Model Certified Evaluatio Plan

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Model Certified Evaluatio Plan

Professional Growth And Evaluation Plan Of Certified Personnel 2016-2017 Board Approved on March 14, 2016

Mission Statement: By providing superior educational opportunities, Glasgow Independent Schools, in service to and in partnership with families and the community of Glasgow, will produce graduates who are responsible citizens, prepared to excel in a dynamic global community.

1 2 Evaluation Philosophy It is the intent of the Glasgow Independent Public School District to develop and maintain a comprehensive evaluation system based on multiple performance measures. The purpose of evaluation is to determine competence, assess strengths, to provide support and mentoring to ensure continued growth through differential experiences and monitoring for continuous improvement. Evaluation is designed to improve delivery of quality educational programs and services to students. Evaluation Objectives Primary objective of evaluation: 1. To improve instruction. 2. To improve certified employees performance and professional competence. 3. To assist in identifying areas of professional growth for certified employees. 4. To assist in identifying strengths and areas of performance improvement. 5. To promote continued educational professional learning opportunities. 6. To provide a measure of accountability to citizens. 7. To provide evaluation measures in a non-discriminatory manner to support individual certified personnel improvement needs. 8. To assist in making personnel decisions for the purpose of improving instruction, curriculum, assessment and other professional responsibilities to support the Glasgow Independent Schools mission. Evaluation Procedures In addition to state-appointed evaluation trainings, the district will annually train primary evaluators in the evaluation process prior to the first day of school in the local evaluation process. The evaluation criteria and process used to evaluate certified school personnel shall be explained to and discussed with certified school personnel no later than the end of the first month of reporting for employment for each school year. Evaluation Guidelines The performance based teacher (including Other Professionals) and administrator evaluation system includes two stages: formative and summative. The formative stage of evaluation will be a continuous cycle of obtaining multiple measures of evidence for evaluation based on predetermined evidence as listed in the present evaluation plan. All observations or monitoring of performance of certified employees shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher or administrator. The evaluation shall be on approved forms along with any written responses to evaluation. Forms and written responses will become part of the official personnel file. A copy of the evaluation will be provided to each certified personnel evaluated. The summative stage of evaluation includes a summary of the information gathered during the formative stage. All observations or monitoring of performance of certified employees shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher or administrator. All summative evaluations shall be in writing on approved forms and along with any written responses to evaluation. The evaluation shall be documented on approved forms (Appendix) for certified personnel excluding the Superintendent, along with any written responses to evaluation. Forms and written responses will become part of the official personnel file. A copy of the evaluation will be provided to each certified personnel evaluated. Performance will be documented as ineffective, developing, accomplished or exemplary. Performance levels for designated District Certified Personnel will include meets, growth needed or does not meet. The primary evaluator will complete all parts of the summative evaluation instrument by deadlines indicated in the plan.

3 Special teachers and itinerates will be evaluated by the designated evaluator of the home school, and other principals may become contributors to the process. The immediate supervisor of the certified school employee shall be designated as the primary evaluator. Additional trained administrative personnel may be used to observe and provide information to the primary evaluator. One mini observation will be conducted by a principal-designated Peer Observer. The Peer Observer will observe, collect, share evidence and provide constructive feedback for formative purposes only. Peer Observers will not score a teacher’s practice, nor will peer observation data be shared with anyone other than the Observee unless written permission is obtained. All Peer Observers are required to participate in Peer Observer Training. The district expects all certified employees to meet district and state standards to continue employment. In the event standards are not met by a non-tenure certified employee, an assistive growth plan or termination of employment may be recommended. An employee with a continuing contract who does not meet district and state standards in all categories shall be placed on an assistance/improvement plan. Each growth plan shall be developed under the direction of the school principal or primary evaluator with an assigned assistance team to include a district certified/central office administrator and/or the assistant principal or principal of the school to supplement the evaluative work of the primary evaluator.

Table of Contents

Assurances 2 Evaluation Philosophy and Objectives, Guidelines and Procedures Overview 3

Professional Growth and Effectiveness System – Certified Teacher 7 Roles and Definitions 11 KTheen tKuckyentu Pckyrofe Frssaiomnealw orkGro forwth T &eac Ehffinectig veness System Model 11 12 Sources of Evidence/Framework Teaching Alignment 13 Professional Practice 14 Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection 14 Timeline for Self-Reflection/PGP Development 14

4 Observation 15 Observation Model 15 Observation Conferencing 17 Observation Schedule 18 Timeline for Non-Tenured Staff 18 Timeline for Tenured Staff 19 Peer Observation 20 Student Voice 22 Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence 24 Student Growth 25 State Contribution – Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) 25 Local Contribution – Student Growth Goals (SGGs) 26 Rigor of SGGs 27 Comparability of SGGs 28 Determining Growth for a Single SGG 29 Overall Decision Matrix, State & Local 29 Overall Growth Rating 29 Determining the Overall Performance Category 30 Rating Professional Practice 30 Rating Overall Student Growth 31 Determining the Overall Performance Category 32 Criteria for Determining Teacher’s Professional Practice Rating (3-yr Summative Cycle) 33 Criteria for Overall Performance Category 35 Professional Growth Plan and Summative Cycle 36 Observer Certification 37 Observer Calibration 38 Professional Growth and Effectiveness System – Principal and Assistant Principal 39 Kentucky Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Model 40 Sources of Evidence/Framework Principal Alignment 41 Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Components –Overview and Summative Model 41 Principal Performance Standards 43 Professional PracticPreofessional Growth Plan and Self-Reflection 44 Site-Visits 45 Conferencing Guidelines 45 WValorki-Edn g360 Coºnditions Goal 46 47 Products of Practice 49

Student Growth 49 LocalState C Coonntritribubutitioonn 514 9 Determining the Overall Performance Category 52 Rating Overall Professional Practice 52

5 Rating Overall Student Growth 53 PrDeoterfessmioinninalg GOrvoewrallth PPerlanfo anrmda Snucemm Caatteigorve Cycly e 5655

District Certified Personnel 57 Section I Overview Data Collection Procedures Training Appeals Timelines

Section II- Evaluation Standards and Performance Criteria 60

District Certified Personnel 61

Appeals Process 67

Appendix Pre-observation Form 73 Post Observation Form 74

Teachers Formative Data Collection/Conferencing Form 75

Teacher Summative Evaluation Form 76 School Administrator Summative Evaluation Form 78

Think and Plan Guidance for Development of Student Growth Goals (Teacher) 81 Student Growth Goal Rubric 86 Professional Growth & Reflective Planning Document (Teacher) 88 Professional Growth & Reflective Planning Document (School Administrator) 91 Student Voice Surveys 97

Assistive (Improvement) Growth Plan 103

Library/Media Specialists Forms 108 School (Guidance) Counselor Forms 115 Therapeutic Specialists (Speech) Forms 122

Professional Code of Ethics for KY School Personnel 131

District Professional Growth and Effectiveness Plan

Professional Growth and Effectiveness System The vision for the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) is to have every student taught by an effective teacher and every school led by an effective leader. The goal is to create a

6 fair and equitable system to measure teacher and leader effectiveness and act as a catalyst for professional growth.

Roles and Definitions 1. Appeals: A process whereby any certified personnel employee who feels that the local district failed to properly implement the approved evaluation system can formally disagree with his or her evaluation. 2. Artifact (Evidence): A product of a certified school personnel’s work that demonstrates knowledge and skills. 3. Assistant Principal: A certified school personnel who devotes the majority of employed time in the role of assistant principal, for which administrative certification is required by EPSB. 4. Certified Administrator: A certified school personnel, other than principal or assistant principal, who devotes the majority of time in a position for which administrative certification is required by EPSB. 5. Certified School Personnel: A certified employee, below the level of superintendent, who devotes the majority of time in a position in a district for which certification is required by EPSB. 6. CIITS (Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System)/Educator Development Suite: A system to connect standards, electronically stored instructional resources, curriculum, formative assessments, instruction, professional learning and evaluation of teachers, other professionals and principals in one place. 7. Comparability: Data collected for the student growth goal must use comparable criteria across similar classrooms (classrooms that address the same standards) to determine progress toward mastery of standards and enduring skills. 8. Conference: A meeting between the evaluator and the evaluatee for the purposes of providing feedback, analyzing the results of an observation or observations, reviewing other evidence to determine the evaluatee’s accomplishments and areas for growth, and leading to the establishment or revision of a professional growth plan. 9. Evaluatee: A certified school personnel who is being evaluated. 10. Evaluation: the process of assessing or determining the effectiveness of the performance of a certified employee. 11. Evaluator: The primary evaluator as described in KRS 156.557(5)(c)2. 12. Formative Evaluation: Is defined by KRS 156.557(1)(a). 13. Full Observation: An observation conducted by a certified observer that is conducted for the length of a full class period or full lesson. 14. Improvement Plan (Assistance Plan): A plan for improvement up to twelve months in duration for: a. Teachers and other professionals who are rated ineffective in professional practice and have a low overall student growth rating. b. Principals who are rated ineffective in professional practice and have high, expected, or low overall student growth rating. 15. Job Category: A group or class of certified school personnel positions with closely related functions.

7 16. Kentucky Framework for Teaching: The document indicating the domain, components and descriptors for which certified personnel will be evaluated. The document is located on the Glasgow Independent Schools Faculty/Staff Web Page. 17. Local Contribution: A rating based on the degree to which a teacher, other professional, principal, or assistant principal meets student growth goals and is used for the student growth measure. 18. Local Formative Growth Measures: Is defined by KRS 156.557(1)(b). 19. Mini Observation: An observation conducted by a certified observer for 20-30 minutes in length. 20. Non-Tenured Teacher: A teacher with 0-4 years of teaching experience. 21. Observation: a data collection process conducted by a certified observer, in person or through video, for the purpose of evaluation, including notes, professional judgments, and examination of artifacts made during one (1) or more classroom or worksite visits of any duration. 22. Observee: The person who is observed by the observer or assigned administrator or supervisor. 23. Observer Certification: A process of training and ensuring that certified school personnel who serve as observers of evaluatees have demonstrated proficiency in rating teachers and other professionals for the purposes of evaluation and feedback. 24. Observer calibration: The process of ensuring that certified school personnel have maintained proficiency and accuracy in observing teachers and other professionals for the purposes of evaluation and providing feedback. 25. Other Professionals: Certified school personnel, except for teachers, administrators, assistant principals, or principals. 26. Overall Student Growth Rating: The rating that is calculated for a teacher or other professional evaluatee pursuant to the requirements of Section 7(9) and (10) of this administrative regulation and that is calculated for an assistant principal or principal evaluatee pursuant to the requirements of Section 10(8) of this administrative regulation. 27. Peer observation: Observation and documentation by trained certified school personnel below the level of principal or assistant principal. 28. Performance Criteria: The areas, skills, or outcomes on which certified school personnel are evaluated. 29. Performance Rating: The summative description of a teacher, other professional, principal, or assistant principal evaluatee’s performance, including the ratings listed in Section 7(8) of this administrative regulation. 30. Pre-Conference: a meeting between the evaluator and the certified personnel to discuss and plan the schedule, date, content, time, etc. of the observation(s). 31. Post-Conference: a meeting between the evaluator and the certified personnel employee to provide feedback from the evaluator. The evaluator and the certified personnel employee analyze the results of observation(s) and other information to determine accomplishments and areas of growth leading to the establishment or revision of a professional growth plan. To be held within one week of observation.

32. Primary Evaluator: The evaluator who is the employee’s immediate supervisor (principal or designee).

8 33. Principal: A certified school personnel who devotes the majority of employed time in the role of principal, for which administrative certification is required by the Education Professional Standards Board pursuant to 16 KAR 3:050. 34. Professional Growth and Effectiveness System: An evaluation system to support and improve the performance of certified school personnel that meets the requirements of KRS 156.557(1)(c), (2), and (3) and that uses clear and timely feedback to guide professional development. 35. Professional Growth Plan: An individualized plan for a certified personnel that is focused on improving professional practice and leadership skills, aligned with performance standards and the specific goals and objectives of the school improvement plan or the district improvement plan, built using a variety of sources and types of data that reflect student needs and strengths, evaluatee data, and school and district data, produced in consultation with the evaluator as described in Section 9(1), (2), (3), and (4) and Section 12(1), (2), (3), and (4) of this administrative regulation, and includes: (a) Goals for enrichment and development that are established by the evaluatee in consultation with the evaluator; (b) Objectives or targets aligned to the goals; (c) An action plan for achieving the objectives or targets and a plan for monitoring progress; (d) A method for evaluating success; and (e) The identification, prioritization, and coordination of presently available school and district resources to accomplish the goals. 36. Professional Practice: The demonstration, in the school environment, of the evaluatee’s professional knowledge and skill. 37. Professional Practice Rating: The rating that is calculated for a teacher or other professional evaluatee pursuant to Section 7(8) of this administrative regulation and that is calculated for a principal or assistant principal evaluatee pursuant to the requirements of Section 10(7) of this administrative regulation. 38. Rigor: Congruency to the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. 39. Self-Reflection: The process by which certified personnel assesses the effectiveness and adequacy of their knowledge and performance for the purpose of identifying areas for professional learning and growth. 40. SMART Goal Criteria: An acronym or criteria for developing student growth goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Bound) 41. Sources of Evidence: The multiple measures listed in KRS 156.557(4) and in Sections 7 and 10 of this administrative regulation. 42. State Contribution: The student growth percentiles, as defined in 703 KAR 5:200, Section 1(11), for teachers and other professionals, and the next generation learners goal for principals and assistant principals. 43. Student Growth: Is defined by KRS 156.557(1)(c). 44. Student Growth Goal: A goal focused on learning, that is specific, appropriate, realistic, and time-bound, that is developed collaboratively and agreed upon by the evaluatee and evaluator, and that uses local formative growth measures. 45. Student Growth Percentile: each student's rate of change compared to other students with a similar test score history. 46. Student Voice Survey: The student perception survey provided by the department that is administered annually to a minimum of one (1) district-designated group of students per teacher evaluatee or a district designated selection of students and provides data on specific aspects of the instructional environment and professional practice of the teacher or other professional evaluatee.

9 47. Summative Evaluation: Is defined by KRS 156.557(1)(d). 48. Teacher: A certified school personnel who has been assigned the lead responsibility for student learning in a classroom, grade level, subject, or course and holds a teaching certificate under 16 KAR 2:010 or 16 KAR 2:020. 49. Tell Kentucky Survey: A working conditions survey of all school staff conducted every two years to provide feedback on specific aspects of the school’s work environment. 50. Tenure: A teacher with more than four (4) years of experience. 51. Val-Ed 360 Survey: An assessment that provides feedback of a principal’s learning- centered behaviors by using input from the principal, his or her supervisor and teachers assigned. 52. Working Condition’s Survey Goal: a school improvement goal set by a principal or assistant principal every two (2) years with the use of data from the department- approved working conditions survey.

For Additional Definitions and Roles, please see 704KAR 3:370 (Professional Growth and Effectiveness System) and KRS 156.557 (Definitions –statewide system of evaluation for all certified personnel). The evaluation plan and forms will be posted to the Glasgow Independent Faculty/Staff Page:

10 The Kentucky Framework for Teaching (with inclusion of Specialist Frameworks for Other Professionals)

The Kentucky Framework for Teaching is designed to support student achievement and professional practice through the domains of:

Framework for Teaching Specialist Frameworks for Other Professionals Planning and Preparation Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Environment Instruction Instruction/Delivery of Service Professional Responsibilities Professional Responsibilities

The Frameworks also include themes such as equity, cultural competence, high expectations, developmental appropriateness, accommodating individual needs, effective technology integration, and student assumption of responsibility. They provide structure for feedback for continuous improvement through individual goals that target student and professional growth, thus supporting overall school improvement. Evidence documenting professional practice is situated within one or more of the four domains of the framework. Performance is rated for each component according to four performance levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary. The summative rating is a holistic representation of performance, combining data from multiple sources of evidence across each domain.

The use of professional judgment based on multiple sources of evidence promotes a holistic and comprehensive analysis of practice, rather than over-reliance on one individual data point or rote calculation of practice based on predetermined formulas. Evaluators also take into account how educators respond to or apply additional supports and resources designed to promote student learning, as well as their own professional growth and development. Finally, professional judgment gives evaluators the flexibility to account for a wide variety of factors related to individual educator performance, such as: school-specific priorities that may drive practice in one domain, an educator’s number of goals, experience level and/or leadership opportunities, and contextual variables that may impact the learning environment, such as unanticipated outside events or traumas.

Evaluators must use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings:

Required Sources of Evidence o Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection o Observation o Student Voice o Student Growth Goals and/or Median Student Growth Percentiles (4-8 - Math & ELA) o Other Measures of Student Learning o Products of Practice

11 All components and sources of evidence related supporting an educator’s professional practice and student growth ratings will be completed and documented to inform the Overall Performance Category. All Summative Ratings will be recorded in the state department-approved technology platform.


FR Domain Planning & Preparation Classroom Instruction Professional A Environment Responsibilities

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 14 4 3 d e 1 - 4 2 - d P e a D 1 - a - 1 - e c D 1 2 r G e C 3 m 4 - e f b 4 t r - r d o b m - - c i o D e - n - S o E - c w 1 e a U s 4 M e n D s C i i b- s t s t a a t s e t o p n D i i i r - i 4 t t s a m a g e g n n a R n f- i r i b m t m n g g t e t S 1a n a g l u i & o i i f a h -K g t n i n n M n n E A n l i o n e i s i g D E st g n s g e n w o I s n h c e W ra v s c i i wl n g 2d- 3a- 3c- a i v OR te C . e F t n n ed s k C Man Com Enga t n e K k o s l i g g ge t n S u agin muni ging i l for n h o s e n P of r o t l g catin Stud n P o TE Component o e f m x g A r co u w u t Stud g ents g r p AC w r e i c o nt c l d u ent with in o i HI le e R n b O c f en t e e r Beha Stud Lear W f n N d n e t i n u e t/ i d n e vior ents ning i e g G g t s l r s pe o g t t s (Ff e p i i T a si da n e o h s P T) of I e n t e t o go a A f . r st n c y a e n gy l o s F L o u s t L c al f s L a e f d t e & h R is O e e m a e e r & a i e m u r s a i r s nt u r R n c t e s r l n s s c R n e g o c s m n i i i t a i s r o o e i e n o i p n p d m u n n s g n o p g o s e r t g a n o n s c C l r s e o l t i s m y Back to TOC Model Certifiedv Evaluation Plan 5.0 15 SO Supervisor Evidence Evidence Observation UR Observation (pre and post conferences) (pre and post conferences) CE S Student OF Voice Kentucky Student Voice Survey EV ID Professional EN Growth CE Professional Growth Planning and Self Reflection To Self- Inf Reflection or m Pr of es Peer sio Observation na Observation l Pr ac tic e

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 16 Professional Practice Self-Reflection and Professional Growth Planning Reflective practices and professional growth planning are iterative processes. The teacher (1) reflects on his or her current growth needs based on multiple sources of data and identifies an area or areas for focus; (2) collaborates with his or her administrator to develop a professional growth plan and action steps; (3) implements the plan; (4) regularly reflects on the progress and impact of the plan on his or her professional practice; (5) modifies the plan as appropriate; (6) continues implementation and ongoing reflection; (7) and, finally, conducts a summative reflection on the degree of goal attainment and the implications for next steps.

The Professional Growth Plan addresses realistic, focused, and measurable professional goals. The plan connects data from multiple sources including classroom observation feedback, data on student growth and achievement, and professional growth needs identified through self-assessment and reflection. In collaboration with the administrators, teachers identify explicit goals which drive the focus of professional growth activities, support, and on-going reflection.

Required w All Teachers (including KTIP interns) and Other Professionals participate in self- reflection and professional growth planning each year utilizing their assigned teacher (PPGES) or Other Professionals (OPGES) framework. w All teachers (including KTIP interns) and Other Professionals will document self- reflection and professional growth planning on form provided in Appendix and submit to the primary evaluator.

Timeline for Self-Reflection /PGP Development and Approval: By August 30 The Principal/Evaluator will explain and discuss the Self-Reflection Instrument and the Professional Growth and Effectiveness Certified Personnel Evaluation Plan with their evaluatees by August 30th. For any certified person hired during the school year (late hires), the Principal or Evaluator will explain and discuss the document with the new employee within thirty (30) calendar days of his/her hire date.

By May 15 The Self-Reflection and Professional Growth Plan will be submitted on forms provided in Appendix, reviewed and approved by the Principal or primary evaluator. A minimum of two (2) goals will be developed. A minimum of one goal will be linked to the teacher’s self-reflection related to the Kentucky Framework for Teaching or “Other” Professionals Framework, as applicable. A minimum of one goal will be linked to the school/district improvement plan. Upon receipt of the Self-Reflection and/or Growth Plans, if either goal is deemed “needs improvement,” the evaluator will request a revised Self-Reflection assessment and/or Growth Plan. The revised document will be submitted to the Evaluator within (10) school days of

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 17 initial request for approval. New hires will develop a PGP within 30 school/work days of their hire date.

By January 31 Teachers and “Other” Professionals will review their professional growth plan (PGP) with evaluator in person, through form submission or through electronic (e-mail) means. Reflections regarding the current implementation of the PGP and plans for further implementation will be recorded on form in Appendix.

By March 15 The Professional Growth Plan is reviewed with non-tenured staff and signed.

By April 15 The Professional Growth Plan is reviewed with tenured staff and signed.

**An Improvement/Assistance Plan may be developed for any certified employee who receives a rating of “Ineffective” on the Summative Evaluation or when job performance or activity of the employee requires immediate action.

Observation The observation process is one source of evidence to determine educator effectiveness that includes supervisor and peer observation for each certified teacher and other professional. Both peer and supervisor observations use the same instruments. The supervisor observation provides documentation and feedback to measure the effectiveness of professional practice. Only the supervisor observation will be used to inform a summative rating. Peer observation is used only for formative feedback on professional practice in a collegial atmosphere of trust and common purpose. NO ratings are given by the peer observer. The rationale for each type of observation is to encourage continued professional learning in teaching and learning through critical reflection.

Observation Model The observation model must fulfill the following minimum criteria: Required w Four observations in the summative cycle. A minimum of three observations conducted by the supervisor and one observation conducted by the peer. w Observations will be documented on the forms located in the Appendix. w The required peer observation must occur in the final year of the summative cycle. w Final observation is conducted by the supervisor and is a full observation. w Other Professionals will also utilize this model. Glasgow Independent Schools will implement the Progressive (3 and 1) Observation Model: Observers will conduct three mini observations of approximately 20-30 minutes each. Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 18 Because these are shorter sessions, the observer will make note of the components observed in order to identify "look fors" in the next mini observation session. The final observation is a formal observation consisting of a full class or lesson observation.

Observation Model Description The immediate supervisor is the primary evaluator. Additional trained administrative personnel may be used to observe and provide information to the primary evaluator. All documents will be signed by the primary, trained evaluator. Staff who do not have evaluator certification are not permitted to sign forms.

The monitoring or observation of performance of the certified employee will be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the teacher or administrator. Informal observations (walk- throughs) by the principal/evaluator are expected and encouraged. Informal, unannounced observations do not require pre-notification or a pre-observation conference.

Multiple observations are conducted annually for Non-tenured teachers (including “Other” Professionals) comprising at least two (2) mini formative observations and one (1) full formal observation conducted by the primary evaluator as well as one (1) mini observation conducted by a Peer Observer. The first observation shall be conducted on or before November 15th. ** Interns will participate fully in the KTIP process and will follow the prescribed KTIP observation model and forms for documentation.

Tenured teachers will receive one full observation by the supervisor and three mini observations over the three (3) year summative cycle. At least one mini observation of tenured teachers will be conducted annually by the primary evaluator during the first two years of the summative cycle. A mini formative observation conducted by a Peer Observer and a Full Formal (Final) Observation conducted by the primary evaluator will be conducted in the third year of the summative cycle. Multiple observations will be conducted for tenured teachers when observation data reveals “Ineffective” ratings. ** A summative evaluation (ONLY) will be required annually for tenured, OPGES- assigned staff members.

Late Hires will have a minimum of two observations (one mini and one full) conducted by the assigned supervisor and one (1) observation conducted by the peer for any teacher or Other Professional hired on or after sixty (60) days following the first day that students report to school unless the evaluatee will work for 60 or fewer consecutive days. If the new employee will work for sixty (60) or fewer consecutive days, then one (1) full observation will be conducted by the supervisor. In the event of extenuating circumstances, one full, formal observation will be conducted on the evaluatee prior to the end of the school year.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 19 A personnel file shall be maintained on each evaluatee by the evaluator. The file is to include observation notes, pre-/post observation forms, reflection and growth plans, formative and summative documents, and any other relevant data. Written responses to informal and formal observations shall also be included in the official personnel folder. Original copies of required documentation will be submitted to the District Office (Evaluation Department) for file.

The following observation windows will be observed: Window 1 September 1 through November 15 Window 2 November 16 through February 15 Window 3 February 16 through April 15 Window 4 April 16 through June 15 **All dates are tentative based upon adjustments to the calendar year. Any adjustments made to the evaluation windows or schedule need to be documented at the bottom of the evaluator’s evaluation: illness, inclement weather, etc… Observation Conferencing Observers will adhere to the following observation conferencing requirements for teachers and other professionals:

Required w Conduct observation post-conference within five working days following each observation.

Pre-Observation Conferences Formative mini observations conducted by the primary evaluator do not require notification or a pre-observation conference. If a pre- conference is requested, it may be conducted through electronic, written or personal means.

Full, formal conferences will require a pre-observation and a pre-observation form (teachers and OPGES evaluatees). The pre- conference may be conducted through electronic, written or personal correspondence. Specific times for the scheduling of Full Formal Observations are to be at the discretion of the evaluator and the employee being evaluated. The evaluator and the evaluatee must review the information on the Pre-Observation Form at least one day prior to the occurrence of the Full Formal Observation.

Post-Observation Conferences The data collected from both the Formative Mini Observations and the Full Formal Observation must be shared with the person being evaluated within five (5) working days following the observation (all evaluatees).

Peer-Observation Conferences

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 20 The Formative Mini Observation conducted by the Peer Observer requires both a Pre-Observation Conference and a Post Conference. Peer observers will conduct an informal pre-observation conference, either face-to-face or electronically, at least one day prior to the observation. A brief face-to-face post-observation conference will be conducted within five (5) work days of the observation.

Formative End-of-Year Conference Teachers and Other Professionals not in the summative year will attend an end-of-year conference. Self-reflection, professional growth and goal(s), student growth goal rating(s), results from the student voice survey and all domains of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching (or Other Professionals) will be discussed.

Summative Conference During the summative year, the evaluator will conduct a summative conference with the evaluatee. Self-reflection, professional growth and goal(s), student growth goal rating(s), student voice survey results and ratings from the Kentucky Framework for teaching (all domains) for the summative cycle will be discussed. Final ratings will be documented on summative form (Appendix) and in the platform selected by the Kentucky Dept of Education (currently CIITS/EDS).

Observation Schedule Required

w Observations may begin after the evaluation training takes place within 30 calendar days of reporting for employment each school year.


August 15- November 15 Formative Mini Observation #1

November 16-February 15 Formative Mini Observation #2 *Pre-observations may be conducted prior to an “unannounced” mini observation.

By February 15 Evidence and data collection for Domains I and IV may occur through

Documentation on the self-reflection instrument (in CIITS/EDS) or Documented on framework forms (provided in Appendix). Evaluatee shall submit documentation to evaluator by deadline. *OPGES staff members shall provide documentation Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 21 (artifacts/evidence) on the Self-reflection form for their specific framework and will e-mail or provide written documentation of evidence to their assigned evaluator, as requested.

February 16 - April 15 Full Formal Observation *Pre observation conferences will be conducted for a full, formal (announced) observation. The pre-conference may be conducted through electronic, written or personal means. **Post observation conferences must be conducted within 5 working days of the observation and must be face-to-face.

By April 15 The summative evaluation conference is conducted using the Summative Evaluation Form. Signatures and dates required. *Final ratings will be recorded on summative forms in Appendix (for local file) and in CIITS/EDs or the state-designated platform.

By April 30 The evaluator sends the original copy of the Summative Evaluation Form to the District Evaluation Office and keeps a copy on file at the school in the employee’s school personnel file, and gives a copy to the employee.

*Additional observations shall occur when results are considered ineffective. **The mini Peer Observation will occur in Window 2 (Window 3 for late hires, if necessary); however, it must occur prior to the Full Formal Observation. ***The District will adhere to the KTIP approved guidelines when completing evaluations for interns.

OBSERVATION TIMELINE FOR TENURED STAFF (Followed in Accordance with the School’s 3-year Summative Schedule)

By February 15 Evidence and data collection for Domains I and IV may occur through (annually) documentation on the self-reflection instrument (email) or documented on framework forms (provided in appendix). Evaluatee shall submit document(s) to evaluator by deadline. (OPGES Staff Members will provide a summary of evidence listing for their components either through e-mail or form submission.)

By April 15 The Formative Mini Observation is conducted during years one and two of the summative cycle (by evaluator). The post-observation conference is conducted within five (5) working days of the observation.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 22 By April 15 The Full Formal Observation is conducted during the third year of the cycle. The post-observation conference is conducted within five (5) working days of the observation.

By May 15 The summative evaluation conference is conducted using the Summative Evaluation Form in accordance with the school’s three-year schedule.

A summative evaluation (ONLY) will be required annually for tenured, OPGES- assigned staff members. The summative evaluation conference is conducted using the Summative Evaluation Form annually. (Evidence and data will be submitted by February 15th.) Final ratings are to be reported in the state-designated platform (currently CIITS).

By May 30 The evaluator sends the original copy of the Summative Evaluation Form, in accordance with the school’s three-year schedule, to the District Personnel Office, keeps a copy on file at the school in the employee’s school personnel file and gives a copy to the employee.

*An announced or unannounced evaluation may be conducted at any time for tenured staff (including OPGES staff members). Additional observations shall occur when results are considered ineffective. **The mini Peer Observation will occur in Window 2 of the summative year; however, it must occur prior to the Full Formal Observation. ***Tenured teachers placed on an “Assistance” Plan will follow the “non-tenured” observation 3 and Model. See Appendix for forms to document evidence and assistance progress.

Peer Observation A Peer Observer observes, collects, shares evidence, and provides feedback for formative purposes only. Peer Observers do not score a teacher’s practice, nor is peer observation data shared with anyone other than the observee unless permission is granted. A peer observer is trained certified school personnel.


Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 23 w All Teachers and Other Professionals will receive a peer observation in their summative year. w All Peer Observers participating during the summative year observations will complete the department approved training once every three years. w All peer observations will be documented by electronic or written correspondence. The State Developed Technology Platform (currently CIITS/ED) may be used if desired. This applies to OPGES staff peer observations. w All peer observation documentation will be accessed only by the evaluatee.

Peer Observers, Identification, Selection and Assignment

 Peer observer candidates will have successfully completed their internship year.  Peer observers will be selected and assigned by the primary evaluator by August 30 with approval from the building principal, as applicable to building or staff member assignment.  OPGES peer observers will be assigned a peer observer (or as a peer observer) by the primary evaluator. Consultation between the primary evaluator and the building principals will be required if the evaluator desires to assign a building-level teacher as the peer observer.  Teachers in alternative settings will be assigned a peer observer (or as a peer observer) by the primary evaluator. Consultation with building principals will be required if a building- level teacher is assigned as a peer observer.  Peer observers will have effective communication skills and respect staff members.  Peer observers will complete the required three (3) hour on-line initial training once every three years. Training is to be completed by August 30th. (Late Hires: 30 calendar days from hire date.) Upon successful completion, the Peer Observer will print certificate and deliver to the building principal for file at the building level.  Peer observers will attend a training session concerning conducting pre and post conferencing, confidentiality and support. The training session will be conducted by the principal or his/her designee prior to peer observations and documentation.  Peer observers will commit to mentor up to five (5) teachers based on content area and/or grade level, as assigned by the evaluator with approval from the principal.  Peer observers will minimally complete PGES requirements of yearly peer observation for non-tenured teachers and summative year requirements for all teachers.  Peer observers will be granted time within the normal school day to conduct required peer observations.  Late hires (non-tenure) will be assigned a peer observer within 30 days of their initial employment date. The mini peer observation will be conducted in Window 2; however, it must occur prior to the Full Formal Observation.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 24 The district will facilitate the completion of the state Peer Observer training. Each school (principal) will maintain record of participation of training.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 25 Student Voice The Student Voice Survey is a confidential, on-line survey collecting student feedback on specific aspects of the classroom experience and teaching practice. Required

w Teachers will participate in the state-approved Student Voice Survey annually with a minimum of one identified group of students. Teachers assigned to grades Pre-K through Grade 2 will follow the state guidance as it is provided regarding the Student Voice process. w Other Professionals who do not work with students or classes on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule will not be required to participate in the Student Voice Survey. w Student selection for participation must be consistent across the district. w Results will be used as a source of evidence for Professional Practice. w Formative years’ data will be used to inform Professional Practice in the summative year. w All teachers and appropriate administrative staff will read, understand, and sign the district’s Student Voice Ethics Statement. w The Student Voice Survey will be administered between the hours of 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM local time. w The survey will be administered in the school. w Survey data will be considered only when ten or more students are respondents.

Point of Contact District PGES POC –Certified Evaluation Plan Supervisor Selection of Student Groups A minimum of one student group (course section) per teacher will participate in the Student Voice Survey.

Building principals will determine what section(s)/class(es) that will respond to the survey at their school.

Students must be enrolled for fifteen (15) days in order to be assigned to that teacher and participate in SVS.

Other professionals and teachers (ie. Alternative/Celtic) who have less than 10 students will collect data by administering the state-provided survey through other means if a state platform is not available (Survey Monkey, Paper and Pencil. See Appendix for survey questions.)

Only students who return the Parent Permission letter will be exempted from the survey.

Process for Equal Access for All Students Student groups will be evaluated by the building principal to ensure equal access to participation. Parent permission letter will be supplied to parent Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 either in the student handbook or at least two weeks prior to the Student Voice Survey. Accommodations will be made for all students such as readers or the use of technological devices as stated in the student’s Individualized Education Plans (including 504s/ELL). As assigned proctor will read and record the student’s responses on the Student Voice Survey. Accommodations for special requirements such as blind, non-verbal, or hearing impaired students will be made in accordance with student voice and special education guidelines.

Student Voice Survey Timeline A three week period during the state-approved window will be determined by the building principal. All student voice surveys will be completed during this three week window. The principal will communicate the window to staff, students, parents, Certified Evaluation Coordinator and Superintendent. The principal or her/his designee will set up a schedule to administer the survey. All surveys will be completed on or before the last day of the KDE-set window. Dates can be adjusted if the calendar year is revised due to inclement weather and other non-avoidable factors.

Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence Teachers and Other Professionals may provide additional evidences to support assessment of their own professional practice. These evidences should yield information related to the teacher’s practice within the domains.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Required w observations conducted by certified supervisor observer(s) w student voice survey(s) w self-reflection and professional growth plans

Artifacts/Evidence: Other Sources  Program Review evidence  Individual and/or team-developed curriculum units  lesson plans  communication logs  timely, targeted feedback from mini or informal observations  student data records  student work  student formative and/or summative course evaluations/feedback  minutes from PLCs  benchmark data  teacher reflections and/or self-reflections  teacher interviews  teacher committee or team contributions  parent engagement surveys  records of student and/or teacher attendance  video lessons  engagement in professional organizations  action research  individual learning plans  progress monitoring data: IEP, 504, PSP, RTI Plan, GSSP, etc…  school and/or district level assessments  teacher-generated products of practice to support evidence of their own professional practice and effectiveness

Student Growth The student growth measure is comprised of two possible contributions: a state contribution and a local contribution. The state contribution pertains only to teachers in the following content areas and grade levels participating in state assessments:  4th – 8th Grade  Reading  Math Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 The state contribution is reported as Median Student Growth Percentiles (MSGP).

The local contribution uses the Student Growth Goal Setting Process and applies to all teachers and other professionals in the district, including those who receive MSGP.

The following graphic provides a roadmap for determining which teachers receive which contributions:

State Contribution – Median Student Growth Percentiles (MSGP) – (Math/ELA, Grades 4-8) The state contribution for student growth is a rating based on each student’s rate of change compared to other students with a similar test score history (“academic peers”) expressed as a percentile. The rating will be calculated using the MSGPs for the students attributed the teacher of grades 4-8 math and ELA classes. The scale for determining acceptable growth will be determined by the Kentucky Board of Education and provided to the district by the Kentucky Department of Education.

Rating – State Median Student Growth Percentiles High Above 65th percentile Expected Between 30th and 65th percentile Low Less than 30th percentile *Range is established by KDE and may be modified with proper notice

Local Contribution – Student Growth Goals (SGG) –All teachers and Other Professionals The local contribution for the student growth measure is a rating based on the degree to which a teacher or other professional meets the growth goal for a set of students over an identified interval of instruction (i.e. trimester, semester, year-long) as indicated in the teacher’s Student Growth Goal (SGG). All teachers and other professionals will develop an SGG for inclusion in the student growth measure. All Student Growth Goals will be determined by the teacher or other professional in collaboration with the principal and will be grounded in the fundamentals of assessment quality (Clear Purpose, Clear Targets, Sound Design, Effective Communication, and Student Involvement). SGGs should address:

Rigor-congruency to the Kentucky Core Academic Standards

Comparability- Data collected for the Student Growth Goal must use comparable criteria across similar classrooms (classrooms that address the same standards) to determine progress toward mastery of standards/enduring skills. Examples of similar classrooms might be 6th grade science classrooms, 3rd grade classrooms, English 1 classrooms, band or art classes. For similar classrooms, teachers would be expected to use common measures or rubrics to determine competency in performance at the level intended by the standards being assessed. Although specific assessments may vary, the close alignment to the intent of the standard is comparable.

To fulfill the criteria of measuring student growth at the local level, a protocol must be established to ensure rigorous and comparable growth measures used for all teachers. Required

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Identify all criteria for Student Growth Goals. w All teachers and other professionals will write a Student Growth Goal based on the criteria. w Student Growth Goals shall be documented on forms in the Appendix and printed for file. Alternate forms (e-mail) may be utilized. See Appendix for form. w Other Professionals who do not work with students or classes on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule will not be required to generate student growth goals. w Protocol for ensuring rigor w Protocol for ensuring comparability

Student Growth Timeline and Criteria Student Growth Goal Timeline Schedule/Course Type Goal Developed Post Assessment Organization and & Approved by… Administered by… Analysis of Data Completed by Teacher Full Year Class/Course 30th school day Prior to First Day of Spring By April 15 (non-tenure) Break By April 30 (tenure) Quarter (1, 2, 3 or 4) 10th day of course By last day of quarter 10 days after end of Course quarter Semester 1 Course 20th day of course By last day of selected 10 days after end of semester semester Semester 2 Course 20th day of course Prior to First Day of By April 15 (non-tenure) By April 30 (tenure) Spring Break (District- designated calendar)

Student Growth Goal Criteria  The SGG is congruent with Kentucky Core Academic Standards and appropriate for the grade level and content area for which it was developed.  The SGG will allow high- and low-achieving students to adequately demonstrate their knowledge.  The SGG provides access and opportunity for all students, including students with disabilities, ELLs, and gifted/talented students.  The growth goal will following a SMART goal format.  The SGG represents or encompasses an enduring skill, process, understanding, or concept that students are expected to master by taking a particular course (or courses) in school.  Alternative Teachers, Other Professionals and Pre-school Teachers SGG will be based on their individual caseloads. They will select skills, processes, understanding, expectations or concepts specifically generated from their standards and frameworks for their field or KCAS.

In order to ensure both rigor and comparability in our district’s Student Growth Goal developmental process a combined process of using a rigor rubric as well as a peer and administrative review will be implemented. A Student Growth Goal will be considered rigorous and comparable when there is a uniform expectation for student achievement and the goal is consistently aligned with the standards. This does not mean that schools use the same pre/post

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 measures or that the expectations for growth percentage are the same across the district. The following protocol will ensure rigor and comparability across our schools and district.

RIGOR A Rigor Rubric will be utilized for assessing rigor of all Student Growth Goals. See Appendix. Number of Growth Goals All Teachers Will Develop One (1) Student Growth Goal Process/Protocol Step 1: Determine Needs  Context of identified class, student population (Select class/course for the SGG) and Interval of instruction  Identify content area enduring skills  Sources of evidence to establish baseline data and measure of student growth are to be established (pre-assessment required)  Utilize baseline data to set low, expected and high measurable growth. Step 2: Create a specific learning (SMART) goal  Specify expected growth and proficiency targets  Apply SMART Goal Criteria  Explain rationale for goal (how targets meet expected rigor) Step 3: Create and Implement Teaching and Learning Strategies  Describe personal learning needed to support students’ attainment of growth goal.  Describe instructional strategies to obtain growth goal Step 4: Plan for Progress Monitoring  Monitor Student Progress through on-going formative assessment Step 5: Determine whether students achieve goal  Analyze results (summative – posts assessment)  Reflection of teaching and learning and next steps are communicated Instruments In order to determine if the teacher created a student growth goal ensuring rigor, the district will utilize the Student Growth Goal Rubric from Appendix. Principal/Evaluator will approve all growth goals. COMPARABILITY The following protocols for comparable administrative procedures and comparable scoring process and data collection will be utilized for establishing Comparability: (Rubric in Appendix) Administrative Protocol Administrative protocol procedures will ensure rigor and comparability by ensuring the Student Growth Goals meet the following criteria:  Aligns with standards identified in the student growth goal.  Meets expected rigor of the standards.  Elicits evidence of the degree to which a student can independently demonstrate the targeted enduring skill or concept. Resource: Page.aspx  Measures accurately the growth of individual students.  Measures what it says it measures and provides consistent results.  Allows high and low-achieving students to adequately demonstrate their knowledge.  Provides access and opportunity for all students, including students with disabilities, ELL, 504 and gifted/talented students. Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0  Measures for determining SGG growth will include: Pre/Post Test with repeated measures  Provides sufficient data to inform future instruction. Scoring Process Step 1: Principal and teacher will meet to review relevant data sources and (Comparability) determines area of focus. Step 2: Teacher will use the Student Growth Goal Format (Appendix) to develop the local Student Growth Goal contribution. The student growth goal will meet both growth and proficiency measures. Proficiency and growth targets within the SGG must be set from actual performance NAPD from baseline (pre assessment/rubric.) Step 3: The teacher will meet with his/her Evaluator to review the student growth goal using the rigor rubric. Step 4: The teacher and principal will determine if pre/post assessments (assessments, rubrics, …) with repeated measures design yield true student growth data and would be comparable growth measures. Step 5: Once the goal has been finalized, the principal will approve goal and review the teacher’s plan and strategies to meet the goal.

Determining Growth for a Single Student Growth Goal (SGG) The process for determining the result of student growth (high, expected, low) requires districts to explain how they will use rigorous and comparable (see above) goals and assessments for that rating. Districts have several options to consider – none of which are mutually exclusive – for determining student growth.

Required w Describe the protocol or process for using multiple sources of data and evidence to determine student growth ratings as low, expected, and high for both growth and proficiency. w Describe the protocol or process for using multiple sources of data and evidence to determine student growth ratings as low, expected, and high for other professionals and alternative settings.

Single Growth Goal (SGG) In Kentucky, the acceptable rank for student growth (as reported for K-Prep scores) is the 40th percentile. Process for determining proficiency The process for determining high, expected, or low proficiency will be (high, expected, low) determined in the following manner: High Proficiency: Exceeds goal by more than 10% Expected Proficiency: +/- 10% of proficiency target Low Proficiency: Did not meet and fell lower than 10% from target

Process for determining growth (high, The process for determining high, expected, or low growth will be determined in the following manner: expected , low) High Growth: > 85% of students meet growth target Expected Growth: 60% to 84% of students meet growth target Low Growth: < 60% of students meet growth target Achievement data form two points in time shows clear evidence of growth for ALL students. Measures *Teachers will utilize pre and post-tests (assessments) to determine overall proficiency. These assessments can be identical or parallel versions. *Rubrics (or performance level assessments aligned with high, expected and low growth) will be utilized to determine growth. Throughout the defined SGG time period, teachers will use formative assessments to monitor growth toward the goal and modify instruction. These interim checks will assist in providing evidence to Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 show growth for all students.

The matrix below will be used to assign the overall rating of the growth goal by the building level supervisor. (H = High; E = Expected and L = Low)




Determining the Overall Performance Category Supervisors are responsible for determining an Overall Performance Category for each teacher at the conclusion of the summative evaluation year. The Overall Performance Category is informed by the educator’s ratings on professional practice and student growth. The evaluator determines the Overall Performance Category based on professional judgment informed by evidence that demonstrates the educator's performance against the Domains, district- developed rubrics (see local contribution for student growth), and decision rules that establish a common understanding of performance thresholds to which all educators are held.

Rating Professional Practice The Kentucky Framework for Teaching stands as the critical rubric for providing educators and evaluators with concrete descriptions of practice associated with specific domains. Each element describes a discrete behavior or related set of behaviors that educators and evaluators can prioritize for evidence-gathering, feedback, and eventually, evaluation. Supervisors organize and analyze evidence for each individual educator based on these concrete descriptions of practice. The process concludes with the evaluator’s analysis of evidence and the final assessment of practice in relation to performance described under each Domain at the culmination of an educator’s cycle.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Required w Provide a summative rating for each domain based on evidence. w All (summative)ratings must be recorded in the department-approved technology platform

Rating Overall Student Growth The overall Student Growth Rating is a result of a combination of professional judgment and the district-developed instrument for summative student growth ratings. The designed instrument aids the supervisor in applying professional judgment to multiple evidences of student growth over time. The Student Growth Rating must include data from SGG and MSGP (where available), and will be considered in a three year cycle (when available).

Required w SGG and MSGP (when available) will be used to determine overall Student Growth Rating. w Determine the process for using up to three years of student growth data (when available) to determine overall Student Growth Rating for teachers.

Rating Overall Student Growth – District

Rating Overall Student Growth State contribution is weighted 10% of Student Growth. Local contribution (growth goal) is weighted 90% of Student Growth.

In addition to a local contribution, teachers in grades .90 (LGT) + .10 (SGP) = Overall Teacher Performance 4-8 in Reading and Math will have a state contribution Rating to Reflect the 90/10 weight of the Local and State for student growth expressed as a percentile. The Contribution for each school year. scale for determining growth will be provided by the Kentucky Board of Education. The following decision LGT = Local Growth (Goal) Total SGP = State Growth Percentile rules will be used to rate Overall growth as low, expected, or high for teachers who have a state and Data will be collected over 3 years and each year’s data will local growth goal. be of equal weight in the calculation of growth. Weighting will be averaged over the 3 years with the following rating: Low = 1 Expected = 2 High = 3

To find the weighted average for the local goal, use the formula: FORMULA: .33 (Yr 1) + .33 (Yr 2) + .33 (Yr. 3 ) = Growth

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Ranking Average Assessment Low 1.0-1.49 Expected 1.5-2.49 High 2.5-3.0

*If a teacher has only one year of data, that year will count for 100% of their growth total. *If a teacher has only two years of data, each of the two years will count for 50% of their growth total. Process or Instrument used to Rate Overall Student *Every local goal will be comprised of a Growth as High, Expected or Low proficiency (number of students already proficient, plus number of students who are close to being proficient plus number of students who are far, but likely to be proficient divided by the total number of students in the class to be measured) and growth component.

Ensuring Quality  The Certified Evaluation Committee and Administrative Team will monitor and assess school practices for setting and achieving Student Growth Goals.  Teachers and evaluators will employ measures (rubrics) involving rigor, comparability, SMART goal format, weights/ratings, proficiency statements, and growth statements Criteria for Determining Overall Student Growth Rating at conclusion of 3-year Summative Cycle In compiling the ranking of the teachers, our district will weigh each of the three years equally. Please see below to outline the processes for each teacher to follow. Final averages will be applied to the following scale to determine their overall ranking.

RANKING AVERAGE SCORE LOW 1.0 – 1.49 Expected 1.50-2.49 High 2.50-3

K-PREP (reading and math) teachers with local and state growth goals Example for one year: Local Growth Expected (score of 2) at 90% and Student Growth Percentile was Low (score of 1) at 10%. (2 X 9 + 1 X 9/10 = 1.9).

Three years of data will be weighted as follows. Year 3 data 33% Year 2 data 33% Year 1 data 33% Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Each rating will be given a numerical weighting. – LOW = 1 – EXPECTED = 2 – HIGH = 3

You will start out by averaging the data from each of your years.

If you only have one piece of data for that year you will not need to average, if you have two pieces of data divide by two, three data points divide by three, etc.

To find the weighted average for the local goal you will use the following formula. .33(Y3A) + .33(Y2A) + .33(Y1A) = GT (Growth Total)

Y1A=Year 1 Average Y2A=Year 2 Average Y3A=Year 3 Average GT=Growth Total

Apply your Growth Total to the chart above to find overall rating

There would also be implications for formulas for teachers who do not have three years of data.  If a teacher has only one year of data then that would account for 100% of their ranking.  If a teacher has two years, the district may go with a 50% and 50%.

Overall Decision Matrix State and Local State H E H H Grow E E E E th L L E E L E H Local Growth

Determining the Overall Performance Category An educator’s Overall Performance Category is determined using the following steps: w Determine the individual domain ratings through the use of sources of evidence and professional judgment. w Apply State Decisions Rules for determining an educator’s Professional Practice rating.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 w Use Local Student Growth Goal instrument to determine overall Student Growth Rating. (Located in previous section.) w Apply State Overall Decision Rules for determining educator’s Overall Performance Category. Required Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 w All summative ratings must be recorded in the department-approved technology platform. w Implement the Overall Performance Category process for determining effectiveness.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Professional Growth Plan and Summative Cycle Based on the overall Professional Practice rating and Student Growth rating, the type of Professional Growth Plan and the length of the summative cycle is determined using the chart below.

Observer Certification All administrators serving as a primary evaluator must complete the Initial Certified Evaluation (Teachscape) Training prior to conducting observations for the purpose of evaluation. Observation Certification (KASA 2 day) is required, as well.

To ensure consistency of observations, evaluators must also be trained, tested and approved using the Proficiency Observation Training for the current approved state platform. The system allows observers to develop a deep understanding of how the four domains of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching are applied in observation. There are three sections of the proficiency system:

 Framework for Teaching Observer Training  Framework for Teaching Scoring Practice  Framework for Teaching Proficiency Assessment Required

The established cycle for observation certification is as follows: Year 1 Certification Year 2 Calibration Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Year 3 Calibration Year 4 Recertification

w Only supervisors who have passed the proficiency assessment can conduct mini and full observations for the purpose of evaluation. In the event that a supervisor has yet to complete the proficiency assessment, or if the supervisor does not pass the assessment, the district will provide the following supports: o Observation data provided by a substitute observer is considered a valid source of evidence only if the supervisor is present in the observation. o In cases where the supervisor is not certified through the proficiency system and is therefore unable to conduct observations during the observation window, the district will determine how to ensure teachers and other professionals have access to observations by making the following local decisions:

All supervisors will complete and pass the state approved proficiency assessments (initial and observation - KDE designated) by August 30, prior to the beginning of the first observation window. All late hires will complete the assessment within 30 days of their hire date. The supervisor will send a copy of their certificate of completion to the district certified evaluation point of contact to be kept on file.

If a supervisor fails to successfully complete the certification process, the Superintendent will assign and will coordinate supports, including an assigned mentor supervisor, to ensure success. Mentors will be assigned by the superintendent or his/her designee. Supports will include collaboration with and mentoring from a supervisor who has successfully passed the assessment. The mentor(s) will meet periodically with the uncertified supervisor(s) to review training modules and provide guidance regarding the certification process.

In the event a school does not have a certified observer, the Superintendent will assign district- level personnel who have been certified through the state assessment(s) or a principal from another building to conduct observations with the school principal. The uncertified supervisor (school principal) will participate in all conferences, observations and discussion of PGP, Student Voice and Student Growth Ratings. The only duty the uncertified supervisor will not perform is to assign evidence to domains in the state-determined technology platform (presently CIITS/EDS) or paper format. Once the non-certified supervisor obtains certification, he/she will assume all duties of the supervisor’s/evaluator’s role as indicated in the Certified Evaluation Plan.

Observer Calibration As certified observers may tend to experience “drift” in rating accuracy, the district completes a calibration process each year where certification is not required (see chart under Observer Certification). This calibration process is completed in years two and three after certification. Calibration ensures ongoing accuracy in scoring teaching practice; an awareness of the potential risk for rater bias; and ensures observers refresh their knowledge of the training and

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 scoring practice. All calibration processes must be conducted through the state approved technology platform.

Required w Observer calibration during years two and three of the Observer Certification process based on the department approved platform. w Re-certification after year three.

Initial Evaluator Certification and Observer Training (Initial and Calibration) must be completed prior to full duties of an evaluator are granted.

The district will provide an observer calibration training each summer for all evaluators pending on the year in which they were initially certified. Calibration training is to be completed preferably by the date of the District’s Evaluator Training, but is required to be completed prior to the official Opening Day of School. Documentation of calibration training will be forwarded to the District Evaluation Point of Contact upon completion.

The District Evaluator Training will include review of the current Certified Evaluation Plan, as approved by the Board of Education, annually.

Yellow Rating: A yellow rating indicates that the evaluator needs additional practice and support to prepare for classroom observations. Evaluators receiving a yellow rating will be asked to review the rubrics, benchmarks and rangefinders for the components they did not have an exact match with expert scores. The evaluator should also complete additional calibration videos until a green rating is achieved.

Red Rating: A red rating indicates the evaluator is inconsistent in their application of the Framework for Teaching. A source of their scoring inconsistency may be due to their professional preferences influencing their judgment an application of the rubric. Evaluators receiving a red rating shall repeat training with an assigned mentor (as assigned by the Superintendent or Superintendent’s Designee) and score additional videos from their grade band. Evaluators who score in the red band must be accompanied by another certified evaluator (mentor) until they reach a green rating. PRINCIPAL AND ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Components Overview and Summative Model The following graphic outlines the summative model for the Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System.

Evaluators will look for trends and patterns in practice across multiple types of evidence and apply their professional judgment based on this evidence when evaluating a principal. The role of evidence and professional judgment in the determination of ratings on standards and an overall rating is paramount in this process. However, professional judgment must be grounded in the common framework identified: The Principal Performance Standards.

Principal Performance Standards The Principal Performance Standards are designed to support student achievement and professional best-practice through the standards of Instructional Leadership; School Climate; Human Resource Management; Organizational Management; Communication & Community Relations; and Professionalism. Included in the Performance Standards are Performance Indicators that provide examples of observable, tangible behaviors that provide evidence of each standard. The Performance Standards provide the structure for feedback for continuous improvement through individual goals that target professional growth, thus supporting overall student achievement and school improvement. Evidence supporting a principal’s or assistant principal’s professional practice will be situated within one or more of the six standards. Performance will be rated for each standard according to the four performance levels: Ineffective, Developing, Accomplished, and Exemplary. It is projected that most principals or assistant principals will maintain an Accomplished rating, but will occasionally have exemplary performance on standards at any given time. The summative rating will be a holistic representation of performance, combining data from multiple sources of evidence across each standard.

The use of professional judgment based on multiple sources of evidence promotes a more holistic and comprehensive analysis of practice, rather than over-reliance on one individual data point or rote calculation of practice based on predetermined formulas. Evaluators will also take into account how principals respond to or apply additional supports and resources designed to promote student learning, as well as their own professional growth and development. Finally, professional judgment gives evaluators the flexibility to account for a wide variety of factors related to individual principal performance. These factors may include school-specific priorities that may drive practice in one standard, an educator’s number of goals, experience level and/or leadership opportunities. Contextual variables may also impact the learning environment, such as unanticipated outside events or traumas.

Evaluators must use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings:

Required Sources of Evidence w Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection w Site-Visits w Val-Ed 360° w Working Conditions Goal Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 w State and Local Student Growth Goal data

Evaluators may use the following categories of evidence in determining overall ratings:

w Other Measures of Student Learning w Products of Practice w Other Sources Relevant to Principal Performance Standards

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Professional Practice The following sections provide a detailed overview of the various sources of evidence used to inform Professional Practice Ratings.

Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection Completed by principals & assistant principals The Professional Growth Plan will address realistic, focused, and measurable professional goals. The plan will connect data from multiple sources including site-visit conferences, data on student growth and achievement, and professional growth needs identified through self-assessment and reflection. Self- reflection improves principal practice through ongoing, careful consideration of the impact of leadership practice on student growth and achievement.

Required: w All principals will participate in self-reflection and professional growth planning each year. w All assistant principals will participate in self-reflection and professional growth planning each year.

Self-Reflection & Professional Growth Plan (PGP) Principals & Assistant Principals

Activity Timeline Responsible Staff Resource

Superintendent or Within the first Superintendent/Designee  PPGES Plan designee reviews 30 calendar days (Attendance by all principals  Principal expectations of of reporting for and Assistant Principals) Implementation PPGES Handbook (or employment. resource/forms as supplied by KDE).

Complete Self- By September 30th -Principal  Reflective Practice Reflection Using OR -Assistant Principal  Student Growth and Performance Within 10 working Professional Growth Standards and Survey (school) days of Goal Expectations receiving state Results  Survey Results assessment results Performance Standards (Documented on Forms in Appendix or Handbook online at KDE.)

Review of Self- By September 30 Principal in collaboration  Reflective Practice Reflection & OR Within 20 with Superintendent  Student Growth and Collaboratively working (school) -Assistant Principal in Professional Growth Develop PGP days of receiving collaboration with principal Goal Expectations state assessment  Survey Results results  Performance Standards Principal Handbook/Appendix Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Conference is By June 15 -Superintendent will hold Forms as supplied in conducted to review conferences with Principals Principal Implementation Professional Growth and enter summary of (KDE) handbook will be Plan and Goals evidence/rating in State completed. effectiveness. Platform by June 15. Supporting Documentation -Principal will hold from Principal or Asst. conferences with Assistant Principal. Principal(s) *Late hires will receive consultation within 30 days of hire concerning PPGES expectations. *Late hires will complete the self-reflection and PGS within 45 day so hire. *Additional conferences may be held as deemed necessary to monitor PGP progress. *All dates are tentative based on adjustments of the school calendar.

Site-Visits Completed by supervisor of principal – formal site visits are not required for assistant principals Site visits are a method by which the superintendent may gain insight into the principal’s practice in relation to the standards. During a site visit, the superintendent will discuss various aspects of the job with the principal, and will use the principal’s responses to determine issues to further explore with the faculty and staff. Additionally, the principal may explain the successes and trials the school community has experienced in relation to school improvement.

Required: w Conducted at least twice each year. (Formal site-visits are not required for the assistant principal.)

PRINCIPAL SITE VISITS and CONFERENCE EXPECTATIONS Activity A minimum of two (2) site visits shall occur annually for each principal. Location School Site Timeline w Visit #1 will occur prior to the mid-year review (January 30th) for a minimum of 1 hour. w Visit #2 will occur by April 30th for a minimum of 1 hour. Superintendent  Schedule and conduct each site visit  Complete Observation/Site Visit Form (Appendix Forms)  Schedule and conduct beginning of year conference, post- conferences, mid-year review, and summative conference (in person or via email or electronic communications)

Resources  Observations/Site Visit Forms or KDE Forms (Appendix)  Performance Standards Documentation  Other Evidence: surveys, self-reflection, PGP, SGG, artifacts supplied by principal Conference Expectations Beginning of Year Conference Expectations (To be conducted by September 30th) 1. Purpose of Meeting 2. Discussion of reflections of data 3. Discussion and Student Growth Goal agreement and Action Plan 4. Discussion of Principal Performance Standards 5. Questions, comments, concerns 6. Set tentative date for mid-year review

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Mid-Year Conference Expectations (To be conducted by January 30th) 1. Purpose of Meeting 2. Discuss the first observation (site visit feedback) 3. Share progress toward Student Growth Goal 4. Discuss documentation of each standard and determine if other documentation (evidence) is needed 5. Questions, comments, concerns 6. Set tentative date for end of year review End of Year Review (Conference – To be conducted by June 15) 1. Purpose of Meeting 2. Discuss second observation (site visit feedback) 3. Share progress toward Student Growth Goal 4. Share progress toward Professional Growth Goal 5. Discuss progress of each standard and determine if documentation is needed 6. Discuss overall ratings based on Professional Practice and Student Growth Site Visits Connected to Superintendent shall gain insight and provide feedback on Performance Level Performance Standards: of Performance Standards from observation, evidence/documentation and conversation. Documentation will be entered on Forms (Appendix). Documentation shall be printed, signed by both principal and Superintendent and placed in Principal’s Evaluation File. **Late Hires will have a minimum of two site visits conducted by the Superintendent if hired after sixty (60) days following the first day that students report to school. * Additional conferences may be held as deemed necessary to monitor progress.

Val-Ed 360° Completed for principals – not completed for assistant principals The VAL-ED 360° is an assessment that provides feedback on a principal’s learning-centered behaviors by using input from the principal, his/her supervisor, and teachers. All teachers will participate in the Val-Ed 360°. The results of the survey will be included as a source of data to inform each principal’s professional practice rating.


w Conducted at least once every two years in the school year that TELL Kentucky is not administered.

Val-ED 360 Survey District Point of Contact District PGES POC – Certified Evaluation Plan Supervisor Frequency Val-Ed 360 Survey will be administered a minimum of one time (fall and/or spring) every two years in the school year that the TELL Kentucky Survey is not administered Timeline The Principal shall implement a schedule to provide equal access for all teachers. This schedule will be communicated to the Certified Evaluation Supervisor and Superintendent. A two week period will be selected by the principal. Use of Results Inform principal practice for reflection and professional growth in regard to learning centered leadership behaviors with regard to teacher, supervisor and personal perceptions. The Superintendent will review and conference with each building principal within 30 working (school) days of result release. Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Access to Results Superintendent Principal District PGES POC (as deemed necessary by the Superintendent) Val-Ed results will be confidential and utilized to inform practice.

Participants All building-level Principals

**Late Hires hired after the Val-Ed State Administration window will not participate in the Val-Ed Survey. The Superintendent will administer a district-determined survey if principal has been employed for at least sixty (60) days.

Working Conditions Goal Goal inherited by Assistant Principal Principals are responsible for setting a two-year Working Conditions Growth Goal based on the most recent TELL Kentucky Survey. The principal’s effort to accomplish the Working Conditions Growth Goal is a powerful way to enhance professional performance and, in turn, positively impact school culture and student success.

Required: w Developed following the completion of the TELL Kentucky Survey. w Minimum of one two-year goal.

Working Conditions Goal (WCG) for Principal (and inherited by Assistant Principals) Activity TELL Kentucky Survey Results will be utilized in formation of goal. Responsible Staff Principal (Assistant Principal) Timeline A goal will be selected every two years based on results and need. The goal will be submitted to evaluator by September 30th. Working Conditions Goal One (1) goal minimum.

Process for Development of  Principal will collaborate with Superintendent on WCG Rubric/Action Plan KY Tell Survey questions to select the growth (needs) area that will have the greatest impact on school culture and student success.  The goal(s) shall be determined in this collaborative process.  WCG rubric/action plan will be developed.  Principal will share goal(s) and action plan/rubric with assistant principal.

WCG Protocol 1. Principals will identify a Tell KY Survey question that indicates a need for growth and may identify additional Tell KY Survey question(s) that have similar results and will share with Superintendent.

2. The principal in collaboration with Superintendent will develop a Working Conditions Goal statement Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 that will identify a measurable target that the principal will address to improve in the next two years. The goal will be connected to the Principal Performance Standards.

3. A rubric and/or action plan will be completed by the principal and reviewed by the superintendent and that will set the goal target for accomplished. The target percentage will be in the “accomplished” range of the rubric. The rubric and/or action plan will constitute reaching exemplary. 4. The action plan will prioritize steps that principal will take to accomplish the established goal. 5. On-going reflection and modification of the strategies will occur and will be discussed in conferences. Physical evidence to show strategies and actions in the plan have been initiated and/ or completed will be required. A follow up survey with staff to show increase in agreement with the targeted TELL statement will be discussed and documented.

WCG Rubric

1. Principal will identify area and set goal increase. (example – 21% to 50% agreement)

2. A rubric will be created in a range of + or -10%. (example – Exemplary would be above 55% agreement, Accomplished would be 45-55% agreement, Developing would be 22-44% agreement and Ineffective would be 21% or below agreement.


Exemplary: Above Accomplished Goal (> 10%) Accomplished: +/- 10% of goal

Developing: Baseline set for the goal Ineffective: Below the baseline

*If goal is less than 10%, Principal will revise action plan and consult with Superintendent for approval.

Conducting Mid-Year Review By January 30 In person review with principal and superintendent Reflective Practice Student Growth and Professional Growth Planning Template Observation/site visit forms are updated, as needed, with mid-year review progress Superintendent and Principal will engage in informal conversations that provide feedback on WCG and principal

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 will supply evidence to support growth according to the WCG Additional WCG Evidence Principal can choose to complete on-line surveys, (Products of Practice) paper/pencil surveys, etc… to measure growth in their WCG. Other sources of evidence (products of practice) that may be considered to inform the WCG include: SBDM Minutes, Faculty Meeting Artifacts, Department/Grade Artifacts, PLC Artifacts, Leadership Meeting Artifacts, Walk- Through Documentation, Budgets, EILA/Professional Learning Experiences Documentation, Surveys, Professional Organization Memberships, Parent/Community memberships or surveys, school schedules **Late Hires will develop a WCG by September 30 or within 30 days of employment based on past Tell Survey data and other products of practice. **All dates are tentative based upon adjustments to the calendar year. Any adjustments made to the evaluation windows or schedule need to be documented at the bottom of the evaluator’s evaluation: illness, inclement weather, etc…

Products of Practice/Other Sources of Evidence Principals/Assistant principals may provide additional evidences to support assessment of their own professional practice. These evidences should yield information related to the principal’s/assistant principal’s practice within the standards.

Other Sources of Evidence (to support educator practice): Principal can choose to complete on-line surveys, paper/pencil surveys, etc… to measure growth in their WCG. Other sources of evidence (products of practice) that may be considered to inform the WCG include: SBDM Minutes, Faculty Meeting Artifacts, Department/Grade Artifacts, PLC Artifacts, Leadership Meeting Artifacts, Walk-Through Documentation, Budgets, EILA/Professional Learning Experiences Documentation, Surveys, Professional Organization Memberships, Parent/Community memberships or surveys, school schedules Student Growth The following sections provide a detailed overview of the various sources of evidence used to inform Student Growth Ratings. At least one of the Student Growth Goals set by the principal must address gap populations. Assistant principals will inherit the SGG (both state and local contributions) of the Principal.

State Contribution ASSIST/Next Generation Learners (NGL) Goal Based on Trajectory - Goal inherited by Assistant Principal Principals are responsible for setting at least one Student Growth Goal that is tied directly to the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan located in ASSIST. The superintendent and the principal will meet to discuss the trajectory for the goal and to establish the year’s goal that will help reach the long- term trajectory target. New goals are identified each year based on the ASSIST goals. The goal should be customized for the school year with the intent of helping improve student achievement and reaching the long term goals through on-going improvement.


Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 w Selection based on ASSIST/NGL trajectory. w Based on Gap population unless local goal is based on Gap population. w If the school does not receive state level data, the principal will construct two local student growth goals.

Student Growth Goal – State Contribution for Principals (Inherited by Assistant Principals) Student Growth Goal (SGG) When developing Professional Growth Plan, Principal will set a minimum of one (1) SGG tied directly to the CSIP in ASSIST using NGL trajectory; based on the GAP population and ASSIST/NGL trajectory. Process to Determine Interim The Principal & Superintendent will collaborate on the delivery Trajectory Goal target/trajectory to establish a customized interim SGG to reach the long-term delivery target. The goal begins in the fall and ends in the fall of the following school year. Student Growth Goals must be submitted to the superintendent within 20 school/working days after testing data is released. All goals must include a percentage in order to be measurable. Rationale for Process to determine Interim trajectory goals are identified in ASSIST. The high, expected or low growth goals can be modified to increase percentage goal. The following rules apply when determining high, expected or low growth for a state growth goal:

1. + or – 10% of the goal = Expected 2. Above 10% of the goal = High 3. Below 10% of the goal = Low 4. *If goal is less than 10%, Principal will revise action plan and consult with Superintendent for approval.

**Late Hires will develop a Student Growth Goal within 30 days of employment.

Local Contribution Based on School Need - Goal inherited by Assistant Principal The local goal for student growth should be based on school need. It may be developed to parallel the State Contribution or it may be developed with a different focus.

Required: w Based on gap population unless State goal is based on Gap population.

Local Contribution Goal for Principals (Inherited by Assistant Principal)

Number of Goals Minimum of one goal will be required.

Process to develop local goals The Principal & Superintendent will collaborate on the development of the local contribution goal. Goals may be developed from ASSIST including achievement, gap, growth, college & career readiness (MS/HS) or another aspect of Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 school improvement. All local goals will include a percentage in order to be measurable. By September 30 or within 30 days of employment. Process for determining high, The process for determining growth: expected, or low growth 1. + or – 10% of the goal = Expected 2. Above 10% of the goal = High 3. Below 10% of the goal = Low *If goal is less than 10%, Principal will revise action plan and consult with Superintendent for approval.

**Late Hires will develop a Student Growth Goal within 30 days of employment. Determining the Overall Performance Category Superintendents are responsible for determining an Overall Performance Category for each principal at the conclusion of their summative evaluation year. The Overall Performance Category is informed by the principal’s ratings on professional practice and student growth.

Rating Overall Professional Practice Required: w Use decision rules to determine an overall rating. w Record ratings in the department-approved technology platform.

Timelines for Rating Professional Practice Reflection By September 30th OR (Principal/Assistant Principal) Within 20 working (school) days of receiving state assessment results the principals will complete the PPGES Reflection Component.

The Superintendent will review the Reflection component by September 30 or within 10 working (school) days of receiving state assessment results.

PGP (Principal/Assistant By September 30 OR Within 20 working (school) days of receiving state Principal) assessment results, the Principal and Superintendent will review PGP. Principal will review Assistant Principal’s PGP by September 30.

Survey Results (Principal The Superintendent will review and conference with each building principal ONLY) within 30 working (school) days of result release. Working Conditions Goal The Working Conditions Goal will be a component of the Beginning Year (Principal/Assistant Principal Conference. Site Visits Visit #1 will occur prior to the mid-year review (January 30th) for a minimum of 1 hour. Visit #2 will occur by April 30th for a minimum of 1 hour.

Principal summative ratings will be recorded on forms as supplied in appendix or KDE PPGES handbook. Ratings will be entered into state determined technology platform (currently CIITS/EDS) as mandated by KDE.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 *Timelines are tentative based on any adjustments to the school calendar (calendar year).

A principal’s/assistant principal’s Overall Performance Category is determined by the evaluator based on the principal’s ratings on each standard, as well as student growth. Using the sources of evidence for principals/assistant principals, evaluators (up to three years) will use professional judgment to determine a rating for each standard. Next, the evaluator will use the following decision rules for determining the Professional Practice Category:

Determining Professional Practice

w Apply the State Decision Rules for determining an Overall Professional Practice Rating.

Rating Overall Student Growth Overall Student Growth Rating results from a combination of professional judgment and the district- developed instrument. The instrument is designed to aid the evaluator in applying professional judgment to multiple evidences of student growth over time. Student growth ratings must include data from both the local and state contributions.


w Determine the rating using both state and local growth.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 w Determine the rating using multiple years of data up to 3 years (when available). w Record ratings in the department-approved technology platform.

Growth Rating (state and local): For each Student Growth Goal, the district has developed a process for determining high, expected, and low growth. The Principal in collaboration with the Superintendent develops decision rules and/or rubrics to measure high, expected and low growth on each specific goal. Both growth goals will define Expected Growth at + or -10% and establish acceptable range for student growth across the district.

Growth Rating High High Growth: More than 10% above each goal. Expected Expected Growth: + or -10% of each goal. Low Low Growth: More than 10% below each goal (any score below baseline)

*If goal is less than 10%, Principal will revise action plan and consult with Superintendent for approval.

To find the weighted average for the local goal the following formula will be used: (Y3A) + (Y2 A ) + ( Y1A) Principals with 3 years of data: 3 = GT (Growth Total) (Y2A) + (Y1A ) = GT (Growth Total) Principals with 2 years of data: 2 (Y1A) = GT (Growth Total) Principals with 1 year of data:

Y1A=Year 1 Average Y2A=Year 2 Average Y3A=Year 3 Average GT=Growth Total EX: Low=1 Expected=2 Expected=2 5/3=1.66 or Expected Determining the Overall Performance Category (see chart A principal’s/assistant principal’s Overall Performance Category is determined by the evaluator based on the principal’s ratings on Professional Practice and Student Growth. Next, the evaluator will use the following decision rules for determining the Overall Performance Category. w Apply State Overall Decision Rules for determining a principal’s/assistant principal’s Overall Performance Category. Required

w All summative ratings must be recorded in the department-approved technology platform. Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Professional Growth Plan and Summative Cycle Based on the overall Professional Practice rating and Student Growth rating, supervisors will determine the type of Professional Growth Plan required of the principal.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Professional Growth and Evaluation of District Certified Personnel (Not Included in PGES, PPGES or OPGES)

Evaluation is a process for assessing the effectiveness of performances and products. Personnel evaluation is utilized by school districts to help assure students, parents, and community that quality education is being provided. The intent for personnel evaluation is to promote professional growth, assist in making personnel decisions, improve classroom instruction and/or support, and ultimately increase student achievement.

Overview Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 A committee composed of an equal number of teachers and administrators developed a plan for evaluation of certified personnel of Glasgow Independent Schools. Performance criteria set forth in Kentucky Revised Statute and teacher and administrator standards established by the Education Professional Standards Board are included.

The evaluation plan developed by this committee consists of processes for formative evaluation and summative evaluation.

The development and annual review of a Professional Growth Plan, for each certified employee is included in the process. Each certified employee, with the assistance of the immediate supervisor, completes the Professional Growth Plan, which is aligned with specific goals and objectives of the school or district improvement plan.

An Assistance/Improvement Action Plan is to be developed for any certified employee who receives a rating of “does not meet” on the Summative Evaluation or when job performance or activity of the employee requires immediate correction.

Data Collection Procedures

The immediate supervisor is the primary evaluator. Additional trained administrative personnel may be used to observe and provide information to the primary evaluator.

The monitoring or observation of performance of the certified employee will be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the teacher or administrator. Informal observations by the principal/evaluator are expected and encouraged.

Formal observations are to be conducted following the timelines outlined in this plan. Multiple observations may be conducted annually for non-tenured evaluatees. At least one observation of an evaluatee will occur annually. Multiple observations will be conducted for evaluatees when an observation is unsatisfactory. Specific times for the scheduling of observations are to be at the discretion of the evaluator and the employee being evaluated. The use of a pre-observation conference is at the discretion of the evaluator. The data collected must be shared with the person being evaluated within five (5) working days following the observation.

Other data collection sources may include work samples, extra-curricular activity involvement, units of study, as applicable, professional development activities, and other activities exhibited by the evaluate and located in the job description.

A personnel file shall be maintained on each evaluatee by the evaluator. This file is to include informal observation notes, pre-observation forms, responses to informal and formal observations, growth plans, formative documents, summative documents, and any other relevant data. Any information in this file must be shared with the evaluatee.


Primary evaluators, with the exception of board of education members, must be trained, tested and approved as evaluators by the Kentucky Department of Education. Primary evaluators will complete twelve (12) hours of training every two (2) years for continued approval as evaluators. The required training will be provided by the Kentucky Department of Education or by an individual or agency approved by the Kentucky Department of Education. In addition, Glasgow Independent School District personnel will provide annual training at a staff meeting for primary evaluators regarding the use of Glasgow Independent School District’s evaluation process.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Appeals

A certified employee who feels that he/she was not fairly evaluated has the right to appeal to the Glasgow Independent School District Evaluation Appeals Panel.

A certified employee who feels that Glasgow Independent School District is not properly implementing the evaluation plan according to the way it was approved by the Kentucky Department of Education has the opportunity to appeal to the Kentucky Board of Education.

Evaluation of the Superintendent

The Superintendent of Glasgow Independent Schools is evaluated through a process developed by the Glasgow Independent Board of Education and is provided with opportunities for professional growth as identified in statute and regulation.


No later than the end People in charge of professional growth and of the first month of evaluations will explain to and discuss the reporting for employment Professional Growth and Evaluation of Certified each school year Personnel Plan with their evaluatees. For any certified person hired during the school year, the Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 person in charge will explain to and discuss the document with the new employee within thirty (30) days of employment.

By October 15 The Professional Growth Plan is initiated or reviewed for District Certified Personnel (administrators or supervisors). The Professional Growth Plan is reviewed and signed. The growth plan will include two goals. The goals should be aligned with the evaluation standards, job description and/or CDIP. Late hires will complete a Professional Growth Plan within 30 calendar days of hire date.

By May 1 The formative conference is conducted using the Data Collection Summary/Conferencing Form (as applicable to Non-Tenure Staff and those deemed by evaluator as in need of additional monitoring of progress.)

By May 30 The summative evaluation conference is conducted using the Summative Evaluation Form. This evaluation will be conducted annually.

By June 15 The evaluator sends the original copy of the Summative Evaluation Form to the District Personnel Office and keeps a copy on file with the employee and in the employee’s school/building personnel file.

The evaluator sends a copy of the Professional Growth Plan to the District Personnel Office, provides a copy to the employee, and keeps the original copy in the employee’s school/building personnel file.

* Additional (formative) conferences may be held as deemed necessary to monitor progress. *This section excludes PGES, PPGES and OPGES participants


Revised in 2008, the following performance evaluation standards and related functions are the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards for School Leaders that were adopted by the Education Professional Standards Board as part of the procedures for obtaining administrative certification in Kentucky. Review the following standard titles and descriptions of each:

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 ISLLC Evaluation Standards for Education Administrators 1. Vision An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders. 2. School Culture and Learning An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. 3. Management An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. 4. Collaboration An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. 5. Integrity, Fairness, Ethics An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. 6. Political, Economic, Legal An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 ______School Year Enrichment Plan ___ Assistance Plan ___

GLASGOW INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN FOR DISTRICT CERTIFIED PERSONNEL This plan is aligned with the evaluation standards, job description and/or CDIP.

Evaluatee______Work Site______Date______


1. Needs Assessment:

2. ISLLC Standard or Job Description Component or CDIP Goal:

3. Performance Criterion:

4. Growth Objectives/Goals (Describe desired outcome)

5. Present Stage of Development: _____Awareness _____Preparation ____Implementation _____Refinement

6. Procedures and Activities for Achieving Goals and Objective (s):

7. Individual Growth Plan Developed:



8. Individual Growth Plan Achieved/Revised/Continued:




Tenured_____ Non-Tenured_____ Work Site______


Evaluator/Observer______Date(s) of Conference______

Evaluator and evaluatee discuss and complete prior to developing the administrator’s professional growth plan. This analysis document is the summary of data collected for formative purposes such as: observations, professional development activities, portfolio entries, products, work samples, reports, etc. Standard/Performance Criteria Performance, Product, and/or Portfolio Ratings

Professional Growth Activities Discussed 1: An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and Growth Does Not supported by all stakeholders. Meets Needed Meet A. collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and mission B. collect and use data to identify goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and promote organizational learning C. create and implement plans to achieve goals D. promote continuous and sustainable improvement E. monitor and evaluate progress and revise plans F. demonstrates professional growth G. follows professional code of ethics Comments:

2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning Growth Does Not Professional Growth Activities and staff professional growth. Meets Needed Meet Discussed A. nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations B. create comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular program C. create a personalized and motivating learning environment for students D. supervise Instruction E. develop assessment and accountability systems to monitor student progress F. develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff G. maximize time spent on quality instruction H. promote the use of the most effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning I. monitor and evaluate the impact of the instructional program J. maintaining acceptable personal attendance and is punctual Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Comments:

3: An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning Growth Does Not Professional Growth Activities environment. Meets Needed Meet Discussed A. monitor and evaluate the management and operational systems B. obtain, allocate, align, and efficiently utilize human, fiscal, and technological resources C. promote and protect the welfare and safety of students and staff D. develop the capacity for distributive leadership E. ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support quality instruction and student learning Comments:

4: An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing community Growth Does Not Professional Growth Activities resources. Meets Needed Meet Discussed A. collect and analyze data and information pertinent to the educational system B. promote understanding, appreciation, and use of the community’s diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources C. build and sustain positive relationships with families and caregivers D. build and sustain productive relationships with community partners Comments:

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 5: An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an Growth Does Not Professional Growth Activities ethical manner. Meets Needed Meet Discussed A. ensure system of accountability for every student’s academic and social success B. model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior C. safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity D. consider and evaluate the potential moral and legal consequences of decision making E. promote social justice and ensure that individual student needs inform all aspects of schooling Comments:

6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, Professional Growth Activities economic, legal, and cultural context. Discussed A. advocate for children, families, and caregivers B. act to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning C. assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies Comments:

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Formative Conference Date:

Evaluator Comments Administrator Comments

Evaluator Signature and Date Signed Administrator Signature and Date Signed

Administrator signature denotes discussion and receipt of this document, but does not necessarily mean agreement with the information contained within this document.


This summative evaluation form summarizes the holistic evaluation of all data collected including formative data, products and performances, portfolio materials, professional development activities, conferences, and other documentation.


Check One: Intern_____ Non-Tenured_____ Tenured_____


Date(s) of Conference(s) 1st______2nd______3rd______4th______

Ratings Growth *Does Not Administrator Standards: Meets Needed Meet 1 Mission, Vision, and Goals 2 Teaching and Learning 3 Managing Organizational Systems and Safety 4 Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders 5 Ethics and Integrity 6 The Educational System

*Any rating in the “does not meet” column requires the development of an Individual Assistive (Improvement) Plan. NOTE: To be eligible for a continuing contract (i.e. tenure) an employee must meet the District’s standards in all categories.

Evaluatee’s Comments: ______

Evaluator’s Comments: ______

Employment Recommendation: _____ Recommended for re-employment. _____Recommended for re-employment with conditions (Must attach Assistive Growth Plan) _____Not Recommended for re-employment

This section to be completed and signed after all information above has been completed and discussed: Evaluatee: ___ Agrees with this summative evaluation ___ Disagrees with this summative evaluation______

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Signature Date

Evaluator: ______

Signature Date

Opportunities for appeal process at both the local and state levels are a part of the Glasgow District Certified Evaluation Plan. Certified employees must make their appeals to this summative evaluation within the time frames mandated in 704 KAR 3:345 Appeals Required w Districts shall have an appeals process established.

GLASGOW INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Composition of the Appeals Panel

All members of the appeals panel shall be current employees of the Glasgow Independent School System. The two members of the appeals panel are elected by the entire certified staff. RE: KRS156:101 KAR704:3..345

In the election of the appeals panel members, the persons receiving the first and second greatest number of votes shall be members of the appeals panel. The persons receiving the third and fourth greatest number of votes shall be designated as alternates to serve in the event an elected member cannot serve.

The Board shall also appoint one (1) certified employee and one (1) alternate certified employee to the panel. The Chairperson of the panel shall be the certified employee appointed by the Board.

The length of term for an appeals panel member shall be two (2) years. The panel members shall assume their responsibilities on July 1 and end June 30.

Elections shall be held and appointments made for the appeals panel by the end of the school year.

The election shall be conducted by the District Evaluation Contact Person using the following criteria: open nominations; secret ballot; one person/one vote.

Appeals/Hearings All certified employees shall have the right to appeal a summative evaluation to the Local Evaluation Appeals Panel (“LEAP”). Appeals Procedure All certified school personnel shall receive written notice of their right to appeal, including applicable deadlines and the right to request a hearing, at the time summative evaluation results are provided to the certified school personnel. 1. Certified personnel shall have the right to appeal within ten (10) working days after receiving a summative evaluation. The LEAP will have no jurisdiction unless an appeal is filed with the LEAP. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent. 2. Certified personnel shall submit their written appeals to the Superintendent using the Certified Evaluation Appeals Form. As directed by the Certified Evaluation Appeals Form, Certified school personnel shall specifically indicate whether or not a hearing is requested. If a hearing is not requested by the certified personnel, the LEAP will decide the matter on written documents submitted by the evaluatee and evaluator. Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 3. Upon receipt of an appeal from a certified personnel, the Superintendent shall notify the LEAP. The Certified Evaluation Appeals Form, along with any accompanying documentation, will be reviewed by the LEAP within ten (10) working days of receipt by the Superintendent. At the time the LEAP conducts its initial review within ten (10) working days of receipt by the Superintendent, the LEAP shall do the following:  If a hearing is requested, the LEAP shall set a hearing date not to exceed twenty (20) calendar days from the date the appeal was received by the Superintendent and notify all parties in writing of the hearing date.  The LEAP shall send written notification to all parties regarding the appeal procedure, including all applicable submission deadlines.  If a hearing is requested, the LEAP shall send written notification of the hearing procedures, including all applicable submission deadlines and the right to have a chosen representative present at the hearing.  The LEAP shall advise in writing the evaluatee and the evaluator to submit a copy of all documentation that concerns the summative evaluation.  If a hearing is requested, the LEAP shall advise in writing the evaluatee and the evaluator to submit lists of persons who may be called as witnesses at a hearing. 4. If a hearing is requested, all documentation, including a list of witnesses, must be submitted to the LEAP Chairperson no later than five (5) working days prior to the scheduled hearing. Copies of all documentation, including a list of witnesses, must also be made available to all parties to the appeal no later than five (5) working days prior to any scheduled hearing. 5. The panel shall deliver its decision to the District Superintendent, who shall take whatever action is appropriate or necessary as permitted by law.

6. The evaluatee may withdraw his/her appeal at any time during the appeals process. At any time during the appeals process, the evaluator may make adjustments to the evaluatee’s summative form if these adjustments are acceptable to the evaluatee.

7. Any certified employee who feels that the local district is not properly implementing the evaluation plan according to the way it was approved by the State Department of Education shall have the opportunity to appeal to the Kentucky Board of Education.

Hearing 1. Any hearing will be held within twenty (20) calendar days from receipt of appeal by the Superintendent. 2. The evaluatee and evaluator have the right to have a chosen representative, including an attorney, present at the hearing. 3. The hearing will adhere to the following format:  Reading of the written appeal by the LEAP Chairperson.  Questioning of the evaluatee and/or evaluator by the panel. Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0  Presentation of relevant evidence and witnesses by the evaluatee in support of the appeal.  Presentation of relevant evidence and witnesses by the evaluator in support of the summative evaluation.  Follow-up questioning by panel of any witnesses, evaluatee, and/or evaluator.  Dismissal of hearing.

4. No party shall be allowed to present any documentation that has not been submitted to the LEAP Chairperson and made available to the other parties at least five (5) working days prior to the hearing. Nor shall the parties call any witnesses whose names were not submitted to the LEAP Chairperson and made available to all other parties at least five (5) working days prior to the hearing. 5. At any time, either the appellant or the evaluator may concede in writing to the LEAP Chairperson, and the LEAP process will be terminated. 6. Based on the issues identified in the certified personnel’s appeal documentation and presented during the hearing, the LEAP shall determine whether the employee has demonstrated that a procedural violation has occurred under the District’s evaluation plan and whether the summative evaluation is supported by the evidence. The LEAP may decide to:  Rule in favor of the appellant, either in whole or in part;  Uphold the evaluation; or  Call for a second evaluation by a trained evaluator.

7. The Superintendent must take appropriate action consistent with the Appeal Panel’s decision. 8. The decision of the LEAP shall be given in writing to both the appellant and the evaluator within thirty (30) working days of the hearing date. The decision of the LEAP shall include written notification of the right to appeal to the State Evaluation Appeals Panel pursuant to KRS Chapter 156 and 704 KAR 3:345, including the applicable timeline for such an appeal. 9. The Appeal Panel’s decision and the original summative evaluation form shall be placed in the employee’s evaluation file. In the case of a new evaluation, both evaluations shall be included in the employee’s personnel file. Appeal Without A Hearing 1. If a hearing is not requested by the certified personnel on the Certified Evaluation Appeals Form, the LEAP will decide the matter based on written documents submitted by the evaluatee and evaluator. 2. At any time, either the appellant or the evaluator may concede in writing to the LEAP Chairperson, and the LEAP process will be terminated. 3. Based on the issues identified in the certified personnel’s appeal documentation the LEAP shall determine whether the employee has demonstrated that a procedural violation has occurred under the District’s evaluation plan and whether the summative evaluation is supported by the evidence. The LEAP may decide to:  Rule in favor of the appellant, either in whole or in part;  Uphold the evaluation; or  Call for a second evaluation by a trained evaluator.  Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 4. The Superintendent must take appropriate action consistent with the Appeal Panel’s decision. 5. The decision of the LEAP shall be given in writing to both the appellant and the evaluator within thirty (30) working days from receipt of appeal by the Superintendent. The decision of the LEAP shall include written notification of the right to appeal to the State Evaluation Appeals Panel pursuant to KRS Chapter 156 and 704 KAR 3:345, including the applicable timeline for such an appeal. The Appeal Panel’s decision and the original summative evaluation form shall be placed in the employee’s evaluation file. In the case of a new evaluation, both evaluations shall be included in the employee’s personnel file.

GLASGOW INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Appeals Panel Hearing Request Form

I ______have been evaluated by

______during the current evaluative cycle. My disagreements with the

findings of the summative evaluation have been discussed with my evaluator. The attached letter

includes my rationale and suggested resolution for the appeal in detail.

I respectfully request the Glasgow School District Evaluation Appeals panel to hear my appeal.



Date of Summative Conference with evaluator______

Date evaluator notified of intent to appeal______

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Appendix

Pre-Observation Form

Post-Observation Form

Teacher Formative Data Collection/ Conferencing Form

Teacher Summative Evaluation Form

School Administrator Summative Evaluation Form

Think and Plan Guidance for Developing Student Growth Goals (Teachers)

District Student Growth Goal Rubric

Reflective Practice and Professional Growth Plan Document

(Principal) Reflective Practice, Student Growth, Kentucky Tell/Working Conditions Goal and Professional Growth Document

Student Voice Survey (Grades 3-5) Student Voice Survey (Grades 6-12) Student Voice Survey for Other Professionals (Grades 6-12) Student Voice Survey for Other Professionals (Grades 3-5)

Assistance (Improvement) Plan

Library/Media Specialists Forms School (Guidance) Counselor Forms Therapeutic Specialists (Speech) Forms

Code of Ethics (Kentucky Educators) Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 PRE-OBSERVATION DOCUMENT

Teacher (Printed Name and Signature) School Grade Level/Subject(s) Observer (Printed Name and Signature) Date of Conference

Preconference (Planning Conference)

Questions for Discussion: Notes:

What is your identified student learning target(s)?

To which part of your curriculum does this lesson relate?

How does this learning fit in the sequence of learning for this class? Briefly describe the students in this class, including those with special needs. How will you engage the students in the learning? What will you do? What will the students do? Will the students work in groups, or individually, or as a large group? Provide any materials that the students will be using. How will you differentiate instruction for individuals or groups of students? How and when will you know whether the students have achieved the learning target(s)? Is there anything that you would like me to specifically observe during the lesson? COMMENTS:

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 POST-OBSERVATION FORM

Teacher School Grade Level/Subject(s) Observer Date of Conference For each of the following standards, reflect on the lesson that was observed using the following guiding questions to focus your reflections:

In general, how successful was the lesson? Did the students achieve the learning targets? How do you know, and what will you do for those students who did not?

In addition to the student work witnessed by the observer, what other student work samples, evidence or artifacts assisted you in making your determination for question one?

To what extent did classroom procedures, student conduct, and physical space contribute to or hinder student learning?

Did you depart from your plan? If so, how and why?

If you had an opportunity to teach this lesson again to the same group of students, what would you do differently, and why?

What do you see as the next step(s) in your professional growth for addressing the needs you have identified through personal reflection?

Evaluatee’s Self-Rating Evaluator’s Formative Observation Rating:

Domain 2: The Domain 3: Classroom Rating: Rating: Instruction Environment A: Creating an A: Environment of Communicatin I D A E I D A E Respect and g with Rapport Students B: Using B: Establishing a Questioning Culture for I D A E I D A E and Discussion Learning Techniques C: Managing C: Engaging Classroom I D A E Students in I D A E Procedures Learning D: Using D: Managing I D A E Assessment in I D A E Student Behavior Instruction E: E: Organizing I D A E Demonstrating I D A E Physical Space Flexibility

Domain 2: The Domain 3: Classroom Rating: Rating: Instruction Environment A: Creating an I D A E A: I D A E Environment of Communicating Respect and with Students Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 Rapport

B: Establishing B: Using a Culture for I D A E Questioning and I D A E Discussion Learning Techniques C: Managing C: Engaging Classroom I D A E Students in I D A E Procedures Learning D: Managing D: Using Student I D A E Assessment in I D A E Behavior Instruction E: Organizing E: Demonstrating I D A E I D A E Physical Space Flexibility

GLASGOW INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Formative Data Collection/ Conferencing Form (Teachers)

(Evaluator and evaluatee discuss and complete prior to developing the teacher’s professional growth plan and summative evaluation instruments. This analyses document is the summary of data collected for formative purposes such as: observations, professional development activities, portfolio entries, products, units of study, etc.)

Teacher’s Name ______Content Area ______Grade(s)/Position______

Date of: Observation ______Date of Conference______Evaluator’s Name ______c. Setting Instructional Outcomes d. Demonstrates knowledge of Resources e. Designs Coherent Instruction f. Designs Student Assessments Domain 1 Overall Rating 2: The Classroom Environment Ineffective Developing Accomplished Exemplary Comments a. Creates an Environment of Respect and Rapport b. Establishes a Culture for Learning c. Manages Classroom Procedures d. Manages Student Behavior e. Organizes Physical Space Domain 2 Overall Rating 3: Instruction Ineffective Developing Accomplished Exemplary Comments a. Communicates with Students b. Uses Questioning and Discussion Techniques c. Engages Students in Learning d. Uses Assessment in Instruction e. Demonstrates Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 3 Overall Rating Comments/Sources of 4: Professional Responsibilities Ineffective Developing Accomplished Exemplary Evidence a. Reflects on Teaching b. Maintains Accurate Records c. Communicates with Families d. Participates in a Professional Community e. Growing and Developing Professionally f. Demonstrates Professionalism Domain 4 Overall Rating

Evaluator’s Comments (Observation): ______Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 ______

Post Observation Conference Comments: ______

______Evaluatee Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date

Back to TOC Model Certified Evaluation Plan 5.0 TEACHER SUMMATIVE EVALUATION Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Performance Rating 1.A- Knowledge of Content and 2.A Creating an Environment of 3.A Communicating with 4.A Reflects on Teaching Professional Practice Rating: ___ Pedagogy Respect and Rapport Students (Observations, KY Framework, Self- 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Reflection, Student Voice, Growth Plan, 1 2 3 4 Peer Observation, Other Evidence) 1.B- Knowledge of Students 2.B Establishing a Culture of 3.B Questioning and Discussion 4.B Maintaining Accurate Records Learning Techniques Student Growth Rating: ___ (Local) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.C- Setting Instructional Outcomes 2.C Managing Classroom 3.C Engaging Students in 4.C Communicating with Families State Contribution (Math & Procedures learning Reading, Grades 4-8 – as 1 2 3 4 applicable): 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ___ 1 2 3 4 1.D- Demonstrates Knowledge of 2.D Managing Student Behavior 3.D Using Assessment in 4.D Participating in a Professional Combined Growth Goal Rating, as Resources Instruction Learning Community applicable: ___

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.E- Designing Coherent Instruction 2.E Organizing Physical Space 3.E Demonstrating Flexibility 4.E Growing and Developing and Responsiveness Professionally OVERALL PERFOMANCE 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 CATEGORY 1.F- Designing Student Assessment 4.F Demonstrating Professionalism  EXEMPLARY  ACCOMPLISHED 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4  DEVELOPING DOMAIN 1 DOMAIN 2 DOMAIN 3 DOMAIN 4  INEFFECTIVE  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING Pg. 1 of 2  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  I agree with the above evaluation.  I disagree with the above evaluation for the following reasons: 1- Ineffective 2- Developing 3- Accomplished 4- Exemplary

THREE-YEAR CYCLE Exemplary SELF-DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN • Goals set by teacher with evaluator input • Plan activities are teacher directed and P Implemented with colleagues. E Accomplished • Formative review annually R • Summative occurs at the end of year 3. F O ONE-YEAR CYCLE DIRECTED GROWTH PLAN • Goal(s) Determined by R Evaluator M Developing • Goals focus on professional practice and student A growth N • Plan activities designed by C evaluator with teacher input • Summative review annually E UP TO 12-MONTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN Ineffective • Goal(s) determined by evaluator • Focus on low performance area • Summative at end of plan

The teacher will be placed on the following education plan. Please mark on the chart above where this tenured teacher will fall.

___ Non-tenured educator will be assigned to one year cycle ___ Non-tenured teacher will be on a less than one year more intensive cycle.

*Any teacher falling in the Ineffective/low area must be on as Assistance/Improvement Plan.

______Evaluatee Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date *Any Rating in the “ineffective” column requires the development of an Individual Assistance/Improvement Plan Principal Summative Performance Report Directions: Evaluators use this form to provide the principal with an assessment of performance. The principal should be given a copy of the form at the end of each evaluation cycle. Principal School Year(s): School Performance Standard 1: Instructional Leadership Exemplary Accomplished In addition to meeting the is the expected level of Developing Ineffective requirements for performance. Accomplished... The principal actively and The principal fosters the success The principal inconsistently The principal rarely fosters the consistently employs of all students by facilitating the fosters the success of all success of all students by innovative and effective development, communication, students by facilitating the facilitating the development, leadership strategies that implementation, and evaluation development, communication, communication, maximize student academic of a shared vision of teaching and implementation, or evaluation implementation, or evaluation growth and result in a shared learning that leads to student of a shared vision of teaching of a shared vision of teaching vision of teaching and learning academic growth and school and learning that leads to and learning that leads to that reflects excellence. improvement. student academic growth and student academic growth and school improvement. school improvement. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Comments Comments Comments Comments

Performance Standard 2: School Climate Exemplary Accomplished In addition to meeting the is the expected level of Developing Ineffective requirements for Accomplished... performance. The principal seeks out new The principal fosters the success The principal inconsistently The principal rarely promotes opportunities or substantially of all students by developing, promotes the success of all the success of all students by improves existing programs to advocating, and sustaining an students by developing, developing, advocating, or create an environment where academically rigorous, positive, advocating, or sustaining an sustaining an academically students and stakeholders thrive and safe school climate for all academically rigorous, rigorous, positive, or safe and the rigor of academic stakeholders. positive, or safe school climate school climate for all expectations has significantly for all stakeholders. stakeholders. increased as evident through results. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Comments Comments Comments Comments

Performance Standard 3: Human Resources Management Exemplary Accomplished In addition to meeting the is the expected level of Developing Ineffective requirements for Accomplished... performance. The principal consistently The principal fosters effective The principal inconsistently The principal inadequately demonstrates expertise in human human resources management by assists with selection and assists with selection and resources management, which assisting with selection and induction, or inconsistently induction, or inadequately results in a highly- effective induction, and by supporting, supports, evaluates, and supports, evaluates, and workforce (e.g. high teacher and evaluating, and retaining quality retains quality instructional retains quality instructional staff efficacy, increased student instructional and support and support personnel. and support personnel. learning, teacher leaders). personnel. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Comments Comments Comments Comments

Performance Standard 4: Organizational Management Exemplary Accomplished In addition to meeting the is the expected level of Developing Ineffective requirements for Accomplished... performance. The principal excels at The principal fosters the success The principal inconsistently The principal inadequately organizational management, of all students by supporting, supports, manages, or oversees supports, manages, or demonstrating proactive decision- managing, and overseeing the the school’s organization, oversees the school’s making, coordinating efficient school’s organization, operation, operation, or use of resources. organization, operation, or use operations, and maximizing and use of resources. of resources. available resources. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Comments Comments Comments Comments

Performance Standard 5: Communication and Community Relations Exemplary Accomplished In addition to meeting the is the expected level of Developing Ineffective requirements for performance. Accomplished... The principal seeks and The principal fosters the success The principal inconsistently The principal demonstrates effectively engages stakeholders of all students by communicates and/or inadequate and/or detrimental in order to promote the success communicating and infrequently collaborates with communication or collaboration of all students through collaborating effectively with stakeholders. with stakeholders. productive and frequent stakeholders. communication. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Comments Comments Comments Comments

Performance Standard 6: Professionalism Exemplary Accomplished In addition to meeting the is the expected level of Developing Ineffective requirements for Accomplished... performance. The principal demonstrates The principal fosters the success The principal is inconsistent in The principal shows disregard professionalism beyond the of students by demonstrating demonstrating professional for professional standards and school district through published professional standards and standards, engaging in ethics, engaging in continuous works, formal presentation(s), ethics, engaging in continuous continuous professional professional learning, or involvement in state and national professional learning, and learning, or in contributing to contributing to the profession. committees and/or leadership contributing to the profession. the profession. opportunities and/or formal recognition(s) or award(s). ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Comments Comments Comments Comments

Evaluation Summary

☐ Recommended for continued employment ☐ Recommended for placement on an Assistance/Improvement Plan (One or more standards are ineffective or two or more standards are developing.) ☐ Recommended for Dismissal/Non-Renewal (The principal has failed to make progress on an Assistance/Improvement Plan, or the principal consistently performs below the established standards or in a manner that is inconsistent with the school’s mission and goals.)


Areas Noted for Improvement: .

Improvement Goals:

Overall Evaluation Summary Overall Evaluation Summary Criteria

☐ Exemplary ☐ Accomplished ☐ Developing ☐ Ineffective

______Employee’s Signature/Date Administrator’s Signature/Date

Evaluator’s Name ______Principal’s Name ______Evaluator’s Signature ______Principal’s Signature ______(Signature denotes receipt of the summative evaluation, not necessarily agreement with the contents of the form.)

Date ______Date ______

Superintendent’s Name ______

Superintendent’s Signature ______

Date ______

Note: Standards Ratings are determined by the supervisor’s professional judgment based on sources of evidence that inform principal professional practice. These sources of evidence include:

 Professional Growth and Self  Working Conditions Goal Reflection  Student Growth Goals  Site-Visits  Other district-determined evidence  VAL-ED 360  Teachers’ Think and Plan Guidance for Developing Student Growth Goals

 Purpose: This document is a summary form a teacher completes for conferencing with their administrator. The column to the right provides guidance, detail, and hyperlinks for completing the process and the template.     Identify the context of the identified class, as selected by teacher in collaboration  Guiding Questions with principal, including student population.    In collaboration with colleagues, identify the enduring  skills*, concepts, and processes for my content area (facilitator’s guide, process pptx, example).   Based on my content standards, what are the enduring  skills*, concepts and processes students should master by the  end of the school year/course?   Do the identified skills, concepts and processes represent essential learning that: ENDURES beyond a single test date, is  of value in other disciplines, is relevant beyond the classroom,  Identify the course-long interval of instruction (e.g., trimester, semester, one is worthy of embedded, course-long focus, and may necessary school year). for the next level of instruction (next grade or future course)?  What does it look like for students to be performing at  proficiency level on these skills, concepts and processes? How  do I know?    Pinpoint areas of need based on my current students'  abilities.   Are there any enduring skills*, concepts or processes my  students lack overall? What are the biggest areas of need?   What are my students’ abilities? How have I collected and analyzed evidence/data to determine patterns, trends, strengths  Identify the content area enduring skills*, concepts, and/or processes that your and weaknesses for all students? (e.g., formative processes, goal will target. (In the KCAS for Mathematics, the “Enduring Understandings” analysis of student work, anecdotal notes, last year's data, reflect the enduring learning advocated in the goal-setting for student growth previous teachers) process.) Content area examples: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening,  Are the areas of need identified appropriate for a year- long/course-long student growth goal? Social Studies, Science, Reading Foundational Skills, PE, Health, World  Language, Music, Art    Decide on sources of evidence. After identifying an  area or areas of need, choose the sources of evidence (e.g., rubrics, classroom assessments, performances,  products, portfolios, projects, district learning checks)  for collecting baseline, mid-term, and end of  year/course data for the student growth goal.   Note: At least three sources of evidence are  recommended for contributing to baseline data.   Do the sources of evidence provide the data needed to demonstrate proficiency for the identified area(s) of need?  List the sources of evidence you will use to establish baseline data and measure  Can the sources of evidence be used to provide baseline data, student growth. comparable mid-term data, and end of year/course data?   Do the sources of evidence require students to meet or exceed the true intent of the standards being assessed? (This addresses  both rigor of the evidence and comparability.)   Is there a good match between the rigor of the standard to be  assessed and the method used to collect evidence? (For  instance, if the best way to determine if students are meeting the rigor of a standard is a performance, then the task should  be a performance that demonstrates where students are in  meeting mastery of that standard. See Classroom Assessment for Student Learning resources on Target-Method Match.)     Use baseline data to determine area(s) of need for the  goal   What did I learn from collection of data?   How will I combine data to determine a baseline for my SGG?              Specify the expected growth and proficiency.  Decide on a student growth goal (SGG) that meets the SMART  criteria.  Include a growth target that expresses the growth you expect your  SPECIFIC  students to make.  Is the identified area of need significant enough for year-long/course- long instructional focus?   Does the goal address learning that is representative of the enduring  skills*, concepts and/or processes that:  o ENDURES beyond a single test date,  o is of value in other disciplines,  o is relevant beyond the classroom,  Include a proficiency target. o is worthy of embedded, course-long focus,  o may be necessary for the next level of instruction?   MEASURABLE   Does the goal identify the sources of evidence/measures that will be  used to show how all students will demonstrate growth?  Do the sources of evidence provide the data needed to accurately  Write your student growth goal statement that meets the SMART criteria. Include measure where students are in mastering the grade level standards for both growth and proficiency. the identified areas(s) of need?   Which criteria were used for determining what amount of growth is  rigorous for students? Why was this criteria selected?   Does the goal include a growth target and proficiency target?      APPROPRIATE   Is the goal standards-based and directly related to the subject and  students taught?  Explain the rationale for the goal. Include reference to baseline data and explanation  Is there a good match between the goal and the level of rigor expected of how targets meet the expectation for rigor. in the identified standards?   REALISTIC   Is the goal doable, but rigorous enough to stretch the outer bounds of what is attainable?     TIMEBOUND   Is the goal designed to stretch across the interval of instruction (e.g.,  trimester, semester, one school year)?   Is there sufficient time within the interval of instruction to determine goal attainment?     Sample Student Growth Goals - KDE   High, Expected, Low determination  Determine the measure for identifying H, E, L growth and for identifying proficiency.  Has the teacher identified “expected” as the desired outcome? (Rubric, etc.) Define H, E, L growth and proficiency based on the identified measure.  How will the teacher address achievement of growth but not proficiency?   How will the teacher address the achievement of proficiency but not  growth?            Describe professional learning (PL) needed to support students’  Determine professional learning attainment of the student growth goal. (Include any PL needs in your  What professional learning is needed to support the SGG? Professional Growth Plan.)  How can a professional learning community/colleagues’ expertise provide  support?  Does the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) reflect the support needed to  meet the goal?             Describe the instructional strategies for goal attainment, specifically   Decide on instructional strategies for goal attainment what you will do instructionally to assure your students make gains  How do I identify the instructional strategies that will most effectively projected in your student growth goal. support students in attaining the SGG?   What resources and supports do I need to implement these strategies with  my students?              Describe your plan to monitor students’ progress toward goal attainment.  Plan for progress monitoring     How and when will I monitor progress towards the SGG throughout the year/course?  What formative assessment processes will I use for progress monitoring?  How will I involve students in progress monitoring?  How will I provide all students multiple opportunities and/or assessment types to demonstrate learning of the selected standards?  How will specific feedback occur regularly to move students forward in their learning?     Analyze results. Determine whether students met the growth and proficiency goal.  Analyze results: Analyze the summative/post-  Do no complete this box until the end of the growth goal timeline. assessment data to determine goal attainment and reflect on next steps.   What does the data reveal about student growth?  What does the data show about instructional practices?  How can these results inform professional growth? (Connect this back to Step 3.) 

 Glasgow Independent Schools Rigor Rubric for Student Growth Goal  Structure of the Goal  Requirements:  The structure of the goal is acceptable if it . . .  The structure of the goal needs revision if it. . .  Follows the S.M.A.R.T. goal format  Includes all elements of the S.M.A.R.T. goal format  Does not include all elements of or fails to follow S.M.A.R.T. goal format (Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, Time-Bound)  Focuses on a standards-based enduring  Focuses on a standards-based enduring skill  Contains a skill that is not standards-based or does not match enduring skill skill which students are expected to criteria master    Identifies an area of need pertaining to  Identifies a specific area of need related to the enduring skill  Does not identify a specific area of need or the area of need is not related to current students’ abilities the enduring skill   Includes growth and proficiency targets  Includes a growth target that establishes a growth target for ALL students  Is missing one of the targets or fails to differentiate expected performance that establish and differentiate expected and a proficiency target that establishes the mastery expectation for for one or both targets performance for ALL students students   Identifies appropriate measure(s) allowing  Identifies measure(s) for collecting baseline, mid-course, and end-of-  Fails to identify a measure for data collection, or the measure is not well- for consistent and comparable base-line, year/course data that matches the skill being assessed matched to the skill being assessed mid-course, and end-of-year/course data  collection  Explicitly states year-long/course-long  Specifies a year-long/course-long interval of instruction  Fails to specify an interval of instruction, or the interval is less than year- interval of instruction long/course-long  Rigor of the Goal and Measurement Instruments  Requirements:  The rigor of the goal is acceptable if . . .  The rigor of the goal needs revision if . . .  It is congruent to KCAS grade level  It is congruent and appropriate for grade level/content area standards  It is congruent to content but not to grade level standards, or it is not standards for which it was developed congruent   Baseline/pre-assessment and other data  Selection of the enduring skill and specific area of need is supported by  Selection of the enduring skill and specific area of need is supported by only justify the selection of the enduring skill multiple data sources for current students one data source for current students, or no data were used and specific area of need     Baseline/pre-assessment and other data  Selection of the growth and proficiency targets is supported by multiple  Selection of the growth and proficiency targets is supported by one data justify the selection of the growth and data sources for current students source for current students, or no data were used proficiency targets    The growth and proficiency targets are challenging for students, but attainable  The growth and proficiency targets are doable, but stretch the outer  The growth and proficiency targets are not achievable, or the targets are with support bounds of what is attainable achievable but fail to stretch attainability expectations

 The identified measurement instrument(s)  The identified measures allow students to demonstrate their competency in  The identified measures only allow students to demonstrate competency of allows for students to demonstrate where performing at the level intended in the standards being assessed a portion or none of the aspects of the standards being assessed they are in meeting or exceeding the intent of the standard(s) being assessed  Comparability of Data  Requirements:  The comparability of the goal is acceptable if . . .  The comparability of the goal needs revision if . . .  Uses comparable criteria across similar  It reflects use of common measures/rubrics to determine competency in  It does not reflect common criteria used to determine progress classrooms (classrooms that address the performance at the level intended by the standard(s) being assessed  same standards) to determine progress  Protocol and Scoring Process are included in Plan, Page ____.  COPYRIGHT: FCPS toward mastery of standards/enduring skills KENTUCKY FRAMEWORK TEACHER (REFLECTIVE PRACTICE) SELF ASSESSMENT   Teacher (Printed Name and  Signature)  EPSB ID#   School   Grade Level/Subject(s)    Part A: Initial Reflection – Establishing Priority Growth Needs  Self-  Component: Assessme  Rationale: nt:  1A - Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and      Pedagogy I D A E       1B - Demonstrating Knowledge of Students I D A E       1C - Selecting Instructional Outcomes I D A E       1D - Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources I D A E       1E - Designing Coherent Instruction I D A E       1F - Designing Student Assessment I D A E  2A - Creating an Environment of Respect and      Rapport I D A E       2B - Establishing a Culture for Learning I D A E       2C - Managing Classroom Procedures I D A E       2D - Managing Student Behavior I D A E       2E - Organizing Physical Space I D A E       3A - Communicating with Students I D A E       3B - Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques I D A E       3C - Engaging Students in Learning I D A E       3D - Using Assessment in Instruction I D A E       3E - Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness I D A E       4A - Reflecting on Teaching I D A E  4B - Maintaining Accurate Records      I D A E       4C - Communicating with Families I D A E       4D - Participating in a Professional Community I D A E       4E - Growing and Developing Professionally I D A E       4F - Demonstrating Professionalism I D A E       5A - Student Growth I D A E   Component:  Select a component from those  Domain:  Circle Professional Growth circled for focused professional Priority Components growth goal development (Part B):         Planning & Preparation 1 1 1 1 1 1

      The Classroom  2 2 2 2 2 Environment        Instruction 3 3 3 3 3

       Professional 4 4 4 4 4 4 Responsibilities        Student Growth 5

   Current Level of Performance for Selected Component:  D  E I A     TEACHER PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN   Professional Growth Goal Guiding  Goal 1: Questions  What do I want to change about my instruction that will effectively impact student learning?  What is my personal learning necessary to make that change?  What are the measures of success?   Action Plan  Targeted Completion  Professional Learning  Resources/Support Date  Measures of Goal   Attainment (Tools/Instruments):    Expected Student Growth  Impact:   Demonstrable:  Identify the documentation intended to demonstrate your professional growth.  □ Artifacts  □ Self-Assessment  □ Ongoing Self-Reflection  □ Certificate of  □ Teaming with Colleague  □ Observation Data Completion  □ Other: (please specify)   Connection to Kentucky Teaching Framework  Identify Alignment to  Framework   Professional Growth Goal Guiding  Goal 2: Questions  What do I want to change about my instruction that will effectively impact student learning?  What is my personal learning necessary to make that change?  What are the measures of success?   Action Plan  Professional Learning  Resources/Support  Targeted Completion Date  Measures of Goal   Attainment (Tools/Instruments):  Expected Student   Growth Impact:  Demonstrable:  Identify the documentation intended to demonstrate your professional growth.  □ Artifacts  □ Self-Assessment  □ Ongoing Self-Reflection  □ Certificate of  □ Teaming with  □ Observation Data Completion Colleague  □ Other: (please  specify)  Connection to CSIP/CDIP (at least one goal must be related to CSIP/CDIP)  Identify CSIP/CDIP Goal 

 Teacher (Printed Name & Signature):  Date:

 Administrator Signature:  Date:

       On-going Reflection – Progress Toward Professional Growth Goal  Date:  Status of Professional Growth Goal:  Revisions/Modifications:                        Summative Reflection- Level of Attainment for Professional Growth Goal  Date:  End of Year Reflection:      

  Next Steps:              4A – Reflecting on Teaching  E  Connection to I D A Framework for  4E – Growing and    Teaching:  E Developing Professionally I D A

 Teacher (Printed Name and Signature):  Date:

 Administrator Signature:  Date:       Reflective Practice, Student Growth, TELL KY Working Conditions and  Professional Growth Plan Document

   Principal (Printed Name &  Signature)  School    Part A: Reflection on the Standards in the Kentucky Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System  Reflect on the effectiveness and adequacy of your practice in each of the performance standards. Provide a rating (I = Ineffective; D = Developing; A = Accomplished; E=Exemplary) on each performance standard and list your strengths and areas for growth. A complete listing of performance standards and indicators can be found at the end of this form.  Self-  Standard Assessmen  Strengths and areas for growth t  1. Instructional Leadership   The principal fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication,     implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of I D A E teaching and learning that leads to student academic growth and school improvement.  2. School Climate   The principal fosters the success of all students     by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe I D A E school climate for all stakeholders.  3. Human Resource Management   The principal fosters effective human resources management by assisting with selection and     induction, and by supporting, evaluating, and I D A E retaining quality instructional and support personnel.  4. Organizational Management   The principal fosters the success of all students     by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of I D A E resources.  5. Communication and Community  Relationship      The principal fosters the success of all students by communicating and collaborating I D A E effectively with stakeholders.  6. Professionalism   The principal fosters the success of all students     by demonstrating professional standards and ethics, engaging in continuous professional I D A E learning, and contributing to the profession.   Part B-1: State Student Growth  State Student Growth Goal  Statement  (Based on one of the State goals within your CSIP.)  Process or Rubric for Determining  High, Expected or Low Growth.  Principal’s Student Growth Plan  This plan will outline what the principal will do to impact the student growth goal.  (Should be different than the school CSIP plan strategies/actions)  Strategies/Actions  Resources/Support  Targeted Completion  What strategies/actions will I need to do in order to What resources will I need to assist my school in reaching the goal?  Date complete my plan?  How will I accomplish my goal?  When will I complete each  What support will I need? identified strategy/ action?             Part B-2: Local Student Growth  Local Student Growth Goal  Statement  (Based on School Need)   Process or Rubric for Determining  High, Expected or Low Growth  Principal’s Student Growth Plan  This plan will outline what the principal will do to impact the student growth goal.  (Should be different than the school CSIP plan strategies/actions)  Strategies/Actions  Targeted  Resources/Support  What strategies/actions will I need to do in order Completion  What resources will I need to complete my to assist my school in reaching the goal? Date  plan?  How will I accomplish my goal?  When will I complete  What support will I need? each identified  strategy/ action?    

   

 Part C: Principal’s TELL Kentucky Working Conditions Goal  Target Question(s) from TELL Kentucky Results:  Following a review of TELL Kentucky results, the principal, in collaboration with the superintendent, will identify questions that signify areas of growth that the principal can address that will impact school culture and ultimately student success.    Target Performance Standard:  The principal will connect the Target Questions to the appropriate Performance Standard, which becomes the Target Performance Standard for the WC Growth Goal.    Working Conditions Growth Goal Statement:  The WC Growth Goal statement should be specific to the principal and should identify the specific growth that the principal plans to accomplish in the 2- year cycle of TELL Kentucky.    Working Conditions Growth Goal Rubric:  The rubric is established when setting the WC Growth Goal in collaboration with the Superintendent. An “Accomplished” result is the expected outcome from the goal. To achieve “Exemplary” the goal must be exceeded.  Ineffective  Developing  Accomplishe  Exemplary d  % and below  %-%  %-%  % and above    Working Conditions Goal Action Plan  Targeted  Working  Strategies/Actions Completi  Resources/Suppor on Date Conditions  What will I need to do in order to impact the target standard and target question(s)? t  When will  What do I want to change I  What resources will I need about my leadership or role that  How will I apply what I have learned? complete to complete my plan? will effectively impact working  How will I accomplish my goal? each conditions in my school and their  What support will I need? identified impact on student learning?  strategy/ action?           Part D: Professional Growth & Effectiveness Data Reflection  What do I need to learn to meet my Student Growth Goal?  What do I need to learn to meet my Working Conditions Goal?   Other Information on which to Reflect  Survey Results VAL-ED 360 Other:  Number of  Perce  Number of Completed ntage of Completed Surveys Surveys Distributed Surveys Returned Returned   

   Questions to Consider:  What did teachers/staff perceive as major strengths?  What did teachers/staff perceive as major weaknesses?  List factors that might have influenced the results.   Other Data Student Achievement Data Non-Academic Data Supervisor Feedback Other    Results Data Selected           Questions to Consider:  How does the additional data inform your decision about your learning needs?   Part E: Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning  1) Initial Reflection: Based on the areas of growth identified in Self-Reflection and Parts B, C, and/or D complete this section at the beginning of the school year.    Professional Growth Goal:   What do I want to change about my practices that will effectively impact student learning?   How can I develop a plan of action to address my  professional learning?   How will I know if I accomplished my objective?               Connection to Standards  The Principal should connect the PGP Goal to the appropriate performance standard and list that standard below.   Action Plan  Targ eted Com  Professional pleti Learning  Strategies/Actions  Resources/Suppo on  What will I need to do in order to learn my  What do I want to change rt about my leadership or role identified skill or content? Date that will effectively impact  How will I apply what I have learned?  What resources will I need  When student learning? to complete my plan? will I  How will I accomplish my goal?  What is my personal  What support will I need? comple learning necessary to make  te each that change? identifi ed strateg y/ action?           2) On -going Reflection: Complete this section at mid-year to identify progress toward each Student Growth/Working Conditions/Professional Growth Goal  Principal Growth Goals-Review  (Describe goal progress and  Mid-year review conducted on______Initials ______other relevant data.)  Principal’s Superintendent  Date:  D  Status of Growth Goal(s) –  Revisions/Modifications of Strategies or Action Plans at SGG, WC, PGP e   

      3) Summative Reflection: Complete this section at the end of the year to describe the level of attainment for each Professional Growth Goal   Date:  End of Year Student Growth Reflection:  End-of-Year Data Results  (Accomplishments at the end of  year.)  Data attached  Date:  End of Year TELL KY Working Conditions Growth Reflection:      Date:  End of Year Professional Growth Reflection:       Next Steps:      Administrator’s (Printed Name and Signature):  Date:

 Superintendent’s Signature:  Date:

 STUDENT VOICE   S tu d e n t V o i c e Su r v e y Q u e s t io n s for G r ades 3 - 5   upport:  1. .My teacher pushes us to think hard about things we read.  2. My teacher pushes everybody to work hard.  3. In this class we have to think hard about the writing we do.  ransparency:  4. In this class we learn to correct our mistakes.  5. This class is neat-everything has a place and things are easy to find.  6. My teacher explains things in very orderly ways.  7. My teacher knows when the class understands, and when we do not.  nderstand:  8. My teacher takes the time to summarize what we learn each day.  9. When my teacher marks my work, he/she writes on my papers to help me understand.  iscipline:  10. My classmates behave the way my teacher wants them to.  11. Our class stays busy and does not waste time.  12. Students behave so badly in this class that it slows down our learning.  ngage:  13. School work is interesting.  14. We have interesting homework.  15. Homework helps me learn.  urture:  16. My teacher in this class makes me feel that he/she really cares about me.  17. If I am sad or angry, my teacher helps me feel better.  18. My teacher seems to know if something is bothering me.  19. My teacher gives us time to explain our ideas.  rust:  20. My teacher wants us to share our thoughts.  21. Students speak up and share their ideas about class work.  22. My teacher wants me to explain my answers-why I think what I think.    On the elementary survey, the 5 choices are labeled: “no, never” “mostly not” “maybe/sometimes” “mostly yes” “yes, always”   This survey was modified from the Tripod Survey, developed by Cambridge Education, used in the MET project. The complete survey can be found at h t tp : / /m e t p r o j ec t. o r g / r e s ou r ce s . ph p   Copyright © 2013 Kentucky Department of Education.       Student Voice Survey Questions for Grades 6-12  S upport: 1. In this class, we learn a lot almost every day. 2. In this class, we learn to correct our mistakes. 3. My teacher doesn’t let people give up when the work gets hard. 4. T In this class, my teacher accepts nothing less than our full effort.  ransparency: 5. My teacher explains difficult things clearly. 6. My teacher has several good ways to explain each topic that we cover in this class. 7. If you don’t understand something, my teacher explains it another way. 8. My teacher knows when the class understands, and when we do not  U nderstand: 9. My teacher checks to make sure we understand what s/he is teaching us. 10. The comments that I get on my work in this class help me understand how to improve. 11. We get helpful comments to let us know what we did wrong on assignments.  D iscipline: 12. Students in this class treat the teacher with respect. 13. My classmates behave the way my teacher wants them to. 14. Our class stays busy and does not waste time. 15. Student behavior in this class is under control.  E ngage: 16. I like the ways we learn in this class. 17. My teacher makes lessons interesting. 18. My teacher makes learning enjoyable.  N urture: 19. My teacher in this class makes me feel that s/he really cares about me. 20. My teacher really tries to understand how students feel about things. 21. My teacher seems to know if something is bothering me.  T rust: 22. My teacher respects my ideas and suggestions. 23. My teacher wants us to share our thoughts. 24. Students speak up and share their ideas about class work. 25. My teacher gives us time to explain our ideas.   On the 6-12 survey, the 5 choices are labeled “totally untrue” “mostly untrue” “somewhat” “mostly true” “totally true”   This survey was modified from the Tripod Survey, developed by Cambridge Education, used in the MET project. The complete survey can be found at Copyright © 2013 Kentucky Department of Education.      St ud e n t V oi ce S u r v e y f o r O t h e r P r o f e ss ional s .

 To b e u tilized with students who have re ceived services from: Sch ool Li brary Me d ia Sp ecialist, School Counselor,

 Sp eech Th erapist, or Sch ool Instru ctional Coach.   Stud e n t Vo i c e Su r v e y Q u e s t io n s for L i brary M e d ia Sp e c i a list

 S upp or t : 1. The librarian teaches me how to find useful information.   a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply

 ra n s p ar e nc y : 2. The librarian gives me helpful comments on my work. T  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply   nd e rs t a nd U  3. The librarian knows when I understand library skills and when I do not. a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply   4. The librarian checks to make sure I understand what I am working on.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply isc ip lin e:  5. When I am with the librarian, I know what I should be doing. D  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  6. I am treated with respect by the librarian.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply n gage:  7. The librarian asks me questions to help me discover books and resources that interest me. E  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply u rtu re:  8. The librarian encourages me to do my best work. N  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  9. The librarian cares about me.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  10. The librarian believes I can succeed at what I try.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply ru st :  11. The librarian encourages me to think on my own. T  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  12. The librarian respects my ideas and suggestions.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  13. The librarian encourages me to share my thoughts at appropriate times.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply   Stud e nt Vo i c e Su r v e y Q u e s t io ns for Sp ee c h La n g u age Pa t h ologist   upp o r t :  1. My speech therapist helps me understand my speech goals.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  2. My speech therapist helps me apply what I learn in speech to other settings. a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  3. My speech therapist provides different activities that help me improve.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  ra n s p ar e nc y: 4. When I’m having trouble, my speech therapist clearly explains things a new way. T  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply   5. My speech therapist tells me how to improve my communication.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply nd erst and :  6. My speech therapist helps me understand how communication skills will help me in my U  other classes.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  7. My speech therapist helps me to understand how much progress I am making. a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply isc ip lin e:  8. My speech therapist sets clear rules for my behavior when I am in speech. D  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  9. I understand what I am supposed to be learning with the speech therapist.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  n gage:  10. My speech therapist checks to be sure I am following along when she or he is Eteaching.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  u rt ure:  11. My speech therapist encourages me to do my best. N  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  ru st :  12. If I didn’t understand something during speech class, I would feel comfortable asking Tmy  speech therapist for help.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply   Stud e nt Vo i c e Su r v e y Q u e s t io ns for C o un s e lors  upp ort :  1. When working with the counselor, I learn to set goals.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply S   2. The counselor encourages me to use the skills I have learned to help me be a better problem solver.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  ra n s p ar e nc y : 3. The counselor actively listens to and responds to what I say. T a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  4. The counselor explains difficult things clearly.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  5. The counselor provides helpful comments or suggestions.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply   nd erst and :  6. The counselor checks to see how I’m doing throughout the school year.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply U   is c i p li n e : 7. I know how to seek assistance from the counselor.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  8. The counselor expects me to be respectful.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  9. The counselor respects me, my ideas, and suggestions.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply   n gag e :  10. What I learn from the counselor will help me in my life. a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  11. My counselor shows interest in me by asking questions to learn more about me.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  

 u r t u r e : 12. The counselor believes in my abilities. N  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  13. The counselor makes me feel that she or he cares about me.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  14. The counselor encourages me to do my best work.  a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  ru st :  15. The counselor wants me to share my thoughts, ideas or feelings with him or her when  appropriate. T   a. yes b. most of the time c. sometimes d. no e. does not apply  GLASGOW INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS  Assistance (Improvement) Plan    The performance of all certified personnel is to be evaluated annually for all non-tenured personnel and administrators and once every three years for tenured personnel.   Persons who need improvement in one or more performance areas (domains and/or growth goals) may be required to complete an Assistance (Improvement) Plan.   When an Assistance (Improvement) Plan is required, the following process will be used by the evaluator to assist the evaluatee in improving performance:   1. The primary evaluator notifies the evaluatee that his or her performance is not meeting district standards. An assistance team shall be formed and shall include a district/certified central office administrator and/or the assistant principal or principal of that school to supplement the work of the primary evaluator. Assistance is a cooperative effort to supply skills and knowledge to the evaluatee from several supervisory personnel. The Assistance Plan documentation forms shall be initiated. The Assistance Team Log of Activities form will be completed and signed by all parties at each Assistance Plan Team Meeting.   2. Specific data is shared with the evaluatee that identifies the deficiencies.   3. An Assistance Individual Professional Growth/Improvement Plan is developed by the evaluator and evaluatee. This plan shall address the performance area, goals and activities that achieve desired performance and target dates for follow-up observations.   4. Evaluations will include three mini observations and one full observation annually. Observations may become more frequent and formal.   5. The Assistance Plan should give the evaluatee sufficient support and time to show satisfactory progress and improvement.                     Instructions for Completing  The  Assistance Individual Professional Growth Plan   This plan is to be completed by the evaluator with discussion and assistance from the evaluatee as it relates to an “Ineffective” rating on any one Domain Component . The evaluator and the evaluatee must identify corrective action goals and objectives; procedures and activities designed to achieve goals; and targeted dates for appraising the evaluatee’s improvement of the domain component. It is the evaluator’s responsibility to document all actions taken to assist the evaluatee in improving his/her performance. Tenure teachers will be evaluated with three mini observations and one full observation annually in the event that an assistance plan is required.    1. Identify Domain Component  Identify the specific component(s) on the Evaluation Form that has an “Ineffective” rating assigned.   2. Performance Criterion  Identify the performance indicator(s) that was identified as “Ineffective.”   3. Growth Objective(s) Goal(s)  Growth objectives and goals must address the specific component(s) rated as “Ineffective” on the evaluation document. The evaluatee and the evaluator work closely to correct the identified weakness(es).   4. Present Professional Development Stage  Select one which matches your personal stage of growth:  O=Orientation/Awareness  A=Preparation/Application  I =Implementation/Management  R=Refinement/Impact   5. Procedures and Activities for Achieving Goal(s) and Objectives(s)  Identify and design specific procedures and activities for the improvement of performance. Include support personnel when appropriate.   6. Target Dates for Completion  List the specific target dates and appraisal methods used to determine improvement of performance. Exact documentation and record keeping of all actions must be provided to the evaluatee.   7. Documentation of all reviews, corrective actions, and evaluator’s assistance must be provided periodically (as they occur) to  the evaluatee.  Evaluator must follow the local district professional development growth and evaluation plan processes and procedures when implementing the assistance plan.              Glasgow Independent Schools  Assistance/Improvement Plan   Name: ______School: ______School Year: ______   1. List standard(s) of concern or performance or activity requiring correction:  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2. Describe procedures and activities recommended with target dates for completion:  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______  3. Describe assistance or support to be provided:  ______ ______ ______  4. Employee’s Comments: ______ ______ ______ Evaluator’s Comments: ______ ______ ______   Assistance/Improvement Plan Developed: Status: _____ Achieved  _____ Revised  _____ Continued   ______ Employee’s Signature Date Employee’s Signature Date   ______ Evaluator’s Signature Date Evaluator’s Signature Date   *An Individual Assistance/Improvement Plan is to be developed when an employee receives a “does not meet” rating on Summative Evaluation or when job performance or activity requires immediate correction.     GLASGOW INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS  Assistance Plan Documentation   Observation Dates: ______ ______  Date Professional Growth Plan is developed: ______   Date evaluatee is notified of unsatisfactory performance: ______   Date evaluatee completes Assistance Individual Professional Growth Plan: ______   Assistance Plan Team Meeting Dates: ______   Summative Evaluation Date: ______   Date of Summative Conference with Employee: ______   Date Recommendation to the Superintendent is submitted: ______   Signatures: ______  ______  ______  ______  Evaluatee: ______   Glasgow Independent Schools  Assistance Team Log of Activities    Employee______  Date of Meeting:______   Summary of Meeting:             Recommendations:             Next Meeting______    Signatures: ______  ______  ______      PRE-OBSERVATION DOCUMENT (OPGES) 

 Teacher (Printed Name  and Signature)  School   Grade  Level/Subject(s)  Observer (Printed Name  and Signature)  Date of Conference     Evaluators may choose to hold pre-observation conferences with Other Professionals to determine the "look fors" and clarify the role of the Other Professional. The pre-observation visits may occur by email, phone or other methods.    Preconference (Planning Conference)    1. To which component(s) of your framework does this lesson (or visit) relate?          2. What are your learning outcomes for this lesson, visit or delivery of service?          3. How and when will you know whether the students have learned what you intend  or you have accomplished the outcomes designated?          4. Is there anything you would like me to specifically observe or discuss during the lesson/visit?       POST-OBSERVATION DOCUMENT (OPGES)

Teacher (Printed Name and Signature) School Grade Level/Subject(s) Observer (Printed Name and Signature) Date of Conference

Other Professionals will meet with their observer for a post-observation conference within five school days of their observation. At this time a conversation is had where both parties come to agreement about how the evidence collected during the Other Professional's Observation/Workplace Visit aligns with their individual Specialist Framework. This is a collaborative process. During the post-observation conference, further workplace visit type questions may be asked of the other professional if some areas were not clear during the visit.






Kentucky Framework for Specialists Self-Assessment Library Media Specialist Name: C o mp o nen t: Se l f-A s s e ssme n t: Date: ______Rationale: I D A E 1A - Demonstrating Knowledge of Content Curriculum and Process 1B - Demonstrating Knowledge of Students I D A E

1C- Supporting Instructional Goals I D A E

1D - Demonstrating Knowledge and Use of Resources I D A E

1E - Demonstrating a Knowledge of Literature and I D A E Lifelong Learning 1F - Collaborating in the Design of Instructional I D A E Experiences 2A- Creating an environment of respect and rapport I D A E

2B - Establishing a Culture for Learning I D A E

2C - Managing Library Procedures I D A E

2D - Managing student behavior I D A E

2E - Organizing physical space I D A E

I D A E 3A - Communicating Clearly and Accurately 3B - Using Questioning and Research Techniques I D A E

3C - Engaging Students in Learning I D A E

I D A E 3D - Assessment in Instruction (whole class, one-on- one and small group 3E - Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness I D A E

4A - Reflecting on Practice I D A E

4B - Maintaining Accurate Records I D A E

4C - Communicating with School Staff and Community I D A E

I D A E 4D - Participating in a Professional Community 4E - Growing and Developing Professionally I D A E

4F Collection Development and Maintenance I D A E

4G- Managing the Library Budget I D A E

4H- Managing Personnel I D A E

4I- Professional ethics I D A E Professional Growth Plan-Library Media Specialist This document contains components of the Framework for OPGES – Library/Media Specialists.

Teacher School Grade Subject(s)

Summative Growth Cycle Select your Summative Growth Cycle from the List Below □ Tenured- 3 year self-directed □Non-Tenured- 1 Year cycle □ Tenured- 1 year directed □ Non-Tenured-Less than 1 year cycle □ Tenured- Up to 12 months Goal 1 Guiding Questions for Goal Development Professional Practice- What do I want to change about my instructional practice that will positively impact student learning? Professional Learning-What is the personal learning I will completed in order to make that change? Monitoring Progress/Determining Accomplishment - How will I monitor my progress toward my goal? (Student Data, Student Feedback, Unit Lesson Plans, Video-taped Lessons)

Professional Growth Goal Statement Use template below to form Goal Statement.

During the 20__-20__ school year, I will (Insert Practice that needs to change in order to improve student learning. I will (Insert Personal Learning Necessary to make this change). Growth will be evidenced through (Insert Monitor/Measures Success).

Alignment to Framework for Other Professionals (Library/Media) □ 1a: Knowledge of Content Curriculum & Process □ 2a: Creating An Env of Respect/Rapport □ 4a: Reflecting on Practice □ 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students □ 2b: Establishing a Culture of Learning □ 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records □ 1c: Supports Instructional Goals □ 2c: Managing Library Procedures □ 4c: Communicating (Staff/Community) □ 1d: Demonstrating knowledge of resources □ 2d: Managing Student Behavior □ 4d: Participating in Prof Community □ 1e: Knowledge of Literature & Lifelong Learning □ 2e: Organizing Physical Space □ 4e: Growing/Developing Professionally □ 1f: Designing student assessments □ 4f: Collection Devel & Maintenance □ 4g: Managing Library Budget □ 3a: Collaborating Clearly & Accurately □ 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction □ 4h: Managing Personnel □ 3b: Using Questioning And Research Techniques □ 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility And □ 4i: Professional ethics □ 3c: Engaging Students in Learning Responsiveness

Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning Please select one or more areas that show how your goal connects with a priority area of need □ Self-Reflection □ Student Voice □ Student Growth Goals □ Framework for Teaching □ Observations □ CSIP-CDIP

Action Plan Support and Resources- What resources/support do I need to achieve my goal? Target Completion Date- What is my target completion date?

Goal 2 Guiding Questions for Goal Development Professional Practice- What do I want to change about my instructional practice that will positively impact student learning? Professional Learning-What is the personal learning I will completed in order to make that change? Monitoring Progress/Determining Accomplishment - How will I monitor my progress toward my goal? (Student Data, Student Feedback, Unit Lesson Plans, Video-taped Lessons)

Professional Growth Goal Statement Use template below to form Goal Statement.

During the 20__-20__ school year, I will (Insert Practice that needs to change in order to improve student learning. I will (Insert Personal Learning Necessary to make this change). Growth will be evidenced through (Insert Monitor/Measures Success).

Alignment to Framework for Other Professionals (Library/Media) □ 1a: Knowledge of Content Curriculum & Process □ 2a: Creating An Env of Respect/Rapport □ 4a: Reflecting on Practice □ 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students □ 2b: Establishing a Culture of Learning □ 4b: Maintaining Accurate Records □ 1c: Supports Instructional Goals □ 2c: Managing Library Procedures □ 4c: Communicating (Staff/Community) □ 1d: Demonstrating knowledge of resources □ 2d: Managing Student Behavior □ 4d: Participating in Prof Community □ 1e: Knowledge of Literature & Lifelong Learning □ 2e: Organizing Physical Space □ 4e: Growing/Developing Professionally □ 1f: Designing student assessments □ 4f: Collection Devel & Maintenance □ 4g: Managing Library Budget □ 3a: Collaborating Clearly & Accurately □ 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction □ 4h: Managing Personnel □ 3b: Using Questioning And Research Techniques □ 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility And □ 4i: Professional ethics 3c: Engaging Students in Learning Responsiveness

Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning Please select one or more areas that show how your goal connects with a priority area of need □ Self -Reflection □ Student Voice □ Student Growth Goals □ Framework for Teaching □ Observations □ CSIP-CDIP

Action Plan Support and Resources- What resources/support do I need to achieve my goal?

Target Completion Date- What is my target completion date?

PGP Conference Date: ______

Evaluatee’s Comments: ______Evaluator’s Comments:______

______Evaluatee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature

Mid-Year Review Goal 1 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

Mid-Year Update At this time, are there revisions or modifications you need to make to improve your plan to achieve this goal?

Mid-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed Goal 2 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

Mid-Year Update At this time, are there revisions or modifications you need to make to improve your plan to achieve this goal?

Mid-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed

End Of Year Reflection Goal 1 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time.

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

End-of-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed Goal 2 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

End-of-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed

PGP Conference Date: ______

Evaluatee’s Comments: ______Evaluator’s Comments:______

______Evaluatee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature

Library Media Specialist Observation/Site Visit Data Collection & Conferencing Tool Highlight a rating for each component and then match evidence from your observation notes to explain the rating for each component. Component: Rating: Evidence: 1A - Demonstrating Knowledge of Content Curriculum I D A E and Process 1B - Demonstrating Knowledge of Students I D A E

1C- Supporting Instructional Goals I D A E

1D - Demonstrating Knowledge and Use of Resources I D A E 1E - Demonstrating a Knowledge of Literature and I D A E Lifelong Learning 1F - Collaborating in the Design of Instructional I D A E Experiences 2A- Creating an environment of respect and rapport I D A E 2B - Establishing a Culture for Learning I D A E

2C - Managing Library Procedures I D A E

2D - Managing student behavior I D A E

2E - Organizing physical space I D A E

3A - Communicating Clearly and Accurately I D A E

3B - Using Questioning and Research Techniques I D A E

3C - Engaging Students in Learning I D A E

3D - Assessment in Instruction (whole class, one-on-one I D A E and small group 3E - Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness I D A E

4A - Reflecting on Practice I D A E

4B - Maintaining Accurate Records I D A E

4C - Communicating with School Staff and Community I D A E 4D - Participating in a Professional Community I D A E

4E - Growing and Developing Professionally I D A E

4F Collection Development and Maintenance I D A E

4G- Managing the I D A E Library Budget

4H- Managing I D A E Personnel

4I- Professional I D A E ethics Evaluatee’s Comments ______Evaluator’s Comments ______

Teacher’s Signature* Date Observer’s/Evaluator’s Signature Date *Denotes sharing of results, not necessarily agreement with the formative rating OPGES SUMMATIVE EVALUATION- Library Media Specialist Planning and Preparation The Environment Delivery of Service Professional Responsibilities Overall Rating 1.A- Knowledge of Content Curriculum 2.A Creating an Environment of Respect 3.A Collaborating Clearly & 4.A Reflecting on Practice Professional Practice Rating: ___ & Process and Rapport Accurately (Observations, KY Framework, Self- 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Reflection, Student Voice, Growth Plan, 1 2 3 4 Peer Observation, Other Evidence) 1.B- Knowledge of Students 2.B Establishing a Culture of Learning 3.B Using Questioning and Research 4.B Maintaining Accurate Records Student Growth Rating: ___ Techniques (Local) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.C- Supporting Instructional Goals 2.C Maintaining Library Procedures 3.C Engaging Students in learning 4.C Communicating with School Staff and Community 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.D- Demonstrates Knowledge and Use 2.D Managing Student Behavior 3.D Using Assessment in Instruction 4.D Participating in a of Resources Professional Community 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.E- Knowledge of Literature & Lifelong 2.E Organizing Physical Space 3.E Demonstrating Flexibility and 4.E Growing and Developing Professionally Learning Responsiveness 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 OVERALL RATING 1.F- Collaborating in the Design of 4.F Collection Development and Maintenance Instructional Experiences  EXEMPLARY 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4  4.G. Managing the Library Budget ACCOMPLISH 1 2 3 4 ED 4.H Collection Development and Maintenance  DEVELOPING 1 2 3 4 4.I Professional Ethics  INEFFECTIVE 1 2 3 4  DOMAIN 1 DOMAIN 2 DOMAIN 3 DOMAIN 4 *Any Rating in the “ineffective”/low area requires the development of an  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY Individual Corrective Action Plan.  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  I agree with the above evaluation.  I disagree with the above evaluation for the following reasons: 1- Ineffective 2- Developing 3- Accomplished 4- Exemplary The tenured teacher will be placed on a (Three Year Cycle, One Year Directed Cycle, Up to 12 month Plan) education plan. The non-tenured teacher will be on a (one year, less than one year more intensive) cycle.

______Evaluatee Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date Kentucky Framework for Self-Assessment School Guidance Counselor Name: Date: ______Component: Self-Assessment: Rationale: 1A - Demonstrating knowledge of counseling theory I D A E and techniques 1B - Demonstrating knowledge of child and I D A E adolescent development 1C - Establishing goals for the counseling program I D A E appropriate to the setting and the students served 1D - Demonstrating knowledge of state and federal I D A E regulations and of resources both within and beyond the school and district I D A E 1E - Plan in the counseling program integrated with the regular school program 1F - Developing a plan to evaluate the counseling I D A E Program 2A - Creating an environment of respect and rapport I D A E

I D A E 2B - Establishing a culture for productive communication 2C - Managing routines and procedures I D A E

2D - Establishing standards of conduct and I D A E contributing to the culture for student behavior throughout the school 2E - Organizing physical space I D A E

3A - Assessing student needs I D A E

3B - Assisting students and teachers in the formulation I D A E of academic personal social and career plans based on knowledge of student needs I D A E 3C - Using counseling text makes an individual and classroom programs 3D - Brokering resources to meet needs I D A E

3E - Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness I D A E

I D A E 4A - Reflecting on practice 4B - Maintaining records and submitting them in a I D A E timely fashion 4C - Communicating with families I D A E

4D - Participating in a professional community I D A E

4E - Engaging in professional development I D A E

I D A E 4F - Showing professionalism Professional Growth Plan- School Guidance Counselor This document includes components of the OPGES Framework for School Guidance Counselors.

Teacher School Grade Subject(s) Summative Growth Cycle Select your Summative Growth Cycle from the List Below □ Tenured- 3 year self-directed □Non-Tenured- 1 Year cycle □ Tenured- 1 year directed □ Non-Tenured-Less than 1 year cycle □ Tenured- Up to 12 months Goal 1 Guiding Questions for Goal Development Professional Practice- What do I want to change about my practice that will positively impact student learning/behavior/attitudes? Professional Learning-What is the personal learning I will completed in order to make that change? Monitoring Progress/Determining Accomplishment - How will I monitor my progress toward my goal? (Student Data, Student Feedback, Unit Lesson Plans, Video-taped Lessons) Professional Growth Goal Statement Use template below to form Goal Statement.

During the 20__-20__ school year, I will (Insert Practice that needs to change in order to improve student learning. I will (Insert Personal Learning Necessary to make this change). Growth will be evidenced through (Insert Monitor/Measures Success). Alignment to Framework for Other Professionals (Guidance/Counselor) □ 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Counseling Theory & Techniques □ 2e: Organizes Physical Space □4d: Participating in Professional □ 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Child & Adolescent Development □ 3a: Assesses Student Needs Community □ 1c: Establishes Appropriate Goals for the Counseling Program □ 3b: Assist in Formulation of Goals/Plans □4e: Engage in PD □ 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Regulations & Resources based on student need □4f: Show Professionalism □ 1e: Plans Counseling Program □ 3c: Uses Counseling Techniques □ 1f: Develops Plan to Evaluate Counseling Program □3d: Brokers Resources to meet needs □ 2a: Creates An Environment of Respect and Rapport □3e: Demonstrates Flexibility/Responsiveness □ 2b: Establishes a Culture of Productive Communication □4a: Reflects on Practice □ 2c: Managing Routines & Procedures □4b:Maintaining Accurate Records □ 2d: Establishes Standards of Conduct for Students □4c: Communicating with Families Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning Please select one or more areas that show how your goal connects with a priority area of need □ Self-Reflection □ Student Voice □ Student Growth Goals □ Framework for Teaching □ Observations □ CSIP-CDIP Action Plan Support and Resources- What resources/support do I need to achieve my goal? Target Completion Date- What is my target completion date?

Goal 2 Guiding Questions for Goal Development Professional Practice- What do I want to change about my instructional practice that will positively impact student learning/behavior/attitudes? Professional Learning-What is the personal learning I will complete in order to make that change? Monitoring Progress/Determining Accomplishment - How will I monitor my progress toward my goal? (Student Data, Student Feedback, Unit Lesson Plans, Video-taped Lessons) Professional Growth Goal Statement Use template below to form Goal Statement.

During the 20__-20__ school year, I will (Insert Practice that needs to change in order to improve student learning. I will (Insert Personal Learning Necessary to make this change). Growth will be evidenced through (Insert Monitor/Measures Success). Alignment to Framework for Other Professionals (Guidance/Counselor) □ 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Counseling Theory & Techniques □ 2e: Organizes Physical Space □4d: Participating in Professional □ 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Child & Adolescent Development □ 3a: Assesses Student Needs Community □ 1c: Establishes Appropriate Goals for the Counseling Program □ 3b: Assist in Formulation of Goals/Plans □4e: Engage in PD □ 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Regulations & Resources based on student need □4f: Show Professionalism □ 1e: Plans Counseling Program □ 3c: Uses Counseling Techniques □ 1f: Develops Plan to Evaluate Counseling Program □3d: Brokers Resources to meet needs □ 2a: Creates An Environment of Respect and Rapport □3e: Demonstrates Flexibility/Responsiveness □ 2b: Establishes a Culture of Productive Communication □4a: Reflects on Practice □ 2c: Managing Routines & Procedures □4b:Maintaining Accurate Records □ 2d: Establishes Standards of Conduct for Students □4c: Communicating with Families Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning Please select one or more areas that show how your goal connects with a priority area of need □ Self-Reflection □ Student Voice □ Student Growth Goals □ Framework for Teaching □ Observations □ CSIP-CDIP Action Plan Support and Resources- What resources/support do I need to achieve my goal?

Target Completion Date- What is my target completion date?

PGP Conference Date: ______Evaluatee’s Comments: ______Evaluator’s Comments:______Evaluatee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature

Mid-Year Review Goal 1 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

Mid-Year Update At this time, are there revisions or modifications you need to make to improve your plan to achieve this goal?

Mid-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed Goal 2 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

Mid-Year Update At this time, are there revisions or modifications you need to make to improve your plan to achieve this goal?

Mid-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed

End of Year Reflection Goal 1 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time.

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

End-of-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed Goal 2 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

End-of-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed PGP Conference Date: ______Evaluatee’s Comments: ______Evaluator’s Comments:______Evaluatee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature Guidance Counselor Site Visit Data Collection & Conferencing Tool

Evaluatee: ______School:______Supervisor: ______Date: ______

Highlight a rating for each component and then match evidence from your observation notes to explain the rating for each component. Component: Rating: Evidence: 1A - Demonstrating knowledge of counseling theory and I D A E techniques 1B - Demonstrating knowledge of child and adolescent I D A E development 1C - Establishing goals for the counseling program I D A E appropriate to the setting and the students served 1D - Demonstrating knowledge of state and federal I D A E regulations and of resources both within and beyond the school and district 1E - Plan in the counseling program integrated with the I D A E regular school program 1F - Developing a plan to evaluate the counseling program I D A E 2A - Creating an environment of respect and rapport I D A E

2B - Establishing a culture for productive communication I D A E 2C - Managing routines and procedures I D A E

2D - Establishing standards of conduct and contributing I D A E to the culture for student behavior throughout the school 2E - Organizing physical space I D A E

3A - Assessing student needs I D A E

3B - Assisting students and teachers in the formulation of I D A E academic personal social and career plans based on knowledge of student needs 3C - Using counseling text makes an individual and I D A E classroom programs 3D - Brokering resources to meet needs I D A E

3E - Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness I D A E

4A - Reflecting on practice I D A E

4B - Maintaining records and submitting them in a timely I D A E fashion 4C - Communicating with families I D A E

4D - Participating in a professional community I D A E

4E - Engaging in professional development I D A E

4F - Showing professionalism I D A E

Evaluatee’s Comments ______Evaluator’s Comments ______

Teacher’s Signature* Date Observer’s/Evaluator’s Signature Date

*Denotes sharing of results, not necessarily agreement with the formative rating OPGES SUMMATIVE EVALUATION-School Guidance Counselor Planning and Preparation The Environment Delivery of Service Professional Responsibilities Overall Rating 1.A Demonstrates Knowledge of 2.A Creates Environment of Respect 3.A Assesses Student Needs 4.A Reflects on Practice Professional Practice Rating: ___ Counseling Theory & Techniques and Rapport (Observations, KY Framework, Self- Reflection, Student Voice, Growth Plan, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Peer Observation, Other Evidence) 1.B Demonstrates Knowledge of 2.B Establishes a Culture of 3.B Assists in Formulation of 4.B Maintaining Accurate Records & Student Growth Rating: ___ Child & Adolescent Development Productive Communication Goals/Plan Based on Student Meets Timelines (Local) Need 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.C Establishes Appropriate Goals 2.C Manages Routines & 3.C Uses Counseling 4.C Communicates with Families for the Counseling Program Procedures Techniques

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.D Demonstrates Knowledge of 2.D Establishes Standards of 3.D Brokers Resources to Meet 4.D Participates in a State/Federal Regulations & of Conduct for Students Needs Professional Community Resources 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.E Plans Counseling Program 2.E Organizes Physical Space 3.E Demonstrating Flexibility 4.E Engages in Professional and Responsiveness Development OVERALL RATING 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4  EXEMPLARY 1.F- Develops Plan to Evaluate 4.F Shows Professionalism  Counseling Program ACCOMPLISH ED 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4  DEVELOPING DOMAIN 1 DOMAIN 2 DOMAIN 3 DOMAIN 4  INEFFECTIVE EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY EXEMPLARY   *Any Rating in the “ineffective”/low  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED area requires the development of an Individual Corrective Action Plan.  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  I agree with the above evaluation.  I disagree with the above evaluation for the following reasons: 1- Ineffective 2- Developing 3- Accomplished 4- Exemplary The tenured teacher will be placed on a (Three Year Cycle, One Year Directed Cycle, Up to 12 month Plan) education plan. The non-tenured teacher will be on a (one year, less than one year more intensive) cycle.

______Evaluatee Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date Kentucky Framework for Specialists (Reflection) Self-Assessment Therapeutic Specialist - Speech Name: Date: Component Self-Assessment: Rationale: 1A - Demonstrating kno: wledge and skill in the I D A E specialist therapy area holding the 1relB e-v Estaant bcerlishtifinicga tego alsor lifcoenser the therapy program I D A E appropriate to the setting and the 1Cstu-d Denemtso sernstratingved knowledge of District state I D A E

1anDd -fDeedmeralon regstratingulatio knnso awlndedg gueid oelif rneessources I D A E both 1E- Planning the therapy program integrated I D A E wwithinith and beyond the school and district

1theF - rDeeguvelarlo psichngo ao lp planrog tramo ev altou mateee tth teh ethera neepdys I D A E

2PAro –g ramEstablishing rapport with students I D A E 2B - Organizing time effectively I D A E

2C - Establishing and maintaining clear I D A E

2pDro ced- Estauresblish forin rge fserralstandards of conduct in the I D A E

2treaE -t mOrentgan cenizintger physical space for testing of I D A E

3stuA d- entsResp aonndd ipnrgov toid rienferg thralsera apnyd evaluating I D A E

3stuB d- entDe vneleoedsping and implementing treatment I D A E

3pCla n- sC toom mmaunximicatiize nsgtud withent f sa msucceiliesss I D A E

3D - Collecting information; writing reports I D A E

3E - Demonstrating flexibility and I D A E

4RespoA - Refnsilvecenessting on practice I D A E

4B - Collaborating with teachers and I D A E

4ACd m- Minaiistrantaitonrsing an effective data I D A E management 4D - Participating in a professional community I D A E System 4E - Engaging in professional development I D A E 4F - Showing professionalism including I D A E integrity advocacy and maintaining confidentiality Professional Growth Plan-Therapeutic Specialist This document contains components of the Framework for Other Professionals – Therapeutic Specialists.

Evaluatee School Grade Subject(s)

Summative Growth Cycle Select your Summative Growth Cycle from the List Below □ Tenured- 3 year self-directed □Non-Tenured- 1 Year cycle □ Tenured- 1 year directed □ Non-Tenured-Less than 1 year cycle □ Tenured- Up to 12 months Goal 1 Guiding Questions for Goal Development Professional Practice- What do I want to change about my instructional practice that will positively impact student learning? Professional Learning-What is the personal learning I will completed in order to make that change? Monitoring Progress/Determining Accomplishment - How will I monitor my progress toward my goal? (Student Data, Student Feedback, Unit Lesson Plans, Video-taped Lessons)

Professional Growth Goal Statement Use template below to form Goal Statement.

During the 20__-20__ school year, I will (Insert Practice that needs to change in order to improve student learning. I will (Insert Personal Learning Necessary to make this change). Growth will be evidenced through (Insert Monitor/Measures Success).

Alignment to Framework for Teaching □ 1a: Knowledge & Skill in Therapy Area □ 3a: Responds to Referrals & Evaluates Student Needs □ 1b: Establishes Appropriate Goals for Therapy Program □ 3b: Develops & Implements Treatment Plans □ 1c: Knowledge of Regulations and Guidelines □ 3c: Communicates with Families □ 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources □ 3d: Collects Information; Writes Reports □ 1e: Plans Therapy Program Integrated w/Regular □ 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility And Responsiveness School Program □ 4a: Reflecting on Practice □ 1f: Develops Plan to Evaluate Therapy Program □ 4b: Collaborates with teachers/admin □ 2a: Establishes of Rapport with Students □ 4c: Maintain effective data mngt system □ 2b: Organizes Time Effectively □ 4d: Participate in professional community □ 2c: Establish clear procedures for referrals □ 4e: Engage in Professional development □ 2d: Establishes Standards of Conduct □ 4f: Showing Professionalism □ 2e: Organizing Physical Space

Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning Please select one or more areas that show how your goal connects with a priority area of need □ Self-Reflection □ Student Voice □ Student Growth Goals □ Framework for Teaching □ Observations □ CSIP-CDIP

Action Plan Support and Resources- What resources/support do I need to achieve my goal? Target Completion Date- What is my target completion date?

Goal 2 Guiding Questions for Goal Development Professional Practice- What do I want to change about my instructional practice that will positively impact student learning? Professional Learning-What is the personal learning I will completed in order to make that change? Monitoring Progress/Determining Accomplishment - How will I monitor my progress toward my goal? (Student Data, Student Feedback, Unit Lesson Plans, Video-taped Lessons)

Professional Growth Goal Statement Use template below to form Goal Statement.

During the 20__-20__ school year, I will (Insert Practice that needs to change in order to improve student learning. I will (Insert Personal Learning Necessary to make this change). Growth will be evidenced through (Insert Monitor/Measures Success).

Alignment to Framework for Teaching □ 1a: Knowledge & Skill in Therapy Area □ 3a: Responds to Referrals & Evaluates Student Needs □ 1b: Establishes Appropriate Goals for Therapy Program □ 3b: Develops & Implements Treatment Plans □ 1c: Knowledge of Regulations and Guidelines □ 3c: Communicates with Families □ 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources □ 3d: Collects Information; Writes Reports □ 1e: Plans Therapy Program Integrated w/Regular □ 3e: Demonstrating Flexibility And Responsiveness School Program □ 4a: Reflecting on Practice □ 1f: Develops Plan to Evaluate Therapy Program □ 4b: Collaborates with teachers/admin □ 2a: Establishes of Rapport with Students □ 4c: Maintain effective data mngt system □ 2b: Organizes Time Effectively □ 4d: Participate in professional community □ 2c: Establish clear procedures for referrals □ 4e: Engage in Professional development □ 2d: Establishes Standards of Conduct □ 4f: Showing Professionalism □ 2e: Organizing Physical Space

Connecting Priority Growth Needs to Professional Growth Planning Please select one or more areas that show how your goal connects with a priority area of need □ Self-Reflection □ Student Voice □ Student Growth Goals □ Framework for Teaching □ Observations □ CSIP-CDIP

Action Plan Support and Resources- What resources/support do I need to achieve my goal?

Target Completion Date- What is my target completion date?

PGP Conference Date: ______

Evaluatee’s Comments: ______Evaluator’s Comments:______

______Evaluatee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature

Mid-Year Review Goal 1 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

Mid-Year Update At this time, are there revisions or modifications you need to make to improve your plan to achieve this goal?

Mid-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed Goal 2 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

Mid-Year Update At this time, are there revisions or modifications you need to make to improve your plan to achieve this goal?

Mid-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed

End Of Year Reflection Goal 1 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time. Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

End-of-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed Goal 2 Professional Learning Update List the professional learning activities related to your goal that you have completed at this time

Instructional Changes Describe the instructional changes you have made as a result of each professional learning activity

Professional Learning Impact Describe the impact the professional learning activities have had on student learning.

End-of-Year Status □ Not started □ On Target □ Completed

PGP Conference Date: ______

Evaluatee’s Comments: ______Evaluator’s Comments:______

______Evaluatee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature Therapeutic Specialist Observation/Data Collection & Conferencing Tool

Evaluatee: ______School: ______Supervisor: ______Date: ______Highlight a rating for each component and then match evidence from your observation notes to explain the rating for each component. Component: Rating: Evidence: 1A - Demonstrating knowledge and skill in the specialist I D A E therapy area holding the relevant certificate or license

1B - Establishing goals for the therapy program I D A E appropriate to the setting and the students served

1C- Demonstrating knowledge of District state and federal I D A E regulations and guidelines

1D -Demonstrating knowledge of resources both within I D A E and beyond the school and district 1E- Planning the therapy program integrated with the I D A E regular school program to meet the needs of individual students 1F - Developing a plan to evaluate the therapy program I D A E

2A – Establishing rapport with students I D A E

2B - Organizing time effectively I D A E

2C - Establishing and maintaining clear procedures for I D A E referrals 2D - Establishing standards of conduct in the treatment I D A E center 2E - Organizing physical space for testing of students and I D A E providing therapy 3A - Responding to referrals and evaluating student needs I D A E

3B - Developing and implementing treatment plans to I D A E maximize student s success 3C - Communicating with families I D A E

3D - Collecting information; writing reports I D A E

3E - Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness I D A E

4A - Reflecting on practice I D A E

4B - Collaborating with teachers and administrators I D A E

4C - Maintaining an effective data management system I D A E

4D - Participating in a professional community I D A E

4E - Engaging in professional development I D A E

4F - Showing professionalism including integrity I D A E advocacy and maintaining confidentiality Evaluatee’s Comments ______Evaluator’s Comments ______

Evaluatee’s Signature* Date Observer’s/Evaluator’s Signature Date *Denotes sharing of results, not necessarily agreement with the formative rating OPGES SUMMATIVE EVALUATION-Therapeutic Specialists Planning and Preparation The Environment Delivery of Service Professional Responsibilities Overall Rating 1.A Knowledge & Skill in Therapy Area 2.A Establishes Rapport with 3.A Responding to Referrals and 4.A Reflects on Practice Professional Practice Rating: ___ Holding Relevant Certificate or License Students Evaluating Student Needs (Observations, KY Framework, Self- Reflection, Student Voice, Growth Plan, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Peer Observation, Other Evidence) 1.B- Establishes Appropriate Goals for 2.B Organizes Time Effectively 3.B Developing & Implementing 4.B Collaborates with Teachers and Student Growth Rating: ___ the Therapy Program Treatment Plan Administrators (Local) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.C- Demonstrates knowledge of District, 2.C Manages Classroom 3.C Communicating with Families 4.C Maintains an Effective Data State & Federal Regulations and Guidelines Procedures Management System

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.D- Demonstrates Knowledge of 2.D Establishes & Maintains 3.D Collecting Information; 4.D Participating in a Resources Clear Procedures for Referrals Writing Report Professional Community

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1.E- Plans Therapy Program Integrated 2.E Organizes Physical Space 3.E Demonstrating Flexibility and 4.E Engages in Professional OVERALL RATING with Regular School Program Responsiveness Development 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4  EXEMPLARY 1 2 3 4  ACCOMPLISHED 1.F- Developing a Plan to Evaluate 4.F Demonstrates Professionalism  DEVELOPING Therapy Program  1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 INEFFECTIVE *Any Rating in the “ineffective”/low DOMAIN 1 DOMAIN 2 DOMAIN 3 DOMAIN 4 area requires the development of an  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY  EXEMPLARY Individual Corrective Action Plan.  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  ACCOMPLISHED  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  DEVELOPING  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  INEFFECTIVE  I agree with the above evaluation.  I disagree with the above evaluation for the following reasons: 1- Ineffective 2- Developing 3- Accomplished 4- Exemplary The tenured teacher will be placed on a (Three Year Cycle, One Year Directed Cycle, Up to 12 month Plan) education plan. The non-tenured teacher will be on a (one year, less than one year more intensive) cycle.

______Evaluatee Signature Date Evaluator Signature Date Date of Site Visit: ______

District Administrator: ______

Evaluator: ______

Date of Site Visit Conference: ______

CODE OF ETHICS 704 KAR 20:680 Section 1. Certified Personnel in the Commonwealth: (1) Shall strive toward excellence, recognize the importance of the pursuit of truth, nurture democratic citizenship, and safeguard the freedom to learn and to teach; (2) Shall believe in the worth and dignity of each human being and in educational opportunities for all; (3) Shall strive to uphold the responsibilities of the education profession, including the following obligations to students, to parents, and to the education profession: To students: To parents: To education  Shall provide students with  Shall make reasonable profession: professional education services in effort to communicate to  Shall exemplify a nondiscriminatory manner and in parents information which behaviors which maintain consonance with accepted best should be revealed in the the dignity and integrity of practice known to the educator; interest of the student; the profession;  Shall respect the constitutional  Shall endeavor to  Shall accord just and rights of all students; understand community equitable treatment to all cultures and diverse home members of the profession  Shall take reasonable measures environments of students; to protect the health, safety, and in the exercise of their emotional well-being of students;  Shall not knowingly professional rights and distort or misrepresent responsibilities;  Shall not use professional facts concerning  Shall keep in confidence relationships or authority with educational issues; information acquired about students for personal advantage;  Shall distinguish colleagues in the course of employment, unless between personal views  Shall keep in confidence disclosure serves and the views of the information about students which professional purposes or is employing educational has been obtained in the course of required by law; professional service, unless agency; disclosure serves professional  Shall not use coercive  Shall not interfere in the purposes or is required by law; means or give special exercise of political and treatment in order to citizenship rights and  Shall not knowingly make false or influence professional responsibilities of others; malicious statements about decisions; students or colleagues;  Shall not use  Shall apply for, accept, institutional privileges for  Shall refrain from subjecting offer, or assign a position private gain, for the students to embarrassment or or responsibility only on promotion of political disparagement; and the basis of professional candidates, or for partisan preparation and legal  Shall not engage in any sexually political activities; and qualifications; and related behavior with a student  Shall not accept with or without consent, but shall  Shall not knowingly gratuities, gifts, or favors maintain a professional approach falsify or misrepresent that might impair or appear with students. Sexually related records of facts relating to to impair professional behavior shall include such the educator's own judgment, and shall not behaviors as sexual jokes; sexual qualifications or those of offer any of these to obtain remarks; sexual kidding or other professionals. teasing; sexual innuendo; special advantage. pressure for dates or sexual favors; inappropriate physical touching, kissing, or grabbing; rape; threats of physical harm; and sexual assault.

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