - foil.ollowing the first "ForgoUerjllen Is the smell of directi'ctive urging the FBI to gel hale h: Caintelpro." Katzenbach:h nationalist groups," empty f th e th e F B I's . smoke thathat rose.abovo bur- all-thi , disclosures of 1 th e Inform ation ii could s_;isaid, "1 had never heard of program of ddisrupting ex- nedout secllcccllons of our cities In about It w h eth ecjlla’ riots w ere ' • ' OCointelpro. I was not .nware of The file, includa*^Clark's WASHINGTON. tU P I) - tremist or violence-prone v the latterr partpa of that decade, planneney ... lo take evory'step possible • American lrip..onipty-hnnde'ndcd saying docunumenls about revolulionar;inar>' promises and inform•manlsinlheKlan. The Tl Washington Post on3n to d e te rm in e w h eth er the of the oil price frccz (iountor-lnlelllgillgence ;igalnst threats,, - - theI hal'e-fllled . Neitl;lther memo ,.suggested .March M 12.1974: rioting is pre-planned, or agre em e n t he liacl Jiopcd>d I10 . . urban rioterss had 'M-.very diatribes'ag: 'against our country usingtgdisruptive taclics. Clark "I,don't think any of thelie nrganized. and if so to deter- rea ch wllll Vcnezucja. 1^- lawless tone." und (luoted and Its peopl'I'ople...., had.ui• urged Ihe FBJ lo l;|ku_ tataclics are ever acceptable foror mine the Identity of the people ‘•We nurcL'd on'everythin, • Katzenbachass.5 S^SIng the FBI' ■ F o V■g g d 1H e n^ a T e TinT ^ ’p"reen t rccom m cndcd for p e r­ Thc se cretary m et for Ihrc- I Government Includes at least lwo men. Id v c sllg a to rs. comonfirm thoy now were takinfiking potassium sup- liquidlid protein is of any sosons a s liltle a s 20 pounds hours with Venczuclai ds thc earlier group of 16 all were ,,,p have26dealhs-s—including, for plemcnts. Some S experts -had meanlinlngful nutritional value: o\overweight. President Carlos ;\niJrcs Pere w-omen. EX-iUJi)(';i[)('a:r c in i: f b e h t i . a n c i e. m en — under ' conjecturedrod It was a lack of —"L"Liquid protein may also . ~ in an effort lo persuade himm toli , the firsl time. iV fm'«- hanklhpNtiMpeiiHHin(HI In v e s tig a tio nn as possibly potassiumm tharmight I have beari1 rip-off in term s of price." help hold thellneonoU prices.ces. • • • '"‘*y linked to use; ofc th e popular caused lhHe e doa'ths.di but now this Percycy said. "Consumers are Even Love Needs a LittleLi Help Now and Then Earlier in his Soutl diet. m ny nol beb e tlth e casc. a skeded to p a y from SO'to $15 a A m erican trip Vance vlsitei . ^ 1 ^ ^ liquid protein dll e s, P ercy, R-III.. A -E ig hit l died dii of m yocarditis. quart. for whal cosls under 51 " ArRentina and Brazil, wher i i i i P , Sen. Charles rt. . . . a l ih(> Storliti^ S G r a n di j u r y p n who made thc new'figures an inHamatmatJon of lhe hearl in raw r m aterials to ing Corner, on the thc major (opics were humaiiman - . public Wednesdjsday, urged the tissue. Perc:'ercy said the women manuflufacturc.” m alhhvrv are m rights and nuclcar nonnon- m anv beautiful F ood a n d D ruglg iAdministration were younp3ung and othen^’lse -ThT h c diet should Iw used proliferation. ilvina thal tcill hfu e lp . to h a lt sa les of ol thc products heallhy, and am dcalhs among only’ kby p ersons 50 o r m ore Vancc told reporters afte.1 r f o c u s e3 t S o n L a n and declare them such persom his lunchcon and workini■king J - . v _ Im m e d iately an( •sons from thal cause session with Perez that hi to b e prescriptl()tlon d ru g s which are ra re . • f WASHINGTON (UPl)ip'l) — A still uncerlain,n, L a n c e s ^vlll h av e to be News Tips , urged th c Venezuelan leader t< be subjected to -Studiesles by the WARF federal grand Jury Is: expectedexp banking future ap|appeared n safety losllng support a prize freeze at Ihi lg before they institute in in M adison. Wis.. ‘ to Investigate Bert.. U L ance’s Jeopardy wltli a report In could be sold age lod lhal the liquid has . n _ JEWELRY CO. Dec. 20 meetinR of the I igaln. • •■concluded I Georgia banking affairs[airs, and today’s Washinfilon;on Post th a t x ^ e FDA. whwhich confirmed a zero protein or efficiency ^ 7 • 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 L Organizalion of Petrolcun there are reports a regul•egulalorj’ the Securities andid Exchange Percy’s figures, E x p o r t i n g C o u n t r ie s ii es. noled il had agency Is considei i d e r i n g C om m ission'w asI consideringci -repeatedly said sa that FDA n8 |||H H C a rac as. suspending tiie na tio ni ’s's fof( rm er b a rrin g him fromI thc th banking ^oujd take strotro n g er action if "President Perez expressei ; „ l)udgei director fromrom thc business. th c fa c ts w arran his views on the matter.’ banking business. T h e 'P o st said IIIt obtained c a percy said ar V ance said. "T hey do no . D eputy A ttorney General Gc memo,from Lance'!ce's attomcy • 1 a g re e w ith our view s." Pelcr naherty direct'reeled a informing the SECC thafLancet I Perez told reporters a fe\ three-member JujJu stice is willing lo conscntent to “some ^ « m . w r p J m inutes la le r, " I a m In favo Department team Wedn■ednesday sort of cnforcemennenl action" S a C C llil a r m of a m oderale p rice increase.' lo take "additional stepste p s" — but h e Is unwllliiIlling to be ■ h s ^ E o K He g av e no figure bul earilc ' which could include! a gran; d re stric te d in future h a d Indicated Venezuela hopei A C om e a n dIS s e e To{ Jury hearing — in thehe Lance1 activities. b a n s ttailed i for an Increase of alwut 3 to T he m em o fromn StevenS Fox T he FinesM t . H H a V p crcen i. A d e p arlm e n t sourceurce said of Atlanta, a la«7(^.7er for the WASHINGTOroN (UPl) - P e rez said he would favor n the decision meanl aspeaspects of Lancc-controlleIled First Nqw it's officla!lal: the Food and. , QjP CUTLERYr w’ E ■ 4 1 ' oll p rice freeze "If there-w ere; the ollegatlons againstnst 1Lancc National Bank of Calhoun Drug Admiiministration’s ] freeze on lhe price o almosl certainly woul.vould go (G a .). described,1. ai JJov. 8 proposed ban1 ono: saccharin is ' ' Jr HAVE EVERR HAD J W U manufactured goods." . before a grand jury.ury. But meeting between:n SEC at- suspended.- atIt "least for IB Saudi A rabia and thc Unitei , another source said eveneve If a lo m e y s and lawyersers for Lance monlhs. ’ CASE Z M m E m ira te s , alo n g w llh , tii g ran d Jury retu rn e d a crimcri inal and h is two banks,iks. thc Posl President Carlarter Wednesday . unexpectcii support of Irar indictment, proseculonjlors are said, s ig n e d a bill1 postponing\ the ^ HDtCKEla favor a price freeze, whilA’hlle skt,piical whether thetlie case Fox’ memo saidd lhatll during bon for a year-a::-and-a-half. \JDremel Tooll l s " ■ radical nations such as Iroc could bc successessfully the meeting, Slanlenley Sporkln. The bill ordeders thc Depart- CHICAGIEO . | | B B L Ibya.and ^Mgerla seek a muc th. E d u cn tlo n an d yy prosecuted. director ot thef SEC’sS en- ment of Health, W e stock all m odols onin d forger hike, ranging betwee One source said thele dcclslondc forccm ent divisionlion, "talk ed W elfare to con:onlinue studying ” ilCHEN-KNIVES M M I5and23percenl. • parlially Involved "letlliletting the rather strongly aboibout keeping heallh effects5 ofoi sa cc h arin and all occessorios l>OCKETWIlVES,Kni . The moderates, led , h sysiem operate" througrougli thc M r. Lanco out of)f banking t at other food add|ldlllvcs. and lo put OPEN STOCK 0OR SEIS Venezuelo, have said oil pricc, grand Jury, to satisf;itlsfy thc loast for some perio■riodof time” warning labelsIs oni thu artificial - S ets . must increase lo force majo American public tha'that thc and said "there werewc serious sweelener. consuming nallons -to us , , Lance investigationI wwa as un> questions aboul w!iw hether ■^TrT ' T h e j controveiverslal ban ij'as C l KITCHEN AID ; crude.more sparingly and als blemished by politic:Ilical in- L ancc sliould bee allowedi to ordered afterr the FDA con- *r . lo make developmenl c ‘ fluence, manage oilier.-r.'people's eluded that sasaccharin might ' ^ z r . w F ...... nltematc sources moro■ ai^ While any proseculloullon w as ' m oney.” - cause cancer. MIXERS tractive commercially.

^ ; ; — S 1 2 8 ’ * I Com os w ith WHIP BEATER llr fo n!• ’ l>thin, BLADE BEATER I r o u ifhfl o i iiI y , T l l - D O U G H H O O K \ ri'ld tr to S ta n le y :ilE H M A L L ' / i lsa J T iii ffiaa i \ 77.111M I.' iiliiiiiril. TAPERULESs . Limiled Edition ------L ------U S ^ M a iin-A n - / vo.-E .------Twin-PollJo IIr, Idaho— X—/-/jfl Ill- liiiiiii: u ir Speciol Prlce~ / ______; 7'34-4818 3 4 8330 y ('llir^null^ RevefTW are~ )„..iu-.,orr 1 0 ft. _ Solid Copper—. iiiiiiui.y>-t: R og. 7 . 4 ^ 6 6 m ~ l j /(I Stainless Steel — ) ' y ^ 1 2 ft.- Factory D irect .. ■ — —IN. R o g .: v7 . . 3 o ...... H4 . 8 8 M P u rch ase / INFUEUATr.X;!,(A.\ a ^ 1 6 f t. Sim-llinf'r Itl I Complete Line \ -Rog.: 9, . 3 s . . . : ...... * a5 . 9 8 ^ I'rt' ulivii Ys hailIII Illlh r ___ \ ihitif' fo r IrulliiT \ 2 0 ft. COMPLETE UNE : - , o . 5 o ...... 1 R o g - 6 . 9 8 F a b re w a re ^ Excellent prices^ • Miicli- III o n liT I ^ v i B a r o me t e r s 7 4 . i q t . $ 0 8 8 h-dtlirr i-lotliiii): oiiil Rog. 14.99 ...... U : \ Mony modoU *n^l'<>l' - ? TAYLOI.OR fj Rog. 17.99 ------1 4 • H an iliT iiririt (!iri • ili'|>iiniiK->ii V / - AIRGUliIIDE ^ O thor itomi, DOUBLE BOILER • ()]iiil. iiiiihirlilK’. F SPRINGFiiFiao ■ ro d u c o d li>rc|uiiLii'. pictiiri: accordingly | n r ■ riic'k. jii->|»T iiik I V. Excollentassssortmont ;| iil)iil(»ic olirll Ki-i in / T h o rm o mm i o t o r s -ilv rr • • Hool*. «li|»|»rm. Shop Our store Fdlt ; ... ■ 4 y r , ...... 1 DINNERWARE ' GLASS Gl FIREPLACE ENCLOSURE:RES I 125 Patterns to _ l-ll«-|-kflll*'I(« . 'FINECUTLERY ■ i choose from , COOKWARE-excellent selectiotio n s \ ■ CDI finest selection ever , R evere______H agnall:alint Rl mohyjT^ew patterns**' I Falireware fsli SPIyStaiiiMess' ■ ..7 this season. Com ing Slanley TiTools ; frosh Floral b y M i k o s a ComplEiiplei6 China - G lass and Gilt Dep;e partm enl > . ^ Ol'Kll'lv C 6r .wir. n c s f i r 'y l 0 < P r iC u -^

PI-3HONE US , coi-ucr - ■ : W 7 3 3 5 4 7 7 I ______■ ARDWARE.EXO. 147 AAIN AVE. WEST—-DOVyNTOWN— D TWIIVIN FALLS r . ■ ^ — — - 3 L - . I

■ \ ■■ ■ ■ - / S l i m e s ?if i l c uL > U 5 r (Q)[psn irD D ® ff[ ir rilizrn.^ iif Miif:ir i iilli-y Di-volvil lo llir !■ ~ W illiam E.fE. H o w o rd , P u b lis h e r Chris Pock,‘Ck, M a n a g in g P d ifo r , ~ Tfiursday.ly. fNovcmbiif 24.1977 MomBct~{”VVodii- Uo'ooy ■ol'Ci.cu/iTho.. ol ond Ol'r"□IKc'ra'l'oi^ l h a v t h ^ iadei^ir n ad ^ e F ^ S t sa r ^ W a iFs-role- Coonly Ne*v»popo' pufvuoii'iit< IIO Sotlion 60 100 Idol'o Cod.-,. ThuThu.iduy

—' b« dailyloily otid Sundoy picopi SoliltdoyJr 01o 132 '*;osliiii^ilum e-w lio.piit m y ^fiMilprinlss ini w ei ceineiil in llic five, former champion BiBrilisii- weight-liftcr'docs quilc ollt Idoho S330I hf Mogic Volluy:iuy tNow»- Ih.rd Si.o&l Wo».-, Fall» • ' • forecolecoijrl of Hollywood’s ,Mann's CCl hinese T h ea te r, o r wenl w elLfor lilm self as a fre<|re<|uenlly fea tu red TV a n d l)i>' k iio K ^ h i m ' soundiiindslages at Klstree and ShShep p e rlo n in l. lacei, is anolher ' Prowse .and all lhe filmilm's team IclllnB Ihem wtien lhe - .Sith. is hop)]oppinu mad. almost angry enonough lo iginle - comhi sp rin g ; - • h nglinglisll p e rfo rm e r who h a s prellylly mncli heen lell hohliing picture was opening, anand where, Bul it concluded by •' jmoUicrintentenilanetary cal;iclysm. r hack in Ihe wake. Heearn.-d•d , ahoul SIO.00.1 Inr Ins ef- asking them how man;any advance seat bookings they ; r a O r. t« ijt-e nmore preci.se, ifs -Jl-year-oldI I-Rrilisiier Dave '>■' Although the Uniteded States is no longer i rts in the film, hnl-since the end..ll (Ifsl .....lin g h a s h a d lo go w anled to huy. Full priceice of course. ^nnr Prowse. the;le aclor iwrtrayiiiij Ute giaiil ina;iiasked villain in nation of farmers andd ppeople tied to an outdooi haick ck lo I working as a I^jnd.m hosjospilal allt'ii.lani lo make Il’s almost enougli 10 lo send Darlti Vader back lo his “ J , ■•S.nrW.n*,-•s," who is filming. Death Station refusingng lo have anything to do with way of life, we in sois o u th e r n I d a h o slio u ld b( I lliis,” he seethes, w aving a stael-ick of fan mail in . ids m eel. It isn'l Ihe personal appearaiumee d.ill.irs which 1‘row.se Hollywood ever again. especially mindful ofQf th e r e a l m e a n in gI oof . llis siiluirhanlan l-oiidan home. "I.ellers fromn ]people all over , ‘ sn’t earning which irritates him.m .Thralliai-iive, six-foot- (N ew spaperr E n te rp rise A ssociallon) Thanksgiving because!e iso much of our economj3 m y / th e U.S. askiiskini; i( it really was me in ifil Darih Vader ‘ Is'tie d to a g ric u ltu r e andand the land.

The nature of farmirming and ranching now a . days' is pretty far remcmoved from the livelihood which those first Thirhanksgiving celebrations IS become mechanized and irter crried tojgetheiir (so uvh^?) knew. Agriculture has \ !'■ ' Sh,lah^ Ca re g u la te d a n d su b sid izized. e ( y T h e ne.'king do wilh Itie peanul business.’ So now < y In another the Shah said,said ■■! )usl i;.it the sien havetopiiti to be thankful for. RRecent snows may liavi fo n v ard to sccinnlg eache otlier. Hul unfortiinalely ml ttic Plains plant up fo rs a le ." j, p rin te r's hill fo rm y pn»-sli;ii-sliahdenioii>li:iicits •’ Sllll anol) gotten us on the roadid tto recovery from a crip:rip- llie cercmonies helheld on llie While liouse l.awn lolher had llit^sliab saying, “ You me, „ Anolher one had .tlinnlinm v Car!i-r .-peakmi',, pllng drougJit. Thele water will help our ou were married hyly :ianti-sliah ilemanstralors who Dick Helmsm s c an ’l com e to m y din n e r? ’' ■'Forgive m e, Vour Jligl.llighiiess, 1 specilieally Presidenl OUP Iricd lo c h arn e lhe While House. Tear gas was cnl Carter thinking to himself; "Thai agricultural economyly I t w ill h e lp s a v e ou: ^ gave ortters Ihat you werewet lo uel Ihe •Jl-gun uhi, hal can I huy in W ashingloir/” (Jod. this I ,,„j thrown, hnl ratheih er lhan Iiit Uie d e m o n stralo rs. s happened after Ihc eleclion. Afi natural resource, thele hunting: and fishing an< - Highness, ytni’re what the | vind hlew il low ard lh e While salute, and the demonsir;islra to rs wcrt- l.» gel •Jl. I'resid.-nl: |» "iVrhaps. Vtnir Hit I e press did lo Scji. Ni ^ an unfriendly win. ippaienlly my ..rtleis .ml allelle rg ic io ro ses." outdoor appreciationn which ties us so mud House, a n d lliL-nas'a s sellletl on th e hosl P re sid e n t,I canisters of tear gas. Appa H am pshireIre I would never havc won t ■Tht^•.hall;,-| "Y.iu m ean il 1 don’ton't eat my gnis I nomlnalltni closer to our enviroiroiiment than are. mosn o s t llic Kucsl of honor o r; and everyune else applauding m lx ed u ])." itni,” O lher e n tries liiclndt'd; ..m'l gel any des.serlV’ ' Americans. inlheRoscGardcnJen. d; WOl T he shalllati to himself: "If ins think* (hi* Ui.l Ihen whal d:it ,\i.\nn 1>I’residenI C a rler: '■Amy. lamlioxv m a n y lim e s funny.w all unill h c co m c s lo lr a n .” Thl.s w a s wtialI is known In jo u rn alistic circles The Shah saying, "And lave I lold you nol to shoot youyour waler pislol l^residentent Carter lo himself: "Tlic worst pi But modem Thanksgcsgiving seem s to be losinis i n g a s _ a^ ‘^phol()(irapliapliic op|)orlunity" and Whileij, say loD uvid FroslV " hav .p .Ilrnmy Carler speaking,iing, " I'm .Mii-ry. Imt w,- vvht.hen you're in Ihelreehouse’?’' of this is. nowno every head of slate who vistls I & British observer recentl}(n tly HOH.se pJiol«nrai)h(phers, wllh visions nf a PiiliUer sight of all that. On» E II, don 't .serve ha rd llinior in 11Ihe Wllli*'lloiise." TThe shah: "All righl. it.you wonwon'l give me any While Housjiisc Is going to dem and to I k gasst“d.’' itest Prize pk-luru Inn I Iheir hands, started to snap said, "America has co:come up with the greates The.shah: -11111 il I can'lin-lhu\ I III.-While Hoiimv |-'|(■' Mi lii:l;ler planes. I'm going hlioni o m e .'' 1-os Angeles Tim es holiday ever inventedJ bjb y m a n — y o u d o n ’t h a v/ e tvies football than for the; iiarvest.iu It could be monfiore . known as the day thee C h r is tm a s d e c o ra tio nS s gig o ,r)N.'N.V. Tim es .Servicc • The lisl includes not a sinisingle eiinH-r C anile l.om I.arih a rd , tia r y ('ii.m l, lh.- gre;|-e,itesl wei-iicrev.-r made. When,'tieii I saw il in the . T he gre; lia.'i ju st polled 1717,DOO people to elect the lo" .Marx Brolhers, Uosalindiliiid Ktissell. \V ilhani I'.ii':II iO-,. Ihe luiier;il scene pr.Kluceiuct'd such audible ‘-•an disagragree here, is "Yankee Doodle Dand But it really deserveives better than that. In thi: ! The things tie could do! You cc Kreak'sl Anieriearcan .Movie.s and com e up vMllih I'ow ell. Irene Dunne. I’h->l.h-sl.m Sim i;!-.--.Illll Ui!!,'. vnhiiihhing I)irotii;hiuil Ihe Ihrealerler Ilhal you coultl Cagney! ' . area of the countryy' tespecially, it .seems w< I lisl of Ihf 10 t-realesl films that >i ----- p -— ...... a.traiinti-rcsulta-JL-iL-iliuws Jiow- gravcly-vou. c.mI I - Wildu:—i^^'ho-\fricaii-4iii;i.' .^.r,,elv-t,,M r-lh^li..lo,ioeJ:iiloi:itlor.tunaiti|v,-iUis— _inaki:_ajt; in all 10. II totik a few m inutes lo dec should find a few minutnutes to ponder on just hovhow ym, iuljinil art lo democrac\ ._ Thee ••, and *it least getsKathennt-1ine liejiim rn ic . ii^'mlinii .ihiihii.isi-.«:ver playeil miwadays,ivs, a n d it 'i s irn- C agney in ' grealesl w estern Is "S ta g ec o ac li" -• much we have and how,ow .fortunate.we really aare r e . ------leading votc-^KtwIter, for e.' children underslaniland With the Wind,"," a leadeo'fooletl, .overlilownII h av e m ade h e lle r film s .<•,nil's, .-ilthough Ihe memor.v;irV .if It still has original w lhan "My Darling Crcmcnline.’’ ' this romancu, whichI w as pow crhil slu lf ni rt:;‘.i ImlIt If a ll-th is sounds chu^h.^l^h.^ll ir IS In'cau.-j' il i < j,,,.'.u .'. L-r In m a k e m e rea ch lor a hanhandkerchiel rather lh. whatTTie roots and-tr.• tra d itio n s a r e b e h in d , thi: latter hadlad Henry Fonda nnd •— no kidding • now .seems merel.•rely endle.is wheiu'M-r I'larkk meanl lo. The decisitin ahniahniil ',Um'h m t.vi.'s ,.m‘ s p e c ia l T h u r s d a y in N'Jo o\ v e m b e r. I'lMid perft-■rformajice by V idor Mature, But Gahleis liotmilhe!he screen. Ihe greatest 1.': loo personaional Io he suhmilled to Fonda is no match for Ihose Apaclics clia: The other nine.•w u- ere “ C asaljlan ca," -SmKiii' Inn Ihe d e m o cratic hordes' WhWhel)ier a given riinvie . Duke andind'lliat stagecoacli througli Monun ■For those who are: religiouslyrc inclined, there iJ,c Kain." -Olie.‘ FlewFl Over lhe Cuckoo's \i-\l." seem s - g re a l " - at leaslst ni 111.- vh-w nf persi Ills hurches holding services ir „• ^.ilhoiil critical sensihililylily pinlM l'ly di-p.'iiils Is an abundance of chui *S in - r i i e W i^in l i)ff oO /.” -'S jar W ars." and ••Th.- ,__JUSSEll . '* • ' •celebration of this dayjay-. A full-list was-run-lin - l n ...... - Grii|K.-s Df-W riithr:thr‘ -Since no silent liiins-iirt--— m‘*re-nptin-lheslaleol-lheth e vie-.ii;r:.K [jn v a lc h u ;— ,i al Ihe lime of lirsl seeingng IIi Ihan itpmi lh" nlin W ednesday’s Times-NeN ow s. Included .tnd nonem c,from the e arly I'.i.Kis, Hit- li>i BAKER ll't.le humir lilm division the "greali lells more ah.n.lrl.1 ilie agi. vi<-.v ;iii eoplew hvnlhcva■y are-iiskt-d la ju d g e i;i c-.ilnv--. li> llu- infelicities of Ihe crilieal iiimd an.l, V ictor MlMcl-iglen. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Thanksgiving here des^leserve lo bo a time* U) ol)-oi) N ot a single weweslern rn.ikes Iht- li'!. nm .‘i,‘i heiiee, nol given lo walchinching m ovies'in ,i ii.-iiul liiffe pitted against Eduardo Cina .Srh .'tin;; III.^ gii-atest w;ir mo serve sometliing mortlore than the Green Bax’" Baj ■ single di-leclivc[• orn tTinii- him. .illhouuh th.-„• si.'w .ah o u ’t w iiether Iheylev w ere IimsIi,’ m e iv h X- m o v lf ^ .Sl:inli..v A 'i . / iBllN.’rman ' l j and tiatf Die cobras in In II- clivciiing or inaslerplefcs.•ccs. No movies I have KnIJiiifnK -- 'I'alhs of fllnrv" •■ «'« i s tas.v 11 rs Pac|tcpKandJlie Detroit•oit Lions'.' ■ cowlwyandlhede(ielectrve have aU \a\s hern uiir Prisoner o/ Zenda" (Ronald Coin mo.st popular nitivie nu heroes. C a n Cii.iin.i.1. vern lalely makes my list of • lire a ls," suiee, -slitln il as ...... tlial,• as -a’ news■"'» Ilavm omIlld l .Mas.seyi is greal, all riglil. b u l t> r.-,ilt';.i ill.1. 1, •• m.ivie w;is a .Jam es S tew arl, Kelle Ul I),’ivis and .hian C r.iw lnnlil -,11111 Ihe on.-et of grl/zliil/zlm n. I h.ive Ix-enm.' gi*'^ I!, .'I little liiinliT lip Ull- scales lo '■Qunda D in." (•t-,ms.' .\m i'n e aii i,ik-‘ h e lleler r (.deleclive films fail to .score, w wh hile o ry in Wellt-s wnis util,:h eaulious ahonl first enlhii;ilhtisiasnis .mil m.a-.Ienl h.-e llg com edies. " It H appened O ne Nif itan w.ii- iiliiiv Th. u m n .T of e™ ,» s c is ■■Cilton KaiiL'.-a' a'ltne movie lo he sure, hnl m.f Dial lhe m ovie nnisl pa.-sTi.-sTlie It-.'l nf in n r . m nsl '.hai he prize, and among muslcaIs,C^' •vialtall.-.-i- K,iU .iii" Kiit'.,irl, G reei . th a t tia s also l>ftIx-t-n so elltjsi\<-l> iiiaiM 'tl 'li;, '.M 'arwell 1™’S''"'1',1'" "■■ Wl/iinl1 ol01 0/„" Score one polnl for lhe vo laiy \-iiir, i,inia>lir’ a m B e r r y ’s A / o r l d - ' -■ ej'j'heads that eveiveil lhe iinlliuU'- " iio Lav e ncM.-i.-I . . l-.achoflhc-jnovie.MnlheIll,e|.iilny.)iii;. rlrtiH;t:M- Mai II model Cll filni^ _ „„i,ii,i -.Scoro-aiiother s;, for-i;{?aKablancn," w: se en ll re a h /e they tliv a n- Mi'piiosed In ,nl(tii-.s itIt lislotthetriilygr.-alesl.\rn.\rn .'rie an nm vit's ii:.^ci> ‘ i''-''■i.-ikmi!eroiinniy and precision,,n a .•■ lil.T a l,.sa l|.l ly lhe I grealesl movie In lhe movies-, Iki! uiah'.'> iciii-:. uniikc ils.cliii w llh aw e. • ' lhal li-sl willi one pn>Mli!ii .''i-' rhf tael was lhal sli.-ownetl .11 piecepit of his lungs w t-re takeiken awav fnun'oltier diseases. Thert, t iiKilviduiil nilht ('raniuni. -U 's mv he.id’"!•■' , " " and was lired limliT ll'I ul .Mifliailalso.i.llt-ii, hi-arii-ai-ds.inu-onewhosp.-ia unl i-ver> nliier smoker'.s, and menl plan, I" short.irt. she Iiad a vested Interest In what h is left hanri andIraiseililtolii-iiiniilh r;i d,ivs '.Mih wine and F l-'toi our Jloses. prnnnuiu'.' I'"'-'lay ing for Ihem on Ihe inslallm en Miipalhelie Inward - tlraggedJ Intolii his hotly .-and he could bloody v • ik -in h a le tl lli'i"e e.\h a led - ^ dee|.l>-inlolliedrei;s.-irsirsm v'liver'" ■ .11 w asn 't lhal sh.* w as utisyinp h a t fact. _ T hen lie f.iii>iht^■|lt h er |)n)val ,ii'R.-- th.- addiddilion. Kul ralher lliat shelie \w as no lo n g er inhale Uial n-MarllK)ri» m an puffed on. h e r ml HHJjn. a s she s;it;it >w alehing iiiiii sin.ik.', .n,.| ),.■ willviiling to tlefend n sickne.ss as an tnaiieiiable ------A M lw -ft ______vvanderedL'd loI Billy C a rler, whose ow n m ixture - ...... hSlXlS 'hiNsiid al her. 'I. Iv------— ^7-.— - •igla- ...... T O v K liingV ^ a synitx)l ol Individualism ; eccen trlci , .Shelr>oki'(l;.v.;.:.■.,v, i:,,;-.rt;ii.-(lir,i.., ■ , ' .i ohact-o siihsidies. She was paving pay for Uie Si! twcome as erii'an way. The New Frontiersman s la n d fo r ruu«i- ’ •fh'els ol lune eaiicer. and lo:i irainlr; ihetloclors internal. oad, Tlio liver. T he tunu. )f him a s 111.' vi-rv •;inai;e <>i lhe- f1 t ^ j A w m d iinrvi-s uh li."- in liileIe \Mii-o UJI l pa-.1 th e M as^aehii'-'ll-^I-, SIk- inli,-n(‘il lli.'-r <■.11111,11itl,Hlii-l.iiri . .01.1 .' .h.il. laim l\ .loil Ini-m h ', 'she w-oyld accepl the sm o k e rs' bin .St:iU'lii)ii'.<;i;rolf'ilfstiin; .1 lull lh a l '.Mmld reriuii.'IC ' cotirusi.Ki ili'.^le.ilh Ihen sin »lheirt)wnlungs. I U irin to wiMI'-I- li.'Init'Is. C(illeclivc-lv lheyrv Uut Ihl' lllllig sll.' W,lllli-

T. TJThursday. Novemt)Of 24,1977 Tlmos-Now3,.Twinj falls,'Idaho S'

- In J stoir m ’s Wvake^ i dileath

fcT>- ! ■ MACHILIFILlPATNAM, India Andid nature's own 'ta 'ink k e n refuge in the tem ple liReJ vIliaRes, althougli Ihcy were W tL 'P D - TThc h e 90 mpll w inds and scavenp;ngers — hyenas. Jackals • us. us. wc didn'l kill it. It neverr reduced lorul)ble. Wm I*. . tidal waves’es aare Rone. Death Is andvull■ullures —also w ere killed harmed jm’i anyone and sllllicred3 M anything has kept llicm in thee cyclone that stale of- awayqw quietly In the morning." from I'cturn^^ng. It Is'lhc stcnch ------I n o n e v lUvillage e aloncr perched— flclols-ss-£ald-clalmed-marc-Uian____-oont n e o l Ihfr villORors said:------of-d e c o m p o sc d b o d lc sH tis-a - « , / t i f W ontlieBayofy of BenRal, h u n d re d s' 1S,000115 lives. l'n- I thc Krishna districtt com m on siglil to scc villagers : 1 _,_-.of..lmman_oin ond onlmal bodies Inlhethc tiny vlllafic of Rudra], headquarters, hei a young motherr ciinvcrglnK_QiL_dniR stOrCS.. Ifly-.ln natlc.otlcned paddies and a bree:Bcze c arried lhe te rrib le of Hf; IS loy stunned on a slrlnR colll liuylnR mothballs by the ' y , amid the} dedebris of collopsed stench;h and files sw arm ed in in a roodslde camp hospital.,I., pound. W ' ■ • * -■ . Imts, thc victimsvk of a cyqlonc aroundnd swollen bodies. floating her >ie: 2-ycar-old boby cllnginR lo0 Al le ast 25 villages around • U ^ - . . ... ' ' thot slommcnmed lnlo India this indlichc h es filled wiUi se aw ater. her be breast. A doctor said bolhll .R udraJ - In the d istricts of past'weekenckend. Beforfore the lldol wove come, mother m( and child csciipcdd Pamoru and Dlviscema — authorities fear an aboutI 2,000 fisherm en lived . vji ■ ' t a T ^ H ealth au' vJrlually unhurt after spendingK wpre completely wiped out by V v IV epidemicc inI tt^e coastal Uiere.:. : Now RudraJ Is almost '• S Sa a tu rd a y ' niRlil in a n e ar­r- lhe cyclone. C ” districts of A ndhra sta te If lh e totollyly deserted cxcept tor a su su bm erged hovel. "To lell you the truth. 11 Is ,, ’’k. • bodies cancannot be, quickly handfulHul of people tr>-lnglo find Thousands of refugec.s were■e impossible to assess lhe total', 9 | | | M burled. AV fewfe\ cases of cholera iheir' belonginRS am id th e trekking t n across milcs of>f loss of human lives." G.' and gostroistrocntorllis already debrisIs of mud bricks, bamboo sodden so poddies . to rcach:h NagaraJan, a civil servant told • Y havebeonre;n reported, polesi and palm leaf, roof hastily |,n opened relief camps onin Ihls re p o rte r,'- ■ ____ ' But 'supeiuperstltious laborers thalchi:hlhRS. roroadsides. Famished, men,n. - ‘•No one reports d c a tlig j^ were hoslto;sltanl~Tb'touch tfie In.ar• anolher ViUoRe pe asa n ts women wc and children Jammed^d thc police in such times, Bodies be bcci ca u se th e H indu told tlith e harrowlnR slory of the ihi slrOGls of sm alt towns nsIS People are running for their . ypi. religion prohibits pro cremation 'spendlrding a niglit trapped wllh. they ihi lined up for free rationsIS lives," > w ri-:(:kageofho>ikK 1INHOITHINDIA wilhoul proper pro] (caste) iden-- oklnRciRcobralnatemple. gi.given by relief societies. SMAI.I.CI. C m i . I ) S T A N D S ,\M U > W fORAy S WaiiT AdTntT pacKoO tiflcatlonoftiofthedead. "Sintince the snake also hod Most want to ro ba ck lo theirlr wimbotija.'iDiiys C^ucvnow' • 111' «if ilHMi*.an(i» <»r iu m iclficlfHN ill n f U 'riJ U illi «»f ( if vviiMlticiit^ iii i-ycionv ,

; ! . / ■ . ■ i ' J a p a n e ss ( e c a b i n e 7 | = r 7

1 . s h u f f l e i l n w o r k s -Arrc TOKYO lUPI) - Primen e of tlie-yen against the dollarDllar, , I * | Y r o w > r r n I V Minister Takco Fukiidn saidlid C rillcs sa id ' lhe d dolii o lla r's loday he will rcshuffli* liislis value h a s plum m eted fromrom 291 - ’ • f ■ '\ C cnbinct within Uit* next wi-ck toti» yen earty this year to 240240 yen; H KNIT SHIRTS > Improve his Kovernment'sI's today primarily becauseuse tho ■ . i v f t r - M - W E’* Ev*rywh*r*. Eoiy >o;W*or. handlinR of a mounlinnlg (’ovcrnmenl has not comcomo up ’ , wolchtns«rplaylns'i^ll.iM econom ic c risis. hi^;tlllfUllcded with any effective measure,su resto comfort MK 'coiloo o>id i te groolcr obwrbtncy. K««ptp» yoo i»el *v*n wh*n th* . by lhe dollar's new post-warar reduce Japan's massive0 tradtr e . **v*, Solldi t i m Strip*! low nRainst the yen. .surplus and balanccice of ,, • f liiloo**" ^ Asked If hc planned 10 lo payments. reorganize lils 20-mnn cal)inellet T hc lilRli value .of ;hC thC yen ; ' \ A*» 2J * A R R O W DRESS SHIRTSs^ • .1 ' ’ I ' : / ‘Ijy the end of Novuinlwr.?r. h u rls Ja p an e se exports•ts and i i ROPER'S hoi th* S«it S«l«cil*cllont ef id id Cblort'ond ’• *at Potl*m» . Shon Sl**v*i ; • Fukuda soid: ‘'Vcs, If le a n ." much of Japan's econom;lom y Is ' fc . " W H lttt In tht-N aw ail NMi M\ / ' 6 t9.M(ot1100;LonflilMv*ir*iltl.e0lotl0.0ev ’ ''': He sold hf would pay speciallal ( .• e n te re d o n e x po o r r t t i i n g P • attention to nppolntmeiils of automobiles, electronic: goodsgo j f • • A RRO W b b u B l i R . key financial and ecoiuimiclie and other products. It It has : R i Th* Dratii Shtrl Thot DoubUibUt 01 oipofl'.'shlrt/.-:W*«it' ministers.' especially been domoRlnRRing to flh ll with s II* o r cotuolly OMn.' fer *Mry ocraitlon.;; --- ^5hor1 St**v*t t l 1.00. Long Si Fukuda has been underer financially weak Japanipanese ■ . ,r ^ 9S^M taofttatU.OO,,- ; '^ 3 IncreaslnR pressure i’or lilslls small and medium IndustiJustrles '•'v':',''•. /. . “ cabtncfB inoblllly to cope wittiitll w hich depend on exports)rts for ' ' , / rccenl sharp rises in tlie valueue llieirsur%'lval.

SomaU feration g u e r r 111 ffS W e d n e s d aly y F ro n i In M oRadishu. ll11 w as I W smashed Iheir way Into thelie la le r confirm ed by diplomilom atic ' t tt ancient walled clly of Harrarar '.sources In Addis Ababaibo who k 1 in eastern Elhiopln, Rainingng were In tcleplinnc contacto c l wUh’ lhe upper hand In a cruciallal Harrar. '■ J bottle lh a l mo.sl observers The initial Somali success succ believe will dcclde thc .out­ camo os a major surpriseprise lo come of lhe war In iiie Horn of most observers wtio doutdoubted gplliliSSrjl A frica. ttie .capacity of the under- un< •’ •‘■I The Somali success was first '■st equipped Ruerrlllasas - /Atilk

■ n r n F " IS YOUR I CHRISTWIWlAS STORE jriiftv n ^ fv I ^ ■

1 1 »utrt)iat:fflQn.on-your-ll ■ W e V e ^ ^ - ; r T r ^ ^ ...... ^—^"'“ Uperierdi’ristrnos-treo:^!}^ ir-ll»t?-NcH>rpblem4-V .V theiknaciackof knowing whatI hot wants, and'scadsJs oI f gifted A>roW walays to f r •' U wrap him u]uc In hoBtW-fashlon,1, With the’n8 we«?Tn:Tn Arrow dress ond.ii:»pbii ; »A rrc 1 shirts,-eorontemporai:/ to traditlitlonal. IHandiflme^ri^ri^oW caiiudll'wd'^^^ ■ S J t J : i l ' ' wevear. Impeccable accecessories and fumiilin p l treo anid o hurry on in for ourirm r an^izedhfeii|aiyr^rbuys. ■ '

. -'■■I':: :■ - i E ___ __ PinU ilctlogJErM ...... V G iIft f t W r a p p i n g

.'.■ilf If'i! I -;■■■ ""from: J i m i i o w r i , . ■ lflii't RiciHT I • Twin FoilsIs i• B urliiy;e R iipaict» M : = I' eBolseeFe Foshrbh R ld c^u mrray';, ® rritow h ■ S ajtlakii'C jtVf e : ^ f, ■ gy ,■ : i l S l i M G R a ■ J \ ' M ' 5 . ■ ! I rl r l r w i The lik«kes of down.I. ■ ^ - y i -- Botanii Pacific Trnii's shortslic 'n stylish down parka,,a . y 7 ^ i t s c v c rv ltiitig y o u couldcc ask for.-VVarm. Fashioihio n - < ' able. And rnachimline washable. You'll like the [. p ; . ‘5 0 0 ’ f' • - tri-color foivshapcdjed yoke nnd colorful e’xposet□sed . A RRO, W PLAID, SPORT SHIRilRTS . zippers. Tlie watI'.'ater repellent nylon that's w jm \ c i j e a E l H I* A Blo Moy*m#nf «flek to Plaldi]ldi • ARROW "OECfON " quilted to Prime NoNorthern Down. Plus the .frorfront I J J t \ • • P*fmo-lfon Fobrlci how* O ftoilol lookt. Alwayi Hand- . torn* • Alwoyi N*o>. Moilly 65%iS% Docron Polv«ii*r«nd zipper that goe‘ices up into a self collar to 39% CoMon. N«wWoel BUndiToiToo.LongSI**vai s h u l ojut u t thc dold. ■ 7 0 ,0 0 ^ , , . ' / J i^ yj ____tlt.Pflandm .Og-...- ______------_ ------r."8bT*NV800$PORrCOATlATS . . "T T ------IBURST 6v*ry-Mon N**di a N*w Botorjtony 800 Tollof*d Spoft - ' -■ THE SUHI Coot • S«*.'hondioni* Flonninnti B lottn. All Wool Rod, Brown, Novyivy. s. M. ML. L Don*gol Tw**di,.D1ittnguli*dd HKirrlngbon*! o(td Rich O f h o r P o c ific TTrod n Jockots ■ A Com*riHo1rMO.OOt«t1M.OO.10, • I . iFlNESTCRAtS LEATHER COATSCO F r o m . ' . 3 6 . 0 0 1 U ntil Anilln* copt tkln 4 A ^ *• -Th* "MAtORCA* tollcf*d In Hr . ' l*olh*r for a rich hondio'm* lookook Ihol you con g it only Pacific Trail Vos/ o s t s F ro m 2 8 . 0 0 In liohl*f. Olv* him Ooldih( Tan,Te Soddlt of, Aulumn ; ... ■ ■ O T i i ~R*d.?l59.00. fleai^fl/u/ Freer e e G f/f.W r o p p / n g . _-- . a . AW lfct'W Is ■ ' t',.-

■ |_BURUYj_R^^:RT, B U H I. T W IN F A U S J * " L l - l — • ...... I*'-...... — — >— ^— -.'J*..'J* » • nibor?4, 1977 ___^rimc3-Nows,.Twin FflFoils, Idaho Thiifsclay. Novonibo D i m e i s lim it o f tee m p t a t i o n

CHEYliNNE.Wyo. (UPI) -— mother. Wilma, works Intn tliu rcplaccd il w ith a nickel, : g © ® TcTen cenls is thc Ilnill of temp-ip- clerk's office, placed a pepenny The' nickel remained ) p M _ _ ■ lailallon. reports a ‘‘Cheyenneme In a cup of paper clips at th e tho p a p er clips fo rm o re til leiteen-ager-who conducted a offlcc more than a year agago 1(1 -yCsar and w as replaced w; papainstaking test of honcsly’in■ in w e how long It would take!C fpetit dim e on Oct, 20, lhec mem in the temporary livinging quarters for ^ . ' tn the.clelighi feeling inviRofatcil. alafler sameposltlnnhomeda;e d a y ." M rs .; • alm ut HO travivelers e Monday - feel b e tter niglil and ITOTue:'ue.sday niglit: spendinR much of llic! wweek M urphey said. "1 fee m a n y w h10 o ,h a v e i i . hclpinf; confusca and stranran d e d th a n I hav e in a lonRigtime." tir . •'Wtiat. I real•eally enjoy Is . : travelers: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marlin' walching the pe<)ple,'’pei M artin km f; been w. ‘ The crisis for hundreds• e d s o f and th e ir throe cliildro:Idren looked said.'‘They jusl com c lo ■ tra v e le rs ended e arly’ . WWed- fo n v ard lo Thiink.sf’ivi(igiving w llh T hey get togetlRctlier with so ' I f o r m o n .• nesday when Inter'stalo 80,W, thc Mrs. Martin's Kramirandmolher many people they've tl never s ta le 's m a jo r east-w est art

; N E W YORK (U PI) I) — the Appellate Division'ilon of state before It could beginbc to flow," degree murdirder, second-degrtfc ■' Charging extensive media me .Supreme Court toI mt move the Slernsaldinhlsafsappllcatlon. allemptedd murder and X *. ■* ■ ■ ; QO,vcrage h a s tainted public' pul trial from BrooklynI - theI New The 24-year-o!dJid Berkowllz Is criminal possession pi of a • opinion, lawyers for David Da York Cily boroughJgh where charged in Brookooklyn wllh thc weapon. u t h I B erkow llz, lh e accuscd “‘Son Soi of Berkowllz allegedly yki killed his .July 31 murdci•dcr of Stacy He has als(Iso been indiclcd in "i , ! S a m " killer, have ask edd for fo a last victim — lolo upstate Moskowilz id and lhe vlrlual' ’ two- otiter borouglis b of New t o d r ( she was having difficulty ; ch an g e of venue iii h is mnurder u r Sullivan County. blinding of herT (date. Robert York Cilyy for five more . j - i V ■ calling her psychological I tria l. ■‘The effect of thec presspr and VIolante, In he the last attack murders, butmt p ro sec u to rs hav e ‘ ' ition during a very - • Leon Stern, onele of press coverage has sto to been lo attributed lo the t> so-called agreed to procccd pi flrsl with sful event that occurrcd s i t F u m ! Berkowllz' Iwo defenseise al- cffecllvely and permer'mnnently ,44calllH;r killer,r. th e Brooklynyn chargc. 'ears earlier," hesaid. ; tomeys, Wednesday petitloitloned poison the fountain nof of Justice He faces triallal for second- iskin said hc then ^ GEORGE tURNS - JCJOHNDENVE^^^^J iclcd the third-.Icsl to Ic questions of w h eth er or SUNDAY CiNLY K S ' : i i W MON. THRU SAT. / ' ilic had been Ihreatcncd AT 1:30 r I i ’ AT 7:00 » 9:00 / iFREE mdeath if she refused lo 7 : 0 0 f t 9 : 0 0 c ip ale In th e robbery. PAR]IIY ROOM' a T V r'hursday . Focilitilitio s a v a iia b io i' loirgo rg or small ■ i*^ lurtR eynoM s Jackiele ' & l e a s o n upswolcomo. 6 : 0 0 P .M . Couldn't H apponTo3 A Nicerr 0 — Qunsmok'il o k 'o : a e >iiiv a iiv> aa Gu»- 1 1 : 0 0 PP. m ! f i o 0•^B 0 -j:. — 1^0 Sayor Sings II . 734.J743 W AT7:1549:15 < O O <--a — Mary Tylor 'Duck Soup' O —.Tho F. BLB. a A a flH J ffi , ! M o o r o O — Rodd Foxx ; O T a d ffi - MacNoli-Joli- O 'V!: — Tho Bos • Lohror Ropt. F a m i l i e s 1 0 :0 0 R M . • O iTvi — CrOBSwlts y*sm«d lo10 *•! h i t c e u c o g * . A n d ' ; o — MOVIE;:onvorTwisiV i s t Q-=:‘Q'c:^ Q O ha'dld. H« wet.e> sn< Indion boy. J ;nnd tho Artful Dodgor'g o r ' O O Q • * 0 — W olfman Jock N o w s H r e e ' " — ' ‘ O ' Jii: — Utoh W ookond,d O "--(B -MoandSS t e l l a O — Namo That Tuno . Q ..;.' _ Mostorpi t o r p l o c o -]—CD----- = — MOVIE-'Thb'm b ------Thoatro: !, Claudios '• Hollfightars' 10:30 P.M. upon 7 : 0 0 P .M . o ; - M O V I E : ' 0 - S l * . ll 0 > 3 ; C l — Yabba-Dabbob b o S t a l k - ; Dool Tho Happy W orldi of - 0 . . o -. o a . Hanna-Barbora T o n i g h t ' O — MOVIE: 'Cactutctus ' O — Sports Scono r 5 1 ~ ^ F l o w o r ” . ■ O • ^ CB — O i c k C( a v o t t \ o ' CB — Nows Endd S h o w t 0>'-> O — Wolcomoimo. O O — Policoico SStory rl Bock. Kottor I - C H I P S 0 . ' _ imngo MoiM a k e r s : Arn. Nouman O ' .i: — Ovor Easy 1 0 :4 5 P.M . w hen>n you), reach ^ a 7 : 3 0 P .M . ' O ■= MOVIE: Thoho CCourt m* 71 ■! ■ B i r I 0 * '< : ( B - TBA J o s t o r ' for a dream Q .-., O _ What'siB t 'S S®.’"y o u hlave a w i to leave Happonlngtl 1 MOVIE GUIDE FOR FAI O — MacNoil-Lohfoih r O r ' ! " nn ^5 - - . somethin:hing behind. ! ' Ropt. i 1 C...... - !• - ' 8:00 P.M. L i g h t n j p f I 0 '-:C B — Mastorploccl o c o ' P C : ’ Thoatro! I. Claudius t o u IIa/uoyj rrnirnibcr. lls a nioi'ir yfliiSM — BarnoyM illotillor I ' ■ • '••• ...... 3:D0-5:fl)- . -[Xlto.-. .r-V:....".. LOOllCO I ;'0 _ Yobba-Dobbo Doo ■fPGi -'T ho H appy W orld of H onnnn n a - . | r ...... rlHM KSEIVIKE«‘H i-5;«-7:«l:4519;45 '------' B a r b o r a EmOll . I fsa.-^i-Sm.Kl 1:C» 3:45-5:45i:45 - 7:45 1 9:45 , .O ------— ------J A n n o u n c e d ------. O — Onco Upon i . C l a s s i c ^ i I8:30P.M- ; 0 > ’ v — M O V I E : •It '1 “ ■...... — IDER CMIYr m 1 ^ I ' , NOVOW APPEARING AFPIECE 1 "THE W O OODLAND e x p r e s : J fS m } ForEasy*iy Country Listening JUILAC1fc I Iw W ^ y r iy^^FFTHays & S aturday OPEN 6:4 5 DAILY I t i A t ^SWASIBUCiaEIAT7:(»t11A) JJA HHIPPH , P ACTM SHOWS AT 145 OAir BLE ^ niHiLicraic jTpn THE CAPPTAIN'S TAB! smr IN^ABHIATmi )2 W ashington St. s<-Va B ock ScSouth of W ^st 5 Points I i ._L!.L.—r l „ r : ^ = r ------^ 7 ^ " " — ______C— ^ ■■■II— le n t on w helher Claylor’s ocCiefense indus'iry sourccs. WASHINGTONDN tU P l l T- Tiie lawis is usually usod by comment ThufscJay,- Novombor 2i, 1977177 Timos-Nows, Twin Falls, Idaho* ' 1 reprc'sentod a policy A A slo ry in its Oct. 30 Issbe Navy Secretary■y W. G ra h am p riv ate citiKtiiens and policy “cllon r< ;ald. would be exempt froi i u r e . saaid lt thc Marine Corps waij Pentagon spokesman sale C laytor h a s ord accuracy and consistent probing _a newsA-s leak would leaked. A viationtion Week ond Space can _ l e a k 4 ludgct docum ents. \ ■ b ra s s In which Claytor sayssUie U prior to release to tl probec 'appear to be a nowno wrinkle In _ <\sslstant DDefense .SM retan^___^chnolinology. an Industry bud :azlnc— %vlth—e x te n s iv e ------On—Claylor^s—orders—0 Q—Q___ budEtL_documenls_lnvolvelived.sccrctary.of dclchsc,'lljcsait ^— reaerarpbiicy^—

: ------:— - m L yT childreren's f s p o rr t s w e a r : y

reduced!^ d i CIhooso h o fcom one, Iwo ond thrh ro o I l l pioco sols. Pani=ants. lops and drosses. a n d . Shirts o s to 2 4 . 9 5 3ood selections. All famous . f41 C h J/d re n 's Aff/(M»%. tle) ' nam e brand morchandiso. ■ yj y 9 9

rhoMon'sLoflJ S e e k s a id HIS face bloody, Irara G. \ , H Slraw n, 59. Cisco, Tex., woi)ta lk e d \ 0 two mU es th ro u g h -a woocvooded \ area'-N west of Houstori)rt In- \ A temntlona] Airport TuestIiesday > flight to get help for htss cc com- panlon, Robert Turner,:r. 54. Turner was stranded a at t the site where tbeir light pliplane ^ crashed. Buffering fromxim a \ y j broken leg. Sti'awn receivelived a • • broken arm and other Injurijuries. I Stud b an 1 . o < 0 ° expands in 1978 o = " '" > (0 NewhouscNewsServlcrvlce WASHINGTON - F r o r ^ • ’ motorists In rour more slates,sini Uils w in ter will b c th e Inslisl fourf ^ ^ - using snow tires wilh m m< elal ■% slutls. Pennsylvania, ConnectliL>Ct(CUt. lUiodc Island and CnilforIfornia will join 10 other slates's n spring In banning studituddcd ^ . tire s. States that currcn• e n lly prohibit thc use. of mem etal- - - studded snow lires? a: r e ■^“"Triorlda; Hawaii, Illlnolln o ls, Louisiana, Michigan, MMin- 1 nesola, Mississippi, T Tcx cxas, U lah and Wisconsin. In the Dislrlnl of Columlum bia — — -nnd 27 stales,- U m trrttlrk lli a re se t on Ihc uso of tlic wwiti inter X i ^ y ^ a dJ i i e s ^ p o rr t w e a r ^ tiros. Y a en=nims/corduroy .Studded snow tires have hi ^ '■ M ' r e g . to 343 4 . 9 5 - • • comc under Increasing alt;a tta c k ' / • Active, coordindlodspocsortsweor 1 • ‘ .In r c c e n t ^ c a rs from hlglivIgliway / |A l in sizes 8 Ihroughh 22 0 . ■ and Iransporlallon offlclfflcials / , 1 ^e a n s who say they do more ha tliiin good from a safely sal I reQIiduced! \ spoortswear ^ slnndpolnl .and cnuscic cx- I Greateat tops to mix or match Indue — —tensive damage-to-rMds-.tis-and ------1 ------ln-th«9-ihia^foup^jH sons^pgg—, rediluced 9 5 bridges. I* ^ I DIscontlnuecie d s ty l e s a n d c o lo rs of Federal and str s t a t e I ^5 / grootnomele brands. Lols of sizos. iuithorlties concedc t:th a t \ so m e - \ ^ 1 2 * studded llros have so ■ ^ 9 9 ’ fSfroel fovo/Jol) hunefits on glare li \ ^ dccrc.ised stopping distantlances. \ Ixitter sleering .md trad•action. and grenier convenience:e thani: Y- fThoP10 Pon/Shop) chains. »%-,I f l / / However. Uiey argue,le, the I nX4y creating aI falsefj ^ V sense of .security.- Andml thc 7 r reg. p® t o. 3! 9 . 9 5 \ .small .nniDunl., of brafc)raklng G ood soloctlc:tlon fortheholdioys. ' iK'nelit u nder the ra re glari:la re iee Printed c ^ors ri and plains. conditions can lie outwcigvclglied V *: ' S Iz o s'B lh ro> u u j g h 1 6 . by an Increase In speedI of iive m iles p e r hour. Supporters of th e tires adadm it y - 48 on ly that siuds dn causc addill(dillonal ...... _ , A . f w e a r and le a r on highw;>hw.iys, / 4 9 9 I bul they maintain Uic nmnmi ount / of damage Is-nul lhalII gig reat j idles’ coats A V ^sfreef/ove/) ) / v u and the safety a.spects:Us .-.re j V l"> 0 . ' - y m ore im portanl. / v o lu e ss l t o 1 1 9 .0 0 I .'’O'fs ^ el'dred/, y \ / s w e e a t e r s ^ Choosofrom)m fake furs, wooions in both - More girls ivo reg. t o , „ long and shoihorl longlhslyles. Sizes s I - . Pr, j > 2 9 .9 5 from 8 throuc3ugh22V>. ■ / Onebiggroi. I ----- • \ oup'of bulky knits, cordigon 1 * / I o n d s ll p o v'or o r stylos. Your choicQ 1 • ------JffplSTrf^olo; London Telci^aphih \ ■ lors ond decoraled stylos.— - I Sizos S.M.L. LONDON •- More wrwomen \ wlll-l)c admllted.lo 0>Oxford \ , University as a resultIt o of the Ueclsion of 16 collegesges (in- V i U(sfroo//ove/^ ; ol) y eluding two women's colh:olleges) _ _ v \ / 3 9 9 'lo admit both sexes begiieginning ' — j 1 w llh i m . l i : T his would raise the• nn:num ber fsfroof/ovolj?i) y of women undergradira d u a te s I from 27 p e r cenl of th ce tololol lo ------closcr lo lhe national averageavi /|\ m k ------onnrj5CTwnr— ;------^ 1 ^ _ _ V Five’of the’collcRcs(ges hod ' ■ ^ • y C a d o p te d /a slrhllar pollipolicy In _ y 1974. W llh IG m ore; Joining J( I them. Ihc number of sc)sexually scgregafc'd undergraijr a d u a te P.III.W .3:O O A JI.-M I DAY. ______DWHTOWH OH THE MALI, TWIHl)IFALLS,IDAitG.qP£ll'TOPJ F 3CP.M . MONDAV fflRUSATUBDA' collegcsiilOxfordwlllbe1 be down V . - ' 124 MAIN AVEHUEHOHTH, n o n Inscvcn.. • I ' - . *

* ■ V I Times-Nows. Twin1 FaFalls. Idafio Thursday. Novombc)mbof24,1977

' • i i S f ^ ^ \' mS

: ' ' r - . ' • •' ■■ ■ .' .'•? ■'''vA’"'

OPERATEI rt'&co =^an:on INTERCOconHiany

, ; m ■ s g M F S k

. • ' ■ ■ - S P E C IA L ! CRICKET LANE Jl SALE! PURCHASE! ^ ' & ■' MEN'S 3-PC. pfipmssiiMv:' /OMENS 3 PC. J U I ' i m m ■ -r.'-y: i I J \ ) Contomporory coordlnato:to s . ^.Tj> • . ■.VfJilV IM i from MARK IV | 'Saff .1 Arrongo A rr thorn for a dynomim ic f e ? WITH I • ■ '■■' .suitod look. Cosuol. Eos Stor ponf suits with ioordi* ^ ' S I / T; ,\ .sui: : t FTA IT Polyoslor coro. Modo of Millikon’"“y M REVERSIBLE VEST g sloeveloss shells. Six ^ f 1 I \ noting s 11 V\ / i ' 100% io( ocryllc doubioknit*: ; ; ^ i H 100% cotton corduroy \ I stylos^ toto choose — solid slacks I ,|. V\ / . ^ \ W wb o o r d o te d by M o n s o n to . Sizos 36 to 46 rogulor y 1 w ith print, prir novelty designs & (^3 Sizes 38 to 46 long A ’ I 1 stripotopI tops. Sizos 8*18. ' 1 - f / A SHIISHIRT JACKH ^ ___ 3 IdIdislciriAkingi u trail. M S h o d o s o f b ro w n , to n Compare at $50 \ / BIWatlKiltrrB.sUtslllsiri Iv i f 2pklipeci(ts.Slmtl-a...... Superbly tailored M s V SU C KS & SKIRTS R E G . ' 8 0 ' J )j- alt:lm»-nTitranH< i f / e - ' v l l - J n-ntin.surtiiitimn-u ...... f b-'. J i “ r / • LONLONG VEST i 1-tta 1 w uiicntfJt : / ab Jim m -a ...... i V ' .-I ffl - ( « ^ " ' l i •

' 5i w * M

^ ■ I ' p ^ ' i ' ® W o> n m e n s .& , A m Gifts For l u n i o r ^ . 1 . 1I ^ J u n i o r S' ^ ; i JUNIORS! WW " ■" ‘ . S ' ZIP-FRONT i vi'ik* ^Is! i; f s a a i ?ri ^2terriiRIFIC STYLES ^ ■ • J a n tz o n . Br«Brooks. Golvonlo. H ■' REG.T(TO >95.00 > ■-■■■ - - I i from loll group. [f ; ■ fijfl Soloctlons fl T?i!.'-:. .::i •Onoitrlpedtlylo kins, shirts, knif f Donlms' o r by Solvation; Ponts. skin »J1' rL/ \ d f ^ ^ • Ono nmbtoldsry trim ityla • • lops, swooJijoters. vosts, jock- | ' ^ srds by Rumblo_Soots. •Atiortodcolort rood soloctions. Sizos ^ : - m ■>“ • ...... p : ; ’l P B • S lid S M I . . I % } / . . WmL u M REG. MS i N<40W Horo or« .Ihe. cooit Cl ol th« yeort ^ Wm 0 l» »po iH * i i . '\ lid», two«d5. plardi.-tcoril p eoou ► -i 1^ I p S w ■-•ir''-m 'a ondmofol Sl»n»tn»eio50. . ' (> Y , ■ ' • w ; 4 V^mm - ' 1

: 'ro:''. ' c r y sta l Splendorfoi SALE! T ... PALACE

TS ^{af======fq/i S S I l' -■.. «- i(i .: - r r • > - ^ i * $ . /•■• '■^••M ''V ' '■ '1 ■' ^ ------rCorton-ond p? m' /M ■ A ' - - - - ^ !)►-■!< • 65 im ‘" ofl. now \i/lrv ' ' / / ~ S ll UtflTfOon'y inidfioii j i j ' ■ ______■•tf; ^ t i l , '■■fe f‘^ ^— \ W ' t • Atiractivo ino Block, lobocco novy. ombef, /;7 I ' '\' v 3 M . feH lerto coMo comol, te>'dovnn li'i) l / tyli- wilt' pOwoffH-l .Cotlor./polyenor • .(^Ix .SootrlcsMiyl.- m M bondi v)'ii.-onl, jJ VS bocki an ir \ HANDTOWENBI t ■ j i r e g . d3 . ,. 1 9 ...... 5 - - . ■ • - J ^ ' W ASH CLOTI-)TH I '■ • i - . " A REG, 1.4 , r - T „ T t e r I & ft

■'■ A ’ m m m m '& ) . s ' % MEN'S - m ...... ■ i M ■, . S J u n i o r *^; J ^ b^ t W o m e n s V v ' ■■ . ‘irC W o>m r etis -VK : r ; m - i^ J Solid Colot ...... ■ .''.=6 _ . s h a n k S o lid1 C o lo rs , . ■ f:*. : '^ ;^ BY UNINIROYAL f':;v ■ ■ :■ . .' ool thiitk contliuc' - VWRS s^ ^ ^ r l>-:-tylet g f i W n B B ymiuloii'on ' ~' ' , l - ^ w B m V . T . ' ' r> ., •JfTormo-plym R og. -'6’.0 0 .- P o ly e s te r & -• 'Wi"5o J::~r -iiii- - • su e * 7 to 13- Chooso rod. groono o n o r L. G ro o t ( o r o u r > . > ,, cotton long sloovo jslold K ■ novy in quilted do w | ^ :G'.*2i) ' ~ j ^ S B d a y s. shirts. Si2«js'32-40. ty\ -downflilod vost,I, Siz o s r«y* cold, cold dc > - K ; i fji„. -.S:M:L______:■ t iLrLi U ■ i;'^P ** ¥ - • \ A ' . ■-■■' i:-i ------ii l i ■ I /\ ^------I ^ I s * * s S l i ^ s p g i l i i i j i i i ii i S w i l i i t i i M a■ l i i i i i i M

-'. ^ ' * --■: • ■■ 10 Timos-Nows, Twtn FallFalls, laatio Tliurr.a.i)-, Novc'nbot■nbor2rt,ig77 ^ V SluL o o t i n g ^ m a r s L a t i n .A m erii c a n p ie a c e nl ( e g o t i aitions

Washishlngton S ta r ' • - b e final:Inally headed loward an Teguclpalpa, Te capital of medlatorlstobeselectedfidfrorti overpopulation in tiny, W A S H ININ 'G T O N - A am lcnbli:nblesolullon. H Ho onduras. a list of four Spanlsh-spea(caking Salvador and the litl ceremony ■herehe Tuesdav - In___ Butt 5>»easa ^ Honduras - the mosl ba The news report causcd>d gliasizcd that thc two counti und occasional anotherwer wounded. 1 in lrle s of Uie Central ,-\merri was marrc-d by Thee ;Salvadoran an- ?ome so; dismay at OASS have agrecd-lo mediation,•n. not countries - b as 2.4 mill lieadquartcrs here amonglg arbitration - so a mediate shooting hnd again nouncemcremcnl gave few details, tie; s Inhabitants, Land-liungry. along the dl-spuled Id Hlhe incident had oc- .hose^vllO had particlpati'd in • decisions on the bound;:ndary ytars, Salvadorians had lr e u rre d SaturdayS in a remote he ccremony. a prelude to lhele w ould nol t)e binding, , , . m oving freely into Hondura. rganizalion of region1 k.know n a s .M orasan. P*"'jrospoctlve mediation'n' T he bloodshed began in th e . Stales had called "HonduraJuran Iroops, armed wllh ig ree m e n t. summerofl9C9ahd wascalcallcd Wlien open figlitlng begai iony, ’'the first aulomatlclatle rifles, ponetrati-d Under L the agreement, thele lhe Soccer War becauscsc Its 1969 there were almost 2, llow

Z y T ~ BR HONDURAS Tjrn^ 1 ^ ' * IAI.A / . .SAVEOI

J rHONOURASl - POINSETTIA A vailablble Saturday .VADOat rJiCARAQi,AQUA 'A, 2 9 8 ____ Robert Pcnno c V I'* du}-as hud topethcr lo sc counlries’ COSTA RICA Ji ■' Live PotfeiKed Floeocked Christmas dispute i ur i ° (_ * < x ^ w arfare — \ ______^ 1 — J C hristmnas a! T rees • news ihpt sh UPI ______T reess______O rdrd er Yours N owl broken oul al ROBERTOtTO - PALMA Galvez, mlnlslei frontier. ■ A g r e e —’ foreign affairffairs of Honduras, left, and /\I T h e O r« Martinez, hishlsl El Salvador counterpart, emb >l>OT.SH()M >lIKAS.EI..SI..SALVA1)0H -1«ESTERNIN NURSERY & GARIMEN SUPPLY B after signing • Am erican St FllFILER « POLK — TVVIWTALU _ 734?34-U34 t o a g r e e ling an agroemeoi to Initiate p ... iifinu-incm n*Hclu-i• h e d _ 44 Block* ol Lynwood Stoptlghiillght ______OpOpofl Fridoy* 'III 9 p,rn. — Cloiad Sunday negotla'tionsns Utoofficially end th e ir 1969 w ar. the ceremoi major_slepl^l of th e controvi tw:o C cn tral < l>ors. It had a ; N o a l c o► l h o l f o u ni i d so-called "So

\ z LOS ANGELES (UPI)I —- m edical b:ick>ir»uml. 1-T hcre w as no alcoliol (n Uie Un Goodwin. -I'), who cair lo '— ■> %l>lood or Clive Lionel Goodwinwin. Hollywood to (Ilseu.ss a m r ovie w . sS W E o n ifa British literarj' aRcnl whd win projecl. was arreslcdled lasl V •aicd-ln a Jail ccil after boinfoinR Wcdnc-sday .tiy Heverlyriy Hills • T ~ -Tirrcslcd for public drunkenken Police officers resiwnillniidin^ lo a SU A T E M A l «.-flcSs, a c o ro n e r’s report said sali comphiinl [rom a bnlel lhal IlTfucsday. G oodwin dn ink in lr th e @ ^ . Goodwin aclually was dyinlyinn lohl)y. stam-iTinj! a n d V -I Ot a stro k e w hen h c w as Jnilecliled. vomliinj-. llUic report concludcd. Actor Warrt'ti Bealty.s: h e V ^ Assistant Coroner Die,[)Ick "‘ith (ioodwin onlyIlly ai fe\e T y FORRTHE I ^;WiIson said auUiorillcs ara re l‘oi*rs l)cfoa‘ and tliatIt he hc w as T . • trying lo contact Goodwin'vln 's cIrinklMf’, hul compl.m plalned L 1 / ' I^ S A L W - doctor In Encland for hifiis o/alrfadachcv ENTIRE; FAMILY ■ I ' ' - Fire d estit r o y s h o m e < £ ; BELLeVUE — A two-.sloryry IIminc on .Mam Stii'ul liere burr -to the ground Sunday nfler’;i• a fire broke loose wlien the owi -J m m , i i ^ I M g ,. ' -■ reportedly trie d to Uiaw sonic:ie frozenfi pipe.-; w iih a torch, T firee fire tru ck s and 2 H m en ien front Bellevue and Haili'y batll UPI V Uic blaze Sunday night for mo more Uian six hours al ihe huitic sle r of »^tester Larson, accordin^to BelHellev»*cf'ireC lH ef Hid) Ttiom as, $077 Thomas sald.lire crews ans'answ ered I'le call alMiiii i; |).m. a .MAI'SI' “DAISY” Pal I I c ro u g h t lhe fire unlil a fte r midnl; dnlfjbt. when thi‘ (lam es w ere fina: - : p cace j;cx»hgulshed. The fire chief sa REG.‘14.95 ,. ngw ( -said tin; two slory hr.iisf, worlliirlli "^:“ “ ir. to . ..lated S30.000, w as toi'oiKk di>;lroycd.di FISCHER PRlCli" ^ ” u o n e w a sln ]u ri‘ri __ “fis j' • "All we could do was more'e ooi r less ciuiIidI it," Thi>iii))s()iiin s.i ...... P•lay ia Fam ily J io d a y . “filLBERT” y W hen crew s k-Il the scene,'. firefu hiiso iKi/vlc.s w rjv la'iitiiiiitii; ^^ecze in the low lempcraliirfures, anrl only a lew traces n! the i CASTLE , '^ oulsidc w alls still .-Jtood. Ci ^ • H owever, fire crow.s wen* tli MERECTORR SET — I i‘ then called liaek ]»i llu' sc<'iielie al lEG. »?«.00 W r • "Learn w h ile th e y play" »a.m . Uiis mornlnR. when ttiele firef rekindleil in ,i em iier o( Itie l ^ / J W ^ RE( 'i^ io a w . T hom as said thenow ’ firewa.-^piitoiil(irc :nahaKlmiir, " . " REG. RE y i no¥ 7 7 . 7 $15“ >29.00'2! ...... NOVi w ^ B ” ! 5K1L CRAH” ' “TYCO" ^ i l» ;s * ROCK TRAINSSET I I®: IMBLER $ 7 0 7 7 I G . > 28.00 REG.:g- ...... NDi o w ^ 4 y ___ m >45.915.99 $ i g 9 9 MONOPCi v I "G re a t fo r famnily il (u n l" — — ' '/iOi-CC/Liy . . . . Q. TRICYCLE.E r % $ > ' V ‘7.9898 ...... ■ ■ . DociC-a. -Vaco.-- JLCl ^ by AMF-No. 71515 'iw/. P r e g ; *20.98 • HflPPITYHHORSE I : ...... ;^ 2 3 Q Q fT— — ^ " ^ f l I ^ Now, tlioro's onn Ir Iniot.oT Di'',kjii '.'lu-i;', G. . 0 5 noor os yourjr lofoplionci I JuM cot!, S w T W ’ ^ jg3.9ti.98 ...... NOW r m . One* of our highlyhly prolf'jMoiiol'c><.-iign. _■ • ori is'ovoiloblo) ic 10 ptc'.oni ikilHiil ad- • v ic o , c io v o r idle e o o ' s 'irKj -jur Ifibolous A- '■ tfOQSury of' DroxcOKC'I'' HiuJ H c itto q i: “SK W E H A V E H I ' f u r n i t u r e c o llo3Ction-. c t! to -spark /our imoginalion. Goll.oil. lodoy v/cn I you THE LARGEST ■ thorcj's-novor CJ cchc h o rg o W/ y / ------7 ^ ------_SELECUQN_H ^ s .m s 'i?/; I N I D A H P U ■ TUIT. E. \V ______TWIN T \ f a l l s ' i l IXTEV R io m . REG

\ .. 3?0MOin Ayoe N .733 ;nOO . J

NOW.. . ^


MAIN AT 3rd ST. Tf'iiriicJay,T Novftrbcl 2J, 1977 Timoo-Niiwn^win Fails, Idaho ll; pcodlay/ § w®affltlfeir ^ 1 rhermjlal healtp la n ■ I d a h o N i a t i o n a l

■Teixip^eratures!S • 'NAT10N.AIs|,*lJ-W gATHER SERVICE FORE^RECAST 10 7A M EST U - i 5 T e m peratures ^ 3 0 0 0 V innourneed inri Utah -B y U n ltead d Press f InleroaUoba] m o i ■ High Low Pc p , lO NROE, U tah tU P l) ------r— R Rnorgj—tn—hrlp—iv!itr-thc-ic t :— " U H iihle~ror' ■ Boise- ' -13 36 .1 s Sevier Counly town of projcct, pi whlcb liiis ;ilre;ulyiy licatinu. 5 ? 3 0 0 0 ^ ^ / / Albany ■ •Burley 39 34 s ' l ,1 ! 0 hopes lo l>ccome Ih f firsl • b'been endorsed tiy Cov. Scm’tHt T erra TeU Inc., (if Sail L a W ■ Caldwell iT 3A . V BOSTON ■ Albuquerqu.rq u e « I ! ' 72 54 . . . . comnmunity m in Ulali to heat lls Mathesoii \ ;iiid the Slalele Clly. has designed the ■ ' Emmell ■'G 35. A tlanta ■ G o ^in K 43 31 . BakersfieldIeld C9 51 .01 hlglitl : school and o lh e r la r^ e ' Knec^v.Coinieil. K proposed heating syslem.'in, ■ G rangeville . 40 3» I •^wvnnKNEWYORK Bismarckck 11 -10 .01 . buildiIdlngs with t^eolhernial Dr. ‘stiinlcy \V;ird nf llu-he tbe inilial phase, steam would JW ■ 47 46 .08 e n cril ■ 37 14 f ,'ii .< : W . IUniveniily of I'in h -(infTiijiyfcy, he piped to Soutb Scvlcr High ■ ' IdflhQF.llls 33 32 5 CHICAGO*'^ T" ' 1 Brownsvillevllle 82 73 .... ^ 2 9 77 \. ’larjs"were unveiled a l a city and n Geophysies DeparlmenlsIts ScluMil and a m oiel-reslaurant ■ K im berly 43 30 t Buffalo • ■ 48 39 .19 C harlottete 6 1 4 0 ...... incil m eeting T uesday niglil ssaid similar tieat systems areire complex.. . ■ K una . 43 322 .01 V W • drill a I.GOOfmil deep c ■ u w is to n 35 255 .12 . ' SANFRANCISCOiCO % Chicago» 39 29 .W to dl currently lieiiig used in Bnlse.>e. "The scbool already has a fthermal well easl of i I M cCall 33 2G . C incinnatia ti 51 ' g c d th Idaho, and Kiamalh Fails.lls. hot -.valer healing system thol ■ M ountain Home 45 32 . nwr^ Clevelandnd 51 39 .04 M onnnroe, Sleam Irom lhe well Ore, ( can be converted" to handle I Po<^iitc1Io 32 3i I V. Y D allas 72 54 .... w ouliuld be ’.piped inlo a I le said the lown would lap,»a a geoUiermal al a very low ^ *'■- COSANOELE5 Jj ' wIv'atlakta^w D enver ■ Salm on 41 33 . i M i i l ' Q ■y FAIR- lilfWV'. ; te Jlhcrmal lii^il sy.stem gc-olliennal source mnningng cosl," said llruce Sakashlla. 5 :::: ; f DesiMolnesm es i M :::: I SWa.'SprlnRs 35 24 . ding to lhe major buildings along ;i lhe Sevier laiiil in an an engineer tor Terra Tck. ■ W est-Yellowslone 27 233 .10 . OALUkS Detroit 38 36 12 Duiulh • 25 4 in towow*n, ■ . - a ;i re a known locally a s .Monroe•oe •'Tbe'pcople wbo built It op------L'OWfSr-TEMPEMPtRXTu*ti,v^;r-v.------E u rek a —------— 5 3 -50 :35 - - Clitj^officlals itj sairi-lhey wiii-----—] 1 iQfSprlhf;s7Tn(rtcmpcraiiiroiro-— parontly-had-rappinB—the NEWOnlEANS JWi>tXKilAHi F oirbonksik s -6 -17 .... applyply for Q $900,000 g ran l Irom of , steam source Is alxiul 2.*)arid springs for heat in mind from y . F resno > U.S. Deparlmenl ol degrees ( febreiihell.', .whichleh llieheuinnTrig.” I— LtaBND — Helena ^ Honolululu 85 74 ..02 inIndianapoli ■ 1 / _ ^ 8 W 0 W K an sas CUj iread in g tlie need£ < ! k lEt S if Ul! >> JL AIR L asV egasRas 66 42 ...... ^ PLOW Los Angele:eles 74 56 .... ■ ■ Louisvillele 56 42 .... UPIW £ATH6THER FOTOCAST © M em phislls 58 - 52 .... M iam i 78 70 5.20 S t . L o ml i s s p i r i t ir e m a i n s MilwaukeeIkee 37 31 .30 • Minneapollipolls 31 11 .11 © N) Newhouse News Scrvlce ;\ small silvtT plane swoopi'il»'‘l FAA has heen unable to find • New Orleai•leans 68 56 .... ST.T. LOUIS - T be ,';piril of ;along Market Street loward;u'd< and prosecute any of th e p llo ts Drk • 44 43 .02 th e SSpiriti of St, U uis Is alive. _t]i^ riverfront al lamposl-loj:•top, of the first five planes thal h a n k s g i vn n s S . Td 60 46 .... -nH 1 uwell in thi.s eil.vfor wli-Ieh------levelTdueked Ix-tween the leg;egs threaded the needle, R a i n , s n o w d d tim i p e n Th “ Oklahomaim a C lty 58 33 .... S Lindbergh plane was of , the giant arcli. and disapiap- The first plane reported to O m aha 38 16 .... " ‘C ' P a lm Sprinp rin g s 78 40 .... nafneincd. I)eared Inlo the darkne.ss oveiver havL- viulale™ P' Iiad lio liglits on. i40to Travelers adyisorlc:orlcs will Bchlcf. today. HlRii le m p cra lu re s 40; Monday callsIs for contlnu(^ RapldClty:ily 20 9 . . . m isci The [wllee contaeled tlii: ;lil In rem a in in effeci forir nortliornnc ;ince completion of tbe G;iu- 45 F rid a y and lows toniRlil p I I ' un settled wcaieather with oc- Red BluffUff 51 47 .08 Sim I'ederal Aviation Ad lhe upper 20s to mid-30s. Idaho; lonlglit due lo I 53 42 .... footit I a rc h In 19GG, al le ast,six mlnislraiion, wiiieli is eoni r F w l j r v . r i r s T w i n Fr ,a i l s caslo n a l.raln inIn lh e valleys an d - S a tu rd ay 's oulloolc c allss fofor cumuiallon ot snow ond 46 45 ,13 ng),ibt planes have Iwen spoiled dueling :in iiivesligalion inti snow In th e mlountalns oi over the sacrament Mountains and the possibilily pos ^ iplng Ihrougli the arch - or the ineidunl, COPYCEMIER little change. " a t U r € S w eekend befoifore drying on St. Louisr ° 1 5 3^ :::: Hailey, C am as P ra irie , lowilow er of freezins rain in lhele valleys.va J empero ireading lhe needle" as it KAA officials Juildtbepilolo ■ advisories M onday. S a lt Lakek e 49 36 .... WoodRlverVaUey: AlthouRli no other ad \ SCO 70 53 .... h a ss . I come to be known. The the plane wtll l>e in. serUiieloas oft*r •>plr«t Om . 30,1977 IM. Mln. Pep. Higlis wlil nrange from the SanDiego aln o r o r wam lnKs a rc nowiw irin effecl Max ancisco 61 53 .... latestest was lasl Wednesday. irouble If bis idenlity Is ii l»ririnl«Mi Sliow ers or periods of rain < 43 30 ir. mld-30s ihrougiugli the 40s with snow IhrouRli Fridoy. WimVlndy , for Idaho, travelers3 whowh must Yesterday 47 43 .52 At\l about 7:40 p.m., down-.. discovered, since severa •r terrain i^islyiJar 50 21 ...• low s In th e 20xxtomld.30slnlhc t 624 Blu* lobM Blvd. N. today. High tempcraturitures pass over higher I vn pedestrians heard the regulations wero broken In llu for snow- Normal 47 2o •••• e x lended period IJ . TwlnFolU « o m to 8 p m ^ n f_ , Frlday.in the mld-30s andid lc low sliould bc prep aredi foi 'rtierm al ZZ of an engine approaching. pas.s througli the arch. But tin , Wasliingtoi mmwrnmmmmm. Bonkkey tur]rns peti shop iinto cirreus j ftA mn m m . . . ;:iplure. SPCA membiibers tried un- monkey’sf ’s moulh," he said. I SSSB alo. N.V. (UPDI - A parakeets, pulled oneie (Ullot atul whiclilcdUiliiscapI ' ■ ,y M crzacco, successfully tD ta subdue Polca, “You won’Aon’t believe this, bul i mSSJK&nadc a monkey outuut iof killed.lt. Mrs. Dorolhy llie slore, said she called )r.Dr. Alan Prowten, the monlilonkey grabbed the | ' s(® C B I> c rso n s a fte r RCltirJlting -unsuccessfully iriedried lo get wiiose son owns llic HAT'S . lo open for thc velerinarladan at the Buffalo syringe; amand Injected ll Into his- I L V W H lo w rtn -a pet shop In suburbijrbnn Inlo a cage of lovebirds,ds, ' she was aboul lc noon Tuesday Zoo. m ouUihlmhimself." I K enm ore. ■ —opened a bollle ofif vitavit m in s b usiness alw ut not mer said siie By lliis timeme, a crow d of 50 A tler r a aboult one-half iiour. I tffiC w ooly m onkey, nam O K I N ' pgaSCHnd valued at S2.002 ,000, —ate slices ol lireairead a n d noticed the monke> % C O ' J two liooks on Prowten arrived ai wllh a monkey:y v w as c arrlcd to its f riggEfljed-througli the stostore honey fed him as a1 lure,Un bul “We oniy had l\ ond we open hypodermic needlen on a pole cage. foi^morc than' three hours hou eluded three memlwrs>ers ol tfie his cage door ar led him," Mrs. and another: polep with a rope Tliecro'.crowd chcered. I bflSofbclng i^ubdued by a Society for l*f?vcntiention of them dally lo led J e F O I•RTHE Cruelly lo Animals calledcalU In to Mcrzacco said. ““I He obviously a tta c h e d loit. It. tiSa&&IUtcr. kelasct (llic ITS «“oasy, Inoiponslvo and | S B ^ lh at, however, Pole’o lca: cap tu rcliim . watchcd us cnou|lOUgli to figure “ With k lablo 10 soil unwaniod 1 -and injeclcdl e d l h e ou t how to get him;ilmself oul." iranquilizer),), It Is Important [tom7vs»ii7 Wlin ClasBlllod tds. Placo 1 H#HO )LIDAYS? lis mouth. After she and and the th ree n ia l you nje inJi c t it inlo th c your sdsd loday by aiallng 733- j SSStacked :i cagcc of tranquilizer inlo his •’ 0931,


t EYER1lYONE IS INMVITED! S i S p I ml h n a ^ a ^ T^-.^ I 'I


Cfiock Ihoso A,-non,i J.v.inyo l.,Mturui. ' MICROWAVES StART ^ • 12 [Dlnuto aulomalic tlmoitimer contiol. I • Automalle «hut-ori, plusUS titopniAle stnri ond , AS LOW AS __ ttop twllchof.— ------• Sav«« limo ond onorgy.y. UiUio« 50 10 TSS______i m ‘»I«ltItliriftSfr3>T52ni • SptcUl oven Iray^ltoeliltoel» juice* (or___ ag^ayeY ouur Childs no-m«ti cooltin^. ^ P i c t u r e»Taken ' ^ w ith S(S anta ChiristmcCIS T reces I ^ Sat. or»r Sun. w ith TREIEE Bucks S tarting NcF^ovember 17th youI will receive TRIIII BUCKS 1 l o 4 p m ^ N o o n to •_____ • with your irtlclpotlng Lynwoodad. ■ Stores. .. ___ S 5 Accumuloteite them to gel^burr F R ll Tree or appi)iply fo fho ' — M purchase of a Scotch Pine. E. . Twin Falls ’ S ’-' . incluilingtax " ' i EEHatEBfflUlilKIH iiRIK BiiK iaiRimatBOKBMaiEIK** i ■ ■ —-T" 12 Itmes-Ncwa.TwinFaHs.li(s. Idaho Thofsdo/. Novomboror 24,197724 D e e r h l u n t e r s bb e c o m e li i i u n t e d

:W11.D. Mleh 'i.’i’l* . luwi: rcp u rU T sIh' 'came lion■om ch arg es Nov. tJ and wer 2(1 yount! p n islilu te s SaUii,Uinla> iiii;lil. Cliicago itio iiiieiiinu w-'ekciiiend scnti'iiccd to five day^ in jii leeii arrcsled in luo "N o one e \ e r h:i> hccii ,ibl.^ "wlicn all Itie bo;.,-, hav.lave phis ;i(i ilav-s priiliatiori for enUcing deer liutv • in en ,■ tirely stop ]iro''t;liilii>n lurn ttl-year'-old was turned oyer 1 11 lavish iiiubilc hrolhcls MticcICC Hic d.iwn o( lii>lory." at Itie emi of ilie sc.isnn ■'lor io juvenile aulliorities Twi-lv and druy parties, stal.) s.ml1(1 IJelcctive .Sul. (Icor^c Itieirla-st hiulliiir. " more women appeared befor aid'today. i’ral"all III ttic .st.ilc (Kilicf jiiist 111 Stie said she cliai r.cil ST.'i a Cooper-Moiida.v, iacludint; or I liii^^-irU'hs ih Klow,-Millie - }{!•.'('•.■d_<'ily- ...... —. ------_.--.niiJiLloi::-u.par!y..ltial•- «<"il‘"'I'l,..- r.'p e ale r Irojn Itic. ltr>l r.iriti proslllulcs repiirle(il\ ",\iid Sll w.' can't make iiicliulc ''se.\, ,ll(nior and an o( arrests'wtio drew a l!(Mlii iken to th e wo.id^ a n d mticluch of a (tent m it wttii only H) ------ja il ifMti itntlii ?7.'tfHit‘-^ —» tninters into ttie liiinteil. ' ur so lr(io|)..’r s .iv a ila b le In an allempt tn crack duwown "U ’e urned Hie pont'C an aroii•oiiiid llie chick for lunliway on -llie illicit Ir.iile. Iinlni.Inct -cdurl Io act .severely this yea rv -Sick a_iul tire d ol Itii.' (ralfalfie patnils and rciiuiar .Indue itic lia rd -C ix ip e r lia> Iia M> ttiiu ae ssa g e will (;(> out th; ...... husiness." said Harry llien in an area of >cvcral1 ticen seiilencinn jiro^lil'iles•s I"I proslitiilt.'s and Itie kitulof me in. ^’alos Township ItutiLl rui r e d ^ ( |u a r e iiiiT cs. le rm s of up to .lii da'.-> m tlic Hi wlio seek llicni shouid stn isor. ‘'W e called in ttie Howowevcr. we have aumncnled1 Lake I’ounly Ja il away from our coinnuinily, ilice when il f;ol .so bad Hm.S'Kise w ilh o llice rs in hunting’ A groiiji of fi\i' womcmen Solomon said, r wives couldn't walk lo floiliillicsJ;oni'iitticr posts." ranfjlng from 17 to :il ap p calired re r e w illi o u t h e i n u One Or proslllute *lold aI tiefore Coouer on a>s.irted vit .Ihinedbyliiinlers." m b h ■ F r w i prosliHiies, some as as 11). iinaiicd ttiis 1 r l i f l B rn ,.Mictiii;an resort us motor ies the I id liefore d e er seasoi* IE COMPLETE INS Nov. l.T,^Slate pnllce STORY O N iey have been selling ‘ favors al rales raritjiiu’ . • TRANSMISSKI I O N :U to S7;V ''Trlropers>ers said Iticy counted tf ^ REPAIR W women In tur cojils ^ cning nowiis aloiiu llic ' < REASONABLE RATES m Ity p h y sic s ,— - — — — THESE:SE TWO IdtthTStatc University m a jo rs,8, (C rolg Gullbcson, 21. Idaho FiFoils, left. IFYO^ O L m A jT r r T ONE DAY SERVICE ond T'Im im Quiglcy. 20, Castleford, aia re doing ORFR FEED IT . . . -ch on supercooled liquids to lea[cam m o re m i. r R e s e arch r underf w^ a y srsT.the liquid slate which is nol asQS w ell un- lilODee MSeed m[[ Have It! A A TTCO < Transm ission3 t1 C o . . derstoodod OS tbe solid sU te a n d the gascoM»usstat«. GL^ LOBE FtEO^CO. I I WES PATTERSON l;:;»ti<_I«i» i.iijjiii j j ] lan P air siitudies •AT TWI E ^ liquid state / 7 V ) ^ / / ? j L , C PnCATKLI.O ilSUt - TwoM’o t^ycol, which Is used asa s IdaJio Stale UnlviTsltyly antifreeze. '•Wc’rc . studytudying \ fjlJJ .sludont.s. one from Idatiu Palislls tills kind of Interesting? liquidllq ' ' i i ® and" ono from Castloford. areire becauso It wilt superc[)ercool V omftmi IliL'if .-It [SIT pnL'.-iL'od 111 ■ ^ p n d H v .'T )r ^^nrtT^nr^ sitld_Ilid______— rcspurcli on ttie {undamonlallal He noted tliat window ggl lass DROWB p rc^ o rlies of liquids wlilcticll Is a suporcoolcd liquid,I, notno a m a y eventually resu lt In ap'ip' solid, and added that "o v e r plifiatiuns for etcctroniclie centuries it will flow nndnd dripd devices, down." Rcgular honeyjy andj ' D a z e y TJic iwo junior ptiyslcs'c^ molasses arc supcrcoo■cooled A s so r S u n b o a m mfHors aro Craig Alienon . .. liquids, the physicist staled,i{ed. / /Ing-AIro 1000 , SEAL-A- GuHlxoii, Idalio Pall!), andnd Gulllxon and Quigley:y ssnld HOLIDAY"'c o l o r ^ ' Tim F-'.Quli’li'y.^i), Castloford,d. llicy are trying to put togctogctticr '•>Vtiat w c 'if studylnn iireire a theory of the Iquld1 stasti le . HAI?^ BLOWER/ m .MEAL btip<'ici>-'li.'or o f H I 1. 19.29 ■ *'iVc‘r(itryliiK lo uncover Iholho clicmlstry, who is worlw orking H I e a c h 1 4 ” R e g .M 7 .9 5r fundnmontal properties of wUh other students on anolanollier I a; cd, sccllonoftlicprojcct. liquids." Dr ilarmon .idded, .H. Robbins ••This Is fundamoiilal,al Tliis gront money coicom cs H K N E W KCX resfarcti. I.lqutds are notnol from petroleum compoin p anlcs C 3 - N o w . . - . . understood as well as solidsIds wliicli give ll to the Amerin c ric a n > le® withC. untU?asos, The miilliemallcsof(Of Chemical Scfclelyly for i j m o R PIPRINT ttio*. liquid Slale is very 'dif-jlf- d istrib u tio n to those dc ^ MULTIri VITAMINS , m -ficiHl," - b a sic re s e a rc ti,, ^ K l O) ” I NESTLILE ■ ■ ALARM con rnodo Chicogo Cutlery l.r.ivt givo you quolily. durability ond C L O C K - D o u b l e 1m u r d e r C O O K IE IM IX ^ ^ C o uuntry look ^ 12oz. ■ ® L i ghted h l e D ia|' J^ 9 9 R o g . G o ui l r m e t p r o b e b► ( e g i h s )..M 0,25 ■ * 1 . 0 6 w r- stonew are Jl)llANNi:>lU u c, ‘SoulliI elections and had movedved into 72 A fn c a i l 'I 'l ^ U r l{ol)ert itie a re a , atiool 20 m iles!S eaeasl of n f f n Save Smil. foniiri I’XL'cutlve Jolianncsburg. a m onttitiago, ag( lilllll ^ N e s i l e ' s dlreoKir ;siiu;s uf tlieir tuiiTie and tils wife in i o r t e d , consiitiK'nr> lor itie Nov :;illd a c u n ie r of lliclininKe. S v A sso S a p - 'f , " Bo>) x e d BABE B lankettee availablele ...- I R H 6 S © C H R I SS T M A S m HAMPOO y F ab erg e

foi- tioHidaay giving ^ I ^ C A F IR D S 1 e g . » 2 . 9 8

M 'iw j 'ia \1 ';n , cuiiti ri'i;I'l; lavorile 'tuba playere r a n d . •■'K ol' III.’II '.t 'Alllll.'ll •AtlllAlll) p ic fe rru d bk'epin(> ullireire iiJlvc-.'.'«Tyl|iit))Mii'l ifiifl'U'jrc,'jre Ttic tilanketle is nol for-- ■—■“ vChal Hn-y c,ci lor (;iin> lm as:s:a a everybody. Blanket! R e g . M . _ si/cui’il\ 'blaiiki-t. . .Smirnoff Division ,sa>s. ) 9 ‘ .I l s 5 9 ‘ 3'tu.‘ yooin; m en nlarkl■ll^^!Im^ ' and Alan Sm irnoff andI CliffordCli _ tht;in at ?'i cacti eall them■lem ■ Skoinlck say VftrrTphiduci c an - LYNWOOD .S H O P P I N G C E N T E R A "blankeltcs." Tticy arc H-hy-tiy-l2 h e used by people wtio --•Ineties. that i,s, nol feel. Ttie Ttic a fra id ol som e unusualII llillliings: H word "Sf’eurily'’- Is cm- em^ asparanus, Inre.vample. H | I / P Y biJiirtLttO Dll i jn.li. ThuV I.1IIIIV7mc------rtmd' ■Loinpany reprtqrrcsPTF— In'"ninin‘s''.y(ii:''l>Uie“ a t|d ' sap'sap-' ■ catlves say ttio hlnnkctteptte is an ' H ' w u4iJj stick e r yellow. Idoal Kifi for p to p lc w’tio w’tic gel ^ ______] T w j g t f v ^ il'tic ixiokk’l aceompanyinfi>‘lng - nervous reading nhoul Un-... each blanki.'ti.' asks Itic bujori\er nitus. tiruxism .ani*^ o( lh e r to fill oul a form, I’lvinc hi - or jillmenlH Ihi'Vdidn't even knowI h e r iinm e. a«c. stioe si/;*’, e x is te d .------•;—

* , t ^ - '■ 1Thursday. Novofnber2il. 1977 Tlmcs-Nows. Twin Falls', Idaho 13 IPapeir planee Ions’ votinggrecords toldt C h i n a (d e v e l o p ss f i g h t e r VALLEY - Tiif .Magic ValloyV s}>eedingbllls and is rea ddy y furfc; distribution. MAGI^JMAommlttee, as part ol Its'V Copies can l>e obtainedJby^TitingtoJlm by^ . \v,> a .Soviet-made .MiG-23 supplied T R IM Com IVASHINGTON (W M )'- a ;d 25," a two-placc oircraft with Penland. P. 0 -noxH25. KimtH-TlyKirr KXMl o r ' ciiinj educationalll p rogramp and a public .'H.T\’ice. lina Is develoBlni: a ne\s' to P eking by Kg>'pt. Speed will111 more powerful engines and a ll by calling -123-t27C. T he bui:bulletlits are also m ig - publishesa aquarterly q TIUM biilk'tln lhal iG-type fijUiter pow ered Iiy Ixl>e In the Mach 2.2 range. It longer fuselage. |contej5St (ield reader how representatives voleL< available at many l)iisiiiosse'' t>iu aiui two I .said. sjioM's Ihe rea 0 UrllLsh-made Jet engines s: The new aircraft will be if professional offices. .o n billsll Increasedlhat li ihe cost and size of . .. . — i------pable of flying at more than "China iias ordered an initialal equlpped.-with "look-down, goverDmenlnt and translates the ap- - -^TRIM-sliiiids-for-Tax-Fax-Keforni-jin ------iwicc Ice the .speed of .sound, batch b; of 50 (nolls^Royce) Spey:^y • slioot down, radar ond could be .p ro p rlatloi n into ir a dollar cost por averageV m ediately and Is p a rl of a nnatluM-wide : non- Avial'lalion ■ W eek and ’ S pace engines ei as a prelude to effective against cruIsc household. partisan, non-profitll educalional ------T v- c • :c h n o lo g y m a g a T l n c -- llllcenscdproduclion'in'.China:'*” [jilwrs are figliting repoi l at Stainford 1977 TRIM biillellii shews howrt- organization whose memlx; porled today. llILsald, At least two prototypes of the , Tlie fall 'ge1<« Hansen volwl on six majorir againsl the Increased cosl,:jst, size ami power triieIii weekly said the new In a related article, tiiehe new Soviet flf^iter arc now ■ STANFORD. Cnlif. (UPI)D - - ■ m a tc h b o x siz e to -K ^ : R ep. G eorge of m ore governm ent. J figllKhler. designated -F-ia, Is . w eekly snid llie .Soviets an*re. undergolngtcsts,ltsald, I A groiip of students met■I-al a albatross, were sailedI -Kent's . . y l>ase e -A-•• I mjzzled beer v-hlle otherhers planessoarandcirclc. ar I tossed paper, airplnnes ofliff a: tooo fte n .p lu m m e l. I fourtli floor balcony. Elcctrlcai engine^ I • II was thc . annual papciapcr gradudtc Jean Vanin c iT ljiB » e • V-^ ^ I airplane contest sponsoredd b}by pcnhaut, admittingin Cam - I tlie university chapter of lhe thi sliamelessly dlsmantlinft i n g t o • © [••-American -InstUute—o—of— child's toy in pursuititling o his ) Aeronautics and Astronautics;ics; perfect cardboard fusllagit of- thc— ------‘■If that flies. I'll quit sctioohoot aniglitrccordof27,Sseco;H agc, se l ■ ■ and go gel a Job.” mutterwcrcd Campcnhaut dekribcop- 4 0 % tamed d o lled Inslructloiilso con- ncsday because the warrant•ant how to dispose of ctlons an on policc used to scarch his carcasses withoul detecanim al trailer home was Invalid, and indications lhat [elecllon. Kic T he T exas C ourt of Crim inalInal harbored hostilities lowarKleasen jm Vi . — Appeals reversed Kleasen’ssn’s Mormon Church. w ard Ihe ixinvlctlon and sent lhe casc:asc The bodies of - L a d i ce s D r e s ss c e s - I - Fa a b r i c s - • back, lo 0 Travis -Countyinty missionaries have not J u n io r• sizos.si HoH oncJ Missy sizess district court for a new trial.■ial. found, loi Iwcii VoValues to *73.00 4 Grreat re Groups ^ Much of thc circumstantial cvidencc upon which Kleasen A trial Judge had i $ 1 3 7 V S ,, Kleasen had no standlnid ru le d ' was convicted apparently , / objecl to th c sc archndlng ol to $ 1 cannot bc used al a future Irlal d ...... N o w trailer becauscit hadfl of thc R e g . to * 2 .9 8 y d . ■ bccause of Wednesday's court N o w ...... 1 5 “ > - » 2 5 ““ - * 3 5 “ . stolen, but Ihc Criminalad been ' decision, however. 1 < p e a ls C ourt noted tlierclinal w Ap- $ 1 8 8 - M l Kleasen had been convicted rc w as no of murdering Mork Fischer, evidence connecting Kk K leasen - S p oo r t s w e ai r r - R eg. to * 3 .9 8 y d.d ...... N o w one of two Mormonion - with the theft. Tlic unanil lanim ous missionaries who visited him opinion ordering a new lew Irlal • Denim Vests at his trailer home behindJ a sa id K leasen hod establisi b lis h c d a 'Rog.to $19.00 ...... N o w ^ r , taxidermy shop on Oct. 28,•23 possessory interest in i ...... N o w ^ ’ trallor. and had a riglin th c I R eg. to * 5 .9 5 y d. » 2 “ . , « 1974, TJie m issionaries wore rlglit lo I not seen afler tho visit. cx p ccl privacy, Denim Jackets Officials using a fedcraitral TJie appellate court R e g . t o $ 4 0 .0 0 ...... :...... ^ N o w n s " " search warrant enteredr e d ru led th c affidavit on wurt hic also _ I R eg. to * 6 .9 5 y d.i ...... N o w KIcascn's trailer home, .andond search warrant wasvhich b llie’ / T ? © * Denim I Gouchos) S . _ ' 3 “ ‘ m s bascd ..N o w T * discovered keys to thethc alleged only that an unnc Rogr$l4.00to$23.000 ...... 5 missionaries' car and apart­art- informant had seen jn Kle n a m ed ^ V e lo u r T erry K leasen ment. Oulsidc the trailer,Icr, (iring a rifle outside thc tr Jr. Jumpsuits & 45” vyide •' ...... officials found a prayer hookook and in possession ofic trailer ’( • ' Valuos to $39.00 ____ and name tag .belonging to firearms. The court ruletof o th e r ’ ...... ■ 1 G ary G arley, th e second of the affidavit did not ’give•u thle d th e T ops w , missionaries Kleasen wasvas flcjals probable causcs l h e of- Ro q . to S20.00 ------. . N p w_ ^ ® ? _____ NNylon Velour Blallan k etinq 45” ■ .___ — accuscd i3f-killlng.~The-nameime—-Buspcel—o-crim e-hod-Quse to_____ J tag had been plcrctd by^ a committed. bullcl. "Lacking probable ci T Bloodstained clothingIng any scarch made pursua■ belonging to F lsch cr w as foundund such w arran t w as in •suant viol; to ■ - In a receplacle near - the of the Fourth Amcndmiviolation • trailer. Hair matching thatt of of. tlie c o u rt opinion said. idm cnl.’* ...... o S h o eBS - S m o k i n g; on t planes Ladies FallF and W interr S t y l e s Rog. *17.995 to '27.95 ------T i . raw r . *12“

l i m i t e d bl y y a g e n c y . Broken sizos 0 W ashington Stor tally of public reaction, r .W o m e n si Boots I Values to ‘5555.00 ...... : . . . N 0 1iow’12“ . ’35"' , WA.SHINGTON - Thc Civi::ivil this past April thc boardm. as of r VW a rd had Aeronautics Board ha:has 23,950 wrlllen commc ,, Cosuol ond Oross stylsty lo s B8 dccidcd lo ban pipe and cigaiigar urging a tolal ban on smoln m c n ts smoking on all Americarican on airliners. ’ The lally?moklng ^^(9- M en ’s ShihOeS Reg. to ‘32.955 ...... NOIiow *iri.*2y commercial airlines — andid aj dlcalcd thal 1,-I50 Individa lly 'i n - similar hnn on cigarclttcite support a ban on clganIlviduals sm oking m ay bc next. ** pipes o r both, w hile alwg ut a rs ( o r Tlie board's vote TucsdajIday sup p o rted th e sta tu s oul qui 6.B00 . i n g e r i e - wns an Informal one. but ll waiwas ollowlngsmoking, hut kcc; [— ------l i ^lear thal pipes and ciganj;ars smokers in a separate sectikreplnB ’ 5288^$y88_51288 ..wouldbe banned. On Tuesdoy. Ihe CABsection, j7\* o Rabes ng and short .. - C h i l d rr c e n ' s W e aa r - T lic vote w as c ith er 4 to 1 or i3 structcd the agency's: staa b in- < sta ff to to 2. depending on how Richardlard prepare an order which w Bikini P a n tle u e s. to!3 S 2 . 7 5 ...... ■ . . . N o w ^ 1 “ J, O'Mella. thc cigar-smokingking ban pipe and cigar smokln:h would A Infant:t Snow .Suits vlcc chairman, would vote..He He all alrlincs^It would oklngon bat iK X rJ EntireItiro Stock on hond o w dlil not attend th c m eeting, andanti smoking on alrcrafi ban v all , Dlscontiniieil Bras R og.»g. t o $ 7 ..0 0 . . : ...... , . . . N *2^* h c m ny cast his vole before‘Ihe Ihc ventilation systems t arc when final ord er is Issued, possil)l>lillly w orking. R e d u c e d ...... 10 3 0 % w ithin thc nexl monlh. Also, thc board would ------■ d m f s t i c s5 ■------R Thc sole dissenting vole wuiw as public com m ent on Ih rcuid c c seek BpBoys a GiHs- rce o lh e r ' casl by Chairman Alfred1 E,H. possibilities: A ban on R o g .$ s i 1 . 4 9 ...... n o w on all e KItclien Towels . . . . 97‘ - Kahii. who admits to smokingking smoking alraard small ls& Jackets - . -about .throo-cigars-a weck-iffk-if!- — c ra ft;.a -b a n o n all smKill okir air- ® C oats ailhougli he says he neveijver • short fllglits. or simply a - Blsh CloUtS R e g . 7 9 ' - . . . . . N o w 4 7 ' smokes on planes. He latcialcr ban on smoking. ly a total , explained his dissent: • . 'Tlic motion lo adopt Pol Holder Roa. 79- .: '... Now 47° 2 0 %^ t o 4 0 % G f f ‘•Ifevl very strongly thiilIthc thc smoking riilcs was madapt antJ- ...... AV- government should nnl dictatetalc Ellzabelti Dallcyi theTiade Im; l)y O to people olwut their persona:onal newest member and.! Iwarcl's • jO hablt.s unless il is very clcnrl>arly Kahn, an cconornlst. She demonstrated that only bjb y ' nnl sm oke. IDS A FREE TURKEY! d ic tatin g In lh a t way canI w(wc T he tw ard Sjcvcral y e a r SAVE YOUR S A UISSLIPStOWARD! protect thc rights of olhers." ordered airlines to ,-earsago pr< •Tlie bnn lind Iwen proposetDscd s e p a ra te sections for sm w ant lo , . Acconling lo a CAU stafstaff use Ihcm , - \ r

' > ' J- . _ 1 ' V: rini.'S-Nc;w:;,T«in F.ill:F.iH:i. la.iMo JtUJfSOay, Novomhi!'ril).!f?-J. 19//

, IA u t h o ir p r e dl i i c t s r a

W ASliltSlilNCJTON a-Pl> - ('••u;ampbell and William S.ltcl touriiin Ihe tjiilL-d .Stalc.s on 1 Soulh1 AAfrican Alan Palon. I’hnlonier. ‘ - "1 don't w ani lo be cornyny." exlended leeliire tour H j iiuUiorir 01of •'(.'ry. The Beloved . -Ifltielievelhc ” I fmurcliesin lie‘ added. M|uinliiiK overr tlthr parly, which grouped blac. ' ul-and-out conf rontal 1011 imed and whiles logelher, '•p C ounlry,’Irv ,’' concludes nioomiiy oul- lops -nf—------of—\'niii— fnri!;t lin t inn';—-;inft— in Washmf’tnn-to'dciivcr-ii-ii ..... ______c o n f r o f r o n I a 110 n , war.. Conongress Tuc.sday. "I Ihlnk 1 ln-eiuise Ilf the .f a d .vou h'liv e . lu re al the Lii)rarv of ('otrnrc 'rovoluthiulhiii.’’ ' • .•oii!3 r a ih c r com c fo a laiiliTtlieruTcollaw. rrrrd'“ confcr ,W11h .sta L-n. scruncliinn up his comountry like lliLs which has "1 regard Ihe rule of laww 1:the Uepa'rlm ent officials, .. Laurens r # '^T Ict up pre-s-surj;'for peacCf • ■' Vpclal change in .Soulh A frici » , , Thc United Slates, he sa should iry to move Soi Africa towards makl BolOy flies stoolen planee to Mexico ’.‘p o litic a l a n d eco n o m ' conccs.sion which will stave lhe th rea t of w ar." " T ^ / m STIN. Texas (UPD - A HliL'palril' to the custiHly of theirr Mexican auihorilles. TlT h e Hut he w as nol optim istic. ar-old Ih)v made his first parlarcnls. The plane's owner.r. p la n ew a siu itd a m a > ’e d .'’ "A ll of our ru lers don 'l se flif^lit hy stealmK ;in l.l..1. Col. K arl C. H aw thorne ofif Capt. Jim Lammers of'f t ttH' lhal w ay al all. They see il :ine and flyinj; ‘it into AUi\ustin, Texas, went to Nuevo0 Travis County SherifIiff’s interference in our own CO, sheriff's officials said I.ar.arcdo lo return his craflfl D epartm ent .said lhe bo;boys' fairs." icsday. ' whivhich landLKl .safely on lhele p a re n ts w ere brinuinn tinthem If iiic j’overnmcnt of Pn iHiy and his lf>-.vear old outlutsklrls bf _^Uic Mexicann hack to Auslin, .to face tthe .Minister John Vorsler del ' cDm panirlanion in the Ihcfl of a Iwrwrderciiy Monday. c h arg es. ' • change.. Palon predicted, MJKinc C e s s n a w e r e "T w o yoiin^; boys jjrabbed;d ’'T h e H -y c ar-o Id 's falh c r'rlsa 1 may eventually confronl ncd from Nuevo L aredo, hullluld of an airplane and flew il private pilot." Lammers sa•said. black A frieii.arm ed by C' CO. U’cdnesday lo a p p e a r dovlown here." said a spokesmanin 'i l i s dad told m c h e'd flo'flown and IheSovlel Union. y ^ beforee juJuvenile auihorilles on for'or Ihc U.S. C onsulate in Nuevo0 with the boy on two or lluIhrcc "The nations of lhe W ■L- . charlos’OS 'f>' t"I ONl£ hiliT lor, Cc-cil n , iii d m s> and ati tu •••■■I—-! f i i - ^ V A(A f u n s l e d f o r -- S'-crctary ol Anriciilliire• Bi ^rtrz.u. -- , , aall ll tho kiddios. ' PII2 Z Z A B A e Hernlund, llic connrcssnu.Siiicil sa id lh e lack of a scl (lL'fiiiili(liilion M 7 .7 7 o( a road was n-siiHint^rii; In ______U n v t ' tu t J h i a jij t y h o l h h i Y s i ’n s oon. n Don't Uihv itnnvrcfI , , ; , . '11 serious problems ' wlicA'lich I cs idlh Yottr chad's lifefc. (fCl these an VA LU E . . . ; •Unlit now.' lliey saiisaid, i‘anyi)iln>; less ilian a pavijavcd Ii i J! Il \k’ a y \i' a s n o l j!<‘iicrally ciinstderwl lo bobc a SEED ;ioad' when dcliTniinliin If a THE WATIfERMELON! w in F o ils mea was ’roadless.’ As"\s" a V 5 4 4 B luuo o Lakos Blvd. North, Tw i/e r. lesull. inflaleil estimates of c H ____ . . ( LL y y n w o o d Shopping Cente madless areas have dislorte Across from Winchell's the plrUirc of laiulnsc patlcrnIcrns “ ;■ kmorlcord and M astorchorgoa A< c c o p to d Mt in the slate. ______B o n k Ami


^ -ft TOSS ACROSS M lghty-Tonko------• ^ 0 — ------GAME-— ^ H. JE Snorkel I^S .I IANS Big Sl of Tic-Tac-Toe Attach tta c to tho gordon ■ »in, DUMP - h osso...PumpsQ s o pilU p ooworful w a stroom. I UIMPER ll T R U C K “ J E vr ( e r y S i z e >13.84 VALUE $ 1 $ } 7 4 e r y C o l o> i r ■ ZOE...... 13“ I ^ Sy E v *e r y S t y l e5 H ’ \ TOO'O's of pairs to h o o se from \ c H ; ' 4 ’ Electric Butter-Rite ly-a-way for \ POPCORN Boy's _ \.: C c hristm as Childrcd ren ’s — 1 1 ^ ______M J I ^ I t l - D O W N I D O K ^ ^4 Quart - -...... • W atorproof ■ ■ • Nylon tio JACKET ‘8.88 Value • Sizos 6-13 • Asst, colors ' m ttihe|)4NN imjfm • Sizos 8*16 J ^ . 8 4 ^ 6 .!;99 m ^^""MA1N~AND3mMI 3rd 5T7ETTW1N-FA11 imnNi rV flRIErrO EPlT t S T O R E " ^ In tthe^Lynwood Sh

“ ' i| \- ■ V ^ \ ' ______TtiThiifSday, Novombof 24.1977 TTlmos-Nowa. Twin Falls, Idaho 15 p ik o f■amily j M H o iu se f i lms l . (Z Y u l e tt r r e e s a v alila i b le

BURLEY - The' Bureau'au of t.and Store. Managementm ! has announcedxl iiIt w ill be ' W hen persoi•sons purcha.se tlie juniper Itrol ) se:selling juniper Chrisliniis tree?e permitsp< (or Clirislmas treeree permits al the BLM office, B con ______:______$1 ions__ 1* pe r tr e e a gain this season, they will be s'l IquestM : shown on the maps the area _ The permits are now on salele atal thc BLM ‘ they arc intentercsted in cutting the tree. In . , ...... 9 ^ ofl oHicc. corner ofOakleyHIigHwajlwayui!d‘200 - - addllion,-Uio-lo-arcas- will.bc_lndicalcd. by South trom 7:45 a.m . to 4:30 p.m .. M onday sig n so n the site.sll tlirougli F riday, until Dec. 21. Nick Cozak(akos, ULM. dislrlci , [doc’s llhonest; H uncdecideii d , •The juniper trees may bc cutc in .tw’o • reminded residents res liiat "only juniper atareas; south of Oakley on thele castci side of _ trees may Iwcjccut after the permit liasl>ccn' Goose Crcck Drainage riear' WilsonWll Pass, ’ purchasi.^," WASHINGTONDN (UPI) ■- member,-rcc• recommended last ca find who. '* jr^ J3)nc, v and mile north and east;t ot of C o n n er's I PRETORI/V Soutli Africa T liom>mas O'Neill year that concommcroial and the In; responsible for Biko's deatli ______y I (UPl) - An altomcy for the hasn't^'ct declic id e d w h e th e r .. p u b lic sescrvice rv Ielevision •vo T h e black consclousni family of black activlsl Stevo .lelevisi broadccleasts of House networks lianhandle the cameras ^**1* ,to • leader died Sept, '12; in a I Biko Wednesday callcd Into sesslpns'wili bew under House withoul restrli‘stricllons. f l f i l a Prelbria jwlice cell, Offk question the lionesty of a Olliclal MARK PIERi:,Rt.E conlroi or ccommercial But anotheother panel, headed ^ government docior whot,o autopsies give thc causclUse of spokesman for by Rep. Jacklack Brooks, D-Tcx., •y and • • • gctH f ui i i u u Ih television, a sp< examined Biko before. Ills.,1s . death as brain injui^- i . O 'N eill sa id W edpdpcsday, recommcndtended the House —J kidney (ailuTO, . dci^ll'- ■ ______------— v-He—sald_-0_0 .'-N c I U _ ;l's ___ rclaln.conlro:nlroLof-UiC-cameras___ 25_.-x. Custom er Appr lef ■ 'Konlridg(T prossed Tucl ireciation Days I Dr. Benjamin Tucker, chief awaiting a nrcpori from ’ while pcrmilrmitlng commeroial J J . art hard about Biko's condit 'district surficon for Port ^ \ , C ongress on th eI nmatter, networks aa ( chancc lo broad- m .«(. w hen h c exam ined him In P Elizabeth, denied the cJiarce t B . V a l l e yT Rep, John And,nderson. R-lll., 'cast live or tapedti coverage - ^ ,(,y E lizabeth on th e afternoonnoon of i l l V FRIDAY S made by Attorney Sydney who favors «commercial an approacroach favored by JJ Sunday.Scpt.il. IlMjATURD^ 5 K cntridgc. . b r o a d c a s t coviDverage, said O'Neill, 2 DAYS ON Did he consfd^r Blk m ■ T ucker w as RivinR evidence . e a rlie r tliiiseek wee: he learned condition satisfactoriy at t lo the inquest court which lias “' S n a t i v e O’Neill Imd alnilready decided 5 to sta g e? l>ecn sitting since Nov. 14 to which camerasIS lo buy, an f ' n C * "ldid."Tuckcrsaid, T indication he had : already f Kcntridgc .isked; "You I S seeks ^ iA L L C H Fr i s t m a s ! decfded in faviavor of House been ask ed to se e him becai . h o n o r thc man had collapsed.d . Vou'i C a n B u l W e dInesday. n a unteers flf found him slill lying on thc CASTLEFORD ~C,e-Castleford spokesman for0'O'Neill said the D E C O RN i A T I O N S I floor, unexplained froth'» olat I'lii n a tiv e M ark J . Pl ‘1 s p e a k e r " h a s instructed ii the ra'iN FALLSp a i - The Twin 5 moutli, hyperventilating,lg. the sophomoro at the OCollege of (Capilol) archill . llccl to enter (dec o( Internal S i left arm stJll somcH’hatt weweak. Idaho In _CaIdwew e ll, h a s jjh n ccessar:ary inlormallon j ’ c y c l e r s ! Service o((crs you could not make coniaci com rec eiv e d a S550 Idahlaho Water camera purclrcliasc. such as w ith h lm . in invitation lo assist ■ ' Users Association sclscholarship -■ butb not to buy lowlncomc ( "You knew Uie physicysiclan for 1977.. fie and elderly per- m • any o( tlie eqiq u ip m o n t had found an extensor PI -eparing Uicir federal ^ r Plan- PlcrcclsUiesonof/of,M ira a n d r „Jcs 1c Commitlcc 5 % ^ O F F I o n r i s e te rs reflex (tw itching toe. IX roturns, loe, a LisbeUi Pierce of CCa M r d . S sign of brain damage). Do ;you He was nominated C om m unllimily conscious in- -- ' I ' TIiq H ouse vot(■otcd Oct. 27-to divlduals an s TWIN FALLS - Residents s.iy that a man In thalal ccon- scholarship by the Tv and organizations 2 ; T« n Falls broadcasi asl covcraec ol cncouraf ol the Twin Falls area nre dition could be described«1 inii a Canal Co.. the dlstrl uraged to conlrlbule • __ ^ ^ Pre-se(season Clearance ofDf all .C hristm as De* 2 continuing to sliow a keen ‘tri" “"‘I''- House procccdlidings stnrtlnB some „f ,|,clrIhelr (rcc lime to lhe m salisfactorycondilion?" w hich h is fam ily farm ’ coratic interest In aluminum recycling , next y e a r, ll gave ( O'Neill Volunlccrter Incomc 'Tax S ' Itlons, Centerpieces anda Supplies. Come 2 "6 T u ck e r: "T liero w as In m: y P ie rc e Is a buslnc5 and Octobcr collection figures ness major authority lo decldcldc *ho should ,\sslstancc;e (VITA)I Program S In Fh<-rlday and Saturday mind a question of « wilh an omphah a s i s o n handle Hi b u l a: ay and .moke your ; a re proof of this attitude'. asked lha ,c sp„„,„cd;d b y IR S . T h is 3 * a nonorganic disease..,e.., a marketing and p:plans to off tj,at dcci select!ction I Fantastic asscisortment to choose 5 Reynolds Aluminum Eclslon .until lie pr„gra„ is designed , to help S ■fl p’ possible shamming." even tu a lly a tten d aI sschoo c with gets recommem Recycling Company's indatlons Irom ,a,pjj5rss whowl cannot a(ford S i from1 aiandall ready for Chriiristm os. m .' ® "In spite of all these tliinfthings I an expanded agri­jri-buslness ujc rules panel by recycling center. JJ9 Maxwell J ■ professionaltnal ta x aid . S m m enllon?" program. He was roareared on a AndcrMnsaidi Ave., last monlli collected dif wha hehad VolunlcctsH!rs will bc given IS ^ H "Yes,"Tuckersaid, dairy (arm operalioilion In th e h e ard w a s co rrcc W 'e're Ready F orr 'Chrisfmas : . . S 54.000 pounds o f alum inum , e c t. O 'N eill had f „training by IRS S ^ At.that time hc did notlh)t think Castleford area and m p aying tlie public $9,180 for it. d worked at exceeded his autliithorlly. personnel1 Intin.the p rep a ra tio n of •t’ ., Ilwould have an adversee effccteff all of the farm jobs;■bs: he also «>w tho’ ------HcTJartldpatcdHir . "Wc'vealways had a good Hirthc-WO In thc Cannon arand Uneworth througli 9 ata thc Coljcgc of 2 - ceil ef mailing geing u| miles, naked In the backck ofo a Future Farmers of Amer ca House office 1 •Qch year, you eon drop b response from Twin Falls■Is police Landrover, to Prctorl b u ild in g s lo SouU icm Idaho. Idi Anyone In- m ctorla, (FFA)distrletpubllcIlc speaking provide membciters and com- y - Of toll and mak* you resid en ts ev er since we opened‘•'d Kentridge’sald: "Lefme, in VITA participation . ^ Itorol gift lelvcllen ani me put contest wilh a speeceech on Ihc miltees with o u r recycling operation Inin It to you. and it will bc I, ,!i should contaontact Jean Sommer 3 ; w* wilt hovo It dolUorsi ^ o r a l I “ Idaho State Waterr I ^an en- reception availi alm oit anywhor* in thi 1974," Peter Wliitcd. dislrictlet su b m is s io n , th a t in1 thattl titled. "Idaho's '!! ” a l ™ e given cqn.ll consideration without ______? . regard to race, color, sex. creed, «tn n tlo n ai origin. ■’a ‘ - - \ tfi ' ml)0f24.1977 ; 16 Timos-Nowa. Twinn FilFalls. Wano Y o u M cia y B e A W'inner i In Ou S O M E O FIP T H E M ANUY W IN N ER S C o u r t i - « 5 .0 0 WWINNERS Mr*.A.l.Donij|o. T.F. RMh Delrldgt. T.F. Linda Bassett, i CERTIIFICA'i n Oick H«nnlng.T.F. Holtn Httmsii. T.F. GIFT ( HeUnHulburt. T.F. ' Undo Sl««n, T.F. Twin Falls d r o p s ' Mrt.C.VbnQu>d«lan.T.F. 0«onD«trldg*.T.F. awing Each Tues(s s d a y F o r EdnoEiau, Buhl ' C.F. P*t»f«on, Flier NormoWllkanlna. T.F. ■ louro Poltcf. T.F. $5 and 1 - $50 CG< ertlfiicate * . • VIvion Child*. T.F.- Allc* Rudolph; T;F.— ...... a p p e al l BO MIANIZA..°" VsldoBolUr. Fil«r —JoMHurtT.Ootflth Bob B*«ch. T.F. Jonlco Englcben, Kimberly W i i n e i ^ N oV. v . ao O m nd Pririae Praw ing f«for 5 ■ $100 Cerertifocotes E. Cunnlnghem. T.F. Uia Mu«Ur. rrF. HOISK (D i'li Till'11' 1( ('ourl ruled tod.'i cirdiT [irnnlini; rncilloiillon ([iijsli a j-crvici- of Mirnr (loi'S iiol ;icl as a ill.sinlssal case ami is nnt .-i^aiipt'al A orilor. E K ^ TIil' .Silver SiiKi’ Hand In V l¥EE ■ O w vk-c O iiinly .'iiiiicak' Third Dislriol Courl o ^raiKiitK ^ iiioliuii ■ V ^ 'FrecJorick I-aw'son, California allornov. In qi ■ SP servk'f.*- of siim tnous on A l b ei r i t s o n s ■ i t i y i;r»>Tinds tlial Iio had no ENP (nets In Idaho and wa.s not iiuhJiTt lo Iho jurisdicllon o Idahnoourt. ’ Silver Sa«o liad nai Liiu'son as ono of scv dcftindanlls In whalI w' a s mm allcgi'dly a xohemc; In di'frliefraud • ••' '' Iho ranch of a niimln.T' of l'>'y J ® r • CRACKER! shiiiinentii.. >LE BARS W MAPdoos Change of Pace, A D e lic Ii The Supreme Co PromIurrrSollli dismissed Silver .Sage's F r e s h anda t Tondor. Savo 98' 32 ox. Box Sov poal. # In another ruling, th e Supreme Court ordorodI a i now ' SB 199 tria l in a dispute In Uannannock County Ihat arose out of an / . . allc«od shorluKC ofIf th e ' . quantity of tlllahlc acros volved in the sale of a farm™ . . ' " ' K SOUP Myrun P. and Beulah I. Sovo * only ^ lah R. A Albertson's 10.5 o 10 Soronson and J. GuarthIh a; n d '? o n ly I Chickon Noodlo. S 5 1 Carol Joycc Thompson c # lemlod Rex and Rulh I w Adams mlsrepresenlod 2 1 thom Iho niiml)cr of acres Q Ihp salo. A dam s m oved fo non-suit on grounds i . FRENCCH BREAD . pluinliffs had not mado gu ; T o m s ease of fraud and iho'Sl J L Crispy and Districl Court granlcd F r e s h . U n H m k - ‘ Jumbo Roll Sav motion. 49 ■ • 'ff S llc o d i m H ^ J In . A. majority oplnl ------SovBTW r------i Justice Stephen lilstllnc s Sliced 3/KOO Sovo 47' J the granl of a motion for voluntary dismissal amou MAR ARI lo u determination on 6 - y | mtTits. As In all other fi Albortion'f ___ Judgm ents, h e said, llio li I * # 1 Ifa. S a v o 3£ courl m ush sla lu lls finding: I fact and conclusions .' 'aw J19 3. 1065 s f f AllEriads I U . . that thc Supreme Courl*l mn a y H Coffee; ' conduct u pro p er review, C P n C;atR*adyfor PULLAPARTS^ © C r i sO i v U HolldoirBBlclna.3lb.Can. FoleerslH. rol£efj2lli. All Grinds W All Grinds ^O von Fresh and |Q I* Q fp i|| Aftn»HDmmor70c Pepsi Cola < f ® O e t elu l Culill.<>undryDal.lS‘Ofl T axbiU H Glazod to Porfoction...... :...... 1 . 6 9 : , I J.09 S o v o 10* ^ —^to-tep---- S‘^oiU t.b.1...... 1 « 4 1 I J (JfjC ! lUyMoBlcBUnd... UU $ 1 millio r i a l MAI.AD. Idaho (U PI) O neida C ounty's la.'c hill I B 9 VJn will lop thc $l milll ' Bakery i-rices EfiIffective 8 a.m. tofo 9 p.m. m a rk for lh e first llm c In ' county’s history. Treasut ! t o " V esta N lolscn said loda; Mrs. Nielson said wiiik' I ta x notices being m ailed tl am ourn lo SWl.WU’.W, the lo »S t A' tax hill will run over'r a j; m illion. ^ H H | e ______She .said-JiuLiiicludud.oRjoo a h e ___ I _____ . - ■ — N o .'2 — ^current lax notices are la la> x e s H - - on trailer houses, persoiTsonal ■ BEEF Sovo 40*^^^ H utilities and cerlain otlo th e r GR. IJ 9 assessments. 5-lb.Chub ■ Fix pjlit) jsjairt — O O C " ______.thC-lU77-tux_hiU-is.Si». - # - b V above the l‘.)7 W ' ’ "'■ ’ '■TJ 09^xjini iVERAGEWAREVTby o r k S t e a k » P L E S / 5 ANCHOR HOCKIh eslahlish('s -oney Red Dellcloui. SovetO' H Tondor and Tasty ^ 4 i This W eek Pork Shouldor Special risk group S o v o S T HOISK (UPI) n o\eculive order estaitlishin'hing a 98 \'fk " Risk Management AdvlsIvlsory /»•.-— i Sy Com m ittee w as issued *”day toi ' A/) ihipped M eat< i by Gov, John V. Kvans tnsim s s K vans said llie- commilim iltee BuddIg 3 ox. Packago 59' would he responsible for ad- « r 4 Varlotlos lo Chooto Fro I M lB a c o n . vising tho state, on risk.bk. and; S o v o 9* f F r o ih onem d M o a ty . 3 0 9 i 3ooted insurance management fofor rlh e' R oally Toroity. state. ‘48 ^ S o v e 4 0O' ' ...... Tlie governor said dStie;ities of SfievSei Iho commitlee would he # - £ e n t e nnnialH i am sa;.t;::; review and adviso on safely sal ARMOUR^ . H o t d o g s _ and loss prevent prograr Armour Star Moa 1 . 2 9 :ILEplAL SAVINGS,EACH;W£B m f ------1 Cb. Pbek-o g o :— ^nny41hicken-feei 9 N FEATU RED ITEM S - - program s: insuran ^ S a v o 10' 2 .5 9 sficoifications. insura: proposal.s from comparp a n ics M ____a nd.:o_r__ a g e n l s ...... a SiBS-ir2.29-|-y ^ " ' procuremen^^of insurance:: Insurance programs. ; a e o n ^ We SUIVC (0 have on ijiod I . dealings wih insucaic a n c e ^ Armour StaV sllcod suilicicnl sloc>( nl advcriisud ■ ^ companies - and insurai 7 Mlracuro. irercfiatKlise 11 lot any'f.M- ■ son wc 3IC QuI'Ol slock. .1 ■ a gents. r i Lb. Packago. . T h e dlrccloE of ttie Dep; RAIN CHECK will Ce I'-sucd R ' S a v o 3 0 ' ■ ■ enabling voi'lo Ci'y■ menl of Administratioi) or M9 al tne .lOvnrhScd pnCR as I doslgnec wlll serve as c< .dBooih 1 4Q soonasilbocnniesnvailabli! ■ mittcechalrman. 1. Haot t to t. l a ^ U Ear}i jdvetliseil ilem is I F i s;h l i Sticks s s - 9 readily available lor sale nior ■ betow Itie aOvcrlised pncn A ve. E., Tw ■ ' / • ' Thufsday, Th Novomtjor 24.1977 Timos-Nows. T Twin Falls, Idaho 17

I F a iln i l i e !IS g i vi^e thia n k s

ByLARRYSWlS:W1SHER- rccallellled one y e a r when, bccausc of b(b a d w ca lh c r and betw eenn lheI holidays seem s to be a Rood Time»-New«wi'•writer all fall,all. It w as m idnlglil T hanksglvlnaylna e v e beforc tim e to take'Stock. sit M AGIC V A L L E Y — WlilleM e Uie m a rk e t place all hothe su g a r beets w ere (Inally horvcirvcstcd. Mrs.Schocs!lessicr said th e books will be ta k e n lo> ——^r-lhc-wcathcr.nuiyjiol-aIwfljIw ays b c Uio besl. and Thehe Thanksgiving meal on mostlost (orms and^ the accouniani:anl and several decisions atwut the. though there arc chorcsI lo be done even on ranchiches Is made spccial partlculailularly becausc winter lo comcime will be m ade. holidays, mosl farming andand ranching (amllies muchch of th e food Ishom cm ade. •' "Y ou usualllally counl up." she said. “I'm going . give th a n k s today to be ablele toto live as they do.; "Mviost o wives like lo bake and coolcook Iheir own to winler so0 nmany cows; I have so much hay. "It makes me thankful to beonb a (arm," said thingsgs from scratch." Mrs, Brockmikmansaid. "ll andl'mgoing'ng to have lo buy this or tbat." Mrs. Gordon Connell, whoselose family farms and meansins more lo their (amllies.";s ." S h c .s a ld M rs. \VirisliIsllor sold expenses have been ex- runs a dolry herd north ofif Shoshone,Sh "T h o kids everylrylhlng homemade-has monrinr (lavor and .tremely hlgli;li Ithis year but not the crop prices, have space to run and quielaid times so they con meansms more than store-bougtit bcabecause o( the and she saidid the farm won'l moke too much get lo know themselves. And\nd they con enterlain effort!r t she p u ls Into m aking Uic m eal,cal. profit. She anorothy Shoessler, saidd shesh probably hadn’t yearsrs ago. satd she started makingng bbroad at age Tlie Brockrckmans usually dccidc this time of seen afow untjl she marriedrled h e r husband. Bob. 12. and am still "spoils her family" tiyby Ibaking. She yeor whelhericr lo sell Ihclr yearling calves or hold — and-moved-t6-Uiolr-(arm71 eastei of-GoodIng 10— aald,-1,-however,-olmoKl-evervlhinHina had lo-bo ------ihem-unlil-M-Mflrch-dependlng on-ttieir store-of years ago. Althougli raised!d In the city, she said, homeinemade when she was growingng iup bul. now (cedandlticpic prices. “ Believe m e I w ouldn't goiback" bac Uiere.re a re m ore things on lhe m a rkkel. e t. Mrs, Brockockman said calvcs-begin arriving "You're your own boss,’’ss,"''Mrs. Schoessler "11 Just J really enjoy doing my.ow.'.own baking." wllhwlnlcratr and a few cows have calved a lre ad y , said. ‘‘You c an see thingsIS grow; gi to start wllh Mrs.'3. Whlsllcr said. "1 enjoy fixingIng ja nice table Mrs. Cliffff Iverson,I whose family has a small I seed a n d see It grow Is quitete aa 'ch alle n g e." - (orspecial spi occasions." dairy herd1 arand farm norlheast o( Jerom e said, M rs. Bill B rockm an, wliosA’liose (amily ranchos MrsIrs. Schocssler said anylliing you m ust w ork " T h e way the drouth w as, wc can be than k fu l we a n d (a rm s south of K Im bcrly,irly, said. "Somelimes (orlasla s lc s b c lte r a n d m eans more.^ “ got the cropsDps out the way we did. If the prices f the harvest wasn’t as greatat asa you'd hoped, bul “YcYou put m orc of yourself IntcInto It." Mrs. were belter,er, wc could be thankful for good there are always other Ihlngjlings you dafiavc. The Conncm ell said. p rice s." drouth wasn't as bad in IhlsIlls a re a a s oth e rs : lhe .round Aro Thanksgiving, many• (armersfa and Shcsaldlhtth ere Is no lim e lo s’fow down a n d rcsl storms seem to like our hills.llils." ranchichers can sec where they stand3nd on the year until more! snowsr falls. “Oul here on the (arm, "We’re always thankfulII loto have ali the crops ondc;1 c an count up Uic losses and gainsains. • you just ke

______k ^ g l g P C : V a i M ( £ y Conrnplaiint geets reisuits

B y JE F F SSHER H E crcwV began b the job, Wednesday, OOcl ct. 12, th re e A m ende c harged. a rj Tlmes-Newawrs w rite r m e n drove di a backhoc Jo the job aanc n d th e n left. Tlie CityCouncU Coi voted 4 lo 3 M onday n ig h t to TWIN F/\LLS - A Twinwin Falls man. who Amend;nde said. Amende was chargedrged for three reduce AmendBnde'sbUl. Claimed Uie clly charged himilm toot much to install man-h(i-hours of labor, Councilmien cn Leon SmiUi, Henry Woodall, a water line, got his wayr Uiisthi w eek. T h e City Atwo-ton tw( truck was driven to thee sitSite c a c h d a y C hris T alklngtngton a n d M ary M cCluskey vo te d (or Council a g re ed to low er his5 bill by $200. a n d parked pa In Uic borrow pit. It, waswa not used the reduction,on, while Paul Ostyn, Steve Lincoln _____Rotert Amende compla'a ' i to the council untilI Uie Ui fUUi and lasl day of Uie jolb b to h a u l a w a y a n d Bud Chcn11 In about three eachI oric F rid a y and th ree m en w wo o rk in g e ig h t d id nol feelI city cl wgrlters were loallnsoQ tbe job, ounto r the slopes this seasiason were Sun Jiours wllhout touching the; roaojrface.roa hoursrs tmph on Tuesdny and four• hourshoi each on "Youcann,alw al ays sa y th a t (a jo b took too long r u n VlValley R esorts Inc., skieriers testing the Crew members spent aI lol of time riding in WedneIncsdoy to backhoe a trench, lalay y in 25 (e e t of a d e r Uie fact,ict,” W oodall observed, f i r s t r i their trucks and watchingng each i , olhcr work, plpe} and a connect It, and (111 the trertrench back in. Woodall saidsa he doesn't think It's necessar sUslopes on Lower W armn Springs run : Amende added. "1 could havelave done In (our ho u rs Ameniende claim ed. • fo r an emplo.ployee to “brook your back and swc: ______wW e d n e s d a y .______:— whatonc-guyriidn't-do-In fh-etivedays."hesald^ "" "Sot Uio good-old cityr^as-long-A S-tie-doe ^ Specifically, on the mornir)ming o( the day the Thoy'iy're wasting a hell of a lotot of< m o n e y ." a n honest da>day’s work "withoul undue strain." Opiinions ^y^ry oi)n famlily farrm def]Finition . acrcage limitalions was thatlal a{ (amily (arm Is acrca^;agc equivalency program wasas aadvanc of llte Iroes In Ifront of M o rg an 's RogerfSns3in Re.slauranl. p t , ..... r — . - : ...... - - m I A m b ui i l a n c e Clinic firire confined : ■. TWIN F A L L S - F irerc tirokeI) out e a rly ih is mornlnRRin in I • 1 _ _ IIk* i-li-flrlpnl pimf*] In 111 ...... Clinic. Iml .wnscxtinguisl;uisliedj)y firem en liefore pallentsjnts e j e c t e d — ■ : # , Iiad Io Ih.' evacuated, llie llic Twin FalkBrtiLDtipaclmtiilt- reported today. TWIN FALLS -- 1Twin.Falls Counly Com- Tho clinic was slillI operatinuop mi emerKency power ■ ■ mlssfoners Wednesdtsday denied a requesi to ' Itiis morninc, and thee causec: of-ltie eleclrlcal fire had ’ eslat)llsliasccondamlim buliincc se rv icc w ithin the not iHiun determined. county. clalm inR. duplicate duj: scrvice would be - T hree'fire’en>!ltios andanr totrftromcn answercd n flnrf ln r ------uneconomical ..and..nI, miglit ..resell. In reduced-.-. a larm sel off Iiy h ealI sesensors al the clinic alxiul 2:592:59 .(luality of service forir ambulancca patients. a.m . When they arrivedved lliey found the wires leading Dut Ihe unanim ous3US decision moy brinR the Into Ihe electrical paneanel vault on fire and used ddry ry . counly a law suit, ais s RobertF Bolton and Johnny eliemical fire extin^uislulishers lo pul out Uie flam es, 'llanchey —the twoI TwinT\ Falls co-owners o( Ihc The (ire w as confinedcd Ilo llic vaull, w liere the iHilldinKJinR proposed sccond amnbulancescrvicc b i —said they ' receives its clcctricaiical power. altliouRli firemenTicn w ouldbcconlacU nR? on at a lto m e y lo decid e 1( they • reported heavy smoke,(c. jsome of whicli spread into (},clhe should sue.' clinic’s rear .loiiby; aand entrancewny. Firemen■nen C o m m issio n d ihairman a l Merl Leonard, removetl Itie sm oke wlllin'llh an ejeclor nnd slood by untilintii spcakln((for llie comiDmmlssion, noted the county t i let-wllh-Mflglc-Volley-Am ------• f''"______^ 3 Two m inules lieforecUie Ui firo alarm sounded, llic firo Iiulance costing $700OO ai monlh. Leonard said he (lepiirlmenl rccoriti'dapI a power oulane in different partsarts.- doubted there wouldlid be sudiclcat'buslness for ofTwlnFalls, two am b u lan c e servicvices to survive In Tw in F alls T H E S E W I Wl^D ducks w ere captturicd The clliile losl p^)werwer t>ecause of Uie fire, hul; aniin ~ on film l)y TimImes-News p^iotographer • aulomaiic emernency:y KcnoralorK switched on almosi l..oonard also saidlid hc doubted •TDtalion” W d e l i g h t IVIark M iller. HtHc had to sneak up on the iiiimediulely. Noonewafwascvacuiited from Ihe building.in«. y system, where cacliich servicc would operate ot . A'iid d u c k ( ' ^ — different limes, woul'ould bo succe.<»ful.' birds and use;e a telephoto lens. - 1 > I . ' ■ • • • ^I

18 Ttmos-Nows. TwinI Fa:Falls, Idaho Thursday, Novombiombof24.1977 Chandler’! Wobble As it. rotates, the ea wobbles on Its axis. T dciTnrtion, known F a t aII Blairn e e r a ss l l p r o lb e d P o l e L i n f p u b l i c J m e e t i n g policc a rc cantlnulnf’ to Io in- lhe accldcnt andd originally oi friend Shaw bulul couldc nol find Haynes saidsa he will question 5 (------^— ------■vcsMfialc a fatal c a r cr ■ c ra sh said Uiey believedd Shnw Sli was him. • • Guffy againlin to try to leam - ( FOR ALL YOUR - Salurday afler discovcijvoring lhe oniy person in in lhell: truck The young man m. then ao- f^ore detailails about lhe ac- TWIIrWIN FALLS_- A.public_ur •urged to attend:------WIN Ulso discu-ss rem oval jOt j ii i i i r ------FLORAL— IC m an when It v eered off lhe I 'ormatlon meeting on th a t a youfiK B ellevue r Ihchigliway parently tett the tl scene in cident whenicn the young man Inforn • •Plans will bc presented andmd remains of Uie original brldg a lso In the accident t)utju t ap- and crn.shecen apasseilgera pa fl,e accideni w;is'jisvervsketchv. , shoulder of3f the Toad, going Ave.e. E,E, - re S'W"- FREE DELIVERY replaccmeni design calls for beets and oUier producece to TWINFAUS-KIMBERLY Kctctiuni police officer•r f5on1 in th e tru ck a l the: timtlm e of th e H aynes said, and :mi Guffy was south, quickIckly regained the Doug)oug Howard, of Edwards, cx extensive fill in the canyoh ala l Twin F a lls and lo olher m miain eOEN • HANSEN • HAZElTOr M ason w ns patrolling U.S.U.S, 93 accident, ndm itled lo St. Alphonsus road and theihen .swerved again Howoiword and Mortens Uie Ui crossing siglil and in­in- higliways have been hampeipcred norUi of Kelchum.'Masonunsaid s Kclchum Police ice Chief Hospital in Bois;oise laler lhal crashing offiff th c hlgliway and E nginegineers. Tw in F alls, sa id all stallations Ij of a culvert for this fall because of deloi.•tours Jg; h c spoiled Sliaw 's pickupplying ly Dennis Haynes repor crested persons Including ca L-porled th e day. He h as ■emalned run under down un embankment, er Thc Jnteres carrying Rock Creek throucliicll - a r o u n d I h c . b u r n e d - o on lls side off U.S. W about 7 ir.head.Jnjuries,-. ..Iruck . rolled ’y'?i^._.._>'pung.Belleviie._mai}.,lai}. s a id jie ___ observation for. I. led-scveral limes uscrsoirsoft}ic£Dle.Llncxoadand .th

By Uolled Press Interoatioiitiona] Heavy rain was; predicled pn reopened Wedmdnesday. Ski with winter;r slorm watches R ain, freezing ra in andjsnow sn for Oregon. Comblnei and15 5 ffeel, C olorado Fridoy. rld . millions of Americans lo10 Juji st Uic National Weatherier Service£ Travelers advi;Ivlsorics wcro Bad weal}alher also befell 2 0)LB. 1 slay Indoors and enjoy’ their th said. up for northern1 I Prior lo his gradualluallon from Spanish BurlB urial w as in lh e B enjam in Cemeimelcry, answers In CotCongress as there arepotatcKsinIin Idaho. Vern Ravensnscroll of Tutllc, B essie P o lar a n a ______expciiHvp phnLaicman_oI_Uic ------, Idaho C a rey AcAct Developmenl " : BUUL - Bessie Dolatolana, 96. Buhl, died She>hc w as p reced ed in d e ath b; ">■ Assn., polnints out his ; T u e s d a y ot liie H a rra1 i NursingN l H om e a fte r g ranindson. d s must regularly • a long illness. Tliflme funeral for Mrs. Dolana1 uwill 1)0 orRonlzollon n d e m o n stra te thc III leasibllily of B om D ec. 4,1880, InI Czechoslovoklo.Cz( she conduciducled ol 2 p.rii. Friday In Ho to thc Idaho m a rrie d F ra n k D olanaa th e re F e b . 17,1903, - Buhlhi Funeral F Chapel, by Father SMi t o ' nl ol Water i{ They camc to the UnilJnlted S la te s In 19M McNeilNelil. Final rites wlli be In theIteBuX Doporlmonl Buiii Resources. The T extensive - and lived first in Coloralorodo. In 1908 th e y W ests t EE n d C em etery. association, hc •: moved to Buhl whereI theytti< farmed south- FrierYiends may coll al thc chapel.1 FPrWn,, work of the a .1 Friday indlcal;atcs "0 very 'i w est of tow n. M r. D olanam a diedi I uly 9,1929. fromm 9;9 a.m . to lim e o f serv ices. limited few’ w ilh a n cx* i ' Mrs. Dolana was a member of thc ecptional combnbinallon ol low ' QiurchofthclmmacuIat(ilote Conception. p . I operaling expepense and good ; ' 'Survivors are two sonssons, Frank Dolana.' D e l I '■' Buhl, and loc Dolanalana. Rupert; two >elwin W. ButterfiilielC l soil can show fefcaslbilityjin 160 .. „ ., acres, but wW’C can show ■1 d a u g lite rs. M rs. D. M.i. Cheney. Cl Buhl, and TWI^'WIN FA LLS - Dclwin W, B ultei Iterfield. feasibility on 32032i a c re s In m osl Bessie Munson. Modesto.■slo. Calif,; 6 grand-' 60.TwliTwlnFcflh, died Wednesday, instances, wheilien we consider witth each pur ; children. 18 fireat-gramrandchlldren and 5 Hopk.[opklnsjgjfil Funeral Chapel will jrchase of.£.an ■'II “ .’ko 11,0 ...... ly olof the land to ;; {?reat-great-grandchildreidren. burialIal aarrangements. " . ' . produce, payf ioff debls and capital invcsimtm e n t.” . C K e e f ea ^ M e r r i t L T he definilionons va ry , overlap and differ. ButJt wllh increased § @ [ f w k ((g§ g - in te re st overt;^.enforcemcnl c)f th e 1902 R eclamim a tlo n Act, il is MICI /EN H A G E R M A N -A Kid*rd* esidc funeral for'. Church,rch. Final riles will be in the WendellWe likely the allemempl lb define a • StiKlor eonliol Kit you dill ( now/icooking (PCO01 includingI 0«lra liMtn toodl R a n d al R. F ru it. ? i. Hag Salurday in thc HagerIgerman Cemetery under direcllon of Leeper:3cr Mortuary, ...... TWINiV’lN FALLS - "A-funcral“for1 r“ p i i s ? r r ~ l i o n s ------;----- • Octrjlst on •iinOard hiussfiojjsfiord'cuiritit'.^jV oiug' ...... Andersoerson B racken. 83, T w iq,Falls,, willwi f)C into iny flrOundaUOuHil' ' BUHL - A funeral11 forf< Columbus L, at 1 p.m.p.m Friday In Sunset MemorialuiPtu-y. I new oflf f i c c . ' ' B a rlle tl, 88, Buhl, who0 didied Monday, will underdii3r direc tio n of W ille M ortuary. for Mrving0 i>e at, 10 a .m . F rid n y Inn IL ^ p e r M ortuary BOISE cUPl)-1) — The Bureau • iruo.enjuyjcooi-law i «on'i«on'ILutnon _ inagement an- Chapcl. Last rites will1 l)C Ix in lhe Wendell KETC:2TCHUM - A funeral for Dov!)ouglas • MtnOr ««irio 00B",fl»oi ilijj out C em elery . R askcy. ofc public land • S«e iriouon gUJJ wim BUHL — Thc funerineral for Verlin , Cemeteretery under direction of WoodJ Hiver H Burleyy ion S tate Hlgli- W illiam son, 51, Duhl, who wh died .Monday. Chapcl.)Cl. way27foranoffi.fficc building. X quick loo<3i. ■)"» lew will be al 1:30 p.m.. SaturdayS in the State BLM Dirdirector William ro»ii». Iuik»r, otner tai j» iitmg ' C astleford M elhodisl Chin:iiliurcri, Lasl rites FILEPLER - A funoral for Floyd 11.I F r f v ■ •'1‘1^1'CWS satintd il w as the • nomo»i6l8 rT'ouli)#a 0»«n■ran b.boltomiiir w ill be In Sunsi't .Memorl;lorlal P a rk in Twin 48, F'Her. ile r who died .Monday, will bc con- intention of th thi e agency ' to • H'9 poriiDl*—u>« It ir> iiiicn«n Coiug«or(>o»1. F a lls, d u c teded aal 2 p.m. Friday In the TwininF-iliJ f relocate the prpreseni Burloy ^ • 0.«n'On'in<)iC»lorliBni. • S.m C hurchd l Gof the Nazarene. Burial willJlboln 1 ■' ‘llstrletomco.,11It tlie new site, Modol 56-856-8565 ■ WENDELL — the funeralfum for Margie the Twinfwln Falls Cemetery under direcireclloi, “PNplained, federal' Ixjw ry, 77. Wcridell. will11 be conduclcd al 10 -of Reyno:lynolds Funeral Chapcl. regulations req•equire formal- -f R e g u li a r r $ ' 3 9 9 a.m, Salurday in the WendellWe .Methodist . , . withdrawal frorom all uses except those allo'llowed u nder the ______mineral leasinglg ]n.ws when a single use conditiilitionlssouglitv; b 299.> . 0 0 J ^ S n u g l P ; ■ h m [i p o W s ■ ™ C h ild C a r r ie r NOTHING DOVIWN • MAKE N JI P PAYMENTS ‘TIL JJANUARY . . . —...... — ------A woll Joitgnodo>dondv«tyvor^olilo .' A This andd Other^ credit 'term s availa^liable lo qualified cuslomeT iers childcorrier.P>ovidividoi OKCoplionol/ U >ug1.® tl oojily pul jms Tones, Filer. Systei D urham . .Mr-!.-Doug Freeme em an your child in tiwnhotihoul D ism issed a n d jla u g lilc r, Anne TolmjiOlman, irom onolh.rpoM on, : Rnh^rLnnMI^ Wpnriril ValJil— .T-l m— Wt H+ft-mrs-r-Rtjfnr_ f _ - i ______LJlflodinfldBjiijQlijn(l u^nr;.. >^ll Williams,-Mrs. Emesl Green, u i n r r i eollon corduroy dolhlolh. Arfjuilablo ■ -TW IlshFAttS- — B 0 I S E — — - Durham, Jamie Robertsccrtson. poddod ihoutderiiro li(6bcrt .Lcltch and Mrs. Lee Drops, Fully woihoblu ' 1900 KIMBERLY RD.).^Ph. I 734-5450 ?^ 6898 FAIRVIEW AVIiVE. Ph; 377-5800 PC Mrs. Allwrlo Romero andnd .son.s Avoiloblo.in b«igi>,>, groon,gi bluo, lod ” . '.aI Day, all Buhl; Tenny Higley,y.' and Wayne Delloard. allI TwinTw «. w Store Hours: W eekdays's . 8 to 6 , Store Hours: 9;30 to 6 rM on.-Sat. Shoslione; Mrs. Sleven Sharp-rp- Fails. F r id a y s ' 8 to 9 O p e n Fricr id a y s ’t n s t l l oS JiraiE M, and daugliler and Williamm B irths M ______S a t u r d a y sB 9 to 6 Edwards, all Filer; Mrs. Silas a s ■ A son to Mr. and .Mrs.- DavidDav r. Twin Falls, Mo 83301. . 73173<-«l8 J P ••-•W llhers. Huhl. • 'i) . • 1 ; TflThursday. November 2J, 1977 Timps-Noiv3.^lf>Falls,Idaho Tir '19 •f ■ «... Thlanksg giving (observj ance maay hav(e predilated piilgrims ______.TElU lEaiAm A U T E .-hid,4.i:p| 1—-Th»-lil'^l- r-ttiat'tlicTOlonlRts colony! ____ •' - ■ _____ T lm nksgivlng■•Ing look place hum heforejhch e ___e v i^ tiwk U incjjut lo sayly a jp ray e r,-' Itw a s ■•with 130 13( lo no people Uicrc for three, .. ■ Pilgrims sal i sal down fur a fcasl wlili Uieir!ir not until'later years Ihiitlat tlictl holiday .((Mlk days, the.•table la had to be loaded." he said. . ' 'J Indian guestsL‘sts in the fall nf 1021. an IndianaIUI on a religious aura, Despitec the Imporlancc attached to •' S la te Unlversl,'crslty liistory pitifcssor claim s, Sehclck said our imlloiotlons of the flr^t ihlngs which wl 'arc not significant • Dr, Donald!aid Schcicksald many traditionsns sctU ers In New K nglanddand an ihcir customs historicallyilly - IhePMgdmJials, pumpkins;,,., ...... , . ’ coniiecU'd1 with wil the nalional liDliday arere come from piwlry, novehiveb nnd paintings .and llirkerkeys' which a'ilorn ' classrooms'" ; m y th s -• allhougii allhi lliL-n. a s now. llu- tahlelie wlilch a re less th a n historictorically accurate. acro.ss thelhe nalion - Thanksgiving Is a tiad to Iw hcav ;icavlly laduii, "Stern and rock-bounilmil ciiasl"i is a line " v e ry AtAmerican cclcbralion,” the. .i W hat iss commonlycc descrilied as (hehe penned liy a Welsh wonwoman who never historiannsaid. sc • . ‘•first Thank:anksgiving" was far from thehe visited the place-.whichtell l!Is flat and sandy, ••u |s a time when wc do take an op- flrsl - evenen InIr the .S'ew W orld, h e sa id . he said, Plymouth Itoek)ck was' up the hill, • portunllyy tot< sit down and think and rem in d . . - • Tlianksglvli In p a rtia lly h u rle d lit s; givings were annual evenls in I sand, and thc ‘ ourselve.s» Ithat we do have an awful tot Io i-h an cie n t Egv'pIgv'pl, .Me.sopolamla and Cireece.:e. • Mayflower’s paiSL'iigcrs;crs couldn'l • have |>c thankfukful for. 1 Uilnk It's time In this / ' . \ and harvc.slL‘.sl cclebratlnnsc were a Iradllion.on reachc(l_lhe lO lon nickk whjchwl w as m ovcd_ country wl - wlien wc hear so many negative—. ... v>' • inthePilg'rimj'rim'shiitive'Rngland *• n e a r th e w ater iii|lK!m tolohecoiiie f>e a national • things, wc must be conscious of thoso" i . ' -'H ec o rdd s, show lliat three nfflelailal shrine. Ihlngs forir Vwhich we c an be Uiankful. ' $ 5 ^ ** lhanksglvlng’Ing days lia eastern traels 9 '

■ 1 77 9 0 l a w ]k e y t o I n d i a n l a nn d c l a i m ;

WASHINGTNGTON 11 Uth e ir lands, even If it in tinIheir Interest to sell Ihelr forfor a 140,000-acre reservation By United P reo International they sell llII lo lc a state govern- lands.R. ‘ " th e U nltt'd Slales m u st InIn Soulh Carolina. Including Benjamin Franklin oncc O m enl. t>e p resresent, by thcir agent, and Uthek lown of Rock Iiill; lhe sold hc would have preferred k s g i v i n i \ J l / ^ ,. L aw y e rs•s for1 the Nallve will bebe your security ihat you Sl.St. R cgls Mohawk, Cayuga and1 the turkey to the ea^e os the Thank lg descbribed ( American1 ItiglilsHi l-'und said sh a ll , n not bp defrauded In the OnOneida notion In New York for United States'national bird.

perfeci:t holidiay invvention1 S a n t a (C la u s is c o ml l il i n g to s^hop By U nited P re ss Intcm aU onaial ' even look llmc out lo say saj a Newell said. expected for thcthe •15-minulc ____ A -B rllori newly a rriv e d in p ra y e r." Shlcck said, Dr, James Declz.lz. an an- Thanksgiving Daj)ay parade In J e r o ml Ci e this country doscribedid (5ul not lo b e lurkey} day's da thropology professor)r ato Brown D etroit., Hun IE — Santa Claus;is TlianksRlvinKlhis way: version of Scrooge, hc s:yd;;dd iour University in Rliodc2 IslandIs and Uiousands will bcbc out in view JEROME - ;o Je ro m e - s o o n e r "Amcrica has come up withItJi Ttinnksglvlng "l.s symbolictwiic of visiting professorir at the the Macy's cxlr:Iravacanza In coming to J Jiink...... - ...... ; -the-greB{c3t-hollday-cvci” iii'"iir------suiiif ttitnR5- ln Arm.‘rTurtcjin » ------eo llcg c o f WilHam andm d M ory in ■ New' Y o rlra n d 'm-mllllons'inorc ------li.™ > o u U .M ______A'ill a rriv e in down- 1 ^ PHtm T O I I T ;T9fF______I vented by man — yon don’tn’t history thal wc Ihink arere veryvi W illiamsburg,' VoV o .i s a id .will w alch It on teh;clcvlslo,i. "'»■ jme by fire engine 3 linve to K<> to churdi or . Important and worw o r t h ’" T hanksgivng began1 irIn 1C21 a t A nd A m c riccan a scrvlcc '"'™ ^ iday and wlll be anythin^' Vou just stay liumene preservInK and being'thanl(liankful' Plymouth Plontatioition. Thai families around tlI llic world arc l> m. about two hours i and c a t,” for," doesn’t jibe with the lh view s cxpectcd to con:onsuiac more spcndlnfi .ib litlng with elillda-n I More than 20U millinnnn G loom ier y e t Is, th e version vers of Virginians, Includiuding Gov. than 2 million n PQuiiils ol l '» r e ling out free candy I ' your work A m ericans will bc able to e.spouscd by IH-ycar-oldI MaM aine .Mills E. Godwin J Ji r . They lurkey, sligiitly mimore Ihan one ™il '■“"■‘'"B > II ol m e 1.711 '■'“ " “ ■j______ik ' choose Thursday from an;in a n th ro p o lo g ist W illiamim ti. claim lhe first festlvaival svas on pound for cach estimated i:» million turkeysys Newell. He said thec flflrsl IX>c, -t, 1C19. a t Virginia's V million soldiers, i. sailor.s. air- son Yoorr liorr.u, not co.il. Miwii or H shoe! Ineeds now! — lhe second larijesi criip in T h a n k s g i v i n g was a s a Derkeley Planlallnnnn on the men and Marinenes and Ihclr • cinckon .vnn .ij Just c.111 V33'W31 '.iiiU *L- II I the nation’s history - and a celebration of the massacrilacre of James Hiver, fam ilies. tii.-lliyoil . television diet of parades andIld 700 Indian m en. w omen ;and The' only massaci■acres this New higher football to lionor tlie ^reatat children holding Ihelr annual'ann Thanksgiving, howevcever, could (------—i r ------A m erican holiday. green, corn dancc: c in be on th c football fitfield. The prices soon! . ’Dial Is. If J t , rea lly Is annn Massaeluisett.s Uay Colonvlonv in Chicago Bears, eye.‘veing the # American hoilday. Somene IKt?. . ; • - • NFL playoffs after'ijr an upsel ■ ■ IIJ k S I S revisionists ddubl ll. " G a th e re d In this placelace ftf "'in o v e r M innesota,a. mi ccl the I I 1 1a ^ t s t m A S Dr. Uonald. Sciiclck of In­In- meeting, Ihey were allaclHacked Detroit Lions inI 1Pontiac. m jL diana State Univenilty claimsns by mercenaries and Kngl!-Ingllsli M ich., and th c Intense:nsc riv alry - ^ i il c e i y ^ u L At moco d e cf d a y ._ThanksKlvin«_lnippluKslaiuu-u:__ ^and Uutcli. The Indians.wiis-were bclween,..ltic ,_Was:;:ish in g to ji_ _ _ _ L i Plain or Safetyty Steel Toe- myths ha.scd on folklore ratlicrcr ordered from the huildlng:Ing a n d Ucdskins am i the Sl, S' Louis ' * ' "than fact' hesaid. as Ihey eajne forth tbeyly wwi ere C ardinals wlll l)cc renewed '“ There, is ,-nu recorded,,cd___ sliol..tlown'.._The_.resl_L Wl\vi;re__ iaipng_lhc_.MIssissipp''PPi_riyeri ,_.„l _____ evidence that ilic colnnlMs Ildlng,” ' front, lls burned alive in llic hiiildin 699 Ahalf-milliimspect:.‘ctatorsare

BflH 2218 i

f *

-• /'A -V ® LLUC SOLES----- Hardworking FeFeet-Deserve ’ 1 BENEFITS • UohlwBlght Cu«hlon VIBRitAM* ' Ctspe Solo and Heol • Durablo Csllulota Imola ’• Ruga«d Full Giain LUG SIIDLES Lesthor Upper PORTIMITSSPECIAi l ' f Large selection off si:sizes and v/ldlhs ~ | RED WIKING |"#y| ' NATUREtAL COLOR rPORTRAITS'S PULL-CO N P E C O S

. J ■ f c . t f t S i L . . - 3 Uu.YiiY_____ ^ ______^------:------O n e 8 x 1 0 ------D f l i v r r PARRTY PEASANTSs lI i r i ] 'F w o 5 x 7 ’ti . . . i=0lHFDKF HOL)L1DAY PASTELSs fcofclcick _N 0) L A C E S ! a ^ l f e e t ...... - a r gGE e SELECTION ' 'I'luM ibo^o l*4)rjl V lnh> (-’.lirijitim i?* (ih rd s- OF SIZES:e s 'a n d w i d t h s . 9 9 ^ 0 . 9 9 W .H) (UirdM a n d ctivcl«»i-lopos iihiiif' ■« as 9 yotir ]irrsonal porlni• ir n ic * ------‘...... ' G o in g0 Covorywhofc Ihal's tun in lende•nder prints r e w i n g | # f | touchc(ncd wilh laco and salin rlDbons.3ns. Both | ^ lahablo polyoslor-collon. JuniorniorS -M -L Call fo r \ ^ ISill IVaggoitin e t , ' jn w ash Como in and rogistor for Al>i>ointmeul ■ I (^ . Pholo/rraph ' I ' . jSS ^ . FREEE E ’SO WARDROBE GIVEAWm v . L a y ^ w o y N'Jew o forChrlstmos — Bank CCat o rd s W clc o n io


20 Timos-Nows, Twin Falls.'ld.s.'ldaho Thursday. NovombCf!f 24,24,1977

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P h o t o s b y M ark M iller

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C' A V ASTSUEM’: em *l y o F W K A r o M n viiMKiJ u IIH \_ nU n M M IM h „ „ i , . , - . . . II - .m n v im i n - t i i i ucl« K "M ilt'd 1y i

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I _____ PRICES EFFFFECTIVE N O V . 225 i THRU NOV. 252 9 4 ^ F A M I L Y WIHW PIFt1 l^s tim e foifor you to do your ChC hristm as holidayr sshopping. ^L CENTER;R J p

W e-have a conom plete supply ofif cgifts for everyonene on your ^ ' holiday gift lisl i s t .

T"" N. w r ' Color-Cued Ties Tb; The Ideal Giliift for I -Siripos. pottorns. prims, M: your Junior^rM Iss .... I goomolrlcs ond convor- so iio n o l. « Gold-Filied I 1 Iii3 Jewelry »?5 Fino chain nococklocos, chain I ______y ^ f a ■ b ro c o lo ls o n d rrnmotching piorcod I 1 ® IlS oorrings. LorgoI ossortmoni.o; I Men's Hand- i kerchiefs V M o M 5 “ 1 m Pormonont pross. ' White or colored. 3 por gift box. m m ( > 1 0 0 , Coats •

& 3 n W r i r ff ______A j A \ ______ENTIRES.SIOCK— ------— — f— ♦ 1 LADIESI COATS{and PARKAS , FREIEE ' ^ b \ ^ G I FFT W - ” ■ 2 5 • /4 O F F ; I # 7 M \ N R:A f i P I f LISTED PRICE A H|r A ^ i \ i ^ r M j j ^ J jH /D k ^ p e m eTOM, USf\\ Tho lino loojt di*11nctlvetivoly Pondloton with lor^g^9 ______J sldovbs~ond‘polch”pockock'ots. AIwo7s“ 100*i’'virgin'"'in —-V#J .SiEBAfiQ wool by Pondlolon. AAen s Robe) e s . . . <■>' m Sebagos footwear: ...... C h r i s t m a s vi/roppingsv. no |fl| s u plerior e i American-made3 d e J man shouldId be without! ||B ca su als EQ7 / ^ S v ^ Perfect for cold c evenings Ifi9 ] in front off 1 t h e f i r e p l a c e . ' I and quick clcups of coffee j^ j y j / \ M m i / Amity® Tri- in the morniniin g . fold Billfolds I’ I m “ 1 m ij M M Top 'grain loalhors 1 ond popular co- i. Plush floocoI V volour kimono. Jk /m •^B||o^-:]i§ \ lo rs. II 60% Triocototioto. 20% nylon. .J^ Assorlod colorsors. Ono sizo fits fift' ' *6.5010*12.01) oll. Gilt boxod.i m m

^ 0 0 , - r I - ~ R e g . **25;0p to *27.0030 ..... ______M oke h/sh i s ...... ^ I C h r i s f mT aj o s j o y o u s ! ------S e l e c t g i/ lf f s t h a t . . i m t m I w i l l s u /i.t .f hf i s i m a g e . — h a n ddsorhe s fashions I

t h e s h i r t wW

d r e s s e dI u p I . I f ^

w m f t / ■ m 1 \ p p B R« S p iiE C 1 ^ Quilt(ted Cottoji G ot him roady foi ' I gala' holidays ahs h o a d . . H^D Prints ' 1 This vostod suitlit w ill w ^ i M Just the thing1 forf m aking holiday gllg i f t s tako him to allill t h o greet for robe:)es, placemats, or honh o m e T' ' s e a s o n ’s 'p a r t il o o : s in j V decorating. 'SJBX stylo. Boys s i z o s / A u H j ' - - Lavish nifjhtuvvcar, (hv vhgani P R I C E D R E:G. G *3.99 to *4.99 yd.' 4-7. Rog; S23.00. fi'ift she'll freastistirv. \ m ' m ------SPECIAL r ----- . SPECiGlALONLY A. I 'r l i ’nMlr . . . M.r'M 1.1.r (h..-eN<..i..»r <■( linur. ______liifc..in.n-..'1.r;il,.l.liKlii, Ml Iirr ri»nrlir .|rr|. .1 $ 1 ( ^ 8 88 1 . I iri...... ,,.. SliJ.OOntnJiip h ...... ” 2 2 B. S<*nvnli»nal l.onwm u <;oun>> Ilf ik Iiiiii II ricli fi.lirir fnr Y d. iip.~ii.ill<.i»nillli.i(*iii(‘Itir. nllir ..rr|i.M iiiri .lr<-.r«. Iliiiiil- 3 kt,l-VAini>lI> in 8 0 .0 0 «hil up

t , ■ | r ^ u s Er ^ p m ' , ------tCHRBIM AS Handsomo Shirts oiof polyesfor or,polyoslor - Mdm i ond .collon,'Colloclion "oF oF "56lld^an3'It■ripo~As•y -^tAYAWAY P “ Ph^rnfe,-536^5811 i soriod colors. Lorgo Assort,orlmont. Sires l'4'/j tt) 17. 2 4 S .ld a h d • ' -B onkA

TON^ (UPI) - An Lir Air F orce spokesm an JeclicIlions'' to a proposal to sc ra p t)IhiUi our enemies and our)iir and h.id no connection w'ith the e general ch arg cd sa id Jaimes m ef was lieing. trans- the; I U.S. Aerospace Defense aallies." He said ll. was "un­jn- transfer lie. said James was w ith vising the air. ferred lolo Andrews/ Air Force Coiniinmand and tiave lls func- ' Jitim ely" when the U.S. D-10-1 coining back to W ashington for nrth America was Base nearear Washington "lor tionsins absorbed by olher hIwmher had been eliminatedled oliservatlon by llij’lil surgeons a m edlcaIcal tran sfe r a fle r m edicali evalualion" ev, after lie liomnm m ands. aand the Soviet Backfireire prior to his scheduled hewrolealctlctier protesting the , suffered1 a "mild cororary JaiJames hns headed Uie hiw m ber w as being developed."j,'‘ relirement May I. proposed ellmlinlnalion of one of disturbanceince"lnSeptember. . Aeroirospacc Defense Command James called theh c Tlie spokesman. Brig. Gen. ____liis-comt)iand-s,is,Jhe Air Force Columnisimists Rowland Kvans undd 1 the North Americon Air __reorganizing r study "seriouslysly J e rr y Dailon. .said th ere h a s confirm ed U’cdiednesday. and Robertlert Novak, who (|uoled Defeiifense Commartd — a joint - ii innccuratc." He atfded, "It issn a heen some disagreement . T h e ieral, Daniel portionss of 0 James' leller U.S.-'S.-C anadlan operation n'l ssuperficial an'U biaseded among doclors • about the J aa n m es. 57, lilgtie.st W ednesday,day. noted the denials Colorlorado Springs, Coto. - .for—— ccollection of perceptions atwutout nature of James' medical ranking :k officer in 'the hut addedled "scar.seiy any Air Uiep;.•past three years. ttlie m ost .serious operation roleole problem. James' eligibility for y r p f i i W B military, ahdid the' Penlagon Force officefficerbellevesUiat." Inin llis letter, Dam es wo.s :iassigned to the United Stalesles .additional retirement pay dented llic, transfer was lhe . Kvonss and ■ Novak said quoteoted as having said, • "a /A lrF o rc e ." t>ecause ol a disability is al James' letter Jfmes wrote wn to Air Foree porctrcelved.de-einptiasis in the. The Air Forcc spokesmanla n Issue, Dalton said, ;i reo rg an iza tio n Chief ofr .Slalf .Sl; D avid C. .lones U.S.S. air defense priority could ssaid James' comments hadlad He said, however, lhal O ct. ^0' voicingvo "strong oh- signainal the wrong intention to tbeen .solicited by tlie Pentagon^on ■ J a m e s will liili continue in his nlr defense uosts. ^ ^ b o t e u r ss W a r n e di f o r I n dl ] i a n t r a i rn w r e c k m^ v T ------Ni;\TO¥r.irrtrnirdiaTUpn'^ ------n ie e.'ngm r g n T aiurin eiiiielies ol M.ltli'itIi'iJr"wh- nesday. killinging a l leasl 20 Jte w a r i.i. aboutali -lO-iniles soutti- ’ w recieckage. Jugged ends of Dandayale I told Parliament,.•III, . Ilf the upper house* of lhe In- / ij persons and litrapping scor'e.s w'est of .New.Nev Deltii, al fi;22 a.m . IwlsKisied stc-ei stuck oul at odd "This accident'appears lo tie t>i ' dian Parllnmeiit. The' house j i heneaUi piles4 of0 twisted metal' Mosl off the lh passengers were angle;{les. Splintered wood w as •d -c u eto salK itag e. He sak l it wa^yas adjourned for llie d.iy upon M and \«K)d- Aullulliorltlcs blamed slct'ping.g. • piledL-d up. Tlie car ahead was ttie t third serious case’01’of tiearingofShastri'sdeath. salMitagc. " II w'as as Ipiich blaek oul.side. demo'nolishcd and looked a s if il suspected i satwlage againslInst .Memliers of the lower house A railway-s'lxi.lH)kesmansaid20 __T h e r e ; v was wreckage -liadbJ been dropped from 200 feel train I s th is month. of parliament learned nf the ■ persons i confirmed dead cverywheiI'tiere," said Jerrv inthehe a ir." D a n d a V a I e s a i d in- in derailment in the middle of a .a n d Jl seriously in- Sheerln,I, ana American free- te He sa id m any of tho.se nul vestig « ato rs a t the scene foiini:lind discusslonon railway safel V. la n ce writer wril now living In inJunured scurried lo gel their "one rail joint open, with fishish- ^ A

WlUPI ^ EMOTION-IONAL Mrs. Yelena Sakharova,», w lfeo f iilSoviel dlsslillssldent nuclear physicist A ndrei itf Sakharov,r, ki kisses her niece, Anne, at a Rom1 c L e a v i n g» airport WednWednesday before boarding a plarilan e for Moscow. She returned to Moscow afterte r su c ^ # ^ \ f o r h o n i< cessful eyeye ssurgery which will require: furlherfu tre a tm e nit t In iabout six monUis'. c,- w

I n d i a n s> d r e a d NV o v e m b e i ^ Jjjly

c y c l o n e s n m o n t h o f w o r s t c M ©N.Y. Times Scrvice Western usage, rcferrinnring lo a , north coast of Ausilu slra lia . In : n EW VORK-November;r i.sis tornado - a localized,1. funnel-fu; 1974 two thirds ofIf Itiet c llv ’s ^W m ontli dreaded by eoastnlistal shaped cloud. homes were destrcjtroyed, bul IJrtgldcnls—tn—Indt a—antia n d ------Indlan'Occnn'cycIones'nes'liavo— only 49 people weree killed:kl ------^------—— ------fBangladesh. for it is then thattlial causcd some of the gregreatest The explanationin for th e • the most devastating cyeloncsmes disasters In history.iry. • III disparity In the death de tolls . " ; occur. N ovem ber 1U70. such a .storm si appears lo be lhalt l)ccau.seb of , . • I T hese sto rm s a re essen tlalljally swept across Uic Cangesges deltai flimsy constructloilion, dense I the same In the way they formorm in whal was Ihenn EastI population and flatJt Ilandscape juJVv ' - a n d be h av e a s th e hrrica n cs!sof ol Pakistan, and is now in the river deltas of India and I l h o w e s t c n i. A tla n tic anciand Bangladesh. It drove the sea Bangladesh, those’ living11% Uicrc .|g |0 E stf' I western Mexico, lhe typhoonsMtis f{ir' Inland o v e r lhe flatlat land- 1 are higlily vulnen:erahle.. Air ^ of Uie weslem Pacific and the scape, flooding countHuntless pressure • drops so ^bagulos of the Philippines. villages. T he death toll may during such slorms hlgli In Uie Indian Occan they area re h av c re a d ie d a half mllltoililion. Udes rise far alwvc norm al. “ know n a s cyclones. althouRlilUgli Al th e s ta r t of Noverovember The 1970 disasler occurrcdoc at Uiey have no relationship: totc 1071, a sim ila r slo rmn strusl c k « tim e In th e lu n a r cyclecj wtien ^^tho "cycloncs" lhal Iranran- thccastcoasloflndlaandinndmanv; tides would have! iK'eiib v e ry ^'sported Dorolhy lo the Landid ofoi m ore thousands died. Wh"'h e n a lii(;li in any case, Oz. That was a Middle-die- cyclone hit Darwin, on the Torrential rains; addad further to the fUwdingand1 higlihi waves J -arc driven inlandnd by . the "T jegalraicid exteridec violent wind.s. -Such slorms areire . .W«^HINGTON (UPI) ~— had proxy votes fromm uiitiier born in lhe Inte »;House-Senlitc cimfcrccT;-)cn— House conterecs: • • convergence zone. This T Is the ^agreed today on a Uirce yearear The confcrecs agrmi'eed 1 lie region where converj tra d e J extension of th e federal lu^jalgal commiltee report wouldould in- w inds of th e Norllorlhcrn ^.ald program, retaining a elude language allov1 Mowing .Southern hemlsphei controversial provision to law yers to counsci c!iclients ; anil from an updri: n •'prqlilhil liiwyors frt>m turn-a n -., .a lw u t ,;r,schr>ol dcsegivg;x e g a tio n ..;, Uial 7onc is fa r enoug i d l i n g -school dcsi-nrenatlDiili)ii m a tte r, bul not iK'coineome ae- the Kiiuatur tor th the e '-a rth 's ' suits. liv(‘iy involved inn >ueli? riitaiHin to imparl The Senate droppi-d ils liligalion. cotinlerclockwisc m mi otion to 1 demand that lhe kl-ImxiiK)lI XJie bill c alls for u ii S'.;iirr llie nm uTi’ing wind; “ dcscK rcgallim ban bo lifted. million authorization for llie ina> he Imrii. Sens, Jacob Javits. il-.\,YV ., current fiscal year, am■ liui '111 tlie storm and Donald Ric^ti". JrIr , "open-ended" authuriz: ...... loiM a ir th a t r D-Mlch., tried unsuec-essfiiHviillv for th e nexl tw o years, '■ to win a comprom isi.'. tnii weieri' v ■ T he conference com m,nin ill e ,, is surrounding . Pv,«»rulrything that m de Esfeei L.ouder'sLc original fragrcrian'c^ ( " ^ rises inside rejected by Rep, UohurtiLTt cxpecled to file Uie ofl “I" iisture con- so uninforgetfoble is here. ItIt is oil just a little - K aslenm uicr, DAVis., Uie sole>olc report on th e agre em e n ts lll'llst's llllo IllMVV r .“■iJoiise ne«oliali)r pruM'nl He w eek ., ^ '”1”'^ - 5 -O -f-lf - h e - r . ^ L>-Lv N o w^ Esfee£ Lauder brings yyot o u h e r ...... n e w S Soft YOUTH DEWL . ! Y ou'llII rrocoivo indivlduol cttontlonion - plus o froo gift w ilh purejf c h a s o - f r o m lhlho Paris' lop boouly advisor;sors: AMY SCHNEIDER oNDI Zl2ELLA NELSON- ►r it

, | 5

iMl £ J Q4

! ('.v l; -Kxira-1 (;n^h Tor YiY o in * ^ OhristinaH # ' # '*■ S l m p i By S«'llin«i ^Our linuaiiK'd QM l u utiiH n ^ Ir> 'I'I h * A < U . J u m Dill! 7:i;M )93931. It's Olu So ■Il .

■ 'S o o0 ;your loco Irom ony anglo.J. FrooFr wilh ooch porxhoso W tOO-or^owTM he-Port*^ IM o n o fofogutor mirror, ono mognilytrilytng mirror on 0 floxiblo goojsoisonock stand

s*;'. ■ _ ■ i . ‘ 'V,V rr.

______- . I '■ ' r t jr^ IT h u fsd a y , Novombof 24.1977377 Tlmos-Nowji, Twin Falla, Idaho 2^

C H i i l J 'i -M*

* I I v^S?g^^agg^ i'SH I I I ^8^apSp|H

■■ faM BaaW Klwfe^ i i k i i ' w OBPS e ^k I’E * ^ T l< !: ■ S f r a s i ' V i ■_- ifS * ' ' I ^ V V " • _^ V ^ A/M E N ' S - - LADIES5 5 NlUGGJET ■. J / ^ v^' ■ • --j r--, - V i;i I-- ^ • S hirink-To-Fit r ■ M . f o r t h e i f .2 J 3 j^ .r”i'''^ AfrrW ElINTIRE || ' AMILV/" . fft t- • - v WIS , i

li______V*_J______:------L — — ■ a B e ll i ..■ , # ------; ■ • Boot Cutut i';,0-;>"1 2 ru n k t l ^ f c j L j P ^ ^ i j i r X - t t 5 —1 8 ^ 3 c l ' “ t 1 1 ^ Largee Selection of>f J e a n s v f f y ~

LA\DIES— : M E Ti N ' S H I k lI l N O ^ r P ' “ 1 RO)BES rM < I r r iTIRE w >% r o c K

-MENS ' ■/'; . ■, ■ ' ME EN'S ' ^ ' &BOYS i ■ ■ 1'.:

I 1 J -i!,^- “ “ '“ t r —

” S y v - _ _ ^ ■* J : ' , - ®

TIMEX~ 100% p.)o u b lek n it DLEE P H.[ w ATCH!IES o r r I ENTIREE t POLVffsltit- ^ U j l ^I B WlIDER 2 0 *% STOCK V ;■■■- ^ r W ' _ J ______L ______I^RItDERS REIiDHEA\RT : ■ '. vi::'- iC V I H H Wm i uJK I ■''‘-''' , "?'■ r - . ' . : - ' K 'I ;■' 'r.,, '■■ "'''■■'- : l y^ g r d i *C / SKI< E I N

■ ■■ ' ^ lj o€)©© m @ m B : ■ Sm i m i m r n ^ m m . ^ A V A W a ^ W A w S ^ c p c c B wwwmi - - - ^ - '"- ^ * : ■ .■ .^ ..-^ . . . . -■u. _ ■■ r

sda^tllovombor24J 977 J 24 _TIi^ 3 -•Nows, N qi Twin F allsJ^hoT lH JfS d^

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5 . ' 7 ^ ^ ^ -■ ^ , J lllllliv m i i ' - ''^ •' - 1 ' F /^ ■ '- .■ 1 ' jM j i l V ^ MttICME ; LEVISS MlENS l J i Vul - V MOVIN' ON LONG; SLEEVE WELLINGT'rO N STYLE i =V .. • . : - r M , \ ^ V ^V \A Movln'On

/. • • V - - ■

LADIE LLOGGER ^ HHm I Vinyl Fashi ! H _ 4 ______I -M------F J I I— - > All Leather •> LiLace Up r atterns & Colilors c AAssorted Pat r — C MENSS & B O Y S ; MEENS' ? I' FLArNNELL ^ ■ •• •-'„. .■ ".'i^^',.

U i i y ' k ;;.'!'-; ------R E G . Tr < o ^ 2 2 . o o

i OF> P E N H E A RRTH ' ELECTF f B B / ^ ■ '- g S i t o MO^ 8 8 M lNOW ■ 8 8 y , ^ 1 5


P o ly ester. I *F r Jack et... Wl^ nscoiNTINUED P olyesterr PI an t ..... < * F a j a r I Z TO c? _ s BOY^S ------DEMIIIM —

■ - _ .i y i k ..... M AL\LL ITEMS SIMILAI\RTOIlLUSTRATIO ■ i ^ W M

' ■■ 'ii''; ! '' • D I J d W

; , .J S TO i R E H O UJ I R S : - .

— M OS i f c ^ ^ T i ( -

■ ■ ■ - : ■ : s i3 j ® A V I J - -pQDQu z s ^ nMM j wssziilAMWMS■ w A » w m W W ^ ' 26 Tlmoa-Ncws, Twin trails,.115. Id.lMi) I (liifSday. Novc’illl'e/'.il-er;?.!. I'J// •

S o > v i e t gr r a i n o rr d e r s h l i k e p rr i c e s , ff i a r m e r b i t t e r m e s s

in te rs there. © N .Y . Tim es Scrvlcc, durlnfj the in'asslvet'c . .Soviet m uch of MoscovVi'vVs needs for Soviet crop' this 11 year," an of- miilfonn lons l< of whoal and creasliigly at the time becau:ause monUi, T he gain on llie wci TheT» Soviet purcha.ses were NEW YOHK - Ttif rccciecent purclia.sesof July 1972.'2- ia77-7H.c.stlm;ited;i;dal2U million ,ficiai of a large li farm coop- cqm.” of low prices, was-n ccnls. And corn rose iso said to have been'masked incroaso In SovIl‘1 o rd ers Iroi At th a t tim e, fjralnn fa.farmers ions, have alreadyady boon sold crallvesald.I. adding.a Opdonalonal origins Is a trade ^Im \ HkIrc selling occurs whiwhofv c o n ls la s l w e e k , ba.'; 41J ai\d small futures Ir y no a p preciable sa le s of gold* A m erican grain — s>ome • i Iraders by exporters withth the help of "Flrbt Ihcycy said tlie Soviet- term iscdused when export orders. ” grain proces.sors or oxporieirters December, to close last Friit y ’Moscow, which usos — milIion-bu)Uid:;-u(.coriuandJ helievod. Waslilni’lon|l'»J__ r^T- the Admlnlstnillnn.Inn, The (rade- g ra in c ro p woivould be 225 m illion m ay bc b c flllod i from_ sources sell futures contracts shorlirl In a l $2.2G, com pared willi-S) million of wiicat were rcportcurted 1ifined“ ^^oscow (o“ liu liu y fS ' off this tim e, according ac lo tons. thch'21S;15 m illion. We .nrc' o iils idenhls c lh country oTTVhen recious'-metaiK lo' pay forr- ,- .ordcr_-.to. • - in—fcffLt;L-.iJiisu;is u re ^ - la lc la s lA u g u s t..'_ ------rain import.*;, • • . ^------lasi week alnnc! — lias raisealsed nilllioii metric tons of crain,1 several • grain spespecialists in- ' certain tliatI (Soviet(. President the grain’•ain’s dcslinalion is un- against a decline in the valvalue Each cent move In wheal IndecHJ, one of (he rea so n s • botli the prices'for llie concom- rouflliiy "22 million hushInishcls of • icTviewcd lasl weel.•eek. Is to buy _ L eonid I.) DrcJrezlinev wouiJnol certain.n. It Il Is common in the ^ of Uie w heal and corn they^buy, bu corn represents $50 per ci )r tii'e sh a rp rise In gold modules nnd tlio liillerne.ss iof "-heat, corn and(I some: Moscow'.s nonintcritcrfcrence in ’ have chosenen tiie COth an- . global commodily co Irade for ' f Despite the skillful hedledge tr a c t of 5,000 bushels. Uul fi ullion prices since mid- farm e rs inul i^mall fiitiirttures S'lybcaiis, at har>;alnI pricesprii In tj,e .M id e a s t during di the nlversary of thc Bolshevik goods toto changc ci hands scverai selling, grain futures rosesc in ' futures Iraders enjoyori .( order lo open tin-' 5 ummcr was liie absence of - tra d e rs. e' Soviel Knyplian-lsraellne.negotiations. revolution lo[) tellti the world that times before bcf Uiey reach tiic- ' the faco of Uic largosi whcvheat maximum gains and ma irge Soviet sales, • Once a|’;iin /armors ana n d m a rk e t lo A m erican indii.strial Indu -vVe in the graiiraln businoss' his country’s,)s,harvcst woiild be' ulUmulclie consum a er. ‘ - and corn supplies in 14 yeai■ears. may h:ive lo.-;t money Uy bci in any case, sufficient futures Irailers helieve ‘ llieytlic e.x|x)rt.s. In all. Mo.-^ccnviwlwugtil l> .simply can't bcllevlevc that l)olh 104 million .1tons if Moscow J3ut,far, farm groups c laim the '1 th a n k s to rtH:ord o r nc:near^ .short iH'cau.W of the mu umbers of -farmers and ~ fiave lifon nulled I) 30 million tons oftif ,gr;ilti llie A griculture: Deparlmont T didn’t have/o (h(? shorlfall (ipllonaial origin ccrtlficallon “ record crops during (he pastp; publicized reports of lar Jtures traders sensed thal WasliinKlon, Muscow and, tti„,L. .w orldwide in l!J72-7;t. and llie Ccniralll IIntelligence covcred." m a k esi a mockery of tiie J three seasons, iiarvests, rain was being acquired blR g rain tradliif; hunsc.s. ju;jljjjl Today, the farmerslers and Agency could haveive been .so f a r A g ricu llu rere Sccrctary Bob reportingIng laws passed by .Since, la te .. August, whtv h e at . ______ecause of (lie heavy hedge as. they stiil liold. tlioy wwere er futures iraders holtcvetcve that off the mark in esllesilmallng the Bcrgland /ec•ecenlly c;oncedcd Congressess in the angry period "‘-■J;; ^ futures in Chicago, f ,,r ...... PLACE A CV'fiSSIFlED :0CT/ d lin g Uiat began la te last Jusl catl 733 0931 .ini) oni.- ul thal many ofif thc( re c e n t Soviet a fte r th the e 1972 Soviet pur- exam ple, rose fro m $2,15 ,ugusl,. Iiowever. farmers >IOlplul AO-Vl30f5 will lii U> i<' ------p u rch a ses • hihad been made chases,J. w v hen farm e rs sold , bushe! lo closc last Fridayay ,al your i«» (o iTn- i-iiK'. prior to hisIlls d e p a rtm e n t's w heatfor for! $1,25 a bushel or les.s. eld back their grain in- $2,81. b a sis deliv ery ncnexl ^ public announ'Uncemenls, Great only («f» sc^esc' the price rise lo a . C h ^ U e nn g e l u r e ss c h a i r m-■-C1.1J. i Plains Whoat;at Inc.. a Irade peak if$(3.40inMarch1974.of SG. ( group, noled-rJ-fccendy that the . AccordiiDrding to the grain ex- ’Spot Metals ■ the markel and inake-ca0 -capital of h a rm o n y am ongiglhenatlon's I reporUs of su(such .sales, which porls. Moscow M began con- 0 Chicago Sun-Timcs NEWYORK IUPI) - I-atest, ^UNSWICK'THE€N0.1NAMEINB1LLIARI^ :nds expenditures none.Klstent.tenl. Thc stock and 'Colnmnmodlly ex- the governmerlent began Issuing - tradinglg for f American grain CHICAGO - All his Iriend.s elal market prices as ([uotcd liur ahility lo havo somo ImpactImp: Is ciianges. But hc ahalso said the after the 1972 19' Soviel pur- J a s t August, A ut when they - told him not to do It. hut A rtliur ednesday by (he AmericanI 'IH E BESTCr COSTS NOMORE"- LcvUt Jr. said hc cliosc■ teto Jt ijrent elio!lont;e." - Amex would continitinue battling chases, often1 ccom e w eeks a fte r d isc ernned e d a poor harvest. Mpi, elai Market, aulhorilativo BRUNSWICK* the Levitt, president (if of th e th e C hicago Hoarlard Oplions the fact, cxplailainlng: U nlike; the tl United Stales, hccomc, clialrman of the e ta ls publication: American Stock Exehatine for hrokerafie firm of Sliearson Slie; Kx-hange in tradinding of slock: "St'crotaryly B crgland rep o rts w here 75 75 pe rc en t of th e 2 WESTON”* Aluminum, primary. i)‘j.5 tJie same reas»)n lie cllinhedhed iiuydcn Slone. Inc. sinceInce llXi'J. . oplions. that hc fell; thet Soviets had billion bushel bu wheat crop is ;r cen t plus p u re 50 Ib, ingoLs the M atterhorn. wlii serve as-ciralrmanman and Tho Amex annoiinniini-wi i.-iki____ covcrcd-lhclr-■Ir-needs prjor -to - sown in-thein-tli fall and harvestc'd ■ «,». oold MutiSiO'l* .101" ;,00 c lb . ▼ ..vsl.f. . . . . VMIkc'chalientJcs," said lhethe chief execilllve oftlcorc r ot0 the w eek lh a l It wou:.’ould join a thc announuncemenl (by in Ihc' spring,spi the rever-se.is A ntim ony, dom estic;. y'J’.- amateur ' mountain climlicr,l)cr. Amex for a' five-year.•ar lorm co m p u ter link onamong four Brezhnev) pointing po out that trueIn In lhe Soviet Union * 3 9 5 . 0 0 •r ccnl piire, f.o.b. Laredo, adding (hat his move from•om startint", in. January,irv. Ho slock exchanges IncludingInc the '.he Soviels5 can purchase becausese of c lhe much colder ‘xas. bulk 175.00c lb. p riv a te Industry lo a •'serrvl-ml- dccided lo visit major)ur cities- New York Slockk Exchange, 'oplional origiigin' grain through CcCopper. ek'ctrolyUc, pubIic''onecomc.sa(a cruciali:lal oulside New York heforleforc he but Ix;vlU said hee didn'td .sec a u foreign finrirm without the fxr/ BRUNSWICK* BRISTOI !livcred U.S. 00,525 c ib . time in history. ‘-The'h e bcR lns his new ol). Jol). and d a y c om ing wiieilien tra d in g s a le s being reported rc lo the H '^ O l A KuniWICX Ig.oilla. Ih<*» orld gold Lead, common, U.S. , pressure.*; from governmentt in Chlcat’owashlsfirslstop.Uop. rio o r s ^ 'o u ld Ix! rereplaced by Agrlcullurc DeDepartment, r*l'* '• prim■imary producers 32,00 c lb,; Washington are greater todayday Levitt said he ImpedJ hishis visit computer terminal,nals flashing -• ••Under UUnited Siatos n e W ' V YORK lUPIi - U.S.•S. non p rim a ry (secondary) than at any time Including tlieth e If) th e M erc would h c symsymbolic p ric e s in b ro k e n iggeofflccs. e ( reporting reququircmcncs. Uicsc ForclRn o n and Domestic gold prod'o ducers 32,00 c ib . $ 4 9 5 . 0 0 Depression.” hc said.I d . . sales would rnoc h a v e lo b c p ric c s Wed W ednesday:L ondon M;Magnesium. 9^,8 per cent. "Greater rejrulotlon would revealed unlm ill 11,0 d o lc r- . ,,„ r„ |„ B lin g fixing 1.5t!„'}0 up 2,:i5, ingoigolM.OOclb, further dccrcn.se iltjuldity in mlnatlon wasIS m a d e-Ih u l the t LiLivestock M: grain would Manganese, 99,9 per cenl cl be purchased ,\„,.mt>o•noon fixing 150,30 up (xixe OMAHA m i’l)-'- Llvestivestock: 1,00 low er; slaugllUgbtor ewes from this count )xedregular57,OOclb, i^rSRUNSW ICK® RANCHERO' 3,15,Parlsiiris (freemarkoi) 1G0,2Q m, ______Ikifts 3,5tXJ;-l.uili;lnTi;.a•a.nHmly------fccarcw; 4-hok'*t.ur>«Ui-44041) wofilw t------f'Thcre i.i ■Mctrcury_S13U-13S 7G . Ib:___ •n —rrvT ir—NTTTiTT u p l,H2,12,F Fi ra n k fu rt l.W.lH up to 2.'} h ig h e r; No l-;t 200-2!00-2 io li) lam fis S-i.oo; .le w lols shorn speculation th isk. ^ mdTig i’r7.'*d ' ll"'” V Stockpile ^ th a t (he Soviets 2 39 Zurichrich 159.G25up4,00,New , -ni 4L50-J2.00, 240.251) lbIb 'lO.M-•! I00;103 lb 5C.OO; 241 head con- could h av e rrmade large op- york Nickel, electrolytic la'll l.nlth. CIKTCtlNIAl* t.%' cathi 41,25; No 2-;i 2.W-2C0 lb A 40.U((- sig n m en t ch o lcc Itultull)55.00. llonal orjiilnpupurchases prior to j, ilhodes. f,o,b. Porl Colborne. . ly .a n d H arm a n ^ l-‘iS*'30— O nl-nt--(AmrM cl. .Mkl.'weekly • ^ r a • S 9 5 . 0 0 increases 40.5U. 2Gu-2Ba 11) ;w.r)U4o.oo10.00; No F rid a y e.stiinValilales: cattle lhe visit by bj the Soviel jBO' e stir 2-J 2 ^ 3 0 0 lb:i7 50-:m.50;50; sows; 100. hogs:i..'>0(). slieejleepnime, delegation toill,cu„llc,lsialcs tl: ‘'e itim atcd price .) $2,'o72,13 Ib. ilhard, ba.'W p rice for pj; NEW YORK (UPI) - U.S.>.s. m ostly 501.00 low er; 300-6100-600 lb ■ (last Septcmh Platinum, soft, . 99.5 fine, BRUNSWICK* Jlbcrl when Itjc rednlnclg sctiling._and_un-— pr-o c oppcr stoclcs rase 8,600 stiorto rt 34.00-34.50. .JO L IE T . 111. fUPi) < — Agriculture Dcp.-,nm U cnl In- roducer $162-172; ANNIVERSARY^ 130 Ited gold 15U,80 up 3,15 dealc lo n s In O ctobcr to •IIB.OOO short o rt Cattle I.SOO: sleersITS anil I-iveslock; creased th aler-ajjprox., $166,00-1(17,50I ’ Ip.c-sl rK... C».<. .fa>. Ihc purchase „„lrovo)y ounce, .Selling price. pc|-[ I.I.b'oMng ItimSWlCKt tons, thc American Burc.nuI of hclfcrs .steady; cows sleaiA.v.MT* -col-n.koo Metal Statistics reportedled loads choice and primele slsteers moderalo; steers. steadyst. to iW Stc*cl, No. 1 h e av y m elt ilain 4 .a . p e r troyy ouounce. « r a i Wedncsdoy- I12.'i-I175 lb 4;i.25^3.50;)- clcjioice cont.s higlier; heiferif e r s .25 to 75 ra p P ittsb u rg h $55,00 p e r lon Rcflncd coppcr productionl iIn n 975-1225 lb 41.7S-42.7.S.i.’ ccouple t lii(jier; higJi cJl choke and 1 (con;o n su m e r buying p ric e ); Am, $ 6 4 5 . 0 0 th c U.S. slipped to 120,(»0 sliorl -45.50; choice r r o a u c < el. Mkl. composite scrap ori part loads wilh endII pp: rim e P rlm e s le rs 44.25-45. ce Prices ^CM tons from 124.-400 short (onsi in 4:i,oo; ^CMKI and low, cl 42.50^4.25; choicece and few Oliver priccices $49.00 p e rlo n . (UPil - bulk September, while refined«-‘d 38.00-41.75; p a rt loadss clchoice primehelfers41.00^:0^:i.00. CHICAGO I v ^ 'TTin,-.\.Y. ii Am, Met, M kt.' i ALlriUCESHSHCtUDEoaiYuritn' s as reported iiy NEWYOYORK (UPI)-Handy clicc deliveries rose sliarply lo' 2a a n d p rim e heifers ‘KW-toi0-1025 lb trade fair; selling prices leck price G21,00c lb , msTiauTiMwiniP) a n d Hal-i{al'man Wednesday Tli HPUrAWESSOffiSBiaUIED . preliminary estimate of 41.25-41.50; choice l{7.V1025-1025 Ib h a rro w s .nnd gills 25 lo w c e n ts USDA; Tin, N.Y. Am, Met, Mkl, espaldtodellvery quoted sllvisilv er a t $4,705 p e r fine ' alloy 138,000 sh o rt tons from 100.500 40.00-41.25: Rood andnd low No 1-2 2W 200-231) lbs. Eggs: prices loycr price G23,00clb, EASY PAYM ENTrP P L A N CAN BE ARRANGED ounce uipl.Sccnts, p l.: Tu sh o rt to n s in Septem ber. c h o ice :i5.50-}ii,00; utilityl,„v and ^»-2MI.75; No. 1-3•3 2200-250 lbs. w eak er, Tung.stcij powdor (Il-Iled), L'lallers (G ra d e A. E ngeliiarliiard qunled a silver oa.a Crude coppor production In com m LTclal cows 23.00-2'0^24 00- •»').50HI.25; No 3-14 2 280-310 Ibs. P ric e s to rola .8 per cenl minimum pure Jellvered); extra basepricctIccof M,705up l.Scenls si3,a , CLARK’S BILLARDBl SUPPLY the United STAles lncrea.sed• to(0 c a n n e r a n d c u tle r 20.00-23.1V23.00, • :«-.25-37.50. In canons del 3,90 p o r lb. large 4‘J^5l; and a pricc prl for Abrieated Zir X J A M E S CLARK 733-S( tl4.6 S a l e Clirislmas Sale I n s u l a t e d ^ 9 5 : ______S iK l GLOVES * 6 3 ' ' -.J r ^ i 1 1 7 F ro o T ortlonock rd \ ( S h irt w itlith S u it; J ______(Men's &

SMMwmwo<> O D ! SPCORIrsci: i N irER I 9 : 0 0 : L YNW t OOD SH

-H „ . " 1, • . TI . . I.

■ - ' 4 : f . ' '

■ -ThufstJ.iy, Novuniiior ?.J. iq3/i’/ j’ Timcn-News, Twin Falls. Iflaho 2 S p to 2T u r k e y LD a y r i v a■I’y l

: i ^ Repo L io m1 8 v s . 1B e a rs orters IhemLfi lace •PONTIAC. „ MlchrrtrptT.- ih111' i' rriiii-at;u Hi'ai'.s upon lhe recorcc'i rd ...... ' ~ ,' * andid D etroit Lion's, a rd i riv als whnwhDc.in’l dwJdi’ Hi' will gelgc llis opportimlly on lhe same field > ’ ' l9nChJcog< :agoSun-TUncs I’ayion seeuis lo l>e handllnIllng 11 well, ilo was irked ’•In "li cdlcge it’s tho old almaTia m a te r," he said. hether lo topple over or win liiethe NKi; Cenl'ral .'ig.iiiisl lh:ie e safne ; leam aiuI a year to lhe day (D - CHICAGO - Thc teltelephone calls, ielevision whi'ii TL'iwrtcrs cul off hiss answers a to force more "Banners "E and cheers. But at this slaRe ivision title, meet, in a nalion;li(in;illy-U‘leviso(i I . .Sinipsoii;)ii set Illf recon! i>;iyiiin broke, Simji ...cnmcras and llic reportp o rters c am c e a rly t<> Uio ([Ui'slions. . • (pi(professlonal).you thlnlToI It as a business. slrieUy— ■' jrkey.Day game dusliiu'd I lod c re a te iiiirri' son ra n for for 27H yards .igainsl the Lions laj ..Cblcafio B e ars’ compoundund in L ake Forest, iie says he’s a privale perslerson who will guard his bu.b usiness," confiinfusion In Ihe race. Thaiiksgivinving. -They camc from Newi/cwswcek, from th e T«Hlay privacy. So far the puiilic Pay’aylon is sta n d in g up well ' 'H '1 e said he didn't Uiink iie'dd carriedci 40 times he T he Lions and Hoar.'?, oppoiu'nt;ii'nls III Dflilh Icams . I ’Show. Irom M onday Nl{Niglit Foolhall. from .\’c\v ' to lh e (iiare, salsaid he didn’t fe^l tire d until hegc.golhom6: o liesaldhe rst Thanksgiving Day giinioyi-a years ago, lake Waller for>r ChicagoC and oldiT lirottier Eddie fo y«rk, Los AnRcles, Dctroil Toll and Jackson, Miss. "I'd rather face TV can;ameras than defensive diedidn’t rea liz e how he ra n until hohc saws the film. 5-55 rrecords inlo Uie game. Chlcagleago won, ;w-20, D elroil. Thcyywantcd-Waltcr P.1 ' Paylon and they wanted to linemen.” he said. "Camemeras -don't hll back, •’it a m az es m e ." P aylon solesaid, "I never Uilnk hen th e tw o te a m s mol in llie.M’iisireasonojH'iicr. The lwo,I), ini fact, comtiined last Sunday lo sc ------liilk about how lils.275 n 5 rushing yards broke 0, J, Wliatever comes. I know I’llllbeablolohandlell," b abiaboul what I do." Hc said his "loi"toudi’.’ofUieflulast ' , The loser \^ould l>c. coiintod oul 111 mo.sl NKI, an N F I, reconl n kir’iiiosl yards gained b Simpson's slciRle-fiamci m a rk of 2Ti a s Ihi- H oars Ml' gave llie V eporters thirthings wllh which lo fill woivoek d id n 'l boUicr h im .. "With"W’ the hdp of dlvlsvisions, but the once-proud Ceniren lral Is imw oiu- ’ broUiers in in llie same day. fhe record is 27 boat tfie M innesola Viking!Ings 10-7, • Iheir notebooks, lape rccorde;rdcrs ond video reels. Ife ph;Dhysiclans I fought il off,’’ Paytonytonsaid. th e w eakest a n d ii .iOOsea.'^onjusijust may win il. yards. Walkidler gained 27.'> of ll in 40 ni.shes fo rth Ttie Jfall of Fame wai ■■ wanted his jersey and the said before lhe game. Carlirl Eller of lhe Vikings He I talked aboul all Uic otd1 biographicalbk things, ThTho winner will be a lialfganfgame fioni the Ik-ars whileliie F ddie c arried Uvice for ihc Lion foolball hc carricd. Televi levision wanted him for Tlie - a. p p roached him . ab

By JOSEPH DUF5URS0. , Rid Richie Zisk. Thc California A An, ngels p a id S2.5 " It's t 's Alice In Wonderland,’’ MMarvin ar Mlllor the momoney to pay.for the franchise.:. SoSi Ihey go rcplacc a man?r The very act of losing Torf ©N.Y. Times Newsws ScrviceJ mill million for Lyman Bostock. On)n Iliio samo day, wossaying sa, Just a few hours before■c theth Yankees out andId comi m it $2 million for one' Yankee Ya pit- moans thalhat the Yankees suddenly have lo pi N EW YORK - D on't thinkik thaltl Wall Slreel is Uie 1 th e B oston R ed Sox ran so m ed MiJMike Torrez from flashedied Uielr bankroll again. "Youou look|i al the cher; to-win tc now. Bul lhai's nol nut ^’^ilcr■s much moreore to .replace him. If I'm Ross Grli th e only ploce w h ere they use cloudcd cr^-slal lh Uie e NewI Y ork Y ankees for S2 milli Illlion,. knowni’n facls, and you w onder." ______headach(chc^Hls Job. Is.to ear,lfli.Hie.pcQn:.eons anfl hr sley.mypri.pricejiis lw c n l tlQ,’,'______b a ll!, t W - days. T lm>' n .-^>01ll tlieintii ln? p ort5.- loO.------^ • Alid Oil Tucsaa/in'YanKwsraai:fli31Ulk1,llWflirihe ------M ineiier Is the onelinie economlS'm ist fo r th c d o e s It ovor>’cv day aller leaving hls aparlipartment on If I'm RichardRi Gossage. my price Just we W tich. baseball held its scc Industry,ry." he was saying. "I lookk at all the now-endI upU| with a dazzling supply of reU leapisvllke the New York’ork Yankees and relic relief , or any ball player,•er, can be worth Reds; ofo Don Gullett, Uie Baltimoreore Orioles of' changes;s and discover thcTblTowing:g: When V we :: GossaROGi and Sparky Lyle, who wori;i ■ Cffifomia Angels had spentt Uiemselvestli silly in that that kind of money — tho baseba:ball bull market lacksoison. thc Yankees of Torrez andnd UieU Pirates sfarted1 Uti io Players Association InI 19C19G6, th e re ' lnH 4R ammos oi in a iC2-Rame w aso n la st lu m n iei th e fittt^ROld rush for ta lenIt t in ir history, calmer roar ro a rs on a n d on. of G ossissage. w ere 2} 0 te 1« a m s In Uic m a jo r leagues;i; ncnow th e re T he lawsws of economics are not Uial dear headsjjnd smaller bankrollsIs vwould prevail tho w W iy all that lool for a 26-yearear-old man who w IjHc ille hc was hatching his revolullclulion the last are 26. TheTl attendance and gale rccclpi:clpts arc at understood,od. in sports or In economics, and so tl scconcTtime arouiid. pitchedpitcl only 133 Innings for- thetl Pittsburgti few ye years, Uie club owners wererc predicting i .anall-timIme higli. Radio and televisionin rerevenue is "revolution'lon" lakes some slranRC turns. B ut In th c la st few days, Uial hat oconomlc theory Plrales Pira lasl summor? Well, for)r oneo thing, he's chaos. I s. Now lhe owners are springingn g tob th e b ank a t a n all-iill-tlme higli. Those franchisescs 11 that h av e T he Now:w York^ N els couldn't afford lo m e et t/ h a s been sh a tte re d while th c 19' 2 1977 " c la s s ’’ of fre e good. gooc He came out of'the bullpenten 72 times, w’on trying i g lo beat one anoihcr to the1C talent.t< Thc changed!d h ands have brouglil record:ord prices. salary demcmands of Julian ErvinR. Uic hottc narket of colossal n gj agents creatcd a bull mar 11 g am es, sav ed 26 o th e rs and allowedalli only 1.62 Reds b boycotted the revolution andmd lost their Tliere IsIs no shortage of buyers wallli-ailing with . player in1 b basketl)all. So lliey traded him ar r Uiat no superstars runs dimensions. And remember Ui ru n s e v ery nine Innings. B ut beyond be^ that, the world ci ] c ham pionship. T hc Y ankeesi leaplea] ed In a n d m onoyto to buy otiitir franchises, m oved lo3 NNew Jersey. Now. relieved of thoi like Rcgfilc Jackson were on I on th e list this tim e. supply supp of Yankee pitchers has beenbo decreasing ' won ll. ll. Now w ithin 24 hours. Uie Yan:Yankees have “I can’lin’t hdp but believe lhat cm'olioiotions get in drearj- proproblems, they arc having troub B ut Uie law s of supply and dcrrdemand look charge lately latel while the demand for Gosslossage has been lost a b I big pitcher and gained a bigg pitcher,pll and Uic wayy of o Rood business sense, ll doesroesn’t make meclingap;a payroll th a l no lonRcr in d u d c s D r. J anyway, and Uie casli flowed;’ed: The Milwaukee increasing incn — and, Jusl iikc that,lal, another red- .the revc evolution comes full circle. too m uchich sense lo make large inveslneslmcnls on demands. ThcT Mets Ihouglit Tom Seaver, U Brewers shelled out 53 millionlon for Larry Hlsle. blooi blooded American boy gets:s ric h in th e i t ’s a ; a stra n g e w orld now. Some, peop>eoplc w onder th c one handha and Uion lose quallly playeia y e rs on th e Ijcst p ild ieier r in hasoball. w’as try in g to h d d thei The Texas Rangers anted up UD S2.7 m iiiion for m arketplacea r of professional soortsarts. ■ where t e the new owners of Uie Red1 SoxSo) will find olher hanland. How much would I havevc lilo pay 10' up for moreore money. So they traded him. .

ixers-Udke-Put s t o n s ^ foi^ride D E T RlO O rrn (U P I) — Two fre e Collinlllns with 27 topped the Uirows byjy Steve M ix wIUi one S b teners. Collins had 15 of his second left dlmaxcd a last- pointsnts in thc third period. . P a c c minute comcomeback Wednesday Lanleilier, playing for The first :ers hit INDI/\NAPOLIS (UPD - n ig h t that th a enabled the timciic in six g a m es because of a — 10 In lhe same period to leac John Williamson hit 13 of his PhUadelphlaphla 76ers to nip Uic kneee Injury h a d ' 20 poinls his th e Indiana P a c e rs to a 126-IK c a rc e r high 43 poinls in th c last Detroit Pistons, PlsI 106-105, fo r w hllleJic Sim pson and Al S kinner ^ ost NBA vlctor>- over the Gddei period Wednesday nighl and th e ir Ixth straight NBA cachhhhadi6forDelrolt. P md state Warriors, victory. Ricky Sobers chipped In withilh The Pistolistons, who lost Uieir . ^ (Uth in a row,row a p p ea re d to ha v e ! ■ m n tte rs HTapp^upwlUialO-2 H ^u rt, ledd by Bob Lanier’s two ba sk ets, Uial put Uiem ahead H 105-100 wlU)dUi one minute to go. A H B u t b aiskets s k e by George .' H M cG inniss andai Doug Collins H slice d Uiei DDc etroit a d v an ta g e to n 105-104 wlUivlUi eig h t s e c ^ d s to SO- T h e Piston;stons Uien lo st Uie b a ll : on-ah-offenslfensive-fouJ-by-Rftlph ------H Sim pson, whil also fouled Mbc ■ wiUi one sccondsccc to go to set up ■ m / ... thewlnnlngpn gp o in ts. The Sixersall po^ Philadelphia Seventy* y* c a m e ba ckk inIn Uic se esa w balU e six e r ’H arv ey Cate!atdiihgB. 42, on a driviag layup which saww Uictl sc o re tied 16 e d a w a y during the first halfhai or the Detroit-PhUaddphla B a tte „ times andid I UlC lead change ’ g a m e W ednesdayly night.i Catdilngs bats the ball h a n d s 20 timimes e overall. J A a w a y . M cGinnislls w ith 30 points a n d 1 ^ |p M tics win jp C r u m Sis a y s L o ulisville i no0 t c r u m nn y N- (UPI) - Davo------^ - BOSTON I / , / / f ' LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UPI) - w ay aticad of onr defense"c "a ai n d "G allon i.s m uch improved in athlete and he’s; ggol .he abllily « o red 22 points and University of Louisvillee m a y rem a in so Uirouf-li'’!i' thtl e o v e r la st y e a ri" saysnys Crum, to be one of the: fa-better players T ' Boston players S B basketball Coach Denny CrumTl early weeks of thc seasoeason, Anil last year Gallonon led the inUiecountry,’’CiCrum sa y s, ’ In double figures says his higly rated team hass which opens-Nnv. 30 away,vay .at team in shootinR percei•centage al Turner Improvioved last vear Wednesayly night,n leading Uic all thc tools it needs on offensee Providencc. f>5 pcrceni, as he received nm l r i p l o y S a 109-100 victory over buUlflan!^ had enougli .work onn . . . T h e Cardlnai.s. ranked N'o. 10 ____ ^iVIlliams- le d Uie.; team-.In.-I Umc.ln tlic wakeM or.Wllllams'-'- on Rockcts. defense. In U P I's pre-sca.son poll,I, wwill rebounding lasl year yc: and Injury. Wlille pla;lovlM only m C e d ric M a x w e ll |L “J Crum, who once coached I first-quarter points, . ■L x d be tryinR to duplicate orir ini- li averaged more Uiann Mh points average of 12 mln* i S V c r under^fprmcr UCLA coachll prove on last season'ss 21-721 p e r ganio. H is fool injury inji last game, last ye.fcar Turner “ “B 5“loston “ to an eiglit- John^Wooden,- says his 15- >■ mark. The Cards will be stroistrong se;ison slowed Ihe teaream's ^ a sl_ averaged five poiroInIs nnd lliree I. Uien Cowens took member sqund, wjilch includes;s . in th e M etro 7 Conferencece h u t— start- but Cnim says'Ms'M 'illlam 's 're b b u n d s7 ' ------cJiarRe-ln-Uie-Uie-Bccond'-perlod,------6c\Oh,C^rcs)imcn and threec Cincinnati Is favored to win•in tlth c is in good sh a p e fo r lhe start of Crum says lhe tl looRhesl a dom ination of both sopTftiflores, will feature a leag u e tllle, Iheseason. o b sta cle facing UieUi Cord! Iso bo'klioopis. run-and-shoot free-wheelingg "We're going lo runt andat W ilson " h a s been1 the tli most schedule whiclIcl, Includes ^l»mU.eBh e gam e, Uie Celtics . offense,' Cowens and dutch s r o H j |p | |i sh o o t." C rum says, '‘I Imjhope conslslcnl overall pal))alyer" on M arquette, CCincinnati. ‘•We’ve got good quickness,” w ft'hj shooting Rood slm ts."i." th e te a m , acc o rd in g> to Crum. Nevada-Las Vega;?as. M innesola ' f ^ k c t e byy ClCharlie Scott and Crum says. "We sJiool ttie ball I ohn H avllcekIcck. Cowens’ efforts 11 ■ C n im .says the leam Is f>oirgoing ."He can do ll all — - he’sI an and Michigan. " 2 : ... ^ real well bul al this point we’ree "to run as much as we'ca) 'c an . o u tstan d in g player.." "It's as tougli a schedule os neulralUcdald a 16-polnt e ffort by T ■ ■ nol where I’d like to bc onn W e'll scorc a lol of poinls; - wo\< T h e C a rd in als liave■ea a p a iro f ■ a n y In th e n a tio ni,"Cpmsays. ,” Houston'BOahCalvin M urphy. f : ^ - w defense." like to set thc tempo of3f Ihotl guards - sophomorere, D arrell " I d o n 't Uilnk anan^ne'ha# a Forlfeslon,lon, Ilavllcck scorcd » • ■ To give his freshmen a Rarfte." Griffith and. formerner" prep louglier schedulec thtl a n u s ,” I6> C liarliec S'Scotl 16, Sidney diance to play defense Crumn If the Icam can overcomeme itsI classmalc Bobby TurTurner - Can thc Cardlnanali go all lhe Wicks 11, Jo J Jo W hite 13, and fequcntly ' used his veterann defensive problems CniiCrum who vcan add pun)unch to waythlsyear? M axwell a nnd d C urtis Rowe 10. ' . UPI r players in scrimmages.1. c e rta ln ly h n s the sc o re rs loninlo n .lyoulsville'soffense. "W e 'v e Rot tlielie potential." . Houston’s’s N(Newlln scored 16. SID N EY WICKS off t»Uie B oston,C eltics d riv es . ''W e've tried, to concentrate onn . w ith th c besl of squad.< Griffith is a 's ppcctacular e c Crum says. "WtWc don’t scl ^ohn Lucasas 14. and Moses . In fo r layup, catching{Moses M Malone, 24, Robert our offcnse'lo build up Uielr’r Thc blR Runs includc guarjuard- Jumper and averagedd 13i; poinls goals. T h e goal for to: cach leam Malone 13. l i p a n d R d d , 50, and Mike NcNewlln (behind) all flat- ' ^ (the .freshmen’s) defenslvi*e ■. forward Rick Wilson. G-0-11 a g a m e la sl seasonson white should b£ to playy tUie best Uiey ' T h e win ralraised the Cdlics footed during first quarlarter action at Uic Boston C sk ills." . c cn te . R icky 'G allon andli fofor- play in g an a v e ra g e of)f le.ssIt th a n c a n ." re c o rd to 5-lOi 5-10! T hc loss gave a t ’e m Garden Wednesday. Therhe CdUcs wenl on to beat Cnim-Fays thc riffensc "Iss ward 1/irry Williams. lialf 'U ic llm c, " H e's 's ai great H ouston a 6-101j-io record, ' th e Houslon R ockets 109-109-100. . ■ i f . . ■ . > . V' I ■- ja Tijn.'S'NOwS, T^v.ti F.mF.ills, fdaho Thursday. Novombombof 24,1977 Umppires sttill ddiiIngjob> correi*ctly

..''N.Y. Timies es! News Service ■ i away from the six-man crews:w s? them 1 out." One official wass su;su.spended for two gam es NKW - Bo ilattlicw s, tiie biK San DIcro’ A re th e re m orc "blow n” ppla la y s than h e re to fo re '’ , . this.season i l)ccause he lel lhethe lime run oiii.t)efore a Cliai iii'is fullbnck, c;irrlciled tttie ball on a plunge Into the- Arc complaints from coacoaches, owners, lelevisiun, te t am h a d a boiia fide final playlay iand a ch;m ce to score. ( ‘incinn.'iii ilcfciiso from tliclhe l-yard line. Malthews was5 press, and fans morc numerou:ous a n d ju stified ? Each year there is a lurnovuDover of al>oul six officials (ill, hisl)o(iys|niii iiiifi tic tnnderiInm In th e Befi«al end zone. .McNally's responses, confijnfirmcd by Commissioner because i; of rotiromont or disrdismissal for consistently .. ToiichcliMti, Ilf course. i5ulHul there was no confirming{ Pelenozello,j arendRatlve.anand the'stinorvtsorstresses m n aking liv) m nny prrnr.; T'hciLtliissyalein^OLall tn.n its isiant self-examination. n yinnal fronj Uk.' olficiiillnnIf; cicrew headed hy Don WcdKO.. '"thatthesystcmisunderconsti ' 1 thorouRiincss. Is loss thnn perfeerfect. "Thai's right." said lliL' n-'fi'Xi'i'- .'ii'ci llii'ii ne:ii)in 1-ook,I- lhe line jud«e. plact'd*r In the conference room atI N:N FL h e a d q u a rte rs on New Mc.Nally, who noted that multlpultlple judgnieiil calls here , tla- h:il!' stx iiicln-.s fromm the'noal( line. Try^.anain, York’s Pork Avenue four amand sometimes five movie ’ being 1, made on every single' plaplay and they adik'd up to ' | projectors run with lillle. restres from 8 a.m. to .i p.m. hundred.s (or every Rame. ' ■■ To li'osl i)f lliL' pi'opli-'' I'JIn the sta n d s It looked a s If' ( cveryTuesday, Wednesdayly ; and Thursday. .McNally " I do know tills," .said .McNacNally. "T h e officiatiiig is M:i^'li>-us.li;iil scuiuii. [III lookedI lhe .same lo ttio.se,’. ; and four aldos. Miko. LIselsioiski,-Jack Reader. Nick much „ better than when I was a referee.” Would a • w.Ucliiin: on ti'k'V ision. .Mnrilore imiiorlaiil, il hwked lhal ;il>ad..Often as nol. however, thehe 0eyes of iJie officials a re ^ exiiiiiinaliori willi (iiese qiiesliest ions posed: m 1 o d e ra te pay, and loss of weeleckeiids. these people musl equal ,,n to or heller lhan the eameimerafvesaslheissiu’of I Are liie officials iiicompeleilelent? be i; dedicated. "Definitely/'" ;said Mc.Nally.'-'l hack ^ n,Bo Matthews scoring or nolit scoringS( for S;m Diego I ______II:k 111.' >]u-fd-tip of llieu pro pr name taken Its conlrol them | up 100 percent. Bul sonso m etim es I h av e lo chew delerm d(, in e d

UPI sion raice ^sti(icky’ F L Y E R 'G a ry Doemboefer Do. (12) crashes into AFC centraal divis F l . y i n g Detroit Wingsgs goalie Ron Low after Low deflected the PhUacUadelphla player’s shot In the CINCIN'N.-XTI (U PI) - ”•Awfully.stlcky.“ Aw ------Ucspite claims to tno contlontrary, Ifs ohvlous Cin- •'The only thing we'll talk alwulIwul now is the New Vork i n t u L o w first period Of their!ir pro hockey gai^ie in Detroit Th.il's Cinclnnali Bcnfjahnals' coach Bill Johnson’s ' cinnati c already is looking; aheahead to th o se two Ram cs. Gi;G ia n ts," he vowed. Wednesday night. evalu.illon ot the up-for-Kralnrabs AFC Central division especially e the PlttsburRh eioncountor. The Steelers T 1 he B engals ag ain figuree tito he w ilhoul nM)kie litle. odRede Clncy 20-14 e a rlie r In the season at PItisburRh. delJefensivo, tackle standout Eddiedie Edwards this Sunday •■We fed Iiiie we're in itt andar we're Roinn to no al It BenRals’ quarterback KeiKen Anderson, asked a an;ag ain sl New Y ork. . . itiic finni four KJimcsl lh aIt l way."w says Johnson. "But Reneral n question aboul whalat Ithe fulure looks like for 1The No. i draft choice from1 theth e U niversity of .Miami Ito sure Ihe otlier leams feeleel that way too. Il’s awfully cCincy, brouRht up the PlltsbIsburRh Rame himself by (Fl(Fla.) still was not permitteded 1to practice Ihis week •llck.'i." aausw erinR . "W o’vo Rot two RaRames beforc wc can look aftafter suffering chest pains earlyriy iiin the m onth. •Co-leaders PIllsburBh anand Cleveland h av c t;-? i(to P lttsburR h,■’ Edwards,I who claims ho "feels •'fee greal," spent last ifco rd s. while Cincy and Houslouston a re riftht bohind with' Pittsburnh hadn't even bfboen mdnn'oned in the SuiSunday's game fidgeting alongsingside coaches who were .■Mmarit.s. question,q yot it was on Andersorson’s m ind a s ho delivered . teli;elcphonlnR information to the .sidelines from alop jV F ro m here on out. It looktjoks to be cxcitinR.” fipurcs ' ftfootall's traditional "one Ramem e a t a tim e " a n sw e r. RRiverfront i' Stadiiim- .fehn-son. -'And lh a t's ihe way. ay It .should b e ." Johnson is afraid of his toitoam slipping up against "It was Ilkc torture up thcr[here cause I could sec THA 5 t 1ic B o n p ls .nrc heavilyy fafavored to w hip th e ir nc.’ct c ■fs whilo antlcipatinR the mimistakes unfolding but I couldnuldn't do anything alwul in r either the Gianls or Chiefs IS'H opponents - the Nt. ^ YYorkGiantsandKansasCity or Steelers. s Afler his brief comitmments about the currenl ll.'il." said Edwards. "I wanl to be baI ck dow n on th e field F o r a VW onderful Granind Opening ___(giicl:;.- .b u l Uiuu com c I hh e e i &GaKon'K-two-(inal-Raines statusn\ of the AFGGentrui racercerhe-refusod to field more - -whAhe're I c a n d o som ething aboulm lw w hiil'sR oingon.'-!------— ;j^alnst division rivals Pillsbtiisburnh and Houslon- ' qqucsiions from reporters on thtthe topic. E v eiryone n Had A GrI r e a f T i m e WINNERIS ’ 1st PR IZEE THOM1 PSON CONIMTENDER PISTO L tardiiInal offfense adecisio ms eas G A R Y H U RI T T . 2 N D SSLUMBER L I JA CK SLILEEPING BAG . ED.CRAYTHORIRNE roblen 3 R D P’OW O DER RIVER FOLILDING KNIFE Mird^s> defen, S O N isive pi as hart■d DAN STEVENS<

• il.LOL'lS (U PI'-Coachich Don1 Coryell, husy trying aa player Uke Jim Otis, you carcan afford to give a player they thi dominated the .Minnesotaa gagam e." 44TH 1 BUCK POCKET! T K N I F E iQ-imond the Sl. Louis defensfense, has a more pleasant ||;like W ayne a re st.’’ T he Dolphins a re coiiiinn off[f a 2:i-i71oss to Cinclnnali RICHARD BAILIILEY decision to make re«ardinKn thelh offensive backfield for .M orris w elcom ed th e comipetltlonfpra pel startinnspui, wtwhich Shula tilanied on "lotsi of things1 (lone by lols of (lie C ardinals' ^ aiu e w ilh the Miami Dolphins Thur-"'' bi bu l s a id h e w as rea d y to RoaRaiRalnst tiic Dolphins. pep m p le ." sdoy.. "I'llbeinthcre.’’hesaid."l'"1 w an l to b e in th e re ." IIn additinn lo their records. St. Louis and .Miami a re »?'orycll resled n m ning li.iclliack Wayne Morris aKalnsl St. Louis suiferod costly-lr.•-injuries to its defensive alialike iii.featuring excellent passilassei's in Uub Griu.se and WINCHESTER ll I HATS Philadelphia Sunday bccausiause of his ba ck in ju ry a t si .till) H art and yoving. ta len ted defi secondary aRainst 'Philadelpljlphia. J e ff Severson w'lll -fii i defenses. VALERIE NEILSENIN JIM SHEETS l e e b o u g o n N e DiHlas. St Uoui.s had ils hifihinhest scorinn oulput th[s nreplace free safety Miko Sonsonsibaunh and rookie Carl Miami safety Djck Anderson,in. w who has lieen a rese rv e _ . . D O N JO H N S O NM DAVID PETERSONfi . JEAN MILLER ytar in t;nnies in which MorrIorris was paired with Terry AAllen will takc.tho placc of left comerback I.ee Nelson — pxpxcepi for the-nickcniefeiw' Ihistht: year.' niay siHf'mbre ' DAVE VICTOR! BETH SMITH M A N ROBBINS .Mttcalf. aaR ainst the pass-happy Dolphirihins.- acaction l)ecause of injuries lo safetiessafe (Jiarlie Babb aruf , MIKECHOUSSYY ' JAM ES MILLER KEVIN ANDERSON iWorri.s' replaci.meiit afialnsalnst Philadelphia. Jim OU.S. The playoff hopes of both1 tcteams may ride with the - Ti;Tim Foley. Anderson said the.e DolphinD( te a m is " e i ery rtijhed for ‘J7 yards in IH carrcarries, Indudlng touchdown Rame Thursday. Both Miamimi and Sl. Louis have 7-;j bilbit as good as our leam s in 1970970 and; '71." when M iami JEFF PITTS KENNETH LAY MIKE ROWE r^'ns of I') am! I yards. Otis's' playp inspired the Cardinal nro co rd s and a re In position foro r \w ild-card be rth s. - in;made theplayoffs. NANCY LING JAMES HOOBENPH'H KEN BEAUPORT oTFen.'^e. wluch siormi.'d fron'rom a IC-O deficit midway "It’s a musl wirr for us.’’,’’ : sa id M iam i Coach Don "Every tiad thing lhal could,ild I hapji.en tn Us itl(i--We-wei't cii iSere-lhe-lH‘!ler-lejiitirin:l— —------MtKE-SUTER------LILLIAN-UNG------JO H N M IT A N l______*|'\V e I'liuld lia \e playedI Wayne,W tint the chance of rlRht rl now. They looked realll nRood againsl Dallas and |«‘peoph.-will I'lily re m e in lie rth e finfinal-H'ore.'' PAT KLUNDT WIIMA KOUTT CRAYTHORNE ioi_n)iiry w as li,o u re a l.” Cory'oryell said. "When you have KATHY PAUL eIr AD BAUER RAYMOND FISHER ICHWINN-. ; S t e e l e r" s s ’ L a m b)e c rt still qq u e s t i o n ia b l e WINCICHESTER T-!•SHIRTS PATRICK RILEY LARRY MALBERG SHARON JENNINGS 'PITTSIU.’UGII iL'PI; - - P illsb u rn h S te e le rs ini'm id d le v e ry doubtful forr thth e J e ts Ram e. Both suffered sp. NANCY JONES DAN VANCE RANDY JEFF llOeljackf.T .lack l.aiiilKTl returned ret lo practice Wednesday;d a y but th e Nov. 6 c a m e wilwith the Denver Broncos, CURTIS CARNEY KARLHERBST MARY ALICE \Vhs slill iisli'd a s <|ue.slionai)nahle fur Sunday's name anainsllinst the Olher Steelerss 0 on the questionable llsi for• Siiiiday's-S game KAY MABEY JENNYSEAICH STEVE RIDGEWAY .let-s ill New York were defensive bacback Donnie Schell, oul wiih a kiknei' injury, and GARY PETERSON LESSHOBE GILL HUMBERGER ■CiinnlnRham, wiih kiu‘nc —^ s ano anainst the Uallimore Colts, WARREN JAKEY - ROBERT S^EEN ■pcfensiv.,- cuds I. C. G reen•{■enwood and I nlin ita n a s z a k aare re still lackle Steve Furnurness, bruised shDulder. wi.ikliked fiut liutillv Wednesday and artareciHisidered probable fori lie.), /h (ECORD ALE ______R LAkRYTfVAliL P e r i

; T i c k e t s a l e s o nn CINC .NNATII - u p n — ...... Cincinnati Ik-nRaiRals’ riKmie • Kilwiuil-. Ihc lh eliil.’s \i. I .....-ZIPO-GAGEdGE TRTRILENE MONOFILAMENT BARRY TANrJER AALEX BRITO RICHARl»RD MARTIN GEOBSE SEMBA' defensive lacklee Fddie Kd- drafl eboie . A.liu»Uhl. . w a r d s ' m y s te■rious r ic chj^sl r n iv e ts iiy _(i|if M iam i F la .;. . conuoir - ...... " V , ; .RQGER.EATON. -..HUCHHiH HUMPHREY . I.MAVBE ^ ... EUOENETESKE I)F.NVK1{ 'f i ' I - TTh<; Deiuer iironc'jb. leaders c .nlimffjr.,1 “ ailment has beenHliagnosed dl as ha> nii"eii ttietl.■la^t!v^oi:alne^ * ■ IMP Nntlnn,i! Fooliiallall l.eai’Uf's .\F(.' Wesi Divisior |„ .rlc a rd il» , ™ inflammation Inl allcr cmiiplailaining of ehr-,1 • ••Ou,1 tjeen |ieriiiimilted lo [iraclii'e RRANDY FERANNA DENNIN NI5 BROOKS Ll^LINDA KLIMES DAVID D .L E ^' , • Sl.iiiiiiin. th e heart is encase - -assistant—Renern!rn! manngcr ■ since- -nnrt •^'•hi'diiled.-tiir-- ' »■■■■■ ■ F n 'd ili'liiiv . [’'‘'Vii'i'aii'i'al iiiaiianer of llie H I Hronc’o? .Mike Hrown saldWi Wednesday. • nioiT iiietln llal leI slsi-'rt.lay >ai-iNFI,h.-;uli(ii,irliTsI'is in New ^'(irk had nivcii lh e ciu ‘‘■■“V* Pericarditis canan Ih.‘ caused e H Hr T i s t m a s s p e ci c i a l s ; . II' -> l>cniiis-i.)ii In m ail applications ap| l-i, ;ill of iti.' team ' byanlnfeclionorar a tilow lo th e :j<:}c • 7U.1H/I s.Msiiii tickel lio lioldi-rs for any possible pfayoi THE DARTBOARDD I DUCK (;anii-s. • lieart or chest a i : ; S i , j r | • " (.iflifke saiiJ slioiiliiId ih<-1 Hidiicos win th e AFC U'esWest officials reported, a —JUMPROPE-;------^ g A M E — -----i— DECOYS— • j lille ai)ii liave nn.- ol)i ltie'tv\oit tie.st rec o rd s ol divisio ^MOBILE I ^ : • .uiiiiers, i.k-iiwr's firslirsl.pl;i\o(I name in tlic chil)'s's If:If)- * ...... I * ' • Sorviccc o » R o p o i r vf ' \ear._hi.stoiy wouldi be1) at ,\Iik‘ llii^ti .Stadiiun. o cos&ModoJi " i> f c « a 8 ! 3 ( lin.sln'iasKveaflernoiinoun . N l 'i'tie U ronfo G.M saisaid lh<- ap|)hcatiuns wouldd titie Sews I J -X :'w Undor .v. MMI CdM iSIIOURNIWIIW STORI FOR CMRISTMAHAS - THlOinrPITTIRII i««<3ur lay Away ^ iii.iiled Tlmrsiiay wilhilh ai relurn deadline of Dec.X : * N o w O)w v . n o r» h ip ) - '-k- ,'t said o rd e rs would be! foifor iwlh the first round name ani S l u e L a k e s S p o r tt ; i n g G o o d s the .AfC Cltaiiipionshipihip same, tho lalter scheduk-ded i IQ9PM S u DAYS A YtABH______. i ■ Thursday.Tl Novombor 24; 1977 Timos-Nows,^ Twin Falls, Idaho' 29 Navy coach( r ~ ~ ~ ■ " V rnall ccollege Ipasser exagg<;erates

ANNAPOLIS- (UPI) - N Na' avy Coach G eorge W elshI saidsa: 3ts all-ttimemlarks W ednesday one o( his a ssistantsan ts w as exag g e ra tin g when he ssal a id th a t /\rm y coachcs teil th e ir playerspla; to perform illegal plays, STEVE!'ENS POINT. Wis, (UPI) - University'Un He declded'to0 : attend Point after talking to ■ N avy, 5*5, and A rm y, M . mn eee e t S a tu rd ay in Philadelphia IntheIn 11 of Wfsconronsin-Stcvens Poinl quartertwcrl>nck R eed M onte C harles, his hi coach his first three years, 78lh contest twtween the twok’o servihass a slrong team andid hhi as G lordana.na. tho most prolific passing quarjuarterback He camc bccauseuse Charles ad ^atcd a strong . Improvcdltsdefense.butNavy!ivy still has th e advantage of speedpeed. In collcgegc football history. Is more Interntercsled In passlnggameandmd thought G iordana could sta rt “ T h ey 're nol a n y quicker lhaithan we are that’s what concerriccm s ^ ' winning{than 11 in settin g records, us a freshm an, ...... m o m o st." h e said. "Size dctesn'iisn't make a big difference.” T h e mmost o impressive marks set by G-foot-1, “ 1 w anted lo playpla football. I didn't want to sll W elsh sa id th c M idshipm enn havh< e been p rac tic in g weil.andid aai rc ^ 195-poundnd Wisconsin native arc mostnost carcer on thc bench,"" (Glordana said, 'i think It's In thc besl physical shape sinccince th e ir 14-7 loss to M ichigan,n. thctl: yards. 10,10,055., and m osl c a re e r y a rd•ds s passing. i • workedout.” third gameof the season. t 9,938, BolBoth figures surpassed by hundreds. hu Glordana knowsiws the pro scouts arc interested H c said th e M idshipm en a re In’goodli spirits and “wont to0 bcibc a l r' som etimTies e Ihousands of-yarda. the; oldolt NCM and hopes he Wllill go| os high a s thc fifth round In Armybadly." andN A lAlA rcc o rd s In those categoricsis. iJie d ra ft. Ron StcSteiner, who took over as coach "Arm y see.ms lo do somelhin}hing lo this team ^11 brings oul Hi T h e recrecords may bc his ticijet tob fame fa and when Charles hadhod to quit bccausc of ill health, b est In them '," Welsh said. fortune in pro ball, but G lo rta n a saidl^guidinghis gui said there’s nodoidoubt G lordana can p la y pro ball,. He is hoping for rain and saidlid tht c 4 p jn . kick-off tim e willIh hav av c school to the championship in thc'W.Wisconsin "•Given the righ■Ight chancc - that’s what most, no effcct on thcM idshipm cn. State Unl\n iv e rsity C onference is m ore ImpImportanl, quarterbacks neeneed - f i e c{in m ake it. Sure he ‘•The recordsrc don'l mean .much of anythingany to can." Steiner’saiisaid. "But.he’s got to be in the m e th is yyc e a r b ecau se we won a lot ofI gamesg;ii and right situatlonandond have thc right coach.” . . finally toolook Ihc title." h e sa id . 'i n factclin in the last Steiner said all thc syndicated scouts have A r m y n il t a n V O W Ss ' S H I g a m e, whA'hen w e had tho tille w rapped>d up.uj I took been around pluslus scouts from teams like Green . m y se lf ouiout after thc third quarlcr. • Bay. St. Louis. WashingtonWj and Denver. Steiner " I coulduld ha v e gone fo r 10,000 y a rd s• passing(inpas has talked to scoutssc and shown them game I r c a re e r) b u t It didn’t m a ile r to m e ." films: “Theyareire very pleased wjth h im ." s w e e t r ei i v e n g e T hc irolific quarlcrback now has a ctchance to 'He said Glordordana is an intelligent quar- ta k e hiss team lo a national title inn the lh NAIA lerback,Jiotjustast a throw er, and can sc ra m b le , s, “He's got someime of the quickest feet around, ' PHILADELPHIA (U P I)-F- F o r th e p a s t tliree y e ars, Leamjam i on Stevens:ns Poinl. ranked No. 6 In the NAIANA after he’s killed peoplaplaby^crambling.” Steiner said, Hall, Army’s pro size quarterba•rback, has experienced liumiliatliHating a n I season, s will play Abilene ChriChristian In -ile might not haveha' said it him self b c ca u se h e’s defeats at the handsof theCadeiadets' archrlval, Navy. !, Tex., Dcc. 3 in thc semifinalsinals. If the alitUeshy. Justa;t a g rea t kid." But,KolI, who has brokenn oor tied 21 Army records in his^ ' Pointers*5 WinV (hey ad v an c e to (h e tilJe?gameDec. gai ------college carcer which will endd SiSaturday, vows 11 will be differeferent lO in S caa ttttle. W hen Glo_rdanama started throwing the ball 40 this year In thc 78th renewal ofo( thcti scrvice academy rivalry, y. ■’ Wlnnlnfiing that title is his ImmedlQlete ggoal and times a game: hishi first year and racking up “Our record speaks for Ilseltse if," said th e G-foot-5, 220 pound poui s al hc has his eyes sel on pro ball.all. 1His lack several huordedcd yards an outing, the name quarterback. "If onyAi^ny tearte a m h a s a shot, ll is going to bcttcthls th nationamal publicity al a small schoolol itm a y h u rt “ A erial C ircus"" wasw tacked on theStevens Point year. These arc guys who havtlave played two or three yearsrs andat bu t he feeleels hc m ade the rig h t decisionin cccom ing lo offense. Giordanom a, how ever, disagrees, grown up logether." . .UP! S lev c n si Polnl.P “My first coapluple of years we threw an awful A rm y ta k e s a W rec o rd Intonto ithe nationally televised gamerme a t a . U N IV E R SITY IT OF WISCONSIN - Stevttevens ..\Vhenin 1I w as a high school senior I talked tal loa lot, about 45 limemes a gome," hc said. “Bul the John F. Kennedy Sladlum and is assured of its flrsl winnitinning Point Quarter!crback Reed Gtordana. tbe m( ig Ten schools and I realiy wanti/anted to go last two years wewc only threw about 30 times a season since 1972, lhe la st timncil e 1 has beaten Navy, prolific possiniing quarterback in CoUege footb to Wlscon:onsin. But they (Wisconsin)) ththought I game. I like thc: bolonccdb£ ollack better." Navy, w ith a 5-S rec o rd , is aan eight-point favorite to winvin itsi . QB history, is mcmore Interested in winning{ th . w as too) small," s: Glordana said. “1 alscalso got an Glordana, despsspite his heroic yardage in the fifth straight over Army butit MiddleW Coach George Wclsli.iil. u un- ^ . •setting records■ds^______^ ______;______offe r froma m M a rila n d faut It w as too iairn L av w n y "______nlr. rioesn’l scehli!hlmselfasamndhnm>w.r J th a t. ------V ------His Navy team routed Army■my 38-10 la s t y e a r bul W elsh1 sasay y s, ------^------“We were not tliat much belter.'te r." And he believes this gam e wwill lll b e uie m o st evenly m alclied.ed- ' • “ 11 is a gam e th a t probablyy w:wlil not bc decided until th e four q u a rte r ," said Welsh. L e e d s p A rm y, N avy h a s rack ed up a total mson 1 )rime p In its winning stre a k ov e r A m r: tru Tide Ui perf onm ance 138 points to 16 for th c Cadels.5. • W elsh w arns th a t “ th is is5 thithe best Army team since II hhai a v e. By’ UiUnited Press Inlemational A labamna-Aubum a-A is one of four inlra-ra-slatc rivalries In the be be thc'flrst Tennessee team neinever to win a Southeastern Con* ' been here,” but adds that hisis sal lOlli-rankcd Nebraska Frida;day and sixth- any seasoon n a success that includes a winnoverTcnncsscc. o I■ a n d we com e wilh a b e lte r te ama m ," ra n k e d A rkansas in thth< c O ran g e Bowl to s ta y in contciitcntion for th e Vols CoaciAach Johnny Majors says his5 ffisl year at Tennessee | _ l _*5quartsof Ford 10x40 — Bolh-Welsh and Smith agree^ced thot- Army a better baiancila n ce d------na tio n al crfl^ n . - — ------hDsbecn"aiI "a m iserab le y e ar from a lol of)f sstandpoints.^^ ------■ altack Uian in previous years.s. If Texas and Oklahcahoma falter, Alabama, whichh hasi a Sugar "I can thinkthin of a thousand things I couliluld’v c done b e tte r.” said •I •iM otorcroftOilFlltar T o add lo H a ll's pa ssin g wvhich hk h a s a ccounted for 1,877 yyards a n Bowl date with scveni'enthrankcd Ohio State, hopesi totc capitalize. Majors whorvho la st y e a r direc te d P ittsb uirgh rg to thc nalional title. I and 15 touclidowns, the Cadelidets have thc running of senlisenior and a convincing wirwin over Auburn Is the firstt stes p in th a t “ A ny badd breaksb n we could have had. wec ggot a n d w e've h a d m o re |S BILL WORKKMANFORD h alfback G reg King, w ho h a s ru sh e d fo r 892 y a rd s in 154 carrl;lil kneeee durlnjj ( flickers and ^ "Wo ouRlit 10 Rive Fredd Ilrllmo lo soe what he Bothth coaches .were asked if defenses T.|||> U .rst'll suf use the hoad coaches nl Te.'iass a i n d , w eek, and A kers a recRlvlnR ni\ away no se crets. lc^dav and loam officials listedod himh as weok, because can do with Ruys he recniitiniits," said the func- determ;rmine Saturday's outcome, despite bo I . |ii U'.'dncMJ .resp ectiv ely , aro say in g litllo ab ,r.Siiiidav-s >-ame with W ashinnionHlon. T e.x a sA iM .rc about "Itsbouldbeaflnecoiecontest.’‘BeIiardsaid. tio n ’s interlocutor. ArrIos and l-onRiiorns havinR hiRli-po lh-loadln« • their Soulhweiwesl Conference showdown Salsalur- "This rivalry is oneont of the classics of thc Akers'iteam received momore voles of con- " offense: ‘ ! lill'N.tlN.itional Footliall lA 'aj-ue's fiflh-lc counlry." Akers told'lid' tlthe restless crow d which fldencc In a roll call of elt^ht I ------, m ju ti'JhJ Jui is knee wtjen hil hy fellow rookie,Okie Davo _ , ::;day._ . _ ;ht_locaLspii^ls(;;islers_____vVkun;urs sa id his paaLleti him lo, believe d( cials said. At least ih lhe e y;i2' peTso'ns'w lm 'pliid Sill Wx'cT W charactcrfzedby by an a upralscd-voice helplnR and sportswrilers. Six pickcd' 'i.iil-'iiitriiiuanofnoff tackk-'play.Ci»wl)oys official!^ ked T exas lo w in . -w lnsbijblR Ramos. ould miss nesday to beare a r the coaches a l a Touchdow n1 ClubC a m in iste r conclude; Ihe Ihe Invocation. Said Houston Posl columnls \ sji'ik o m a iiII fur fll tlie team said Dorsett woulc Tinlst Ja c k C allaRlier, Saidid :B ellard. "T h eir defense h a s allovi' Ihc toam . luncheon wenlenl awaywilhoul much ot a Rriprip on "Amen, brother, iK-attwa the hell'o u l of T ex a s," "I think Texas will miss Russcussell Erxleben. I was points i ; praiticf lodavV ;and Inr exam ined liv' the ts on tlic Rrouiid ihls season. You'i .vhich Is jusl th e bluuesl IhlntJ toloblt ticsald. in'cllned lo pick A&.M. bul lr , ' plHMl'iailliMll'IlT.■lermi.ne if the 2;i-yoar ol(U;ogkieikie would ’ the fjaine. whi il In coinparinR ihelr Roiinasla score a bucket full of th e m ." j ColleneSlallor[lon. T ex., since tb e b a rb e cu e pit.il As eac h coachwas was callcd to the rostrum. . seven common opponents. Tt licalilvii’praclu-ctu-e Friday. ». T exns d id b o llo r in Onlylly tw ice In Hit-- p a st 61 y e a rs h i Ihls'week , Texas'. lO-O.-:-« and lop ranked, l<> ihe.Colrollon Akers received louderaier applause than Bollard. • flv eo f th o R a m e i" 1- . . . i-'iAVhuy Cuaclich Tum Landry .•^aid i-arlu-r this ...... Lradilioilional "T urkcyD ay " Ram e not bcen'i Hotlskins Bowl with a \ win. T exas A&.M. " 2 a n d No'•’O’ ” ■■ Bellard appearedIto tob be m ore nervous.' , iCrxleben, Texas' prem: t ; |)fii>el1'ui'ulil ^^tal larl in llie «am c auauist the Hot remier punlor -and />n TharhanksRivlnR Day. Bellard'said It. ia \'’:ishiiu!tiiiiinslinstead of voloran Pn-slon Poarsoiirson. ^ wouldd Inot be played on lhat dale aRain,-/ V 1______^ ( P U IIBLICSHOTIriCE)> . 7 5 , 0 0 C0 e x p e c t ee d

:j .fo r LAL - - C l e v e l am i d H f

I - i,i-:v!-:i.ANi) -ri*i■ph — season assortment.-nt i of in ju ries H B ■ Siij;,):iy’s Ni'‘l. )WnK' hfitii'iweon w ilh a shoulder and an area of H ' ' I i-'v I'laiid aiuI Aiitltaitleli's IS ■ his ribs htirtinR. ' ,.\ii,', !(‘tlU >dr;ni 7j,()W)rM)pi-ople "Pound for pouniound, CIoo is A n as lhe one of lhe toumiol.^iost M . I d ® [D Muiiict;i:il Sl:i(lium a IrC tiio\Mi> try tn Itann diin to their know." says Gri“KeR f F n iilt, his Q 5 0 (ir.'t l)6sirion in Hit:lhe AFC I'linninj’mate in seaisearch of ■■ H 1.000- y a rd P I ■ ' ( Viilial Division cunciirreniiy third straiKht 1, \ HURIJRRY! .sj.'iiitiim.'H'-^rwordas;)IS are Ihe nishinj’ season, who.vho is a m a jo r U ■ •{’illst)iu'i’iiSt('i'k-rs. bencficiary of M iller’s f m m % ' OINLY N willlnKnejalohit. WAIlREHO»USE rh(-».'»n-s a rt’ 7-';J A;itlS;id w hile h.ickfieJd comcoac/i George V M A A FFEW I ' (lie ti-anis Jirc .similaiiilar of- po|n,pjj out, )ui, "Like on . T m I 'AYS I f.'iisively -Los AiiiAnKeles the offensive line,e. sc so m uch of • V I \ DA' 1 havinn scort-d 2.(6 poin:>omts to js IS to be. coor- J M I V LEFEFT! I {'ii’v d a m i's 2 2 l - th f inv.invaders linated. The blockirK-kinR by lh e | S ADISBI U R S EEMEN1 i T (i nm Iho West Coast havi-ave a hiu fullback is the key?y lo w hat the c(!i;o dofensivoly. Theyiey have halfback does, ji.'idcd only 108 points,s, oor lO.B -cjpo Ijj si,p^.r mi in IW ' '( a cam e, wliile tin* Brownsw n sh av e nieelings. He-.s alwilwa ays taking; M SALE! :;iin'(iiuleri-tl 1H2. noles. One'thluKi wiwe haven't m t 1 P;ii Haden. the RiRams' mentioned herere is pass ^ W “j (iii.Trlorljacti wlio look)ok th e protection, and lie's"lie’s e xcellent ■ ' i}osilion away fromm Joe at lhal, loo.” 1 N aniath. will com e to towlown ns Miller, in addltlonilon to m aklnu ^ the NFL’s topratecl1 cquar- possible many of of Pruitt’s m ■ ^ ti'i hack. wdl ahead off sc.second cxcilinfi runs, hos’^ciis''carried for Pi rSAvi 1 r0 75^ plai-e Bcrt Jones. Hadendon h a s 479 y a rd s him self.>lf. leads : lhe IM V W ron ■ thrown only one intercoirception team wllh 30 catches cat for i ☆ LIMITiTED TIME OFFER i☆ 1st COME 1sttSER V ED -ill season. a n o lh e r 212 y a rd-ds. s, and has The Hrowns' n ish line and _ scorcd four louchdowdowns. :^econdao'. wlio've cnjoytjoyed 17 ‘ Bul he pays lhe pricp ricc . ^ m ☆ ONI^E S-O F-A -K IN D iJs LIMITED OUANTITITIES ' .interceptions Ihis year,. hohope to ” 11 look m e th reerce imonlhs la m tiiworliaden'sratinR. completely healI aafter last rnllhack Clco Miller.er. who .season.” hc said. "Bc"Both ankles T # c.Npccts lo play a w inInst st the werc messed up, my shoulder /J l H.inis. hus his usualal m id- w as sore, and m y.hlp.hip h u rl." M i m A Salt Lake1 City Distributetor has asked ius to clear hisl i s y l warehouse of c Name Brancind Audio-Visualal Merchandise, ’® ' \ G ood nnews needeled 8 y all fully w anrranteed. Now^ isii the time toi SAVE ori youru r t --\ UPI) _ aproballonofficer. f a v o r ite s I ' 1U’KFA1.0. N.Y. (UP w l Till- B uffalo B raves a re-etmpinn hi Braves' ownerer fohn Y. V |T "tiad news" lurns lutoiito Kood ■ h o w e v'c e rr. . d o e s n ’t ' “ STEREOS *=AM/«7FrfOMPONENTS""^l rCflMOlE^STEREOS^*- &-RADHSS^-TAPES ; ☆i BLACK & WHiTr“ (Hfiei.'i)s of Iho NBABA clut) • B arnes, ■ \viTf liappy \Vcdnesdaylay when . "M arv in is very7 enenthusiastic CAR STEREOS CB RADIOS'☆RAI RECORDS Inish out his OR COLOR TV SETETS ☆ NOVELTY RADIOSIDS & RECORDERS ^ U m they nnnaijnccd Ihe acnul:fiulsliion .of fonvard M arvin B;Barnes careerwith our Icorrcam,'; Brown & TAPES ☆ Wfll'AIKIE-TALKIES ☆ SPEAPEAKERS ☆ CALCULATOTORS CLOCK RADIOSIOS ☆ 8-TRACK RE- from thc Detroil Pislon;ilons for l-ouisvlllc, ;lllc, Ky. "He V M (i)i-ward .John Shum ate. wanls lo be a leamlam member. . ■ We’re ROlnR lo RivRive him a f COROER/PLAYERSIS * HEADPHONES "This is an liicredililelie I trad e ch an c e lo h av e aa fr«fresh slart. w f j fill- tho B uffalo BI ra \ v e s ," We w ani to forget lhelh e past. I Braves' President NormmSonjii i --He's never beenJen criliclzc*d j j - ^ • tuld a hastily calledid :news for lo a fln s o r dofiRln^:RinR ll on th e ik T O S H IB A I i-onforenc-e. '-Thi.s reallyilly is a basketball court." ^ ☆ S O NIY Y ☆ i (jrifMl nttm? tor us, ovenn !liIhouRli Brow-n h a s m a d ede r numerous I w o're kisitin a friend1 aiand a deals ihis-Jr-ear, muimuch to Ihe i'oihI [>lavor." pleasure of Coach.)ach Colton V l IF ' ™ ☆ M O N^T n V E R D I ☆ JV C I i I'.u-ne.s, fi.fixit-'J, w asIS ccalled Fitzsimmons, , . ■.'*'ad i;i‘\vs" durinj: htss cncollei:e "As fa r a s .^L^I•vinvin : Barnos is M i-.Uf.T Hi i’ri)vidoiico. lieHe was concerned, I didn’tl’t li, h ave lo b e • j J J C A u ^ rrl(’ascrt--in'"unnRT~m" fl'iH ira ----- ntKC'il into"anytriTif)tiirifK^: Fitz^ m p . ☆ P I O NNEER I ____ ^ iiliodo ;island J;ui Ufor a Minnions said. "Wc"We've pul U B ' in'uli.iiiiiii viiilalion.n. The another piece off Ih Ihe pu7.zle m g I’l'-tons have hadI >some loi;other. 4 ☆ S U P> E E I R S C O P E ☆ SYLVANIA ^ im ilili'ui w ith IJanii'S roci.roconlly. "W o hale to i;avoU! ii up .1 U(wl______■ y < ...... •ir’’ :--rttr.'ri.-:iHrduriiH j'a'ij’a'W e^i.” pl;i,^-i^. imd^ri-'i-iTRi'.: ^:ivin>’ uj) a " ;i'aiist irip l.int weekek and «>iiid p la y er," he addadded. "Bu! u w Iittssed a H-hodiili'd p pra raclico ill relurn, wo’re nottinottinRaKi'oal • W R i '] ^ ☆ ' E R C ' ☆ CHANEL MASTS T E T r ^ r - ■ItfL'aiisc ol a m eelingng wilh play<-r." ippp: ' ☆ S P U NIN D E S IG N ☆ E M E R S O N ------^tDE-ewNCEr-S'— - r ------^— BjTGnTjni^Toir” '” ^ K n ^ ^ w |||t 1 • ☆ PLUS MANY^ M O R E ! plJ ! ^ i POCKET SI2IZED \ RCA 40 CHANNEL Ilr ^ - TRANSISTIr o R — y - - RADIO RADIO R A & S I ONLY ► 5 / } , m l 59.00 / ■ : n A J / SYY lV A N lA 8-TRACK V 2 0 0 ■ O 12" BLSLACK a WHITE RE-RECORDED i / R E C O R D ALB. B U M s \ J R p o r tT A B L E T V TAPES . f @ .....Volalues to *7.99 Values fo *6.9;. 9 5 ' ^ — g \ '

_ w ■•|t has nothing to0 doli wilh my lifo style. Itt hhf a s ' t o w clo wilh beinc■E rmnrkud-dcwti to $37.50!" “ X l !

_ _

i ^ A R A MLNTEED RESULT 7 31 ; 3 - 0 9 3 1 ' ” 1 ^ r ' ' j - V ___ l o ^ J

J I J ^ ^ J -J . . ■ -______1- ■ ThurscJay. Novombor24. 19777 Times-Nows, Twin Foils. Idaho 3'

■ ^ mm. f f \ OlUTTOC J ^ ■W7 /Jjf IK k /! ft ^ i s ......

' / M g L

' ' ' ^ ' ^ 7 < S R :


^ o d c f r n Falc^oner worries‘S, I

r p e o p pie ma;ly not

I iin d cerstanc3 falco]« i r y I

P B y J E F EFTSHER symbol or because lhe birdsjs ofol prey seem to be }{ Tlmes-Nf-New s W riter i b y J o n the uiiimale embodiment of Uie sp irit of in- 5 JEROME — Jerome imc falconer Mike Alwood idependence and Uie unquencjenchable will to be I- A can slare unblinking in ? inlo Uie g la re o f,a falcon ifre e, a n y en cro ac h m en t onI the freedom o( birds M ittle id e r . Q within easy striking dis d istan ce of h is u n prolecled i of p re y Is au to m atica lly suspccipccl. • Q face becausc he trusls sis falcons completely, bul Atwood, does nol dispute[e Uicll awe-inspirhig - X hc cannol bear the gfaregl of the spoUlglit of p an d in g lh e ra n g e Uie birdsIs cca an call hom e. . a feooale prairie (aloBlciMi b e b a s Ju st tra p p e d . T b e I la ter. n falconer to act as. a a sponsor .and provide For Instance; Morley Nelsofelson o( Boise, o , (alcon does not tryy tot< (ree ltsel( (rom Atwood's j .. Interna] signals Ilkc hungenger can be overruled by en- Q guidance fo r a period oDf ft' two years, ’ fa f 9c Srtp, but wails paUeaUenUy and IntenUy. Alwood (alconer and world-renowned.■ned auU iorlly on T h e feelin g ’s [ .8 A comprehensive exan ® (reed U>e bird aftei { virorim cntal sllm uln llke<.a1 piece pl of cakc flashing on lhe camlnalion on the biology. raplors, ra developed a perch1 whichwl can be In- 9 fter-a (ew moments, as be J screen , ‘i feel Ilkc a robot, bui s X management and tralnli , bul I c a n 't help 11," com plains Inlng of raptors musl be stalled st. on higti-voltagc linee lowers lc (favorlle ] esU m ate d Uie b irdd was > at least io Ils second ■X D passed, and only Ihen Is m u t u a l I one lady who found herselff glidinggli to Ihc cookie Jar when 1 Is a falconer iUlowcd lo raptor ra lookouts) lo protect roptors rop from elec- year, and a falconere r Is1 allow ed to tr a p only bird s { th e c a k c a d c a n ic o n . 0 caplureapralrlefalcon.in, fl trlc tr: a l shocks. in Uielr (irst year. j , TllC fat person is cspeciall:lally sensillve lo food-relaledd |X Falconers feel lh a l tlii;Uiis regulation Is lhe only And it w as th e b ird s oftf falconersfj which J stimuli, according to physicyslologlst Stanley Schachler,_ iX wny to eliminate lhe alabuses thai threaten to (o; fostered lhe young peregrineie falcons f; recenlly ^ I becausc he has foiind hiss mnormal, Intemol signals off iQ Jeopardize lhe conlinuinued existence of lhe - re reintroduced to the Birds of PreyPre Natural Area — c hunger nol trustworthy. 0 practice of falcqnry. in southw est Idaho. 5 TllC susceptible viewing? audienceai ollen Is not evenJ X | . F alco n ers recognizeI lheyllu a re In a p a rtic u la rly Nevertheless, (alconers will wll continue lo I J 1 aware of somelimes subtle su ’ X sensitive situation becau; ! suggestions lo "chow down," i :ause of Ute place birds of practice pr Ihelr noble art (ar (romrom the roving and JL * J—Bul-lop-food.processors.anduid.dislrlbutors-cortalnly-are J.. ..n -I ...p re y ,lio ld In Uie popularirlmaglnotlon, Ii - ...... -jniinquisitive, - b u t-b a s ic a lly —unc d a hoa -unconcemed-and ------' ans aw;aking I .''and, as a result, pour billion • X Perhaps bccause lhe lions of dollars jnlo Ihc com- | lie eagle is the national u un ninvolved eye o( Uie public, AlwAlwood predicled. I , merciai kilty every year. For F example,"'the nation's> A | I la rg e st ha m b u rg e r chain ciianifiannelod n paunchy J36 millionI Q I I ' Into television last year. ^ I Not only does the commerclerclal drdp'an overdose lo lhe j ow ildl j tasle buds, but 11 also conlrlbul [life plij Ibules lo th e floundering im age i ig h t • i ‘ i ■ ■ ■ I •liHhijttvcrweignipcrsonruonsionsliler Hlioda's sisier urenda, j I ^whonins&constanlballlcwllli ByJEFFSHER R eport th e slobs slol and the game-hogs. or ap- ivllh orgies of assorled goodies, J 1 > ■ ' ' ' ' H Times*News writer p ro ac h Ihem whii j -‘’She represents a stcreolypcT)c of lh e overw eight personI I Q • vhile U rcy're In th e a c t pi poaching B ^B |S "Andd Ilet them have dominion over I \ ^ jacking the will power to contnntrol her persistent nibbling, | /e r lh e fish of o r la k in g m o re; thanUi th e ir legal sh a re ’of a n im als I"” th e se a, and over the birds of lhe air. I Don'l allow the colorle-ri's-riveled TV commercial lo” } a ir. a n d o v e r a n d lel th e m knovnow how you (oel obout ll, tUe, a n d ov e r all th e e a r lh .” j conlrol your viewing hours by.by a hand-lo-moulh existence. C ^ B B i ^ l P e rh a p s suchh a course of aclion falls un d e r lhe I ^B nH If Sotlnturday’s Idaho Wildlife Tomoi I Bul, if you must, stock up-'on'on lhe "liglit" beer (lho sole 5 imorrow con- '.heading of educilucadon. another problem Iden- ' A feren ce:e Is any Indication, Idahoans a , , dlctellc pn^uct aimed o^ljmrimp), bultcr lhe popcorn^Ith __N ns a re 4>egln- tlfied by s e v e ral a l«groups. S la il .. ning loto take the Inslnictlons spellcselled out In Even if it's looioo lale to change the thinking of i' calorle'Iree'Valmost) margarii'arinc.'surrouhd yourself wltli M is seriously. I your favorlle people and enjoy er a wonderful holiday I lhe older hunters:ers who grew up believing they 'ever, as lhe pllglil of Idaho': I weekend. | ^ B | | B H iho's wildlife were actually savingsa\ money hunling for a part / I becomies es clearer, lhe obstacles blocblocking th e • of Ih elr food. Uiehe up-and-coming young hunters ro a d lo more wildlife lor Idaho’slo’s hunlers, have a righl to) knowki that hunling will conllnue flsh e rmnen e and olher ouldoor onlhusihuslasls also to exIsl only Iff lheyll: curb Ihelr own acllvity to becomle e mr o re ap p aren l.s maintain a balanlance wilh available wildlife and At thhe e conference, five scparalele ddiscussion habllal, (Whilele we're' talking about wildlife, i.grappling. f with lhe loplcsi of fish, in- lot's slrike lhee wordv game, from lhe ouldoor Qme, upland' vocaliii'lirry riglil';tit now. HlIhtiTi|{lS'no g a m e,'an d birds and walerfowl, and lando I v B M r n i B indow ners — if we Uiink ll Is.s. we \ beller go back an^ relearn A ^S B IB — .Inlcrager{ency. cooperallon came, lo simsimilar conr .whaLllfeand dealeaUi.lsall.abouLJ ______elusionsis aboul lhe major problemsi whwhich musl .Dwindling habllabilat was another commonly- ^ solved'cd be(orc lhe dream of more; wllwildlife can mentioned probleilliem. i I f realizeIzed, Allhougli Gov.iv. Jo h n E vans said h e believes B^^^H Fundinling was one of the problerblem s mo.sl a g rlc u llu re -ls -"-‘‘compalible" c with lhe goal of in ly m entioned, even beforc; Id.Idnho Fish more wildlife, nolnot all form s of a g ric u ltu re (It the M h SBB and Gamame Deparlmenl Direclor Ooe'oe totoo completely clearcd. F^orests •• ------carry-ouloul.and malnlain-wlldllfe enlinnliancemenl can be..top_;;clcailear cut" for wildlife lo have a • y V I p ro jec ts5 willv c arrj- a se p a ra te p ricc lag.lag . chance. ' . V , I If th eJ deparlmenld Is Jusl holding lheIhe line with Wlinl was blataiitanlly clear from the conclusions • * - I currentI funding,fi It seems obvious Ihnl;hal In years of Ihc confereess bulb remained unspoken, is that , I a h e a d more m money will be neededded Jusl lo the major problei)lem facing u'ildlife is ".vou nnd • m a in ta,ln in lhe status quo. Iel nlohe Impimprove lhe mo," n i H m i g ■ »n, as pressure on wildlife reiiouliiources and Il's not Jusl w hat 'wt* iicfd' to do to save h a b lla l IncreasesIn al anever-faslerrate.ate. • wildlife. Il's whathat we nm l to stop doing. The AnoUicilicr problem given hlgli prlcp rio rily iiy p n ib le m s w c facew c e ' oii't tie solved hysliolllng oul , s e v e ra l1 of lhe discussion grou|roups was a few more Inicks:ks for a I Iconse e^ery yenr, ______v j - . - m anagemement and research. You can'tin't manage We need lo throhrow oul till- 'T i l gel m ine noyi' ■* somelhingIng you don'l know anything nboul.aboi and worry aboutut 1next year later” approach lo B ut Inllintensive research takes peoph»ple in the Inintlngatid flshlniling, field forr longI< periods of lime, and peofpeople don't We need to changeclu our ways, because lhe V work forir free,I even In a "fun" Job like wildlife waysofanlmalswis won'l chnnge. T hey can 'l. • •’ rese archI*- . It's too bad1 thntt: when man was given • W orkingout t h e k n o t s E nforce•cement also appears'lo be a problem,p dominion over Ihelhe fish, lhe birds and the calUc, . S - "More oflofficers In Uie field - more-pri'pre.sence." he didn'l read Iheslesmall print In the contract. NEW SNOW bringsgs oewlKe0 to legs which have • confereesesdemanded.. WTlh pow er con;omcs responsibility to use that lain bent and (dded^ underneathi desks and in A RAPTOR}R lies 00 Its back wllb talonslons ex- But agaigain. such a solullon will nollot Ihe inex- power wisely. We’.Ve’re Just now looming Ihnflhe . c h a irs since la st wUilvlnlcr. Cross country.skiers K i d g i oOVG ' . tended upwarard wbenBppi:oacbed. ThusToT o pick( . pensive.. TThe only way to cut enforcemeement cosls a-al power we h.'iVehn is nol ju sl lo e xtend o u r ^ -T—- — were out in (orce on ti in the Sun Valley golf courso • u p a b ird a falcooer i approaches wllh giogloved wlii be foifor every concerned hunter 10lo sshoulder conlrol over otherlicr crealures. bul.lo limit Uiat ' as soon os there wasvas enough snow to-'sU last ^ h a n d l iIHS£ n '•^band. allowsv .tbI e b ird to U ghtly g ra sp Uwe glove,g]i some of th e burden w hilo In lhe field. control. Tuesdayi . ^ a n d tb e n llftstsUjebirtl. t • ^ \ J . V — ^ ^ ■J ■ ' I 32 Timos.Nows, TwinIn Falla.fi Idaho Tnurgrtny, Novnmbnm bO f?4,1977 Garciiia to stitay on with Aingels

ElM. Calif,’ lUPI) - Thele Califrrt-iiiaI presum ai)llilly to compete stronger forr LosLc Angeles face, n O B 3 | Q R | A ngels,, ununable lo pry Gene Maueh!i looselo from newspapei3cr spacc wllh • flamboi^anti^aiit Tomm>“ ' ".Bul, alat 1liic sa m e tim e. I'm gl;«l il'> .'H ovc ta T w ins' ow ner Calvin G riffllh,111, announceda Lasorda,, nm a n ag e r of the Los Angeles Dodgers,Dod and I kl^o^BOW I'm gDing to he Illf n i.n a g e r ------W cd n c^ayiaythcy-wil-go-with-incumbcnljcnl manager -Garcia,1, ' who was given a conlractt througli tin 1978 season. I Ic looked forward lo'inaiiai'in):.( lon>i ------D av e G arcircia ncxLscoso'n-______-JL______afiej:.bclnc,ncJiifcd.to.rcDlacc.Sherriv]can:earned,Uial he . .. . and-thc* • AiAngels definitely -arr-n' cnntt iidliii G arcia,1, 57, b ecam e m anogor of th e Angels Ai fast was beinglg relalned in o telephone callali fromf E. J, ciui>,^’ j I uly 11 aftcfter N orm Sherrw w as fired, "Buzzie"’ IBovnsI, the Angels" new execixecutivo vice • , When GaG arcia took over thc Angels, they iiac -A ngel owownor Gene Aulry and .Mauchh hahave talked presidentI aand general manager. •12 rccordd aand w ere U'.- gam es out of first pl; this monlhlh ■about the possibilllyof Mauch:ch managingi Garcia,I, v who resides In El Cajon, Calif,,allf,, wltl meet ihe AmericTtcan League West I'nder him, they ►iv , -J the Angels!ls In 197fl. bul G riffith refu seded to I release , wllh Autryry and Bavasi nexl week on the;he completionc .. and1 wiwound up 2B gam es iicliind liic Kansa • M auch frofrom-the flnal'year of.hls.coi.c o n tra ct .is, .o f lils c o jcaching l staff. Pitching coacli MarMarv Grissom ' Royals, ■ C b ■ manager' oiof lhe Twins. Mauch was mlffeiIffed liecause andJlmmhTile H eese will retu rn and J ohnm .M,M cNam ara, ' However,.'cr. they sulfered cniipling injuries I' . Minnosolo;a lost free agent outfielder.^i Larry.Ilisie La -hired InOciOctober, will coach third base,;, ■■ a g en ls Bobllobby GrL'h and J oc Hudi, wlu) w ere u i - ’ PB^i and L ym an Bostock. Pran.'( Robinson, R» baseball's only blackack m a n ag e r, to finish oul Iheseason. "D o v e GGarcia t was fully aware of the■situation situ and and Del CnCrandall, a former major leagueigue manoger, Garcia,1, \ who slarled Insl season as the A: ^ H ' - ' o ur I with Mauch and the Twins,”” sasaid Aulry, were noLrc.retained os Angel coaches foror noxtni soason' third basese concii. said he didn'l tiiink tiiC " M au c h waswa thc only other mon we consionsidered for and otherr ccoach. Bob Clear, was namedned thc club's ‘ players wowould loso repecl for him because < 'i 'j the job, W(Wc have the utmost confidence.■nee in Dave m ln o rle agQguc i pitching instructor, Mauciislluiituatlon. - ' A ' G a rc ia .'• "I'ln 'v ccry r; happy," said Garcia. "Yes,i'os, ril'admit "Ninetyly [pcrcent of the players knew me be >» In the American Leaguepiasl ia: season,’ hul It's Mr.Ir. Autry's ball club and hc cert::ertainly is on- w h al iheyy tlthink atiolil mc l^ p' '^31 ^ fivc-y(•year contract estimated to be w orth s:i , titled lo dio o 'w hal lie thinks is riglit. • ” 11 W’as.s.unsetlllnp u but I didn'l worry aljoul i ' m illion, manaking him basfball's highest;p.ildpl.iyer pni "Gene M auch Is a very cap a b le i)nscinscball man. Ihc typo of guy who doesn't lel things that I Al th a t 1news conferenco, Autry said he v^as Tve'known^'n G ene slnco 1946 and w e've beenbeei frien d s o conlroi bollM lhenm c: Well, m aylie thai''- m'-l wi f ^ : ■,;. ' y 'W looking fofor a manager wlih- '•moim o re z ip ," long. loiiKlI■i tim e. I don’t c onsider all thiS'a is .a slap : in th e tru e . I d lddu ^se d trwvwrry w:hen m \ kiiN i'nl sick I I f th e y w ereii■eiialc '• , ' . PITCHrC H E R MUce T o rre z w as a ll simlles m i as his H 9 w ife. DDanielle, ar placed Red Sox cap on his head I G r e cC i n C I * ' -o s h e ww a as s introduced to th e m edia duiringapress rir ^adres ’ land] \White ‘Sox frcee agen conferen(irence Wednesday aftemoon.. 1T h e New '■ ' . g r a s s ' Y ork WorWorld Series hero has moved on t< p a s tuires r e s 1In Boston w ith a $2 m illion con IGO (UPI)—TheSan confercfcrcnce to report thal Milwaukee ^ Brewers and the San Diego general manlanager effort to beef up Itjflr pil idres, who losl oul In Gambi(Tibie iias a greed to te rm s California C. Angels, respcc-cc- Bob Fontaine. sta ff whicii wa!i decinialt lAds 10 get ge free agent out- for aa niulfi-year contract ClvoJy. (1' Gamble, who was tradeaded to year by (lie initiries to f fielders Lyman Lv Bostock and worth’til cim oreth3n$l,5 million, With the Wliite Sox lasta sl th e \S1iilc Sox la st Aprilrll 3 hy J.oncs and Brenl Stnmi. slo of the iMlnnesota Gamiam ble. 27, probably will i)e season. se Gamble, a lefthandedled the New York Yankeescs in a g^', ■ i \ N C A A ir e c o r d s is u b p o e n- l a c d : = S 'cdnesday announced In Sanian :Diego early next week hitter, h batted -29'1 with 31 homcimc deal that brouglil tho Yon'a n k ee s t-ci us ricit> ,o i .• : ti>. ro ive landed Oscar lo signsign the pact, a, Padie ru n n s and 63 RBI, shortstop Bucky Dent, joljoins a Turcr. Ncw:;, .'j' ' ■ i G am b le, a froe agent out- spokesnkesm an said, •'O scor G am ble Is the typeeof of crowdcd Padres' oulilu tfie ld I------^------©.N.Y.TImesNeiNewsservice 28 c 28 deadline; according to Davieivid Cawood, the fielder fromDm the Chlcogo Willc Gami.amble was the Padres' p pl la y e r we feel will fif In weltveil which already Includes I , NEWVORK-Acongres!resslonal subcommittee * NCAA NC/ Information director. . Sox. fiflhI S(selectton in baseball s wilh w our club.” said Padre,drc. Winfield. George Hendrick COMMERCIAL REIf subpoenaed rccords of U Uicic National Collegiate Rep, Ri John E. Moss. D-Callf., ai , and chairman of The Padrdres, who Inked freo secondsnd Irec agent re entry o o' w n er R a y Kroc. G ene R ichards, It Is pos.DOSSlble U6I.q.lt,N.Malnav, (>sday,lcss than a week thei Athlctic Assoclallon Tucsdt th c O verslglit subcom m itlce. Infonform ed B y e rs by a g en ts Collie Rol Fingers and draft.ft. T' he c h ib 's other two '■The agreemenl we hnvoave • the Padres will try loto deal location Call; - - sThoinnan warned the lelK letter last Prldoy thol the subpO'jpoena was on Its Gone • Tenaciace of the Oakland outfieldIeld free agent picks, Hislc ,witii ,w Oscar is something wc either Winfield or Hcndric .1 association not lo Interfcsrfere wliH a current way. way Moss also expressed lo Bye irick Western'Realty lyers his.concern a ’s Inst y'ear, y'e. called a new s- and Bo;Bostock. signeri wllh the feel-we fe can live wllh," odded:led (he w inter m eetin g s In in an 733-2365 conRrcsslonol InvestigationlonoflhcN < C A A , wllh wllli reports from some collcflieges about thc Tills was tfic latest move rm by the House NCAA's NC/’ alllludc toward the CorC ongressional in- Overslglil and InvestlRotlpotions' subcommittee, vesllgotlon. vest which began a probe of tlic:lhe NCAA last month to Moss M' -wrote: “Mr. Byers, lih a v e 'r e c e iv e d . determine: ■' disturbing dlsti reports that official: m e m b er -\«iether the NCM. Is violating, antitrust institutions insti (of thc NC/U) hhave received laws, telephonetelej calls from NCAA stJstaff about this -T he Nature of NCAA InvestigotionInv practices congressional con^ investigation, Thoriiose calls have I when It suspccls colleges,!. coachcsco o r a th le te s of been beer perceived, rightly or wronrongly, as veiled • ' ^ i ^ V ' I violating NCAA rules a n di^gulatlons. ^ f Ihreatsof thrc. reprisal. Lest you Inadvidvertently fail to , -W hether penaltiess ;assessed against appreciate appr tho gravity of Impllciilicatlons of such member coIIcgcs, coachcses anda athletes arc fair nets, acts, please be advised thati uunder Title 16 H iind equitable. UnitUnited Slates Codc Section 1503m it is a felony iiJS^lf/i ■ I -W lie th e r tlie NCA/V provrovldes due pro cc ss for 3unlshable puni: by fino and Imprlso'Isonmcnt lo en- collcgcs. coachcs and atiathletes Involved In leavor dcav lo Influence. Intimidate, cor impede any association Investigationssa an n d p c n a ltle s, A’itness witni before a congressional corcommlltcc. SKIINIIGISNIOW! Tlie subcommiUee requequested the NCAA on ‘•Let “L me emphasize that 1 will inot he.sltatc to m \ J I Ocl. 20 to voluntarily produce pi records of •efer refei evidence of any such acl tto the Depart- | assoclotlon enforcement proceedingspn involving n menl e n t o f ) ustice for prosecution,, AiAccordingly, by T' h e r e s mn o d o u b t a b o u t ____ colleges suspected of violatlrating NCAA ru les since :opy m p v of.UilsJeUer..l a m today askiisking all affcc te d 1970. T R F N C M did nonot comply to lhe Tiem mem ber Institutions of the NC/\AiA tto rep o rt to th c a satisfaction of the subcomiommlltee so the sub- :ubcommlltoe subc Immediately ai su c h In- it, ■ it's tini m e t o bl l u y t h a t ------commlttecTotcdlo-sutjpoenflwnjrtircsoTecord.'T— ’------cidcilldClHsr'------'- ■------This subpoena was serve;rved upon the NCA/\ Byers By had denied any attemiempt to impede staff nt Hs headqiiar^(;rs.re .offlcc in Sha\^•nec , A'itncsscs witm and has written to) n th a n IOO 2s k i e q uj i i p m e n t y o u ' v e Mlssloii. Kan., directinj:ting Walter Byers. colic :olicges thal were investigated sirsin c e 1070 lo say \ executive diroctor of the NCAA,NC/ to turn oyer the le he isIj advised Lo comply witlill tth c subpoena, L ' documents nnd tapes by No\NoVi 28 o r a p p e a r a l a - CaWt raWood said Byere also sugiuggcsled these |,b e e n w a ii t t i n g f o r ..• • subcommittee hearing Nov.:DV. 30 w llh th e recoVds, colic,lollcges cooperate wilh Ihesubcon The NCAA is expccted loI complvcoi with the Nov. , I B r i g h ca m b i g tl i i m e b e g i H ■ ’■ > - ■■'' I

PROVO, Utoh (UPI)1) - dedicated and areare very Arizona Stale nm th e lop Brigliam Young Universit;rsity’s compatible wllli one i;am another."' two or tlirec teair frcshman-Iaden team ' slesteps Arnold said. "Theyey believe Mexico has vlrtua 'slraif^il Inlo the big tirtimo strongly in what we Iare are Irying returning ” Sa tu rd a y when thc Coiij'.im'gars to do, su there shouldould be no "Bul ArizonaI al open (IIe'Tlp78 collegia!glate problem building themlemlntoan super talent, and an Colorado iiaskelball season In Paul•aulev • efficiently operating-uniiunil," State and Texas-Es-EI i’a s o h n d a Pavilion. As for the I'JTfi WAC WA Iille highly successful "You never know h(how race, Arnold says, sincsince Ulah year, Wliat it all .i up lo ^ E S •to-iif------w itn-lasl-year^i^coiilrnilforuncp—:L_:iiin’hr r firf».-il WAf I PA — ^aylnB-UCLA-is-golng-to-. SKf le us to gngrow ’ ■' 1 9 0 0 M O I lip rapidly," MOUNTING 1 ^ CerlilieOI3 lech n ician ...... I1 ^ Cerlilistl lechmcian 1 ^ __ H ,' • "We .should Rc'stroiigi'r'iI 'r ‘liy ' ' CeiiilieiJ lectiR icun...... the tim e tiie W AC begins." ^ ^ ^ Ami Arnold says li’ls tea 111 m ay also lie Ihe sim rtest. whenwh' / R e g . 2 1 R e g . 2 5 5 . ' R e> j 0 . 3 3 2 . 9 5 1 it comcs to Starters, ‘WVWe’re ' • ' O n N o v tm txir a n added lo o rtlc lclcd . .ac according .)(. m unlly Educalion F a ir ancl needs lo the Interests of the,e p people of ^ needs assessment nl^il* that th e d istric t. T h ere willvlll h av e to ^ ■ will b c held from 7 lo 9: Jl) p.ml . a t i o n f alie i of be at leasl ten palpaid par- * * Tuesday al Valley {{l^h jffercd ' tlc ip a n ls In cac h c lassss beforeI it S I School. _ _ education program. elding. may be offered. A miniilnlmal fee u I T he a ffair will be sponsoredx)| Four instructional .sessits lo Iw ''■111 b<-* a ssessed to0 \pay the 2 _ JII-. instructor and for mj by Ihc Valiey SO S. In con­)p. will l)c offered and patrons v m a teria ls, jc. Illllni!. -slic said. junction wilh the Easl End bc able tn attend the class * Communlly Fnrm BureauQ„ llieir choice ioD'Cach ;s. uf and i will be con 1;^ _ , free of charge.' Th( u group. Mrs. Karen Agee, co- periods. At the end of I In- # ill ;iiI/EISI to com c w SOS presidcni and women'snjj c lass es everyone will gatherilnling lercstcd arc asked ti ch o irin an oj the Communlly7,. the gymnasium forsponse ‘^ariy for registration Farm Burca'u, reporls thnt thencj cvulualion and neei:5« - P-ni- fair Is being held lo determineJt assessmeni period. yoga. senior citizenn ineeding « H I w helher o r nol this ru ra71, l The varied schedulelet and tra n sp o rta tio n m ay cacall Mrs. # ■ ■ com m unity will- successfully,], clns.scs thai will be offerpanish A gee a t 825-5835 o r M r J u d y # H support a communlly are; 7:15 to 7:35 — weldli;aO - Holland a t 8'29-5679.. c ra fts, and a nother c lass lo n- announced; 7:-10 to 8 ~ ; chery and fiy lying; quillllr ' S (IU S knitting and rplalcd arls. a Q. photography; 8; IS lo »:25 m • TWIN FALLS - Navyi's basic mechanics, oll palntia . port dcploymcnl-ln thee Weslern’ * Machinist’s Mnle Firemanly and C.P.K- (Quick Respon;mlK)rs P acific, Recnill Timothy J. Dolezal.!(. Instruction.); f)::io lo H:5«events Hc is servinglg a s a * hosted crewmembcr aboard•d I th e fleel * son of Mr. and Mrs. James P.1C conversational Spanish: yo(; n\. n I •nmcnt ocean tug USS CCocopa. * ^ IT Oolezal, 152 Bonny Drive.al exercising program, ballet ai mi ------Twin Falls, has completed lhely belly dancing, and Spanii fa r in____ homcported in Sanan DIcgo. * ______3 1 “Baslc^M achlnlsfs Matey cookery, and 9 lo 9:30 s ship will * yV C oursc. I the opcTate as a unit of3f t th c U.S. * J i V i pplncs. Seventh Fleet. * - m * D uring Uie coursc a t Die f e e ------______HL “NaVbl'Tralnin^CehlcrTGreat” J ir o n g ------H e—Jo in e d " lhC“-N N avi^ln-*— n d e ro f A ugusl. 1972. Lakes, sludenls rcccivcd In­ o n d ■’ ' i struction on lhe use of hand slilp Is ate In JEROME - Navyivy Senior *t I tools and machinc shoj)/y the Constellation's first'.pt i o th e r C hief R adiom an Ro:R obert J . * V i equipmenl. In addition, Uieyin visit to Korea. Crcwmemlx C a n d y f oo r id with Mitchell, son of Mr.. andai Mrs. ^ studied Uic basic operation,ll, p a rticip a te d In sporling evei in ad- R.L-! M ilch d l, 213 Wcsl Wc Ave. * 1 maintenance and repair of wllh local citizens and hosi stilps’ propulsion equipment, loiher F., Jerome, recentlylly visllcd * |.f| y c, dignitaries and governme Pusan, Korea. f h e K i d s ! cvaporotors and gcneralors. ____officials on board. Thus far Thc students were also in­ Burley He Is serving A ■ troduced to Ihe types of duly ;d the crcwmcmber aboars a r d th e i t ' r , opportunily 10 visit, i a irc ra f t c a r rie r USJLJSS Con- # watchcs thal Machinist’s Republic of the Phllippln slellallon. homcportedled In San * V. u C F r i Y * Mates stand aboard ships. it------Slrigaporo7TIfa1Tand'andiru ;av y Dlego.HlsshlpIsonaVa Wcslcm * .X. Hc joined the Navy in June.n. Kong. D uring th c rcm oindci qinss Pacific deployment1 and; is 2 1977. Id Die deploym cnl, h ls slilp sc wife operating as a unit ofDf tth e U.S. * i IJ) s^iedulcd to participate ler of Seventh Fleet, TWIN FALI.S - Navy;y ( ifarnlng cxerclscs wilh oll rl, has , I^e Joined th c NcN avy In * Personnclman Seaman Ap­n. '^ e v e n l h F leet unlls nnd w pren tice Joseph W. R evai. son}( itilp s of allied nation.*:, tended In i November, 1959. l \ " i — * of 'M r . and Mrs. E lm o N.t. dllion lo visiting several oil Gorrison. 4B8 Ridgeway Drive,s, F a r E a s te rn ports. Twin Folis, was gra'dualedV A 1974 graduate of Burl I H * from Pcrsonnclm ^n School. y Hlgli School, he . joined I ■ H ^ T he school Is located al thes N av y in S e p lem b e r, I97'l. - ‘■ ' J - UovaI~Technlcal Training Ccnter, Meridian, Miss. R U I’ E R T - N a \ During the nine-week coursc, • Engineman Second . Qla ■ t ( students received instruction M ichael A, Hansen, whose w ON on the procedures fory -Ixjnlta Is the daugliler ■ t preparation and updating of Robert Lillieficld, Rupert, li personnel records. In addillon,„ departed for an extend IS ' l - / t v r-J < t* they studied general NavyI. I______officc administration melhods ■ i — 1 — I ^ \1 / * and the techniques employed I fH E — 1 « r * - for personnel Interviewing, A 1977 graduate of Twin I F a lls Hlgli Scliool, lie joined I th e N avy In Septem ber. IU7fi. It ^ALL i BURLEY - Navy Aviation M Electronics Technician Third ** □ a s s Donls L, Jeffs, son of Mr, and M rs. Donls D. Jeff.s. COO )WNTOVWN I Miller Ave., Burley, recently ! I * visited Pusan. Keren. ■ * * Hc Is serving as a I 5 crewmcmber nbo.ird the ^ I r c r a tt - ^ a r r ior— USS—C o a ^ ij I TV LLS stellallon, homcported in San. ■ DIcgo. His ship iso n n W estern, _ Pacific deploymrnt and is operating as a unit of the U,S. m Sevenlh Fleet. • ■ Thc four-day visil marked I II fr{I.&SSAT--NO>V . 2 5 I . Population *- — I * ...... ^ 'i "

totalrises ■ ■ ■ _ * ______1 T O. 5 P . A / J PATERSON, N .I, it;iM ) - ] Sterling Star $10,00* * The Clly. ot I’alerMin lias annual series oF slerlinR silver Chrltlmjtmas S a n t a w/ v i l l p a r a (l d e t h r u 1t h e M a l l!J^ ...... convinced thc U,S. Census her enrlehlnR the haunltnR IcRenil of ll' I ' Uureau il has more people isS larof Belhlebem. The 1977 ChrisirHslmas ^ • 9 than lhe federal l)ureaocrals ■d cenlral decoralion waslnsplred byiy ihI e * I Ihouglil ll hnd. tr.lhePolnwlHa. Each Chrisimas SuSlar is a ^ in I th e Fiii r e t r u c k: a n d sto|5p to visili t The iigrccment with tho sn lhal can be'norn as jeweli^ or used Census Hureaw -Thursiiay h or window. Every year a unique nev * " I c lea re d th e .way for the cilv lo nake your Reed & Barton Chrisl mat«»Slar S - * fl I I l i m ! receivc several mare million Infl v^ u e and meanlnRi Also availablesblein ^ V l ll l l t h e l i t tt l i e - o n e s . . . D o nl ' ' t m i s s h ii goldeIeclroplatr,$U.50.* dollars 'In rcvemie shnrlng * money.olflclalssaid. •Chain extra. * ■ Paterson Majior Uwrencc . 2nd Annual S * * Kramer submitted the result ^ ThltUlheMcon|c 5lc * * * Hi .0 ' Interpretive design will make •. -c - , ' < . ^ ...... n collecllon one of InaeasinR v lg 24kl. vermeil go ■N • ■


34 Timos-Now3. Twin Palls. IdahoIda Thursday. Noyombor24,124.1977 _ ___ _ egin and Sadidat ...... / Sl ■ 9 IPeace 1fram e! hinted EWYORK (U PI)-Israel Tlie publication said the'c Palestinian state wlUi "^tep- ■|^^^^B =^Frlm -eTie—M in iB te r-M e n ao tiem —--m -m ajor—points—hfiitfiUwly-iJ"— bystcp‘—negotlations-towards. --B eg inIn and Egyptlan Prcstdcnl--.. agreed..but..“poslp

I I I I I I I r Pre- Chliristrria s a A U N IV ERSITY Of VWisconsin graduate UPI ...... student. Donna Stelz, saysfs (hisI satellite map of . ■ %S a l€ Wisconsin showing a m yi^teiioiu st circle In Uie West cenlral part of thele s ta te c o n firm s h e r N am e B rand . th e o ry lh a l a hu g e m e teo rr cci ra s h e d Into th e state^ i ^ a r y B louses OO p in io n s vj a blUlon o r m o re y e o rs ago. a{ But Wisconsin’s" C o o r d i n a tteftfb e s Spocial ®G:Group from Regular Stock. state geologist is nol so sure.re. Special Group P ■ Regi3gularly to $24.00 Wisconsin cirircle Vs Off ] 99_$^ Sizos 36 to 46 F ' 1 1 14'/, to24'/jV> Ancancien meteeoritic craterr ? Regular $35 to $55$5 P o iy'ester e Pullover MILWAUKEE (UPI) - AI tlie whllb snow and lowA- si sun "Geologic time Is so extensive.exi Ostrom doubt;Dls (urther ' he disagreed■eed w ith O strom 's D ressesS one large research is warron■onled, view . K le(erl;:er is ch airm a n of the Fonts bllHon years or so ngo, a Iiugc-:• angle. L e i's soy you h av c oni Special Group meteor roared out of the sky ••Obviously a c irc le Uiot3t sl:size collision e v ery .W.OOOKX) yeors, "Although this a> ap p e a rs lo Ih; environmenticnlal monitoring P sSizes 30 to 40 ond slammed ln(o whal Is now is unusuol, so I rood' somesotr ■ Over geologic lime thailhal would some kind of[ a circular program InwIn w hich Ms, Stelz is ‘ ^ 9 9 9 west cenlral W isconsin w llh anI lilc n itu rc a n d found thai Ihi t>c lens of thousandsi ofof events feature, It docsics not have enrolled. $ 1 999_$29 $ 9 9 9 explosive force tens of circular features of Ihilhal the size bf the one thatth; may onythlngtodowitj.’ith any kind of "I’m a civcivil engineer and thousands of limes grealer magnitude exist elsewhere.irc. A h av e oc cu rre d In Wiscoiiconsin ” implosion or o>explosion or involved inin r remote sensing." Sizos 14 V, to 24 V, lhanonatomlcbomb. - number of people havh a v c M ore la rg e c irc le sor o r craters Jmpocts or anylliylhiiig of that Kiefer sakl.;al(l. "I’m not a O r did it? suggested that a meteor• m;moy aren't e i^ ‘nt now. shesh said. sort. There is I i no geologic geologist, butbut 1 teach courses :_A_Univcrsity_-of—Wiicon-—_ — h a v e c a u s e d them ;------because-l^iey-ure -masnasked-by------evidence-lhat-wowould-ttupixti'l------reluled-lo-g0 —geologyT—IJonna's------■ — 5ln-Mndison g rad u a te studeni "T lie lype of m e te o ritee that lh; eroslonal processescs which anylhingllkethot.at." theory doesoes nol seem lm- I is convinced a m eteor cau sc d aI wc'cc talking about is quite qui constantly reshape; Earth’s1 Ostrom agreed!d th e circ le is p l a u s i bIc. l e . It seems a I m ysterious clrcIc 55 m iles in1 d ifferen t than th e ty p e! that th: surface. not coincidenlai.I. 1 b ut. h c sakl. reasonablelepossilillly. po I robably to il Is a fealure thahat can be ex- "My gutIt fc feeling is that the a l ^ ilnmelcr. Wisconsin's slate! la n d s In ttii; fa rm y a rd . These T he; "The only way prob S l ______y Seologisl is not so sure. are immenM. explosive evenjvents eonni-hrordlsprove‘ Wwi h a tr m pla in ed by existingIng land (orms. circle is mormore than a random ...... -^ 5 — " Ity o u lo o k ot. say. a m osaic; of the magnitude lensns of saying would be to to take a Professor Ralpliph Kiefer said occurence."e." 140 MAIN AVE. NORTHm Ph. 733-6671 of the United Slates using thisi thousands of times grealrealer number of deep drilJrlU cores _ salellilc ImoKery, you're nolI lhan the explosive fordeI of ian around whal J'm suggeg gestlng is going to see anything else like; a to m ic bom b." th e rim . It a nyw here." soid D onna] If such a meteorite hada d hit> “ I Jhink if someonione really Slctz.24.ofMllwuakcc. Wisconsin, she soid. 11 would wou agreed tiiaf formationsons of this “Anyone who sees the; producc a deep disconformiirmily sort could likely caus.lu se som e Wisconsin mosaic can't resist, In the Earth. "Often Ihey;y area mineral or ore deposiiosits, they by the end of llie'time they've? reflected by alignmentnt of miglit investigate it further,i been looking.al 11. saying. stre a m p a tte rn s, w hich is3 Whatwh T lie exam ples In G ermrm ; a n y a n d i 'W liat Isth a j? ' I’m suggesting, TmI notni Afrlco indicate thaton on the rim • • ‘;ifs really striking. hypothesizing there’s a cratic ra te r H 'cse stru c tu re s aire re somi e o( © es[>cclalty • when you sec a1 th e re now. the greatest sourccs of imineral iflBTO.-SSt / winler picture, when lhei "You know, meleoritio r itc s dep o sits in the w orld." deposit Is more higliligliled by/ aren’t-that rare." she snid. sai ButSlateGeolugist(M M eredith 2 D A Y I cC H R IS HWAS j PRlE M IE R ffHAHKSGIV f RIDAYA WEEKENND— ^ f ¥ R I N D ^ A TrUROAY g§6^" • ' H •,'4® i SHOP IDDAHO'S LARRGEST HOMIlAEFURNISHir INGS ' S y • : SAVE'E ON YOUR CHRIIRISTMAS ALL OFTHEE LATEST FALlLL.: ■ : GIFTS WITHmTHESE SUPER^BARGAINS S II P STORIRE AND SEE. r ^ - r v ' ' P SHIPMEIENTS. OUR HHUGE STORE5E OF MERCKHAN- i M E N ’ S j ^ l LADIES h DISESE IS AWAITIING YOUR/APPROVAL. i S U I T S m SUITS && ^ i Vim' H :s : M I LAST2 DAYS ATi HARVI(EST PRIC;es p M ^ O F F I A N D JY O U 'L L G^ET A LAR | 0 DELAYY P A Y M IlEN TS ■ y y I ' w i ; : "PERHAHEHT ^^^: SHORT SLEEVEIE - B O U T S ; PRESS and Large Selectiotion ; I Hens-ladies-Ki-Kids : ) J T IIIL A A A R C I i ^ \ \ . , : J E A N S T - S H I R T S B m

n N i g h t s ' b y A p ppointm o ents Ik'^V ; w ^ O p e n I OFF ; le n ty o f FREE PAF^R K II^G ; REG.TO$13.9a V l P R I Ct E u p T d V ^ O w | m i p l® ' o USO o u r lo t o n ty w h o n sh o.p p ( p ln g o u r I to r o I »/ AiVSgofl ' F•or o r the best In tho W estast Shop o t...

3 0 4 M ain i IM gjgfsiiloiHW Wm y u. ' ** Thursday.Thi NovomborZJ. 1977 Tlrririnios-Nows. Twm Falla, Idaho 35 • It. T errific JS e l e c t i o nn l T r e m esn r d o u s Sa^ivingsl

;a i LE Prices Efiectivp Nc'low i s Thru Nov. 27, 197977 I I Dreanam Oi M SS J S A NN N I E S UI I N T A N m H H i aCOflk0 n^i 0-.0 ' 'i W g a -(0()v-vC'>(s ■ • ■ - - - - m ’ - g (W l - A fully poseabiodi•doll t lthat you can T " Ul IE S D A Y ^ ^ ■ dross (or all’horir mi a g ic a l adven- I a il ) m 1 lu ro s. w i «3356Ai6A .LI55LI. 11 y E R I C M i f l ' ‘-

Rog. S2.87’ m I LI I < m m 3 — .708 f J u s t siet e t Tuesday Taylor 3 a ? / ■ | g | '<•< I ^ A S SI S O R f E D _ o r h e r• .boyfriend ,bc Eric In atflbffi the sunjn ( (or one minute, /f-V ■II"” = i r # 4 3 0 B A R B I E ^ M M W * thiey e y d e v e lo p e a ta.n / V 'V th a t lais s ts u p to. a n hour. 7 .. F j u BAI W t 3 g. S9.97 Each / i l i u V S H I O N S i H #435 Fashions andmd fabrics y ^ F U R H IIITURE W The perfectt ssize lor most / for all occc c a s lo n s , fashion andj aclloni (igure each sold seiseparately. . f l ® Y O U R m l O I C E ! For Barbie) andi her fm l friends. Each L E 6 0 K(ITS Refl. 97cc Each.I W ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ ^ E a c h W W% #1703 • ■ ■ r >______u M ■ Interiterlocking pieces ■ to build bl a bi-plane, y #1 ^ W ■ forkrk ■ lift or tipper / f 2 9 . m B truckick. Lets children » ■ 3 aneand up create and Reg. $1.87 Each 'W E a c h ^ i i e n n e r * M ' t o ^ h #1590F \ J g RACCCEDY ANNI or ANDyI ^ RACCEDY I raccedyaiIVNN RAGGEDDYANN J — -ANIM«AME- -P MtAY-SEB^AIVNN^HINDYfI- high^chaiMR i^C R A^DLE I ----- ^ Igh chair ■ All wood consinstruction, (in- l # E Playera try to0 cicomplete cute ■ Includesles cute vinyl doll that ■ Favorite Fa' lolk dolls in theirIr ■ A s tu rd y , w o o d e n high \ M for your (avorite dolls.s. BBright- M ished in red arand white with M figures ol Raggiggedy Ann and S Is fullyly jointed]c and has play ■ cutecut old (ashioned outllls. A l ^ - D O H great gilt Idoal ^Ai iy decoraled. vinyl nitillrQSS. S f i m m ■ the witch. ^■accessorliso rlo s. favorite modeling hpound that's not a p < M R eg. 9 9 mI x^$11.99 Tl | C 9 9 / h By. Pack of four col- ' O Q ^ ^ $ 3 . 1 7 ^ ^^9^ m JV m 55.57 •In stay-fresh cans *2 2 ( m M m o r s 'I n 22000 H m w ithh pplastic lids.,. _ -LI sS I ! # 1 #10413 JjS fflfl 2Igjg2 1 1 Super Hero -A sso rted K ■ du ^ 1 LYING MlWIGHTY Inrlslbh> In,rnfcf Sol,SolldUquld ^ NEIiRFMAN MICICRO MO'S y SU PER SPYP Y P E N WOODODY n m / f U r * d A A s a t e}. . :so(t super hero Just onene (push sends lhose / I a . I “ \\ th a t (III(Iles. indoors or liny vohicahiclos a long way. / Write secret measa!ssages to your Stretch It,.shape ahi It, pick up com- . L o ls o fI detail. do / friends in Invisiblelo llInk. Ic transfers,ira,

J _____^ Q y e r g O -fa f lfl s ! a « ______D i m n[?rJM.OSfl:£W!WL ------xtiarrFHled------^ f ^ c S . ", ” R6fl., .Jj . . . ^/29 - M R . POTATIJO HEAD LinLITLE M G CER ISSSW RIHv i r o w r r MWARX i ^ y E ach Create many lunnim n y f a c e s a n d J u s t p u shh hlihlrii'forward, ond he’s ^ feet (or thla culee p(potato friend, oft on hiss ov ow n. '000 CAME POPIP CORN ZIP.'» 'N STICK ; ^SULHrHW Rlvitronon hand tool plus Bails •.bounce.bo Inside ~ R # 0-*2.47 S5.99 ^ *103 pieelastic pieces in piasilc: domodc whllo you — PICT:ture kit - - Bssorteited shapes.'------Iry to caucalch thom.. . . " ' V " " ...... 11265 . f " ....«76 ■ Z f ■ Containsns EverythingI for two ir«- 9’/?"xiv1 1 " ruK and sparkly ___ -pictures,,

>2100 ^ ______' R e^ eg~^^i»--" S2.77 . . ^ a y T asfc F o rc e HHours ot Fun! .- t2 a ------IIEMCO 111IL' SPORT # P»ARKER / “ <\ Y M t Cholc* a . Pnschoolet’a ' ] - ^ j | rSTEM7 BAi\SKETBALl 1 rim and not. Stands ovor GAMES lal activating key Polo, rim r - - ' i ENTERTAAINERS MERR1RY GO TRAIN ^ ind six spocial ac- 5 fool wh^hen assomblod. "• te " Choose3 PayPf Day. Gambler or -Run Mousey-Run,-lin,-Lady Bug Fly- -Battery-'opeioperatod-traln.sol-wlth- — >rlos. I. C lu e, ill all, ex€ c itin g (am lly-lun Away or Tho Banarinana Treo. glaymotos3S aond lerrls wheel. ^ [I g am es^ Rog. $7.97 Each " “ O. *14.81 S , Reg. S6 r ^ f Q 9 9 — #678 ^ ,0 $7.7 02406. #24081 ’ #1011 S ' i E ach — — Eachach l^.Each m M f f j f f i S i iIjsJdah^Thufsd^ fy/es r u g S f o r e , HI , l i iA iY Prices)S Effective Now th ruI Nf o v em b er 27, 1977' y

I ■ ’ ^ ' ^ ( C O N A I R j k ' © l l © Reg. \%Cor(.IVINGWARE 1 5 .9 7 DRINIING V ^ y y c o i “ Gillette"" ■ C d rlai d ltl r ■ C o n a il > / . I i U / COMPAIiCT PRO I1 0 0 0 SWIRL-A >ROMAX piDRYER DRYER/SSTYLER , ' ■ 'PI MiSTCU / . , Smoll orond llghiwolght wilh / A 1000 W atit to dry hoir quick- Turbo-FloFlo deiign for la tl dry- . M lly. two lomperaiuro toltlngt • - tng ondnd high velocity air 'y 10 make ilyling ooty. Ught- It wovet ond c u rii. . , and il t How. Three Th heol lottingt. ' ' wttighi ond coiy lo hondio. latl, Ihonk^ lo SwIrl-gCurl't 500, 75(7S0 and 1000 wottt, m'M99 oulomotic mill r«ioa>(>. No.978' No, 9010>0 . _ Wf Model No, CIM IU ' ▼ ■ No. 930

Open Stock SelSelections! 2 1 .9 9 - = COMEUELIVIriNGWAREE < Cholco of boautlful,I, d lih w a s h e r - s o fe p o tte mIS s In tho Idoal fomily dinnorwct,-.omkol to uto. No. con- j f ^ 9 9 ’f £ 9 9 1 oll drolnogot. Snap- K I roll lo lat, tnop-on lid in- A on covooror keept olf freth for , ^ ^ ;luded. I W repaotodu I ______j

Revere.W are 6 > Q u a rt 5 - P ie c e S e t lOASTERWWITH REEVEREWARI COVER ----- Brilliontint and< rugged tloinlett tteel Iniiniide and oul - COOKWARE It ,i;lai7nln < )^ d-cookt«>ft-4o»t-ond-qt — — 'ilo d bolio>otlom tproodtheot quickly. No. ISO:505. ^ ^ * ^ 7 NOWONLY

anih*ei'iP'oad»MU.^» 1 OlONLY i® NotaeSs”* w/26^^ . K o d a k 's ThT h e H a n d le

K o d a k IHSTTANT 1 1 " X 14" Tele-lnstamato tic • 16"><20< 2 0 " f \ COLLEaORS CAMMERA I O M COLLECTiCTORS Ooilgnod lo lokt grootroot Intloni color plclurot 6 0 8 C A M E RIA J K I T ■ W FRAMES Bullt-ln rogulor and lolophoto lomont lolt you twllth ( \L,i h n 1 FRAME “ wilhout 0 lol oJ tu»». JuiJuit grab Iho Hondls. oim . V A Q99 s r , . 9414Spoakeri " ^ 2 ^ ' No, 94 • B ru t 3313 T R A V Craig Quick-;k*Release 8-Trock z SOAP-C■ON- .GIFT I >EDECK Kodak Trlmliio KodokPrlO / TAPI A-ROI»PE ■ INtTAM ATIC INSTANT // ' WITHSI.PEAKERS 1 8 C A M E R A PRINT riLM /A ond Kcm. Iiii In e> »»»• ond pgd, t n . i g o . 0 , . -7 . bMvl>)-l p-»>1.llhk»b,l<0d>l / I m Rog. 6 .7 9 ------.^Compact tido. tltioroo lope d«tk_wlih tlldo-ouiouV Rog. 2.19 . I mourning withh 110 JO flovori and colort, A greal iam*.s 0. I}» kMlort.«l.< csmtrs Mm ,t.d' ^ 0. 5102 B-Trock gill idea ihot helpt moke ' A Ibi bMXiM P'.nx -.Ih colo. br «oclaV loi, toving lun.,.ond lolly. . Model NO. 3003 d

R .g . 1.65 " ^ ^ 2 3 " M a tte l ‘ 464 Supor B ' 34E*potur». 135 lOUSE POWW E ^ '@ K < O D A C H R O M i KODACOLOR M< FILM RANCH .ow.’ia(ni..lllck.hiioor,ond thoMoutoouto Power-----— [ w i r t M H Ronch como).0) 10 Ille. Mickoy drivoi Iho wqgonjo n o< n d lh a J A \ a D iiS '' I *4 jn»f^ nwftnn IpnHt hny. Comalolo. duroplo I joiteriet. s r / - \

24Expo»uro. 135 ^ K Polaroid T Y P E 1 0 8 K O D A C O L O R J/299 H^bro'ao, L A N D F I L M 4 0 0 F I L M / ..pwi,.. p«uii lexiot Ked«i»<«* <00 I I ln> (Slo- P'in< M'n H.Ip. ,0V ’cik. 7 / M O g n e tic ■ k uJCKETY i DIGO ...... •’•7 . __^DART ■ K[LACK l THE D ------■ E X[PRESS- I ■ Throo-eo;eor Iroin rollt all drumrtl uj S ■‘/9 9 ^ GAMES aln n v 'w'wllh l 0 "kllckely tupor inoopc Throw olgolghfiblt. tafo mognelic dorit ot thei giant,r },lo^" tound. loi Con carry and he« inochi colorful.I. II8"tquo»owoll'hunglargot», ^Frtfk bolliolllei and pHnied oblo, Agot m ...... -.-^■-^,./^^rblock>Oij, Ourobleplotlic, up. ______CCroig Portablo "N o '.JS '^ ...... Ni.'57(

8 -T RtACK A PLAYER R ® 9- t - r " " ' m R.E{eg. 4.97 Rog. 6. * 4 .9 9

• - .•-..g-.g «... < C C.I'I ■ Rog. th,.. .0.. 59.99 - «".’r V J'3‘8 7 H 3 iESWE * ' ■ ' % “ . I *• 38 Tlmes-Nows, Twin Falls,, IdahoIds Thursday, Novembor24.1i 'N. l ^ a S u g a r fp r i c e r i s ee l i k e l y

NEW:w YORK ( U P I ) - W o r ld said. sa: "Till* previouss . He also said Uiat Presldeni su g ar Jprices will approach 11 agreement's ag price range wasis Carter's dcclslon lo Increase c cn ts} fia pound by thc sccond loo loc low and o((crcd exportingg y. lhe' duty and tariff on sugar of Uie year, occordlng to . countriesco no Incentive to in­V importscQuldbeaproblem. S a v tw i i r i n g ■ , ■ “ 'e“x'e‘xccutlvc secretary of thc c cn re a se production,” he ex'-<■ “Tills Is a substantial In­ • groupp (of Latin /Vmcrlcan and plained. pli crease, and although.il Is nol b r i e l i - ...... - r ------Caribbibbean . sugar exporting He 1 feels the agrcem ent. Is - yel dcclded how th e 3.3 cent- J ______counlritries, ahalready taking effect as prices;s sper-pound fee will bc levied, idom . joi-girge Brioso Dominguez rem re. a in around Uie 8 ccnt level,;1, som e p a rt of th e (cc will fall nn In an exclusive'Interview W Wl ithoul Uris p a d . hc wai'ncd,d, tho exporting counlries.” Ii>' of about 150,000 .wlthCcCom m odity New s Scrvice "you "y could have been seeinglg 's a id , «lngshlppcdfromt|ie It is doubtful pricc s will b c prIccsatScenlsa pr pound,” - 'a n farm n e a r P ra irie j(, to achlcvc thc minimum eb., appears a bit lost ,,™:nLs i p e r pound called for iply-feedlot. B utihe’ the'Inicniatiohal Sugar : New wheleat ready ec'om was short lived. \„rcch•cmenl in thc flrsl half of rounded up and year, given the present _•MANHATTAN, Kan.' lUPI)) variety thut was Impork-il lUt wlUi Uie re st of th e ^ d sugar surplus.- ‘ • — . A new varleiy of hard whitec more than a’ century ago, ib y , m osl of Uiem a re ' ioso Dominguez foreseeti' winter wheal that could offer;r Allhough it is thc prim a ry cash igivlng dinners „oprobroblem with ratification ol • hlglicr profits to farmers has'iS' grain crop- in Kansas, which m in Uio Midwest. ISA pact, which becomqs been'. successfully developed,^ normally produces aboul :i5'cyears. KSU agricullure of­'(- . while wheal is several pennies SAN FRANCfSi turkeys bclnt of wateIter In th e vineyards, ' ficficials cxp«t to release theIC a bu.shcl more valuable lhan California’s vin Loyd SevansUtule I said .Monday "Thehe crush came to ap- slistra in to K ansas farm e rs caHly y red wheat bccausc it can be cam e.a severe Home, Neb.,u.scd drlp-irrlgallon proxlmIm ately 2,335,000 tons, up jnin th c next decade. milled al a higlier flour ex- managed a grap lil a n e m p lym’ore wells and fromI 2 2,211,000 tons in 197G,” Almost all Uie wheat grownn traction rate lhan hard red.* percent larger • bird’efrcec'oiirlary water sources instllutlute President’ John De '■ In in K a n s a s a n d lh e G re a t PlainsIS Ihus pcrmilling more protein- TO y e a r ’s, th e Wii H e w a s linlheproperaniount rc LucaI s.said in a slatemi^nt, nonow dates back lo a Turkishill recovery, f a r . shlp^outw I flock. Today, T h a n k s g i i F o o d cd o lla r isliare Eomcwhertsh - ...... y “H colidal y liners crush n f o r f a rr m e r dIrops ISCO tUPl) - reported, Inthers over- The insUti »hoto> Ie drouj^it .a n d , g ro w ers u.sc pl B y BER NA RD BR E N N E R . Government records slioshow '’That means, Farrelrreil said. ' •ape, crush S.O systems, itNow . - - U PI F a r m E d ito r that througli practically allo llo f th a t fa rm e rs will ;ct get less of LT (han last supplemerta: WASHINGTON (UPI) -- the period since World War/aril, I .each fopd dollar, iVlnc In stilu te lo m a in tain, 1977i: Ttic /arm cr's. share of tiicc farmers have been gcUiriclting Tlie overall nationalmal farm - consumer food dollar, whichh about -10 ccnls out of every cvei share, estimate c ct h a n g e s proccessiing has been declining steadilyy dollar consumers spendd f(for slow ly. Uie econom istit said.Si But Sincc 1973. Is heading downn American farm-grown foods.' food within lhe next dec.lecade, -If m d i n again this year and moy dropp Thc figure has bounced1 bebet- currcnt trends continitlnuc, the a w een 39 a n d 41 ccnls In m a rn y fa rm sliare of Uic foocood dollar to a new rccord low within a iddition... few m o re y e ars. years, and wllh the cxccptiception could dro p to 36 o r 37 pcrcent,pei forytrou !« AnAgricullure ^Departmentit of 1973 a n d 1974 It has h: Farrell said thclh e food food~cconomics -specialist— remained-closc to thc-40-cci0-ccnl------m ark etin g se rv ice s tlith a t w ill...... ------m a k e up a prnwlni.* ?;! Henry Badger, snid IwUv lliall L I c ^ L ______^ ^ — ;_sliani-ol:------M r — r while finai cstimalcs arc nolll In 1973, a boom In farm fan (he fulure relali foodod bill in- , This is our PPolicy... ^ yet availoble. It appears iliiclyy commodity prices causedi by a volvc more lhan processing pro 'A w m If y o u ’a re n o t fu lly> satisfied s with your that the farm sliare will dropp temporary world grai}rain raw products sucii a as s w hoal ' m t finished order, printiInts will be remade from 40 ccnts of Uie food dollarr sliortage sent farm priceses iiup Into rendy-lo-cat fooun Iradilional jobs of ol tr a n - . m j ' i f n rccord, 38 cenls, wns record'.'ordwl sporting, processinsing and f( f i j f l inl97J. . . d istrib u tin g food, Elmore lad Bill lh a t rcc o rd Is likelyytobt* to I “Food retailers.^, In 1 P**r- Mj ' replaced by a now. still lower lowi ticular, have Investeded billions JL ^ figure sometime withinn IIthe of dollars In the land,ll buildingsbl earns trip next dccade. oconomi:jmlsl and equipment neces::essary.to. Wll A t Kenneth Farrell said, complete the presentIt inetwork \ OT . GLENNS FERRY - Johnn Farrell, who is acting; headliei of m o d em su p erm ark•kels el ' of thc Agricullure Depaicparl*. "Tlicse slores hav.lave been W lcher, G lenns F e rry , wiil • o r F U U a tte n d the 1977 Natlonnl 4-11 mont's Economic Rescan;earch buiU with the shopperc r in m ind ^ C ongress Nov. 27 to Dcc, l In S crvice, sa id th e re Is a limmit it (on - wide'alsles, air cum!jniiltionlng' I Chicago. lhe amount of tood peoplele willwi and carryout servico■ices, Ser- . I I N G & i John was on» nearly two eal. no matter how much mu( vices stich as check;k cashing do:en Idalio 4-H'ers who were '• money they have to .spend.nd. 5So and long operatingllg hours, I N G I (he so m etim es 24 hours a ( citcd for outstanding as Incomes Increase, ll Idmbo -size border- R c iin su m c r's dentand for more inoi commnn." Farrell said o ■ evcments in projects and 'ro m 1 2 and 20 '•• H 1 rise All thoso costs havilave to 1)0 ' SK f fl.. aclivilies. His speciality in his m arkollng services will ri: •jjl film . N ow is th e f j r food figured into the consuii 4 tiworkisswlnc. fa ste r lh a n dem and (or fix ? p ic tu re s d e v e lo p e d u Itself. hcsaKl, blll.hc.sald, Z e “?; The Cem stateTJelcgatcs wlll and f pi i lprice! l (No foreign f F p | w join nearly l.GOO teens from all . f ilm , p 50 s ta le s, W ashlnglon, D.C., and Puerto Rlco .as guests of I t - ESS PRINTS ' ' n som e BO buslncss brganlzatluns o^ r m f f 2 0 E xp o su re which provide cxpensc-pnid trips to National 4-H Congress and ottier recognition for 4-H wr I m em bers. Kodacolor, GAF a KAHtaAIIINCT John Is the son of Mr. and M .Mrs. u d iiid ^VIl'IiL'I' ii> I H D E Y E I O P l i F e rry . m P A W R o ll P R I N T f l l NOVI9 V I M B I R 2 6 ture your memories on |ijr F r o m Y o u r N e g B iife s She pichs ' SNAKEamanliNo«ambar2S )sure Kodak,-GAF er,frjjl i COLOR out heijvr NOVO V I M B I R 2 6 ! to h a v e y o u r s p rin g tlm o ph MAXAAX ^R T O N t SONS p rin te d a t a g re a t low pri REPRINfS Adv«rtll» Jumbo size color prints> from t I ■■^■1 I rti Wart. Ellart t Matiartm lth 1 , p le a se ). T\VIN FALLS - Mrs I),ircyV Auctlenaarti ^ ■’ your favorite Kodacolor,’’ C Q A F . k«al>«alac> Adolph, Ilag e rm an . pickcnl V V I I M B I R 1 8 your araduatlon picluresIS re- I __ a hclfcr al the C J . Hoss F^)l)c>d E SNODGRASS. 6UKI ^ DEESNC o r 12 Exposure printed now, and sond thenem to ■ I \ ;F H ereford Uancli Krid;iy to take,e. Adv*nli*rrlliamant; NObambar 2S I your relatives and friends.. E B or- hom e. - - Aucllon*«ii:lyU: lyla Moslart > Cory Oiborrta \ derless /color prints withIth a , I i ' \ ^ Adolph won llic lit'ifer, HOVd V I M B I R 1 9 I m atte flr\lsh. from 110,126* a n d I donated by . Rocity fgjouniatn >o i e «j a s s i e w a u :.^^_ f m HarvesVort, at llie i-’allsIs Adv«flil«t t; Wart. Ellan & Maiiartm llh C ounty Folr, Auellon«*t»:W; ■ ■ W l * l l T h e hclfcr. a ri'Hi-sliTcd R l1-SCHibuLIDll - S I - - l l polled H ereford, ju st c;iinL- In ^ R o ll lOVIM BIR 19 off th e ran g e for liii' w;m<;r lor . . H O V IEEEE HENDERSON.HI SUHI b Mrs. Adolph loplckup. t S AdvcftlitMfliamant; Novambar 27 S ______KKodachrome t or Ektachc h r o m e Autilon«*t«:t: ly'lyla Matlart C Cary Otborna — — ^ ~ MlOVIMBIR O i a o ^ ______“^^^Seiected: ------COlOLOR SlIDl I E - o r - — — ANTONE(INE (TONY) HOfF. JEROME F r o m Your Coior SITde. ■7 A'dv«iH»i FILER - Lyim CluKhuckL'k Auclionaari;in ; VWart, Ellan *M a«tanm llh - M OI ^ V I E P R O C EESSING ------will attend Uie national PRINTS ' D B Il C I M B I R I m e etin g of tiic Polk-d IkTL'fordrd ■ '* Bring In your>ur 20 exposure slides, Su|3uper 8 or regular ' Association in Springfn'kl, II)., REXRA!C RASMUSSEN, 00me.movles-add a — ,• Advarlitarlitem tiji: Novambtr 29 'e to your holiday memoriesles, and full color next spring, __AiKlion»*»i:»i:lyl«Mo»lari*Cary I] Otborna ----- Bring In your favorite 110,f 1 2 6 ...... t o u c h o f life t( T ony WdlsV ■W ondoll,- was or 135mm slides and sharej’your y slides maka.gia.great.ieep3ake3l ^ D I C I M B I R 3 cho.sen nim ieru p di-li‘t;;iti' ...... D i holiday memories with adlstIsta n t JlJIM DAVIDSON C arol SheplicTfl. F iIut. tins‘l'< Ad««>«li>a>tliamanl; Oacambar-l friond or relative. Jumbo> i siz e be en elected

News Tips D» i I e C I M B I R 5 • ...... t NORRi;ORRIS SHAUa ESTATE r'rlliamanliDacamb^rZ i 733-0931 I Lyla M o itarti Cary Oibocna

Adva'rilia I AuctlonaartlLyli

C T ■ i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiin iiB iiH iiiiiiI ifiiiiii2 iiiiiii|iiiiIIIIIO IIIB IIIIIIB K IIilliC II1

Jfll!!!!';"- !

r jrsct>s lectronic blackboard, c b s cc i o 9 | ^ W um bers light up! OSCO! 1 . 9 9 dd or subtract! . I**’I EACH^^ v l j KPRESS SCOS(s c h I ^ A i C T I O N a 2 4 ” COSC( p i A i Y T R U < r R A t N OSCO!o s R I / W T l rd-w orking little trucks! i f • H a s bbum l p ‘n go action! 4 RAGGEDY ANN//'l / A N D Y ere's a Fire Pum per, II • Flashinhing funnel and rea! M SCOS(s c B f f .. T A LK IN G BANK B / w ^ruck, Concrete Truck Ijl . “tCX)t-t(t-toot" sound!} J . Drop the coins» in s t o COSC(c o f f l j iro,Dump Truck! S ta rt t h e f u nn ! eat gifts for boys and girls, l | \ REG. OSCO!O S oose and save now! E G . 1 2 . 9 9 l j ^ 6 . 9 9 ffl S C p Ss c( H L V REREGULAR 99* ^ 4 l i O 1 ” ' " COSC( OSCO!o s u j ^ M s c b ss ( c g B ^ n i f e ■ I i r p y t i H] COSC( HBH j ^ w X V OSCO!o s s c p ss < c I n 1 ^ . c o i cCO ( EXECUTI'FIVE SET FERI^ItRis W heel c: fa $ h r e g i s t e rt FIREBIRD 999< DRIVER P OSCO! • Paper & pencilpei fun. • Has. niijlngir^lbel! and •» :1 4 w o r k i n g k e y s • Portable, play drivingdri console. i SCOS(5 C 0 • 3 Piece deslesk set sevenen play riders! •• ! Sliding casfi draw er • Storing wheel,I, on-offo key, stick A • Batman or)r ,Anrt/Andy • Colbrfibrful plastic. •» | Bell ringing action! shift with real "revving" “n sound, ^ c o s cc < o g . E C .B r a d i o ^ R E G . 1 I l'9 9 REd. R E G U L A R OSCO!D s » 1 ^ 9 9 I I I E A C H 6 . 9 9 s t 4 * » ______1 1 . 9 7 l 4 ! ! _ _ 9 ” ^ SCOS(s c 9 ^ 1 ^ J A N ^ T jO O T HIBRUSH B METAL c q s cc < o S • Battery Oper NITE VIMER SAVINGS l e r a t e d ' m m ”!U ! OSCO! I • Batman or A J b S I k I ■ A n n ’ BANK r ■ and Andy sty • Choose from ^ S m o i }) E L K I T S i Ann or Andyy • Ola, western s c o s c r • Your choicel g g . f M O U * Choose fl omm exciting cars, planes, bo • Auto-magic S i I sty e banks! c o s c < other ass >rte■ted m odel kits for hobbyis N i t e L itie I R E G . _ I t' ^ • Choice of Hotel, ')C M • Complete witwith needed parts and ins Ba^k, Saloon or O S C O i [ 5 . 9 9 Y A s s o r t e d ^ J " H • Don't miSs tfthis savings! W hile they li R E G . 5 : 9 9 G eieral Store! s c o s5 c C 9 COLOFLORING BOOKS ' f ULAR 1 9 S R E G . 0 9 99 c q s c: ( o | - I E A C H f 3 . 9 9 ^ 2 .7 7 I “ 1m 4 t g . O S C O5 iSB ■ ■ Times-News.Twin:mn Falls, IcJaho • T hursday, NcwefiovefnUer IM977 • s c ; ( . s5C'^a=3=553!E c i J s s m !n

g ^ ^ S C O S W A C O S G |B 1 5S T ^ I ®S S n O S C Oo s S Q I s f i i S n i s c os e m a S ^ i VIC B y n c o s cc o h | ] B 7 K m O s c oo s G j P B / ^ I CB WRIST^*3S3a M | 9 C 0 S S C n f l ' S C A N N E R SHERI CRY'n RAINY D • W ear like a w atchtc h lM l i f l C o s c o O H Y o u r Cti M I • Volume control M m O S C O DOLLS and antenna. ^ R e g . ' . I j g J f l i l M s c o s c M i r i S S l ‘ 1 . 4 9 I ^ H C O S Cc o M S m M k K i i N o s c o ------P i l E S C O S i lh I B J B E i c o s c A tteryoperatkT E D / ^APPLIANl V REGULAR 14.99 o l H o s c o o s N H P W aWHOUSt • A s* R A I N S EE T / l U S s c o ss ic W i i l f a p i JUt* c a r s e t w i t h s w i t c hn e e i r . j K i ' M h c o s c as straight and curved ti TROL CAR j]f| c o H O t r a c k s . ' j U X j H h o s c oo s y K J l l S U L A R J 9 5 1 S M H s c o s i 6 . 9 9 . ' ; = ^1 2 ^ i M ^ M c o s c i B U i H o s c o s N | U ^ RADIO CONTF i S S j s c o s i • Electronic control : ; ^ B c o s c ( for forward and • I reverse! Save! fe^EGUUR 16.99 H O o s c o s R ^ R s c o ss i e t ■ ■ I s s W M c o s cc i o [ M M I A fflrfH i j O S C Oo s m m m ^ ^ H S C O Ss ( c ■ ■ B HIGHWA'AY I P L A Y Bottery O perated ^ DlsCastMo^etal W fNDU P A T R pl AGE HOLSTiTER N cosciC O M indbandar o c e a n ?L I RIFLESES ^ MATCH B BOX BUS R D SET! OS -GAME O • i •* Battery-Open TS u o s c o O F R A C E R lerated * Cap firing TTe e x a s • M ini c o u b le holsterH X ^^^. • Real alarm s( I STREAKECERS I sound ' ' -Eagle Rifle & F o r L o n !gy game. •W ild \7estc[ design. H S C O SS i C SKILL BOATS • Multi-color dc th plastic . _ dome • Big Shot RRif ifle I D is t a n c e i R e g .M .89 High Speed Motor: ‘ really lightss tup! with scope. coring. REG./ ] 1 4 9 n c o s o NOWV R e g . * 3 .9 u n ! 2 .4 7 | Q Ou^r R eg. *3.49 • Doubl! hols)lster set ' r e g ; KOSCO 9 .9 9 g ' 9 ^ 9 ' . » | S \t $ 2 8UP CRIBBA(QO 1 " L [ s c o s i ; BOAR[ ” R E G . #5 4 .4 7 2 ” [ c o s cCO ( • Fun strategy ’"9 • Comes withI [ OSCO:OS W 7 ^ \ •®* p e g s fo r s c o r Q S C O SSC i 5^.A i ■ .99 • Hours of fun! ; ' B c o sC c O I i H R EG . ^ i ^ g o s c oO S ] i H I H I 2 .9 9 i I4 ‘ [u u s ^ SCOS(s c i . O T J ” -'.. ■ \' j 9 ‘ I c o s cC O ‘— - A Q U AV T A R G .IT SOCCEfER STUNI GAMES;S j G A M E i n g m e c h a nNicAL I o s e o s I c a g e d3 BEAN BAG 'E BALLL CYCLE • Fun. water-.fil-.lined ’ Safe, target : r y h e l ic o•PTER f R S C O SSCI I ANIMAL!LS BEARS • Made of stnitronp * Includes rac • sport games>s I b a llig a m e . »n tfie . Color ul, wwi in d -u p O c o s cO < O r • 'Wooden, nov(jvelty • Assortment of sof • Push the butiuttons • ®3 lls s tic kI li^ like d u r a b le rujbberf b l '3unche targets. Helico Jter cages with CLcute , •- bean bag animals lots of » Great gift!I • Pump handli for scoring acaction! f^aS'C for-lot: 't gun • Turnir g Dpri ropellor 0 3 r animals peekieking ' • Great gift, ideas! j indcwr playin,,ying! ‘ • Size 4 or ■55. super, gyro-[ ^ o s c o • Loads of fur ■. and frse-mi O r ^ l th ro u g h ! « Your choice! It up! wfieel ! Sai;av“et® H S C O S I t • Your choice!5 ! • Terrific savings! i99 ■ reg: I 9 9 REG , I . ^ 3 .8 7 , I . 5 .9 7 . ^ ITl SHOOTIN ' 2 9 9 U C O S OC0[ R E G . 1 4 7 4 9 « h g . , ' | 4 7 r * s s - E. GALLERI” 5^^ 35 H o s c oO S I acer • Shoot down , • 2 Times-Ns-News. Twin Falls, Idaho , Thursclursday. November 24,1977 , Flintstone tai C S 3 E ^ S C 0 &£,C^^a=3=s= ( die for • Safety dart g 3-power and darts! un! • Just wind it -'

^ 9 9 R E G A t EACH 6.99 4

S S S S S S S ^ S E *■

Thursday, Novomt>cr 24,197777 Timos-Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho 4t m Mflormo]m kidnmapper" tried?

------E P S O)M M r r England-i UPI — .M cKlnncy In Ju ly "igT-T i In n " ' lo'O regori iiTidur an assum ed: U may havohavi been passion that Provo. Ulah. and Irlcd lo n a m e." led Amerl< icrican beuuly queen change h e r-m in d alxiiit thehc Andursoir later became a Jo y c e MMcKlnne>“ c K lo-abducl a ■ E f l B —.... .Mormons. Dennison s:ild, m is sio n a ry . and c a m e ' to-, . M ormonn n^lsslonary who oncc H B p Bul •'she made no'.secri'l of Umlon. In Augnst-Jie- was" . jilted her. but proseculors H E her phy.slcal nttracllon to IraiistiTredtoKpsom. W ednesdayday asked that she bc Ali nderson and told him {.hehe "But McKinney had nol- J putontriollriol fo r kidnapping. w arned to m a rry him and lu he given up ." Dcnnl-son said. In -M iss McM cKinney, 27. was. < ' S ‘x • th e m olher of his Ohlldrun." liehe February she conlacled a I f - ch arg ed1 lologcthcr with Kellh |K ^ said. E-U. . s' ' -m f l ' 2 S' private investigator from- */.r -. Joseph Ma' M ay. 24. of Mny wood, - l ® '; - "Sliortl.v'after they first metlet California und came lo- . C alif., wil^wiih kidnapping Kirk they had sexual Intercourse." K ngland to llml Anderson.' ■ Anderson 0 in ond holding him for j p w th e prosecutor said. ••Which ofnf Anderson’, lu months into a ' tliree daysays In a lonely co » ap r-< ^-p them w as the seducer ls-'ingng and May w ere arrested Iwo passionss sinces leaving the “'1°“'luction of a Mormon to tc see Anderson and. ••he w as 5lonary she oncc dated. ei as days later as ihey drove ' 3 H H | H | m Vfaltli - "a haired of 2”” *® compelled.to move from Utah ( prosccuUng lawyer ter- u ah tow ard London In a rented M ormrmon o church and an f lo C.illfornia, from CaliforniaIla autoniobile- o b s e s s ioion n tor Kirk An- d ^thc cose "n]Ost bizarre" derson...’’ a n d1 aasked thal she and her r j R ’.ii Anderson,•son. now 21. m et Miss ompllcebe tried. Everyone Wantss LoveL to be Eternal IjfalM IHelicopter ci crashes . . . strU;c( th o seIC e te r n a l love OSLO,, Norjvfiy No (UPI) - A corriried 10 Norwegian g ifts n t . . . helicoptersr on01 a regular run lo possenwngers but the nationality TRI-MOTORED< DC-3,l> m o d l f i e ? ^ ^ special thc Ekofisk•risk oil field In the fie two pilots w os nol im- engines, is owned by JoKh M. "Jack" Conroy, Norwegianon scctors of the NorUi medialliotely known. r Santa Barbara, Calif,Jif., who l5 se ate d in th c cock- Sea crashcdshed today, killing al A Phillips I Petroleum T r i p l e p it o f the tran sp o rtt plane.pl H c Installed one of the le a st six perspersons. spokestesman In Slavaiigcrjiald ( . e n g in es In th e nose} aai n d sa y s cu sto m e rs c a n buy T h e Norwegian N o r Rescue ^ix passengerspa were Phillips' •' p o w e r kits to Install similarlor engines in DC-3s for about 1 Center saidsaid six bodies were iloyees and four -were i 5525,000. T he E)C-3I normallync is powered by two JEWELRY CO. reco v eredd andj six persons mcmbinbers of a Norwegian engines. were hiissIlissing. The plane caJerlrrlngcomDanv: Utah countyc 3daysonly>l TURDAY, M ON»NDAY denies —A K T ! • o i i « p a y k\ W omenen's CasualI - Dress - SpcDort - ^ School iS hoes to sheisriff , 3y FanF ares, Fam olanire, Naturolizer, Selb^Iby, Florsheim BRIGHAM CITY," Utahah ments used to fool thcI bill for / Easy Streie e t a n d m an y o th e rsr s ^ (UPI) - Thc Box ElderIer tlic training. Bul tho FBI^B1 now ' County Commission hasa s p a y s oil expenses lnclu(icluding . eg . to $36.00 refused to pay the salary of travel ond subsistence: for the L _ Sf\erirr Art RodHlng while hche officer — . bul nol for liM • \ , i ' ' attends Ihc FBI Notionallal family. Acadcm y' - th e first tim e In ' "Thot doesn't • allcrc r our i y o i . history a local governm ent hasa s feelings a n y ." sa id Ch,Chasc. ^ 0 $ declined to support an offlccrcr "Wllh him facing elecllotclion in Invited to thc prestigiousus less than a year’s llmc.me. we M” school. don't feel ll is a good:ood In- But Redding said Tuesdayay vestment." he wlll go to th e academ y evenen Thc slieriff's salar>- duiduring / f t M anyyies Style and colors If he has to take out 9 loan to tlic training period wouldould be / support his fam ily. ab o u t $3,500. to choosese from . C om e In ‘‘I’ll borrow the m oney." hc ' R edding w as one ofif th ree / S ^ and see ourOL Selection said. “To me, it’s an op-_ip-_ U ta h n s choscn by FB I dlre

’ ^ N '/ V ■ ■r>>, § P k does it alll i r a / ...... ^ k t d r t - TexQS-lnstruml e e n t s ..., microelectfon ______| . „ 1 0 0 % digital ujotchg^es ^ wKite tf ■ Solid State AC-DC Ladies Mens / - "Play Anywhe Choice of Colors . Greot cm ^ I" I . •AC houie current '• '■ " * 9 9 9 !19 ' S .i •12 volt exteriol botteritery XB243I 4 3 m ^ d l 9 4 9 ^ •P re le t tuning 1 4 ? ? *! No. 526 •Daylight Bright Tube REGULAR Model OXB2456 G.E. Finele Products — — W ^W attaPPizzaria /% Jm< i , MirroWMr. . Cassetlf f e $ 9 g g j Ever Aluminum S r o u n d B e e f m M«iti t *1*f •«in-h«atlng alominvm J RecordeJer ■■wNo.3. oMt a Larg* 13 Inch Pitta ■ Any I I 6 » ®Package I Digital^ :king $ f l At Tliis J Price! ■R( Radio 19 ^ [ ■ Chaitl i r Bentwood Q; g 9 9 i £P»ARE"”” .~- Coffee Hickory J j ^ s s i FEATURESI 0''' (9 9 9 1 Maker No..19 DCDCM-15 H r — \ Knifeife Set r lr««nhi« NORELCO 0)iS . — - ||^T}|H i!m M ^ Peeling crowave 0)ven — — \ Wand .19 fp-1 Electronic Miciic Rapid Range Witli Dialal-A-Meal I ■ n Food Proces f f Slices, Shreireds, M a r g a rr i n e -^-Chops-Grotes>es7-etc^ — M I Coldbrook - In Quorters■s - 1-ib. pkg. —^-----'i ,^,;7---- M odol / ■ M s\TM Wiltmoii 1000 Pile* ' ^■0- y W <.1.1 m y ^ fp14100 im o ^ Adult $< Here's Anotherier Gift Idea! # 9 1 Puzzles 1 I 2 9 ^ Prestob(burger ~5B ' National - Round Style V I REGINA.JL " " r ' V > _ _ _ _ _ Shave Creream “ ELECTRIKBFi h h o m - t / - VACUUM CUAN» ^ M s Dispense X i^ p I ■ n | | | Generol Electn' -i : ' m 9 9 9 ^ ^ K I i I Shavers .Choice“ . H a i r B l o w e r ^ J':. ■ .'■

] * 7 T e ¥ a s 'I n ISTRUM^ EI^TS^S 9 9 “^ 's^ ! INCOH»>( .-«». SC0.3...... 1 “'°"^'Th30 M O r a n g < mM ...... £ tu iiS i{ r J c ... _.L~' \ les 'Mm TI-I025 T n o S \ h i z -Tt»..i«l.on.c.l,a. /J p . Canfornid Juicy'NaJdvels ' 9 ruio-,m4aiunet,on. / » - Tke'w'hm-o-'UiMB M.inonKen - I * ^ HOi.»luet>ooui I ^ LIGHTEDED MAKE-UP MIRRROR P i l O « calculaior m»mi>oo‘ I ■ • AllpurpOKirpota th*do»ie» jUto (••« lightad mr I N ^ Dt 360“ - ltom,f»gulAr to miflmlycng ^ ; S ^ . $ 0 9 9 ■ RolAiot ^ crJcilfia 9 ^Tiounlod 0' "jll moonlod * Conyonisnl>ni«n1 an/o •• l i fOPYHICHf, I960 S*ffW/lY StOSftoars INCORPORATED —r----:------^------Thuraddy. Novomber 2-1, 1‘l?/ Titiicv,-fJ,;vr. T-.v.n F.ill'., KMhn <13 iagi


E E v d Mo\imkn. 22 & ~ t o u g f ii ^ ^ e c m b e ir i t — ...... - Hlgfflij / M onday igRffi 7 r ______T uesday Thilu rsday ■^"--Tax arid^finai n a n c l a l " ’pl a n n i n g Idaho" Health System2m s A g e n c y /r workshop fromn 7‘ lo 9:30 p.m. , m eeting at 7 p.m. Tuestesday in the . cr Communlly Christmas Choirioir rehearses Tax and fl I financial planning workshopiop Cllll- Je ro m e Recreatiiation Districl iwrtrail palming ' Monclay and Tuesuesday in the Buhl :Sub-Area Council Officc, Of 725 at 7 p.rp.m.-in the Filer Church of thehe Nazarene. tinucs from n 7 to' 9:30 p.m, in the HuhlIhl Iliiy;h c lass from 2 to;o 5 p.m .'in tlie courlhou.se ma and 'Flflh Streets. All ManMa>;ic V alley School, F or High School. Sp(Sponsored by the :Shoshone St. S., Twinn Falls. I The Yakimj ir more Information call lheh e iillllll • basem onl, Inslrucliid e d Iiy K lalne D airy, lhe class irs arc Invited lo participate, Buhl Cham ber of Com merce and public is invited to parti(rticipaieand singers ChamberotCt C <'0 per por:jorson and runs for six weeks, E xtension Oft f)mce„7;i4-:i;iu(l,ex.4(l. ' " I’re-regislration is required and participants • : t h e U n i v e r s i l y' ofo Idaho Foun- voice opinions on lhe healthh( care • llor Club slyle show and oardrd parly j: at t! must furnlSililheIroIrown materials. •dalion. (he chartiamher office or iplan for Idaho. Call 734-6585 73 for p,m, lrIn Ihc Turf Clut). Twin P'alls.Ills. Ad'vanoe Twin Fallsills County C anning K itchenI oKioeroli Twin Falls - Cour tick etsts only available from-Nancy:y P a in e , 7ii= •• election at Jfj ounty E.xtension.- information. • Jfp.ni! in lhe Odd Folfows l^)d>;e 2;i:> Je ro m e H i ^ School Scl advanced drama cJass' SHCl,F:Fashions from Teresia's, Office may be? callcdc for more ^ Third. Ave,. 1F,. Twin Falls. OperallimII of lhe . presents Noel Cow;nward's play, "Hay Fever," al kilchen [or tl inform alion. r Idaho Dressage and,d Com' bined : tho coininn y e a r will t)e (!l^oul^ou.‘ised 7:30 tonight In thle e high'sclimilh audltorum. There . ^ anil all Ma«iii>:ic Valley c an n e rs a rc u rcei;d d lali ;it, will he a sm a ll ac Training Associationo n , M a g i c admission charge. For more y lend llie m eelI'eilnj;. Informalion call ddr; ra m a le ac h er Cathy C hapm an ★ Twin Falls Reptepublican W omen Valley chapler, annualtl mr eeling at T uesday a l lh e high school, meel at l p.m.i. Monday in the 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in1 lheIt College y School tolepaintin(iclas.ses at7:3Uat 7: p.m, Roundup Room1 aat. the Rogerson p, in- (oday. Dec. 8 andd Doc,D 15 from 7 to 9:30 p,m . in ilan for Idaho, Call 734-6586' hlng and housewares. The slio| Valley High School near ne Eden. P>» >86' fo r In- clu d ln s clothli sliop Is (jie vo-tecli minl-ai1-audllorium. To register mail :;iOa.m, lo l p,m, loday al 20*J F lon, open from U:;ii iW F ifth th c $25 fee lo M ar\'iir\’in G lasscock. Box I23«, Twin ★ Lincoln Schoolol E*TA m eets at M ini-classes and demoinonstrations II Falls. Ave N,, Twin F Falls, o r call 733-9559554, ex, 221. before Nov, 30. 7:30 p.m . Mondaylay at the school lo will be given by quzjualifled in- j^aho) Dressage. and Combined 1 d T rain in g discuss lhe ha;hazardous street s i t r u c t o r s . A ssociatiiItlon Inc.. Magic Valley Chapter, If S outhern Idaho D ro m a Di )ter, annual College of Dept. Ovcrcaters Anon’lonymous meets al 7:30 p.m, in , B a l 7;30- p.m . In room 210. e at H: 15 today. Dec, 1.2 and 3 In crossings of M adhJdison and Addison ------m eeting 110. Shields performance a ^ in the St.Edward'sSchooilOOl hasem enl. Tw in Falls. iditorium. TwinFaUs. and Second Avenujnue North in Twin ★r Twin Falls Countyty Canning Buildingg al the College of Southern■n Idaho I In Arts ,\udi a lls. P ro sp e ctiv e m e m b ers a rc In J 'u i l l s . C a l l 7;{4-t)290 7;{4 for in- . K i itchen election of offii re Inviled lo Non-dcnomlnailotiional “In-depth" Bible study at and election of off ic ers will la k e pl Jicran Church choir meets al 8 p > ■ r r , He place. Peacc Lulhc l « p m . 7:30 p.m , in th c YMiI'MCA. Twin F a lls. Call 734-7015 f o r m a t i o n . ■1p.m. Tuesday in the OdOdd Fellows -■h in Filer, New momhers who al Iho church Wio a re o r 324-5697 for Infoiiformation. All interested per- Lodge, 235 Third Ave.e. E., Tyvin CommuTiunity educalion fa ir from 7 lo 9: n singing are invited to Join lo 9 ::iU p .m .. inlerestw l in oin thc sons arc welcom cd lo o attond. Antique Festiv;tival Theatre an­ Falls. Canners please alattend. at Valleyjy HigJi School near Edeij. Sponslonsored by' group, thc Vallejley SOS a n d E asl E nd C om m unil nual stockholdersgers meeting at 8 • u n lly F a rm Twin Falls Juniorlor R ifle G u b m eets a t 7 p.m . in B ureau.I. theI mlnl-classes and demons la m b c f o f C pm m erce m e els a t n p.m. Monday ala l t h e t h e a t e r ’s lonstrnllons Jerome Chai a t noon th e clQb house a lI tlthe end of North Woshington will b c given gi by qualified Instructors, ’ Ife, rs. W elding at W ood's Cafe Street in Twin Fallsalls. Tho club Is for shooters 10 headquarters in the old TB a n d c raft;Ifts from 7:15 to 7:35; a rc h ery , fl y, fly lying, lo ISyears of age,c. {For Informotion coll Marvin hospital in Goodinding. All interested ★r Jerom e High School’s's iadvanced quilting' andi knitting, etc,, and phoK b No. 240 meets al 4G4 Fifth Sl. ihotography TOPS Qub f S l. W„ F outs. 733-5957. from 9 lo 10:30 a.m, Interes - persons are welco:I c o m e . C drama class presen;ents “Hay from 7:4r:40 to 8 p.m.; basic mcchan:hanics, oil Twin Falls, fi cre ste d g .mrf rpn.Qiilrlf Rpcpnnc/* fr^rj ------F- Fcvcr'vOt-?t30-p7mr^? h h i u i a d e y - i n ------p a in tig&^- onversalion'al Spanish, exerclsln . C o f f e g e o f S(Southern Idaho uthe high school audiloriu■ium. T here rising, yoga' ' beginners dancc^ aal 8 p,m. In the American let and Spanish cooking from 8:30 imlly group meets al 8 p,m.• ‘nthe In Legion Hall. Jeromomc'. Anyone interested please D ram a, Dept.t., perform ance ______—y will.be a.sm all’adm issiotiion charge ^ 5,, 8:30 lo 8:50, , Al-Anon fam 9:10 everyone is lo gather in thc Rymi fo r-'- Presbyleriann • Church -FIreslde -Roomr*r* TwfnT - attend; ' ' Nov. 30. Dec. 1,, 2 and , 3 in the Fine c Call Cathy Chapman alat the high refreshm'im enls. F alls. A rts Audilorium,m, Twin Falls. sschool forinform alion. Charismatic prayrayer meetings ot 8 p.m. in the :ounds Square Dance Club gl Square Rou > gives Shoshone Catholllollc Church Parish Holi. C S w eet Adelines A practice at 7:30 p.m, t,m, in the squaredancclc lessons every Wednesdav, AnyoneAny E veryone is w elcon:orae to a tten d . -V ^ Methodistist Church, Tw in Falls, Inleresled c.illall734-62C4or324-2176. .

Ieu)pollicy * '

Tlie Magic Volley Calendilendar w ants to lis t m ore events from tbe communitlunlUes along the Snake -V R iver and In the Wood Rtverttver VaUey. If a school, citizens octlonactii committee, com- munlty musical group,up, chureh or other.* ei'ganUaUon In your towniwn Is1 planning a public event, let the calendar pagelagehelp publicize it. Space on this page b £given fre e, to ony-^ group or institutlOD cfferli'fe rin g a le ctu re , per.- • T form ance, film or other serviceserv to tbe public, -'J G ub meetings which are closed to tbe public wll! no t be inclodcd on thew ccs a le n d a r.- — ------Remember, deadline! for Uils page b noon Tuesdoy prior to the Thurwliursday publication. We wanttobearfromyou. n y \ ______/

Frida;ay S unday

Twin Falls Senior CinzcRs;cRs C e n te r Is closed • Parents P a n . Without Partners fatfamily roller H today, slrkshop from 7 lo provided Ijy Floyd White'si orchestra.on Memher.s i:;iO I p.m , today ancl T ncsd;iy inn ttth e Buhl HiKli . and I'uesls arc wclcomc. , • ■ SchO(>chool. .Sponsored hy Ihc Huhlihl C h a m tier of ,. Comi'ommcrce and lhe University of Idaho Foun- m i datiolatlon Inc,, the chamber or Twinlin Falls County .'\ Kxlci•’xtenslon Office may he calledod to r m o re in- 'Saturdiday ;™orm alion. Carey School powder puff mccliochanlcs at 7:H0 t. W»S Pnrcnts Without Partnerscrs adull card party P).in. ti> at thc school shop. Class cacan lake more \ -rO - ) ' and social at thu Dale Thnnhnmp.son Hume, l,-)2(i partilartlclpants with sif’n-ups no la toor r tth a n today. j j S ' ' ' ' , _ C oiiant. Bpoak. CharKo is $1,2.') for desserl,-Tl, T h e puhllc Is ■ will hc furnlsheti l)y Arclilcflilc T u rn e r and the lnvil(nvited. Klatlandcrs, Parents-P a W ilhout Par,Iir,tnera fix Parcnls Wilhout Partnersrs pinochlep parlv al I'l t niRlit al tho hom e of DorolhyIhy Doyle, 1G07 'l i m p,m, in Twin Falls. Call 7.1-I-IMi n-MO for (ilrectlniis Ilcyl)leyhurn Ave,'lC,. Tw in Falls, attli H p| m . Call 734- , ' i ^ ^ und..Information.. Urinu c car a rd ta b les . chalr.s.. 2:iWiLIM for Information.. . I>everaneandsnai-ks. ______. ^ ...... -“tih'cdln t i f School PTA m eels'at''at'7;:iO'pTm. tb...... ’/i f i ® Square Round Square Dani)ance Club dance.s ai . dlscullscuss lhe hariirjlous .streett crossingsi of > V ' K;:iO in th e Twin F alls I're.-’re.^l)ylerian (.'hurch. MadiMadison and Addison and Secondd A venue N orth, -rt ^ K veryone Is Invllcd lo Jciin In thtl e d a ’nclnn. Twinrwln Falls. Jim Jiiiffre, public healthhe; educator %. " r ofif thetill S'T<\ convenlion. ,'"v -, Je ro m e D uplicate Brldi^eCI;eClubniec : '.?m 8 Inn lheIhl old TB hospilal in Gooding.,1^. All Interested icr-sons are welcome. Directortors will meot ' '£9|H Sundalay fu'llm[ollnvvinK th e annual m eeting, ■

^ G Gll lenns F e rry C h a m b c ro f Comn m c rc e m e ets a t • ^ J a m P a re n ts WlUiout P a rtn e rs fifam ily iiym d a \ at iljon pjjon at H ansen’s Cafe, St, Kdward'.s.Parish liall. 2W; Seventh Ave. iC. ■Twin F a ils, a t 2 p.m . F>c•.c fSecond Slrei'l en- YWCA YV Pool Bridge is played alat I p.m. at thc DIANE v a ?j i :n (; i-x e n^j.F.FT,, ANi)i)i;intn;M<: M i'IIO ^'A I.I) AD.MIKIC tran c c. No slrj-Tl shiii's a«lowi'i)wi'd. C all 7;i:Hfir>H for - Y, Y ,TTwin F alls. K veryone Is invlteilteliav lU n pflii. i'n thrTiirf'(;:■Hull information.- • ' ' ' • needed. need ^ Wll l«) b(> Hhowii'ilt Jiiipnr ■ J ^ ~ ■ ------___ =___ ly « _J ______r ^ ^ ~ ; _ ■ X ✓

J.1 Tiint':.-Nekvr.. Twin F.ills,. Id,lhoid.i Thursday, Novombe: 2J. 1! Bornjn1 iron lung Alb l b y J c□ n M a rr i e M ill i g a t e :: T h e m r ir d c Ue g ir l . SYCyDNEY. Australia lUPD — - Jan. Maree conceived wee b b a d nn e x tra reason lo c a rr y on." ------M ilip B y A b iigail g ; V an B uren igate Is now 5 years old, huibui slie Is still' /T nurse iKifore Ix .sbe w as crippled, Mrs, m.CnicitMc»9ai»ioi.'’»NTN(i»iarnfl me— ^------{oIjLunawaro-lliQl-she-ls-somilomething-of-u’— Millg.ite-UilksIksiof-Jaii-.Maree-ln-no-nonsense- m irac:adc - the worid’s firsl baby■ bombor in an iron lerms. lung.I "I was shockDcked when 1 learned 1 w as pregnanl - Earla rly in Ihe^ m orning she w ass packed pa off lo and had lo arguearj wilh eveo’one lo slop them • ' DEAfl HEADERS: CunDun you btiieve it’« Tharkflgivi'g iv in g kinderlergartcn, and laler her parentirenls Ihrew a (Irom) turninging th e birth into a special e v en l.” ' OKRin...NO Hoon? ill birthday party for the littlelittle gl'rl, once Already lan'MarceJan knows whal lo do il'the A few ycnrH o ro I wiwrote a coiilmn eHpecially for : . given;n aJ million-to^>ne chance of surv.iurvlving. iron lung brealcaks down, and soon she’ll be shown s RO well received that I wos ash Thanks((ivi''R< it Wmm ■ - Butut even Ihose normal activillIvilles Monday, how lo operaerale a small emergency power , (0 repeat U. Now it's benMcome o Iradition. So. herec it is couldId npl m ask th e a lm o sp h c rt*e of a miracle generator lliathat will keep llie lung going if the ogoin, with 0 few minor>r c chonges; arountjn d tlie M illgate household, " On this Thookiigiving Doy,Do take a few minutes toI thi ' electricity fail!ails. .^ r Jain n Maree, for example, has nc' lielp of engineers, who modified the about whot yoa have to.i)0.1?e thankful for. ; never fell the With th e lie! - em b>race ra of'ha* molher. Barbara, 3i Mrs, Millgate Is able lo make ^ H ow ’«y o u r health ? Not'iftn*i?6'good? W eil, th n n k G od y o u ' j ^ r i ' ■a, 36. w ho h as Iron lung, M r “ beenn restricted to- an Iron lungling sin c e w as ' caslonal dulsICislde trips In lhe back of the famlW lived this long. A lot off ptpeople haven't. You're hurtinj i i n g ? , i - t W ^ ^ i a n Thousondn-maybe milllonno n s - o r e h u K ln g m o re . (H ave/ e yyi o u - . ||T ' crlpplcp le d by polio 16 y e a rs ago. station wagon, ever viBited o veterana' hospital?hos Or a rehabiiitotlon clinicdir ', ■' J l . S beile m u sl sla n d oh h e r tiptoes Inn ordo r er to planl * B arbara and anc Alan Millgate admit they have •for cripplcd children?) -a kissss onI h e r m o th e r's face, th e onlyniypartofMrs, j domesllc argurguments jusl like other married' gale Ihat remains oulsldc the cylindrical couples, bul;wilhadi!ferencc: wi 1, e : ’ M lilga :hinc th a t ke ep s her brea th in gi{. , ■'Isomellmemes feet frustrated ihat 1 can't take I tnachii lit M rs. M illgate h a s taken It al im ." says .Mrs, .Millgale- But It all in stride, aswingathim, I with lhe help of her 42-year-olir-old husband, 1. a n d h er d augliler, E llen, 17. h M . A lan, i .7. h e r life I s a s Tial a s possible In th e ir ho mle e in P e a k Hill, Holiday ) ' j bMKjw'UifL-ijil k norma J niles northwest of Sydney. Sven thougli tve knew I would be " E v J be confined to T-IV PPhones I 733-0931 prayer lung, we desperately wantedled to lead as w t arff^gj tbc lu use our toll'frec lines) normTiai a a fam ily life a s possible,”” Mr.s,Mi M illgate ( O r u s < |K-.-.. .k.: I of her first years in tbc Iron lun J B S said of I lung. "We had If you awakened this mornorning ands were able to hearo r theti ;n lo c a re for a n d .w hen J aan n Maree 1 was Ui n birds sing, use your vocalal cchords to utter human sound ; walk to the breakfast table!>le e I newspaper with two goodid eeyes, praise the LordI A lotlo t i • people couldn't. How's your pocketbook?t? Thin?1 Well, roost of the world•rid is ; alot poorer. No peosions.1. N honesty in government, conconcern for peace and. concern ta Ing machlno I fair ploy under the law. YouYour country may not be a “roseros TOP KIS■SS. ttoi:k lii. S H O P W IT H U L I K E jT ! >; garden, but it also is nott a patch of weeds. * Freedom rings! Look and>d listen.li You can still worshiplip ea t ------■ the cburch of your choice,e. castc a secret ballot and evee v en ^ , B i l l yr th e Kid I I c ritid ie y o u r g o v e rn m e nt withoutwi fearing a knock on th BOYS fl ' head or a knock on the door>or >at midnight! And if you won ‘ to live under a different systiystem, you are free to go. Ther= D e l a3 y i r k s T ce x a s o f ff i i c i a l . are no walla or fences-notlaothlng to keep you here, ENS lEANS SHIRTS I 1------Aa a tirial Uiought, il you'/ou've never^’Bold grace at yyou o u r ------nOUSTO'NTUP!)--I — Texas Allorney UcmTal _JiLil8EI h a v e been p rep a rin g for tho laj c Inst nine m onllis, Famous For3r IFit an d W ear ‘ table, do It today. Jd b n Hill sa y s a law/yer yc for llie administrators o r Hill claimed the admii dministralors were And if you ARE occustozniozned to saying grace, this timeUme, tjie Howard H urcs cstnlecsl Is altempling lo deny . p ro ce ed in g In a*,"mad dog” fa: • G reat new selectionon fori you ” fashion lo defeal the , in ste a d o fh o v in g on a d u lt recitere c It, let a child lead the restrcsl- the slate lls inherit;ritance claim on llic vast ' T ex a s ca.so. A sim ila r tria l Is II Is underway in Las i• Choose fashion denir(nims or, cords 4 ® ® ; First, everyone at the taltable should hold hands. rccluse. I holdings of th e la te rcc Vegas, Nev. • A s s o r to d s tr lp o s 'S n Here Is my ThanksgivingJg Prayer,I which I offer not onl; al Gregory Monday delayed • Choose regulars orr ssl lim s o°*y Probale Judge Pal • L o n g s lo o v o d A t I once a y e a r, b u t on e v e ry oKcosion c a when grace is recited a trial to dclermine Huglies’ "T h ey will go lo any e x ten t t • Choose bosics or novilovelty styles ■ for two wecl«s the lr ent lo prevenl a trial," ' • S h o rt s lo o v o d \ my table. You ore welcomeme to use it: 3regor>' was acting on a be said. "This is a diabolica legal residence. Gre illcal atlempl lo deny ,• Kids sizes 4 to 16. alsoalsi prep sizes. • S to 18 Rog. to 7.00 n “0, heavenly Father: W JACKETS l l Printed Psttern r • Tough nylon sholl ^ a ^ O n •Tough, wash'I,hoblo ,^M gn m - ^ ^ / AND I f • W oshobio polylillod I f l •Quilllinod,loodod h l% l^ ^ • SItcis 8 to 2 0 ...... , ■ I ■ - ' •BoyssizosSeiais I ■■■ III Jb 1-, . . . t I AVE I I’ FLANNEL SHIIIIIRTS W O ODL SHIRTS f 1 •Pormo press •Boautiful plaplaid. A ngn £ . r r V > " •• Wi1ith • Poly/cotlon fobric ' -w' ' ' K • 7 5 % w o o I,2I, 25V. nylon # {'^ 7 ^ I fc-J 1^ I a Mons S.M.L.XL ...... ^ DON LOPjpER" ■ " i iilRN i SHIRTS f • Finosl shirts mado ,., ^ “ W m S 1 1 ^ / •F o m p u s Mille\illor brand 0 9 0 ^ U-/ \ • Excollonl soloctlon l/Q I •Asst.plaids I • Rog. sizos. tails, bigs ■ . /, .sizo. 15-17 . n From Skinner'ss Sewing Shoppe KNIT SHIRIRTS SWVEATERS ■ 1 • Big soloctlon . ^ I-.4 ^ .4 ^ O n •All.famousus brands jE B e a uItifu t l B j A n i m a ■ • All washalslo •CardigansIS Iand slipovors t T C r u s h e d I ) •Mons.W.L.XL ...... I T T > B a s lc o n dd sski l stylos V e l o> i u r s 1 C u t o u t ) T r i c o t i t s I f P r in ts &IPloir^s Pio ' Lorgo ossortm oni, just sov Fam ou>us B r a n d sow S sluii M I ^ W o m e n s or lovoly sloop woor A S LOWWAS up lo 1 18'' wido AS LOW AJ AS ' ' I § ; T U R IIE S J l 6 9 DRESSSJOATS l 5 « ^ $ $ 1 3 ?i9- I , Y OU R r S ’ o - • Famous Davis Brand CHOICS • F in e , g o o d w o o ls ___ t-RibbcdacrilQfj____ . _ ! • W o jh o b lo ' ' • Pont and tuiriengffis" . •Goodcolors - • O ther novelty fabrics - • - S iz o s S.M.L ^ • Sizes 6 to 18 ' SIZES 0.2,0 WM Womenst o r J WORTH IOF FABRIC FREE!I W o m e n s T lie d re ss Ji;is f’one I.OOSK,' 0—a— W ith-the-Punu r c h a s e - o t y o u r - N ee v w ------H i X x fee ls m arvelous on, iii so m;iiiy ’^SUPER - _ a'Fr** orm lor •aiji>ai)r lenlng and J CASUAL. JACKETS fabrics - jersey-, (Issue, cicih;, msnding on levei, pont legi, •Aiccrwi)o|,.Sc\v il for'TH! ® [ | PANTS Y O U R Olher diMlcull eraofeofT Printed.Misses • Famous weather tom | I .•.E k IuiIv* stiorlmIment e ol ilretth brand CHOICI _ S izfslt, 10,.12,.14,1C. IH. ^i». S i it ■ " ...... m ih .. lor doubleileknlti.]ene)f.. 1 ~~ 1290 ‘ •: Fine quilled nylons 12 (b u sl ;J4j [akes 2-1 y.-irdsilO- • Corduory.n.fake furs intil fabric, • Polygobardino • Unique comblnalioalion of bullt-ln • All wa'shable sizes 6 k . ond Inlarchongeob • Slzos6l‘o l6 3 0 ° ° (or hundred! o< decorallve d« S«n(J Sl 00 lo« oocn pat- - I tiie years practicol itllchet, lurn Arid 25' lof oocli poltetn -(of-ftr^t-cloir^oifTsniT vputcal . • Solid d o le tpeed Co let. liondhng Sond lo Mofcon I aliead SwissS lew with lull powe even ol • M e n s M e n s Marlin. Iirncii-Nowt, Poiism . , ilawetl ipeedi.. i Sewi through Oopl. 23J -We»t leili St, f iobric wllhout IJow York, N.Y. 10011, Punl- . • j Sewing Maclii:hine '■ Model G2 Jl ( NAME.' AODRJSS. ZIP, ilZE SOCKS r ond STYLE NUMBER. Sovo' CORDS : Sow. 0 wordrobff and jovtt • doltar> ' tend lor NEW FALI a BESUR 8 0 „ . . . O .WINfEH PATTERN CATALOG*' 4 » o 5 ScKooJ,. r $ a • Howossortmont botic liituir pQltorn . S1:3S I BOTH LEVEVELS V o sh o b lo o p p e • Com pardot 1.50 Jntlani Fotlnon Book' . . $1.00*. loonlypocut OpPSHOgpiNG^JCENTER PHC B • Joe •i79* p'r. 3 /2 ,2 0 fn^ldnl Suwingfeoh . , . SI.OO iONE733-55i^ I iizos 29 to 38 8 < * 1 ■ Thursday. Novomhor 24,19, 1977 TimoS'Nov/5. Twin F.illr,, icJahii . I? t e a M l bD ■ ■

ByLAWR]fVRENCELAMB.M.D. DearDr.Lamb, S c h o o lll r e p o>rts i Ilip:i c h t I nni e m i r * I have a problem tha( sh ■ Q cle' I should bc right up your alley.y. 1 am a ■ . m an. 82 yc ars old. and 30W poundspi ovcrweiglii. Two weeks i s ta rte d to elim inate all s^■cets, u n fals and sta rc h e s fi om m v i By Unlled Press Intcmallcnalional ^ fresh fruilit a;alm ost alt year. Go get along well, being rctir■ctired nnd sodcntar>'. on a 500 t riood-hearted farmer^, enlcrprl:rprlsing studcnls - Meat was•as an a re a ot concern. caloric diet. a nd d an : Imaginative school superinerintcndeiit liavc "FWeral•al guidelines permit wholesalers I been la m having difficully In burningb g p jn o re than lhe BOO ca: en m aking a m ira c le happenin iiin the H azen. include 20;0 lo I 15 percent fat and'water In hon D!. schools forgoing on lhrce.yeay e a rs n o w , _____ burger, nolnol lo mention prc.servativcs and • tq enable me lo reduce, eveeven thoiiRh 1 walk ihree miles na d ay . ------: VVhat can I do fo hasten thOT SinSince money’s' a problemI In a lU sc h o o l fo rU i,"CfawTor'dsaid, ra\ hGTcdUclIondf my oxcess wei^it? - DearReader, d istr5trlcts, Uie super. Dr. Jqsephph (C, Crawfifl-d. "W e nowow buy our bcerilvc from local ra ------Ihinkink&-alLof_Amerlcn would iii' iyc'il federally Inspori^H You c an bc pallcnl. 1 dja a rert s a y you d id n 't put on thosee e x tra ' Ikcllolh'ear- iroI^ZEllE^'Jlii™ izcn'got its school lunch progr pounds In.two weeks, so3 lhIhcy w on't com c off th a t fn.st. e rogram. Into the pure lean1 hamh; burger. It costs u s about 20 cen blacl jn d ." You h av e got a Eix-monthfl pproject r In-froDt of you. a t lh e leasl ack. gave ils workers a 20 pcrci«.Tcenl ra is e and . le ss a pound built T he local I'm not enlhuslastic aboiabout your did. either. You shou ;llH ip a " k itty ” of 57,500. cal banks llils year donalwi money ■•We’ve also solved tlie w asted fo< eating enough lo have a. wellwc balanced diet, and ll Is plair tl food problem," enable thchc school district lo tiiiy a used coi Crav'aw lord sa id in an Interview . shelling ipaipachlne. you arc nol. I am sendingIng ,you Tlie Heallli U'tlcf'n'umbem ber Weiglit Lqsing Diet, to lielpelp you do belter Ollicrs wlio wan m g ^ ^ n ^ m “V“Wc'rc serving belter, more naturalnati food and The schochool kids husked •JOO dozen e a rs of coi K m p i ^ P H Uicc kids go for it. You shouldI see set them clean last fall. 11 d ie l plan can send 50 centsits wllhv a long, slnmiwd. self-addriddressed 11 wenl into lhe shelling machine th ] platea le s al lu n c h ,"' chopped oflthekerncls.ofl envelope for It lo mo in taret a r of this newspaper, P.O. Box ' I f ^ Au R adio Clly Stalion, New YorkVoi 10019. Don’l cxpect m iraclci AuU ioritles e stim a te $600 milllmillion worUi of Tlie "freifree" com went Into lhe freezer, ll hool lunch Is tossed inlo garbag It. as 11 Is designed toensureure gradual wclglilloss. •bage cans every morenulrilIritious than canned corn, ■ acad:adem ic ye ar. " T h e resresults have been higlily successlul "Wc asked local farmers lo donsdonate one o r tw o C ra w fo rdd s.said. " O u r dally plate couni h a s goi 'bilShishelspf Ihcir wheal," Crawfordiord said. up 65 p e rr c(cenl - more kids are reaching for 11 "Thc elevator volunlecred to chool luncll - 55 ccnls — lias nol go: Just be vicece on proper handling. u p in th ree e e ;years, "Local"L businessmen donaledd a ; slone g rin d e r " I n a rur;■ural a re a , which Includes a good p a rt ' paifent I ? lUi a m otor cap a b le of grindingling 15 pounds bf the countrytry , Uiere Is no excuse for nol having I lu r. vve now tjake o u r ownvn b1 rea d , it Is. b e st lood1 In Uie world to ro u r chlldren;" erally, free." Crawfordord believes big clly schools can adc NexlNc the H.uon-miracle workci•rkers e lim in a te d so m e of thcthe Hazen school lunch modus operar I I desserts.c With money saved.k-ed. they bouglit a n d c illlhnto tc ils w asted food problem , loo. You should bc satisfiedI to lose a pound a week^ 'if youu loslose too rapidly, you will be tired■d and ai may eVen give up yourr ddie le t. Bc p ^ v | | | scnlsblc, and If you havee lols lo of time, build up your wa • walking ^ W m M program. Remeber Ihnt somesot people losc weiglil In plaliplateaus. Tliere will bc a sudden welglitwc loss of several pounds,nds, then nothing for several weeks.s. How)i ever, if y o u sla y wJtJ» a1 se/ise/isibJe p ro g ra m , your paliencc willvill bcI rew arded. . D ea r Dr. Lam b, Our daugliter was bornn witliwi a.elcll lip and palalc. Thlt Is a deformity of Uie upperT Up.li nose, gums and palate, W IN T E R\ I S H E R E surgically corrcctlble overer 0i period of several ycars. Unll my dauglier was bom ncilherr 1.1, my husband, nor our famllle; ev er he ard of a cleft palate.fc. I would appreciate It if youyoi would comment on this subjc;ul)Jectol ® ' ...... J SPECIAL COATCl SALE g Increase Ihc public’s awarearcness of this so other parentsc n ts who ^ may have a clilld wilh llilslls problemp will nol be as sliockeceked and . ' -’u S : ? dism ayed a s wc were. DearReader,' S A V E W0"“ t o W I .Tl»ank y o u -fo r your UioiUiougliUulncss,-.,lt Is nol a ranra re ab- • UPI norm ality. A cleft Ilp o r cleftleft p a la te Is s a id to oc cu r betweei CHILDRBN In -th o -H a z o ni,- r N :D .-- jc h o o /s — ------Wl 1 In COO and one in 1,250 birtlis.lis. Cleean loovovo cloan plolos behind aflerafle lunchtlmo Tliedcfecl mayb&afalluiillurc of th e jn ld d le regions of th e ilip to n ow>w Ihat hoallhlor. m ore nulrl\Ulrltlous food Is Join together appearing asis a sllglit notch In the lip, or as a asaderi r\l/*l ilng servo d ~ m u c h o f It d o m V'" thal extends to the nose.. TlicTl clefl may extend backwarw o rd in- p ia U t e s lo n a led by aroa rm ers. £hferpr/sfng sludonis I volvlng the hard palalc, rootroo of Uie mduth. Other babies'les m av lls h olp process W e've reduced theih e m a ll , . . y e s u h ______^______IhEJceQMhnai e J nnd b o J c o itc a o d havu u liol(TTdeftrlnlliu hhar d id p n ld tt: wtttlOut liivulVClUCIUn r o C n w r — ^ -^— )od------bsQutiful fur~triikkii . lip. Thc teclli m oy also be: InvolvedInv In Uie a re a of Uie clelt.It. ------buttery soft leothethers, simulated 1/ T hese c an be corrccled; and ai how It Is do n e depends uponUieupui ...... n a lu re of th e defect. If It Is JustJ Uie Ilp, surgical corrcctior:tion can furs in the new estt fcfashion lengths u — \ bc accompfished early In life. plus oil w eather cacoots for every ^ When th e defect Involves:s thct> hard palate, surgery mayly needne to ______BRIDGE M illilita ry occasion. Country•y 1P a c e r , Y o u th - bc done In sta g es over sever;k'eral y e ars. W hile w aiting for the child Q Sswald W and Jim Jacoby to develop to the point Uial Ihs su rg e rj' Is possible, il m oay be ------craft, Smart Modeiides, Skin Gear ^ necessary to fit o dental appiappliance o v e r th e a re a so Uiot no h o liI id a y a n d m a n y o t h e r s . speech ability can be startedte d a t a no rm al ag e. A c a ll f o} r troublemakei Tlie defect Is not o llfc-threh rco le n ln g o n c , n n d In m ost Instoiristonces, i------^------i ^ opponents. He m odem su rg ic al repair andnd dentali trc a tm e n l c an lead to a very , East should satisfactory end result. o u ttiin I e d » Q 6 3J.2 2 '■ w ith a preejcmptlvc r three (Newspaperr enterpriseen Association) » K 1019 9 f8 5 WASHINi^1NGT0N (UPJ) - 3 Maybe Nort * A < 3 irth anil Soulh tIie Armedmed Forccs expect to • would w ork th Ihcir waj- lo a s.„ 5 „vcr:v er 2 million pounds of — - - WKJiT(D) KA> diomond slanam after thot , - AT RIGHT,—YOUTHCIHCRAFTS — I - — ® * J 9 6 *k K K Q 10 a 4 3 m onkey w re n c h w a s th ro w n to ,,, service people ond • SMART NEW DRESS; LELENGTH / / ¥ a D [ l ( g y i 1 f a w F o t t © ! * K 10 985*JJ 7 into th e ir bidi SouiK All in 'a ll, EBob suggesls , shrimp cocktail, 2 eggs, se p arated c o ttag e c heese, o r boUi.J, P ass Pass Pnssnss 1 ♦ thal while a o thruc-spade Include shi Pass 3 • Pass'ass 3 opening with ravy, haked ham wilh 1 tsp . sail * h those West . .giblet gravj l '/4 tbsp. flour Tho Tim«vNtw> will payoy $1S5 each P ass 4 * Pas.1’as.1 4 • cards might leadlo to trouble cherry SQUce, sou ond pum pkin wook lor Mogic Valloy Fovofavoritof. ll P ass 4 * P'ass as; 5 * for Easl and WestW, it was far and mincenicemenl pies. Officials -i/a tsp. baking powder you hove o (ovoriio roclpcoclpe. jutt P ass '6 # Puss‘uss Pa.M m ore likely to0 ccuuse trouble said 181 tonstons of m incem eat aii^ GMOKTHSTOfA^IfAY ■ Grate Ihc polatocs ond add oporiment. Pass mall It 10 Iho Rocipo Dopar for North andISouth. S , • -• 84 lons•of of pumpkins wlll be HOIHTIREST-llBSERVICiSVICECHARSE H bealen egg yolks. Stir in ilour,nur, Womon’t Pago Editor. The rocipo OpcnInK Ivud — J baking po^er and sail and boeomoi the property ol iho OPENAMAYFAiUOATACIACCOlfllTAKD ' W ByO.w.MiJjmc.m -sJat'ohv “ T ho Chrishristmas menu will be ' mbc well. New* and connoi be roturnod TAKE UP TO 6 MONTHSffiSTOPAY 1 - / reader asks similar and th c com bined costs ■ Today’s hand 6 EQUAL MOKTHIY PAYIPAYMENTS - \ fro m a n a rtic le byJyBobEvven I '^hich card wc■'c play^at trick for the two[wo meals will come lo in Populor Brid>;c. h w o a r e p la y - alw ul $6,65»).65 m illion, officials VOUR FIRST PAYMEKTWILLIfILLNOTBE DUE ding mi^ht go sov< rump wilh ace- . said. TheyIiey said larger quan- UNTIL lAHUARYY1978 19; including the corcompllc»li,i spadraaspar; ,|llcs wllwlli be ealcn- al one shown in thehe bnit h,if ' giving because many ,o „ p i' once North jumpsips to three hn?^^^h* people arc cxpectcd to diamonds thc dinm nglcton seven. scrvicc peo| avcatChrislmas. is easy to bid, lays thc Jack. beonleavc; ^asl one p a rt of the Probably the be king or queen, Icasl play is for Southh tt< f w i n ‘’’thL' IJU ^'^ctinifely'Inot the ace. lhaiiksgivligiving dinner won'l be a 1 club, cash one hl( false card - like Momim 1 u.>;cd to make, ac- and then pkiy ace fanybody. cording'g' ;to lhe lisl ul heart, mis uuuiuJlU m uK e II .-NKWSl'Al'UHKNTISTI:HI‘UISKA.«VSN . in g re d ielenls. n t: The mashed M j f o i l - possible to ruff twoWO h e a rts in 'Oo you rt.?vcC .). quosl'on lor nnlalfw>c ^ s — all tons of tliem jjH ^H his hand if that Wr.ic 'Asi, ino .. - w i l l be>e tillth e inslaiit variety. OPEN FRIDAYKNIGHT N 'TIL 9:00 ncccssary. Anyway 01 in,s r)cwsp.i- makes easily. bys will-Answer W E ^ M B ob's a rtic le d•Id id in o l ren lly '"aZ'Sl'ea-M,adarcssc!] cnvii- concern the Northth ai n d S outh :opcs arc onclosloscd Thc mosi Id^H hands. mlt'fcstmg ques•esiions will Oo Hc was writingg aboutt the used in mis colzolumr\ .ir\a will use of a precmpti\ptivc bid lo rcccive copios's ol JACOBr ,.v^kc things hardrd for your MODERN)


f f l f e ? ' - ’.''- 1 ^ * F ' * ' '

... . :■ s ' - ______


= 1 AAICHAlAEL & ALEXANDI3 R A - r — m w ^ p h oH t O G R A PH IC ARTITS

rrB . NOVEMBERSI SPEC IA LI C A I MW. m m O n e l V 'x U4" " Photograph ^ #1 ' o f t h e a n imlal a l o f y o u r c h o ic e w I ' REG. $59.95 r = = - s s 5 a ^ | ^ >u C o n .G o t It tn • W o'll S h o o t It"It' •

i ...... I •


on that Kent J. S'or , lOAMO, IN ANO FOft THEI COICOUNTY OF COUNTY OF TWI ANNEXINIXING CERTAIN REAL uron Jewell Boise. 10 S3nO. haa on h TWIN f ALLS rE Division mag|STR>IRATC DIVISION PROPERTYRTY IN THE 2000 BLOCK. '>'»1/25/77 aubmittod Application No, 0J-77i6' IIMPEX i n t e r e s tI MAGISIRAIE DIVISION,c,nu InihoMjiicrelthoEsuielUieol • in tho Matter ol the termination ol fallS AVEAVENUEi EAST. AND MORE 'orr a permit le apivoprUlo ,002 cubM: foel:l IN THE MAHER OFTHE ESTATEJME OF MAUOELSCHVCHWAflrZ, thoparont.iHlghi CULARLY OESCHIDEO £ «>r »aeeond ol waier Irom Snake fli«er by MARIAHKOENIG. • ^ Oeccasod LARRYNEAL U I JORDAN H E V e mIN '' BELOVA. WHICH eans ol aubmersiUa pump, ipriniiitoS :»ED(TOns CaseUONO.399 . PROPFR1VRTY IS OWNED BY SNAKE *!?*'imin ih* SEMSEU., Sec, 7. fwp.8S, Rge.I. , noik:e“ ™m£ SBY ° C«£N IMI mo NOTICEOFP.FPETITIONSFILED nivER K :E,. aM,j Twin Falla Counly b bo used' ENTERPRISES, ANO IS ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTiora^mTms (lappoimedptrsonai In tho Maltorr ol1 Iho Potllion ol p r p ^ mtl Mn Uar..15 to Nov, 15 lor Irrl^ilon pur- TS FARMERS MARKET C Q n t i n u© e S :n TLY ZONED COUNTY I.______.OOLF.Ionst»______NOIICE IS HERESY GWEN, r . » r , s ; . ’ Kabove-namodosiale. EUGENE EDWyIWARD TESKE and resiM n:NTIALTW LOW DEN5iTY;-AN0----- ol Q.I teret wiihln Ui4.S£',«S£li._ ------09S FoJliI.jor-*-Iop Soil--- .. undor Signed has been scpointcd ^sagalnjlthOj^d LETHA TESKE. I 002 lo>l8Found- 094£nmLSccd------K = ’r i g : r , S'tlin^'*^' ’wwioofectioait— 097 Hay. Gram S Food SIERRA VISTA. Ariz. (UP' * All pofwn* raflngcuimj iffiinj: Jlhs'altwVhV^'too' WAfSf“ l ^ S { ^ ''•I'"® ' UPON ANfANNEXATION INTO THE KJ?,,kx walor righta. Protests agamd the* 004 Special Noncot 098 Forms For Rum ikes n deceased ue required lo pros ll this notice or uid children ol LETHTHA TESKE, r iry Qp 'anU ^^lho porniil rmisl bailed wiih — Ann McCuc Murphy lakes &j/red. Claims mutt TO; URRY NEALNE, JORDAN ^ ^ R Y s im " OOSiMemofiolNolicots 099 Postures For Ront ri>i> l c claims within lour monlhs after m i; 006 Por»onol» s p « ] n l Inlcrt’st in equal rlRli itiBdfjipubDcaWmollNjnoW.'”S 2 s r f c s K0 R. L SCHWARTZ, You aio horob>Dby given notice that a w h ereXREAS, ' Tho Cily Planning arxl iJJ'J>41 Blue Laioi BM.. Nonh. Twin Falla; 100 livosiock Wanted for-w om i'n. Slio wns onn tlthe claims will Iw forever turred.CU live ol Iho ostaio. ai Petition lor Termination Tot ol Your Zoning ComCommisslon'hoid Its Public S3M1 00 or before December 5,i, 101 Animal Oroodmg r i Larson, Iho Idaho Parental RiohtsIS tot< tho abo<(i>-named HaarinnI usas required by law on tho "'i'-, 102 Cattle front lines of the battle back r H w S f Eiuiiding. Twin Fails, children has bo< C,'STEPH£HAtiflEO ''K l" Idaho.orliledwimihoCouCourt. Potitlon lor A « in d°yy 01ol Ociobor. 1977, to con- i t ' SELECTED OFFERS> I04Horios . 1910. tative ol me oiuie. it Office Nc 10 zoning designation opon p.^?DirKtor rolNo>CR ' . At h e r hom e In th e fouthll lion ol the real properly 015Boby«illort s.a ar& jr'’" also b^ton liled1 in the abovo-eniitlcd horXbolow•oiow described: and, lOBSht'cp of Uic Huachuca MountainsIns I" OAIEDlnU9tt)da»olNo.iimbo 016 Siluoiions Womodd 110 Poultry 8 Robb.ls 7.-?4,-4 0oremtwrT;------DATED ihirio" 'tEASriho'CnyPlannlng and ----- _ Southern Arizona, Jhe ^ cVCar^ a ____ '»/ EOWAROSTANfON PETTTGfSK?" -™ ^1SSK5! 10 day ol Novomber. Zo’^higComCommlaalon having mado ita 0 t7 8ui>not% Opportunilinilio% I 12 Irrigollon 1977, I rocomrnendiiendatlon known to tho City ScaloSpt^Ssw^^Si^ohrod^ine“ .• .020 Monvy Io loon ol(T su lfrn g ctte is no lonjji ------—------GARYWHITV/ELl ty ol wM ell at the Wendell City Kail, 113 Forms 8 ftorich Supplies COURT OF THE Clork -'-L Council for the City ol Twin Falla, I; 021 Monoy Wonlod . I 14 Form lmplontruct.on • 1l5Fo..n WorkWonird rights, but ber Iieart Is slilllill I in STATE OF IDAHO. INANDFORTHEIN / Oepuly f f l V SPublic . ' Hearing aa roquirod nicilng base and surfacing lor ao- 026 Music lotions It. NOTKE ------■ COUNTY OF TWIN FALFALLS PUBLISH: Noven»mBor 0«om 6or f f e>imateiy 52 blocks ol City meets In ,n„, on • MaolatratoOlv■Division . . 1S8.l9i7. REAL ESTATE F.QRI SiSALE ••Uiose who oppo.se equ;•mini Notice l# Horoby GIvon.1077 I IN THE MATTER OFOF THE ESTATE NOVV. THEREFORE. THEI BE IT OR- ^?£?.This project'is a Locai Pubi« works „7 .1 Monday. Docombor 5., 1911977. an QP DAINEOI BY THE MAYOfrAND THE r ,'; h * 029 Open Houtos RECREATIONAL riglits for women are.stupid.P '“ - . Diociion will bo Hold for twc Ipital Oevciapmofti and investment' 030 Homos For Solo ' n tb e missionoil ror SutxllslrlctI, ‘|!J®No • JOHN KEITH CA! ■ NOTICE01I ^ ELECTION TWIN MLLS ogram Imancod by Iho EOA. U. S. , - l 2 0 AviQtion • ' she ^icf. "Tliey Rave them tb DECREASED. NOTICE IS HER S . T E a M K ”^- £ipanmenl ofCorrmerce. which reouires: 031 Out b l Town Homes 121 BoorsSMorinoH.'m, im,v No, 2 ol Iho Twin Falls HI EREBY GIVEN thal art Sectionn 1.1 That tho lolJowmg iSal ii ten portent |tOX)ol all lunds bo used] 036 Rool Estoie Wanted vote, why not thc rest? Wli District, which cloctlon #fi «. . oleclion will be) holdhi tn Iho King Hill doseribod9d roalre propony (>« ond tho ' 122 Sporting Coodv figlit It? It’.s not going Inn ddo open at Iho hour ol ono o’cloc E0Y GIVEN fhat_ irrigallon Dislrictlet on tno 13th day ol same IsI horobynor annoxod into and 037 Forms 8 Ranches , I23Ski.ngtquipmi.m has boon ap- Docombor, 1077 I Proposals wia bo publically opened and1 036 Acreage & lols Ihcm In." and snail continuo unlll Iho t 7 lor tho otoction ol declaredJ to boI a pan ol tho City ol .g S J . 124 Snow Volticlos sovon o’clock P.M, lepretonlailvo ol Directors Irom 1 C Division numbor 2 Twin Falls.lls. StaloSi of Idaho, to-wlt; bdonmoaoowhowanddate. 039 Business Property n ilO lS .w b lle ln ber 20s. .Mn 1 docodont. All .?nd DWsIon n “lanj. SpocillcatBns. Contraci Forms, 125 Trovol Trailers M rs, - Thopolllnoplecosforififrothfroiectiontho.oloclion d ji^ , number 5 ol tho A parcel91 ol land located In Iho u tad iomer ifllonnatioA reoaiding thisr 040 Cemetery lois five shallbo; Ilms againsl tho Diatrict Southeastist 'A ol Iho Southoasl V. ol orSoc 126 Compors 8 Shells Mui^hy campaigned in flv , 1 — Cauri docodoni or his oalitolato aro roQuirod PoiilnopMceaa )|«ct-are avalUNe lev eiuninanon or, 043 Vocation Property' > , 127 Moior Horm-s Twin Falls Pfoclncl No. 1 - aai ouch election will Section 3. Township 10 Soulh,*- Suvtly ^ purchasod at me ollice of EO-. 1j 044 Coiidominiumv For S( Eastern states with th< Houso In Twin Falls, Waho loprosontthoirclolm#'m# within lour 14) boalluatcdatthoho following placoa In Range 177 EastEai ol the Eioiao MorUian iM u i .1,1, ...... 0 5 - Ciiv rnonths oltor iho daledalo ol tho first tho Oislrici' mOS^IOWAflWJAflTENS. tl39 Falls1 ‘ 045 Mobile Homos Forr SoSolo nalionnl leader of the SulSuf- Twin Falls Prodncl No, 2 ■ more particsartlcularly doscribod a s ^venuenut Easi. Twin Fails. Idaho, for a sum Hall In Twin Falls. Idaho ^ publication ol thi»1 ncnolico or said Precinct* 1 - — King Hill Irrjgatlon lollows; fragctle.-!, Alice Paul. Twin Falls P/oclncl No. a3 —- Ollico 'Claims will bo lofovorl>or barrod. Claims District's ollico I inin King Hill, Id.'ftio. Boglnnino10 at tho Southeast corner TweniyitTO.OOidollais. RENTALS k Public Works Contract's Uconso m •‘I left thc factories' ofo of tho Twin Falls Hlohway('av DiflC ct «‘'fiOf tx» P'OSt[osont^ to the Proclnci I 2 - - Glonna Forry Cily ol said Socilon Soci 3; thonco running 050 Furn. « Uniurn. Hou, T ^n Fa ts u«dorsionod at thoho address In- Hall. Glenns Ferryrry. Iflaho. Wostorly a ■ Siaie ol ktaho in roquirod lor this work AUTOMOTIVE PldJadelpbln where nt .thnth a t Highland Avo. E.. Twin 052 Furn. 'A p u .£ Duplex dicatod. or Iilod withn IhoIhl Clork ol the Precinct 13 .— Kolfeo Kup Cafe, boundary^of'M ot 1 fonry.a K 5T to b.d dalo, 131 AuioSo.vico Urdu a work week consist^Hi oof ‘'‘RMoraon PfceinCl - RotRoflnrsan' Court. Hammett, Idaho,5. loot, mororo orer loss. 10 tho Soulhwost . *I “bidders auroly in tho amount ol not 054 Unlurn. Apis, i Oupluplc.cs, 1 32 Aulo Por.^ S AcCi-vvonos ay ol Novomber, xho polls tor 91r such oloctiori sholl cornor of)f salsaid SEV4 SE'/.: theneo “ 056 Rooms For Aont CS hours," she recalls. "At "A Sorvlco st Roaorson. IIpan*oachbld*'^' **’ 133 Aulos Wooiod )|(cc KoKlsfsr Proclncf — Salmoi . - • . bo opon al VOOi.'OO P.M. and shall Norlftorl)' a 057 Roniol MobJio Hornet times wo bad to gel pollc( ilmpnfllvor HeY e n E. CARLTON' remain open untilntil 7.00 P.M. on tho boundaryi'.,'& of sE 'w a- 5he&Iy*omendeli reserves me rloftl te , l34Auio»ForBeni , , Canal Ollico In Holllslor, IdahoIdahc , c/o Emil F.PIko.Aiiorni Ktanyor afl bids, 056 Ollico a Butmoss Rer 135 Cyclos 4 Supplier protection, altliouf^h m tbt t Bofjo, Pfoclrwi - Loyal)yal NelQlv p o Boi>302 O'hOY day oleloction. fool, toI thithe REAL POINT OF 061 Ourago Rontoli DATED this BihIh dayi ol Novombor. BEGINNING;ING: thonco continulnfl OrrOLEMKE 136 Hoovy Equiprnmi crowds were usually pa.sslvclive. tiora Communlly Contor BuildlnoBulli In Twin Falla. Idaho 83301301 . 1977 063'^antod To Ront Northerly al ol WendeU-Mayor 140 Trucks Orte man yelled from a crowc KlrT)t)orly, Idaho •IK u ,. I PUBLISH; Novomboror 10. 17. 24 & BARBARA P. CRAI |USH: Novernber 17.24 & Oecember 1. 065 Tourist 4 T.o.ler Rcm Hanson Procincl — City.Ity HailI In ooc. 1. tff77 ?ANE tMundary fon s v s i i ® ®"'ol, l42lmpori.SporisCo»s where I was speaking, 'womermen Hanton. Idaho . Socrolary Easterly alonjalong a lino parallel lo and - Treasurer ol the0 KKing Hill Irrigation 812.10 foot feot Northorly ol Iho MERCHANDISE U64WhoolOrivos ar& nothing but a broorrryitn ' Rixk Crook Procfnct — Oor IRT OF THE FIFTH Dislrict, , • Roaldoneo, Soulh ol * K?mhA?f!rKimborly. Klff IN THE o tsrn ia court OF Tl i Southerlyy boiboundary ol said Socilon ------; 067 Miscellanoous For• So 5oln 146 Antique Aulos brigade,' at which pointIt I1 Idaho F THE SIATE OF 01101 i<5H' Novemiimber 24. December 3 lor 5200 loilool; thonco .Southerly ‘ ISOAolos AMC Iri*hn Ihln IDAHO. IN AND FOR THE COUNIY OF along 0 linoIne pparallel 10 ond 520 leot ,^NOT 070 Wonted To Buy yelled back ‘yeah, and we’ren 'rc Daiod at Twin Falla. Idaho, Idahi thin TWIN FAUS, City Council of Holtisior. Idaho, 071 Shoos and Clothing IS2 Autot-Buick IBth day ol Novombof. 1077 ' Easterly ofihcsf Ihe Westerly boundary ol , '9 154 A utos. Codilloc going io m ake a clean sw eep ol MAGISTRATE DIV:D I V I S I O N ------______1— SAld 1 SE'SE%. 612,1 fool moro or * “i o'on December filh. 1977 ot 8;0d 073 Ai.liqu«S P O' ARLENE B. GROSE. Soc’v I, Mounlain Standard Time, at Iho • I 56 Autos -Chrysler . - * I h l n ^ . " ’ InthoMalleiollhuEstaloolleol IN THE DISTRICTCT COURT OF THE low to the’Iho’Soulhorly boundary ol 074 Musical Inslrumonts hand 24th. L.W-HAWKINS, FIFTH JUDICIAL. DISTRICTD OF THE said Socilon:llon.3; thonco Woalorly [oOu®ular Council meollno place In I 58 Aulot ' Cliovrolci - -. Mrs. Murpliy said the enrly,pjy PUBLISH; November 20tfi am ilisior. Idaho, rocolvo and 077.Radio. TVAStcroo Ooewsea , STATE OF IDAHCiHO. IN ANO FOR along saidd SoutherlySoi boundary 132.1 " “J ®, 078 Fumiluro SCorpols’ 160 Aulos Dpdge days in the women's riglitsIts EttalsKo.ISft,tStt5 TV/INFALL5C0U^'UNTY. fool: IheneoICO Northorly I along 0 lino illcly Open soaiod bids lor lhe 162 Aulos Ford tEDITOHS MAGISTRAT ATE DIVISION parallel to) and 187.90 fool Easlorly.ol chaso ™ ol »0,OOQ ol the City of 079 Applloncos movcm^t needed strong lister. Idaho Water Improvomont 080 H ea tin g s Air Condi • l64Auloil.ncoIns IN THE DISTRICT COURT; OFo c ' tuc ' notice IS HEREBY CUGIVEN thai Iho THE MATTER R 1 OF THE ESTATE The Wostorlyorly boundaryt of said SE'/. g®"!®' “ 166 Aulov Mercury - • discipline because speakers OBOinlQdpcrSflnal -• OF SEV. 237.10.10 loot:ll Iheneo Wealoily fjg''®'],ronue Bonos. Sorioa 1978 (tho 082 6uildir\g Motonols RFTH JUDICIAL OISTRICTT ,5Off the ro"gr*e'S?f orthe^ile abo.e-njmcd ELLABC 3 CHASE, along a lino parallel1 to and 237.l6 snds”) dated as of delivery, I to Ai.'os Oldsmobile almost always encountered ____STATE OFJDAHO. IN i«(NMOF turing onSoolombor 1 as lollows; '083 Goroge Solos 170AulOS Ponhoc KOR.THE------ostala.AJl peraoni having < ...« „ Ooccasea, loot Norihorl'iherly of said Southerly - • 086 Firewood opposition. 172 Autos -Plymoul>< ,,,L >no taid deceased aro reouii IB7.90 fool to Iho REAL Amount A Yoara 067Plonis8Trees "Some women went lo thoir cUimj wimin lourS rnoi i S NOTI^E%'{^ F BEGINNING; said parcel Malurlno Mi Malurlno 174 Aulos - Olhor 10 IN Iho Matlof ol Iho EsUto ”ol dalBOimollrstpgbiieaiionoonolmisnoiiceor NOTICE IS HER 086 Good Things To Eoi prison during that time," sbesb e JOSE P, MARTINEZ } .000 1979 ” 175AuioOoalr.» «— . S.'SSS'.SS! 11n Section 1. bo, ond Iho .000 1981 Hjnrkins. personal icpreseieseniaiiye ol tmj lhe above-named!d ostato. All per. oamo Iss horobyh zoned Cily .000 1982 She took part in thc firstIrst NOTlCeTOCHECKTORS ms ag,iinsl Iho sa.d Rosidontial Lo ,n-c M ^llnoz,; lal Low Oonslty. .000 1983 a v t e , SSS CITY COUNCIL______,000 1984 suffrage ihc day beforeo re Probalo No, 1601 kUnoBld9..TwinLiis.kJahed. CliClaims must ollhor PAUL E, OSTY3STYN .000 , 1988 poinlod porsonal reprosonlati' Personainwesonlali.0 bo presenled to1 Willtnm w H. Chaso. Mayor GUARANMTEID RESULTS “They couldn’l get th the e llio atwvo named deeodont. Porson.H Represe ,000 ' 1989 persons luvino claims againsi lOMountalnDrlYC osenlalivo ol tho A'TTEST- ,000 1990 parade started for four hours. Pocatcllo. Waho UJOl estate, at the otfnMlicool William J. EDYTHED.KCD. KOONTZ t?U ¥ «U 'R e OUT T 5H E CAN Personal Roprosontalive ^ration, as Trusloo win soil at ’S I iMWrrriA.MYLAt, HAVE U was during that time, sbc ■ FLOYD KILBY HAMIAMMONS, J:ooo HEARP OF CVCUCAL 8U18UYIN6 OF iEA50N ) TELL HE6 sbc E'asttand'Drlvo North Deceased. ______public auction ctlon. to Iho highosi bid- said, Uiat Allcc Paul went to PLANKEY. KVANVlGi STOKER ash, in lawlul monoy ol tho 4.000 ^ AS 1WE fWTIfWTiC 'rtW» TD Fiwrr \ ,V0UR5£LF. / (SOINfi TO prison and began a hungerg(,j. Atiornoya lor tho Estate otos. all payable at the limo INa^Tit?N? 1N5TEA0 OF CtfSTLVy TURKEY,' V HICCUP to loiiowing doscribod roal Jiooo 20C2 . 5ERVE 7 b u t I HAD T BEFORE strik e . . - '- I — im r- undorsionira hasu s boon ap- Notice is horobybv o K h a t David »' «"»• ‘I*® "" 5.000 2003 TJRK6f TOPAV V/e:LL S' Twin Falls. Idaho S33’! ipiaaontaiivo ol &ror Mattio Higninf/n^BuhLIDeijo alluatod In tho County of HAMBUPa; W fLL F£A‘£ A 6 T ^ A FEELINS ^ ME 734-5600 fho" abovo*’nomed*’^Joidocodoni. All has on 11/9^7 Is. State ol Idaho, and I os follows lo-wli; NEXT WEEK WHEN Tri'TriE J W J P FORiSET W 6V E N — I PUBUSH; NovomborTI, DoceiJocembor persons having claimsms aoainst tho pllcalion No, 47-74474447ora';."o?miflS 5 ? « '‘^d*osi; ■ i ^ — jiT '-M V TURKEY I& V S\?£, A t i l W T ------docodent or his ostato10 aaro required appropriaio 0 20n h,> ll 'i SViW’/^ ol 01 Lot 6 ol UNITY iiooo 2007 TdRKEV CARTEL ^ , TUC ’® Pfosonl IhoirelaimsIS wwithin lour (4) second ol walor!, 'SSS ism 's' . VISION. Twin Falls ^ ALRE^PV IN ^ BEER.' N e w sS IN THE DISTRICT COURTr S OF e i u i moothj aMor tho daioIIO ol Iho lust stream, tributary ■ , Idaho, according to Iho Tho Bonds Dc shall bear interest at,a FIFTH JUWCIAL DISTRICT OF pubiicallon ol Ihls noli Dial Ihorool, rocordod in iaio oror rates not o»coodlpo 6% per STATE OF IDAHO. IN ANO FOR nolico or said moans ol headnai 5 ol Plats, paoo 14. annum,um, evidenced Irom delivery FORTHE claim# will bo forovirovor b.irrod. aonds wigiin the N£NE'..NEU.Sec,22. • COUNTY OFTWINFALLS Claims must oitnor bo>0 ppresented 10 Twp, 9S. Rgo, 14E., of Twin Falls County. unlllI maturlly rr by only one got ol MAGISTRATE DIVISIONON tho undersigned atI irIho address Counlv to'be used couporDOns luniosa roglstOrod as lo J S ^ T i p s IN Iho Manor ol Iho Estalo ot .. indicated, or lllod withth IIho Clork ol Dec.. i t lor llah c llo will, bo mado without bothI principalor and intoresil. payable JOSE P. MARTINEZ, 'f 1 oropaoaiion pur. “,*!!?or warranty 'J regarding title, on Seplember So 1 In oaiyi vcar. I IhoCourt. ^y^-i.Sec.22. ~!o°n"o ■ — ------Oocoa'ocoased,...... DATED this 27th da / .61 OctdUer, ? w a 9s!*Rol"?4E^, 1 in- or oneumTjrancos to S«i,mwn sell ai .,M orioitjlilonplcliupwitnion^lonowKJeCoi. 1.1977 iAkPPY UKAvNK^filVINCri' puWtt lueiion tJecerrSff 5, 197? tor... Hearing has boon set uponJpon said ..., k. ... .------— — paymonis olol S150.00S per monlh, lor ^ The10 Bonds 1 maiurlriQ on or anor ootiilon o a tho 1 tih day ol! January,'Jam T.rf?P. o - APPLICATION the month#hs olc April. May. Juno. Sootentember t, i96iwiil Do aubloct to ■ wilcirceoing Ijbindonrti, mo loiio*cnti oard!u ® Oflice. rK * nFiler, « r“ ' NOTICEOFAP FOR WATER r redemption al the Clly'a option deufitwdvthicic. “ 1978, at 9,00 A M,, at tho courtr;ourtroom J.’!'''/*''* P*“ ^Oiia ER PERMIT July, Augustigusl, Sopiombor. and prior ro ijQ, ' . .ol tho abovo entiilod court In by given Ihat Betty Oclobor. 1977. 1977. plus mtorosi at tho uPO"n 30; day's notlco in invors'D . Oik*t963 Fo'd PiChuB. 10 inOJR JIOOI. ntod r, rLt^, .n NOUCO iS hOrOby lerlcal order on Sopiombor 1. RALPH HOPKINS ’ • Falls. Counly ol Twin Falla, Sla ■ Wilihito. w agnor-)r-M uriauoh. 10 ratool10%IOi% lor the mer,ths ol April. hurnori ;i1L'0CuSI Sireol. Idano. 83344 has on lir7/77 tir suomined May. Juno.no. July. August, and ’987.'. or c on'any iniorosl oavmonV DATED ims 22 day ol Noven 17-7443 lora permit •Septombor.If. 1977 1! ano 9% lor tho «»I0I thoroaltor. at p r and accruofl T«rinFjllj. IdJfto on"'tho f n ’ rosl, Tho City also reserves Iho PUBLISH: N0«mBCf!74Jl.l977 1977 to cubic etobor. 1977. Tho balanco Inloros - ^ 5 5 ■ HraariJlHotia PLANKEY. KVANVIG S STOKERIKEB Irom vva/.to watur, owing OSI ol ol this dalo on tho right,t. ola Its option, to rodeornjil par or all Bonds In Rwerso fs( FRED PLANKEY , All -M , Shall eoftuin urtaugh Lako by obllgallon secured seci by sold Dood ol “hy 0 Attorneys Ior Petmoner 0” of n,. pond and pump. Trust is J5,45fl5,456,99. plus Iniorosl and numorllerlcal ordor In Iho ovonl Ihoro I S — WE WOULO LIKE TO extend PUBLIC NODCE OF SALE )ccembor ol bidder , « Bond piocoods unused and MARJORIE’S FLOWEK Noi«o U norcby '«iTcn Ihjt jhe ... un- PUBLISH: Novcmbor 24, Occer rsiom within iho lorotlosurocoi'0 costa aro BC Weddings. Funerals,' all al 00-- very special lhank you to all ou “j, I t s , 1977______ncumborod at tho Ilme con- deriignoa by virlkO ol me provtjions ol ______(b) A cawrer-, Check rtycniiiiu W)acic to ,9£^ q 24, Twp, Its, Rge. Dated this 2 coalons, for lass. DollverfcnrlBt ^ 1 Irlonds and relatives whi SctKon <$406. Idaho Code. ».iil sell at Falls liounty to be 19^.’‘V »■’' ;ss;clion ol tho proieci being showed tholr kindness nm I at IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE TvtinFilIjCouniy FACT. INC. llnanconeed by tho Bonds la complolod, sparka. 734-2021. put)t,e auclio/i Oecember 8,130.10 aim m FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTlRCT• OF THE lel * b-Oder s boria on 15 to Nov. 15 lor TITLEFACl sympathy through Ihe recon 505 ol 202 acroa ' BY. RICHAICHAROB, STIVERS Princlpcipal and iniorost are payable lOf rOMi' S sis'ago lien, mu leH9.»nn■ing STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR lly Irom Ihe not revonuoa illnoss and dealh or ou de«riW*efi-cie . FOR THE ?(5t' n^jirSs' " E '.. Sec 24, Twp, VIco-Prosli>rosldom aoioly COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS 'IDAHO dorlvedved Irom tho operation ol tho »i aa ^ Notary Public and lor condltliaitlonal. written, and sealed bid Inn nN.« aharod. Thank you, God bios Flier. l3Jho loceaaod. ..9^*,*'" 'cccn-d tinlilunin lhi> hni,r nl H i^suod. this :ilylng Iho Inlerest rato or rates Last seen In region of 400*w Blue ygy Jl, ^ PUBLISH N0.c-mL«.'f174N.19/7 Caao No, 1800 11.00 o'clock A.M.No.embtmber 29 1 977 ,il '0 0"°irior VMlcr rinnts Mid SlAlO.0. ( personally appeared spocily .Lakes, Rewofdl 734-2187. mu cr.-intino o Ihu Richard B.. StisStivora. known to mo to and prepromlum. If any. at or abovo par NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETTIPEnriON e-ds win be oc«r ico-Prosideni ot tho cor- which:h 1such bidder win purchase alt LOST German Shopherd-Hrd-Husky — • FOR FORMAL PR08ATE OF WILL< ouOl'Six L" ’fio office ol in. R = ' i : s s ' , Ellcd wnn Ihl' Id,ino bo tho Vico-P NoftCe TO CREDITORS al Iho Coiiniv Dup.irlmi!nl ol W.iW.iiur Rc-.ourcus. porallon thatthat executed this In- ollhoElOBonds, croas. Brownish-black:k wilh ANO APPOINTMENTOF PERSO ^ r me Wimly Olvd , Ncrin. Twrn sirumont oror tno person who Thof10 FmHA has entered into 0 loan . whllo eyebrows, loet and ant] tail, , Esiolo ol Ofon Homplom.in,I.m, REPRESENTATIVE lomoril with tho City by which DoeoaseO 'EN. That Tho-Twin Falls County7583_ EXPE^NCEDFoed lojmaiTiS 1978, al 9 00 o'clock A M1 at11 ------C7;^.VHm'.TlTCF«iil------Di-pt-olTaTKis'Dors oiler Iho date ol me first pubiicallon S ri iD'i)7nn..,r------b c - f fKo.’ i ” 'Residing al Buhl, tlliod1 Clchock, payable to tho Clly. ol evenings. 734-7900 days, Magic Valley location. Abnitioa lion Courtroom ol llii- obo.c -miiruu i.-nl JOVANZANTE,Deputy on 8/23rT7-submillniiied Apphcaiion leJaho,I al leas»asl 5% ol tho amount ot any ol iriis noiicc or ■jjid claims willI bu Court n T .secured ; by and purjoant I"®.""salool such Bonda. T;;r---- ’ ^S^!a^8»ll^e«MW^^ ...o r ...... pfovide youth ciipflriiwing so fi9HAME-Thii - to the powerf ololsa ulo conlerrod ki tho deed ds for Intorim llnancinu dunng PRIVATE ROOMS, BOARD” 0 *ND ,fall«/ MaM.i.Os RUTMMLINDEMMAN.ahii Oi’'iCuni<.'l in oblainmo employn H’r.irD«li.C-ry.--...... NOTICE OFi3FCU1M------ol lnrtt.-e«eeuteeeuted p»-TH0MAfl-LAV0N— conatniction-jwnod-aro -nlso------UUNDRY.- lor-' rmtrod.-^r-tXO vnpIoyiNaknpytMKKilblaJKt^ RUTH W. FENWICK, akaaita w‘ih weil-s>iporvlsed work«ork in Twin Falls, ID 83301 TO A WATERER RIGHT HUTCHISONf and am JANH HUTCHISON. ^oquosilosted. auch bids to bo aub- • nwnth. C*II234-7783, . RUTH HART FENWICKCK »rO|oct5 Oesioned to proU ia n in ic rtst'n No. 47-417-4079 huiband anda wile, wll granlor, to TITLE 4 K) at the same location,, dalo DECEASED;ED lantJiblo bcnuliti lo tho commurnn^um'y” lhe"fi^E?l56?rAL°PR%^^^PERTY havina Notice is hcruUyIV (iivon < lital G.ify TRUST COMPANMPANY, as trustee lar the timo At alorosaid with an in­ slSTER MARY~ reader STANLEY HOME producli CasoNo.1»e Tins proQum ptacus prodomi,Jominaio beon reported' orir who h.i-. Oorr.ir Uuhl, ID U;B33I0 has Illcd a ber^efit and security secu el FIRST FEDERAL "Jfosisl rrate ol nol exceeding 6% per advisor, Open'daily. 878-'m.ggca "^oda three dealers lull or pwi NOTICE TO CHEDITORS emphasis on tho dovclopmontnoni and know ledge c o n ceurninij rn tn u claim to j wjtcr rujntunt uMjblishL'd by SAVINGS 4 LOANLOAN ASSOCIAT WN OFTV^IN “'’."H";im.__ 542 Ovoiland. B utlayJ' a.ra.flu td _ Ilnw. For Interview call 543^18. - NOTICE IS HEREQY GIVEN thjithat provisions ol jobs Tno proii.ici prc wheruabouts ol Ihc jbe served, legality ol the Bonds will bo GORGEOUS ctolhes. ^Barbie, girl and receptionisi. Hourly inquiry lo Ihu Idahor s a . ”® s a s a s R SRi.cr wiihp6inlol Tno delauil lor I. W'° 'ull aoplicationo loror thnseit Commission, Unclaimedm--d Proporly divcrsioii 111 in.,' '!E'‘JE'.SE’-., Sec 8, madeulailuretoi''«lopay; ^ Ufino^'" Ken, Blonk:. Chor. Farral ^docoasod and roquiroO to puiiCntiCnt ptogroms may bu rcviuwcO at Boisu. Id»o 8.00 am . to 4-30 p.m.. locatedled irirl'Jh" r"th ilder'’^ir.u')! Iho Irom irri(|,ilion purpotposci ol 40 (icrui November. 'S 190, (,."ivr'U '’:.r".'i a ;;iapproving opinion, logothor White walls. H used I20i1200x800 farmino operation In Magic ‘ lorovcr Eurred. Claims must uiihithij' toitowmg citius- Coeur d'Ai March, 1915, tho 12,239 67, Iho printed Ocnds and a cor- llros. For Christmas RingaInga and Valley. Irrigation la Ilmlled te .boprcsonlui) to Donald H. Funwick,,ick Lewlslon, ' Boise. T^ini'* Falls;F. ?s"no! Vs\°abli'shod^’lo'lhl"rssK K .s,"oc;;s:,illir. Iho SE'.-.SE’'., and tno balancoinco owingt a) ol Ihis dato on ‘‘'J S1 l., ironserlpt of the logal Walctiea hair cott. F.W, NoNelson. (ae0 securod si by said deed ol codings will be lurnishod oach 733-M79._ ,i,P. or comments regarding. ] purchaser^ without charge, eiUier conciela or galed pipe. * OJtaiQ, at 516Second Struut E.iit, P. n T m l d“alo o frs e c o n S jlisnednolccj. Any o.ception lo this Claim of - irujt ij J40,l59i0,159 07, plus inioresl and _____• Mechanical sblllty a -mual, * 0 , Bo> 1&46, Twin Fall-.., Idaho 81301,i30t . program should Ihi mado in Mr be lili.'il ^ilh llic • lorecloiurocoiU oal on tho TJonds la exempt <• or (llcd with ttio Court. ‘ and directed to Richard A.' ro Roll- iH lent ol W alcr DATED Ne.cmtj.cmber7.t9r/ laxaiion under preaeni Fodoral Winter work IrKludea repair and * Oaiud Ihls iB^day ol NovQmhi;r.II, , . Pianmnr). Program Deveiepr inthetuiiodv nu5Ourco:.,.i04l Oii/UI1.C LI.NC5 UlvO., TITLES TRUSISICOMPANY, CC ■ ’, ALCOHOLICS" S V operalion of feedlot equipmenl and Evaluation. Dupa>t<»ont ^r?hV s»»m 'i"siilission. Norlh, Twm F.iHs; 1,1,1i.i,inu, 81301 Truiieo , HAniGsri GiTPHFnn and proceaalng cattfe. Oood ! ^ A L D H . FENWICK Eniploymrmt, P. 0. Bo* 35.5. BDi;r24{k!45^cim i'|’„„ PUBLISH No.yinijcr)cr ?-i i D.'cr;n>l)cr PUBLISH: NOvuml LISH\ November 10. 17 & 24. - references 10 Box FB. c/o Tlipea PUBLISH Hovcmbcr24,197777 1, 1377 1.197/ 8,1977 ' . €^liL7

l s A < G reaI t Timie To»Buy^XHcoimel

Trop o R e alto rs linn T he M agic Vraiiey d A reO HV ering Som e O irtslahding

Hlom c es For S alee In T o d ay 's Cl«ilassH ledSectitio n M o. 030

m Jt4u-oiI kbla ln ist S t M s oikiflDlant 017 ^sinessriSpBtaiij Oppi m . iEuTiics lor Sill m ^ HDontor'Sa

SUHVEYORr Wo ollor roti~|Ml pay ~------— LIVELY LAUNDROMAT^T - Now A QUALITY CONSTRUCAuction unique home lor youno and bonolils nhilo iraining.ling. No A V O N avallablo. Can bo partI limolim job; LovolySyearoldOoldMea^edaiuon lamily. complololy romodolod. 3 oxporionco nocoiury. Agosvgosi7- REPRHSENTATIVE*/EC gtoai business. Rockyy Mo'Mounlaln while brick home onsn largo bedrooms.' 2 story, ono W » . C«ll for appoinimont.1. ArArmy CHRISTMAS“ Roalty 733-1406 or’ 73733^920 ljind8C*pedlol.Call733-fl4; baihs. untinishod basement 'Opponunllios.(73}-:fi71) , anytime, . contemporary inionori. Lavi — ___ Becouie il It lho biggeitjitg llt iiTrariiv#'' flreplaco, nowfy.car'poiofl MATURE COUPLE ovorr40'lo 40 buylngllmoollheyeor. ______THf?EE BEDROOM, ailr '■ EXPANDING SALES ForciForce, no home. fufT bwemem.a tlrK lI^ , ,r„ouohoui. spacious kliihon, manago quallly Twin• F Fall*j! To find out how you c ont H apartmoni houso. One must n tto rl. travel. Terrilic Irlngo bonolils. bon >«rga com«r fot providesa i I ’‘'"y unomployBd. .N o. chlldrt fovoivorlio Staning salary to 113.0003.000. 3V) for garden tnd Storage roc "it'’ P'»y Fruil itiarcn. cotm etltt in lime forir lhe yoara training program.»m. Sond campwofboai.W»niio8cs trees, quiet noighbomood. loti Apartment and salai «rtv Call siorago. Ior salo by ownor: Roforoncos. Mr. Slanl< tosumo to box 245 Twinwin iFalls, and Bhoppliw. In Klmberi) Opporlunily EmployoDioyor Art at Marketing AssocsM i!.^ 07.500. Call 7344404 lor ap .Ooneral OoUvsry, .KimbeImbetiy. CALL 7 3 3 -7 4 2 3 Todt>day *’ • poinlmoni. HALPPY Idaho 83341. ______734-«75*nytlmo, ______OrWrifd.Phyllis'is' ^ biSTRIBUTOR MANAGERkGER for : ■ ______HOUSE tor salo to be move* SALES COORDINATORrOR ol Mclnlurf, Box97873 now product. Faniaa n la s tlc BRAND NEW 3 bedrooiroom full Immediately. 2 bodroom, lairt< nationally known cosmeiic potonllal. Invosimoni roqulrod. roqi tajom ent home at onlylly ]$41,000. large. Klmboriv area. Prici kviil bo fntoMowIng appliesS IS Ximborly. TV commercial and n TV guide{ Groat value. Ben or Chris negollablo. 423-5845. for full or part lime worktk in Iho ads now In process. Pnont'hono 503- Moitotn 73^0070 or MIkiMike Gray ------■. 244-1656. ______Roaiiv 734-5800. Hold Novoffltwr 25th and 1 J180 WEEKLY Sparel Call 436-(Sl9 In Ruport Sbelw H " • reTooo’. 10:00 ai.m. and 2:00 p.m.ff. FnFriday . mailing saios loiters.s * D 'S ^OD BUYI 126. ------ireo. Roulhor Enlorprlsoj HQ? P'osldonlial stroot locatication. 2 .• Novembor 2S for Informao r m a t l o n ------M b9 bedrooms up. 2 down.-n . Now Ksglv and appolnimonl. .. S606.Bakerslloid, Calll. 933 liant auxiliary building plus« o*»*oe.gi / ------Nieo neighbors. Imm« EWERIENCEO casMor wan' HEWHORIZONS fONE OF A KINDI hisl nmediato ( *i :i ii\i.u « -a h.,mj 1 Applg}l3S Kimborly Road. hisioilcai occupancy. Dy owner.r. PhonoI ------^ y hotel for sale. EiovonI roomsroo - 734-3045. PERSONNEI lour apanmonis . oicitiniciting e « - ______MISSILE Rsptir Technic. porlonco lor an amb>ambitious ^Y OWNER: Altrsciivo Ages 17-34. ExMllent pay SERVICE buyer. Plus a subsianililanilai ad- ortckho11 owner,o room and family room poriHn!ile8.gg-Mnt 'iroptace on main' lloor ______e TEMPORARY CHRISTMA dillonal bedroom, bath REALTORS METAL Buiidlflg erector.>;• 0 SEASON. Classified DiDept. ------Kllvliy room wltfi firepia A LIHLE DOUGH' •iiMrlonced neod apply.*f- ;^ Some Hoovy Work. i( » r n nnlshed basemen will be closedid ______Woge...... JSOO 10 $< EARNIHGSBA^IS E D conditioned and underg7 S ' o Z WILL DO YA NEEDED PART TIME RECEf)eCEP- ..WAREHOUSE f^ANACtl sprinkling 8y8!em.La/goflle double Neoi brick ihro* bedroor on Saturday, Novembeiiber24th. TIONIST for a doctor's olfico T garago with extra slorageige iroorn, homo wiih double gorag« L '^ S '2 Experienced roqulrod. C ON EFFORT■ ' Attractive landscaping. : We wili reopen1 oron ■ ■ Wendell. Medical transcripii }. S5,000 7hlt it o thorp home li linow-how. Young actia ct v2 ' i®**- 0p p « " ‘"’i‘v;I ’o f ,U m s UP TO YOU!! t. Phone q „ |„ Horrltoi Monday, November 28thJth at 8 o.m . ^ practlco. Sond rosumo tofo BBox perton with right quolll IU!! ' S l W S a , ' " " ' ' llo n i.' ______School oreo. Fuiiy Intuloled 1378, Wendell. 536-2490. ., , « n OPP«f'«"“ Y to double SHARP HOME oo corneirner loll Agoodbuyoi S34.900 ______Wogo...... S875I0S11>iiow. your preieni eorningt.ngt. We Two bedrooms. 1 balh. PART-TIME EXPERIENCENCEO .sA iE s troln you, then you> ore on living room, combinedd < d S A F F O R D A B L E ' liostess/cashlor. Musl i bo ^ r n u n Somo Irovol. oxponieieiond < yoor own. like running)Ing your' room and kitchen, ullllly i In appearance. Apply In pen border nariial buamonl. and lotsi?sSSS: i „ TEMPTATION ’ K^ITIB vehklo provided. Agri•I own butlnett, The hoi iilter 5:00 p.m. Ooorgo K-S 1 you work, the morejre you » 7 .W . Calf Lynn Rasmusiluaianat Owner tfontierred oni Kimberly Road.- bockground prolerrod. Parkins "ood* lo toil hii‘ lovely no. _____ W age...... SflOOtoSISIOOO moke, Become o comicommit- J»-2fl0r Of Chuck , P« tioned lolot repreieniaontollve RO»llYn3^)4a0. cuilom built home. Locoloi WAITR'eSSES. lull and pt iQrf.- 4 In Sowioolh School Diitrici Ilme. See Mom Irom 2 to '«5 p.r ■ • FINANCE MANAGEMEN'ENT wilh a leoder In Ihe FrotlFrotern- SALE OR LEASE: Modi TRAINEE. al Life insurance Fieldeld . . . bodroom, split level hhouse. bedroomi C ountn Kilchen 1111 Bli J air and two botht, wodd burnlni U kos &rd. North. Experiencehelpful. INDEPENDENT ORDER5ER OF Carpet, drapes, cenlral al _____ W ogo...... $5S0io$<) $600. FORESTERS. hoat. Ideal Nonheast location, loc fireplace in living roor ond unfinlihed botemenl NURSING ASSISTANT NooCNoodod Dedde how much youBU „v. o n t ______^ ^ B for day stilfl «| iong-lorm•m cicare IF YOU aro looking forr o ;r .r T , Pomrv, centrol olr, potlc fi end Oe'den windov« ^ ^ B raclilly. Exporlsflcod profen'Oferred eCARPENTERSAPPRENTINTICE Call Now 343-8432j 2 the ntoeat couniry Horn. ^ ^ B but not mandatory. Cali Diroc3ireclor Some experience holpl'iplul- Bolio. Idaho Twin Falls^ 3 4 - 2 2 9 2 Roloroncos required. My I plan - t3S.500. Call^ 1 Lynn JohnR. Howard. Broker by Howie Schn«idiid s r ------or yours. 7334a80 aflor 5:00 . Rasmussen 733-2S07 or Chuck JockCox...... 733-2061 EEK & MEEK 55 itowHaeshrSlle PorklnsRoaliy733^.0- B obV eeh...... 734-222^ Jft ■ sttpfli^ — I AudreyHoword . . 733-977! . //( VOHrtTS TH E. \ ^ / FRIED \ f V'lUAIJT spo t l e ss GEM: alI an af- _____ ^ Corfatio c o x ...... 733-208( _____ - fordable prlco. All-brlc-brick 3 MorvlnMeClure ..734-1871 vceeL Piecei I CHICKeAjy R ece ? J iitMiNa' bodroom home, nieo carpcarpoilng, O lir LAWN MOWINO.' TRIMM m ShlrloyHuck...... 324-3122 > J 1 See a j^ roio-lllilng. 733-SS64.. ' luliy fenced yard, lamily ni bortiood. Pricod to sellSi'SSS S3 //a T A '«» Joe Yoonp...... ; 734-3393 M aryLondon Cai I WILL 0 0 Housckooi -CENTURY-21-Soulhorn-llirn-Waho ‘ 'Monday thru Friday 8:00 10 1 Ski . ____ ! iJ iu u B R 7 - Y ^ — p,m.734-W0...... - a HARO WORKING, oxpoilor,loncod LCT IT SNOW! You'll be ‘ " & In fatm and most construciruclion «nil. warm in Iront ot I j f : r : work. Has good mocnamcnlicnl and flreplaco In ihls.noai 2 bodibodioom t- 10 3 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY 24-4088 home with lull basomonl.mi. LargoL ^ iJTiS shop background. Cail 324-^ ESTATE. ask lor Donnis. covorod pallo and huooJO drdniihin garage all on cornor lot. Only 5 2 5 3 bedroom, 2'/i both, formal dining room, family room. 1 Swap FORMER Socrelary will S27.700. Seeing is boMevlng lyplng and ciurlcai work inIn hn, Lynf’ Rasmusson 733-2803-2807 or Blue Lakes BlviI v d . - firoploce. parllol botemenl. pome. 324-W04. Chuck Porklna Realty 733^)^w m . c o -iA Electric heot. oir condition- E ^j ____ LOVELY home on livo acresicreaisix 733*5336* - ling, sprinkler system. I For.: WANTED Immodlaiolyt 1Full bedrooms, 3 baths, largorgo »living $67,900. I timo, late allornoon work. wc room, ulilily. flroplaco.ICO. f;^ q u i e t C U L -D E -SSAC / VIEW THE SAWTOOTH Houso cloanlng/Janitor lorioi basemonl. ooublo garago^0® Extro aharp 3 bedrcdroom MOUNTAINS sorvicos oxporionco. 423-53211321. shop, plumbed for spi homo wilh fireploce. r sprinkling syslem. Fivo sh ■ • From ihil beouiiful 4 bed- _ Winter i m m kitchen eorpet ond forr •ST ^ MsifbtouiJHi OOT IctsctklNtiUleftsl 007 - lobs ol titersitemi wT ^ lobs sl Mti r - —. of wator and lols moro. t79 room. 3 bolh home on Follt ODD Jo m .' nirkindi 'o f * ial'73i tounter top.' corpJfpoft- Avo. Eoti. All brick, 2 fire­ done. ffuooi;.inaio<. H 3 ^ " Call Lynn Rasmussen al 2807 or Chock Porkinsa RoRea^. «3-«0. plocet ond lull batemenl. nTarriEO man 10 Do'p on MtllO>1110 PROGRESSIVE hcallH caro EXPERIENCED Mimer and tior ^PANDINO SALES lorco. rancti. Foed and calve cowa.IWS. (aciDiy Is now accoplingI ap- manager. Orado A Dairy.. "g ( | iravol.-Terrlllc (rinUo bonoli"rlollls. . Fun — - 733-0480. $74,950. riding and oiporlonco wllti cows I 0 0 TYPING in my nomo.]. / Aiso ows plications lor loadorshipship cows. Qood houso furnishei S.iftlng salary to *13.000. 3-yct-yoar bookkooping for sm a ll SMALL 3 bodroom homo on THEPERFE'arr LARGE FAMILY HOME would bo good. Modorn homo)mo posllUwts In now oclllnolling Local roloroncos requiroc acre. Oulbuiidlngs, corral. p 5 bodroomi, 2 both cuttom on bus roulo. Sond rosumos to buslnossos. 423-5760. 9 to program lor iho dovolopmonl-nenl- Salary adjusted lo ability. Son — trees, gardon. Vi milers.E.^of S.E AAARRIAGE, 11,„ 1. bulil home hos oxlros. 2 BoiVH-6c/oTlmo^Wowa. __ ally diMblcd- Poslltofls opon rosumos lo Box R-« CO TImo!imos- pononliy Employor, CiassifiPd I DO IRONING, call 734-1865 or , Twin Falls. Appraisal t28S28.000, of comfort and quollti 202 Souih Bluo Lakos. iovo rock lireplocoi, full ' WAJTRESS WANTED: Nood nol are: Diiocior o( porsonal sor- Nows price negollablo 734-6403.)3 ochieved in thli exceplli'f ??3 boiomoni. electric hoot, 'jnO vIcos. diroclor ol rotiabllllatlon- ■— • DESIRE Girl wim insirj*N ______brick home.’ 4 large i bo o«p«(lonced. Apply at OuO s . Adversiiing r brrmd___ tpijnkling tytlem . JS4.900. floyat^OOO Main, Bum.______oducalion. Acilvltlos ol dally »ART TIME ONLY. Muit be Bbla uxperlr'i'o also properly jr '.VILL DO IRONING IN' i CEDAR HOME on 1<4 acrl08.:^ _pltcanlfl.::LNo_-exnBrlBniB n « .Women inio ro ito d Jn full- lul . . Iiln g a . bonollli. Comaenioct ” - '^3MMA-m -baaomont..Uigo-lam Hy-.,itiy-room:— ■ Jw ii Tfonk ...... 734-6 ------^vebse.—TK—Eni0rprl50.~B0« — ------t;oult SIlmonTT:------iop.. Iruil Joon Holley...... 733-7 , Oonvor. Colorado BOni.Jf®' Engineers. Oorical, ele. MOOOUOOO nocossary. Cail Army’■ Op- 0 time employlnont. To d enterprises" Scranlanton '**<> Car njrago, Shop.. _ to SSO,000-f onpensos paid.I. For • porluniiles.(733-M7l) Pa.ta5Ql.T0l0(7l7)34frS559.^ U9.500. By ownorvnor 733- ______^ sorting, folding. »owlnj -CHOICE NORTHEAST PAHT TIME COOK wanlod; oaay — and, praising. Benolil>fiii houis. good payl Call 734-24M Overaoas .Gmpioymont Box Wills Motor Co. RESTAURANT On'o’^TwaMagic. LOVELY 3 bodroom tjncKCK home,hi LOCATION •inyllme. ‘ “ • toil. Boslon, Ma.02103. OUTSTANDING^ Includo Blue Croii, onand 336ShoihoneSt.W. Valloy'S Finost, Shows} cx-i located on.Falls Avo. Wo- Onu yoor old 3 ' bedroom poid vocotioni.^ Apply 30301 733-2B»l Twin FolllFoils colivni return on invvsimcimcni.' roal quality bulil homeSJ J >J 7 bolh hpmo. Fomily room __ s a Les 2nd Ave. Wotl. Twin Fall Liquor Licvnso .ind Rc.il Ri llro p ia co s pari Ilnls • with flroploco, kilchen hot proporly includod. Coii Ed fil basomonl. Has lls own- J V -bulll-ln lanocr diihwoiher —I POSITION — MARKETING ASSOCIATES5 734-7 water. Oorts Uuaros 733-J 1 . ■ and ditpoiol- Aitoched iwo Town & Counlfy. RealtorsS ' | ' e a i . t y , A n E N T I O N 4875 tordoiailsan^iiino. ', cor gorog# Sowioolh and loading Southern Idaho"'■■■ SALESMAN ------0718. OlOBIunlokoiNartl Sluort Schooli. $46,500.- IMMEDIA1M E O PE N IN G induttriol Supply Firm ro- OFFiCE’ FOfl RENT. ivTUioiJlocks - . ,. - - 733-93M Foram oiure.neai.I. onond oggreitlve lolet perion. S n o llin g a n d Snollingi g from Main Slioot on S(■ III I quirol on ouliide loletmonZ WANTED - >nal Lincoln in Joromo. 324-9937 -• Unlimliad eorning poMlbll>«ibilily World’s lorgett prololtionol r CLEAN 2 bodtoum hi for the Mogic Volley oreo. , - j Employment Servico will ' ' I o M u r » 7 3 4 -5 8 0 0 e Clean ond ollrociive workvorking _;4ih oond. nd. . Avonuo*.Coodlncome-$4S.fl18.000. - * ' " ^_____ onitlouttoiell. million, beoilngi. InduiKiol 7Sih. Aco Realty 733-5217.______'“ituO'oy GH.l .733-0101 e Encollont pay program.1. r' rubber, oulomolivo lupplioi,... ■r’fl program. oKcelleni ____ COMING SOON, OPE^tI HOIHOUSE ' Watch for our udi In Sundoy l,«m„ Qo-'.Vi'lorn . .733 0070 ohhe//no In fmporii on j wf^rking condllloni. Oomo «Joy COUNTRY Gonor.ll sloro. LartjoLai Oocombor 3rd and 4ih.Ih. 1755 CLEAN t bodroom li< SelllhelopoMh or Indultrlol lupply’ tolei; Illy November 37lh. - volumo. e acros. Homo10 in- Targhoo. Spacious 4 bodri HonkWooilall . . 733-503t Oomeitletitle Auiomobllei. ' plan, group lioipitoi family twdroom ,i„g|o tor goroge. on £i would be give highett con-on- plan, eicellenl opporlunlly cludod. iradoabto. ^4fi,soo) Acof home, wllh largo family roonroomoll Avonuo Eoil.'Pricr S15.U n n n Dickl.»M -ORi '733-6(104 APPLYMN IN IPERSON A T ... ilderollon. lor poilllvo perion wllh "g o Locollyownsdby ■ Roally. 733-5217. kilchon. Two baths, many oi 0.ri»,Wpl..-m .733 0070 nyolhoi Coll todoy, ...... - - -OU(fHQn%n In looklnn tnr Prlrm ' after HOURS:'...... i j inoo louRicl.otoi .. 733-0-190 come ll nol limited. It oil de-J e - ’ ...... WEPLACEPSOPLf iS homo, ■*0'*' Bishop . . : . , 734-: 60IMolr)Ave.^l 733'!033 • • Salon oquipmonl amJ Uuamciincifi. IMO JfiO's. Brenl Ttiom.is tio 3 aS 3 Clovl^Jot,n,o,. .. 734.8841 23 A t 232-3 ,6 7 2 in pondt tirkkly upon youul I l/oyt/Homl/(on Woil estntjilahod. Cal1,WniyImy at for more Informalion call 733- Mo/Ipy M alhfii, , . 733-i Apply in porton ol DICKCK lniuroo(» Building -Pom Do.vd . .73^.1883 Pocatoiio for 733-1429 d a y s . 733-3:1,-3367 0348. II you C.m nol wait.>ii>l. jui;l Rulon 733;o«o, = * ------furJhordolails._ DEYOIdimobllo/Buick. 734-2550 ovonings, Slop in! ScKwondimon.,733-;

^ ^ A n d I W e l l fW o r t h ]I t r P LlIINES1IO diHYS* 1 SUAR.ANTEI■ E b R E !s u l t s , - u ^ ■ . i' .. - I ■ , 1 dS Trmc?s-Ne;vs. I^^M> F^lK-ldvilidvThii Tnursdav, Novi'mbor 24,194.1977 ATS c l aiSSIFIED: g p l A TIMESS - NEU D AD PU E j MINIroucH 1WITHHIOME PI'RQSPiCCTS!

I 031 - • Onl of lowB Hc 030 Homes Joflilir Salu io TaeTioTi DENNIS thei} MENACE______— FOR SALE; Now whllo1 brick bri< ~ j A n t e e j S, m n -1 .TTT-r n-.— r ^Iff) fTx~UP Houso, Roomy f;,o fv, n 731 i. RELATIVES? This suporor 3 acro. ono milo north Ol ol Kim-t 5 m ______bodroom homo has sopar;wraio Doily' Double oarago, hoai t - --- living' laciiiiy with Its ownn kit- I , pump, two llroplac W F0R“sa'lE oy owner:' J 3 chun and boOtoom. Notlhwi f|) bedroom, balh. (uil ^iwosi sprinklers, landscapoa. Foncod Fon location, noar schools. Comonlral, pasture. $76,500.423-443*. X ( Diisomont, dOuDIu Qaragn.^O” - aiicondllionlno, prlcoO 10 5CIIicil al n 10 Days Or » - Phono 734-4957. t RESULTS In r... I $52,500. Ben or Chris Mono I Get Jiiern BUY OWNER: Vory W nice -3 ' « LIKE'cOUNTRVIiving oTr'iir ; - , 733-0070 or Uiko Gray RoaRoally bodroom homo. Good Jotomo Jott ■7/ Acro, Pfivaio foaJ. lully loncuc.coc. location, Garago, carp>carport. ' ; X C K i I M landscaped 3 bedtooms,1. II ______storage shod, $35,000, CafiCafi. 324. , 1 Y OU I R M OM I E Y B H Z \ balhs, li'flptaco, buiil-m a;.- W pliancus. Siorago ohuiWOlK MUST S£Ll al »ocri(ico> prico.pri (f-n words in ' A has boon atarlod lo convnitnvotl Now tplil level, 3 bodrocidroom, hasn't sol'iold — you haven't pipurchased what you)u're looking' ® ! double car garago intoI an an t(u<* Mtr you haven't tradedled for the item youu wanted to A«3•M McOormoil, CENTURY 21 e x tro i. Priced ol $40.9110.900, . 1 W l Soulhotn Idano Really. 73*-2li l !1}. ’.- NORIHEASr LOCATIONON. Will negotlole. Phono0 324.3! m sw op —- COME IN to th ei TTimes-News Office:e within 30 k • 5I ( HOUSE TO BE MOVED. C;iiC;iil 5 bedroom, 3'.', balht, moiilain 2)27arter6p,m. ’M) Giobo Roalty 733-2G2C or.7:J.7;J- lloor lomily roorn, ru(rigsrgor- ___ _ , r~,______td we’ll cheerfully refund ref your money.. IF1 YOU DO ^K 2623. aled air condilioninginn, FOR SALE 1 bodroom"house, hou , H M I A pproim oiely 3*00 t'juorilero Modorn oicopl heat, 16IX * 3030' to t ^ ’ bo movod,.Bost oltor. Call f fe 9®^ resultults before tHe ]0 dayJoys .. . call and concncel your ad, (eel ol gorgeous living 'I wnY caoeifiiF ITS CARK CR IMHITE ,\\£AT, area. Seller will pottibl'ifi? ______you'U on)•nly b e ch o rg ed fo r the tJ doys your ad oclxioWy a op- K n exchange (or smolfor homiimo BL/HL SJ, 2 bodroom homo < IONG AS ITS A4 .m i H S T f C K ! ' H H in lhe $3S-$4S,000cologorysry. oulbuildlngs $115,0001 WallyW. I p e a re d ,, endc you will receivi?ive 0 refund check( for 1 the dif- ^1 'Kastor 5*>68I5. Millerdrd SSch-, ' NEW LISTING. 3 bedroomi meckpoper 543-45*9 To«nro«n & (Kfli Terence.. Real Estate adverlertising and commenerclal busi- ^3 SHARP. 2 bedroom noorlea,' (ull botemenl, nuw (urnoc ihing in lip-iop thope. Onl)’"C NEAT 2 bedroom nomo ni Hi Oulol Toko Hamel jBz gorage, comlorlohlo tiicji„ . $31,500. downlown Filor. A bargain ioi oii oi i m « W£m Programn. . 'A) roomt.AvoluoolS32,S00,0. COMFORTABIE Horne ■ ir $13,300. Foldlman Roallors,irs, 7733- ______'______i m ______^_____ ------COMPLETELY romodoled 2 D eadlineses for receiving privovote party ods is 11:(1:00 a.m. for pW i IOVELY Homo on nicelice Hotellon aroo. '> acre ______FOR SALE TO buluin'jow^ own or bodroom homo in Buhl, Choico ow, Whilo brick Wllh thoko roof.iof. THREE BEDROOM b?lck:k hchomo moved, Ono 2-bi-dtoom dohou:-u location, carpollng, new in. OulManding lamily roon- 2 bodroomt. 2balht. oir conon. IVI baths, oloctric hoai GdtaGdtago, ano Iwo ?-toom cabins. Call:ail 734- sulation, all now k ;chon l&vw follow3wing day's publicatioitlon. 5. 8681. and kilchon. 3 budroomt dilionod, polio ond corpori. . lonccg yatd. call 124-5915. cabmois. you will havo to soe to fnri'l' apprecialo, Cal Millero Sch- 1 '; bolht. (Room lor more Bolly M ilion___ \'73*-460;i02 'N FILER, complolelo lc ly GREAT BUY IN FILER, fli j i ] in Ihitd lovoH Counlry qua*i . . . romodoiod vory nicely linishod linisr bodrooms. nicoly lurmsimsiifd ' mockpopor 5*3-*5*9. Town & KoySnidor...... 733-2546 homo, ll«lng room and kitchon;i; <, Wlin Counlry Realtors 733*1716, - - K' bul 10 milot (tom Twin Fallt. StonHoye...... 734-2859 2 bedroom all olociric hor • •56a;500. •• - no.l to-ohoppino-conlor^ld ■ ■ ■e6bM

i THE COUNTRY SCENE. Privacyy 'BY OWNER 2 boflfoom Ujpio«n ______CUTE AND COZVl Two TRANSFERRED, i now Ihroo n ibricK and Iramo. $*00 a munin bodrooms. 1 tuih. tlvlno room. bodroom. t 2 balh. Farm homoB at lls bosl is whai you'll lind in !« ■■■ju.il l i j j j L u mis 2 slory homo on ap­y igrosslMomo. $*6.000.733-4157. ullllty room, (iroplaco «nd lull O.K. ( Call ownor, 324-S94S. ------buom onl. J».700. Coll Lynn ge.ooo.i ■ • . . . . ^proximatoly 2/3 acio just cast ol BMmusJOn at ?33-?807 or Chuck j ~ Twin Falls clly limits Foaturos 6 _ SPANKING NEW COUNTRY' bodrooms. largo living onO “ I STARTITING ^ A M onthly '----- dinlitfl l44n^na7hilV"''Wm'v.im • NEWLY REMODELED) Throo irim. I ^nVulai^''doubio'*oara'^*! llroplaco. lols Ol siorago. Near bodroom. 1 batn brick nomo. bay t window, buill-ins. disposal, O'Loarv Junior Hioh lWJ*nn'’ ^ 1 ^ A MlmsN Uvlfifl room, kilchon. u1llli)r dlshwashor. c wator sollonor. Huiiyl Won'l lasl long st ap- Service That ' room, bulll'In appliancos. (iroplaco. Ii oicolloni viow norlh< pralsal prico ol t*6.000. Call W -A,.:,.;, S32.SOO. Call Kooloan Lylio ai and o sot;lh hills. Threo kino-si^o) Lynn Rasmusson 733-2607 or i ! BUSINMESS? s e r v i c e g < u i d e 733-646S or Chuck Porkins bodrooms.t master baih andI Chuck Porkins Roalty 733-0460. m i; o I— ^------I W illM ake_: Roalty 733-0480.______»walk-lrt closot. Soo ihls ono 1043 Qlui- la k u t Norif> -NEW-ON-m*-ma(h«ir-Throo-_ loeatod soulhwost Twin, Roallor _. ------7 3 3 - 8 2 2 7 ------bodrooms, 1 bath, spacious • bwnba. Cohttdor trado lor — i ------U seiOur------living room, kilchon wltn broak* bullding S lols. Mountain Staios ^ r i c l l d i r e c t o r y ~ ^ lasl nooK. utilily, (iroplaco and Roolty. „ 733-597*. Frank Booth. Lot O w n e r s NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME portisl Dasomont. U4,000. Call Brokor. ^ 733-5601 Bnyllmo. ONIyS34 SOO. I Persomnalized Pmi PoiKins al 734-^1 or Chuck THREE BEDROOM, 1 balh homo■ B«lor» You Build PorMns Roalty 733-0*60. 1in good locailon. Living room, BOISE CASCADE HOMES HOmo *n tho Country. 3 [$00*123333233 A PROFIT ..; tyovE RIGHT Into this roally ullllly. i Iamily .room and lull bedroomt. noor Buhl, OnlyI i DirecUrtoryll '> « i n>ce 2 DoOiooffl homo, largo (inlshed basortont, w g M " Call V: More!/ion35 r.ilili.' Lockard. 733-2366. COHSIRUCriOH , , 1 '» w b “ oT. . Rfluof' w linish. * remodels. • BUYING-SEILING TRADING, TWIN FAIIS...... 734-5411 1 . Euo«M. 6mlth. X iroj »oeling. Call AJ. 73*- WJ'All haul Of*ve(. difl. rock, and [ GbQO.INCOME or low cott' „ porl«fK6. rvMoriatileit.(o rales, '' - ^ l i o o a . pan K. C«U VotTton Skoof). 733- Utod merchondlto and'on- con'SALE BY OWNER: Largo, BUHL...... 543-6775 ilquoi. Swop Shop, 451 Main , HA1LJY...... 708-43055 homo.0nlyj12.900. e • wash*f#. dryot*. r»iig«•iigcs, otc, 2W7.B7;______specious lot, Immaculato 2 «> 733«OB______Avo, E„ Twin Fall*. 734-6653, • bodroom all oloctric homo, wiih See Our Modol Home 36 ACRES godd row crop i------don''f' KEEeT p" ’iiiuiiiCiii m- MEATIEATCLmiNG _ , . Franklin (Iroplaco. in Hanson. o -APPUANCE REPAIR __ 731-JJU Al I33£QillondOr, or doiry. lhal no onu pMys -A WEE IN’INVITE YOU lo inspoct our THEE SERVICE ' ««,900:Call «3-4522alt«f 5.-733- ° REFRlOEFtATORS. T TREIr e k e r s . . in Imd yuu rt l>uy*,-< ctOWIW flfselHUos and waich your . 6*37 anylimo, AVIMUH Oi*lM IK ______® rano«». woahcra. dryfln, __ "_WJIL CUT tJown,' irJm y b u r^ " ■ ------t DUPL-€XES— - • ■ 30'Ac;p-5 good tiock lonn ------0 ^ 7 3 3 ^ « l. 11. ------ntut-but-being cuUJack EasiorW^a------Boise Cascade Homes % p lla n c o s R ^ r . r.’3-5 ------:------CuslOfljsiom Meal Cuttir.Q. OairoiL. t'rooi, cul up yoiir wood (or ^EAUTIVUL GOLD o Filer Avonue wesl, lott, Iniurod, 733-4912. DUPLEXES" aOAir..-, Topro-vcror c em entfini'WISHING's~ __ Eastodistody's Mobile Butchering K. ^ALLION. all oloctiiciri-lovol ll you ore looking lor o IOk REAL ' craft.FTSMANSHI(>:; For ServlcisrvlC8.M4-565r (Our-t)cdroom. Soli lor amailo* ko n ic e k tr e I servk:e iliellor or income . . . thet«» 315 Acroi now ijoiotcu lond-' ...... yoor concrolo010 Hoo/s. pallos, mEAV)EAVCUTTIHG______hOmo. 733-234*. " ANJIQUE BEFlNIS~HiuG . - - Sidewalks, drlvJrlYOwsys, OIC. Call MECHANICAL Tree lopping and • ■ iwo now dupleiot might bu o Mjki- li "V Dli'dAIM iA piccc, Tho Finishing UHO Moat” Processing lli romoval, Umbe cut artd a lely " ■ lor you. Footurei mjluOo. EVERGREEN 640 Ac/nt tpnrAI.-r.-r,. j^To^h.B,ll,42J lies South ol Jeiomo, Meal (or U9.500 - PRICED TO SELlTi ' I «> prol<”.n.onol Ior-:liriK|u<'s:Ih 4860, John. 326- lowered hydraulteally, Phooe . „ 4 bedroomt. 2 bolht. uiiliiy goiud ^ iii.'liculoiifn,inij«ouwoi«, Iroo , ______lie, cutllng and wrapping, 7334548 or 734-7472, - Boouiilul homo in strioinQ. ond lomily rooms. REALTY jick (reozlng. snwklng and londscapod noiaht>o'noaa. ® 'I'nlirtmle*. 3?4,8*a3 oarpentrT: ‘ COMMERCIAL iring, cold slorage tockor closo lo shopping ano schsois: Nsor thopping conlnr and BOO Acr«\ ^p-lnkl«r if', ...... AND RESIDEN WELLDRILUNQ tclioolt In no'ttiooil loco- . ; 734-3200 .•70'ud. " OACKHOE' ______SStfvlco. Inspoctod dally by 3 bodtoom plus t mo'c in lull, P a tlo 'a , 0»-agos, o» homo idattilaho Depsrtment ol PAUL CHESLEY'S WELL . linishod iMsomonl. 7 bath, 2 _ «> WCKHOE work w b t>listlno, remoou'ing. C arlculturo, 324-3103, , _ . drilling. Burley. Idaho-.:,. liroplacos and gar.ico. RocVy . Clll Lon-Garrison Agricu GlENND.'schroeder THREE CHOICE ® basomonls and n>ekri>ck piles. 8t73W04fl, Farmers need Irrigation well? . .. Mountain Really. 703-^00. or ...... 734-6832 “ Trowbridgo BJ«sllngr.-3*-5e08. •.'3*- .______fcSTERLY'S iJfoTiLE Co.1 Paul Ctwsley S78470I. .733-0920 anytimo, 4 GRAVEL -^CliUSHEDANDPlT Cl ref:FRIOERATED®b{ BUTCHER ' H O M E S IN Beendrllllng slhcelW7. P^QJL . ______TRUCKtUCK. One Slop operation, SAWTOOTH AREA ■ ^ Backboo sorvlco, 1:x«vailng tlxcj Idlivor. Dram Rold' Iromim y your Isrm to our cutting nOBIN'SOflTR^EeSEWK^E o S«wor lines. Gene R.irca-ir£:/.ll.4» Wfl *>'l> »m Call224.!Ml.Joromo- , $36,500 1 . e 5750. - sowot rockn Norlhwesl Crano plant C Trimming, lopping, and and Rigging. 7 removing. FREE estimalos. SPECIAL! c I Woll intolotod hom e, lot ® T~^~Y'S EXCAVATThQ.r.G______^ AINTINQ , _ ■ Insured,-20 yoars exporlonco., " Coiy 2 bodroom homo on ihol growing lomily. Totol o( • BACKHOE w o r k..] GGeneral PHOTOGRAPI»PHY I PAINTAINTING o( all typos, Inlorior' Phono 7TW068. corner lol wllh ihird bed­ 4 bcritoonit. 2 balht. lamil, • oxcavsnno, Oood Comc M IC H ..I —&— 1 aT o X a n d r a ■''**nd •exierior, paper hanging, room in bojomont. Roomy \ ^ a l l e y 'Oom. covotod polio Cloto o pricos. Call Tracy tt 73*-3 oiling and wall textures olball THEE TOPPINO AND REMOVAL T 2 cor goroge. near thop­ 10 potki ond tthoolt. ^ , photogropWctic arts, A most unique studio.,I0.73«SM, rpes. Free estimates. InMfod, Tree lopping and removal, CaJI' ’ ping centers. Thii home ow prices. Phono 734J5SS, •i» obove ovorogo in it* pnco . $42,900 t BWKH0E_' _ 734-70B6, R f a J L L v D O W N T O W N range. $32,500. HJtfvl E.KO th o tp 3 budroom “ MOHR' DACKMOe : "» S( o r;ic o , BUD-S ELECTfi^RiC______A O iQ -'...... - 734,5630 homo. |utt pomiud mtido; OFFICE J Gravoi, rock, din n 135 2NDST. a - buildino domoiilion. UICJ a l l T y plo o .s of w irin g . - Cualoiusiom Elocuonlc's C. B, and AMIHICAN UNUSUAL aod Oul. ' r OCiri lol w.lh satlstictlon'" gguarantMd, Bud • commammofclal business Radio UPHOLSfERY • lorgo covurod pono a'c'o 7 3 3 -3 6 7 4 ^ 73343*1, R£Al E$t a t e i A pprsisal ACREAGE Fullerowner.r.Phot>o73M0M, P Salesties aixl Service. Buhl, 5*3- CUSTOi;i upholstering, lalr. lui% ol rcom (or pelt and1 •______83*3,M3, prices. Quality worlimsnshlp. . • StCUJDED AND SfAClOUS gorduiit. Family loom. (ituoloce. run- OWNEP .MO'.'iriC o u l OII 3 CARPENTER.R. EXPERIENCEDI _____ Free esllmates. pickup and..- ilATE n-ijM snll tj.rt 2 -deiivefY.32*-44aa,______^ ■ • IIIQ Ilreain yoor. founrf ! ^ foam I nsula' t'or s£;iNC.; [nc Hortt* Improvfovements, repalra, PARTY 0.?k l]4 Jll] $46,500 ■ irr.iri ...... lull i,-i.i.ol VRTY FOODS M43II; 3 -r.toj Irom Twin Full bolh D Coliing work withV C( ceiiuioso additions, rcroolino, paimino, LjNioINIOUE hors d'o ouvros, UPHOLSTERY CLEANING oM iiiotiut, bodioor;\.-double, Nvwor 3 budroom 2 boih1 ly l,ni-.h...d botr-it-i.ril R„ exterior, 734-7W7.-' ■ SERVICE______l«-ru>i., . >JJ*651 ., 3 Aoroiiio loam lor wallwalls. Froo Inlerloraodox iliday party dishes. Uklng go>og« Wuvt ijo 'old now homu. Boouiilul rotk I.r.-- ciinlly nrir.odr'li'd kilchim GUARANTEED wotk. F re e' I Ol'd buthrooi-' M/'t)(r.- cct, osllmalos, guaran 1 :eod:ood work. ordersders now. Oorls. 733-2382, Asking $60,000. ploco Protl^. Inncud 'ii'ci ' 2 73*^11...... Kav.IV. 73734-«tB Eatlmales. Insured, Oave londtfopi'd yord with <‘ov- gorogo S?t. coo QO HO^MTRE'PAIflWHS ______Hobson. Magic Oean Man, CaU SPACIOUS Ovjitido City u'coi'iptt.xoiy_r....,,j,f..l. 'Jiorp Si'fio'aiu >'\ ond O kitchcr' bOyfivoK' ri'SilIlI'SUllS • PAINTING ' __ I. | 0 ' dol.yM anyone Cou.l, . . Connot . . 733-4019' lor 3 b'-droornt Mr-gl.i goragp bjili m opplioncft." H {5aRP£TCLEANING___ SPENCER'S PAINTING. Inlotlor. 1oS3II»S3IDY R E P JU q S E ^ e ~~ o< oslimatos, Bost pricescesc es iinin'town town. INCREASE thi commereial. len years ex- HACKNEY AGENCy ' Thit l^ o nplulol (ci Ihu w Ko'lho' mnial in- CUMMJMMINff and Detroit engine perlenco, Froo estimates. Call 7 3 3 -4 5 5 9 . ^ tonch Itiiticjod lormly 4 lii-d 3 ___ i. . 4.------Tostmont. BenRemodeling by Rod worlCMIC 'overheads, lo overfwuls. Everett and Judy Spencer 324-- 733-5580 ' 3 • CARPETC^LEANINGI ______" • Rivor Construeruction. 733-2821. AllI ly|typos Ol Ifuch and Aulo 30*0.' ^ Jim ly s 0«,?i • tVENINGSCAU , ! ' 3 CALL SeRvTCEMASTEFSTER - to . . repalnipslrs, Acolylene snd arc Sandy B-r.fc,.- 731 1604 la-.y JOI-..V . . . 734 40'JQ) I , 3 cloan carpot, drapoe.16, lurnlturo,(u weldinsiding. Service calls snyiime _ Virg.UV.Ko.i ' 4?3 4 137 to - hc-rt. 734.79*5 ■ o( ' wills, windows, Irooe flsleallmales. PAInTinG 324-2M:*-2«8 Of 324-2243, Mo< Oo'li'» .. 4V3 .11 H9 C'Otkirlt B'oWof g_ua»anlocd w o tk ^tW ^ t^ *7. SPENCE'R'5 PS PAINTING, Inlotior • QENEflAL APPUANCE SER­ ACUUM CLEANERS 7 ___ a CARPENTEji and oiiorior.or. Rosidonllal and v*CUl VICE ______. ll, ton yoats e<- G(30DOOD reconditioned vacuums. ReOROERATORS, FREEZERS. 3 COMPLETE HEWOD Froo esiimnlss. Call Kirby;Irby; Hoovar and Eloctroiux. WASHERS. Dfyer*. Rangoe. SUPER SAVER in Kimborly. 1------2 sorvico Including ci.blii' i = " i ;Judy_Sp;ene,or 32*- CLEAIorvice all makos, VACUUM ___ HMOftO._*lt.coodittoolng..infl_____ ------Ihlt—oH-brickr—4-bedroom — ,(------2 ------paneling Froe ostlinaliliiMios.-Call- LEANERS OF.-JOAHO,-cornor - - - - ■od Ot 5->t SOO OO.Gcatll.u,' J 733-1183 or 733-5*13. OeneraJ Refrtgentlon, Ptione ' 5 ^') VeHuek homu hov on u«tia lorgo tot locoli-il n.-ar Hor.Mio'ri ' ol2nd12nd Easl and Bluo U kes. 733- *23-Oe8, mwoM oir kiichun buill 1027.127. P E R K IK SrPRIVADY ■n t nrid liroploivt up and O K .LE T S - 2 C'ONSTHUCfloTTJ REA LTY SPACIOUS and lu .u tio u t do.~i> You tun t 90 ^.roriy • NEGOTIATE'- H CUSTOM bulldrng. ■NoWhouso. Now i 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 fl 0 s B 0 0 a B 0 B»9 o » eeeo o 8 i_«.°aflB_«_flflOg»o;L S U L ^ ^ hom.. (30«6-»). on u lth n p .,. o. S46 500 _ ' OWMt«,MCAns - lo V 2 - addon, or mo|orro|r4lr,':4lr.Coll733- - j ■ • ...... -• - ti<-(j-j''lully •tond-.copiid - lot ■ • MOllDAY DEUOMT ' loMr.- h 2 ' 9168 ovonings lor 1(0000 0oitlmato. I -----7 3 3 .0 4 8 0 ol fv.m FolU .n lirjlow upi.rui-.ol 4 l.-ili-)c.”i|i. 3 Quality work guaranioodtteod. . ' ■ '.-.(.jrtrj l-, ‘i^r.le.iiy lorqu flo\01t onri Morucju .. . .n.Ih,.. iupo/ b u , .rwlU,l.i V . 2 Pump Panels, InduSli J* liolh ho'” <' t> l'0 l'J"!!' T Commnrcial — Rosidonllal Resl ^ 1; son -Opi)© 'tu" ty ' o V.Khvn op°lu'-% COUNIRY IIVING CLOSE 10 corpo.r-SJ4C;r;0 0t) (1 v o o J ond t gQ^} -loubi.. IJAMLETT rOWI4' Thlt two budroom tOfpO«t. potio. OK CC lie- ’ f.'tRRY CHPl'.ir.'.AS I n - I hoin.._t.lt on I plut acntt o •, VACUUM c lea n er :;' |uM oultido I F. City iiriiilv O.?d"'iot. .ro“ o"' S46.vdoc0 ■ ■ R ealty ,Nuw rorpetmg s Imoluuni in ' % WlOE SELECTION Ol01 IHoovor 1 CA lLlO SfE' Unchnn oi;d living Joorii. 2 c Vacuums, robuill. now nov and - OFFICE 733-4079 o usod Parts, bags i1.nd' nd' sorvlcoi i Oulbuilding'. milurlud, Qi'd / o lor all makos. VAIVACUUM I Kooloon lytlo . . /33 6.tV; ■ DAVE HAMlCtl. OROHtfl iKirit" o( lO'wj (.•ncml 'lorI Cily*^S34 SOO 00 • To.nfloyd . . . . 324Q-)17 QlAltlEC ANDEWSON ? CLEANEPlS OF IDAHO.HO. cornor 1 on.iLolt All Ihl-. (br $35 QOO 4 . ol Jnd Easl and Blue LakeLakos. 733- J CIukW P«tk.i>i___ 7D3'ia74 H..v.ionl.o1i ' Rick Knlghf Atiac. V I - 1077 ' , forf Rou . . •. 866-7703 C-j.-iin.iKiol . . 733 W)477 .. Our 24 Hour Number ' < Broker/firanch Menogsr Phill-.ifhicn. . .734.4051 JOYCECOIE " RMucGu.ir ' 473-t;vj lynnHoi.itu\on 733'2807 7 3 4 -2 1 1 1 JohnCrnn.lvll 7J4 -Itir,V V. Ru-.idoniiolS 1'08 Addison Avo. Wosl ^ l i i 'i j y u J u 0 u ITT mrmrTYTff r8Ta'»T rB-nnr»a a a a a a-flvrj a a»a a BTft~aTyiiini'rinnrin n rir innririiiriiBMiiJ Mory Jo long .733 0456 Co.nmofcol ■ 733.6767J “ JohnAllinoi. 731431/ Clnr./Will.ui.i-, M4H1!? ’ BillS-.'i- 733 j',iij 'J ' ( Conrii.. O-i-s.,.. /St^OlV I ■ V.' •J-r..dlme! T otp |l R ealtors In 1The M agic Valley al A re pffffcferjng Som e.OOut i Standing

" H d>mes i i For S ale IIn 'T o d ay 's C ld IB Idssiffied Secti

. rai T Out ol Iown Hones WINTHROIROP ">« 03? fvns ( RjociwiST 55 Intiie Illols iDI 0*5 Moliile Honies ioTsi Dick Cavolli

JEROmI - Lo.iTy’T D C Oi3Si ^^ Foii'iTrs?r"3iracib'cjiiro•mlo OREAM ACREAGE? You found uiid IJSED 12'x60'. "b ed io o m r ~ ; ! A M P / OH.SHUrLld r( PLjA\B-USO Ofof (urnished. washor and diyoi. (or gaidpn ant) siO'aQO room '®;(or growing aoason, apnnklorklof *^-500. Call now lorlor JOOO. e q u ity , -t.ik e ovoi campof b> boat. Walk lo school* lirlgaiion wim no oho.tago ol "OPO"’l'J’onl, Lynn Rasmussonson oaymonis, or c.ish p,iy oil i ^ and shoppino. If» Kimbofly. Call « 0' 7^33-2807 or Chuck PerkinsIns J6,357 734-7330 = f Art al 'Markolino Ajwciatos,■T" wator. oieclloni prodnci.i-n’ ol fioaliy. 733^3480. beans inis yoar. Pricod at - - - ^ACIOUS 1972 all oio'ciric 734U87^anvllme. J240,000.- Gill Ralphs 733-9963. 983. 5 acios. Buhl. 3 bodioom homo. doublowido moblle^homo, 3 OLDE'R tw o 5toryT~7^7fQU, Town ^ Couniry Roallors 733- OulbullOlngs. all In pasiuio 071C. bodrooms, 2 full baihs, (amily ' budfoom homo, on 3V; aeioj Immodiato possession, J45,00( room wim wot bar. U igo living R _ with 32,000 loan. Boat buy ir Nico place lor ftorsos, corals, ;.Jw "'’d dining aroa. wiih boaulllulS batn with tmeo bon stalls. Tack ISrA'CREl, lovely nVwTTl' S , Ouhi. Mlllord Schmockpopoi niTu cloaol. rango,BO, „ ' • room ana pasluro. OfOir.ch, M4-544. bcaioom home, 4 on sidi- d.iiry.ilry 543-4549. Town- i Counlrj’ rolng. dishwasher, disposal. All - _ - .IOj Roallors 73>0716. ------I [■iwt.ti -v., b-irn. heavy soil wiihgood liclOs (or J19.900, Ooils fiuaros 733.■33. , '------ana water. Ownor will consldor ~ ( . 8588, Town A Counlfy Roallors. smaller larm or Incomo proporly ACRES Southw est ol FOR SALE; No tS^oV involved. ' Joromo, 13 shares ol water,Itor, 733-0716. Farm hfctjie noprovod. Availabiof I'l liado. $250,000. Also 135 acrus with lovoly now home in samo Jt6,900, Easy lerms. Call Tom nov.'.' Svaulilul 3 bodroom L'?'' Floyd, 324.8912' or Chuck NEW 1610 square looi, Corv ^ Jomo. fpced »iQhi! Phone 3?4-?4l j;::? :®5,000 b.m Ralphs 733- dominium unit wilh prlvalu M83. Town J Counliy (iunllors Porkins Roally. 733-0480, dccK. doubio gaiago/aulomjticJlie 052 Fora. Apts, t OnpleiiDpieies QM Uifn.il«ls.~tDivliM k k 067 WisceilateoasIS tor Sile 057 Misccllueois ler _ 733-0716 _ door oponer. (or ronl or loasovat* ai .IwSile m Asiittnes CHAR^ilNG 2 bedroom, 2 bJIhIth FOH SALE by ownor. Tonon Rock Gardon Condominiums, home Wllh (ircplaeo. 24 > *a' « ' — ------, DELUXE 3 bodroom duplox,TTlW IV NOW AVAILABLE now" ^ boaulllul acros wiin spring in' *375 per menth. Call 734-4874' o0261.______Phono Kimberly. 423-5337. bowling machino, wallII idart g rande plano-organ com- . txiruocms. t4S.20D. ^ REALTY worlh tho morioy at 48,000. Call,S l I T — — OUPLEX, 2 bodioom 1 bath ______remole. 734-7010. _____ ' blnallon mado in England. 423- Boiio. Idoho T*> NORTH VIEW Manor apanmonis aih, 1 . f o rT a lE ; FRUIT Grindor. Walter Kastor S43^tS, Town & «''d drossa sso r. 432Oallor0p.m. - (208) 3760021 Countiy Realtors 733-0710, all utilltlos paidi Call 733-2138, eioor press. Ono yoar 1 , GOODING; Cusiom Ihreo 8noi4''wiDE TRAILERS gasos^or i322Washinglon Sireol North, Bocu.c°V‘?'n?co'''a.r'’'c!CO"- Exccll»o' c'-ndition. SItixn flolroom 8UII0, Lajyy BoyI ---- . bodioom nomo on laino cornoi ^ all oioclric. shade, patios dilioning, carpolod. aDpiionc."CCS. Pnono531-4822. foclinor. end table. Washerior nnd PAIR OF SATSUMA VASES lol. .twih ond I4 lull wall la«i 039 Bbsibiss PiopettflertT lawns, Soltcontainod campor;'Urs ONE or (WO twdroom apart...... dryer, utility lablo anaI 4 TV -Circa 1890 15^4" lall. Mint fircplftco. palio. don kunncl,ll, ______■ _ and moior homos by mo month.1th. menis. everything now. S155. irays. 734-2203 or 733-8756.____ condition.$600.73^6381. Anacreon Insulaied windows, —. ADULT COURT, no dogs East*st 5 deposit. 423-5610or 734.5610. MODERN THREE BEOROC15™ Z t S X T l l S Tin S mosi MAGNUS CHORD Organ, SPRING CLEANING SPECIAL^- — APARTMENT. All kilchon s J " : ANTIOUES 7C0LLECTIBLBS at' air condlllonino. doubio Qarano * Janilorlal SoMco — Roady - lo Points Trailer Courl 733-3a38. SMALL Furnished apartmoni urod by I conailion. $20, / and' mofo, Call 934-57aa (or» 112'ACRES • ont. pliances, llroplace. Orapes; a s E;'S'cVr"o’n ."s'ii“K; ftjin n ''O'"’. Swap Shop, 451 (jol C2.000 L & N Real osiato UlHitlos Included. 317Shoshoneone carpol. Attached garago. . M^n Avo., E.,TwinFalls ,1 appoinimunl. Bolwoon K.mbofly ondd Co, Jorome, ldaho_3?4-8l2323’ FOR RENT, spacious a.-id,id St. North. Phono 966-2565. _ ; ”^ » J ° g ^ P ^ - a n a _ d cdflvmo l ) r i g^ n o , u S ^ ve?y limo*! 60. 'IMauIifut smglo ■and''dbublo‘ -uiiifiio*-paid^Ab»lutelr-i ...... HdnVon;' ri3 ihoro» olil Alter Hours; 324-4160. 324^2060." ll® o n e 'b e o r o o m Apartmo'iiiont pots. $350 monlh. plus cleanii Twin Folll wolor, 3 bedroomTl 734-7733". wido spaces. Ed’a Mobllo Airo aning novor used. Call-altcr 5! si"? 734: UNIVERSAL Walor Solionor,i;s rr 4 Mjsiejl hstriinetts _ Park. Jaromo. 32*-2260, 324- Adults proloirod. No pols.Ols, deposit, 733-0037. 3115. home ond othor improve- Inquire at 503 3rd Avo. Easi, _____ cubic foot rolrlgorator. avocj !! L"o T with BASEMENT ANDND .10 pool ' O'0er>. both usoa throo yoj fcfosic— l i - 'o u r IlfT foV i W E S T E N D monlt. S33S,000. 39 per- ^ T T sWICK and OELMO p (i prolosslon. Wo pul our k n ifi. SINGLE CAR GARAGE, WalKIngIng _ f¥rNISHED hom e for rent. ts b i t labtos. new and usod. Wurlitzor piano. 734-6545 iflc tcnl down. Bo1or>ce on «o»y■' dlslanco of downiown. Ideal OSi Rms tsI how on tho lino (or y o t ; REALTY lermi al B per cent inleroit. 050 runi. t Utifna. HousesISjj One bedroom, no children or . hockey, lowball. Sorvlconlco' al., P"*- ______Lessons and discount sala*.*' (our-plox silo. Locaiod In pots. Middle ago or working )OMS "Wkos. Opon ovonings. until 130 South Broodway Coll Homloti Reolly. .’'jfio CLEAN FURNISHED R O ^ until 10’ GREAT CHRISTMAS gift] g B ^ ers Realistic Musie. 129 Gooding, 17.000.00. Call Tad t: coupio proloiiod. Inquire ai 602 owli o ’clock; JamesCiaik.W^5em, sstr Eloclric train, 4x0 layout. 1 733-J079 Ross al 866-7703 or Chuck 3 BEDROOM HOME lor rent, lor rent by Ihe wook. ReoK 1. Two Fourlh Avo. N. 73M59Q. . ? ^ u h l. Idoho wall-to.wall carpoling. panollng, 2ftd Avo. Easl alter 6:00 p.m. r r r ; ^ . onginos ond assorted cars.ct .--r ------. _ Potklns Reniiv 733.0480______oble,73-08t4. , ; FOR :,ALE OR TRADE::„ModOl Mo $200.543-5313. Wo’fo proud 10 odor thlt - - choln link fenced yard, garogo. L _ /s^ No. 32 2 H.P, Simpson M ______WURLITZER B-FUT CLAfllNET' ia iciiin e iiis,Stj RIVEfl FRONTAGE on Big Wood'Od 733^)097. » ' « w BACHELOR Apartmoni, closo IS ocro orchord ploco jutt nivor, Mlnutos Irom Sun Valloy, N ^ ^ N D remodolod rooioom t, Grindor. oxlra knives, bladbladoa, FOR SALE: Modern Fran norlh V ! BJhI on CICQf ay. - ...... —= in. Ideal lor coliogo siuaeni or imp»n« flrnptllPO fifwi/-nnrtlllnn: r in . l '|" i31T?rRood, Lorgo J bod- OOl. ■JHB66-8CDROOM.POH-ReWT>.T.— -»onlof—04odroom-mobilo"hOii . auJomattewashw.Call438-SBl - NEW YAMAMA-piANW.-ANff I Just nonn ol Quhl. Woal End - miited. Throo bodrooms. nt}or unlumishod and cloan MORE ORGANS. Used pianos. bilM aoll. Oldor 3 bodroom (arm id - '______.. '^nplaco. Call 734''»'>ocombo; SEARS BEST KENMO ___ Haooim3nValloy,837.66l5, -Ll____ uprlghi vacuum cloanortr , ano ‘nstrumonis, Solmur.- C«m.; homo. Good horso barn,ond, 2»!<40B y. MAIN 311001 locallun, good Iraffic Ilow, cornof lot. lols of5 FOR RENT IN COUNTRY. CleanJll »^W DUPLEX with gariS? ] ^ N r TO TURN YOURn HIHEAT twator bar. Excollont condiliIdllion. *<‘"0. Bundy. V23 «9k condition. Phono , 110 ACRES Und Soulh Woalol Aanoc_lat«fi.7n4-4875nnvllm«, ' and draped Ihroo bodioom. tololr.i baths, liroplaco, gaiago. ‘ ad-od. for homot wTihotn a (Irapii eloctrlc, cenlral air. tv. oath.^ dillonal oll-siroot partiing. air For mor^ Infonnation orr % : Jorbfti6,^fl»o SOO ions o( hay. ’ is ACRES, 4 miios souin o( Twiniii WANT TO BUY; Commorclai J conaillonod, rango and Phono 324-56r>e. Jl tw o car garago, loncod and D5I _ OfflM J 8o$l*ess tejUltell ^ R-M-K FmEPiAces.: KING FLUTE, Used loss than Falls. U.800 por acre. 733-6702,12, property, vacant lol or> oasi” ' backyard, (ull unlinishod refrigerator, washing facilitieslilies ------— , ownor (uallor. Addison or Klmboily Road: or ” available, $275 per mor»ih plus ono yoar. S175. Call 423-4025 BO ACRES, and l^ jc r o s nua'r I' baaomenl. Rango, disposal and plus EASTLAND Ollico conlor n< aliorSp.m. Joromo. 3?0 undor pivois. 656 Bluo Lakos Blvd. Norm. Call 733- “ deposit and uiiiines. Call 734- ronllng oflico space. T 4 s * ' ^ " o i c K Modol 320 0/IsOllsol 501; BelowReiolI ; ro n SALE: 84 X t30 OupUt» lol.>1. 7568. *• dishwasnor. J300. a montn plus acros, >Vith dairy soi-up. Wo utiliilos. Stoo secuniy deposit. 4411 (or details, 733-6460 ollor■r5, 5, Eastland Dilvo. 733-6771. orr 733-T. Comos with somo supplies.os. 18"1 30r; Below Oiitrlbulorsr ANTIQUE ESTEY CHURCH have oihiirs. Handy Really 610I 354 Shoup Avo. Wosi, Phonu ___ 4122. . pjporeuller,CallS43-5i9l, •733-A14A ' • - 733-6834, ______PHONE 326-9977J ORGAN. Two manual, 30 pedals, S, Lif'coir), Joromo. (208) 324- FOR LEASE 11,500 sq. ll. NORTH VIEW MANOR APART-4RT- • ______• ___ 15 draw knob slops. Largo dark Q ONE BEDROOM HOME. Eloclricic .MENTS. Alf uliiillos paid. Call —- GREAT Christmas glltl DollsDolla ol GUERNSEY MILK COWS FOfl^ warohouso on iV; acios, 4 big Call LARGE OH small business® O' c all sl:os ana kinds. Buy one ______oak. Booulllul condition, 823- , doors, hoaloaard Insulaloa. 122 hoat, wasfiet/dryor hook-up.5. 733-2130, 1322 Washingion}lon olllce spaco avallablo on Mai SALE. V;ill calvo Ducumbor c tl40 a monlh plus deposit. . all. Call 537.6594. 4349cr 623.4409.______10lh..Cail733-fiZ92,_:____ •: . - cents por sq. II. plus insurance t. Stroet North, ...... Avo. near.Mall.and Po3t.aifict ~ ______. w e :r e _____ -120-ACnES, an occiIerTi Nor-— ' and laxos. VoinOoshierai Gom„ Roforoncos roquirod: 733-5097: ' Parking availoblo. 733-765G. r 73; a ! ■ "FflEE STANDING liroplaco. w - -EMPHO-GUITAR-'wilir-casdr Ihstdo (aim wiih lull walur ri[jhl I j SInio Really. R CLEAN TWO- BEDPOOMlOM 5221, ■ - ...... ------g iaio and scroons, Flro Dul I G | - -Excollont condlllon.-Coll 733-- URGEHOr^EoaotOdwlnFalls TWO BEDROOM HOME.FOR' UNDERSEUING 9376 altor 5 pjn. or 734-3506 Vory nlco homo wllh oul for I Irado or as down payment on RENT. 1'.^ baths, utility room,*' DUPLEXFlioplaco, dlshwashor. SINGLE olllce spaco wll— S75.Phono543.5661, - Hunter'i Aulo Town - buildinos. <>«rncr will accopt j ri oarago, quiel nolghboihood. ' anytime. ______a larm. II Inloroslod wnto Box 1-6 “ liroplaco, (oncoa backyard. In rocopllonlsl and loiephonono NE W 21" AMF Road Masior[J— gl underselllno with oil Ihi, homo in Twin Falb or Jviomu c/oTimos-Nowj, < ® CemelKif loliJU Joromo. avallablo NovomboV,> Twin, non-smokors, 423-5685. ~ FOR SALE STUDIO PIANO Iby ’• answering sorvico. Call 73:733- bike wilh baksot, nevorr bot»er» *«'®dlorl of ComerTieroj, Baldwlnl Excellont condition. area in.U ado. Call Art al - 27th. 324-5265. fJYJ 2fl23.orGloPo Roalty, 733-2626. MARKEUNG ASSOCIATES lor ONE ( ACRE- lot lor salplI 2 LOTS ill Old comelory In Twin ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS. ?6. ridden. Regularly S89, sellsell Ilor " o n to Carlo*, Cullo|ilo ti. laoalCnristmas gilt! 733^»)2 (ulldcla-io. 734.4a75onyltmo. Rostilelod f area. Wator shares. F a lls -la n d 2-10116-b lo ck '3333 tw o ' beoroom " mobilo~hoi?!ii1 Fully carpoied. 203 Fourth “ J50. Also Sears 16''■ cccon- Lomops, Coprlcej. Ora. HIghlawn sutxJlvlslon, }l4,i)00.I, - {150. Cnil (503) 876-2963. Callall — Hannon. Furmsbod. car- . stieot North. 734-4182. $140 00.M FOfl flENT attraclivo ollico, 0or voiiabike, like now, $255 7:733- do». Novo». Pinlos. Ani (MIRY FOR SALE. 80 Acros 1Teims, 734-2780 or 733-<548. Ovenliigs, potod, Nlco. Adulls, no puis. small business locallon on Malilain 3916. long*. Firebird., Plcku soulhoasl ol Wondoll. 423-5104. TWO BEDROOM 4-pid«, lolal^ 1 Avonuo West, Vi block Iron i ? ^ . biil. n. t Ston Horrlnobono barn, nowloaling ,0, downiown null and 1 block Iron[nm NEW NECCHI aulomaiic. llg 10 ACfiETbr'ick, a'bodToom oloclrlc. lully carpolod, drapos. weight, 5 fancy slltcho jDors. ' shodB. , Corrals, and oul Iliome, 2 bolhl, lorgo lomlly !|7 TRI LEVEL nomo lor rent by Ihe> kilchon appliances, covered,oH “Post Ollico. 494 squaro loot. 733 Tako Troilers, PickiIckup EflNIE'S CB Center has movod. y W5 Mobllt Hones tor Sale 1st ol Docombor..Unlurnlshed. 76« 733-5221, automatic butlonholor. Tol buildipQj,'Boaulllul homo and 1foom. jwimming • po6l, parking aroa,'launary lacililies. over small monthly paymontsontsol ■ C om perj, M otor Hom«im ei '^ow at 735 MlnidoU Avo, mlikera hooso. Ask (or Roaor, ,orlojion hoi woler. jprlnkler; 1976 FLEETWOOD mobllo homofi J275 montn. deposit, 734- no pois. S23S a month. Catl 733-133! ______,llovc y»lom. Idool lolling, Rivor, 14 X DO. Has balh ana v«. Ap­ 1734 or alter 0p.m, 734-6924l o rr’ ’ OFFICE SPACE (or rem, 1.00« Conlor. 324-2792.______Sowing w''no?Sv^*;,®'H| “j*""ne q( Uriguens. See our ' pliances, good condition, JSOOM TWO BEDROOMThOME INJ /34.51O6,- sq. It. Carpolod. air con hina< oxnploi* lino of CB and..ae- NORTHWE S*T” 'u T‘ a’h'~ 6 V 'viow. Edno Irljh’flonr F»in.«, r . _ _ i;ai; 10 * 10' Senrico Slatlon tyj 543-6494, 'Joyce Mpnroo.^_ lake over paymonts, 324-2844, Couniry, Avallablo Docombor ditlonod, heal lurnlshod. Cal cMMrloo. c a-s ataning ar OWNER: 160 acrus, oxculleni : 15th, In V/endoll. $135,536-6202. ‘.WO BEDI'CK3M-Al>,‘.R'fwENTNT Barnos RoJily. 733-8227, ovorhood door. Call 733.9440, ‘" ’d M K . 23 channol c1osck>u( (aim and ranch land. Cood : 343-533S. ^ FOR RENT, carpi'l (Imjiosn s , ______water lapio, plenty ol wild name. ■TOP-CASH-PAID-fOR 8 B JEROME. Iwo bo^o^m mobilo ' spKlar733.S5BI. , ’ Slovo ..M(J ;.;lri,;ci.ilor luLu'- BIG. FAST, business conlor7 ^li . MUFFLERS installod'it)ilo yi? Owner Will (inancu with low *5 ACRES West oi DLhl.-iiooO, or 10 or 13 widet. olio Trovolel homo (ufnlshod. caipotod. nice. nishod V;.i-jhiri:;ion Patk hin wall. Complolo muffler Sorvlo down paymenl, J95 por acru. I , Trollers ond pickup compert.1. Adulls, nopola.Call423-5104, >'>> Twin Falla hos avallobK IS . Hunter'sI SBE Tf^lNIOAD CB baso radio. buildino 51I0, How in hay. Fruit Ap.iilmcnls Soulh ol Ai(|j(irl beautilul multiplo-oso bidg. witl“ h including cusiom duals lor ca ond oldeId eit Iwo years oia. 24 channels. PhonoMonie(60l)486-3558. ttrous.-C.ill 733-3983 in r., ABROCKMAN'S MOBILE - R'v.rt 734.0997 ^ nnd pickups ABBOTT-S AUK HOMES, Ask for Ed or Virgil.j|_ MONTHLY payments available0 ______I, Qfoat. proliiablo potonllals AUTO Independent deoler. StIStill oxcellcnl' cond.iion. Call 423^ AppnojaMATELr s'A c n cs.'a/ 1 — ' ..convention contor. weddings,-4 SUPPLY. 305'Shoshono» SISI, UnderMHInsll Drive rhithru 52‘*5 alter'6 p.m. weoVdays, nicTely flomodolod tnroo0 . 734-3167or334-4303. (rom $80.00 on two and. Ihreo° LARGE TWO Boaroom. liro ' « 37. bitcx shop am} uck. With Ibodioonr nomo on 3.7 acros. bedroom Townhousos. IOO por iko rocroallon, salon or ollicc(icci Ofld see for yourself, . anyllmo weekends.______.. ” . now. caipoiod. (iroplaco. utilityIlty renlals. Rocky Mountain Roaliially -■ - Six sl.ill3;3 BEOROOM HOME, bolhs. Phono SKIRTING FOR mobllo homesjmos. -- - . Shod,-tmn. oianano*. corrals 1 HANSEN, TWO BEDROOMJ management. Rancho Vordo _ _ _ mobllo. C.O Cood condition IV. balh, elccinc homo. Aiion 2> 733-0665allur6:30pm. , Aparlments, new ono and Iwo $1.50 por running lool. Financ^Jhcng b uying Coins! siampa.'lZ7scrap Phono 423-4076. anaiM/ing ohod, J180.000. Clear iicios ^ al Duhl, Nicely land- MOBILE HOME, Fufnished, ». 733. gold, watches, diamonds, 01 . Lako»^Aooncy:- Buhl, 543-W64. 3 ; MUST SELL, 1973" 14 x T s5 carpotod, nlco Adulls, no pels,• bodroom, all dpplhncos (ur- acaped. sprinkler pormil Irom ’' nishod, (rom $135.536-6244, 5T _£».(. tallllUtS 7368. 733-8593. Com Shdp. ' ti's t PHILCO 25" Color console. orBillHicks,513-5700,------.• Ihetl woll. Spectacular view. Call Tamarack. Rar^go. dishwashof. 423-5136. oxcollonl picturo, boaulllul ...------V disposal, air coolor. shed, " TRADlTIONAr'B'AFtBERS chai Shoshono St. North. Vura Jou al 543-4068 or Robort 1 UPSTAIRS STUDIO Apartmont' SMALL WofohouBo spaco ___ cabinel, SI95. a i l 733-7232. ------J Jonos Realty 543-8223. ' akirtod. Sol up in U :y J. Can bo) LARCE TWO bedroom mobilo available. Fliosprlnklors ii(■ Excollont condilion. SIOO, Cj moved. M700. 734-8607. homo, carpotod, furnlsnod, no° Stovo and rofrigoralor fur- JOOO 7336030. ’ WANTED ro" BUY: Leaf cljfii downiown area. Phono 733-3001 Boo Boards Call 7330141 o t n MARANTZ 54011 casseliojocom^, fl'Pl'urACRES'w ii'h wai.V” 2 t972 12 X 44 TRAILE'CI-J pois. Call 423-5263.______.prn4-*20i______f 733-._ piayb3Ck-d«k-|or com- D'.'dioom. sunken liieiii.ici}, ,iii DISHWASHER, whool ChalldiiTT, ■ - ponont sysiom Fernlo heads, 'T’^^JAHCHES_ tc.itpuli-ii Jficme aic,i $M,000. .^dtooms.-paftiaiiy-ioinlshod," "J5,S00, Phono 734-8230, f' or RENT; UnluinTshlid.'sYsO ■— commodo, oxorclsor lor boib o d ______found on sound mulng, VU .ino C,lll .111015,734.7493.______por monlh. Presidenlial slieei. 2 6 n E ~ ^ 0 I wo bodioom apart- 00“ wiiiemeiReal paiiont, Slagg campor shollII Wllhwill WANTED TO BUY, laWu 3.-IW s.lv lod meloiing Si75 lor this munis. No pels. Call 734-4195 FARMS ^B'uHL ACREAGE Must bi' sold' f' o r nETiTonGAiE- Fiooiw '^j Dodroom5, up.2down. Auxiliary wmdow boot and cargo doordoor, Pfolenoincn.934-5317. precision recording inslumonl. 3'twdioom, 14 X 70, 3 yoar old, building, siovo and rolrigoiaioi. 176 Maurice St. North, Laurel ' Soo all day Salurday anoolry - E.c.illnni irallor. Soe at 140 Addison Avo Regular S329.95. now whiloiilci 1 YEAR OLO Olymplollo) • po001. *'1'’ 1^0 Toy Toonoivillc trollO! HOME FUflNTsHrN'csi'cu^ '• coupio. No puls- 733-1771 aliei only A*»o«inintefesiodinbuyin[j-oirj-oia builltoorduronly Compclttivo brick liomo. Top Irnpovo. 5ACnE?APCei^'wiil> J luTl'iiTlor, W 733^841, fIelD OiiTcoUailor, Allani.c.l?[J supply Iasls $139.95. Olher CB’s3's tablu lypuwrilor. manual, onl mcnl»f^-Wliool Sprinklou 1 8:00. 68 used aboul 5 limes. Poiloi’oiloct ioy» “I'l I'al'o I'om Pro-19411940 pncos. Order oaily loi Chnsl- lights, Soulhwosi ol Butil. x3S'S2500 Phonu 437 665-1 . Irom S49,95. Phillips 68 ,6J 79 mas. CUSTOM CflAFT 734-6832. pr.c»d;$33000000 Eicuilonl. E buildmo. Siiu on, WANTED' TO BUY; iiVoiro tiomo worehouao bohind Abbiu)iu condition. Call 423-5245 anyiimjylime 733-7110 weekdays. 734-647 - Paved roaa.-f»honoM3 isOM------tlJ0I0“ PARTMTNf, iTearly '‘ new ■ iw'iiiiiriri-ro ■ tliaio l NSC woloi, pivol, J soparalo kitchon, stovo, Ca'r'ouSEL llioplaco. n'nw carpot, mosliygicons, biowns 7'., ACREG SOUTh'of'Joromo ', 2~8EOROOM APARTMENT, ail buint gold, S595 or bost olloiolio": otT"] I i i i now homo. S330.000, JSu shares ol w,itor. Jtl 250 197i'BflOADMORE ' 12 x 8T ^ 0 rolrlgoraior. Adulls. -1115 B33 lives 64 squaro yards.. Ejicullunt- Coll Joo 324 [!406. V utiliilos paid, $175 por monm. - .ShosMnoSl.Norm733-2973-,,_.,^ FOH SAIC lluriii.L-:,., 1 M MJU.U 733.8M4. . _ , ...... C0nJllion‘,'«00'/33.4ll0, - " With easy turms. Call Tom Floydj Xf 13 o»pando. Caihodral colling plu»- Oi>po«ll.-22e' North ~ ,al ne.ii'Cfl pncos - Nuw - -H 324.e9t?-or Chuck Peixms’ iri-liYing-foom.-toconiiy *' ro- - f o r SALE; PI.1II Suwingvino RED BAH'Frm'"miles Norm'o I 20V AC: i r Uiolrich. 5 J Washington. Twin 'Falls, Call NEW ' TRIPLEX. Doluxe;e Used Cusiom Eleciionic:i 5-13- 473. Washington Dishes,- Furniluic neUPHbLSTEIlED ColU E.iily Roally. 733-04M,_ carpeioo c and drapod. Locaiod 543-5537.______throughout. Available soon.n. 6343. m.icnino with c.ibinut. Call 423- American 501,1 $50 yj-4225 ciitln. hondlino. wolur on V, acre, will soil soparaio 6706. Primilivo. Buy,ind!irtl righl*.-You >l>ould LOOK. ‘Oa're' 5 Apios, doiio 10 town' 7 Mature adults, no.pots. Ono 2 ______Full wator- iiohts Excullunl 734-2274 allor 8.00 p.m. ONE UEDHOO’m "Furm shod bodioom. Two 1 bedroom $8^ 0.009, f aportmuni. Heated. *155 plus SOFT ic e ' crea m 'MACiiiNEVE MOSPirATljZb J60; drcvsi^rj r977'~24''x 48 Hlllcrosl.~3 Oarago. wator.' sanlialion and lerials Builtfing M^lcfials 7;:A q?tS. olocinc homo 7 I IM cloanlng doposil. Adulls, no many oxlras. $225 por month, FOfl SALE. Pilcod S500. 3 unittill from JI8. In.-d5, pots, pansJTnu: anu M i\« i Hiteria bodrooms. 2 lull 0-iths, Tolal p«ts. in Kimborly 423-5215, cafo milk coolor. $60. Call 733-13- -MU cl mi;.ce||;.neous. Airr ooui u r . ______5 h Jofomo.S35 500 , ,•THIRT ,T yIfivE ' acres wost "o'l1 oloclllc ® Jia s coolor. and skirted, ond $250, plus doposil. 1321 5lh at)plijncu!i aie cecondilioned, Avo. East, Twin Call 543-5479 ______)oed. I-' ------3AWtVvV.J,.,omo,n..w, Joromo, ^ Full walur sharoa andI Locato<«''mllos*■ woal ol Dodo, fW O~BEOflbbM ~S’rti'y lur. v;tNOElL NEW ANO USED, ytiiiiiiiiM M iiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIIillllllU good building situs, J1.4M por! {15,500.654-7051,*. nishod, SI50. Ono 'bedroom Buhl. FOR SALE; Proroosion'iil movingng '06.27/4 6-ACfltS. horo lond J7500 a .leio Wllh luims Call Tom Floyd 23 2 FOOT BOLES AflEO. Car- tIOS; Bacholor apartmont. S75. l!AflGE one’^ edroomTTi^ r«o'. boxoa. nnd couch. Phwio 733- p..ioc«9, al a 324-8912 or Chuck Pmkms rrated, P vory neat wilh A Iramo all 733^»29, rofrigoralor, $t35 dose In. 613113 3510 ' ___• _____ NEW>itVCT OJir(789"iniho3 by J- ' Ro,il|y,7330-I80. R complolo, c {2CC0 (Irm, 543-4253. , ShoshonoSl.Nn.ih 7\1-M7n 89 inchos. Rusi, oiango and E ‘ 00 IT TOUBiniSILFflPICIALSI = L'0OKiN‘G 'F 0 H ^ H ^ U S E ‘'O(^ FOH SALE: t'/,-' iron'pipu. » A Grodo Wood Ponelmsling S FOR SALE ti'y’ iwnoi: '3 acrTs i APARTMENT? Catl Ouilici's Phonu 543 6859. fw o “QEOROOM M ^L Fh^irre NTcE^r^Dlj P lIT” u'iiiTs Z 4,aMonilcello ...... $5.. 29 00, S Wllh oldor homp. h.is well and 1 733-2«4n.______I* GIRLS 3.9poud l>.in.iru'r,ea1 - . 4«7'.,Cherloitor» .... dilctiwaim Call 370-5^7. ^ . o n t in mo counlry, wondeil, available. Spacious with ^ 2 b j^ . 733-1970' _ ...... j4,19eo. - p r : REALTY f bedtooms, ? tiaiha, lolrigorator. - 5-BCDX Plywood...... $9,95 00. - THIRTY ACRES W jit ol Juroiltff ONE STUDIO APAflTiJENT 'r'dR ’li B- CAMPER, ovur'shoi, sleup:. 4. RENT. Call 734.4102 203 4lh St,'- garago, children and umnll Z 3 6 'WidoCorrugo/cdO<(Oalvonitvd Im . . 93' pur lunnmg li. Z Wlin Locust giovos. Eicollonl 14 > f'fiauSED'THliEE'tuu.o'om Norm. houso pois considerod. Ront 1125. Bon Torrot n.iadic,c, moialgaiago. Call734-6465.' “ Croon SludC iO ^S «4'»925X 4' a .. SI20porlliou.brJ;(l. Z tiuilding site, lull water shares mobile r nomo. Dolivory and sut slaits S2C0. Evcrgicen Roally,-y. Ellonlioig Modi'l. liko nuw. S48S. by lho unil only . — wiiii lorms. Call'Tom'floyd al up >• includod. J950. Hacionda 734-3200, ovenlngs. 733-4019, Usod saddle, good condilton.‘®’ fheoerick-v7illys pool lable.Ihln - ' vInYNiCE’ono'tjudioomVuiiiro solid cotu >. inch ihick alaiiio x ■ - HouriBto5M

■ ■ i • , s

SOTinioa-Ninv:. iiJatui iiJat Ttiursday. Novonibcf 2il.a. 1977191 Ov€er 2 0 0 0 I Clodssifiied A^ds Scold! Doesn't Theliat Say SomieliBthing? CollI An Ad-Viso>orToday! ^7 3 3 > 0 9 31 1


— SIDEGiAMCES :■ ~~ bTGiirF^ DSO ^ Pels i Siipoltesiiies 122 ■. SFaliJifiofl*^ 12< Soon Vehicle! - - aiB Futnilure I CaipeU 1^7~SK1D00, $225. T ^ " S k i BLACK a n d ”GOLOTa'bTuPS. BRUNSWICK AND OELMO pool AKC rofliatored, Amencnn ' tables, now and used. AitAir roulo. UOO. Bolh excellenl SOFA, D'owrt iiioUi'rn. Iihii now Champ. Phon0 544-2302, Hockoy. loojball, Sennce allJll condition. 734-»t88, ' COtlOiliOri S169 9I. r.i.ns 03- makos. Opon ovonlntjs unhi IC 1978 L.C. 440 HUPP'n ITRO. Two- O’clock. JamesCnrk. 733-5P01.• placo irailor. Cail 326-4075_„ ^ d ’mspIo Oimnfl iintc-. wif'd- FOR SALE: Irish (purcbredi S0> CMitS. IJOOJ COtlJiliOtl letlor pupplos $50- Call 733-'33- 1973 YAMAHA 292 snow mobile,= . l \ ^ C.'.ni,.n37ni 9745. low miioago. good condmon,mon, 734-3357 afior 5 : 3 0 _____ no'CKEn n.Tlrn.V,, vi.-iy flOOCl PBOFESSiONaI: “s'flOOMING,rd, coim iiion CoDfii.-f color a u d sorvkjo. ''•eat'Ofiitig? I’ll ll c < § w jr a s 1974 JDX-6 440, 800 miles, covor, SU9 95 C.iii's, board your dog- Chctl Millor lack' and spoodsmelor, S: $725. Konnels. 423-5'M- Call 734-6310, NEW SHIPMENI S<'0 uur selection of ri'Clrnuts SL**otjl .. AKC REGISTERED "Baasoll moat'fr. .irul f.i!K>cr. lo ctigo'.o ,“‘,1 MODEL 70. 300 magnum, sTxT, i% rpaAfi7s'''iin(F)w'A'^TFA'hTF U W tfoniiiiti>, 7J]-14?1 I a iiT H iiW fflii 7B85ovonlngs, Dcero/lrailer, Aii for $»0 733- ' l i a p ^ M a _ 4284. ask lor Joano, — 7M5./______- ALL METAL GATES'lor f.iims. REMINGTON 1100 20^augo, nb V /wTflEGISTgHED oi'd'Engiirn • rccoil pad, 2H", full cfioko,lio TV^iD POLARtS Snowmobiles USED p l a y e r 'P iano' $J« ’ ' LARGE SELECTION ol dolry'y ranchos or yards Also potlablo'0 Sheep Dog, puppios lor sale. * holfert and cows. Some d o ts 1175.734-5595. '• andi aiior. $600. Phone 423-5482Im 82 Dm 51 Icfcpi.iCi- 5C/oon Wllti flncJ *• dofl tuns und olayDens Call Championship linos on bolh Ovoni only. ilOns.StS. $15 7330M1. ^ jprlngori. Buy, tell or trods.•- ovorMnflS 733-5879 . :!3e9 $250each, 233-8369. FARMER'S mllo South on Soulh Blua OoT p DGE KlLE'srp'^uled' B" 10 8R0V/NING BAR 22 $15TTr [ f r : lo k « blvd, 734-3053- ° vVE ARE adorabre, fjorwegiannrt Dost oiler. 4 monins old 324- 079 Appliances 10 ' lop, 12 " 10 14' hull. 25 fcolI Eikhound puppios, Woaned and M tonfl, 60 cents a lool Nol toady lor homos. 324-M79 3771. ^ MARKET ONE'dR TOO-diiy-oid'calvoa. SUFM.Y 'vrESflNGHOUSE " •)" mixnc't Oo« Canyon LivosloOi, Not on iroaled- 934-S166 RE^NGT'ONnTo''iiut'om3tiC. 3" ’eounioMoo fontju. AnJ Lutil-in, Sunday. U&-2503 or S3&.2381. PET GROOMING and supptiei. mnnnum, hko now, $200 543-Jj. n o t L I M i r n t o.on Usod, (iooo conoiiion. Tho Dog House, 348 Mam1»» 53,, 934.5032 .lller 5 00 p ni. I 1 Soulh. 734-6737. or allot houta. 1 f 7 8 FOR SALE roglalorod Angua‘If IHC »37 DISK 10'9" with levolingr*«d dog^ Shotgun, 12 {jauflo. $75 SS 544 * 9 9 8 — REGISTE~REo' C H A ^ T aTs r orootnlng. Sh«ni« -8 Poodl«Idle 2X2. BULLS. 400 N, and 75 Easl131 ?'* lon iruCK. 1965 Ftoiglillinor MAYTAG wniN0ER~/A5HER wl'fti3Slt bolllranur CailDolofB9 M . AND DOUOLE TUDS, Voty aood J Rupi.-rl.J3S.3905boloro9am or HUNTER’S .r sSf. 8a,m,oraltot6Dm 536-24re ~ AR^E"RSr£'irATcno;y i Yeat mutsatn.il. eendillon. Phono 733-7375 or m ^ a!lor-6:30p m, a! ^ ' REGISTERED Yollow end doseoul all bows, arrows, 3J-BD 733-5926. Labrador puppioa. Call 'Tasles Ilke meatballsIs IIrom the recipe my second ... 1974 NEW HOLLAND Hamw" ovonings. 436-9719. ■'" QIC., cost plus 5 pi't ccnt. Call:aii ^ ■ wile got frorrom my first wifel* ■ FRlGIOAIRE^Roftifloralor, bed *1048. good condillon. Call _ 536-2755. ''condillon.J125 Pfto-io3?4-37(M. 1 SH OSHONE SALE S36-2Sl4noanswot 538-2317 AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVERS 7 e t/ BULLET PROOF VEST~F0f1 • weeks old, only Iwo malos.iell .SALE-.flrandnew Cail326-4570. -MUST S E L irijso d 'M,iyUQ ■ .YARD WOULD liko FOR SALE: Massoy Forgusonm Call 734-3418, 125 ■ Travel Irailef 125 liJKl Traill•JilKS m " ^Calipers ISli^ 'washo'- V/orks good. Sii5. W ANT~AOS~TiniNG VO'I ‘•■ilr.i fo wish ovoryono a 255 Tractor. 300 hours, $7500,0, • ■ ■ , ^ PnQnofl?l?. ' ■ ------^ A r c c < . ~ -}7i------> trH w £ - ofTKohksgiving -g unll, J270. Phono 733-0503, ' ‘ walling, irailor brakos' ancand'~i .v30'‘ RanflO and I7” rufnour.ilor, FOR SALE; Corlillod V.T, FOR SALE, Slop balo slacking wlfin0«ire(db)o.Pliona73^«26l. ,v FtlfltdJlro, Copper, hko now ;ind by handlll Aulomalic siacklogi g ______COMPLETE 1^ 20' CHAMPION moux homo flussol sood prtatooa. Siovoco[jj h o lid o y s . LOOKING FOR A GHOV/TH ■ Cuatanlood. $548 pait. Coins Farms. -Nuwdalo. Idaho Phono - ^ iruok, $2000.543-6858. ip f, • $6,000, Call 543-4805 allor 8:00 • 7^1.7111 CAREER Thon chock iho STORAGE For moipr homos01 arand P a r t i lS « r v l M D « p i 208-458-S469. . H 1975 J7eW HOLAND Slackur. Classlllod Ada oach day' ' •- funi—_ trailers, Cail 733-1874. ^WASHER and dryot palT, - 733-6708, . . _ O A T I W A T ’• FriQldalro. CoQpor. Rccon- REDUCED -JM9 16' ROAO ^ SEE THE now 22' Tioga mm .Vdilionod snd ouataniued- IDAHO GROWN ALFALFA12 MOVINQ.' foreod lo soli Pinto 'A LEARN TO FLY. Fllghl (rv ,°«> Tran»rC»nttr-- rrwlor homo and compare ocr , SEED, Ranoor and Apo« or top ' , RUNNER TRAILER HOUSE, Wek.AlMd1i!mA.*.W prices and quality. Gooding •.•M?9.Wpr Cains, 733-7111.____ quanor horao goklino. 7 years>- ^ r n culioi sf'd 6 tow ceolMl« Strticllon and Air Crati Rental i sloops 8, lols ol extras, very 'GREEN portabto distiwasnar, b«;indi ajfalb aood. Discouni'’P' old.: t«50. Vickor saddio. COO, ifi> C ^ o r , Phono Joo HourWy a I »; clean, sollucl cullivalor. complulo milhi|T. ■ condillon. Pnco roducod r a pfiono 326-9977. ______without trodo oh Nov« •'REFRIGERATOR. Pnonu 733- 3 — - Phono 733-0196 BEAT THE 1978 Price increase . 0380,______■ MOLLY MULE FOR SALE: Broko^ 'illtools.845-2360. ------H iic h h lk o r 5 lh W hool001 We still havo Slar Dual and- to rldo. wotk or pack. Call 326- l . f l A ONE whc6lud' lonl campor. DISHWASHER; GE. Real mco MANURE SPi^EADING, PMtiO - ■ 1976 COMMANDER 112A, 210 ?iihiy b y N u -W o M o u dio o! s Nampa Chlol Campors.', 5 ^ - condillon and o^^'^rilood. $96. 326-4703 Of 32ft-4964, Loo s ■ WANTED: Good usod laim Will fit any car, $300. Uiihiy Kings Moiors Homos, all at 1977 's II h,p..lycomlng lurbO chfl. lully "J irailer. $300, Largo Swam;lnor.--Emrasl Call .for ap- ' hay noods, BONDED. R.W ' 8'/v’'Brillit)n ciilli-m'uichcr Tool’! 22'a In slock. SAIL HAUS 362 S.S won 1 bo undorioidi Soo ouf pow er' polntmonl. 436-8187. Paul, 'D8a*. Heaiinj S Aif ComJilloninj IJonjen. 423-1307. Kimberly.— - • ' wllh powor brakos. pot bjt^c'ufliv'.ilor. Whoul sprayer;'■ Locust. Twin F.HH 733-6227 .____ _ IJ dilforont modoU".pl B‘C ‘ ■'stoormo, automaiic trtran-' Idano. . No reasonable ollor ' B R A N D N IW and Othor ilerrs. 829-5832 , f Ir ^ ' a n d s e c o n d C u llin g Arctic Coll lodoyi w JI'"'*"®'': :»3695• amission. 12 inch litos inn n roar, rolusod. 85.000 BTU 0Tl~HEATER I 14 FOOT Soars aluminum boal 12V1( f t . ______• h.iy.6lon, $35lon,7lon,$50lon^ 70 Gooionock hono Itailor , and trailer. 7Vr hotsepower. Tod Equipped wlin AMERIGO 12V* SiOQier, excellent eonOHcon. I JOHN "’DEERE “ 400’ 'g'rTnDER- ranflo, BEFORE YOU BUY. iSavo Sl.OOO -bosloiler Phone 734-3569 INeai Twin Falls. 72i-;8l3.. ■ Williams motor, ail lor $000. 825- HUNTER'S camper, wllh * burner ran o v o n i n g s . MIXER Top conQilion, $2,450’ 5447. HUNTER'S eye-level oven, 2 onhaust■t fans. fa niter compoiliion on any 1976 O NLY » 2 8 9 S5 Call 537-6534 or 734-4530. ~___ Aulo Town ft RV Contoro r Auto Town I RV CenterS u and Ilp4ul bed1^. Ex- In back, Travol Eje, Cruise Air. or..iho • f o r ”SALE 'srooo' l>.iies''triail TRAILER. John Dcoro. Im- 5P 523 Arfdlion Avo.W, S33Ad 1barloy si/aw, k'fO ot bufloma, en'^ losed' 'boat 'sto' rage . v/o v/cr-;.U-, I -.''O l'' piomonl. Low boy 23' < 8' Ual f 733-9533______------lermountaln f.toior llomos )n voty clean. Phone. 22C-2881, bed Wltn ramn " Cal'733-1874, f _____ 1965 TRAVEL-EZE Camp rt in" Wondoll, whore wo rake ir.Vde-> A m cric.in F.ills, Idaho ” ■ '■ trallor 191 8’ Sell conlalnod, i - RArLRaA^’ frE X ’ Fot l.ind- HUHTERS 6FCAT"$150b good condition #''d professit'n.i smnco ______Caso Hammer Mill. Call' 3 S36.JJ01. • WANfE^'dali^y'amTwfioal,I, Auto Town & RV Contor 934-6352 whalcver . ,From ono ^ to j IRonC iaar F.iim j, 679-e%C ' 124 ' Snour VeliicllliJin m ^ . ^MwVeliicIiWicles ______somi-load— various pticcfi C.i<)' 522Addi»on Avo.W oji FOR SALE Tv.0 Fo> Corn tsra FORD VAN, 302 onor i l< ^ WINTERIZE NOW! FrosfG'u W HEAfsiPAW liio'o'A LE^Sb 2 now non-toxic anti I10020. Rogulai ;,t!otlvcr, 4?3-4457 allot 5 p m ■jO 7 3 3 - 9 5 3 6 Choptots, oao sell-ptODOiiod, ------automailc. Irosh paini|ob, 2 n $4.95. now $3,95 gallon. -V.lo il wOCKtJaxs ot -423-5942 nnyl.mo ceniJ cicn Bill S.it(jonl -132-12- , - and one pull lypo C.iU 366-2462 Ilres. $1795, Call5434871. 5 ? 0 7 _ or see .11 Mule Shoo Bar Ranch ’ lAit^ at Intnrmountaln Molor eb o x Homos. Wondoll, 155 Norlh ROOF TlTuSSESlo729~tiy'ia_ STRAW FOlV SALE Call '73'j- ' ^ 8 FT. Camper, siovo. ice & building, 4/12 piicti. $500 . 733------3M5 I inTernat'ion^ 56o' diolol sink, bulil-ins. sloops two.). S:$750, Idaho. Itaciot .124-31l6ct 324.420t. M 637*4706. 5205 ■' n n ' s f , ' t h i r d ''' s - .'c u n d ' n a y ' I S e e T hlese e Prices! VACATION SPECJALI Fofiretl'l cultinn, All.ill.i .md oat ti.iy. (5ver“ "'“ ’’‘^ s - “anT t 6W Over shot campor,, {gas. 19782a‘ ExplorerMoiorhoinety HAND-PICKED LAVA ST“o>7e .'M $2 50 il b.iiu Good cic,in Mi.iw,W M;--HiNc:.tr ri>< . fS .o ^ On Brand NNew John Deere Roal »iB day, woek or montli. & T Slono Cotnpany al Moti.ico ;r r^mmKBSXSCB^ ■» relflgoralor. Carpoiino, R' $1 CO,i_b,iii; 3^0-403t_ sioelr '-Wo Hway- -r^a- tsoll.' , * Sno\A>wmobi{es ■) good condllion. 423-5263. Rosenre now. Jorome Fiiew*. Gas. IG9 Addisoi Avenue Wusl, ' i s 'y o u u LlVEsfoCK-W ASfirJG HunlOfS Aulo T vn ‘ MANURE SPREADING: _____ Jwcimo 334-4426 or 733-9m Twin Falls, T33-5292. FEED-’ f.ioi.i'.seu c.m . n o mr,,. e Ccniof. 522 Ad'll.. Lillibridgo Cualom Farming, ^ * 1976CrCL0K£«tl . l . 8‘ CAB-OVER CAMPER Oueon bu oyonlngs. _ ,in-i/.i;r' Clll M otliS'':. tjuppl,,| 733-9526 Phono 7334363. ^ Originan976pricoS3095.i95. Old 1977 hold- ■ T bed. flioeps 6, Phono 326-5185t83or • ______[SS fiie«ciod^ Contir/’al 733 !.302 S ovorprlce$1&35.thoylindi MANURE HAULING. Call John, 95, Otdl977hoid- M 595 ^ 1?^' C'HINOOK'ciimpo'r. 'sib' Pmu Ru.ison.iDK) Cjll67B-l696 itiilo Irom Clly. $2 50 per twluu PUREBRED Duroc Boors andi ^ • * ovor prlcoS1795, Ihoy iim 4 icoboj, futnuce, olc No toiltoilet Professional sorvicomah on 7 3 3 - e a a 'u , 543-6461 CLEAN firewood'F ot' Gills. Priced reasonably. Pnonu K 4 1963 Dodflo V. ton, Bumpor,por,-2 duly, accessorius and repairs, * 1976LIQUIMRE4a)._, nroe wo olso lake Iradoa at In- Irom Slab .inom 59-16 airnos Rnallv 733-«2?7 * L A W N 4 lo.icJ Ahio ■oom^-lof -..no J?3- Ctj'sfOM STACKING. 3 widede rOR SALE 0n*j pair oi man's ^ 4 0 9 2nd Avo. South1 7 3 3 -7 4196 9 6 3 ' A l l i 9 7 7 wVinhebago's i l In Stock CHiSP-APPLEi” ^coid 5634,423-4548 lxiiia. 42 to 40 incnc-. C.ill•ill '.i/tj 9'; San MarVo S"> boota, Rcd di'Uciotio, liciji.’ii ifciicoiis. Qiidy 42J-5«4,or733 918/ only used i|i'.,l'5t'J30n $45 Alno *** Must Be SoldId INow To M ake Room •Jonaihan. Romi-, Wuilor a ' V M N I 'e D WM,-.iI, t)..M .7y, m . . « 4 one (laif 175 Ctyal-il tJlassJ SS __ ------F o r T h e 1978*18*5 N ow / O n T h e ir W o y Banana, ,mo V/itw”.jp Orrr aram .ji'dojls Fr«J Pirns. Oox>d ’ , . CUSTOM PLOWING. A.lh or ski:, without bindings Also iiisi Otchaifl, 1 mrio nortr> of Buht, >X ■ h a r l e q u in 1 and 5;ilcn , without lu'tih/t't Go .inyAtii..ri( P Cai'ru'i Live Slock.• Inc U6- ir,..(l la il ooason l| mlotoi^ludn'lud 543-5093 543-5330- . JiO J, 636-2381 ■’'I*-' Phoi.0 324-2612 C.illa11.;r5li m 734-4243 n ft. MINI WINNIE MocTi:.ill 93^5187 — I im 2 o : •CListOM CORN comtnniaulU TiO OLIN MARK t shifl with now Loodod wilh oir - roR sTifc Ai.waun;.' .im) Massey Fcrtiuaon 750 J»row 20? Solomon hmdinr]5 J115 2 ^GEESE FOR'SALE 733 5C83 condilioning, gonorotor, Do.n Cniidf'-., 3:4-2119 ot Ga.lm■l‘“- - e ? 5 '‘ e?2 ~ •• Aaiii':!ub.‘),.:,l 7li'j544 Childuts 324-57/8 YEAR-BIDSPECim , .: , . . . , , ' 1 3 , 1 0 0 y FOH SALE COlosItuiii ..l.itled V O N T BE ‘ ■ ii.lby c.llvos, Dootllo Dioptir CUSTOM* ' plowing, wilh 0, or NORDICA pro ski 1)0015. I '.i;u W E - W ' fOHSAIF';'-..! ^ ...... ' a m ,- -9-,Trl«.-?33-J481^— — __ --a r-,r5 -jT.r r — 'Hanchr’sotiinwesfot'iJCfomo----- iQHIHHHSSit- - - -♦ftlt>oul--Bnh75r9i;3 " OtJcinlJ.- — ^977-20B ftrHlNl WINNIE------, 3 ? .t-« 5 ‘i7 FOF» SALE TO HP Smrjic; jihatie.^n ripping Ev'd'mrjr. or mornirms K?''THREE SKIS. 2M Cen- I Very weli ^ p .. . m - z m ...... - - - limclrfS, no nuiijings. mounled - I —equipped. - " : ® ------PiP, 'inri '.Ai,r 00 ..r^y-.r Mr-r.-T-j ..J-’O - - ’M, F T ^ ,P u m o . onci,. Coodconditlon 733.1330 I ttAS-BIBSPECItt ...... m , 3 0 0 lo’.v ;ir..-;M.rc''-w-ifctT. S /« Call IIPRAYiHG' Vi II Mir.iy -in,ih*n ; AUC um :T A ;,r; -.i.. /•|3-l?eO - I'.h lor W.iyri.. Fr.ird- i-.t> .OOVRE SKl'RACt ifl Tf.f O' 543-177/ 'i''* Tow .mO Cablu hool Uinrtmna.l()S. YEiH-EIIBSPECI*! . , I 3?4 fllHI Wimoul aiihytJ ANGUS tllJllS oul ol overy 3 mow e" wirinebogo. Equipped wilh overy __ _ t iu.i.jid Anuus ___ Colieliilou The "Top 01 The Line" .UiPOM HAY STACKING ailj, . In.thn U.S.A, 3. Arc ' convenience inelodinfl.n CANtNi CQit r ijii f ., ^„7" •ajhntj Siili'.'r '048. 2 w'Ji mofhino* in. QfOOfTiiny /.rir.oiiri',.,-, .» f„.«» SlT:flAL fJAlE tIOvr.t.Mii,!' so 2043. lit Cotl hovilOvo tho boll roiofe genefoior ond microwov location 761 [Ji„i. i,,.,-, iii„j iH GATED PIPE, nr-w ami I :'r!th;2 00r>or.!i MACKAY VALIl'.t ...... <38-5005 ' i'.'.rviri.; Ihn M.ir|ic V.illey Cll’','!r ^OR SAI.E' V^omemi sue:e 5 voluo 4, IHunlor'i hoi a YEM-EltOSPECIill . . I YAUr t/M C.iUi-';, on; l,r,.ii'l Kloflack pla-itic ..licit -,ki t.oon,30H, cioihoi Morrorn wllh o full imo ■ - Sos our l^^.i.“l>(i'’'':[^.,i7'n’o1 to .^.wi.n.|..' irs^O11. Jutonv,. tji.ind now conililion V.'j 324- Col clojliing 5. Hum- • (Viobof i7in 73VJ];? M .ij.jrit, l„.ll,-. Igr Mitur-n.it.un 3fl42 37^- ol Arrtic Col C ..II W ill O ' T im c«lly faisod, cagoi. jno hrfd' Couniy Air..'iiii208ie.’r?3-!-i PROTECT YOUR MILK CHECK p nnd port^ dopoii MJHhAwi.Easl , ,Ailh u Winco T/atlor G'-m-r.ilot '4'v 10 > Atir.oli.l'ily Ilf .iHl ..r f.nd .I IdUon Avo. W. iT irV . CENTER jjog training. Also D.itcmt) pricri'--733-1[.'n. ' 'i5J3,e.l:n,n |i4?3 i.l70 new pair ol 5C01TS ,it tn...'Tow low 5 2 2 A ddi '""filmirGAi -33-»526 (noxt toI BlBill W orkm an Ford) ^Pnono 733-2230 prict 324-3B.t2e..>r.inay , 413 5th Avo Eaal Twin Fa'ls 733- I — - 7896 I f, i. ' : ••a, . r . r "

fiy Roffer Bollen Thursday. Novomljor 24,1977177 Tut ii^ Nf'.vi. T'.vin Fails. Itfuho 5U j?7 ^ ^ UoiorHoani n 140 ^ I'UCklucks t«7 - loipnl - SpotU Cats FUNNY BUSINSSS « m . Autoj-POB'PHlilC ______; I I I 1B75 0MCSrHINT, 1ow*miloac— ■ 1?! A.W F1,KPlirr:julli 1)5 AutoleaDealers 115 AgloDeiln: J fOB RENT: Now Huni»mM ■j9' 19' 1075 'ORD COURIER wilh~6’H 8’ iWREo'DASHERr'lour'sceoJ. -automalic. ^/owor. sioerlr itof camper 14,000 miles. Call 734- I i r l n g . ______■ •oK'Conialned mini m oto excoileni condilion. AM/FMa 0 iy ~ Phono 733-t555, lOUPE WANT A02(]i..| ronulls vviwii .. "hom e. Cftll Rui'Ml E uy. 733-f33- .WM...... cauotlo. 28-31 mitos por gallon™ . s u P e i T i■IS ! SWALI--BUT 1971 PLYMOUTHGRANCOUf iwlHvr ToViLt. YOun i.Inu'j ,Jc7n7,c* - _ Oniy $2800. Pnone 423-4932 alter 1975 PONTrAC"” G"«anvll:"T;?;: - Excollonr condition.-Air. 'ti' ^'>i•0 b«)ievo It. — 4474. '• '■ ovorsnoi campor. 4234454. condliion.' Pltono 324-8038 or 1971 PLYMOUTMOUS”Tla $ 8 Wawon'ibeu"''.''*''’' ! ' . FOR SALE: 1968 IH TRAVEL-ALLfLL ______. _ ’966 PONTIAC Bonneville, go Phono 837-6663. . ____ I - While Y1 o u r T u r k e y ’s | Ai Ion. vo;y good cofxJiiicn. C.ill^•Vi 1973 MAZDA* [wagon, ‘ good conailion, $4«3 Pnono 324-8921I92t, -1970 PLYMOUTH flarracui __ HHITIR’.S .f f ir - condition, moving — must soil, ____ Sloui bolted radial liros bra injmmirn.9. ro -cS a FORD F-600 wllh dovo tail slociicci $ttDOorbostoDClle(S ii 11 ,beouliiui .oiour .••itui...or ioud„d pon - Stroak 68,000 original mile * eluding 40 chonnel CB I ... THOUSANDS! I . Doot»A«ck iraJitr. JtftS). 'irmm LATE MODEL 1971 GMC 2'.'.-lon, 1976'tOYOTA land CRUISER Miisl soe to approciaio- ExlExtra ^ 0. Ptiono rw-SITZaftwe. tag ailo. 21' 4-whool pull troilor.lor, Rod. oicelloni condiUon. 36,000 parts optional. Phono 733-0380.180. sot up lor hay. Cali 324-4288. “ miles Caii 536-2490 ■ . I 1976 DOBSEDASI CUSTOT4-DOOH ^ 2 9 9 0 1 ! . . f o F s a l e " 4,7- now ulllily 19U GTO Sharp, loadodi Xoob 9.' • • ^ Ail greon. economical irallor. ■ Suo ' lo approclalo. 1973 2 TON OODGE TRUCK, 2 m \ i h mllos on ro-buin $1100 or b :ol O cyiinder engino, oulomoliC front- Ptwno734.5t51. Speed axle. 16,000 mllos. Ex- 1972 OPEL 190 Vory good ollor. 3244692. ^ 1 ^ mittion. radio, heeler,er, ■ ' ■ ^ . celloni tiros. IS' lial dump bod.oa. condilion. 324-8685, - wllh hyflrauiic holsl. Plus 5' 6" FOR SALE: 1977' To7o’ia'CclTM:a Lr^ : : C A S H1 I IS!3LII(COUI CdiiilKOI 112 Alls hfls (_iUtt»orinM motal tilngo caliio racks com- y l i i AuIgs - PljOIDraioatli . HENTALMARKIV . ^ 4 1 9 5 I plolo. Would considor trado in' 'a GT Lill Back, special edition ^ ^ Pewier, while vinyi roorool,- ieother inlerior, (uii povrer.-thorp', 1 usod pickup truck. Pnco J7.000.rti black package. Air condmonod, 1^ and Ui«l VW parts - Am-Fm cassoito storoo. 5^ 5- W37uRY'lV'runrgood, mi For Your Ca liBbulU ooglnat, ail sUot. Fullyy Phono 7?s-6st6 Kelchum. soli. $525, Phono 3264243 alio,IIor5 spood. radial liros. Amoncan p.m, * msLiiicoiiicoimKBHEHTAH-DOOR . « 5 2 9 5 duarsnlMd - will Install. 733- ' 77. racing mag whools Bosl ollor. yi rool. leather iniorior. looded. ju it ^ 7«7 aftor 5:00 afld anyllmo onn 1961 G.MX. 2 ton Truck, Has 16' Phono934.8287allcr 7p.m. IH Eiorcjdilililijc i n Aalijj - fflfdfofd ______WILLS USEO CAR!ARS |i„"i;o“:ii,»':“ ■">'' . *ookorxJa. . . , alool comblnalion bod. Wiih ■.:! hydraulics, 734-3589 ovoninQs.. MAZOA RX-2. t972, 4-door, iow S ; 733-7365 |VOUS TransmUjlon. slrrwjtiSt FOR SALE: Ono t966 In­In- miioago, new ilros, vory aoodM NOTiCE OF PUBLIC SALE;IE; 1972 ford” LTD BROUGHAM. ' I 19I5F0IIDTHIMDEIiBiRBIRD .;.. ^ 5 2 8 8 1 - now. ttSO. Pttono 543402S or ternatlonal 4000 truck. Two 20' condliion. 726-0695, Koichum,71, Public saio 11:00a,m. Novombor3or (uii powor. cruiso control, manynany_ W Copper and while luxiluxury toriet. oil leolher interior, hot 4 28. 1977 al Ace Hansonon exlras.$1600.4234597. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ obtolulely evoryihing. i4g -6 5 a ^ soli unloading spud bods ono■no $1200.00. ■______’O' " 3 yoarcid, 324-8057, - Chovroiol. 1973 Cadillac DoVitto. 1975 PINTO RUN-ABOUT 4 TOR SALE: 1S66 VW Iransaxio. - FOR SALE: 1976 Dalsun D2100 1654 Blue Lakos Blvd. North, riSO. I pull II. SIOO you pull S' It. 1973 CHEVY '/: Ion. Excoilomont Sodan Am-Fm cfigtiai dockCk Twin .Fails, idaho, GMAC speed, radial liros, iow mileage,S Get Ttienire Safely With 1 1972 LINCOLN COKTIKEIKETITAl 4-DODR ^ 2 4 8 8 4 J i l l ^ Z W . condilion. campor sholi. radials,lis, radio. 4 spood, standard.d. reserves tight 10 bid,______just like new. Call 5434609. S Burgundy ond while,>, wwhile oil.leolher inlerior. fuiiy eouip- *4 4-spoed. powor0 r radials, oxira cloan. Cali 733-P- CADIi.L/,C, 1972. 4-5 3 spoea. 41.000 mlios. Good great, Mako ollor, 734-7238, r ^ s l Nood 10 sell bolorelloro tleering ond AM radio. No.h : m ShoshorwSt. Soutti. mileage, $2800-733.1259, S HARDTOP. Top-ol-the-i - 1?72 CHRYSLER Newport, Extra- Oecember iSih. Soo at * aulomobile. VILLE 2-OOOR .. ^ 3 4 9 5 I ^ 1972 S.S El Camino. V8. ' ' ' Howard's Conoco. Biuo Lakos iraG :lil.C.?.%T0H4*4PICKDP iy, while vinyl rool. looded, low mllet, ^ ' » 7 CHEVROLET lualy hoada? aulomalic. air. rod witn biackS .n t I Whrel Drillsiy.j cloan. iow miles: Good lires. and Fails Avo. No loss lhan $150. ~;iQi valvos (inciudod) lluxod. 734-2450 8-5:00 wookdavs, _ Phono 734-64lBalier5p,m. W ilho 350 V-B engine, pov <'HS0.;734-5540ollor5p.m. vinyt lop. Slooi radials andn d ------L:______1 1974 PONTIAC ERANVIL mags. Sharp. $1450.543-6512, 1975 CHEVY 4.4 ton pickup. ___ braket, 4 tpeed trontm ltti 5 HARDTOP. nioRogony,Dl DeVILLE ' .... ^ 2 5 8 8 1 _ Cusiom. iJoiuxo, dual lanks, IM Aitcs - CtieviolttDltt CLASSIC 1964 T-Bird. greatJfoat or^d rear tte p hitch. No, =7C ^....*3595 )f. oil nyton Inlerior, fult power, rodiol | AUXILIARY FUEL tanks for GUC J cruising ear. Call 733^093, . .. or Chovrolat pickup V> or V< ion. FOR SALE; 1964 Ford tonon Excellonl condillon. 324^257. . , pickup $879. Caii 326-5049. 1976 CHEVETTE HATCHBACK, 1975 MUSTANG II. brand ■ now T S ■ 1974 DODGEEy2TOH4X4PICKOI> I ■ I!i «19I2C«IILLACSEII«ID C6mplolo wilh valvos and linos. _ 1973 GMC JIMMY lull lio 4 whool W l ^ Turquoite. white roof. < 734-5959.______EXECUTIVE must soil) 1977177 drivo. groal in snow, lols oln fsctory Sir, sutomstic trsrv[J- 302 V-8 wllh headers. 4.barrei ° bmlBSlon, foad»l, cloan, 12.800. S Wi,hV.8.n,ln..ou.=™il.olic irontm ittion, C O O f l C ^ tirei, clean. R ...... * 2 9 9 5 1 Suburban Silver, aulo.. Loaded!•dl oxlras oood coridiiion. Best » — carburotor. sulomallc Iran- t,AM.radio,/oiibor,_ lyi rool, cruite control, oil power new.~^ -^SMD-RAOlAUsnow..lltcs wllh. . miles, 32«^8«. ... f.- .-sfflisjibn. Am-Fm 8-tractr tspo power tle.erlng A broket, f rims, ER78-14. Ono yoar old. S60. Oaugos.-crulBo conirol,'roarairr'Iirr- ofler. 324-3715. l^OOxISmucTandinowllV llret. No. 7T-148A, . U U W U tilt whool, 3 seals. low miloaoo, radio. Now lires, brakos and Chains, samo Sl:o, $10. 423- 10, 1970 SUBURBAN,. 4x4~4 iT 7 '6 ” CHEVR01ET v a n , >r * 1974 OLDS SS 4-DOOR . radials. Am-Fm. 350 V-8. show stjocks. Mog wheels. Ptione I ' l ■ Light gold, while vlnyi 1 ■*550.' posilraclion, 400 ongino. loadodod Beaulilui cuttom point. Fuiiyiy ' 324-8380, 1976fO R Diy4T0H4X4PlEKUP ?i room porfocl. Wny noi comparo*'O' wilh oxlras. Can finance. 654- W - * corirade-in. 2-DDOR HARDTOP * 1 7 9 5 5 ^ I *«00.8»-5878- 54- cuitomiied interior wilh linlt otic trontmittion, power tteerlng i 'j TWO ER-70 14 now studdod _ .7621. _ and refrigerator. 350 V-8.a FOR SALE: 1987 FORO)R 0 Wilh 0 360 V-B engine, outsutomatlc tranim lt- ( C n f l C j.Uw.(lrosand whools. 733*3666. 1973 FORD 3 ton. XLT campor FAIRUNE 289 3 spood, mag '' «ion, power tleering S bro'.roket, AM radio, + h | I U n ling, Qt tporty o t ihey come, ; j 'O' JEEP WAGONEER. 1971, ox.IX- u n d e r-13.000 miles. $7,200. wheels. Side pipos. $700 or bosl ep hitch. N o,P2)3 j .^ ,W U W W 1 1973 OLDS CUTUSS 2-[ special, Powor slooring, poworor colioni shapo, call 733-6081 asksk Coli 734.2392 deyl, or 734- bo*' Ronger Packoge. rear ttep ;;ai,uminum forged pickupp brakea. air conditioner, lapo *■ ollor, 324-3237.______I F 2 v -8 engine, outomolic DO for Mr. Andorson 8 lo 5 Mondayay 1871 olter 5^30 PM 1 0 V brakes, oir condillonlngISPDRTS COUPE . * 1 1 9 9 ] ‘M «*ls. olohl lug now sot olII deck, aulomalic transmission, throughFrlday$2950, 1977rPINTO 3-door runabout= 1972illTtlHIATI0llOHAL^TOmXl'PiCKUP ' tic trontm ittion. air condillonlng, |u tt.^ 734«7D..... Je&tCHEVH0L&T-8ubu(ben.-M^ otic irontm ittion. C O O A C — 1969 INTERNATIONAL COE wllhilh 1964 F.100 4 X 4, robuill motor,ar, V8 engine, 4 spood, good lires.s. ' 3200 miles.'Just like novr, 326-^ . Wilh V-B engine, oulomotli » 1972 6UICKSKnAIIKSI )r. $1150.423-4597: Good condition, $600, lirm. 543-. power tteerlng S brokot.t. JAM rodio. o!r condi- ▼ / / • r l 16 looi Van and roli up door. I-.- 4458a[icr6. ______is.N o.T 96A ...... f c f c V V 7 V-8 engine, aulomotic Body and Van in good condillon.m. . . 42M;______Honing and Iock oul hubs. I — • -^-TnrtodinrthOTpl------M2-DDOR . . . * 1 1 9 0 1 - 1973 YELLOW PINTO WAGON, rhlio vinyl rool. ol courte it t oir condl* Runsgood. Soaied bids will be 1975 JEEP CJ5, priced lo soil,II. 1976 CHEVETTE. $2200 AM/FM.•M. $1500 o r^ b e s l ollor. Call i n '/ 2TOH 4X4 PICKUP . . WE’RE ALSO IN accoplod tliiough Doc, 6ih.Ih. Like now condition. 734 4372. lour spood. 11.000 milos. 734- Goodino. 934.5957. 1977CHEVR0LF B 'ilh oil lhe exirot. -• 1977. seo at ConsolidaiodBd ■ ■ ■ - -■ > ;,2365 alter 5:30. # 1973 P0IITI*C CAIALim yg 1974 JEEP WAGONEER. Powor “ Silverodo pockogo wllh V-;v-8 .ngltlo. outomol- t f t p r i F S HARDTOP hrown, whlli Frelghlwaya, 211 'FroloMways - IH >nl.s~u5 ^.-THEAUrOMOllVE SifOOL Twin Falis, ______sloering and brakos. Air, magag FOR SALE Or Trado: lor pickup. iOCtllll le trontmittion. power tlO' ^ lionedSequlppedwiihSOD2-ODDR.... ^ 1 0 9 5 : 1 - wheels. 4234 283, jLff condiiioning. tilt wheel, N< DOW le roof, power tleering 9. brokei, tee ^ 1968 FORO Vi ton. vory good 1978 Monte Carlo. Phono 324- FOR SALE 1971 LINCOLN. rlUGHINE BUSINESS condilion. Phone 734-8t3l. 1969 WAGONEER, vT.T I l l i ______$1,000-7344721, K « 1973 FORO GALAXIE SOD ,0; 1974 CHEVY Laguna S-3. 454 _ 19771EEPWWpHEER CUSTOM ^ 6 ff9 rtn g IS years o f 1971 CHEVROLET V. lon pickup,Q automatic iransmisslon. powor 1975 BLACK LINCOLN CON- ^ JL HARDTOP, red. while r sleering. air condilionlng, 42,000IOO lurbo, AM lape dock. 733-2442, W llho401 V-Benglne, ouiouiomoitc trantmls- 1 A C ^ Ih ltb n e . ' q u o /Ify w o rk o f . now u-lolnls, roady lo go. $750. ovoning/Salurday-Sunday 726- 9 5 S (Cmnini . PRICESII 1973 OOOGE Club Cab U Ion.n. or bosi ollor. 733-3604, ^ M i a a a a oxcelleni condition, powor _ ' 1971 CHEV. Nova 8 cyi, 235.is, ______I BILL ^ a n y Surt Hock stooring, automatic Irans-V- FOH SALE: 1977 FORD 150 4~x( 4 Good condilion. $1100. Ph. 733- Q cusiom docor. campor sholi.lii. 3790______“■ IGS lilis-llomj ENMOTOR$ mission, air conditioning. ^WORKMAN FORD !■ t h * w o r l d f e • c a r ■ *3.000. Call 324-2727 9 lo 5, 733.(3. exlra lanks. many exiras. Call SHAHP. 1970 Nova SS. 396 V8, r * 5 5 9 837-6225 - 1976 COMET, 2-door. 9,000 I.IA fT 733*7700 J MiS ovonlngs. hrgn porformanco 4 spood. Vory actual milos-733-0903. ■°°° 12«Blu.Lol.ok«s Blvd.N. 733.51K„ IfHEISE - heallhv, 733-1205,______FOR SALE; 1 1964 CMC M“ . ■ 1975CHEVY ion 4 x 4, Call - . psssenger-icnwt-bus. V-fl or '95L CHEVY J.flo(5r, slailon- 1973 COUGAR V-8. aulomatlc,iiic, ::: CEHIURY '^ - 2622 before 5 ar\d 536-2633 allor ri, now batiory. sllernalor, tires, engine, wilh »-apeed irans-ns- 5_ 'wagon. -Body In oxcoiiorii ************ mission, good condition; 1 1965 - Shapo. Good tuos wiih mags., 733-6141, $2015, S?- 1977 FORO F-150 4 x 4 Rangor, AuroMonvE Ford 48-p«ssonger school bus,' But doos nol run. Phono 734- 1974 CAPRI. Low mileage, radialidiai ...... 36IAddiionAv*.W. engine wilh S-speed irans- $6300, Will considor tradei 8657allof5. 733.3070.. .Phono6efl.253aallor 6 pjn ______llros. oxcollonl condition. mlBSion,' good condition? Pfione -$34,00.87B-3458aller 8,------32«-«426 or 324-5548. ” 1971 CHEVY IMPALA 4-dOOr' . i r a FORD BRONCO 4-whool'Ol hard top. 350-engino. runsIS 1966 - MERCURY COt^ET 289 . FOR SALE with or wiinoul Job.r drive, new paint, now ilies, newiw porloci. Must soil! $750 or bankIk Slick- shifl. asking $300. Also , 1971 Peietbill. 350 cumm. 4x4 fobulll ongino. Call 734452525 paymonis. Casiiolord, 537-653030 iO’/i‘ ovor-shol. older modol CiclutSippiin‘ Jako Brakei 1974 Poierbill, 350 after 7:30 p.m. 733.5705 beloteto alior 6:00. $700. Phono 734-1862. riM 7 Honda 305 Scrambler. Cumm. 5x4 Jsko Brako: 197373 ______.’.Moods somo work. Bosl ollor. Alloy, 40' flal trailer, lull .down«n 1978 SCOUT 11, Excoileni con­ tio ruioj-iodseIH 1977 MONARCH“2-d«r.“ c”rulso, ''024-3478. sides, will consider trade in roal,al, dllion and gas miioago. Low * sir, AM-FM cassollo, $500 lako oslalo. etc. 432.&251 or 4».S465,.i, -. • mlloago, Liko now. Call 536^58 - over payments. 733-9327. '1970 cc Triumph, oxcoilont 1977 OODGE ASPEN. 4 door p p - days, 536^250 allor 8:00 p.m, .. condition, loss lhan 1,000 mllos. 1975 FORO « lon. aulomalic, wagon, Wllh air. IIII wheel, andId 1971 MERCURY MONTEREY, Calia34-7?*4, jpower Sloering, now V-8 and■J 1972 FOHD ‘4 lon pickup4 whool'01' cruiso conirol, Luggago .rack,>'• good tiros, runs good, doesn't iransmisslon. $4,095.00. 733-3. dnvo, 4 speed. 3 gas i,inxs. duallal Low miioago. 678-0692, uso oil, asking $750 or bosl • ^ L E Y DAVIDSON motor.•. '65t2. ______Oxhausi Wlin hoadois. Rangoror ______- oflor. 73?-9039. ! l 1 XL p.ickaoe, 5874231 days. 587-17- 1978 DODGE Coil, Now con- . 1974 FORD Supor Cab V, ion.’• 7510ovcninos AsklofTom. ]' '1978 XL 7 03UGAR, Looded^ITh wllh clean, good'condilion. Evonings dilion, aulomalic trsnsfflisslon. 3; Csieello Ispo playor Inciudod,i )xlras. Call 734-2292 .days, or - 543-6081. -______1966 INTERNATIOriAL J > 4 lii ■ • ■34-1871 oves: i('fOR SALE: 1970 TRIUMPH lon pick up Asking J900. 733-1441 Cslt678K)651sflorS:00, . TROC, bost ollor. 78M7K. ', > 1970 GMC V, lon pickup 360 V.8. _ Truck and campor wllh 70 gallon>fi 'tav3.allct6.00324-5829. ’ 1 ^ DODGE siaflonwagon orrr IsS AutO$ • GillSIIIOtlilt f ■ T he Ni. iifum'nunin‘, 1978 MP.G. PinSo Siaiion Wagon3n Stooring. powor brakes, Bnndr md ^ ACE .■„1f75;YAMAHA t25 CC rojd. Low wlin hydraulic tioisi.'Pius 56" wheels, hoadors, four apoud, V-J. lorsait,CjiI324,8921, - . now-onglno— Ouaranlood 733^03^. - ...... R O m milos. usod 1 yoar. cioan. 324. molal ningo cajlio racks com-.. 8. $4600. without .ampor J4M0.0. 9977or7334fl67,______-6 7 6 1 . ______plolo. Would considor tiado in a3 733 0503. usod pickup truck. Pricud 1J5 AutoDealefs» t7S Aato OMier]Hlers ’ ...1924 HONDA.aSO. JTOO. Soo lo ^ r a ”v7lLrY”s'P iC k u P '‘4'“ih'coi CHEVI appreclale. Phono 326-474} oHor J7.000. Phono 726-9516 ' Kui-'■ drive, stock. Good condition. j ' i f j chum.______^.5 p.m, Now upholsloiy. and clulch, BEAUTIFUL Hoad Diko, many FOR • SALE; 1053 Mon In-V runs good. $995 . 734-6665 ,iltor oxlras, GL-tOOO Honda. Poss.blo tornaiio/iai wilh horso rack. 0:00p.m. : " " i i a - ■ mciU noxo.lt.o'. ()0-«'«la»,.xg -4*a^»- b>»k.. >h,l..oH - at33<-53t7.------■ ■■ ------‘ ------wilh—heedefs—and—pipes.- H U R R Y IN !! 1971 YAMAHA 650 ExIonOod 1973 GMC >4 loir jljOO'orbosi- Cnrome whools and tiros, Fuii JHD SfflHEAlt lliW ' ollor. 4;3-4325.______cage roii bar and Oala buckol 3 ^ PO,MI, 4> tpeed Irontmiition. guoget. A a tih sn 600 hours. Will con* lombor 77, Eicollonl rubber,ot. oU both air cleaner, powerer tieerin.g. duol exhouti. heovyy . po»*> Ml M tertrsde, 734.2745. 1976DOOGE Vj lonorckup.$I550a Good vinyl lop, C;il!_733i391fl,of_-0'_ ..d u ly . boilery.. heovy.3."e 1975 OODGE 4 ^ 4 -1? ton. 318,8, Fuiiy equipped wllh V-fl .engine,.er outomolic tronsmlttion. Iransmisslon. Good condition.on. ii&ergiass cab. «fl,000 milos,s. Rongor packoge, buill-ln CB. C rodio, oouget. illding reorjr ______\______Call 934-8488 days. 934-4776776 Niceshapo. J3850,Caii 726-3289.9- window, iractlon lock, tillI wheel,w 'power steering, roll bar. evenings, 19T7 SCOUT 4-whooi’d»Tv'o7ooodroJl tport steering wheel. twIngng lock mlr- “ shape, soo 10 acprociale. Call:oii rors, AM rodio, clock, exireiro cooling. Manny Motfe To ( ni With l : o “ M; ioipofl - Sports Cjisars 423_:5«5allor^l______lui! lime 4.wheel drive, quo,uod thockt. 1974 CHEVY BLAZER 4 x Tr'AMAM chrome rear bumper, ui FORSALE: Sharp Navy btuoJO powor eriuipmoni $3800 or boslOSI while ipoke wheeit. 10:00 Few Remaini• Choose Fron\ t L o w ; 1972 240Z. Now Iransmisslon,n, ollor.Call3264638. lion liret. No. T-80, I a f USED ctiromo whools, now llros, C.D.B. - - ______loadod, $3600, FIRMI Phono 734. :: W A S . . . ’9 2 I0 -S P E C M“ * 7 7 9 3 '5? Autos - Buick ^ L o>w ^ Year-Endling 1977’s APrices. :ir r INDUSTRIAL M18allor5p,m. _ t970 ;UICk 'SKYLARK, 1our. 1973 OATSUiT 240-Z ^ p o o dtd, , d o o r h a rd to p . C u sio m- , 1977 FORD RAII N I M O P I C m Leaso Cors & Pickups By EQUIPMENI Am-Fm r^io , cusipm paini,nl, autom,iilc, Powor slooring, air.Ilf. Equipped wllh the Squiree COption. V-B engine, oulomotic d Close-Out P 34,000 m)H5. high book cfli. bullu) radial llros. Eicollonl iran-‘fl* Irantrnliiiart, Sroughom Ini' H's A Pleasure Dc ; !??;:.>.... :''’io;5oo SOiiin|>tfcIOW book. $3,400. 324.J*- sportallon. $995, Phono 733- condilionlng. cruite contro ByThoDo^JVookjM on^ 2 a 7 6 a ^ 4 p m , ■ 3602, rodio wllh lope. No, 7T-3B6, - $ | i 9 Q 7 ■■-Sii?...... >8500 197r540~z” ?."mags. 'sliFiEO' ‘AoFTrrrTumboror mini condltloni Call 436-6027. t o ono wllh m 0i0f,3pi0 than ovoror Eden.436-S342days. BILL ....Ellions, INC. boforo, Placo yours loday by ' ACEHANSO 111 Ovorlond Ave. ■ dialing 733-0931 ’ • H ' s F un to D rive A '78 Ch m e r ic a n C a r ^ T T r lo y . Id, Phono 678-5585 1969 3UICK LASAORE. 350: m , WORKMAN FORB' 733-3033 j -SAIES B£P. BOB HOUSTON ■W8 "aU0 I FOX.TsTsoo'miiTn- , onomo. pow'tr slo>!nnti/tir,iko3. M CHEVI $5000. Call Joll. 734-8387 or 73441^1 AU, good cunilclcon $900 734-14: 11 Bluo L akik«tBlvd.No. l 733-5U0. C h e v y - A n A ll Am< < Home Phone...... 733-1490 799I.illt.t-10 00nm I I n . . 111. ^ 8100. O p en 'Til 7 :00 P.M. ■ . '__ _ "i — 1------^

^ S2Tlme:;-Ncnv:,, Twin F.iil'..I',. icId,Ilm Thursday. Novombor 24.'24.1977 , GrJVE ISEFlULG.IFT m c H iI M S T iMAS L m o i wWHIRLAWAY- l i . . . H E D O I TTYOURSS E L F A NI [ D S A V E PEOPLE i m T diDISPOSALS tSTAINLESSSTEEJ.___ grind ring AT *. 0CORROSION PROOF mi G R(&VERS;PAYJ&PAC;k WKK^^Km- -H ^Hi O U S IN G V . V, HORSE GG5G42 8 No, 25 m PRICES:S GOOD THRUID D E C . 1, 1977 THI!HS WEEKS PODINT OF perfectline c- COWiMPARiSON:!: PRICES!! ^ y FlFLOOD a s s e m b l i eL O: ^ o moot or booboot oil advortisod pricos. on comparoblo merchondise., /HHI f •Socitiiocitot housing and plolo ore of hoovlovy. W o try h a r d foto Ibo tho loodor by soioctincing quality merchondise thot > K r dulyduly Idio cott conitrucilon. * •Porm’ormonont infrorod baked (inljh y o u w o n t o n d odvortising oi it ot tho lowostost possiblo pricos. Evoryono iocitel hot porcelain tockol to pre'vorvoni h a s th o ir sp o>ciols c io l but wo oncourogo you)u i: o lo o k p a s t th e m rig h t a t . D O Uuble' I single irovent heat build up ond neoprene- :B « !b i „ ub o ito i goikot for duroblo. hool o u r u n ifo rm ly' lovlow pircos. Don’t bo foolod by tho spociols onlyl E x tro ) ^ 7|77 $ 2 * 7 otittont weothor looiing.

ALLIED FiFIBERGLASS ^ WIRINCJG BOXES DPPERWATER procoM olfortolfoi heal retiilonce, iW iholier fojijlonco,>, dnddn< lorquo roiitlonce y■■^y • Nonmotoiie coniifruction ucti> eliminoloilho SYSTEMS T rilitele r M l i S nood to ground iho10 boxbo —II— irrr7/= •Offorslif> lifo of tho houso durability • No ioomox tlom piilolightorn, lo I iuitilopie ^ • Cuts wilt youf wlfo wilhln oighiiighl Inches ol tho box /ith 0 hocksow, goes togohter ■ C ru shtied e Velvet ^ ^ •A box to iu it ovoryy rotro»ider>liol wiring neod e a s ily wiwith torch and soldor. No IA throodiniJing nocossary N o. 1082N -Switch andI'd plug box wilh enough ro o m io r I r ono coviso and four^| 'A incli iiaril 1/2 I S ¥MTAG No. 12 wiroiros • 13‘/> cubic inchos — 97c inch ssoft -^■1 mount^-sollolidly ~ flat- ogoinst" tho MU ------(by-lho,20-Uhgth)...... f c f — i»f (I.-----(by.fho «0’-tO '-foll) ...... ‘ t U i a l l — slud with ththo noils provided ...... ^ 3/89* i - AUMP V i N0.933SN % Incli tiard Mc HindisI soft 7(1® m m 'i Junction andd liliahi lixiuroVix with e n o u g h ^ | (by Ihe 2 0 'length) _____. , . , T f pit It. (by Iho 40'S O 'r o l l) ...... I U pirH iu" M -'t-' •1i'/>"Wi•W ide X I6" High room lo honeondTo oimojl ony |ob — J lo t^ •" •Plushcruicrushed velvet ^vlln- motdod broirockot wilh ongiod noilt . p>ovido« rigidid tmourning...... ' v'? ^ d ric a lI sheshade with crown 1/99* i]'i:’f\''' • s'yio brodingbfoi top Ond bottom. I AMETEK=K GALV.VANIZED WATER : y.',t----silaflyyj:oyLCosLboUomJinal______ipoll choirhoin socket '“ WTCTER-FttItTER------IP-UNO-EiniNGS_ m D iffu se r • Romovos sond, dird irt, .Moots or oxcoods A.S.T.M. 120 W hile(th th e y last M w n i o n d r u s t rds for woight ond wall • Reinforced plasticStic 3SS' housing won't corrr o rro d o galvanized coating to • Eosy filtor romovol3V0l ru st $11 onci replocomontn t .Cornplotoolo lino • gonorous stocks GOLD I ( ~"PIPE SPECIAL*vLS F I T T I NMG I SPECIA LS

% " ..... 2 . 8 * ’/2"9[l“eils..26' ’/2"lees ..33‘ 9 7 V 4 ' r - . . 33 9 ' %” 90“ ells..3? %"tees . .5? G a l. FA M O U S5 BE R A N D W E A L SO C A RRRY R ' A COMPLETE LINE OF BLACK PIPE IT WATER HHEATER^ AND FiniNGS F ' S aramma • Mode by rao jor manufoctfocturor ffiS WALL TUCK-IN , • Duol olemonts and thorn-o rm o s to ts ' • Spociol top quality glosssss'IIning I procoduce - S B A n tiq u e B r o s s r r ^ • Mognosium rod preventsjnts corrosion ------ilL HEATER a. now roncopt toi offering compoct ' incroosos tonk iifo high officionioncy olectric hooting mixod • S year tank guarantoo e n l flow impollcsllor ion for quite, cornfor- V II toblo hoottot distribution. Liffc’imo 1 / 0 1i R U A A LLIGHT lu b r ic a to dI mmotor. Dual heat overload protection.n. Avoiloblo with heavy J *89.J50 I iral thormostot. VJWod iiocii o complolo iino ol wotoivolor hooloti Irom 6 lo RT2-15 ‘‘“' ' ‘""’S'"' 101100 goMoni. in tiondard conllgurolgurolions. VJo aiio carry H lobiolopi ond undorcounlor modoijidoij. Wo oivT^orjy go* 2 2 0 • 15 S,> A L E Hi lifod wolor hooiori 15 0 0 3280-11 H i Safety lor v o lt Wl ChristmasS SMOKE w a t t ^ 17,49 8"rORUM m j No. 20ai » 5 .7 5 ^ H r ■ DETECTOR D mj WfM rly W arning ■ " ) ' •3281-11 . . • E o 'i y ' i n V •W ircirc-in -i ____i i . . . . • P h ooto-Eloclric to RAYWAL ARDJiEAT ■ 10’0"DRUAA A Elficohl iir/nod lubo oiomonl VLL cir'ci BASEBOA M convochon Foil tolo high lompciclr'cuiotot hoolod oir by 6 ft. S im ilor to mpcrorij'u cui oult luin tho longih of iho hoolor- Loigoi llluslralion • jigof riufoblu. ruM froo h<>>gi> unomoid tnnvh, Ouick jick novy intloliolio". ' 7 . 4 9 ^ Economicoi to purchoic - Econo ; conomicoi 10 UV Wl- \L--= = > : I t holpi you plan yout hfalinfj joh. II I 19;65■ EKORKY------FRAMIW ELESS^^! — LAVELLE "’I moi-n dripping, gurgling and tonk MIRIRROR ' toi t mou (iggl.ng. Siinpii: lojnilpM, unjviir- ^ • plotoglostwiJ t wilh durovof mitror ^ ony loii.,mounting foolufot - Fill olrnovt cooling lor turoiro irimago roiic^lion I loiici, Contlruclud ol tough nolural • 'i bwvuiododgoodgo R or compound jo'^.yooft ol uto. • Moun'iod on moicm atonilo wilh hongnrv ’ )djutliTienl ntioittoty • Dost owoy n . 2 9 ^ \ Right^®^ .fO'odhor hofiJOMfijoMiol ot vuriical ' ^ guido lift wiro and lonk boll, \ Or Leii triounting! N Jo d ju t C POW ER I Hand Tub ^ ' w>lh guid KOOLAAATIC 30" XC60" I . ROOF VENTTILATOR i a « X O Moiic romovot and con OUR BIG K 64

noticoily,. (’omi, piotlor. llion.I rooling loti lonqiir. - LCl o o a a e x I ^ . B Kool O M troll O'M o«c riiic It I>c“0'”0trwc61~i0 ( "A'A"GRADE‘ Economicoi lo own. oa^y (Humidlstot extro) oulom olii S 7 2 6 0 ^ — BUIJ I L D I N G ^ XdMn iniuialion.oli, MuinionnncitFruir. y y 7 0 3 0 K obl'O 'iV j f f r TOILET GOLD - - - - ~ .... VWIRE ^ buy ' Eco • •Aiiceppcopper conductort ■ -i. •Pio>t>c|i>t.c|a<:l>o'f>d , 4Con1inu(linuout longlht 3 PIECE ' »pIitcoiU) 3 wilh ground — - - ^ - BBATH SET — (250-.ROLL) i PACK PAYS.MBING SUPPLY IN C : - S i ^ * 1 PERFECTLINIIME ELECTRIC 8 PLUM 1 I T ^ • KIMBERLY ROAD ATM EASTLAND DRIVE ^ 1 8 " RD Y, TAUS LAV VEATHERPROOFIF COVER TWIN'iom r poA ndB oijo Siorv5 A lto in Non - SATUfiDAYSS.OOt'oiiaO • Hoovy dio-cosi cor:onslruction ^ 4 - 1 Opc-nOiniy fl 30 io 5:30 .- ‘ • N o o p ro n o w o lo rr pproofing I I LOTS O F FREE. ^33-7304 g sk o l' P fione 73 CONVENIENT • Hoovy duty springng h in g o - ~ | \ hasoi to r«tall quontliltt". sol! closing lid. ■ 8 9 P A R K IN G ! I right to limit tho tizo of purcha

J ______• ■ # ____^___^ _ "Wo rosorvo tho righ — ^ ' -et- • • ~ ^ ^ - ■ - fa.;’ t ^ ^ ^

a TH m m 'SPECIAL m W- HOURS bnovlow through Christmas . M ' shopcp doily 9:30-9 p.m.^ Sundays 1 2-5 ^ ____- - W- ■ ” 'v I B B S E s

I ^ ^ A \ W e V' \t*^ >x*9111 H E || ^ HKaaEE ® f f l ALE BEiE G IN S ( r FRRI.,NOV.:25 ___ i

j ^ S n ...... ~ " H ; ; g y : H & inE AliTliiii£(8 ...... ^ " T l W ise, IRIITflimen i V \ i TlamcN . Ikrriiit

\ . .. . ^ • ...... I

“—— BBP zi " 33-bAYS ONLILY! 3-DAY5'SONLY! I ■ 'reg. 40.00 ------BEAUTIFFUL YOUI CHOI ORIGIN/IAL OILS ' s. 7.81 9 ______GJVIVEJLCURRENL 24 FOR YOt)URROAAE 1 IS ------BESl;S T S E M R S ““ ATA'SinTGlrGTFT~"^ I ' FROM 5”x7" TOTC 24"x36" : Jr l o 9 . i All ThliThings Wiso S Wonderful, rogog. 10.00. By’ T H E " I D A H C6 " B O O K - I Ja m o s 9 9 10S Horriot. author oi Allill Croafuros Idaho, our mognlficcicont stoto prosonlod In ^ Gronf Reg. 34.00 to3 150.00.1 From the collecllection of Aaron Brotheiiers originals, int S Small. Tho Simor///ofion by J.R.R. rnomoroblo historicric loxt and oxquislto M T olklon II a n d T ho Lord photography througKjgh curront timos. A gift H o f Jho tho Rings. rh=' iho sloryy er 24. .your purchases w o n ’f b e billed until Jam i p H U ™ ™ L.-_, B-2 TitiK's-Nows. Twin.F.lMF.IIIS. Idaho ThuraJay, N ovomiibe>24,1977 bo

H THF IB O I \ l mWIN t FALLS — SIm R^TS\AytEAFR, DFRESS>ES,^CO/MS FOR W/OMEN fi& JUNIO)RS ^ r i i • ^ y- ^ ...... — y ------_

/;^ |m fireE IISLANDER cooORDINATES V a o ff •■'■•rrf-tqiL \ ^^Bk'^B A iiI ^ Nj^ ^ g Rog. $ 1 6 -3 0 . C la ssic sty lin g inn jackols,jo blousos '\.-l .^ p o n .1als, : MIssos sizos. ., ■^^/l \IT^' ^Xiv

H f y i V .4 l / x " =RED DUNNER i & ^ l l \ ARATES »VI ,99- n i r a i k 11.991 I j r P ro p .. I ports, 8-16 pofllo, 0-188 avorago c BB > 5 r o g . $$15, 6.99. Shirt jockots 8-18-1S, rog. 9 a M 5 2 4 , 111.99. Print cowl nocks, s-m-l s-r rog, ^ V j^m 5 ’ 6 .77.99. .' Print shirts 8-18. rog..$18.8.99. $1 H

r « H C A TFAUNA / DRDINATES B ^ w > ;-i> pj.flj I ^ b 1 7.99- I i B l ID \ V sJg 21.992 I ’ V H Rog. $1$17-45. Ponts. jockots, blousousos, sweater S BBE l iKP^ c o w l nonock tops. M issos sizos.

H r > ^ l • ■-■ f l S I H DEVCON m B ^ M COOFDRDINATES, : ^ '■ .’> ;• 71a . . 1 6.99- I □irv ^g^S sH ] f l | / 16.991 I R og. S515-34, li thon 9.99-21.99. Missc I H n ^ b ^ Iwii •’.*>■ / / m M ?-? lissos sizes ponts. QE I / i m \ ■^- lo c k o tsts. . swoQlors & blousos. FoilI shades.sh 9 H ^ K i ^ B I m i i U I i h m m V ’V’ main floor »porliwoor Bi r FASHION SEPAIARATES' f l fro m ilwsaE-rti i i^l^HHM i J II ■ ^ ' p I 11^1 \ i , i . 6 ' B I i r.r H ' P i L K J " B J B f cI g w ^ - 2 5 % - 3 33 % S I f t l t v r ;• Fino gougo 100y« acrylic cowl , 7 g o ^ ^i rn 9 H H WlW oro $12. Assorted colors; in s-m-l.! /* 7 7 • Bm *A j wWoro S20. Soft lombs- w m ^ '% _ w

H^Bfv^H Poly/gal3ob. pants. W oro $19-20. Basic ' ' ta b siyi''y'lo. 5 : 13 :...... 11,99 . . -1 X Z^M (|HHyK^v :iaH |H H 0llM ^ 9 h | COLLELEGE TOW N ^ f t C i- 'V f lK ti n ' )RDINATES 4 U1 >% off ^ W o ro $18-52, S now IPanis, vosts, S^SO l^l jackols.s. brown horrlngbono wool>1 bbl lo n d s . llio cubo. junlori FRIDAAY ONLY! S K : i A W - :• - ENTIRI RESTOCK « n * I ® . ' ; : ; ® c o aJ t S: O U)% / o f f s R og. S4i546-120. Bost'Solling stylosos in: sizos 8-10 t m m B u^lnl ladies,, 55-13 juniors. W ools & blonds.n d s. f ' Li . a y H lll HoiiD - A ( \ ® PANT!TSUITS 1 y% off J B B ^ ^ ^ B fl 10 $50. 2-Pc. stylos in' 100'0 0 % '” p o ly o s lo r, n | B n | ' £ joccjuords. Sizos 8-18, H H H f a m oOUS NAME C f \ C J -;i: MMM ------SPORT^TSWEAf.------O UL - / % : o t f . _ | mBBBaB Reg. lo0 ;SSO; Blazors. pants, skirls,rls. ond moro in - . 4 * 3 1 1 p o ly o stoitor and blonds. Asst, colors.'S.

.... FAMO ifPtfvv-l:'*^f' 1 OUSNAME/ i|n 0 ^ B s l i W b ^ d r e s;sE s s 4 U1 /% off “"..1 s o lid s & p rin ts. R og. to0 $70. Assorlod slylos in sol In K-f^''' ' ’ gSB ^Q Slzos8-1M 8 S half sizos.

m il s p e cJAL i / GROUP O C ^ SWEA'^TERS / off' ^w M \' , \i IjS jfc .R e g . S2C'20-36.'Chooso, from cordigSrIg3ns, puirovors, m ■' ‘w ro p s ,, and G cowls in assorted solid;>lids fi stripes in ' W m V i@ l [b h ^ B H B ' siz o s s-m•m-l. “E b r m a \ J m S locJiui tportiwoar dopoftmunmunt mMB

■ ■ r j S i i S : ^ 9 | | M n \ M V w H ^^H

-■:i ^ ^ .

• A Tr-.ijrsdoy, Novomljoi 2J I'J//'. lTiiTn.'s.N’i'tvr., 7>'/in F.iiir., iU;ii'n Q-3 HCa u M la:

ANDRE:e w s t . ‘ ' o JO H r.'EBLOUSES . y9 .9 9 .. S R og. $ 1IS. 5 Populor blouson waist,jist, polyostor ^ ™ 2 & 3 S m intorlockk Iknit in s-m -l..

MILLAY.Y A H H ^ T-TOPSS O < y .' f f \ . > S | B m 3 .9 9 I m h H | R og. S 6. .Short 5 sloovo skivvy tops in a( 50% cot- ffiraj y B L % '-’l \ ^ H ^ BBHMj^H ton/SO!aa fpolyostor blond, s-m-l.

iH iM CRYSTAAL EARRING"'' ^ h H B & PEND.DANT SET /7 , . 9 9 m B ox o d s oIt ti in hoort, snowflake or toarda rd ro p .

["JIH GENUININE STONE O / ^ g i f t seiET .a //.7.99 p W B B j t ^ M Spocial pui3urchasof boxod pondont S oi S oorring sot. li • V

SUEDE B H U HANDByBAGS V:/s off III ^ h BH Rog. $34.4•45. Chooso brown rust orr bliblock suodo ^ | B | | m ^ ^ | inottochocoor toto styling.

n H WARMi VINYL\ T U t S B h k i j v p a l m gGLOVES I1 . .9 9 I Rog. to ssSS. Acrylic knit glovos w/vir/vinyl palms. ^ Ono sizo fitfits oil.

f SCARF CCLIPS • I3.00- H r / b B 6( . 0 0 H Popular SCIscorf clips in gold or silvoro r loi n o . groo, classissic coramic S many moro.. £ v N v vV ^ ^ r FOOTSIE,IE I H h % ^ 1 ' yVARMEIERS I1 . .9 9 I ^ Rog. SS. ihonth 3.69,hand crochotod aoc cry lic

SOFT WE/EDGE,. , A SANDALa s Z,^99 I ______]^ n 4.99. Floxiblo_uppor_&&.tricot_foom tri siz oos s 5.9. ba7k loll shodos. Wm moin floor iporow eor S accettorlsirls< H H H /

GILEADI LLOUNGE ^ ^ ■' CO AT » .9 9 H ' R og. S 2 5 . MMatching coot in Enkoluro3 nynylon, pos- : ' .«iw^ W : \ U '^ tols, S'm*i. ZiZip front coot. H 'f t ^ ^^ n S B j^rr-;-•'. I * ■' ® ______’:- I * ' Jrv.’ .TaH^^H GILEAD) 1 1 P SLEEPWE/EAR I I1 . .9 9 ■ ^ ^ ■ H | 9 k | w .... V-nock gown in onkoluro nyknylon, poslol ■ H H cquord prints. a I Ilngorlodopaftmonl^

MISS EL/.AINE I A LOUNGE7EWEAR l 7^ » 9 9 m I f c ' HHH '. R og. . LongL sloovo. 100% polyostiostor, olosli- B i HB h M cizodnockik in sovorol prinls.

^ I h ^ ^ ...... ^

M g ^>:t■K■^:■:^■s^v.^v.■.;.v.^ - . - ^ ’^M b h I

A N N U A L ^

M f f - # ' " ______

I CLE■ARANJC E -||M'. k ~ '' ______9

HHB afl prkos ^ o f f H- TAKE ADVANTAGE yf j ^ ^ H B o rig in al ^ O ^O U R ]L DEFERRED 1/3 B ^ HOLIDAY J CREDIT PLAN. |y You'll bo ablo to shop lh B H | Rog. to $26.9f.95. Chooso irom largo solod>loctlon oi If Doc. 24 and your 'pure}urch'osos|^^^H ^H ^H famous no'mosos. Rod Cross, Covor Girl. ForrF o m o lo ro , I flwiil not bo billed until Jon. 1978.^H ^H |^H ' o n d S to p O neno. All in a varioly„of coloiolors ond. ; IJ^pply at ony Bon crodit

m / F £9 0 / 1 \ f TWINFALLS AAEENS\WEA\R 8^■CHiMM:e n s

S i i BULKY Y KNIT O j|9 g 9 _ 3 4 9 9 , B . SW EAM l ERS m S u g g . roJOl. S45.S75. Crov^. V-nock< or w rap stylos. : W ^ | A c ry lic knits,kl s-m-l. l o n g> SLEEVE 1 - gi P iM ,- SW EAUER l SHIRTS I J3 .9 9 I IW BiB^ Rog. SIS18. Long sloovo, V-nock. or ring collar raC 'm im n^^^S|H& stylo, acrcrylic knit, s-m-l-xl. HB m I m i c h aAEL LOW ' ^ h H « k n it SHIRTSsi /7 . 9 9 i m m i I? I w flp iiM sloeoovo 50% polyostor/50% co f ^ p i I cotton, stripod i ' (N siT iK ij^ > r. s-m-I-xi.

6 I f i x f l a r e= 'LEGl I & jS b ^8 b ■'• ' ' ' ‘/^ / ■ i m ; JJEA N S i U0 .9 9 I ^H |^H Kog. $1717. Hoavy.woight. 100% cocotton donim nflj m if l w iizo 28*36. Limited quontiilos. \fim CARL MICHAEL.V I I :ii>\^F^ f-r , * ; V ^ m G O L F CCARDIGANS I | x W ^ . ) i y 1 .9 9 I A R og. $ 1 66. . Solid color cardigons inn 100% 1 orlon. . H i 1 ^ ,.. j. Jr. 1 b H s-m .l-x l.

Jii™ CLIPPEFERM IST® M A ■ ' WEATHHER C O A T 4 4 4 .9 9 I ' ' ■ 1 R og. SS'S. S. Solid color basic stylo0 allc wooihor i f coat, rog.g. oI r lo n g slo o v o . 38*46. /Z. ------^

i V \J22 , HAGG/7AR o W U ^ ------StA G Ks S------a8 .9 9 i p i % V y j> y i R og, t o SS20. Chooso 100Vo polyosi/cstor knit or i f\\ (A w o v o n , a3SSOrtod s; plaids or solids. FA M O'US U BRAND C iS^H^Il /-''^^ : , ' DRESS SSHIRTS O5 .9 9 I f e H ^ H i J 1 f t ‘ S u g g . r o t.t. S17.50. Lortg sloovo polyo:Jyostor/cotton - I % I- b lo n d , a sscisortod stripos. V. B ' f : ? <■ '•< '■ FA M O Uu s NA M E O O ' % I K l , ; PARKAS 2 y? .9 9 , n ^ A > / ^ V ^ 09- I, thon 34.99. Polyostor filloiillod parko in II J \ \y solid colorsjrs. \ I '

\ "ft MUNSININGWEAR A S r ^ r ' T \ tt KNITSHIH I^S'______X i . ? . 9 9 ^ l Rog. S18.. LongL. sloovo knit in a itortedt« d O s j * * V V color siripopos, s-m-l-xl. ( men\depoMmont -]S r •'■^(X '. MENS SHOE>E 3 k ' > CLEARANCE: e ! | m % : V a offf . mMmmm - . ■ . ._F.amaus. namo..o ..'f o o r'...... •. . '^®or in SOVI stylos ond colo.lo rs, y ^ ' ■ " ' Limited quoni ■ ^i-w tios. BBH h ^ ^ h (tioo doporimnnt vi

. 5 ] ™ r ^ f i « K r ^ « I /\{^y^a|. 1 off ' M . H ' raSSijjM 1 V ' CLEAR>Ar a n c e CHILDF.DRENS __ SHSHOES Special soloioloction of chii- drons shoos<6os in' ossortod slylos S coloro lo rs. _ . . \hoodoodopoMmoni .

GIRLS SLA■ACKS 7 . 9 9 a 1 gjS S HBM J^l //^ \ m O rig . s u aS S 17, Donims & gobordinos.los. Sizo 7-] 4. . GIRLS KNI'JIT ' ^ , O' - COORDIN,NATES . 6 . 9 9> - '-9 .9 9 ^ Orig. S9.$i;11 I, thon 6.99-8.99. Jumporsors & slacks, ' 00”o ocryli.^lic knit, ••jo 7-14.

E j S X S BOYS SWEHEATERS i579^9 m rll»^W Stte ,;Prig. .SIO.S■S15, (hen 8.99-10,99. 100*/00'/. acrylic, ------r ' \~3 »l, so lid c o lo rs.. 1 1 !R rs ...... ^ i 5 .9 9 " - ^ 'm 1-SIO. Long sloovo knils in ossortod 1 ' I II^PI ' pollcrns, slylylos a colors, Sizo 8-20. ' a s s o r t e=D d TODDLER n r k t i S S g a f S ® ^ . FALL-FASHIHIONS 2 00 % . o ff l i : i ^ J i M \ - TAKE ADVANIiN T A G E SLUMBER m m BAGS S y ^ - 1 T f c _. OF OUR d e f=ERRED' e r m m 1 5 .9>9 9 ^ Orig. S19. :( •j n HOLIDAY CRE[REDIT PLAN :00% polyoslor Mllod, 100*/30-/. K $ n S ^ '- c o llo n c o voro r. 80®-i a c o lo lo / 2 0 * i n y lo r lining. You will be able abl tQ shop through Dec.. 242 & your ■ SNOOPY . CATCHERS (^ Jr purchases won'lsn't be-billcd. IS MITT . 4 . 9 9 9 I Orlgj£6. Volfo k r o cotch gamo 5 fingor p *78. Apply ot }T puppoi in [WMaW .- ono.^noolrI mony snoopy occossorlus.s. B g j B B l -4 £ j H | r t o f f i c e . g S g S tff; <'iil

THItF B H TWIN FAU HC ^ : ( a iE T & ALE r m

>L ^ *1 G;iFT

/9 '^ j'^ u ^ ^->-2 1 ■

tw inn s : iz e lyl-'-St^Ja compn p a r e a t 9.00 3 .9 9 . SHAI<\DOW WEAVE SHEETSETS & - WELS BY STEVENS UTIiITICA® _. ^ Convofo rging lin e'd esig n In brow>wn n o r blue. C o tto n / f ‘ ostor percale stioets, polyostposter/cotton towels, ■^^S^/aQ e^i^ ^"=^'®^*Big F?irr’rog. 9.50, 5.99. Quoon, reg.og. 14.00, 9.99. King, l ^ p ■ ^ 1 0 ' “ 8- 18.00, ' 10,99. Std. coses, reireg. 6.50/pr., 4.99. >^^3i|B| KingI ccoses, reg. 7.50/pr., 5.99.9. fTowels, both, reg. 7.5 0, .3 3.99. Hond towol, reg. 4.50,50, 2.49. Wash cfoth, p*- H rog. 2.00,2.1 1.49. M f e f

+ ' ^ ______* X ^ ='=<-^ ro g . ‘Too 1 2/11 7 .9 9 ■ f # T l g ^ X CRUSISHED GOOSEFEATHEHER PILLOWS A gominoi:ous filling of all crushe•»• . M onsaronto Wear*Dated Warranty.i- .

' • ^ 1

' i . j r , , > S iz e ' 1 ^^T • reg-.1 1 5 .0 0 1I 2 .9 9 I -ON SATIN SHEETS 'W '”' ^ Non stiS tatic, Antron III nylon tricotcot by DuPonf'. 4 co- \fc y ” lors. Q I 111^ ^Quoen, rog, 19.00, 15.99.9. King,f rog. 20.00, K gljg-I"-|& |m P B f f ^ j^ V JS 16.99. m^l " r * 2 B |H B ^ B B j «i ^ ^ . f u l l / q^DeVn i A * " ■ “j K ^ re g . 55i 8 .0 0 4M 4 .9 9 I f- ACET;TATE SATIN COMFORORTER B y - , _ ' ---- FlllodJ Vwith Dacron®- polyester' fiborfill.fib King. rog. ^ B | ’ OOO.). 69.99.I 3 colors. domsttlc tire'et lev«liv«i ^^® 9B*jRQ jffi>$^ i r C T w 4i^^H K»flSS w B t • ' ■ B 1 I : H | H / _ S C s B SAVE ^ 5 0 O FFOON I SETS - H '■ oBKK . / f f l l M N'JORITA K E Ch:h in a ■ b H B ^ H H 42'pc. ssots, 62-pc. sots, pricodd. from fr 209.95 fo J H ■™—W M 329.95,), .now 189.95 lo 299.95. CuCurrent polterns; " f S K l m m ^B Milford,d. A ffection, M orsoilles, Paulo, P< Hoothor, raBi Bh B 9B B | Tomptatiotion. Fragrance.

FRIDAYW O N L Y ! 1 ' re g . 3515.00 1I 9 .9 9 I - ...... GERBE3ER® G\RVING SETr G o rb err Lifdtlme*1 le g e n d a ry Blodos,ios, fine stool elo- l^® j go/illy aand functionally boxed.. S

: ■ /* ENTIRERB S T O C K O n SHi l l js^sgBB^KjriT^S S s ^ i^ : '. '• - • ^ ■ '^ FRIDA>A Y O N L Y ! 0 % o f f W AL-HOLLAND PEWTER'ER B y y nf i y Exquisilisite impoctod powtor. '/> off>ff anyc pioco In our H ' ■■ onfirocccollection: bowls, sorvors,, vaiv a se s & m ore. m

S |lllX ^ ^ 2 . . twin ssi: iz e ! llfc i re g . 202 0 0 . 0 0 » 1 7 4 I 'MAH/HARAJAH' VELVET BE[BEDSPREAD i \ ^ n 1 1 B / i ' ! s f s M i r /^' By Indialio. Ink.'Stunning, hand-m ade'ide'multi-color vei* M ' =ull. rog. 225.00, 199.99. Quo< i l " •'■/ •■•-^- f - ' - O T :*’'- ■ '/O’S-Fui 3uoon, rog; 250.00, ' K , ' TS^S. 219.99.19. King, rog. 2^5,00, 234.99.i. ' m m m tw in shliz e l ^ p i H size ^ v S i m p I re g . iO.OO ^4 9 .9 9 I ^ ■ ■ B 'NEW/BELHl'BEpS^ j ) ______m ■ P ure COcotton, handwevon with hond-tiod ho fringe. ra j i w jg. 100.00. 69.99. Queon, rog. 120.00,79.99. R vM XSwStmmW ''^'- X - eg. 130.00,89.99. chlna&dtopflflc*.

re g . 19.95 ' 2'2 9 .9 5 I MAGNiNAVOX ODYSSEY 30300 0 . | l - 4H07V(ME-VI DEO GAMES Play Tom)nnls. Hockoy with goals, Smaim osh, Singlo ploy* B a \ ctico. Features soporoto hanclond controls, digi- |MM||/|K | : S . J m on-scscroon scoring, automatic: S m anual servo, h e m artgle,Q( & ployor iize conirot:trots, Ihroo action ;----- !-Works”on~anysizo"TVr■ blcblacK“a~whilb“or 1 ^ ^

-- J>1*-

. / *’ \ ; ■' ■ . — • - B-Q Timcs-Ncws, Twin F.ills,ills, Thursday. Novembor2'Jo r2 4 ,1977 THI^ B O !m TWIN FALLS

TAKEAD\D V A N TA G f m D i air^ OFOURDDEFERRED HOLIDAY,Y CREDIT PLAN * Y j You’ll- bele able to - shop • through Dec. D< 2 4 and your ^ purchasess .will not be billed : s AL until Jonuaijary 1978. Apply of ITT any Bon cre:redit office. 8 P IE:CE C COOKW ARE SETS . A. YOLiRIRCHOICE ____ ^ 5 4 ” . 8 - P C ’SET fa r b e' r w a r e " S la in loOSS s stool cookworo wiih aluminum oli clod 4(H^B bottomsms. Includos; 1 S 2 • qt. soucopicopons with cov- WrX. 3 1 o rs; 8-ql-qt. saucopoi/covor. 7 ' a 10"0" ffrypans. Opon stockck Vvoluo, 103.'95. I . « I * 1 9 8-PC.':.SET ^ 1 1 ' W k n B. CLUBB ALUMINUM fflBI Hoavy’ c o s t a lu m in u m h o o ls & cool & 2-qt.: soucopans witwith covors: 7" & 1 0 ’‘opon op fry pon. 4'/j-15. Dutch1 ovovon/covor. O p o n stotock c k voluo. 86.95 E 9 H r - WEAR.REVER® o d •’ TRIC W OK 2 9 ” list 39.95. Stir-fry oloctricoliicolly. 6-qt. unit., ' . Ml ovon'hoilooting oluminum. Toflon III !ntintorior.

n PRESTTOi ® i r pK • • WEEB>BAKERIE OVEN 1 7 ” List 2 6I.95. .9 Counter lop ovon boko:akos, roasts, up t o 3 7 5 ddogroos.Approx. i \ZVt''xb'/*6 ' / / ’ x 8 " . r HAMUULTON BEACH® 799 ■ ■ h t h HANDD MIXER Rot. 14.95. Hondy 3-spoodod mixor. Gold, MAMFOMOHMMIDOZiN J a v o c a ddo. o

c WEARI.REVER® SUPER- \\H * SHOOOTER ELECTRIC H 1499 V B COOK•KIEMAKER ■ L f c a ^ !2.95. Trigger quick cooki

LJ M R. C(:OFFfEII 10-CUF COFFEFEEMAKER 1999 C o m p oaro n ot 34.95. Famous dripp Cjcoffoo mokor, s '2-10 cups quickly. AlsoJ O'avolloblo: Mr;...... C o ffo o.corofos, c< 8.95. Mr. Coffoo flltcfilters. 99‘. CttATIFIKH I LG O LD I ' ’ n o nJ-STICK-! C O O K IN G 35%o« i iliot. rog. 12.98. 8.43. 10" sklllot,- rog. y—■ . 10.38. 12" sklllot, rog. 17.97.98,11.68. \|

^ 0 1 SAVE ON TCOYS Dist. List SALE 1 uic«tA<*mfn A I Ployskool>1 ttoko-o-ports ...... 3 .2 5 ' 1 .3 9 _ - MoltolSpirpin W o ld o r.: ...... 18.00 6.99 V o lc ro tojrg r c o t g o m o ...... 4.00 . 2.49 ______M a llo lS hNo!gun,Wo'rriors_... o ...... 21.95 11.99 W Jv;-,:. M M oltcl Sov.s w P o r f o c t...... 24.50. 14.99 Mot tol Dond n n y a M a r i o ...... 13.95 8.99 H loyt S houiew arei dape^tm«rtm «nn' I BOOK!S-ALW VAYS 11 ^ I L WELI■COME GIFns ^ ...... r.llit"* i <.

;y ' ' — III a n a t o m y ^ ' a i .IIKISTHVl ^ . s c w l , ,

' i ,

^ Aiir.i'««■*'" f ® f FREDL'J1 l ^ h j h S p : H m fc If i_, 1 j 1 E'"' ' ! r 7 i k H OUIIT L E T B O ODKS l PUB. AT SALE . TREASURY O F U.S, S ST> T A M P S ...... 19.95.;,(3.98 • -PUB.U B .A T SALE 9.95 4,98 ■ CROCHET&CREAT1VEIVE DESIGN...... 8 .9 5 2 .9 8 CREATIVE CREPE COOKlN(N G ...... ____ s ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF TABLETA G A M E S ...... 12 12:95 5,98 a^ & W B O ODKS LANGUAGE O F FLOV.O W E R S ...... , . . , s p o c io l 1.98 P THE MODERNS ...... 12.12.50 7.98 PUB.AT -SALE ChjU FES DEATH O F ELVlLVIS PRESLEY...... , ______spoclal 2.98 COMPLETE WORKS OF WVi'M. SHAKESPEARE ; ...... 20.002C - 4.98 . .7 .'. spoclol " '6.98 '^ ^ E NIGHT BEFOREE ClCHRISTMAS THE BEAUTY O F:'CATS CA 7 . . . ^ . . ' . COMPLETE BOOK OF COO)OKERY...... -r..-now 10.98 * ^ (ill.b y Arthur RockIjc k h o m )...... •. •...... spociol . .1.98 — THEC0MPLETE80(eOpKOF-PRESERVING-^.-.-.-.-: .,..-...-,.-18,95— 7.98 ------THEDOLL ...... 3S . 3 5 .0 0 - 1 9 .9 5 .....------GREAT NORTHWEST.ST...... ;;. ... 18.50 10.98 ...... spociol . 9.9£ • . - TIFfANY-TABLE SETTINGSi s . , ...... 15.15.00 7.98 DOLLS a DOLLS’HO'HOUSES ...... ONE HUNDRED GREAlE A T G U N S ...... •../ ...... 40.00 17.95 . v -.-. 2 5 .0 0 - - i 2 .9T ------FROM CQBB TOJXATFISH'iH” ...... 14.951^ 4.98 J ! ’ ______EUREKAl-Hisloryof•yof lnvontlons-r. . _^THE MAGNIFICENTTROCKIES R( , . ,:,______- ...... 18.50..—9.98--.- - -__CREATlV£jAlCROWAV£C(COOKING-.^^-^ ------9 ______------FEASTOFJTALYIto;' Itolian Cuisino ...... ',12.95 -8.98 ~ Tf^E RUBAIYAT0F"6'W^MAR KHAYYAM ...... 8.9'6 1 0 0 POSTERS O F THE WILDLO W EST...... 19.19.95 9.98 GHOST TOWNS OOF F THE W E S T ...... 24.50 10:98., : THEXRIVIAENCYCLOILOPEDIA ...... 7 .9 5 2.9B THE COMPLETE BREAD BOiO O K ...... 7 .9 8 THF. W ORLD'S g rREAT e ; G U N S ...... spccial 9-98 , GUNSOFTHEWORLCRLD ...... ------spociol ‘ S.98 CENTURY OF THE IMPRESSSSIONISTS . ; ...... spspociol o 10.98 ' ...... 1 9 .9 5 7 .9 8 ; THE FIRST DICTlONAfM R Y ...... spociol 3.98 , PICTORIAL STORY O F RAILMLWAYS...... spspociol o 9.98 OUR PRESIDENTS.•s'...... 25.00 14,98 L1BRARY0FW0»LDF.D PO E T R Y ...... , ...... 4 .9 8 GRAND OLE OPRY ...... ^ 3.35.00 5 14,98 THE f»RO FOOTBALIJALL E X P E R I E N C E ...... spociol 5.98 ______J : N O R M A N ROCKWELL'ELLS AM ERICANA A e C - r r r r...... r ^ 5:95- 3.98 ■ — HERE ROLLED COVERED-W,-WAGONS_„ ______-..JC. J 0 . S 5 ___ ^4.9,8______------— RUGS&CARRETS.0:S,QE.TH6_0_RIE_N T ...... : 'H O R S E S a THEIR WOF/ORLD ...... ' ...... 1 0 .0 0 2 .9 8 . BOOKOFHO’USEPLANTS.S.....,-: ...... 1.16.95 6 7.98 TREASURY O F WORVORLD’S GREAT FAIRY TALES.5...... 10,95Z 4.98 GRAY'S ANATOMY ...... spoclal 7.98 ENCYCLOPEDIA OtFANlMAL F A W ORLD...... 50.00 17.95 ...... sp o SEC ON D TREASURYURY, W ORLD'S FAIRY TALES ...... 10.95 ^4.98 CREATIVE CROCKERY COCDOKING ...... S.. 9.95 4.98 IRELAND ...... special 12.98 THE STREETS O F= SANSA! F R A N C IS C O ...... ____ ..12,95 5.98 A CHRISTMAS CAROL (ill,II, .by A, R o c k h o m )...... spspociol o 3.98 ' THE M G M S T O R Y ... ,..-...25.00 12.98 .. TERFLIESaMOTHS...... spociol 5.98 SHERLOCK HOLMES TREASASURY ...... s pspoclal o 4.98 ^ W ORLD O F BUTTERI RICAN INDIANS...... 29.95 12.98 GALLERY O F AMERIC M ODERN MILITARY AIRCR-R A FT ...... spspociol o 9.98 ENCYCLOPEDIA. OOF F ANIAAAL K IN G D O M ...... 35.00 14.98 CREATIVE FOOD PROPROCESSOR COOKING ...... 9 .9 5 4 .9 8 A WORLD OF GREAT STORORIES...... ______4 .9 8 W ORLD.OF MUSHR6ok lliat accuses,U.S. i J.S. officials Snepp nolcd thithqt “In rcccnl because he'sc's''opcratlng as an for W Wai allace In I9CC' before- bul bu: in Southeast Asia." Ky's'•s Beech responded: "AllI i1( can , P _ Narcotics._;iyi .agenlb._i ,‘>f misliandling:UieApr-April. iy75._._ years, _the CI/CIA has - had agent. So thethi trafficker is not ' Joininglg thet CIA, has not been - polpolitical—position—h a d . ■bccrt-— fmy-ls niat-in-lhl^busincaspisrvo_u— ; — -• b e c a u s e - (h e - o m c la ls u ; were evacjialioif of Vietnai•InHin. su id -- rep o rtin g responponslbilltlcs - on - - a rr e s te d ." ...... - • ...... av ailnInble b h forother interviews.- • - -bub u llt up in th e 1‘jflOsby tin? U.S:S: talk lo anybody and you liok,llnc 1 d vio la te d hissilcdgc to its direclor, undcrlyi■riying m otivation for th e American A r narcotics agents," and Sinker," He said Brov■rownc isfield M. Turner, by trade; was w simply profil for SnSnepp replied. Hc did notlot “was not operating' as a;i CIA-C 1 Adm. Stansfl; the book w ithout Ih'e c o rruu p p l t Soulh V ie tn am e se ^spi.specifywhomhemcanl. -.l operative or agent"L,t)ui * ■rrr-v*- wage5 war Olm bordp l .p u b lish in g:lcarancc. th officlaKslals or a North Viet- " Sncpp 5 also said thata t pro b ab ly "ix;hovlng Jis L JL t/X agency's clci; Television program -• nameseese attempt to weaken American Ar Journalists werere thought a good citizen ouglijBiit'il; F ire s b a c k tes" broadcast an U.S.^'foi„'fo rce s .while m aking a us^ TJieC B S T . used by lhe CIA and tlien-U.S.,3. behave.” AUSTRALIAN lourna © C hicago Daily Newsws te re d in Ihe iMirder• area.northarc ••Imperialists" of !'C0 M lnutciwith Snepp Sunday .profitII forfo the Comijiunist war Ambassador Ar Graham Martin,Iln. Browne, accordingIB I? Wilfred Burehell hju (kj WASHINGTON - A miis mostly of tluMild ParrofsnealfJeak where Most of Soulhoflndochlna. \ interview limedwi a month ago. efforl.•I. ' to to spread false Informationon Seymour'M. Hcrsh In .Mon- ,M n ew sp ap er reports;T.Hc l! ■iinrcporled b o rd er w ar isi beibeing Camlwdia'juls"irito"Vi() Vietnam's lo belong to h Ca Vietnam used »'at was fllnImc, llie'lwbk' was'' Wallaiillace asked Snepp nbout T'ababout 'the' immfnenf Coin-'II). d a y 's " N ew Y o rk Tiin’•mes, Soviet agent responsible .waged Iwlwecn Vietnamni and;i T ay Ninli province, Ik that Marshal Ky mi Salmon, now calCarnbodla and tbat llni'ited secretly, so lhe “ talk m unist takeover. 1. acknowledged tliat duringmg his torturing American prisor jycn Cao Ky, a former air 1 CamiMulia, Iwttt cotnmiiiimunist However, sporadicJic figlitingi Mlnh City, was . with Mike Wallace . i)dian incurcursion.' namese in 1U70rd wl Ihc Vlet- carries nearly S.uoO |M)uiundsJs of Wouldn’l llial be ironic? nic"'" spread to CambodlI when the war ■» bom bs and rockets. Tlie UnitJniled This was a referei ferencc to V ietnam ese Comn-Hxilaand NorUi States supplied the old S»i W l South Presidenl Nixon'sn 's 1SJ70 m o v e d a g a in s t m m tnmunist forces Vietnamese air force wilti wi decision to send U.S. J.S. forces communist Phiist lhe antl- th e se p la n es and ii is iikilikely inloCamlKxlia. government foil?hnom Penh that American-trained iniord(order. C;iintH)dians‘ fierce , .•e rese n t- of V ietnam ese civi:rally hundreds Tho heaviest figliting i.s ci S a l < cen- menl of llie Vielname.se nc.se a s the :ivlllans. V s t c ^ l ID m hristrriilas I Ml Gift

OPERATED BY RN.RN.HIRSCH&CO. On Stj/le ReH anINTERCOcCOcOniM''/ I ' Idea! Regular WaH^^ I p a p e r I A ^ loo-good-to-pass-up wallc/allcovering sate. , ” ' fChoose from hundreds of)f patternsp. froffi three.., \> » differentc Sherwin-WilliamsIS books. b Everything y i dfrom traditional to far out.t. Textures.T Weaves. V Mylars.fi Vinyls. Take'yourir pickpl of washable, \ pre-pasled. strippable. Scrukrrubbable, stainproof, P(abrlc-backed. Most any kinckind of wallcovering you(< want. Packaged in doutdouble rolls. y W s SAVE 15^;% ON ALL WALILPAPER BaOK ORRDERS.

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I WOMEN'S T(TOTE ONAUSmYIEPBRFBCnpARPmi ■ Our entire line. So many pal 8 REG. $30.00) 0 ...... - ______1 9 9 I i patterns and collors—all top3p qualfty from America’s leadinglea mills. 19 Plushes, shags, sculptures, level lc loop and tip shear stystyles—carpeting (or any rootroom in your ■ home—all at 20% olf rcgul^lul^r pricc. . I 22" CARRY/i(A ll ^ 9 9 I S t h BnJslh PMsmbef 12, 1977 I REG.S42.00)0 ...... 29 ~i-24'-PU LtM AiA N -- . | . REG. S48.00)0 - . 7 . - i fr I 2 6 ''P U L L MIAN A ------REG. S55.00) 0 ...... “I P O R T - A - K< > A R T P m ------Tho-porlocf-.add_iti9 I - 506 SSec&nd Avk v e . E . 33-8081 ^ “ 1 THE IDI>AHO DEPARTMrMEMT STORE Twiri-Faldlls 73 ciiriwcanBn»i»WWBVIttMWSHIWlSfittBnMtM B ' . i J i i ...... ■" !" ■ T " ' ■ ' j ' ■ '— ' -•••' 7 . . _ ...... •; . I.

B-8 Timt*s-Ncws, Twin Falls,Ills, ItlaMo Thursday. Novomborib o r2 4 ,1977 * • m M iail nott likely on wrrong rcoadside FH A N K FOMIT. ir M aine,(U PI) b o x th e;rc rc vwould hang over lhe thee malt r box or gets a spccial other-people, too.” Mecha,ihan th a t m eans tie wiil only ri\cciv - C harlie Mllclltchell is learning pavementenl and be “liable to disptspensalion from the Postal said. "That's not very pracrac- mail once or twice a wee tlie hard wayay tlial you can clip a motorcyclist m in' the Servrvice allowing thc box to tic al." Instead of dally, W expect y o u r mnmail througli rain, head." stayay w here ills . Milchell remained adamaniani. "It's not bad. tliougli." h t E 3 2 C P ^ f , ’ J sleet, snow antmil hall but not If. Tlie Postal Posi Scrvice said it " "11 I f we m ak e an exception for ' He said he wlll pick ug^KTSTqa:M il said-’ "After all, the mail's t A the m ailm an1 has h to cro.ss tlie was concernccrnc'd about safety of him,m, we’d have to do it for 3T) nt the Posl Office, even thoufelufeti pcrccnt bills anyw ay," t ------M - - sirtfl. -‘ ' ...... Hs m atl-cat-carricrs and ll dldn‘1 — ^ m 1 ^Servlcc stopped 'want ttiemiiem crossing thc road deliveries toI .Mitchell's rural on ' foot.t. The1 icitcr carrlcr Frankfiirt honlom'e two w eeks p a sses .Mitchell's .Mlti Iiousc on ttic Health fundj railise asked ; his big mctal side opposiiposite Uie mall box la onI theUl w rong sid e of th e m ornin rnlnji^d Uiat's when .VASHINGTON W/^ (UPI) - Oct.l. be increased to'sC!!$5T5 al "those programs we Iwliev lh e P o stal stal'Ser7lc«^_w^ts ttic Thele American, .Medical iiJlllon for fi.';cal 1979. ' emphasize preventive heait II Inow passes the delivery mi y made so tjoiTfrumlwrs Assoisociatlori is asking thc II said more funds stiouldJ 1>1« c a rc and have prom ise for co; ------box—twice^a--a_day—witliout------w p n X ge elo lo ui lo fscq u o n c o ,------jiovei vemmcnt—lo-lncrcuae-Us—----- spent—on—venereal—dlscasi : rase— cffcctivc-dclivcry—of^hentt slopping. (1 .Mitciieil h a s lo 't h e c a n carrier has not l)ccn healtalth carc budget, par- control, migrant and Indlaitia n serv ices to patients." ■ . drive .several[miles m to the Post stopping i lg on his aflcrnoon ticul;ularly in thc areas 6f health c a re , fam ily planning;Ing, Thc largest recommende OfticetopickUfup his m ail. re tu rn trip trip for the past two prev(L’ventive carc and disease Immunization programs fo r Increase w as S250 million fc ' . i About ■ a month m< ago, the weeks, eveneve Ihougli he passes contr ntrol. such diseases as pblio amand ' the National Institutes i B F A Postal Serviceice told .Mitchell Uic box o n i on'itie riglit side of the In in a le tte r M onday to the measles, and prevention amand Health disease and injur " M and !►.* other• ppeople lo move roadltien, on. WIllle h ll House Offlcc of treatment for alcoholism amand research and Ireatmer ' th e ir m ail boxwxes across the Frankfor kfort Postmaster Jotin Man:inagement and Budget, the mental disorders. - programs. Congressloni two com plied. - M eehan sa 1 said hc stopped the AMAilA recom m ended the S5.9 Dr. Jam es Sammons, AM/.MA- conferees agrc-ed on$2.ii billio ______M itctiell .sail;ald hc could n 't d e liv erie s ies to MltcheH's home billiolion health budget ten- execullvc vice presidentent. Uiis year, and the AMA wani m ove his'i>ecau:ause there wns no and that hat they won't be jativi;ively approved by Congress wrote that the incrcasciised more than $3 billion for th; •nily siiouldcr across}ss th e road a n d a re su m e d ui P O L IC E ANAND FIREFIGHTERS genii :d until hc either moves for• fiscal f 1978, w hich Iwgan spending rccjucsts arc aimeimed purpose next year, " • rem o v e a blanklanket-covercd body of ono off thetl ■ _ child vic timIS s oiof a fire In I^ytonstone, EaE as l ; Blaze takeC C S • London. M ondaynday. A boy oged stx and his ninnine- . year-old sisterer d^cd In a tlrc despite franticc ef-.c ; c h i l d r e n fo rts.b y th eIr ir moUicr rr and neighbors to reaccach tticmfollowingangaboUerexplosion. IJ E x tr a s h Britislh troopps take ^ F•"o r (C hriis tmlas Sire figghting; dutiess ,

;’ LONDON (UPI) - TIic! DefenseU Ministry week.■k. TheT first teams wlll be”deplcployed in in- announced Tuesday ll wii:;as forming flying dustrialI rial areas of northeast England.I, WthA ^ a d s of troops lo ba tllc blazes t)l» ^n hlgli risk InI Belfast,Bcl a bomb wired lo a canin of< gasoline .Timess-]\ews areas during a strike by 35.000 B ritish sta rteted d ai huge fire in a la rg e fu rn ituu rcn sto re and flrctlgtilcrs. an o thther er started a major blaze in a car rental • The Homc Office rcporled1 UiatIti; a w om an died firm1. , tn her buming basement apartment apj in west Trooproops who raccd to Uie furnitureirc store In a-, London T uesday, ttic 2utli fire•c victimvi in E ngland P ro tetestant sli area were dclayc'd iwcausluse they tiad l a s s Dnd W ales since fireflRlilerss walkedwi off Uie Job to chccl:hcck fire hydrants for bombss beforeb con- dfielol vet av aila b le , kill BBriti ritish soldiers, easy to-turnT some of' your unwonted Thc Homc Office said the 2o‘deaths20 since thc Fourjour gunmen held up Uic staff off a .c a r ren ta l sta r t of the strik e w ere com par;jarable lo the figure firmI inin BJ elfast and pl-'iited tw o iHimlimlis w ired to' 1 ^ 1 items into extro cccosh lor chrislmos by sellt 'for a normal seven-day period■iod - "sny three a cansoftso f ga.solinc before fleeing. ~ ^ l ing them with o TIMES-NEWSTl Classified Ad. d a y ” — and em phasized th aitUie t tli fatalities were Onelie of. c the bombs c.xpioded. .sending .sei fire not a result of the ubserjscnce ot regular racingng througliI the liuilding. Butt firefightingf s ,/ Just moke o listt >of all the items you no :flrcflgliters. troopsps had1 to wait for the secondind explosion lo n g er hove use foifor. (We Reach Over 70.000 iment giving way lo boforeire they11 cnuld m ove in. Witti no sig n of Uie govem m e Potential Buyers IIn The Magic Valley Ev- —the flrcllghters' demand fcrir a ;«) p o rce n l pay Policeslice in Dunfermline, Scotland,id, said they / raise, the Defense Ministry saidsal it was forming weree investigatinghw a report tliat somomeone tried e ry d ay !) Then ..me■noke fhe call th at m akes flying colum ns of troops t o'dealeai wllh tires in higli lo slartitart a fire- at Uie home ofIf a strik in g you m oney. CollI 'one of our friendly Ad- •risk are as. flrefiglitflgliler. Thc man told pollcc hc; foundfo a pool 1: TlicywillbtflormL-tlbyl.OOO000 of the additional o fkerosene e ro s on a landing outside a wwii indow of Ills Visors ond she’ll hehelp you with a fast octing, ;4,000 soldiers drafted tu firefirefluhtini! dutv this ' apurtmirtm ent. results getting claslossified ad. Take the mon* ey worry out off (Christmas and enjoy tha Holidays. I Keep >'»» «./■ffstree^ t s s

. WASHINGTON" (U P I) V Ttie I.aw Kn- Augustust 11977. forcemenl y\ssistance Admlnl:linistration .says a lnl7ol7 o f th e cille s tor w hich c rim e'figure.s fij were program givinj; cart'er crlmin;ninals special han- availahlilable. LE/\/\ said robberies d dn ro p p ed 12.4 ■ dling Is helping keep repeatIt oifenriers o off the percent,:ent In th e first (|u a rtc r p f t‘J77 fromfm. Ihc first street and producing a greatcjatcr drop in crime ([iiarter■ter of 1976 co m p ared to ann « pcrccnt ru a r*ant:ates helped achlevc Burgi;irgiacles were down y.l percentent in. the 17 Ploce} yyou od to "Sell" "Buy" cor "Trade" in our Closassified get resultss beforeb the 10 days . . , . cpIl an d can cel y o u r Uie goal of all proseculors - — swift ; cimvietinii cities di s during Uic same period, comf.m p a icd 10 a ^ j ^ e r•rtising t S ection fo r 10 DcDays. Pay for your odI beforeb . od, you'llonly on be charged for thee 'days your ad actually •and ccrtain punishment, Prose^)se^'Utors liad a W.S nationalonal reduction of 7pcrccnt. itsaid. conviction ra te in I ' m case:a.sei I.K,'\A said. “The'he criminali justice systcin andiKl the piihlic th e 10 0 days ore up. (Rates» oreat based on the numtT ib e r of ' oppeored,, andai you will receive o refund check for the .Career criminals received sendcntence-5 jn e rn g in g .w ereJ fed fee up with the revolving dixirKir syn iin iin e w o rd s Is in y o u r o d ). If; a t t he eend of 10 days — youilur item diference.. RealR( Estate advertisingg and commercial busi- .14.3 years. in v o>lying ly if many iiardcncd pro.rofessional hasn', 't sold — you haven't purchasecfpu whot you're■e look- nesses oree not n acceptable under• tlthe Guarantee Results ; AunitintlieRron.xCountyDI:Dislricl All Times-NewsTil Office wifhithin 30 Deadlines> forfo receiving private paparty ods is 1 l.-OO o.m. F d r 22 cltFes tliat re c e iv 'd a-t': a t': tai of 11 millinn ” ..... offenderIder. give him spccial tiaiidliiiIling and, if ' 'days*oiond we'll cheerfully reftJeftjnd your money.'lF YO'O U DO f o r th e followlowing day's publicotion. .for thcpilot program. mediumm timeI from arrest convictk‘ictlon follows, get him nff the streetssti for a _to disposition w as 10.1 d a y s, far fur stiortcr than in ■ long time.tlm In this way we ean rediiiduce sixioiis. -th ep a st. c rimle e aand protect Ihe piihlio byy selling? an ; Tlie LKAA analyzed UicIC results of the .-xainplenple for oth e r re p e a te rs.'' program in ^ tesl cities l)el\vetwct'n .Mav lii7*. aiul Senateor to leaiive officee J R u r r i . i - : u o c k , Ark a'i>iiII Arkansas history. Alreadready a effective .Ian :)., l‘J7'J.r*J. before lie - . S e n . Jolm McCk'Haii; U- h a n d fu l ot p o te n tiaII l can-t develo|>ed m o re serioiis n o health A rk., who lias Ijceii In th:ie e , d i d a t c s . i n c l u d i n:g g the .problems. S enate fur 3‘) y e ars. hiis/TThi ' governor and I t w 0 . “There is a propei'pec tim e to nounced lie wlil not seek e - \ congressm en, &'iy Uicyey mayr aspire, a time to acini:liieveanda I^EIv I Q o if f i j electionjjnee hi^ curn'iit Ivrinin I seektlieoffjci/ , lime to retire." McCh;C)eilan said n \ \ Is up in iy79, The (ieei^in by Ark;in•kansas' ;ii .-j soinetinies i In a paraphrase of Stephenen seniiir sjiifator had iK-enicen ex^ new s conference attended atti bv Foster’s folk song . ”L'neIele pccti'd/for somotlmi.*. HehadHe family, friends. a; n d Ins :Ned."'McClellan. HI, said lielie .bccij/tix p o o r h e alth , witwith a colleague Sen. Dalele Humpers,I - .will '-hang lip the (iddle andid p^-maker implantedI In his p .A rk Mhe bow of political -ambition"i " ^ a r t e a rlie r Uiis year. Lator. lie lold repi•eportcrs he -and "lay down tlte shovel and:id ^ Hul M cClellan sa id iie had j,ad “ pretty: w;cll war.vorn m yself rth e hoc Ilf all public rc.s|X)n- reached tiis decision tolo rerc tire o u l" in the o ffic e ." isibllities" wlicn his eiirrrnl ; le rm ends Jail.:!, REM]lEM BER:t R e a d T hlie i € las§ if i(i e d -- M cCIciian’!; - anmiuiici.-nii'nt • Monday opens tlie way fur -whaUujuldJwconio omi^of the- ______- AI d § - E v e r >r S o m e _wlldcsl_.pi)llllcal_races. in . GiJ r e a t C h r'istm i asBl a a r g a i n s ! W h it lo c k Bath 4 « a^J Boutiqcf u e ^ s p e a k s “to councir1 “— ------fm -frifls—yrm ... f f i t n ICS# t H e tIPS while selec\ectipn is al ils beslsl! GI.KI'JN.S FKHKY At !hche - T h u rsd ay evening niL'cliiii: o' • tlie District VJ2 Sdnm l Hiiard,t N EIEW W SHIPM ENT R oberl W hitlock of the Glenfi-s F e r ry City Council spoke. SHOWERR CCURTAINS & TOWELS Hc explained the Glenns' F e r ry Cily rcc re atio n program and presented a schedule. He 3-093111 : asked for Uic use of the school rx gymnasium for- the .elly.1 WMM recrealioa, program, which wj^grnntcd. ^ • S S f f i S S o H I - F ^ - ' /■ Thursday. NovomDcf i;4, ly // Timos-Nows, Twin Falls, idntio fr< - r f M W\\ ) I- .

' ■■ U M m


M i i £

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12 Os! M orrei r r e lls ! K a 14 02. Rupeipert “Eal All” / |? E u \ BAGOON m S H Rt ] n t f f ------1

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I wf I CMtM. Hombulflop. 3 L b . A}l A merican e rlc Sliced iS S l ___ 1 3 O i . T ol o t l n o 's 5 I IB I 1 Lb. M eadei d o w d a le 4 CHEEE S E I ZZA ^ Piz: MARGAARINE ' M ’"'vl II _ _ WITH with COUPON ^ r • COUPON W,T„ “ O | \ ^ COUPON 3 ® * 5 S " •> Cuilomor Eu :-:^;«rtg Oom*™* II SmiiM IM :MlhreMRI^S« Pti Cuilomor h V ' X I UmRIPorCwtiL 5 " .in»cfi,l U. « ‘iSI , SmJth Food Kins* i l L ^ r. ] ith t MlKOnryl tf y , i^o^N^^yr;SVS,f8S, I

*■■** *■•• mmm mmm If i i l S M S M j f f i

|& I S | S — TofiJii*•rtJIIl cm»i. Toco CM»| ------3 2 0 z . K r l-i'.: 14 G a llo n Holland Hol Dutch || * ChotM Ni6b»n I — 7 7 Ol. Fooood King Illi MIRACLEE W H O P I j k I C E C R E A M I g l S N A C K( ' C H I P S I WITH m 5 < I j P COUPON ^ with I f S COUPON 1'^ « a h * v \ e j ^ ^ ^ M Miracle I * I COUPON ' 9 ^ I II Llmll I Ptr Cuilomt g l I Oood *t III Smith Fom I II i U f c - ' • * Onod^Ill'ill sHilf^Fo’hFOoaHIno* It ______tH»ctl»» H*y, iilh •l*MlhOnI»l Min i w . ~y ^ lineti»# Not. j]ih

_ 6 02. Vicks y \ 16 Oz. Faberge Regte g u l a r & O ily 1 1 9 8 Lb. Celliello Beg [S J S H A M F NYQUl ■ I • ' o C P O O I i f e ' o r C o n d i tiol o n n ' e r I 9 ^ G R A P EEFRurr l I WITH i ■ COUPON ■1 4 9 WITH " ^ . COUPON ■ ' . X ^ WITH ^ I ? ' ® S I | P k . i - Y ^ / j COUPON ■ UMI 1 I ■ - . c IE Oeod«l (ll Smllh reed Kl 8 9 " 6 9 ; ^ I In«cli.« Not. »lh t 9«in ■ j l 7 eS*cH VH»»*«thI*jfih*jfiho"i»r S» Z.__ flood »1 111 Smilh I ® e n .cin Nov. tiih(ilh *’l^lnon^1 ^ ^®aassB*i - l - — - 'I Large Californial l a . . . I I PR]UCXSE EFFECTnV E : AVOCAIXX>S I I F R n M\Y ,N 0 1VEMBEE R 2 5 lh1 WITH I COUPON I n I, ' > APN D S A 1FURDAVY, Oootf >1 •■ SmiiH rood Kinpi tn»clit» Ho?. Siih » Mlh enifl>nl,1 « j\ N O « ¥E > i i P

m w a i l ] t b e I y m W; m .t t e ! S t (t t r e I 6 "\ ; ' ' " ■■■ ""'' ' 1 ' ^ , ' . ', ' ' ' f ...... ■r""'.'~" - . B-10 Timos-Nckvs, Twinn Fnlls,Fn Jd.iho Thursday, NovomtH:mtief 2*1.1977 .S. keeeping ^Amin hin po we]

;w YORK (UPI) The Uieiie nlglil before she left. collapsed under Ihe weightght of puhiisiied a tjooK calleo " ~Sl nexl'timitime you havc a.cup of Now ^ they are leading a*a- mismanagement, Amin D ada: H itler in Afric ^ coffce.e. drinkd to the licoltli of car:ampaign lo cut off Americanin Amin Sunday accu^i:used ur^jing the Unlled Nations m Idi Aminmin. You may l)c helping mports Imj of Idj Amin’s coffce.e. American “imperialists"s" of lake aclion'againsl Aniirt. v I keephim him In pow er. R Tin iey h av e pe rsu a d ed U.S.S. organizing a "big sabol;jolage has Iwen responsible for J ______1 TliOma:imas Melody. Ihe last ^cp. Rc] D onald P e a se. D^Ohlo. to attempt" against Uganda!a'and' j d e ath s of a t leasl luo. -ambassudor-to-Ugiinda.— Inlinlroduce-icgislation t)anningtg ---i- ' threatcnod to-retaliate-ngaigainst— peopltrslrce-hc-toQlc:pm\-ci U DA^ ■ .said MoM onday.. Uu; U gandan Jg Ug, a n d a n exports. the 200 A m ericans slill living liv 1971. d ic tatotor r Is keeping his nation " T h e coffee boycott willIII ttiere. Melady. now presidenl omically solvent by Itrike slrl arUie heart of Amin's's .Melady said he had no dodoubl Sacred Heart Unive'rsil^ . ng pplaneloads of coffee lo ncome.“ Inc Meladysaid. Amin was referring lo0 his Bridgepori. Conn,, said!.: . U n d oon n z and Ihe cast African AA coffce boycott wouldId coTfCc boycott activitvl 1 le s United N allons Is Uie only W p o rt of)fDJIbouti, DJ :rlpple crl| Amin liefause it is hisis because A m in ' .still haslas a that can stop llie bloodshrt M P A L A . . ^ ______• A m cricicrican coffee drinkers ■'irtually vir his only sourco of ______iibiLr.go— d-ljtf-atr-e-tt—K— in — Ugandi»rbul-lhc-%v-orid t»d> ___' ______I J)Uy $200i'200 million worth of the jutside out income.. The oncc;e Washington • who munit'nitors far has igmired the Ugafii ^ c o ffcee fa year and Ihclr thrh riy ln g le a and s u g a r In-n- congressional acllvity, situation, Jit E u r o)pean p e , counterparts • dujluslrlcs in Uganda have■"e . The Melady's liavC'• justj an o thicr er :StSO m illion. M clady sa id Inn aan n interview . — - “ NolDl orone penny goes back' to i p ? * Il'C pooroor Ugandans," he said, ill goes back to A m in's I m erceiia^e n arlcs. T hey live cjulte • World’s 55th largest coffeeee exporter i ^ lady and his wife, • American:ans buy S 2 0 0 milliolion w orth yearly I J' J Margaretarei. left Uganda when th e UnitUnited States .severed ; diplomn aali tic relallons In 1973. • Europeanans buy SlSOmiliioilion worlh yearly ■ O T M rs. M«Melody was. held at 1 ■4jry gunpoint)lnl In front ol her home j ; O f ' ) ' •

YOUR N EXSX ' T C U P o fco /fe e mlglU a s well/ell b e T J - drunktoIdlAnAm in. Yo'u m ay bo h e lp in g keep:p h1 im in granule! In pow er. Amcmcricans buy J200 million worlirlh of ►ras J I A m il — U gandan coffcDffee a y e a r a n d th e ir Eufopexpendilures theproducers. ■ T,^'d.™ ng mad over ad- havethelasllaugti. y e a r ago. W ith the biggesi-gesl c u ts to th e bare-bones> m:minim um . G ra y , who,« M iow s c o ito ’ments showlrtg a young Slowly bul surely, pricerices coming in the .luly-Septeeptember The economic* :•a and foreign prlc<^ for the Only 26 moro days tooshop sh for Christmas.^ xlclingbra and panties, have started tricldinf; downown. . quarter. The govern'ernment policy impllcatlon.sons ol coffec .A grlcultur' And, thoro ore monyf wcwoys to moko your purchoso* is kind of subtle, and Indications are that next nex esHmalcs that each AmericanAme are many, Coffijffee is Ihe Americans wi ot Iho Poris. Of courso,so, thot bost Christmas illy exploitive ad> y eai) will bring even lowe:3wer will consume an averagerage of 10 nation'.s largest i’cf(KHl Import l)oycott untili:iiair;',cL n kid card of oil is your Porisris charge< cord. But w e'ro iment does not help us.' coffee cosls. Some analystlysis pounds of coffee Nls Ihls y e a r, a n d second only' to oil a s Ihe to a ro u n d $2 :i h o p p y to h o n o r v o u r.MQ>IailCh.Qf90_Vi5a^LAraot M o lo ric o n - -...... \ll...... - ct—Altomey—Josej)!!^ ------— c5fpcct-a pound of coffccrtoros'c0s t ~ “ c0 mpn^cd■^vtth■i2tt^'p0u^pounds-in------lHrg«rst-Jmport-of-of-nny-knnd:— wamsintrsSTJi Express. You con purchcrchoso ony item in our storo as jittlc as $2 by this tim e nex Eariter this year, I ■* '■ F r e ita s to:toltf-a wt“ckend news next 197C. r. lhe govern- yearaway. for 0 small am ount dowiiowrrorid loy if owoy ‘til tho ycar-^ H roasters wanl con-con The U.S. consumer,ier. who . ment warned thatal Ihigh coffee “There are I.,,.. .1 confcrcncicnce, holding up a uper carrying such an big day. And, ovory Iton’itom. lorgo or small will bo sumption lo relum lo prc- pre once drank an averagege ofo 600- prices were serlouIously cutting • market systerlem," Grav saii, booutifuily gift-wroppoc(pod without cost lo you. boycolt levels. six-ounce cups n yeur.ii;ir.iias cul inlo onr favorable)le f»Mid trade "It has take:ken roasters six iias, who chairs a One of Ihese analysts'sts. consumption l>y atwut1100 100 cups balance. The balaiilance. or lhe months lo reacfact to the Iwycolt. .,5., ' :al D istrict A ltorneys Agriculture- Deparlmenlent In 1977. Roaslingsngs by difference Iwtween.•en the v a iu e a n d th e expoi[wrtcrs still don'l ^ 55“ Hallon committee • economist Fred Gray, was wa; processors arc downn 28 per of exports and liimporls. is believe whal'al's happened. I A:>sociat among those who predictecclcd ccnt from lasl year, accordingacco e.xpecled lo fall to0 lessit th a n SI I .g u e ss th a t's; vwhv lliov v,v -I reviewingIng Illegal sexual ex- thai $5-a-pound coffee woulcould .tplhcNallonnlCoffceAss:Assn. billion, compared.’d with SI2,:! snake can bee 1killed and won't P'olffl'onIon of children, urged fill supermarket shelves this thi: One food chain sa say: y s lls billion in l'J7fi, k n o w ltf o r 2-l1 hoh u r s " m e rc h ana n ts ls to avoid the m ethod jrtlslng. year. Gray now acknowledgejJges coffce sales arc downi'n 10l< per ‘ Inflated coffee pricespr helped Brazil ha;las adamantly lhal hc “underestimated lhe Ihi cent from a year ago,0, BulB lls push up the cost1 oof imported refused lo selleli g ree n coffee at s kind of advertisement power ol the U.S. consumei:mer coffce buyer, Jim Wlsnersner. said agricultural goodsKis b>T ;iO p e r le.ss th a n $3: a a pound; dcsplle ; our general public to movemenl." Even his boss»ss, sales were down 20 perper cent eenl. ledecal officiaclals said, liut the sluggish domanJ.AndSowdc young people to be A g ricu ltu re S c c re la ry BolBob e a rlie r Ihls year, whal irritates criliiilics like Kep, lhal the pea«ak wlnlcr m». Jd ‘In sexual conduct." Berglnnd. kicked his 10-cup-ajp-a- " I t confirm s m y beliefJliefinthei- Fred Richmond,1. D-N.Y.. is ' sumption M s( a s o n ap- I. c’ve gol to .start d a y coffee h a b it cold turkey.y. pow er of the m arkelpllelplace,"' thai U,S. coiisuintJiners are in proachlng.:. Brazil and ling our children, and Simple m arkelplactace said Loren Geislfeld. aa PurduePl effect subsldi/.lnglg Ithe n a llo n s -C ylom bia. w■hich-produce hl half economics - halted the prlcitrice ‘University consumer• sciencessci' that grow coffec. Ihe world's .supply. .si: say they “‘‘sK'ndolidofcddocsn’l," ___ increases. Demand exceedec;dcd professor. "L;ist year.r, II wrote ' "I don’t objectct to helping will coordinatelie sales lo ensure . supply until buyers decidetJiaxJia th a t A m ericans w eree hooked tu them." he said,'I,' • “ Bm I do higJicr w orldI prices.p: D etails of drasllc cut in consumption was _ —on -coffee and couldn'ildn'l do . object to the way•ay lhe S la te th e p ric e support si: system lhe only way lo keep pricesIces w ithoul il. W hat consumjm eei rs d id ...... D ep a rliiie n l Iia.s dordone it-"’ liaven'lbe'eridiidisclosed- fro'm skyrocketing. Here's why^vhy w as bccom e frugal vllh with their Hichiiiond contontends the ______the strategy worked^,. coffee. They c{uit wasting,ling." U nlled S ta te s fouj.ouBi'. a b ITT rT c e o f ‘i^ lo r Mlo m In 1975, a d e v asta tin g frostrost A pound of brand-iuui-name tempts lo creat',.IIL .in in-. . icxJay'aV.'.iniAiI Ads® virtually de.stroyed Brnzil's coffee crop, a natural disaster " b i i t y o il u r b . that scni prices spiraling ’lo •ack record lilglis. Hrazil. which grows nearly r. per cenl of SIhc I BUY THE BAI3ANNER ■■ w(^ld's "coffee bcansr“ tlicn decided il would havc to prop I • Dilrini^ lh e su m m er of IU7.'>. coffee prices averaged S r2l a le Life Style5 L ine pound al the retail level, 5 3y I fhe early 1976, the price oi a one- pound can was up lo st.00, Six __vn: m onths la te r, it w as m ore thanE I I -• i \ ' - ^ ( ...t V : ' ■ • Picas for a natiunwkle cuffw,,c . f i ■ r' ■ ( m S ) boycott were first laken seriously in early 4977, whenS ^ i Dia. MeMeas. ■ Q retail prices In-nan pushing $:i a pound. W ith lhe supporl of in flu e n tia l g o v e n m ien t ' of- ® E i 5 ' ficials, merchants and muiliaif couLOR t en d o rsem en ts. U.S. consum iTs sent iJra/,il andUKMUfiercoKw ■ 1 PORTAABLE ^ & r iD r. Fuller R a p e ------— » ------r t RESToNlgj V' e x e c u tio nf l ^ Model 19C616 1 1 8 J ” 1 . . I . : ...... „ hink your back is. - • MOSCOW ‘U Ph-- Sovmt -5$ . 1 0 0 % SOLID!ID STATE ■ Weth authorities have cxeculi'cl a ! ■ 1 d yoii should too. M oscow w orker CDiivii'ied uf I worth it...and :.;i REG.mSJ.95,...... I Moc| uM.ioiu.nlly [,<,v. I ...... Wlicto uniloitn, boily %oppoti .s I __Ycchernaya Moskva rcporled I lionv tpvull ir» sp.nf ( tiT m otlrrss (i.i(l_(._.urii)o'.on p..„.clov. >ni.> tiiMorlion R<-Mnni( \ Ot Tulli'r to d ay . W f T H R U iM O Y . 3 I H% . | I g j till- l.tm r^Qlutal luitl-s (ot lh.- r.-.ll„r sir.,.,, ,o\Jt ^l(■.'Pln9 \up{jo(i voitf spent- t.-tjuit T h e ne w sp a p er identified the ill.tlirt.ll..ir,Kt..lr,.!i'.il..jmH-l..;p|...... I - neodt. . rhan as Alexander Ciisev and s j ‘Pricoj sfoft/ngo/ . said hc was employed in a piSi g / i i i i i 9 9 0 0 o o fh p ro ce Twir ol p la n l. Gusev wos tried on charges of rape, attempted rape, OWNtO t OP{RATEO«r THE ...... o u tra g e a n d m iy d e r. the paper Is Iri' III sold. It said hc performed the :iii.iiiiiiTnTniJ IVERTON c rim c s w hile drunk. TTRESS COM PANY . . , :Tlie Supreme Courl of the ...... I I ^T heSleepI .. le . I— »,u. ■ Russian Federation rejected•ted i H ifcenter),.^.f'.r^ o n.T htw fn - S o tf « o m 1 0 3 ...... Wb appeal lo avoid Ihe dealh-alh 1 ^ ^ a .6 Mon sc n lc n c c . ~ ~ ~ ~ .■ M ■ .•*5 7 »■ - ■» - Thursday. Novombor 2-1', 1977 ,Ti«icinics-Nows, Twin Falls, tu ;ho B-tl Soviets caa n c e l

’ - Ssupersoni l l i e f l i g h t 'o* ..rr-'-. • . V. X ''V2 MOSCOWMl (UPl) - Forthe 'weather conditions in Alma- LlilnLslralglilwcck..UieSovlet. „-Atu and.WQuldiiejcsclicdulcd___ airline Aeroflot lias canccled for W ednesday. the scheduled fllglit of Its new According to thc Intourisl drooilroop-noscd. TU-144 . supcc- 'office In Alma-Aln, skies werc sonlisonlcpassengeralrllner. • iclear and the wealher was 'AeronotAl opened supersonic excellent, except for some passPi^25^^Bcr__se£vJcc_Jlclwecn-^_ *,_CtDtindjDg.aLUic_alrport.-lU_ MoscowMosi and Alm a-Ata. 2,000 reported lhal ’one plane milesmile to the soulh. Nov, 2 with already had arrived In'thc an Inaugural ll run thal carried momlng from Moscow, mosllymo.s Journalists. Since then, Aeroflot said tlio passengers eacheacl subsequent scheduled on tlic fllgtit were already ' fllglit lias been cancelcd, a b o ard the a irc raft w1icn th e , Thc Soviet supersonic niglit w as canceled, transport - dubbed the Tho sccond sclieduled fliglil “ Concordskl” — was oftl;cTU-l44wassctforNov. scht“dnted to begin passenger 9. but was rescheduled for Ihc servlcc to Alma-Ata six years following day due lo ago. buf t-an into repeated cclobralions of lhe an­ 'r'" ■ V v ' delays. niversary of the Nov. 7 Aeroflot siild Tuesday thc Russian Revolution. The fli^l, was canccled duo lo ‘-delayed flight also was scrubl>ed.

NGWlV TAKING APPOINTMENTS nigl: - T l tr a r • ‘ Ci schi serv ■ .y ago. dela "Tliiiiilit fiiru I'tTY SiivmnfiilAt (irainl Oprninii" NEWBECINNINCS . . HAinOESICN ^ ...... FULL SERVICE FOfl MEN • WOMEN • Al ONCORDE supersonic jets belonlonging lo Air Kennedy AirportAlrj after arrival Tuesday to CHILDREN ' 7344060 R e a d y t o f l y “ ' Tmce. s foreground, and British AirvIrways rest at passengerr scrvicesei lor Uicconlrovcrslol ali

S ® Nevadila boon ^ [Iti/Mi BSTlfif / d . s b h t y A = ■' ____ J A i ( to begin ■ i\WWSMKKM A ' incremises aircraft. ' L... g FAMM O U S | H ' A g EUPREKA ■ A g M o d e land se n • 2-Motor ellers I I I A a P o w e r CAILSpN CITY (UFii -- cognizant of Uie Inw andi mamay ^ Team^ i I ' /Mon'K with th e tioiLsing nndi crcate a regulatory problei)blcm t o I I I ^ land twom in Novada has com c0 for u s," h e sa id . I I A un cxplttslon In Ihc numbers off The number of complain!la ln ts ? i re a l oslalo s;ilcsm cn. against real estate salosme'sm en ^ Nearly everyone seems to[) has risen but nol nt the sasam m e 4 have a'license to trade or sell1 pcrccnlagc as the Increaseise IIn • (9 £C" ■ • c o rm p l e t e c l e a n i n g . . . A roal estate. And llgures bnck< licenses. s yr s s t te e m . . ^ ' l l M i B i A this up. In the last 12 monthss Cozart says his organizatior • W ith E d g e K ie o n e r. lotor driven beater A there«has been an Increase off which has n membership c • C l e a n s t h a t l a s t lip of g a r b m s h d e e p - M > ■tl percent in Uie number off about 60 p ercen l of^hejleens^i'c n sed _ ? _____ t o u g h In c h ______;_____ leans carpeting,--.------•------j : u c liv crc al c sta lc IJcen.sc:>. salesmen, isn’t worried aboidboiil ^ a l o n g th e i/en shags. ^ ' If Nevada kt'cps going at it5} tho increased competltior k baseboard. preseni pace it will have more: "The real estate Industry i ry is a ^ ® ' real estate salesmen per 1.000) one of the last hnslions off frfre e c t i I A population than any otlier^_ enierprisc, Tlio major com- com state. -■ . plaints arc whelher tho peopleople ^ 1 / ® Bill Cozart. executive .• cnlcring the field are qtialificiliflcd ^ >\YV^I A - dlrecior of the NevadaI and know what they are doln '‘" ‘w S ' \ \ ^ W ■ ’ ?' As.soclalion of Realtors, says';' .solheycanservcthepublic'," J i l l __ 1 the reiison Is the market inI "As-far as the Nevnd.ivnda PP' VI _ ' / m A . liomo.s and land h as Ijeon) Association of Realtors, IherIhere ( 9 A cxcciienl In tlie lasl year andI h a s ne v er l>ecn a com plaintint ciof ga .. \ \ \ . 0 0 - nnerriK,'"-*'’' letting too .many in. .O Ou ur n \ Y "Tliey see a lol of people! eonccrn Is competency.'ic y .” - C Power Team makinujjioney and they wantI Cozartsays, ATIC HEAD . 3, part nf il,” says Cozart in1 One phenomenon, s say a y s ' S A M O T O f ^ ’i m - . ■ explaining th c luiKe Increase In1 Cozart. Is that slnce197a moremor fP ' HERE ^ 5 R E G . lhe per.sons applying for state; salesmen work only on a ppar a rt a 1.6 Peak ' ^ W ^ S 1 4 9 . 9 \ S SPECIAL • I real c.state licenses. "They> lime basis, "Ifs hard to telllell ifi H .P .V C M A H [m nover soo the people who arc* they a re m aking It. They mighnight S RATING not m aking ll.” h av e o n o 's alc a y e ar o r Ihey the; g .77 H.P. N evada now h as S,380 active! • miglit work ono liour a mon* moii ^ ^ SA> Ucenscd real estate salesmen,. th ." an increase of 1,000 Iti the last1 He sa y s th e re Is anI oldoli ( 9 r v ' ■ year, says .state Real. Estate! s.'iying that applies to Ihe• reare.n l ^ ^ '' Administrator Angus iMckml.. ' estTrte profession - "Twent;venty tn *20.1 "W hen NevClda g ets ?2D m ore! p e rc en t of tho people a re dolmdoing C >\v I ^ 1 llccnbe.s. we will h av e m ore‘ liO percent of tho business,” ' Eureka 2-Motor Pt per capita lhan any’ "There arc people maklnjik ln g . surrnuiHlliig slate In the Wcst. the hig bucks and there ar< With ROTO-MAT We have been passing more! Ihose thal arc starvingg lo li to \ ANOTl)THER tliun -too cach examlnalionI death hut Inlhls market, thorether a 1401 lO T O R ?9s BIG XMAj1 9 ' n.hich--ls- given every olher i.s no way you can't bcbe ai S HIHERE montli." . . success,” says Cozart, Mc1a:(xI says •'the peoplef A new reguliillon to) bcbi C want to get under the wire" InI considered Monday hy th tlii e ■ g iaking the state examinationI stale ^caLEstiitc AdVlsorIsory { 9 IRY!! wlille tlie m arket Is hot andI C om m ission could put thi Dofore t^ie C-ducatlonalI b ra k e s on th e num ber of nevnew ts S P R IC E ^ requirements are stiffened. licensees. It will require 3 a 757 t o "We’re nol overstocked but pa.sslng sc o rc instead of n 70 loti ^ \ 8 m s S W O N ’T ^^'e could Im* In lhe future if thisI gel a license. McLeod said sali g ’ . \ w M :onlinues,” says McLeod. ha.sed on past statistics tha i Movadii now lias ll.« rea l csl ntef . will m ean-that-50 pcrcenreen * - • ------F 9-plece a licensees per I.OOO residents; ___ra th e r th a n 6« percent of thos'those to ; \ m i •at oi ttu c h n m tt fl -lneki(«nB-H0TO4iA------S - rVrib'mihasnO'ahd'fralifoTma. (csled will gel~llcenw s, AniAncl ^ n e e r e d . w l 3.G. ; . thnt will mean'Oil’ fewe .wife conduc* / nC* P o « f H«*d. Wirt 0 evver [m \ i tlve hoso cot iductivt IWM. noor end £ But' Nevada’s real estate connects ROTO* • 4 2 ! salesmen cvci>' two-monthiintlis C \ ^ MATIC* headI withwl canister sue- ifxiih, uphdittfy bni»N g. profession is growln'g faster testingperlod, tion cleaner. .• P ' duitlng bf^bftiih. crtvie# lod, two “ t Power selector in |-itiiil0M_w»ftdi.. 00«,. ... _____ffi thnn Hiese states, saysI ;: McLood-snId -the pmposeim sed C ------handlo of. hose...* Loi L o w .p r o f i l e — l e s s th a n * ^ cufvvdiiirind Mcl.<*0(l‘,.\vho also.w findi-r»-|f"’■■■ changc to re<|ulre a higheigher , W ^— — clean under furniture. HURF . . dl alUhche salesmen are cutting1 grade isn’t aimed al cuttinjItting to — e ------ft it.' ■ • • th e numlH!r of new h:ile.smeism en |ij) Available a t’ AT TH ISl e r ______^ A He noted thero were a1 Iml Is merely a coliieldi'nc' I t Your Associate ------^------A ■ lumlier of areas whore! tliatltcomesalthlstlme. STOCKS Icvelopmont moratoriums g ------iiavo iH-ay-impoKOjii-Kuclf-tisi — ile said the KducalUinalonal 6 - CLAUDE BROWN'S rL ^ : L ^UUM S CLEANERS OF IDAHO [leiio nnd Carson City. ” 1 don’t S MUSIC & FURNITURE' 1 Testing Scrvicc from Prin “ 733-1021 IWC how they can Iw doing that S S s t o ’ 4 3 MiAdln a Avo. Eost, Tw in Fallslls ' 7 > Lokos, Twin Falls I" 1 ceton. N.J., whieh administer 733-2I0'8 • 5 Kood.” says McU*od. referrin g; the examination recoinml’ndil‘nds t o A to th e salesm en. the 7f. pcrcent so there willIII >)cb ^ . Vet tlicrc nre still only afew/ unilormity among olheI lh e r C HAROLD GlfiREENAWAlT'S COUM SALES & SERVICE . converting tlioir license to anI .states. Ile said the compan; urioy 678-5476 J in<)ctive sta tu s which m eans> now gives te sts In .'to state.s,f">'. a 125 SoSo. Lincoln, Joromo ’. 324 -4 8 3 1 ' A Ihcy are nl leasl temporarily( ' f" A I Cozart- snid the Nevnd. giving up the profession. And ivnda . tg , p a ssin g g rad e wus lowcrci REED’S APPLIANCE A ' lhiTo:are not mnny dropping S GlCREENAWALT’S/URNITUlURE, APPLIANCES CARPE [JUlallogutheryei. from 75 to 70 tw o or throe year IPETING :ed , Eureka Dealeralloy 7 86-3400 A ago and now il ap p aren tly wll ^rig:iBgho ^ •’The risk I scc. Is there aro 9 3 4 -4 5 2 1 ' / w»'m.'iny licenses and so m uchj Ik' increased. He sa idI Illshi r a cob>(M!tJllon tliat'lt m ny Induce orgnnlzntlon has "no fcelliw i " s « s ® s » s ? soii^- In cut cnnuTS and tiol he alHiut .ll oue w ay or the o th e r 7' J/ACUUI 2nd Ave. East at Bluo Lo

• . •

RE 124S.'M alnStr

B-l? ' Timos-Nows, Twmfl F.Fai IIg, IJjho Thufsday. Novomboimbor 24.1977 I JA tto r nley M echarge iautoitulobile cdealers

-SA L T -L A K B GITYH UPI I—-— Tollcd'-back by milmilea —-lncludlng”n' caso-tnvolvtnf U - - T 1ri»^U.S.-Altorn6y-s « Office has—15-—between-lhe-time-the-\Thli ;hlclc— carnn^i-hlcn-thc-odomctcM filelied .charges , against morere was purchased al the t been turned liack from 105, UtiJtah .used cor dealers forir C.'illfornia aulo auction■ and a miles to -12.315. Twelvera scli ailing oulomobllcs Imported^ resold In Utah, plaints were filed acM fro:'rom California on which thcle Named In the complahlalnLs Buckley, • ^ _____thiie_odomctcrs_had-allegcidly_ e ly___ WtT<» .tngpp h n RupLTnyey- o f...... If convicted, iheil^aleAZ be«xen rolled back thousands Ofof Action Aulo Sales in Salt LLa ake a fine of up lo S50.000 arfi I mUTilles. City. Steven Tippetss of federal prison sentence of u] I • ^Assistant U.S. Allorney;y B oulevard A uto'Salcs in OgC3gdcn one year for each altered ca I JJames a McConkie, filed:d and Hans Vanderbeek off K ar I mmisdemeanor l complaintst s Komer, also in Ogden, McConkie snid the char MoM onday a g ain st th ree used c aar r Vanderbeek had prevloulously resu lted from an ori-go decleaiers in Salt Lake Cily andid been indictccJ by a . fedcjderal Investigation of scve Og.Dgden.' They are accused of grand Jury on nine countsnts 0^ dealerslilps in L 'lah'and Id. kmtnowlngly transferring false5c selling doctored cars, Tlienenew which bought cors . wriATltten odomeler slalementsts complaini adds five more mi Califonila and Ihcn res onijn tw o dozen cars. counts, them throughoul lhe IIn one case the mileage wasas Tippets faces seven courounts. termountain West, He slid liio invcstigal was begun after the U Motor Veliicle Division di< 0 * / > random survey of 250 vchic P a p e r b a c l e x c h a n g5 ^ purchased in California i winler. The slate found t th e odom eters h a d been tun fe a tu r e inI ta v e r n back on 60 perccnt of thc c :J a n d tru ck s before they reac: . Utah used car Ipts. LONEL TREE, low aiU PD - w ant to m a k e use of tfie libra Ufa/i /edcraJ grand jui F"or o r obout four fjours once a . can bring In one or mc e a rlie r indicted Gallcn Flea wee/cek, you can belly up to thee paperbacks and exchan "*"80 of Triangle Soles and Leas bar a r at Little B's Tavern andd th em for an equal am ount, Itlon Department em- lakcikes In thc city are token to a ccntralccn location ordi -, In Ogden and Ra>-mond PARKS AND Recreatio rder o John Stelnbeck,'2anee “Some people think it’s In cold water while wheihere they arc fed and caredj for fo: during the Gre '* ® “ Bruce of Aulo Lease Sales ployees splash around In Irey or Agatha Christie. IllUe unique or odd to have n shore In Kansas City, wint Boise, Idaho, I rounding up the ducks on sl inter. ThisT] soulheast Iowa hamletit book exchange In a bar,” s •^rouniflup ^ Fleagle pleaded guilty Chillyi Mo. Every year the ducksks ion small ponds and off 90091 resid en ts h o s no lib ra ry , said. "But, there's been a go — SO0 tavern operator Bettyy reaction to It, Thc idea w counts In a-yi ‘ bargaining dcul. Five’-ot • SimImmons slarted Liltlo B'ss spread by word of moutli a counts w ere dropped. paperback o p exchange. wcgotltgoinglastweok,” McConkie said FUI agi Mrs. Simmons explained herr Don’t look' for any Marqi and Utah sliile Investical usband,. Dallas, Is an avidd dc Sade of slick porhograp , te a m e d up to ■'check H isp a n ic im mn ig ra n ts ]briiig diliverseculiltm*e eader. and witliout a library,____ b ecause It won’t be acccpted L«L_ dealcritilps_____ - It Vwas hard lo keep him-Ihh ’^ T 7 i e r e ’’s q u i t e ' , *' Hc said they corgpa boolooks. She h a s plenty. conglomeration — nove ^ know u u r dUilccl, T hese | lectlcut and In residents. ac( federally required mile ©N.Y. Times Service esc people County, In Conned according to per- comthby.by. The Census Bureau About Ai 200 paperbacks aree westerns and mysteries.” s eih and L'niun sons knowled; statcmenLs filed in Califor NEW YORK - New YoiYork are really Dolriimcanin or o r o th e r N ew ark. Elizabclh ;dgciible aboul lhe will condi}nduct its first complete slactacked In boxes placed on a said, adding that sot City, historically llic mosl mo Hlspanlcs trying lo )pa p a ss a s C lly In N ew Je rse« y y . . , H ispanic influjlux, count of'of' Hrs'panlc-Amcrlcans luneincheon counter for browsingg children's books arc cvnv I; cars were sold cvi-n auction wllh slalemenls f p o w c rlu l m a g n e t {ur lm- Ir Puerlo Rlcatis, sInCeCe I Puerto Dominicans. Colombians, C These neweiver arrivals, many in 30. IU80. Until then, w idely iron‘om 2to4p.m ,and8lo lop.m.I. Included. avo settled in the varying t inUluhbylhedcalers. - '■ migrants to this country,', hashi R icans have full rigliriglits as Ecuadortans nd and P e ru v ian s o f whom havi )g estimates must suf- n on Mondays. Residents who0______— over-tl)c IjBst two decadesJ»tjjeen— .Xmorlcan-clUzensr^wfl-wflUnued— hav^establlsticd~cd-buslncsscs— lasf-::i)-ycars,rs, spcak"Spanish ' ■ficerwltliwith governmenl agcn- attracting a hugp-mlgratlonion of Sonera, whocamcherc;rc li In 1950, • a n d com m unitiesslnsuchareus Ir predominantlyItly. Many lend to c ie s provirovldlng statistics that Hlspanlc-Amcrlcans. "Bul people who don’tDn’t .speak as Crown Heilelghts and be poorer andnn less educated Hispanic*,nlc*Amerlcans generally Contrar>’ to the popul,ipular Spanish would believecvc them. Williamsburg in1 BrooklynB thc than thc natiotional average and- dc^rlbcaIbe as far too low. =r notion that- they arere a T hey think anyone .wlioI'lio i sp e ak s U w e r E ast Side,Lie, th e U pper c c rta in o( Ihc Ihi eUmlc ^rouos Officialcial csllmales in the 1970 fri m onolithic people, these; newnc Spanish is Puerto Ricaitican. Bul Wesl Side, WashlnpilnglonH elftlits h a v e a hlglK;licr Jobless rate. Censuss showed sl tho following^ im m ig ran ts a re bringing: with wi wcareallsodllfcrcnt.'’it." and Inwood In .Maillanliatlan and Atso, bccauscISC of their youth- numberse rs of H lspunlc lm- them a wide dU'Crsity:y of H ispanic Im m igrantsanls fiavc” in Elmhurst. Jackjickson Helglits fulness andd relatively hijili mlRranlsmis in New York Clly:. \\\ cultures nnd customs. moved inlo sections of alla five and Corona, affectionately aff birth rates,, Uicsc L im m ig ran t ' C ubans.IS, 63,043; ' D om inicans. ^ New Vork City and itsis en*e twrouglLS, bu t Ih clr mlemigration called Sabana Iglcsias, If! thc groups coukuld grow faster 51,231;; Colombians. ( 22,5«1; . ftr , virons have tJie Ivgest-co- t-nn- J ias paid llltle allenlion:lon to clly --piainsoflgleslas.ls. In Queens, proportionate)tcly Uion thc rest E c u aidorians. d o 16,075; -if, ccntratlon of the nationlion's o rnate boundaries. 5.. Various The Hispanic: im i m ig ratio n of th e nation'sI's population. Peruviani'ians, 3.1H-I; Mexicans, ]i^ nenrly 20 million nativec andai nationalities have estai;istablishcd raises significantnt Implications1 Accurate figuresfl( on Ihe slze :!.541; Venezuelans, V 2.2-Jfi; forcign'>b.qrn lllspani] n lc - com m im llle.s In such h a rareas as for lhe Ne\\ Vorkrkareaand.Hs i of this sharply sh rising Bolivians,a n s, 93C. and oUier Soulh ' 1 , Americans, wilh cstlmalm ales Long Island, In Wesle'eslehesiUT abilrty to accomommodate ils population are a difficult lo Americanleans. 7.M7. • !t ranging from 1.5-millionon lo IX n e a rly th ree million. More than a millionn a re Puerto Ricans,' who are a |fi^HHB9BK999HI <\mer-lcan citizcns by virlue H 8 | B ^ S « n | Uie Jones Acl of 1U17. Uut an i in c re asin g n u m b e r of Hispan people h av e bt'cn com ing fro thc- Dominican Republi Ciiba, Colombia, Ecuado ■“ Ptfru, Mcxico. Vcnciuel m . B olivia, ArKcnllna and other oUk k South and Ccniral Amcric ^ i f l i counlrics- Ak'Jundro Sonera, .a re;ili man al lhe ideal lieiili ...... ^ CorporaU on h e re , .spots son of •* c dlffyt'iiccs amongg uicU — nu., ,n;ilillcs as hc dist-ussi — ht;ir is .Mt-rcur; SE INCLUDES Vll/ISITS TG, J LOWREY GLIDE •• ' J Those liorii ciii-lhi.' dale. . , r . 8 DAY CRUIS Recreole the hounllng ' iiniler the uf .S;ii;iliariii.s.U.S. I r a j W ...... Puerto Vallartoa M a z a tia n ,\ Cabo ob San Lucas ^ • b e a u ty of Ih e H o w o iia n - -Zachary Taylnr. ;i:th Ii:t ' • S l g u ito r Of th e thrilling president oi tl.c rnitcN-»t w 5 PRICES[ START $ tfo m t> o n e borti actccAs c.-ralihmi i-’it- Ki M I ^ 7 6 0 ® P I R P I R S O N MAGIC GENIE CHORDS ',[ . zgerald was Ixini on lhi.s dal ■ " ASLOWAS / .... O n e f in g e r .c o n p lo y 4 8 ' , ^ u n « i l 4 CAH^ USE INCLUDES VVISITS TO I three* and four-note m ’ *^Bilhisd;i> iiihiston: , UNUCA3 12 DAY CRUII c h o r d s I A c a p u lc o I - T y uk;'.). \Miiiieii Iroin11 2 ' ii ii r f a ^ Puerto Voilellarta Manzanillo Acc sla le s nu-l in I'lcvcland ilo ' M M ONRUNnHlj Zihuotanojojo Maiotlan Cobo San Ll/Cos v draw up plans (nr tiriiaiii/aliuatiuil, EXCLUSIVE ADVANCED A O C ’ J of the AiiHTicai], U'oineunen . f ^ PRICESSTART 1 / 1 0 0 AOC (Automatic Orgon \\ • Siiffi-.i>;c AsMii'iation. ASLOWAS ...... w C o m p u te r ) lels y o u p la y [| In 1‘iiil, tlir tl S. Si’i'iinlu n ty a m e lo d y th e v e ry first l| {'ouncil iiuili.)n/e(l Secretar.•tar\ • BOTH C R U i ^S INCLUDE: tim e with jusl two fingeis .'i ----- ('fmrnl-lr-Ttnnl-tonxcforcct • STEREOPHONIC SOUND - j Round trip otr fare Iro'fn'•firTwlirFalts-VTJ-Jr-own-5f i-5folefOong ------settle the violent ileltjia , Aro You Intoroslodl e d in , mools All Ifonbfcrb ftornDm Airporl lo ’ Lji. Don’t spend anoti-lOther w inter w ithout ma I'onno crisis, w'lneh enipte the* enlire.cruiso. All mi I now Lowroy O rgan fro a lli'r Helc.nim j'live lhe f.’onj;',mt» Knowing M ore?., in Los Angolos. All bugjgqogc handlitig ond ilioIio entire rruise is -t Ji col magic with ao r naking your own musi* - — its indfpcnrliTce------• ---- - . - PI*oi« »ill lti-*h* «ouponjpon and moil if . • . W* will - fullyr oscof’icd: .... j l Come in fo..9eee |the new "78" modelsfrom the Music Center. , <1 lull color brochur* d9 t (l.swah II special closeoutJt pricesf on 77 Lowrey}ls and osk about our w ho rlia rc .c ’il wW il llh «!<■'eKilonieni ol Ihr c . . . 4j more than ever' bbe e f o r e . y produ,cts you'll sove~“’' a.ssassuialiin’ l’nv,i'k'iil .leh.lehii • •' r , Kennedy h m ila.vs earlierrlier, ^ Remember,-fhe} MusicW Center features w as falatlv slin t l.v ,').ick Hull1> -- Kbayam Kb and . livlngoulof28 •y Weyt lhal slie w as ,ji [28 cubs bo rn in six llltc rs- parently sliows; slslic Is loo nice Terry W .hiba. a pair of cheelalis rean•eared In cap- ; Hill York. I ?d a t th e Heno <«> pleasaniisanl lo work as a li <. Safari direclor'of zoology’, to be employed livKy. will t^' laken frum1 (he(h Wildlife said Monday I Ja ile r. ly h e IK-Ileves Uie c heetahs will • ' ■ ' ■ . ■ S,S a fa ri's anim al pre.servO (0 to Southwest -successfully a ------Sho'docim't'Ilklike'ifand’hils- "Why- slioslioutd-a-jail- be an ' A y adapt lo the wilds, lie said Africa lo determine wlicUierher lhey can Uiclr parentslls w ere Iwrn In Namibi.n in ------filcd-an-appeul-w1-wilh the-Hvno------u g ly - e niv v i iro n n m e n l—run- Iiy— ------m - Hdnplloiivinginthcwild.s:------,------Souih'w’i.^rTMrM rlcir " Civil Scrvicc Con:ommission that People thatlat arca nol nice?" slic T h e 11-monlb-old cheetahs \vi IS w ere p a ri of " T h ere Iss nol 1 much scn.se in saving sclNov. 17 forall'1 hearing, ifiiked." Is I(his necessary to' a litter of four twm al Uie Safai lafari grounds. endangeredI animals, a from extinction If Mrs. .'Vasquezcz pas.seV-;v V ( v u a r a ni i t e e d C (S a r p e t liI n s t a l l a■ tio n m - inD j Sl B e o r e CIh l ris tm cn i s

S ave on C a r p e t I hstallatio s h

H felfiil::: Any lute BsBack ^ UPIL ^ j P p B Carpet inI SStock...... i 7 5 ‘ , FEEDING TIME'IME finds "AUu,” a baby polar la r ...... *'''/ "M inininimum'IB yds., excludess ssteps & coving , "' ]ilite>y—______- bear, being fedd bjby hand at Chicago's Lincoln3ln . ' B U P a rk Zoo. T he cub Is one of a set of twins bom this past weekend,end, and is only six Inches longng - 4 ; ^ - hungry and w eighs about'out (a pound. Fulhgrown, he’ll bbe e ~ ______;______fa r lar g e r and mnuch u d heavier.______All P u r p o ss i e

Nmmmnan me^kesQ iw n ~ m K ~ R u b f ab e r ^ o c kk r C a r p e t ^ n j^ H many colcj l o r s , : , f t , prints & stylessi ■ ▼\ , ^ 9 S to choosese from ..... I^ a e ljpilgrinnage wJjll|i|fi®|W AND UP

(EdUiS’s Note: Maurice :e llw a s a n e m o llo n a lm olomenl m ( full name. I tried loJ tracetr her yiy.. Gt4p(|!,;}JPI bureau manager!r Ihnt 1 had never experlenclenced (0 tha n k tier but couldid nn o l.— tofCttliB ttas covercd three « beforc. So much so (hat lhal I Al the press ccntoriter during ' j H CLOSE O irinr ■ „ M ^ e S o s t w a rs (rom E gypt.t. stumbled over Ihc wordsIs asai I tlie visit, I mcl Ablelc N: athan, W He !r^t£bed to Jerusalem lastit said the Lord's Prayer. the self-slyled pcacee emissary01 ■ JM Plush LivingLi RoomI &J Bedroom w e e ^ ^ o r th e (irs t tim e In 25 who tried half a dozenen lim es to y e ^ i to % vtr tbs' visit of>t • EmerginR from the churclurch, I visit Egypt or sail Ihrchrough lhe' Egyptito President Anwarr and a UPI collcaKuc look ------courofieincomlngtolsracl.3Cl. -- c o m ln g -to P o r f S aild-on-his'*- l d ' ------ImmedCilely afler-ERyptlan-;r - ; "S a d b l is fa n ta stic ." h eesald.' sai yacht, which ficile w . th e I I P E R Sr i A Y I ilC m s * ’ " " - Pr*y(cffi}it Anwar Siidatt ■‘ "1 do' hope Ills effortI willw P a n a m an ia n flag. This, Till plus y S O H IREMMEI l coW plgted his pejiccL> succced and Uial we shallI havch a lhe fact Nathan holdsbi a Brillsh “ pllgnm»ge and flew-homo; peaccrciKningsoon." 'passport in addillonon lo an trom.IsMcl Monday, I nvnlledi T hen h e gave m e a mc-ssaji.ssage Israeli one, made it possible p T . mytfcJf B ta unique opportunity lo S a d a t. ■ for the'Egyptian autlioi:horili(;slo ■ • *■ Qnd*d/^what I havc alwav.sf5 lie snld. " P le a s e lellI youryo' grant him pcfmissionlion to go . J J% V ^ d o w s wantedMo do - a modJslI president tliat. in pursuingrighls li Uirou(Uithecannl. ' -t Us SI)hape IUpYolur Win pil^imsgeofmyown, • effort, hc sliould speak to us 1 Nalhan.sayshenowww w anls lo Thij>Q;t Umc I had vislledJ Paleslinlans living hereu andai arrange fooltiai! m J e ru ^ a le p w as In 1932 vviicp1_____ seek.-our vlcw.s. He sliouldlid nnot Ix-tween Egv’pilan andmd Israeli Ihoiolcf'seclor of Uic ojice- . speak In ail Uiose PalcstlnlaiInlans teams following ijielie .Sadlil - ■lyliB iHiBIHII? JivJdetCcity was in Jordaniani livlngoulsidctlicland," . visit. » % O ff Eintire n Line M ilii. 'Jis an Egyplian Coptic: T h e m a n did nol say h,c c ww; as — CtiriSIian, I wanlcd very much 1 .speaking aimut llie Palesliie stine ’ S a d a t h a s uiidoublc-dl;c-dlym ade Franlik kasmir Dr>rqperies loswUie tombofCtirisl nt the; Liberalion Organlzallon.I- ButI}i a good start on brcakiniklng whal Church Qt Ihe-Holy Sepiilchrc ^•^>= W o ven ; heobvlou.slymcanlit, hc has described: "iis the a 3ui;,m i&d the opporlunity. ••psychological baib a r r i e r " • A n tiq u e SSafins t ... We have a lorelarge selection of n^lniplm adcu; The courtesies exiondedled to ; between Arab and'd Isra eli c o lo rs foT rthe formal look in drop• a p e rie s -fe*Sadat winded lils wayr fCgyplians during -ific vis visit whith. in liis view, accounts a( * 1 0 0 5 6 Wee W o o d s jaiik io fcalro afler a two-day w ere Innum erable, In m y ccas' ase . for 70 pe rc en t of (he lex eaves . We carry a loreorge range of colors '. s » “ le x tu rc o f and styles, i t - M&di: JhiBsIon In Israel. I a red rose present fromom a (heconflict. JS, in clu d in g im p o rte d cca a s e m e n ts '''.•IKcdlJip-and down.narrow,.,. Pale.stinian maid al - m • m y Hcgardlo.ss of the doidegree of ' • Sheers .... .W e have many colorsrslo 1 choose from, b y #lndin(ralleyw ays In (he heart1 Jerusalem'liolel was amormong progress (he Sada( in inillative w ith co»or<>rdi(?ating sotins availabla b le . )f the old city lo tho lomb ofr ' lhe most touching. makes, (hings will notlot bo the _ , riittilfll I passco som e of thu: doing baclt. to my room)in inI same in the futuro, \> iK iw een * B e d sp re aads< d .. M ade to order in co-ordinating< i s ? ; ita^ftins o f the cro.ss. llic roule K irsc h ! th e sm a ll hours of (hc m orninirning _ Israeli and Bgyg y p t i a n fobricsfor>r bedspreads ond drape leatjH took lo his crucifixion. Sunday aflcr a (irllig dai’. iperies fo match lai’.'I nationnls. The penc rsn n -io - in prints or M ylrclc was doubly over- and solids. >1 found a single red rose’ inain person contact -heb e lw e e n vhclmin« nnd assumedI blue vase on (lie-lable by( of un fe liT ; / -'^rrrr: ■irt<;§‘lsrq c rsc rc atiD n In 1!H8. th e ad v o ca tes of pcacc. Godod beh Israeli citizen as'wass 11 (he casf* for your wwindows ^ 9 '] kficll in pniycr at iher wKJi you nnd y o u r courageon ‘ , Froo geous generally In llie pasl. We hove (iozens of pattatterns and the" most omb; my liend louchlnK llic! president. Mny he havc aI longlon T his Is only one sid e eei ffc c (o f i'-...... j , [■ ' o s f im o lo.s s % ■ w . narbic lop, a prlesl al mv side. life." popular styles of the new n est, most prac* the Sadat visit hul IIi( is ;m f '/ - ; , - j : 0 " ^ ^ po IfUitlhi* fresh c.indles, I'w cp l. '■ .Slie signed it,. "Y o u r ssister islt imporianl one on thele Ihum an .j i l [ -profoiSionon o f . ^ ticol tic woy to treot youour windows.. Idfjil •pcjiy, A.G .W ." willin'ul slvlni;! herhe level. p r r , ? insfollolionon ^ foi for use in ony room. Seele them soon! Vj I ovoiloblo i M ^ n e t i s m a H -u T \ ! ! ...... -- ^ ’ 1 ■■ «) OFF c|jire^it«l ^ 3 0 ^ / ^ N o w o m i oil pottntinued "GRABE and ba ck a ch e s wllh m a p iels. MODELS'ELSTO RADIO CONTROLLED f y llo was nne of the speakers a t :,Uhe F irs l In lem alio n ai'I ’ SLOTOT ClCARRACMB Drapeiery Hardware. '3 % OFF Cojjgrcss on Paranormal1 ☆ COMPUMPLETE SaECTION OF MOOaS P lw nom cna. ' ☆ TWAms-PLANES-BOATS-CARS IN S Sffrra, 7:1, claims hts« * HVERYIERYTHiG FOR THE MODELER miighcls Kivf him so much. TWiNPAUi J,. O PELM N D DAILY 1 0 :0 0 A .M , TO 9 :0 0 P l3»0HlgMiiidA*«.|. h e w as able to hound up CLOtWtm^DATS Phon*79»S7l U19 2IS-foot P y ra m id of Ihc SUn at‘T 6ollhuacan witlioul RCllinK j n o M i UrtB. A maRnct worn under a SISW.iMoin « cda{; Iapcl also will prcvchl 17 'Prices Effective p a Pho|w33MUt . h e a rt a ttac k s, h e say s. \ R N M A IK ■ im uT S ixty Ic c tu ro rs from l-l It . NovV. 25th thru Dec.c. 3rd I nQ^(ins will present papers on . 1 J p VI i g B ® ]^ I N C . 303 N. Ovvriand su^ccls ranKing from black ' Cr 0 EASTST PtMA* mugie lo exlrasensory per-' ' IT T m re TWIN FA ceptfnn. during llic wcok lonfj (VN^ING AVAllALABLE I ■ I0Y5 733-63S 3 ^ f I J P'NA ■ r ' co il-lav e. . , ■ I

B-1-J Tim esN ow si Twinm F;F.illn, Idatio Thufsday. NovcmU}mtJor24,I977 OASOLINE ALL!LLEY am j u s t a m iserab lej ThThat jes' lltJW N o^ma'am! EvVybodij ■>/I ama oldId m an and his H ain't r Is m 'love Mk Perfc's to p ®5 S C ® p 3(B ' & , ^ failure, moioneu!. Nobodij Bj;cueti it, ^ ^ i ^ m o n e g ! w t e f lf§ ' M f a l j M iss i lo lo v es-u s! P u f u s ?^^^^J^MTjTmTTTo ^ Mr. I..M . I!,„,l

gou is E s ® Ralslni are sold, too,>, iin six-packs, each ptck being ju about ibe size of a regul*'ular unfUicred cigarellc package. Ar ■‘OR FRIDAY. NOV. 2R Ig?7 ______' FORECAST FOI ______ccgin’.'S a S ------raisln-pjck-flts-lilcely-intiinib-nhirt-pockel;-Such'be-wluU ^^■Sillilli' inlend lo put there the nextnci time the wise urge arises lo.^u GENERAL TENDEIDENCIES; Today brings increased incn smoking.' Thc htnd goesI u(up automallcally, takes oul the pac flclivity nnd i/ you haveovc changcs y o u w ish to m a k os th iis is a unconsclouily, tnd whatIt ccomes forth?.A raisin. Raisin coa . Possible savings: a life, ll's linje'.i good time to make thor;hom. You can also 'solve a confiMnfusing -5 m aybe 13 ccnts a pack. P ______condition.. Dq_9ola9qujquickly as possiblo for best resure su lts. brood.on this. Deeply. A R IE S (M ar. 21 to;o AApr. Tgf KhW wHot ia cxpMlp S l ^ o f------Thc wry Mark Twain1 re;repealcdly commented lhal inasnnc yoi\by oasocint«s nndid thent do your bost to please.s« t th e m . BLONDIE* as he'd shown up on carilarth w ilh Hailey’s Com et in 183$,i>! Sidcatcp one who wontiants to woslo your timo. ^ vimm '|i(' isTH^IS 5 S 3 - < i o a 8 ? ) '' ' N O .' TtllSrtlis IS 311-1212 /.') I OIDN'-NJ'fl EVEN G ET ONE 11:1 indeed did hc cxpeci lolo depart when the comet swung I TAURUS {Apr. 200 lato May 20) Don’t nogloct toM hhi andle - WHO COULO ) —V lUMBER R I S H T ? . ' ' ■again in 1910. And lh a i he did, thal hc did. important monetary matterma early in the day. Thinkink olong« Z ' \((%: \ iTV JA Tee < ■ A falcon on the.top of an l&-story building ipotted r(]Kl . AT 3 A.M,-?. ) rnorc a b u n d a n t lim a1 for tho future. Bo happy. ^ . bug on Ihe sidewilk beloJow. lhai's how good are ihe eya*i . G E M IN I (M o y 2 1 10 .Juno 2M Sludy your surrouncDundings —' lhal big bird. Scholars wilnilnessed ii. improvement. Entertain friendsjn d s you and make plana for imf Fi;FISHERMEN . like and goin their loyaljyalty: Be poiaod,. Q. ••Scltlc a bcl. Whichich s'laie'has'the most fish er^: MOGNCHII.DRRNI'N (June 22 to July 21) An impoiT ip o ru n t A, Can only rep o rl thiihat California sells Ihc most fis^i 1 be kept sK ret for best results.Its. 1Havi) ^ plnn you hovo should bo licenses with Michigan se ^O urK T M M N N 'A flO U r ' SCORPIO {Oct. 23) to Nov. 21) You are highly intu 'B R E 1 t)B L rCAU-EBMB. -tAN'LCIL6ff*ra.')8«a«iTv; ehp one natural parenl and one on stcpparenl. And one out of U 11. Show \J N S U L T £C> ■ now and can handloI yiyour obligations very well. S lives wilh Ihe father only./■ increased devotion for)r lllhe one you love. BYVY A N D L A R C E (Nov. 22 to Doe. 2l| Moct«t with § ©V ^ 1 S A G IT T A R IU S {No j(!r What's ihe origin of theihc phrue “by and large”? That's wh ,ew plans in the proper perspociipoctivo. JJ q ! ^ | ^ nssociatcs and pul new our Language mv» wantetIted. to know. Writes a kindly cllen ' Thc evening cnn be aI m^ I / T1 H 4 n )< ^ h R ^ phobe. ' IFYUURCHILUISIIS BORN TODAY .. . he or shesh e w ill Fipp- WBnii If y o u ’re asked w hichh famousfi hotel h u hosled more wort ind. so bo' a u re to givo osI Tinfine a N(2!TH(Ni? y w r * ' • possess 0 logical mind. renowned figures lhan anyny oiher, say New YorkQty'aWaldbi ’ coroprohoniivo tinn ■» ynn rnn wn that the moatw a t can _____ „ ------Asioria..Or-i«-lhal-loo^bvii ; be mado of thc fine talctalent here. Don't ncgloct relig-eligious - Whal, you can'l drivec a nail withoul bending il? Pul a lilt training and bc carefulul oof the diet in early years. soap on its polnl. That worvorks. ------1 ___ . . - "" ■ ■ • L I V pOONESBURY.______= S Z 3 |^ FS£bBACX!Sr n I 6 m 6 0 ~ M A l\ ALLEY OOP D0/N6^JVSr T h i m e i o . . RNfil THE ...BYTHBTIB TIWE >OU PEOPLE \ VOUtu H ^ R P T H E MAN,! . F im .H A iim^ mwi eer^^OFF : PEANUTS, A U THeOUGH^ [ / Y E P.' HOW'(?e 7 . JU S T Rl um E aniSE K S WITH NOUK I.'IOJDOING?[. I SWrrCH:X S O A JJP 'S SETNOURSiSSELV ES READY, I I L 1 AMO'AOSi L E T fi —] SHOPPING? ID C H f tN e E f > " ^ “ ^ f . ^

I SEE HQUVE g i v e n^ /^OU 5H0ULP JM ) PK’ROG(ZAMMIN<3 fc— M l,,,1 1 — ^ UP TRVIN6 TO 5PEAR V ICE FILINS y - HE?.' p l B ii f H p A WALRUS... ^ - S l WeM

a J f y a / ^ O'] ...... mf. ' AMT ------■ 7 ' “ A l l ^ o u ' n II dT s BEETLE BAILEY1 jsNNi! ts rr. 50M5THINS TO CUT H I ® ___ / s o IT'S SOIN& ^ ^ a m i .? A HOLE IN THE ICE.... / 5 A R 6 E §11 ^ 1 5E/WAKE UR') huh?'' 1 . TO BE ONE OF , ■ — T E R 'S H S U S ! J A [WINTC I b J


n-1^______a f e ^ M I ACROSS 44 FrccJ AjiaVfiaira's ■ Answer lo Previous Puola ', Sic k o 's h a v 1 Tret kind (pl;) 46 Compais / 5 Lary bums point / SO THIS RifgSO'SO'S OOOD ^ ...U)Ct MABELJEUS WELU^WBLL.PA.PRBTTyfJOV-. '^ 1 '. ’A W 9 Fools 47 Kind ol'*O'*'*' gi ^ I'o r o c l t B ? f 0 ■ 'u 'o' = ^ . WITH A K N II*I.•I... liVEU./ I &A>S/HEAINWWT \ NCTHIJJ’ TOPCO PO IN THJS TOWN - 'A W t2Articltof '49 Rusiitnin r h r B n z n ,. appsral mountalm I SURE a ;n' t- ''N 'l V O rtrM P O N I NOTHIrwlN'... K - . . ” ‘CEPT POI.IB*'UBM VtR lA I > « l7 y \ \ \ »‘n» fT Ti^dtffla Tblola^a' iW r. , 7 fiANCV SETTIN'r CCUT STILL HE m u 13CiiY0nlh# 51 Kilehan ^ i l P « NBtTWERC...... r COViS T'TOV^ Tlitmii gidgtt B l i l i i S PER 5 0 M 1 1 4 G rt tk ttt S3 PortugtlItl Iand fofttK a ^ n *T m ^ A S O N ... ISMililtiY 'Spain operttion 57 HtIt ^ 1 IB Catch SaSwlmmlnining [ o |a |E « * 5 I ” £ OTpI Itn [Nlely a 1 2 * * »| PAMCAKP PU ST l EK- m g ® ts Ooclrint 59 It human ' 22 Sttge ol 60 ~Auld Lang' Lar l o l " l t | !■ r j S g i Instct growth ISComtditn 34 Grint ' 24 Color 9 Sparks 36 Excramtnt J l i a ■ - T 25 Samipreciout . DOWN 17Sllmiar .39 K i l l e d . 19Sociticlub '4lOlympic s £ s i 27 Depthi 1 Gtlltry : J-Ptnx -- 29 Mad*.of» hinglnB^iO> board.(abb, hard wood 2 Flurry 20 Box 42F o o d d ra u 4 1 3 t Frtc (rom 3 Relaiivei V, 43 Swimming M 1 . baciaria 4 Plania grt()'•»» H f . . mammal' i TH E BORN LOSIOSER 35 Plailtr 5 EKltmtlii dCAwingt. 8 A m not(il" " i8A »d™ o,.d. ^ V ------^ — ------1 P 37 Kitchtn . 7 Frtncitcti c^\^ I \ L c efo A . ‘ ffflplemtnt 8 Ftnc* poipo.” ■IM.IIc g>«»P wm m 3IBi..rln S!Curv,l.n.i V FAMILY CIRCUS 3 6 ln d itn w e tr 10 Work HW E \ f i^ i u p 5 . \ c . y T \ . wtw oMLW bOvi J — hAv e a ) (pl.) IIB ig n tmmein t Engitnd 54 Dancer Boli 33Americtn lolk 55 Ttvern A A 40 Lack '-goll 41 S tm t (prefix) 12 Strainers-}rt' ' singer 56 Broke breti )>J!6ICEU?/ I 12 (3 14 5 Itf'* 17 | 8 . | -

“ " 10 MlT n

T3 “ ^ M ^ T ,16

K; ...... : | ______iT " “ ~ ” it " rriB T r” ~ ” ^ T r p T T T r B B w 2 ^ B i 2 4 t REX MORGAN 25 2 ^ B B 227 7 : “ 28.' X E S '- t J l I WHU TH AT'S A V WHAT W H s i 32 133, 134 O K A Y .'■■ HAPPENED T YOU'LLL BBE, n CALLECrW Ilong'story.'IH 29 '■ LOOKS AAS TMOUSH^fcfc. ■ TO MET X ALL RISHISHT.' ffl Ivou? ^ 1I'LL ' TELL you E m fcni P VOU GOT HEI^ERE lN TW E,,T^/^e^?P?n MUST'VE , / WE'LL WAMTWf /if /ASOLTT-a:- - / S s T “ 5 CT ff BRICe? WH/H/ PON'T VOU FAINTED.y VOU INH THE*T» ^LATBR/^A JB ' ■ m •-T# >/ I IN THEHE AM0ULANCe/a^“ “ *Sfl ^ ^ HOSP/TAIITAL / " 3 ? " / ( '/ R '^'TH ELLEN:N /AND I'L L *- |W \ FOR A OADAY \ \ FO L L O W v■OU o t TO THE J ^ ■ j k ^ ^ y O R SO/ M i r p r p 3 " B B « 4 ^ B B 4 8 1“ r/'y HOSPITAL.\L i j S S B ^ S S ^ Z I 60______S s t 52 “ "53 ! 54 ISS [56 " ’’ r r ' — - ^ .

"I'm rea d y to b ef thankful It again, Mommm m y . Is ■ - ______M Vlhere anyon; turkey left?" ; , [. HI - I T . • ,tL L i. . . ■ , , • / Timo'.-Nows. Twin Fiill',. i.Jiiho ’ S.15 Tnursduy, I^ovombof 24.1977

. .. 0 / i i a < | e l p - ^ u r " - f ’l ' ’ ' v l M tt t i i V i l fI f f f lIR I " ® m tnSTMn m BIVIINU ■ ■ sHIOIPNOIW! ^ __ SAW1„0N_CB,C0MMPACTSTERilEO, ELECTBDKWLGGAMES.& &JOYSlPLUS H SPECCIALPUBCHAASE ITEMS AlIND REGULARR LOW-PRICEDD GIIT ibl^S^^

" ' ' ^ ^ H i l ~ j S ^ m H S REAU!JSTIG® ONE-HANDER C B F OOR I HOUDAY SAFETY! SAVI J.C. McWHOi^ORTER alms a playful punchich a t ;e s a v v e H M .J. P e a rc c asa s he d a re s his friend lo ta s te sosoi m e ^ L u n c h wit]■th "chow-chow.”V.” McWhortcr has made lunch lun unni m Il'il every Tuesdayday a tradition In Level Land,, S.C.S m S b M l a * 5 0 H is friends IncludcIn d l Pearcc; Vernon Smith, rot L * 2 C0 ■ ‘‘pu n c h ’ salesman, ccnltxnter; and fuel dealer J.E. Allred » Reg.169< rig h t. AM-FM STETEREO |I C RADIO/CASI t S S E H E 7 9 SYSTEM SA ; : ;;L u n c hI m a d e a1 t r a d i t i o l f m 1-1525 R eg. 199® '’ •L fiV fiL LAND. S.C. (U P>1). I). drug supply salesman1 frfrom for the world’s best bbarbecue ) 9 » : B s n i H •«^i:flJhe way J.C . M cW hortcrc r . A nderson; and iM.J. Pearcc Peai and he never comene back,” • tells it, wllh a lorge grin, hche take thcir places on oid1 stustools Jo n e s said. " I lold tiie'le ow( nerof iyst jUlowed tils heart to getjet nnd chrome-and-plasllc chairscha the place liiot I had foundfoi that a h ^ d p f h l s h c o d ...... a t a ta b le nexl tb an* elcct.‘lectric fellow. He's over at Le'Level Land ^ A Q C r . Realisticitic M odulette® -939 re- ^Tjiist sort of started feelingne mcalsllclng machlnc. ______e a tin g J .C . McWU LhnrtccIS-_____h ______c o r d EolM o ll he-air-or—live—using— — sorry for these b o ^ " he said. Niuch of Uie discussionon Itills harlwcuc.” 4 0 - c hlannel a t mobile TRC*461 hasias alt the controls—even th i n p u t s . ne day concerns a jar ^ «.«, P-ike inp ;.'iYna know- they would com e a r o f A llred say s the Me"vlcWlKjner speaker:er—built into the mike, no10 mr ore fumbling. walking Ihrough. looking sort)rt '’chowchow," a hot sau sai ce barbecue Is a local legeagend. i m of poorly so I thought I wouldlid Allred has prepared.d. lie 4'-I m ean you havo nenc< v crsce n give them something to cat.” claims it is from one ofhis of . such a slglit,”-liesaid.lid. “ Tlicrc e RADIO SIS H A C K ’S F A Mi ( o u s 3 Z ^ \ Whatever way It started,Id, m ild er b atches b u f tliere■;‘rc”are— arc'cars'antfptoplc")[C'Oirover' ------■ PECIAL P» l U R C H A S i ■nyn-on Tuesdays is the timene fewi)clicvcrs. everyw here and th att b;barbecue b ' w “ P O R T AiBLE B ANIMAL” McWbbrter .leaves the cashsh .. " P a s s J h e iced Ira causilaiise I . Is gone as .quickly asa s lie .ca n . _____ I /.TENNISJSAI\MEBYMAR] r{/gf»ter at McWhorter’s’s am about to burn upup,” dlshllout.” t x . r a d i o s Ejcx^ Station and General•al som eone sa y s a fle r allow]llowing MoiViiorter lias opw en ra tc d Uie S tp ^to olher hands so he canin tlie “chowchow” to slayr in 1his slore since ho left a J Job in a encpare lunch at a small stovevc m oulh a bll too long, n earb y texllle m ill Inn IS1950. I tis f l M Jnla comer of lhe store. Thererc "Vou won’t need fuelI oii to the only store withinI m iles and j i / m ■ B0-10S7 Jidand friends swap stories. heat your home this wlnleiinter,” mosl folks in thc areaca tradI e 1 ;| ^ lunchcs h av e tKCome 0 a someone else says. “Just1st usei the slore. IradUibn In Level Land, which:h this stuff.” Ail oftlie men sitting I G i v e h o u r s O f f u n t o tth h e k id s B '(i(fi;Si^l3-of M cW horter's storerc Tlic talk shifts to Julyf 4,4 ,1the tlie table arc longtimem c friends* I without using your VT V s e ll aijd^pbupleother buildings. only day of lhe year whwhen and tiie conversation>n is1 I : Front dials control th(h e p a d - ' ■ ■) I 9 5 t o j\nd It. Is no liglit_lunch:h Uicrc is 0 crowd In I^vclI LniLnind. tim es p ast a n d othersc rs - • I dies, auto-scoring. 1 5 9 5 McWhorter serves. This day 11II That’s thr-day McWhorl'h o rle r m en know, ls|:_y/uilson, potatoes, rice,e, prepares his spedal barbcqrbeque * At 1 p.m..- lhe galiicring gc CHARGE tx}^,and cornbread. and sells ll. Iwgins (li-eaklng up asas IU ic m en (MOST STOTOBESl RACCOON. 12-91i i - m ...... 1 3 ” PEKINIINGESE. 12-967 ...... 1 1 ” jSam Jones, the' postman;n; Hc p re p a re d 2,400 poundsmds df return lo work. m i m WHITE TERRIER.IER. 12-S77 I I ” , S i nriNG i N POODLE, 12-976 1 0 » Vernon Smith, .the groccp'p- m eat Ih isy e ar. ’’There Is one thingtg :you can S E . BROWN SPANIEIiNIEU 12-97915” BBOWiIWN TERBtER..i2.978.l3»i-.. »nan - from-Bel to n Jimm ------i-iiVou- know -l-w cnl-lo-lo -a — say-about-J.C,,—soys-ys-V crnon------— the Exxon man fromm bubecue house overe r in Sm ith. "H e c an cookt a;anything 4v*-^d his helper Aubrey;y Crtwrgla and tliey lold mc1C Uilhal and make It Uiebcst th h SA V E 1(1 6 % S A V E S> 3 o | i n SAVE 1 : < ^ 17: Gene Rhodes, thele a fellow had le ft lliere looki:ooking ev er put In yo u r m outh.' C A S S ETIE n STEREO REAUSTIC AC RECORDE C A S S E H E ^ A p p r o v e'^ed w a te r p lan costly DER 8-TRACK y E ■ A r SYSTEM HI RECORDER ^ tu S E (UPI) - Tlie state;e proved by the LegLslatu ilature. . rccommendalion for change'i'-ichi - R eg. 99” ;V water plan Includedad m any m B & J SAVlVE ^ SAVE*E^ S A V E H■5 . L5gfelatlve Council Conim m cc!C said ll would be expensivelive in com prom ises which lihe State Waler Plon thele th c long run. “ would Iw in th e Iw sl Inntcrcsts 5 KIDS’ REAUSTIC p o ficy see m s viable. “I don'l doubi lhal ilil willw of tiie most people." H R f ^ I'W s’ve taken 0 long look at3t evenlually lake 54 m illionn tl o o $6 : A 1964 am endm enlnl the V B H^■W SHAGK’S 3 -IN -1 RADIO/1/ 4-PIECE ■‘wttaCUie people want and feel cl million io im plem ent. AllVII we v idaho Constitution autllutliorizcd W W FULLCPLplor PHONO ~|g^!havc the best pinnn want is for you lo teil uss howho the slate Water ReR esource D STEREO PHON W «lblc," Yost said. ■‘But ve'c fast you wnnt us lo work woi Board to frmulale and ar lm- t v g AME!m R e g . 3 4 » R e g . 54«> ^ • n ^ o u lo consider Ihc cosl ofaf (1 loward Implcmcntalion." plomenl a state waterT plan.’Ilp •^trriplfeientatlon. If you ihinkik Vost said lhe board: con- co w as adopted 12 years later.lat' P'cat voof iPdrtidns of the plan should nolal sidcrcd com prom ises Inn for- fn T he l'J77 L cg islalu n R e g . : C i l ^ 5 9 » i195...... Plays LP-s,45-a,ra ^ 95 A 0 9 5 ;bq^ssed, 'you should say so. mulaling wliat It'dld bill1 feefeels required lhal the plan; :r L ' S ^ 9 0 9 ! , r 60-3055 enul Ba|is. opllon' 'W 13-113-1163 T f M 13-11622 Pi;rfuci lor iconsl ■ * I’y ut If you say to us lo lakete thc water plan Is Ihe Iwslsl oneni affirmative legislativliv e ap-- — 'tb\s i)lan back and do It over. 1 I for everyone concerned. proval by concuc u r r c n t s t y l e . don't^thlnk we can come upip Sen. Reed Budge. R-So{1-Soda resolution b efo re ItIt could RADII] |D S H A C K is Springs, questioned ho MINI DRILL SET WYth'a lot of changcs. This how becomeeffecllve. TELEPHONE ’’OCK: k e t seems to bc what the peoplelc carefully lhe board eonsldurtdered ' The Legislative Council C |H|A RADII} |D w m ? ' th e testim ony a t th e hearings.ings. appointed a commlllIlllc e to I mu^jy plan was adoptedKl "You mean you llslenedH'd to1 study th e w aler plan antiand m ake V • B e di or0 Black '^ 'tljc Water Resource Board■d 500 lo 600 p ersons and yc L 69?L 1 5 ^ 6 ^ . ^ MICRDNTA* J yoii recommendalions lo ththc p- can'l comc up wilh 01 TnTa'le 1976 but m ust bc ap- one Ixigislature. Ptug-in |^Hl2V0LTD CPaPOWER SUPPLY y 9 Insiolloiionl Oporaios most □ Blk. 12-171 Hed 12-172 , Non FCC >*«••>.>•I»M>qu.pm.nl0.r.cllicl>«n>(l*d 'Idool (or (uwolrv. crafis. W ithiboiiory bd moljilo OQUipmont . ^ompjcl ’'atocl'ina slullur"l ■ P ir a tees r a id D ain r is h sh ip loPttontCo *4uiKiuiDrf'».bi*c1l(>iiliicn*tg*> (nnd rachargcr. . I at homo. 1.75A. • 1 s l S E s'ilki; ii-.ildii(|, ,'invwtmrol

C A R D M/IlACHINE ELECTRORO-SLOT ROLLS RDYCIC E S A V E ^» SAVE 16°/< "cgpENHAGEN, Denmarkk outside the luirtwr, wallingng fifor The Danish ambas.sas.sador In .1 mu .in ~i % S A V E 4 0 % ty.PU — Pirates boarded %e - ’ aberlh. VIACHINE GAR RADIO Lagos told the Danish’Islf radio i i l A F U N r THERMOMETERB SCIENCE FAIR» < Danish ship Llndingcr Ivory.?. Piracy, carried oul by a ^ 2 5 % A >y ar- lliat tiie sliip wos noww in th e E r a R l B e : HETAL Indoof P H Y S I C S at]chored oulslde the Nigeriann mcd gangs using small >>oalImals, harhor and unoer H K "TREASURE r p o lic e J d e a ’J 4 9 5 j j g l P p«irl nf Lagos, killed thc ship'ss has becomc an incrcasir.'asing protection, c;^tain ond wounded nli H4 problem for .ships visllliislling '’Tlie Liilingcr line saidaid 11 was . cwwmcmbcrs, the ship’ss Lagos. sending a new crew loI Lagos.L j ‘ ■ Q MnerssaidTucsdoy. . .Tlic p ira te s wiio raided-•d the 11 The Danish mere rc T ia n t i 60-2126 j!jackpoi' 1 ^ 1 a — {Die L ldlngcr Line said lliat ------"^lilfc 'E^Teoro it Lln(iiriKer_ Ivqry.,„.stayed.■d. con .....marine organizallon askasked thd------O flw pokor; bi '■ '•"Boplico ol'i93l” S i c a ’ S / ' Fun tor oil aposisi ^ ■ ^ ■ 6 3 - 6 5 1 280 Mlo ptoiucisl Captain "Sonnlch'Krom anhn". ■ ■■ board for alioul two lioursrsand ai Intornallonal' Transpo: Phaniom II .Frcdcrlkscn. -14. wos shol andd stole typewriters and olln oilier Organization, lo ordK “™ RfiDloliiHACK ARCHER WALKIIKIE SPECIAL PURCHAlASE ARCHER ROADD „ SPECIAL SPECIAL PURCHASE llih)wn overboard and Ihc restIt •' personal belongings,s. a • sliipping boycott of N B A n E BRIES I ^ TALKIESIES COMPUTER OAR & PATRDL« AM DIKEDl I PURCHASE d Lldinger Line spokesman1 sal'said, ■unlil Uie N igerian govcr ^ S I R E N / w hen about 20 p irates boardedd • The ship was carrylng a cancargo— guarnntees thc'snfcty'or'' o r c i i ^ ------— - J J J J j ^ H |— 7»»Ear“1;------TRUCK^ l i ^ R A D IO _ jnri.attacked (lie ship Mondayy ofcliemicals. and .ships. ■ I i i i r ‘ii arming while ll w as anchoredd ... ^ HELM ET^'^^L - SH SOLAR LIGHTER ^ 9 , / p H • _ z — n i r — — F ~ 1 ^ HB 60-3020 f ro??.® . ■ _ A NoNpWomi [ 9 9 Fits any T p 1 6 9 I® - • Comploie 80l0< C 99 M ,7 W 60-3004 ilociioni No llconio roquirotf. t m 60-2374 . 160-2373 handloborl CigaroitosI | 61-2797 J ' ■ ■ IN iCViOO^V* ^t m 6 ^ F b t i s U f A R T SJANTAS A SHOP BARLY.. I lloms f A R A IS6 IW ■ . . . M O S T S t o r e s OIPIN P IAT£ eilGHTS Tr/ZCT/y/sniM / / S ." Rado Shi Radio 5 3 7 B L UUELAKE!ISBLVD.!N _ ------Doan • , , ------Look loiJE S-r/haek- TWIN*1 FALLS INOW OPEN SIMDAVS 12:001Hl5;lllP.H. ■ — ' inyou^ O B A ttn ' ■ - 734-4500 *3'’ ’^Khood. , . - no>ghbo a|»olj;t;H IS^2L li£il

]jT j]^ . . r : - — iSiaUiHii


V GHROUND ^ r ' ■ ...... < BEEF"^ I X Freshly Grminil • Popporoni• Sausacsago • Hamburger 1 “ A ssorted ^ L b . ■ . J . g _ _ ^ TONY'S----- M$ 1 OT [iPIZZA J I 140z.Fke.

^ Van De Kamiimps r Land O'Frost Sl!ce( FISH / SMOKED» I $^79^ ■ ■ m W ^rn m i K A BO> l B S ^ MEATSS I ■ J 1 ^ ■l®’ B M M M M l ■■ l£n9l &M K ^ -

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