O o n l B a g t j P l Hank{sgivhngfeistive Iin eai r l ^ 'mmMiis[ ByB ON NJE IE BAIRD JONES c alls. ilrcady under cultivation aroundund lhe community of Mrs.rs. Benoit came to Twin Fallslls Inli December of "Wcliadiid som e p re tty skim py y e a rs bul w e.' andLORAYlA Y N EO . SM ITH Her parents; Mr. andi PMrs. E. B. Williams, lock Crock. Everything else camc am e a c ro ss the B lue 1904 andai has lived her slncc. “I1 guessgu exccpt for had al loasoast a roast chickcn for Tiianksgivir Times-Nis-Ncws w riters manaR(^ the new building;g wwhich was the cenler of Laj, .akes Grade, a Sleep wagon road leading Into and WandcIda R eed wlio beat m e h e re byy 12 days, I may be ^ liommadcJc mince meal pie and pumpkin . -TU'IN. FALLS - ManyMa early day,Tidn Falls5 a ctiv ity for th e new farm con:ommunlty. out u t of S nake R iv er Canyon wc«w csl o f th e p rese n t th e loilongest resideiit of Ihc area.I. I'veI'\ seen iols of Hooversaiisaid. residents loday are refhvfleclint’ on different ways In1 '* "IwasaboutlOycarsoIda:d a t tJie tim e a n d we lived p ^ , ’crrlne Memorial Bridge. cliang<nges since 1904.” s h e s a ld .' O n e 'of fti the holiday .treats for Iwlh Thanks w hicli ttiey liavc* ool>s b se n 'e d th e Thanks(?lvinKJ in the hotel. ThanksgivingIng that year was very "As I recall the entire dinnclinner complete witii Harold Hoover' and Christrlsimas tho Hoover children cnjoye liollday. festive. Nearly evcr>-oiie; cconnected w ith th e in- pm )umpkin or mince pie cost the diners50to75ccnls."dim Hanarold Hoover, who owns EasiEasl Five Poinls sharing aa,"l)i:lch” oflhrec-flavorod Ice .Mrs, Lesley Oeiioit.it. widow■ of allorney Flarrj- ing land sales In the area' vestment company handlinf? ^irs. Benoit said. M oblk)lle Home Park, was Iwrn in lhe Kim'bcrly purchased;ed al lhe old Sterling creamery ne Bcnoii, rccallslior first•st ThanksKivinK1 In Twin Falls’ livedinthehotcl."shesald. d. Onec of the area investorss frfrom Chicago had railro:road station where his parenisits livedII Ix’cause of railroad 1lr tracks where the Shell Oi! Co. plant w as 72 y e a rs aRd wficnn IJietli city h a d only a handful of f For dinner, as the plonecleer resident recalls, the isslste d in bringing n N egro chcfh ef a n d his w ife to the lii!> fat[athcr's Job as railroad agent. located. ' p e rm a n en t buildings,, manyrnj tents and an elaborate ll turkey, as well as beef ne\ i i^icnu includod trad itio n a l ti jew community and the foodK)d was prepared lo “I1 fguess the Thanksgivings I rcmcmbci:rc most . - "We useused lo walk lliure and my fattier wou new hotel called th e P’errin e rr c . and lamb. Fruit was placeaced on every table and )crfectIon, Mrs. Benoit recalls.s. w eree tthose in the 1920’s when myly twol' sisters, my a cjuarl-slz•sized brick of Ice crcam. Wc wouk . ■ “As I rccall thankspiksKlviiiK din n er m a rk e d 'lh e! came from the Perrine orchrchard In-the Blue Lakes 7 T ills y e a r M rs. Benoit, a l 82,2, wwill be preparing a - parenisnTs and I sa t down lo a fcasl...My-molhcrwasa .M\ have .1 ththin slice and m ake it- la sl a s lo utffcial opening of theI hotelhoi and was a jjala occasionI area of Snnke River Canyon. - ■■ .... ‘tururkey and dressing for a dinnerncr wilh her daugliter inagnljnlficent cook and we alw ays managiHlXom ai have possible.":\"h ejH iid . for ju s t about everyonele inir th e new lown. .Mrs, Benbll1 VcRctables and other prodroduce came from'farms ind dauglitcr's family. goodi hholiday ,diij.rier.” ho s.Vid,' (Contlnuedonpg,2) f R t nl e s ; m WcxWS Idaho^) ’s Largest Eveniining-l\e ivspn per'' - - _ Even lo*\ lor l 5 ‘ cornor d«livi<rv , 733rd rd Year,.No, 75 Tvi/inn Falls,i Idaho, Thursday^, NNc o v e m b e r 2 4 .1 9 7 7 Sadilat viisit '" 'W i ■« sp litts !*abs ' -•* At m ' F CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - LlbyLibya broke lies with expectcclcd to win w ide A ra b backing, E g y p t tod a y to p ro lest Pre sidsident e i Anwdr Sadal's Thec breakingb of lies cxpcctcd sinc M visit^ to Israel. Bul Influcnlhsnllal Saudi Arabia week; —- was the latest snub-by radical m reportedly threw lls supportirt behindfc the pcacc regimemes, and came despite Eg) ^m ission In a.m ovc Ihat couldd sliorcsli up S a d a t a n d a ssuranees ra n to Arab allies tliat Cairo h. ■ Ajy tl I ' fu rth e r sp lit lIic A rab w orld.I. c h a nIgcd g c Us bnsic policy, bul it In announcing it-was wlthdrchdrawing diplomatic revolutllulionlzed its a p p ro a ch lo Isra el by o] recognition of Egypt. Libyaa saso id it w ould a p p ly a directect dialogue. the Arab boycott of IsraelEl tot< Egypt as well BulI theI semi-official newspaper Al / bccause "what comcs from■om E g y p t m a y be s.ald.KIiKing Khaled of Saudi Arabia has de coming from or going lo the•enemy.” one supportlortforSac^at. In addition, lh e govcm m erilcril ofc stro n g m a n Col. - ■■ "T'he he president relum ed (rom his pence Moammar Khadafy said EgyptianE( airliners lerusalisalem to (Ind an'important mcssag would not be allowed lo landnd inij Tripoli, and the KingKI Khdlcd waiting for hlm,”^lhe new lo ln t b o rd e r betw een th e twvo o ac o u n trie s w ould be said.. “In‘ this message, the Saudi im scaled off to prevent land traffraffle I fro m C airo. expressressed* est^m o( President Sadal The Libyan aclion forc^d EfE gyptnlr,- ll^g sta te - E g yp p t’s t’ rote, efforls and sacrifices for U run airline, to halt flightss to Algeria as well, cause.'>e.” s in c c they nrc usually ro u tedudviaTripoll. vl ‘ Thele reported Saudi supporl. If true, H ow ever, llic Libyan govem'cmmcnt i stressed the help1 enableci Sa'daf lo withstand the- mi Mark Mlllor/Tlmea-Nowo mover would not affect thehc “cxccilcnt treat- wavee o01 f Arab criticism a n d possibly b rea W H ETH ER IN a formmul i atmo^bere, such as tbett abandaoeeof tbe past yearI'ear. Oteervaoce of mcnt” of, the cstfmalcdd .2250,000 Egyptian hlsisofisolatlon In tfie A rab world, tbe Interior of tbe FlrslIrst United Presbyterian IbT aiik sg lv iD g D ay h a s long beenbeei a high point of ' "n a tio n als living in Libya. Middiiddlc East experts said moderate (. S Cbtird) In Twlo Falls,I, sabove, or aipund tbelr autumnai in tbe Magic Valley.By. P: lc h tre d In th e Libya also safd it had1 madem “necessary" mentsts such as Kuwait,■ Qatar. Bahral B a y fo'o r t h a n k s dinner tables, or erfaaps outdoors, Magic PresbyterianP cburcb Is Rev., Th<T h o m a s E . Y oung, ccontacts” with Arab staleses to1 seek Egypt’s UnitedJd Arab Emirates, North Vcmci Volley residents pausedli tltoday to offer tbanks for fisslstantai minister. eexpulsion from the Arab LeagueLcai and remove possiblybly Jordan, usually follow in ___________________________ I(league headquarters from CairoCali — a move not Arabla’ila ’s footsteps. -'-^Ifthcjhesc countries support S ad al. this p n - wil] assi3bsure him of a majority in the 'J2 -. r * ■ A rab League.Lc But ll will split the Arab m Into twowo opposing cam p s, m o d e ra te and ra M i n i sI s t e r , 9 7 , hi a s s p e cc i a l p r a yy e r t o d aV ^ y . th e expo(portssald. J Saudiidl Arabia is the chicf bankroller of E nnd Jordan, and is thusalsojnaposll tors of the old New niversa tt(D)(discy EXCELSIOR SPRINGS. Mo.0. (UPI) - A 97-ycar- and[his li wile havc been mernbers ■sary, His bride was 1C yearsrs oold t»o montlis ressure™ on Syrian P re sid e n t Hafez As; old Baptist preacher says he has rden P rim itiv e B aptist Churchll sirsince 1097. la tc ro n U old las a special prayer this Garde onM ay 2 2 . hed. longest tharriagcs in Tlie ( I ThiThanksKlvinji D ay for Ihe Rreatesitcst joyofhlsllfe. Thehe C lev e n g ers had one of th e lonp e Clevengers were life-long: re;residents ol Roy „ ro forged ' ahead—Thursday wl history of lhe United Stales, TinTheir marriage fell County, The Rev. ijjon ClevimKor warvants to thank God for the hi ty. Their first home logetlier'wa:■ w as in a one-room matlc offensive aimed al mustcrinf ^ Setting e)ex am p le ; record 83-ycar-old cabln.w ,ndttelrtlrslrf,o.do Ills mnrrlaRO lhal lasted 60 yearears, elglit monlhs and only/ three1 years sliort of the rc^ i.with handmade fucnilure.
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