Course Outline: Quest 3 = Q3

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Course Outline: Quest 3 = Q3

Santa Monica College Department of English as a Second Language ESL 21B Intermediate Composition Winter Semester 2010 Instructor: Sarah Engle E-mail: [email protected] Website Address:

Class Section #1170 meets MTWTh from 8:00 AM to 10:05 AM in ESL 123

Prerequisite: To enroll in 21B, you should have passed 21A with a ‘C’ or better.

Course Description: ESL 21B is a 3-unit, six-week intermediate composition course designed to instruct students in the organization, construction, and editing of academic essays. Students will critically analyze required readings and develop a better understanding of basic rhetorical forms (illustration, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, and argumentation).

Course Objectives: At the completion of 21B, students will be able to: 1. produce an essay with a clear thesis statement, coherent support, and logical conclusion; 2. differentiate main ideas and details in expository and literary writings; 3. paraphrase and summarize texts; 4. recognize textual inference and appreciate nuances of written expression; 5. use various sources to support ideas and opinions; 6. understand and correctly use complex sentence structures.

Required Texts: Quest 3 Reading and Writing, 2nd ed. by Pamela Hartmann and Laurie Blass, McGraw-Hill, 2007 Quest 3 Listening and Speaking, 2nd ed. by Laurie Blass and Pamela Hartmann, McGraw-Hill, 2007 An English-English dictionary, such as Longman’s dictionary of American English or Newbury House

Materials: 6 large bluebooks 8 1/2 by 11 for compositions and summaries 7 Blue Scantron test forms (form no. 20788-PAR) for grammar quizzes and final 8 1/2 x 11 white, college-rule lined notebook paper #2 pencils, ball point ink pens, highlighters, whiteout, and a small stapler

Note: All texts and materials must be purchased during the first week of classes and are available in the SMC bookstore.

Attendance: Students who are absent more than six hours (including tardiness) will be dropped from the class. Two times late = one absence. There are no excused absences, and no make-up assignments will be given. Course Requirements: 1. Bring all books and materials to each class session. 2. Attend class regularly and be on time. 3. A student must submit a withdrawal notice to the Admissions Office before the deadline on Sunday January 24 in order to receive a guaranteed W. 4. Students who are absent are responsible for completing the assigned work on time. If you are absent, call or email a classmate for the missed assignments. 5. All cell phones and pagers must be turned off ring and vibrate before entering the classroom. 6. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the classroom. 7. Please speak English only in class.

Essay Assignments: There will be three in-class essays based on assigned readings and the final exam essay. All first drafts will be handwritten and completed in class. Second drafts must be revised and typed outside of class after they have been evaluated and returned. No late essays will be accepted without penalty.

Exams: There will be a grammar final and an essay final on the scheduled final exam day on the last day of class, February 11, 2010.

Quizzes: There will be regular grammar, reading response, summary, and paraphrase quizzes both announced and unannounced.

Grading Grading Scale 3 In-Class Essays 30% (10% each) 90-100% A English 1 3 Typed Revisions 21% (7% each) 80-89% B English 1 Essay Final Exam 15% 70-79% C ESL 25 Grammar Final 9% 60-69% D Repeat ESL 21B 5 Quizzes 10% (2% each) Below 60% F Repeat ESL 21B 3 Annotations 3% (1% each) 3 Summaries 9% (3% each) 1 Paragraph 3%

Honor Policy: Students must adhere to the SMC Code of Academic Conduct regarding plagiarism and cheating. Students who cheat will be reported to Admissions.

Free Tutoring is available in the ESL Center; sign up in ESL 106 or at the ESL Department website. Students may use the computer labs located in Cayton Center, the library, the Science Building, Drescher Hall 203 and 204. Check: Academic Counselors can be reached in the ISC (International Students Center) 310 434-4217 and in Counseling 310 434-4210 or 310 434-4589. Psychological counselors can be reached at 310 434-4262 or through Student Health. Course Outline: Quest 3 = Q3 Chapter = Ch Pages = Pg Reading and Writing = R&W Listening and Speaking = L&S This schedule may change at the instructor’s discretion.

Week/ Date Class Work Homework 1/ Jan 4 Course Introduction; Syllabus Overview Purchase required textbooks Mon DiagnosticTesting; and materials Q3 Ch 5: The Nature of Poetry R&W Q3 Ch 5 R&W Pg (168-174) + Poetry L&S L&S Pg (134-138) Jan 5 Orientation to eCompanion; Review Print parts of speech and Tues SentenceTypes and Parts of Speech sentence types handouts in Quest Ch 5 R&W Pg (175, 177-183) eCompanion + bring to Wed L&S Pg (138-140) class; Ch 5 R&W (187-192) Choose topic Pg 188 write sentence with topic of chosen poem L&S Pg (142-144) Jan 6 L&S Pg (142-144) Poetry meaning Construct Idea Map Wed R&W Pg (184-192) similes; In class Practice weaving quotes w/ Idea Mapping; Hedging and Avoiding your interpretation; L&S Pg Overstatement, passive voice (152,153, 158,159) Jan 7 Quiz #1-Parts of Speech and Sentence Q3 Ch 6 Heroes in Thurs Types; In-class paragraph of analysis Literature R&W Ch 6 Pg from idea map; L&S Pg (154-158) + (199-216); L&S Pg (168-173) (161-163) 2/ Jan 11 Q3 Ch 6 Heroes in Literature R&W Bring typed paragraph rewrite Mon Pg (204-206, 216-218) theme, to Tues class; Ch 6 L&S Pg parallelism; editing for errors; Rewrite (181,182) R&W Pg (219-226) paragraph of analysis; Annotating Photocopy + Annotate “Rite of Passage” bring to class for summary #1 Jan 12 Typed paragraph due; Verb tense & L&S Pg (186-191); Practice Tues form, sentence structure; Paraphrasing writing thesis statements and & Summarizing; In-class summary #1 topic sentences of “Rite of Passage” from annotation; L&S Pg (182-185) Jan 13 L&S Pg (192-194) Argument, Type outline for essay #1 w/ Wed synonyms, Thesis Statements, Topic thesis statement + 3 topic Sentences, Support; Outlining sentences; R&W Pg (223- 232); Bring, outline, blue book, pens, white out; L&S Pg (200-202) Jan 14 Check outlines then write In-class Q3 Ch 7 Endangered Thurs Persuasive Essay #1 from outline; Species R&W Pg (241-254) Quiz #2 Photocopy + Annotate “The Human Factor” Bring to class for summary #2; L&S Ch 7 Pg (206-210) 3/ Jan 18 Holiday - No Class - College Mon Jan 19 Rewrite Essay #1 in class Q3 Ch 6 Q3 L&S Pg (219-221) (225,226) Tues Ch 7: Endangered Species R&W In- R&W Pg (255-266) class Summary #2 over “The Human Type Essay #1 due Thurs Factor” L&S Pg (211-213) Jan 20 Doing research; Writing a reference R&W Pg (264, 265) Choose a Wed list; vocabulary; R&W Pg (261-270) topic, gather sources + log L&S Pg (221-224) them in chart on Pg 267 Jan 21 Typed Essay #1 Due; Work in class R&W Pg (266-270); Bring Thurs on thesis statements, topic sentences, typed outline and typed and support for essay #2 outline; reference list to class and Quiz #3 make 2 copies; L&S Pg (225, 226) 4/ Jan 25 Typed outline for essay #2 due with Continue to work on and Mon typed reference list; L&S Pg (227-229) correct outline and reference list Jan 26 Selecting quotes and citing sources Select and bring 3 typed cited Tues from Ch 7 textbook articles source quotes to class Jan 27 Typed cited source quotes due Bring blue book to class for Wed essay #2 Jan 28 In-Class Essay #2 from corrected Q3 Ch 8 Human Ecology Thurs outline and reference list; Quiz #4 R&W Pg (277-284); Photocopy + annotate “Are Pesticides Safe?” bring to class for summary #3; Ch 8 Environmental Health L&S Pg (236-239) 5/ Feb 1 Rewrite essay #2 in class; Ch 8 R&W R&W Pg (287-291); L&S Pg Mon Pg (285, 286, 291, 292); In-class (247,253-255) Summary #3; L&S Ch 8 Pg (240,241) Feb 2 R&W Pg (292, 294); L&S Pg (248-251) R&W Pg (292-295); L&S Pg Tues (262-264) Feb 3 R&W Pg (296-299); L&S Pg (255,256) Type essay #2 and bring to Wed Thurs class; R&W Pg (301- 305); Bring typed outline and blue book to class on Thurs; L&S Pg (262-264) Feb 4 Typed Essay #2 Due; In-class Essay Study for Quiz #5; Review Thurs #3 from outline vocabulary from R&W Pg (319+320); L&S Pg (321+322) 6/ Feb 8 Rewrite Essay #3 in class Type Essay #3 and bring to Mon Quiz #5 class on Tues Feb 9 Typed Essay #3 Due; Review for final Annotate + summarize final Tues exams; Distribute Final Reading reading for final essay Feb 10 Group discussion about Final Reading Review course writing and Wed Grammar + Mechanics Review quizzes for final exams Feb 11 Grammar + Essay Final Exam From 8:00 to 10:05 am Thurs

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