Minutes of the OASIS SCA Bindings TC 13Th December 2007

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Minutes of the OASIS SCA Bindings TC 13Th December 2007

Minutes of the OASIS SCA Bindings TC 13th December 2007

Scribe: Piotr Przybylski (IBM) Decision to prune the list of scribes to voting members made by chair


Michael Rowley BEA Systems, Inc. Tom Rutt Fujitsu Limited* Bryan Aupperle IBM Michael Beisiegel IBM David Booz IBM Mike Edwards IBM Simon Holdsworth IBM Simon Nash IBM Piotr Przybylski IBM Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation Ashok Malhotra Oracle Corporation Henning Blohm SAP AG* Sanjay Patil SAP AG* Laurent Domenech TIBCO Software Inc. Nimish Hathalia TIBCO Software Inc. Eric Johnson TIBCO Software Inc.

Resolutions:  Minutes from 6th December approved (m:Mike Edwards, s: Dave Booz, no objections)  Issue 10 accepted (m: Eric Johnson, s: Piotr Przybylski, no objections)

Open Action Items:  Action [Editors] Convert JCA contribution into OASIS format and upload to document repository

Minutes from last week Motion to accept - Mike Edwards, D. Booz seconds Minutes accepted

Actions Action to convert JCA to OASIS format - still open Simon Nash action update Taken forward, response: Java group would also have preference but Bindings TC preference could be honored F2F - Binding TC accepts Tue/Wed meeting, next time Bindings TC agrees to honor Java TC preferences

Michael Rowley – meeting location: http://maps.google.com/maps? f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=4+Van+de+Graaff+Dr,+Burlington, +MA+01803&sll=42.466605,-71.215004&sspn=0.010922,0.014119&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1 Mike Rowley will also send location information to the list No further discussion on face to face meeting, Simon will propose topics in January

Actions done, no new issues.

Open issue discussion

Bindings-10 Summary from last week - proposal put forward to replace "/" with different character ".", "-" or "_"

Eric Johnson’s proposal: Replace "/" character in the "/definitions/@name" examples with ".". The definitions/@name attribute should look like "componentName.serviceName".

Simon Nash: we need clear words for the proposed solution "/" before definitions is not consistent

Eric Johnson: Proposal: Replace "/" character in the "/definitions/@name" examples with ".". The "/definitions/@name" attribute value should look like "componentName.serviceName".

Eric Johnson: Also: "[/soapVersionPrefix]" -- the slash before "soapVersionPrefix" should be replaced with "."

Proposed resolution, no further discussion Eric Johnson moves to adopt proposal, Piotr Przybylski seconds No objections to accept the resolution, issue is resolved

Bindings-18 Simon Holdsworth: Description : The JMS binding spec currently doesn't say how the response and callback element definitions relate to messages that are sent from a reference, and those sent by a service, and what the precedence of the message's replyTo and scaCallbackQueue are relative to the SCDL definitions.

Solution proposal: Messages sent from a JMS reference with a response queue have the JMS replyTo queue set to the response queue name. For messages received by a service, by default the replyTo, if present, overrides any defined response element. If scaCallbackQueue is present in a message, the callback binding destination is ignored. Clarify that in the callback/conversation section that the use of replyTo and service callback queue are there for interacting with non-SCA applications

Possible additional updates that relate to these: Add "overrideReplyTo={true|false}" attribute to the element for a service indicating always use vs. only use if no replyTo specified in a given received message - false is the default). Add "overrideCallbackQueue="{true|false}" attribute to , which applies when the binding is used on a service callback, to indicate whether the service callback queue is always used or only when no replyTo and scaCallbackQueue in a received request message. Add "useForCallback="{true|false}" attribute to the element for a reference that indicates that callbacks should go to the replyTo queue without having to duplicate the definition in a callback service binding.

Simon Nash - proposal to clarify or to augment the attributes Mike Edwards: clarification is fine but adding attributes is complex and should be separate Henning - confirm, this is about integration with non-SCA applications Simon H - prefers to have updated text Is proposal agreeable (without additions) Mike Edwards: remove additions, clarifications are fine We need to work through the use case to evaluate additions Simon Holdsworth: Proposal addresses the issue is acceptable Eric Johnson: exact text rather than instructions to the editor No objections to general direction Simon H will prepare text

Next issues Peter Peshev is not present to present next 2 issues, postponed

Next meeting on Dec 20 canceled, next meeting will take place on Jan 3 2008.

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