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Wireless Personal Area Networks s41

三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

Title IEEE802.15 WG minutes

Date 14 March, 2003 Submitted

Source [Pat Kinney] Voice: [1.724.733.8650] [Kinney Consulting] Fax: [] [Export, PA] E-mail: [[email protected]] Re: 802.15 Plenary Meeting in Dallas, TX

Abstract IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes

Purpose Official minutes of the Working Group Session

Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Submission Page 1 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066

IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #23 Hyatt Regency DFW, International Parkway, P.O. Box 619014, DFW Airport, TX 75261, USA

Monday, 10 March 2003 1:10 802.11 and 802.15 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. Announcements . Review IEEE, 802 LMSC, 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, & 802.19 Policies and Procedures (IEEE802.11-00/278r5) o Wireless Network and Network Cards o Online attendance recording & document # requests (IEEE802.11- 03/044r1) . Approve or modify 802.11 Working Group Agenda o Agenda approved by unanimous consent following no discussion nor objections (IEEE802.11-03138r3) o Minutes approved by unanimous consent following no discussion nor objections 1:34 Approve or modify joint 802.11, 802.15 & 802.18 opening session meeting. Motion to approve the agenda was moved by TK and adopted by unanimous consent Review & approve joint 802.11, 802.15 & 802.18 meeting minutes from Kauai Session. Hearing neither discussion nor objections the minutes were approved. Summary of key working group / 802 events / activities o Review Interim meetings (IEEE03/172r0) . May 2003 meeting is in Singapore hosted by Cisco . No venue for September 2003 yet. Ottawa is out but

Submission Page 2 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 looking in the Baltimore/Washington DC area. Microsoft will be the host. . January 2004 meeting is in Vancouver, Canada hosted by IEEE 802 LMSC . Future meeting locations: May 2004 offers include Seoul, Korea (Samsung) and Amsterdam (?). o Financials/January Interim meeting: . 433 attendees . $45,001.69 surplus o Report on SEC activities and plans (IEEE802.15-03/171r0) 1:42 Report on EXCOM activities and plans Monday SEC Meeting-Kauai 1:47 Task group/Study group reports 802.11 wireless local area networks Task Group e - MAC enhancements (QoS) by J Fakatselis: working on resolution of ~1000 comments from letter ballot 51. Adhoc group addressed 200 – 300 comments before this session. Task Group f - Inter-Access Point Protocol by D Bagby: working on sponsor ballot recirculation ballot comment resolution Task Group g -data rates > 20 Mb/s @ 2.4 GHz by M Shoemake: letter ballot 54(draft 6.1) passed, 98% affirmative. Sponsor ballot (draft 6.2) of 96 voters then passed with 84% affirmative with 11 negative votes. Final approval expected in June 2003. Session’s objective is to resolve comments update draft to 7.0 and request Sponsor Recirculation Ballot. Task Group h – spectrum managed 802.11a by Mika Kasslin:  802.11H Sponsor Ballot passed with 92% affirmative. Objective is to go to recirculation if necessary Task Group i Enhanced security mechanisms by D Halasz: goal is to go to recirculation letter ballot by May meeting Task Goup j - 4.9 - 5 GHZ operation IN JAPAN by Shang Li

Submission Page 3 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 Task Goup k – Radio Resource Measurements by Richard Paine Task Group m – standard maintenance by Bob O’Hara: Soliciting items that need to be clarified and corrected within the 802.11 standard. Standing Committee WNG – Globalization and Harmonization of 5 GHz by TK Tan Study Group High Throughput by John Rosdahl: Letter ballot 55 (PAR and 5 criteria) failed with 68% affirmative. The SG will be working on resolving comments. 1:47 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks 15.2 Coexistence Task Group) - Shellhammer: unofficial sponsor ballot results were 95% in 802.15 but only 66% returned so closing date has been delayed. 15.3 High Rate Task Group–Barr: sponsor ballot recirculation had 96% approval 171 comments (57 technical). 15.4 Low Rate Task Group - Kinney: completed sponsor ballot recirculation with only editorial comments; looking for RevCom PC committee by Glyn Roberts (IEEE802.15-076r2) 15.3a Higher Rate Task Group: B Heile hearing 31 submissions from CFI this week 2:20 Joint 802.11 & 802.15 802.18 RADIO REGULATORY TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP ACTIVITIES & PLAN by C Stevenson (IEEE802.18-03/013r0) 2:27 802.19 Coexistence TAG activities & plans by J Lansford (IEEE802.19- 03/006r0) 2:31 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Working Group activities & plans by M Klerer. This week will be having presentations on channel and traffic models, networking consideration, evaluation criteria, et al. 2:35 Adjourn joint 802.11 / 802.15 meeting and recess for WG meetings 2:53 802.15 WG chair called the 802.15 plenary meeting to order First issue was to approve or modify 802.15 WG agenda (IEEE802.15-

Submission Page 4 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 03/060r3). Mike Foley, Bluetooth SIG, was put on the agenda to address an 802.15.1/Bluetooth matter. Motion by John Barr and seconded by Ivan Reede. There were 27 first timers to this meeting. Chair made a call for any IP contained in the drafts; there were no responses. Old Business o Rules update discussion: rules need to be updated to allow for changes since they were written. o TG31A liaison report by Bob Huang (IEEE802.15-03/028). ETSI stated first process for standardization. 3:03 Mike Foley talked to Bluetooth status. Bluetooth will publish v1.2 this year. It’s not a major overhaul but an improvement over v1.1 with some features to help the marketplace: coexistence, et al. Mike talked to the issue of updating IEEE 802.15.1 standard to reflect v1.2. J Gilb asked about some issues with the review process and what changes would Bluetooth accept if it was found to be faulty. To this end Mike stated that the SIG would be willing to investigate instituting a new relationship with the IEEE. 3:06 New Business o RevCom continuous approval process. We have three sponsor ballots in various stages of completion. If you miss a deadline for RevCom you have the option of the continuous approval which has a deadline of March 15. We will try for this for 802.15.4. IEEE 802.15.3 will go for the June meeting of RevCom. o 802.11 High Throughput PAR update. Bob voted no on the LB since this PAR was incorrectly stated. 3:17 Meeting recessed. Wednesday, 12 March 2002 10:33am WG chair called the meeting to order.

WG Chair made announcements concerning Meeting Objectives and Agenda.  Chair commented that four motions are coming up in this meeting.

Submission Page 5 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 Motion to approve the agenda (IEEE802.15-03/060r4) was made by Rick Alfvin with Ian Gifford seconding. Hearing neither discussion nor objection the agenda passed by unanimous consent.

Motion to approve the minutes (IEEE802.15-03/007r0) was made by R Alfvin with J Barr seconding. Hearing neither discussion nor objections the minutes were approved.

10:37 am Document list 02000r1 was reviewed for missing documents.

 WG is not using the attendance book for this session.

10:41am Carl Stevenson talked to a motion that the 802.18 WG would like approved by the 802.15 WG. Motion: To approve document 18-03-14r0_Letter_re_Unlicensed _Spectrum_Bills.doc, authorizing the Chair of 802.18 to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template,” create personalized versions and deliver those letters to the appropriate Senators and Representatives. Moved by C Stevenson and seconded by John Barr. B Shvodian asked for a friendly amendment that the motion explicitly mention the bills and the senators that will be included in this letter. Carl accepted this amendment. Motion: To approve document 18-03-014r0_Letter_re_Unlicensed _Spectrum_Bills.doc, authorizing the Chair of 802.18 to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template,” create personalized versions and deliver those letters to the appropriate Senators and Representatives regarding S-159 and HR-363.

Following neither discussion nor objection the motion was unanimously passed.

10:48 TG2 status update, Steve Shellhammer commented that since the ballot hadn’t received sufficient returns the ballot would remain open another ten days.

10:50am TG3 status update, John Barr (IEEE802.15-03/073r3)

Submission Page 6 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 John reviewed the SB2 comment status. John commented that TG3 will ask for conditional approval on Friday.

10:52am TG3a status by Bob Heile Proposals are being heard this week.

10:53am TG4 status update, Pat Kinney Goal is to go RevCom by continuous approval method. 10:55 PC status by Glynn Roberts Glynn mentioned that there were over 80 attendees at the meeting, with reports from WiFi, ZigBee, et al. 11:04 am Low rate UWB status by Larry Taylor (IEEE802.15-03/158r1) Larry made the following motion: Move to create 802.15.4 Study Group ‘a’ for the purpose of generating the PAR & 5C for an alternate PHY based on UWB technology. Motion was seconded by Larry Taylor, seconded by John Barr. Discussion ensued as to the uniqueness and to the requirement for a specific technology. R Aiello made a friendly amendment to delete “technology”. Larry accepted this friendly amendment. Move to create 802.15.4 Study Group ‘a’ for the purpose of generating the PAR & 5C for an alternate PHY based on UWB. D Bailey suggested broadening the scope to include other technologies. R Aiello disagreed with this request. Jason Ellis mentioned that other alternate PHYs should find out their own self interest groups. J Gutierrez wanted the motion to remove the UWB requirement and add what the SG would be seeking such as location awareness. Larry rebuked this change and added that position awareness was ambiguous. I Reede spoke against the motion due to its technology requirement. John talked to the changes in the MAC that would be required to have location awareness. Said Moridi asked if UWB would be mature enough to suit this market. Larry replied affirmative. Venkat Bahl talked against the motion. Matt and Bernd talked against the motion due to its basis on technology and not on benefits or market goals. Larry spoke against this suggestion to remove the UWB requirement from the motion.

Submission Page 7 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 Dan Bailey moved to call the question which was seconded by Ivan Reede. The vote on calling the question results was 20/8/9, so the motion carries. The vote on Larry’s motion was ruled procedural with results of 16/17/17, the motion fails.

11:35am Tom Siep presented a overview of the Bluetooth SIG and its relation to TG1 (IEEE802.15-3/175r0) Motion: Move to approve the formation of a Study Group in 802.15 to develop a project for an amendment to IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002. This motion was moved by Tom Siep and seconded by Ian Gifford. B Heile advised the group that this vote is procedural and that this would not be a maintenance PAR rather it would be an amendment PAR due to the extra features. Discussion: J Gilb spoke against the SIG’s relationship to TG1 in the past. Will we be able to put in changes? TS: Relationship has changed since TG1; Tom furthered that the purpose of the SG is to determine if IEEE can work with the SIG. JG: spoke against the motion since he didn’t believe that the IEEE should waste its time until the SIG decides if it is willing to work properly with the IEEE. S Shellhammer asked if the IEEE would be able to change the IEEE draft as per IEEE rules. TS: this will have to be answered by the BT SIG. S Shellhammer: spoke against the motion until the BT SIG detailed its relationship with IEEE. D Cypher: has security been updated in v1.2? TS: yes. DC: What is the requirement for SDL? TS: timeframe is a stable draft by mid April. Deadline for completion is January 2004. I Gifford spoke for the motion. Vote was taken on this motion: 10/7/14, the motion carries. Bob Heile would not approve any PAR that didn’t address the issues raised in the discussion.

12:04 WG recessed

Friday, November 15, 2001 8:02 WG chair called the meeting to order

Submission Page 8 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 Chair reviewed the agenda. Chair moved C Stevenson’s report to first. This motion was made by R Alfvin and seconded by John Barr. Following no objections, this motion passed by unanimous consent. 8:05 Regulatory Report by C Stevenson (IEEE802.18-03/026r0)

Motion: To approve document 18-03-021r0_802_Opp_Pet_RM-10666.doc, authorizing the Chair of 802.18 to do necessary editorial and formatting changes, seek SEC approval as an 802 document, and file the document in a timely fashion with the FCC. This motion was made by C Stevenson and seconded by John Barr. Following neither discussion nor objections the motion carries by unanimous consent. Motion: To approve document 18-03-014r0_Letter_re_Unlicensed _Spectrum_Bills.doc, authorizing the Chair of 802.18 to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template,” create personalized versions and deliver those letters to the appropriate Senators and Representatives regarding S-159 and HR-363. This motion was made by C Stevenson and seconded by John Barr. Following neither discussion nor objections the motion carries by unanimous consent. 8:18 Closing report for TG4 by J Gutierrez (IEEE802.15-03/080r0). 8:28 Closing report for TG3 by J Barr (IEEE802.15-03/079r0). Motion: Move to empower the 802.15.3 SBRC to update D16 to D17 and release for sponsor ballot recirculation under LMSC Procedure 10.

This motion was moved by John Barr, seconded by Jim Allen. There was no discussion. The voting results were 27/0/3, this motion carries. Motion: Move to place IEEE 802.15.3 D17 on the May REVCOM agenda subject to successful completion of recirculation ballot following LMSC Procedure 10 This motion was moved by Jim Allen, seconded by John Barr. There was no discussion. The voting results were 27/0/5, this motion carries. 8:47 Closing report for TG2 by S Shellhammer (IEEE802.15-03/077r0) Motion: Move that the 802.15Working Group to empower the TG2 ballot

Submission Page 9 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066 review committee to apply edits to draft. Moved by S Shellhammer and seconded by D Cypher. The voting results were 21/0/1, this motion carries. 8:48 Closing report for TG3a by Bob Heile. (IEEE802.15-03/079r0) Reviewed proposals, edited the criteria document, and defined rules of presentation for May’s session. J Barr asked if there would be Conference call forum. Bob Heile replied that there wouldn’t be such a call setup at this time, rather members would use email. 9:02 R Alfvin announced that the CHARON server (http://charon.802wirelessworld.com) would be used for attendance at future meetings. All participants need to “become a member”. 9:04 Closing report for Publicity Committee by Glyn Roberts (IEEE802.15- 03/081r0) 9:12 TGe liaison report by J Bain (IEEE802.15-03/082r0) 9:17 TGg liaison report by J Karaoguz (IEEE802.15-03/083r0) 9:25 TGi liaison report by Dan Bailey (IEEE802.15-03/085r0) 9:31 1394 liaison report by John Fuller 9:33 802.19 Coexistence TAG report from Jim Lansford (IEEE802.19-03/011r0) 9:44 WiMedia liaison report by John Barr 9:49 Chair is looking for liaison to 19 and WNG. I Gifford volunteered for the .18 liaison, hearing no objections, Ian was approved. 9:48 Chair talked to the issues occurring in 802.20. Some 120 members, who have never attended an IEEE meeting, and have voted out the SG consensus. The SEC will have the responsibility of approving the chair today. 9:56 Chair talked to the new network capabilities at this meeting. J Barr asked that in the future these meetings should have more internet bandwidth. Straw poll as to who would support unrestricted access to the internet for a fee was 29/0/6. 10:10 Document update by B Heile 10:15 New Business: None 10:15 WG chaired adjourned the session as people walked through the parking garage to the airport terminal, meeting is adjourned until interim meeting in Singapore.

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Annex A Attendance

Last Name First Last Cummings Terence J. Aiello Roberto Cypher David Akagi Hiroshi Dabak Anand Akahane Masaaki Dombrowski Kai Alfvin Richard Eliezer Oren Allen James Ellis Jason L. Aoki Mikio Emami Shahriar Aramaki Mitch Escola Dwayne Arnett Larry Espinoza Javier Askar Naiel Fidler Mark W. Bahl Venkat l Fisher Chris Bahreini Yasaman Fisher Reed E. Bailey Daniel Foerster Jeff R. Bain Jay Fujita Etsumi Baker James R. Fukui Taketo Baker RIchard T Furuno David S Balakrishnan Jaiganesh Gandolfo Pierre Ballentine Paul H Garg Atul Barr John Genossar Michael Batra Anuj Gharpurey Ranjit Berjikly Armen Ghazi Vafa Birru Dagnachew Ghosh Monisha Boehike Kenneth Gifford Ian Bourgeois Monique Godfrey Tim Bowles Mark V. Gravenstein Martin Bowne John David Greeney Brian Keith Brabenac Chuck Grohmann Bernd Brethour Vern Roy Gurevitz Assaf Brookshire Daniel A Hahn Dongwoon Brown Ronald A Hamdi Rabah Cain Peter John Hamilton Thomas M Callaway Ed Harada Yasuo Carson Pat Hayashi Ryoji Caviglia Anthony Heberling Allen Chang Kisoo Heile Robert Chang Soo-Young Herold Barry Cheah Jonathon Y Hinkel Reed Chin Francois Po_Shin Hoghooghi Michael Chindapol Aik Last Name First Last Choi Sangsung Holt Keith Conkling Craig Horie Masaharu Last Name First Last Huang Robert Y. Cook Charles Ivan Ianelli Zbigniew Slawomir Cragie Robert Charles Jamieson Phil

Submission Page 11 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066

Jeon Ho-In Moles Bryan Jeffery KIM Jaeyoel Molisch Andreas KIM KYOUNG A Mondragon Antonio F Karaoguz Jeyhan Morelli Tony Kareev Uri Moridi Said Katagiri Masami Morris Martin Kelly Joy H. Morton Steven R Kelly Michael F. Naeve Marco Kido Ryoji Ngo Chiu Kim Joonsuk Ni Qiang Kim Myoung Soo O'Connor Christopher James Kim Yongsuk Obara Kei Kim Young Hwan Odadgiri Hideaki Kimyacioglu Kursat Ogawa Hiroyo Kinney Patrick Ohyama Takashi Kobashi Toshiya Ojard Eric J Kumar Sandeep Park Michael Kwon DoHoon Parrish Alan Robert Lampe John V Patton Dave Lee Nag Yeon Pek-Yew Tan Lee Simon Pendergrass Marcus Lee Woo Kyung Pigg James Everett Leeper David Poor Robert D. Li Liang Popescu Paul Lin Jerry Puri Anuj Lin Susan Raju Venkatesh Lopez Patrick Rashi Yaron Lou Hui-Ling Rasor Gregg Madhukumar A. S Razzell Charles John H Maeki Akira Rich Mark Malladi Krishna Mohan Ritter Benno Maltsev Alexander A Roberts Glyn March Steven Roberts Richard Martin Frederick Rofheart Martin Matheney Tom Rogers Chris Matsuno Noriaki Last Name First Last Maxwell Conrad Rogerson Gerald D. McCorkle John Rosdahl Jon Last Name First Last Rouzet Philippe McInnis Michael D. Roy Sumit McLaughlin Michael Rypinski Chandos Mclean James Saberinia Ebrahim Meyer Jim Sadri Ali Miller Leonard E Saito Shin Mimura Masahiro Saito Tomoki Miura Akira Sakurai Shoji Mo Samuel Sanada Yukitoshi

Submission Page 12 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 三月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/066

Santhoff John H. shiraki yuichi Sato Hideaki tokuda kiyohito Schylander Erik van Leeuwen Hans Seals Michael van der Ven Hans Shan Peijun Sharma Sandeep K Shellhammer Stephen J. Shida Masaaki Shimada Shusaku Shor Gadi Shrader Lance Crispin Shvodian William Siep Thomas Siwiak Kazimierz Somayazulu V Struik Rene Su Yuhsiang Sugahara Hiroto Tai Horng-Ming Lobo Tan Teik-Kheong Tanahashi Masato Taylor Larry Tu Kwei Turner Stephen E. Wallace Brad Walrant Thierry Wandile Vivek G Wang Jerry Wang Jing Wang Joe Wang Jonathan L Wang R Last Name First Last Watanabe Katsumi Welborn Mathew Wood Stephen R. Yaish David Yamaguchi Hirohisa Yong Kit Yoon Wonyong Yoshida Nobuhide Young Amos Young Song-Lin Yves-paul Nakache Zyren Jim meacham daniel peng Xiaoming

Submission Page 13 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting

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