Curriculum Map for Bsc Honours Computer Networks
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Programme Specification for BSc Honours Computer Networks
1. Programme title BSc Honours Computer Networks 2. Awarding institution Middlesex University 3. Teaching institution Middlesex University 4. Programme accredited by N/A 5. Final qualification BSc Honours 6. Academic year 2014/2015 7. Language of study English 8. Mode of study Full Time & Part Time
9. Criteria for admission to the programme Student should have the equivalent of 240 UCAS entry points to gain entry to level 4. All can- didates should possess at least grade C in GCSE Maths and English language, or equivalent. For direct entry to levels 5 & 6 the student is required to pass the equivalent of 120 credits spe- cified in the programme at levels 4 & 5, respectively. You will be expected to demonstrate the programme learning outcomes have been met at these levels, for example by attainment of in- dustrially based qualifications such as Cisco Certified Network Associate/ Professional.
Mature applicants with relevant work experience are also welcome to apply for Direct entry at levels 3, 4 and 5. These applicants are required to submit a portfolio of work experience to show evidence of achieving relevant learning outcomes, and these will vary depending on both the programme and level the student is applying for. Evidence should comprise the applicant’s own work and may include documents you have written, procedures you have designed, pro- posals you have drafted, electronic resources, photographs, video etc or information gathered from others about you such as statements from employers, certificates of in-house courses com- pleted. Further guidance may be obtained from the Programme Leader or Director of Pro- grammes.
International students who have not been taught in the English medium must show evidence of proven ability in English such as TOEFL grade 550 or IELTS grade 6.0. The University provides pre-sessional English language courses throughout the year for candidates who do not meet the English requirements. University policies supporting students with disabilities apply, as described in the University Regulations
For further information, visit the learning resources web site at:
University policies supporting students with disabilities apply, as described in the University Regulations, 'Information for students with disabilities'
10. Aims of the programme Computer networks pervade our lives. Whether we are talking on a mobile phone, watching a video clip on YouTube or simply sending an email we are interacting with a network, or more likely, several networks. These networks are strategically important in creating a safer, more productive and intelligible environment by allowing data to be transmitted securely over al- most any distance at very high speeds. Business competitiveness, personal and organisational communications are all critically dependent on well-designed network systems.
These networks, and the devices we use to access them, are changing rapidly, with mobile phones now providing us with uninterrupted connection to the internet 24/7. Studying on the BSc Hons Computer Network programme at Middlesex enables students to keep pace with this change and appreciate the ways in which the area is currently developing.
This new programme allows students to develop a significant range of networking skills highly valued and sought-after by the international network sector. These skills include the creation of networks meeting specific needs and purposes, and configuration of a variety of networks for secure operation. Students will also learn about the fundamentals of data communications theory and practice. Wherever appropriate, modern laboratories equipped with industry-stand- ard equipment and network development tools will support the development of these skills.
The primary educational aim is to produce graduates fully prepared for a range of careers in network technology and network deployment, and capable of progressing to postgraduate study in networking.
11. Programme outcomes A. Knowledge and understanding 1. Mathematics, physics, wireless, and communication principles relevant to the analysis and solution of a range of digital and computer communication, wireless networking and tele- communication systems. 2. The principal, computational concepts, scientific and engineering principles required to analyse and model routine networked systems, products and processes and collect and in- terpret data needed by the solution of routine design problems and to recognise their limit- ations. 3. Criteria of quality and performance relevant to networked systems applications, design, construction or operational contexts. 4. The relevance and ramifications of a range of professional, legal, managerial, business, organisational, ethical, social and sustainability considerations relevant to the practice of the network based systems professional; 5. The significance, role and function of networked systems within society and the opera- tional, material environment within which they will be expected to practise. 6. The business, organisational and management techniques relevant to those engaging in en- terprise and the production of network systems, products and processes. 7. The core principles, processes and methods of design and how to apply these in the design of specific computer communication and network systems and processes.
Teaching/learning methods The curriculum has been designed to offer the opportunity of an orderly academic progression between levels of study within identifiable computer network and related themes.
At Level 5, there is significant horizontal integration of learning materials; for example net- working concepts and terminology are introduced in one module, and in another real life scen- arios (such as error correction and control) are used to deepen and refine understanding.
At Level 5, further material addressing A1, A2 and A5 is introduced. Topics introduced typic- ally involve an increasingly systems level content and orientation as modules progress and there is an increasing emphasis on design, problem solving and analysis.
Progressively increasing levels of appreciation of quality (A3) and performance aspects of products and processes is also encouraged and expected in seminar work and coursework at Levels 5 & 6.
Students undertake group project work addressing the development of A4, A5 and A7 in fo- cussing on aspects of the project life cycle of a specific network system. The project is de- signed to allow students to integrate and contextualise their A1, A2 and A5 understanding and abilities in a supportive and semi-structured environment.
At Level 6, students are expected to consolidate their understanding of new material and to take greater responsibility for the selection of concepts, principles and methodology needed to analyse, synthesise and evaluate particular systems, processes and products in a range of con- texts (A5, A6, A7 & A8).
Assessment Methods Outcomes A1, A2, A5 are assessed using coursework assignments involving a range of prob- lem-solving, design, analysis, modelling, and simulation tasks. Individual and group work (in- cluding presentations and formal reports of work undertaken) is increasingly framed at system level. Throughout the programme multiple choice questions, presentations of work-in-progress and unseen written examinations (at Levels 5 and 6) are used for assessing knowledge and un- derstanding.
Typically a module will involve a variety of assessment types to target students’ differing learning styles.
B. Cognitive (thinking) skills 1. Solve technical problems creatively in problem-solving and design contexts drawing on techniques or concepts some of which are at the forefront of networking development or re- search, and to deal with issues creatively in the presence of incomplete data. 2. Select from an extensive range of computer-based, mathematical and analytical methods as appropriate to solve particular design or developmental problems. 3. Select appropriate software and/or hardware components or processes in order to satisfy particular sets of requirements and objective constraints on the basis of an accurate and critical understanding of their material and operational characteristics. 4. Critically evaluate technical information, concepts, arguments and assumptions and evid- ence derived from a wide variety of sources; to abstract from such information, to correctly apply those concepts and restate arguments and assumptions in a variety of ways appropri- ate for a given cognitive end or purpose 5. Engage effectively in tasks requiring initial problem identification and to effectively apply relevant fundamental principles and techniques appropriate to the analysis and solution of a range of technical problems. 6. Analytically report on a piece of original external research or scholarly activity. 7. Classify and describe system or component performance through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques
Teaching/learning methods Cognitive skill development within this programme is intended to be progressive across all study levels.
A variety of computer network and electronics laboratories and equipment provide environ- ments and tools for system design, simulation, and test. These are used to foster the develop- ment of cognitive skills through a range of laboratory and/or seminar-based tasks typically re- lying on learning-in-action. These supportive environments allow the development of B1-B7; with formative feedback be- ing provided by tutors within laboratories and seminars prior to assessment, and then more formal feedback on completion of assignments.
Individual project work addresses B1 & B4, in which student learning includes an appreciation of the open-endedness and incompleteness of knowledge in practical computer communica- tions problems at system level.
Assessment Method Student’s cognitive skills are typically summatively assessed by combinations of practical as- signments, group and individual presentations, laboratory exercises, production of design doc- umentation and specific demonstration of work, and unseen written examination. Formative feedback is given with returned assessed coursework.
C. Practical skills 1. Use specialist digital, wireless and network laboratory equipment safely and effectively in all phases of network systems development. 2. Conduct experiments, simulation and modelling tasks with minimal guidance, and report effectively on findings; 3. Use technical literature effectively and conduct a specialist literature review; plan and conduct a technical investigation using a wide range of technical literature 4. Model hardware systems and component functionality, and prototype a range of digitally- based computer communication systems or processes 5. Use a range of software and hardware design/engineering tools, and environments effect- ively. 6. Document design and analytical work appropriately; commission, research, and sustain in- dividual project activity and to report on findings in a defensible fashion relying on min- imal supervision; 7. Develop and evaluate range of network-oriented applications or products typically in- volving the substantive integration of hardware and software components and fulfilling a given set of requirements; document design and analytical work appropriately.
Teaching/learning methods Transferable skills are developed initially at Level 4 where communication skills, basic re- search skills and skills in using mathematical principles and concepts are developed. The abil- ity to work effectively both as an individual and as a group member is summatively assessed at Level 4 both in seminars and laboratories.
At all levels students are taught how to operate specialist equipment effectively and safely and to respect rules of conduct in laboratories.
Assessment Method A variety of assessment types are typically used for each of the intended transferable skills outcomes. These include seminar-based assessment, multiple-choice questions and course- work, laboratory tasks, group and individual projects, and mini-projects. Reports reflecting research undertaken at all levels of study are assessed and formative feed- back provided. Individual and group project research presentations are assessed. D. Graduate Skills On completion of this programme the successful student will be able to: 1. Work effectively both autonomously in independent project-oriented activity, and co-operat- ively as a member of a group or project-team and manage time and other resources. 2. Apply mathematical skills and understanding to tasks requiring modelling, system analysis and problem-solving. 3. Learn effectively for life-long personal and career development and to reflect on progress of learning. 4. Communicate effectively and explain complex technical information, concepts, arguments, design information effectively, using a variety of media, and wide range of methods appropriate to a given type of audience or communication objective; 5. Conduct research effectively, drawing on a wide variety of sources (including libraries, the In- ternet and electronic catalogues) under minimal direction, and be proficient in the use of refer- encing sources of information. 6. Deploy the general design, implementation and test principles or techniques appropriate for the development of particular networking products or processes and apply a scientific approach to problem solving
Teaching/learning methods Students acquire graduate skills through presentations, lab-based tasks including independent and group project work.
Assessment method Students’ graduate skills are assessed by a variety of assessment types These include seminar-based assessment, multiple-choice questions and coursework, laboratory tasks, group and individual pro- jects, and mini projects.
Reports reflecting research undertaken at all levels of study are assessed and formative feedback provided. Individual and group project research presentations are assessed.
Skills outcomes D1-D6 are designed to reflect the University’s Graduate Skills requirements. Stu- dents are actively encouraged to document these skills in their Personal Development Portfolios (PDPs).
12. Programme structure (levels, modules, credits and progression requirements) 12. 1 Overall structure of the programme The programme can be taken in two modes (a) full-time and (b) part-time . In full-time mode, the programme will take three years to complete; in part-time mode the programme will take a minimum of six years to complete. The programme is structured into three academic levels.
Each module is worth 30 credit points and so you need gain 120 credit points to progress to the next level. In part-time mode, students will take a maximum of 60 credit points in any academic year (which is defined to be the period from September to the following September). In thick sandwich mode students spend a year on a placement module after having completed the first two academic levels, and then resume their studies by taking the specified level 6modules. Even though the placement module is credit-rated (worth 120 credit points) it does not contribute to the number of credits needed to gain the honours degree award, but leads to a certificate of industrial achievement in its own right.
In this programme all modules at levels 5 and 6 are compulsory. Students need 360 credit points to graduate with honours.
12.2 Levels and modules Level 5 12.3 Non-compensatable modules Module Level Module Code Level 6 CCE3050 (Computer Communications Project module) Curriculum map for BSc Honours Computer Networks
This section shows the highest level at which programme outcomes are to be achieved by all graduates, and maps programme learning outcomes against the modules in which they are assessed. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding Practical skills A Mathematics, physics, wireless, and communication principles C1 Use specialist digital, wireless and network laboratory equipment safely and 1 relevant to the analysis and solution of a range of digital and effectively in all phases of network systems development. computer communication, wireless networking and telecommunication systems. A The principal, computational concepts, scientific and engineering C2 Conduct experiments, simulation and modelling tasks with minimal 2 principles required to analyse and model routine networked guidance, and report effectively on findings. systems, products and processes and collect and interpret data needed by the solution of routine design problems and to recognise their limitations. A Criteria of quality and performance relevant to networked C3 Use technical literature effectively and conduct a specialist literature 3 systems applications, design, construction or operational review; plan and conduct a technical investigation using a wide range of contexts. technical literature. A The relevance and ramifications of a range of professional, legal, C4 Model hardware systems and component functionality, and prototype a 4 managerial, business, organisational, ethical, social and range of digitally-based computer communication systems or processes sustainability considerations relevant to the practice of the network based systems professional.
A The significance, role and function of networked systems within C5 Use a range of software and hardware design/engineering tools, and 5 society and the operational, material environment within which environments effectively. they will be expected to practise. A The business, organisational and management techniques C6 Document design and analytical work appropriately; commission, research, 6 relevant to those engaging in enterprise and the production of and sustain individual project activity and to report on findings in a network systems, products and processes. defensible fashion relying on minimal supervision; A The core principles, processes and methods of design and how C7 Develop and evaluate range of network-oriented applications or products 7 to apply these in the design of specific computer communication typically involving the substantive integration of hardware and software and network systems and processes. components and fulfilling a given set of requirements; document design and analytical work appropriately. Cognitive skills Graduate Skills B1 Solve technical problems creatively in problem-solving and D1 Work effectively both autonomously in independent project-oriented activity, design contexts drawing on techniques or concepts some of and co-operatively as a member of a group or project-team and manage which are at the forefront of networking development or research time and other resources. and to deal with issues creatively in the presence of incomplete data. B2 Select from an extensive range of computer-based, D2 Apply mathematical skills and understanding to tasks requiring modelling, mathematical and analytical methods as appropriate to solve system analysis and problem-solving. particular design or developmental problems. B3 Select appropriate software and/or hardware components or D3 Learn effectively for life-long personal and career development and to processes in order to satisfy particular sets of requirements and reflect on progress of learning. objective constraints on the basis of an accurate and critical understanding of their material and operational characteristics. B4 Critically evaluate technical information, concepts, arguments D4 Communicate effectively and explain complex technical information, and assumptions and evidence derived from a wide variety of concepts, arguments, design information effectively, using a variety of sources; to abstract from such information, to correctly apply media, and wide range of methods appropriate to a given type of audience those concepts and restate arguments and assumptions in a or communication objective; variety of ways appropriate for a given cognitive end or purpose B5 Engage effectively in tasks requiring initial problem identification D5 Conduct research effectively, drawing on a wide variety of sources and to effectively apply relevant fundamental principles and (including libraries, the Internet and electronic catalogues) under minimal techniques appropriate to the analysis and solution of a range of direction, and be proficient in the use of referencing sources of information. technical problems. B6 Analytically report on a piece of original external research or D6 Deploy the general design, implementation and test principles or techniques scholarly activity appropriate for the development of particular networking products or processes and apply a scientific approach to problem solving B7 Classify and describe system or component performance D7 through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques.
Programme outcomes A A A1 A3 A5 6 7 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 C5 C6 D2 D4 D7 Highest level achieved by all graduates 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Programme outcomes Module Title A A A B B C C C D D A1 B1 B7 C5 D1 D4 D5 D7 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 Data Communications x x x x x x x x x Advanced Connection of Network Devices x x Network Protocols and Performance Modelling x x x x x Research Methodology and Professional Project Development x x x x x x x Advanced Networking and Security x x x x x x x x x x
Individual Computer Communications Project x x x x x x x x x x Network Management x x x x x x x
Wireless LANs and Mobile Computing x x x x x x x x x x 14. Information about assessment regulations Information on how the University formal assessment regulations work, including de- tails of how award classifications are determined, can be found in the University Regu- lations at Practical aspects of the programme are often assessed via coursework that may be car- ried out using specialist software and may include lab tests. Theoretical material is assessed by coursework and examinations. Grades are awarded on the standard University scale of 1–20, with Grade 1 being the highest. To pass a module all components, both coursework and examination, must be passed individually with a minimum grade of 16. Failure in one of the components will result in the failure of the module.
For additional information on assessment and how learning outcomes are assessed please refer to the individual module narratives for this programme.
15. Placement opportunities, requirements and support (if applicable) All Undergraduate students have the opportunity to go on Industrial Placement. Industrial Placements are encouraged as this valuable experience enhances a student’s future career prospects. Additionally students normally achieve better results in their final year. In brief: The placement provides a years experience as an appropriately paid graduate trainee. Industrial placement is conditional on the successful completion of all modules at Level 4 and Level 5; therefore students need 240 credits before they are able to embark on an industrial placement. Obtaining a placement is co-ordinated through the Campus Placement Office. For Undergraduate programmes, students wishing to undertake a placement position must register for CCE3200. Each placement will be assigned to an industrial tutor who will visit the student on placement. On graduation the degree will be qualified with the term “…with approved industrial experience”.
The placement option is not available to direct-entry students in their final year.
16. Future careers (if applicable) All programmes in the School of Science and Technology – their curricula and learning outcomes – have been designed with an emphasis on currency and the relevance to future employment. The majority of graduates are employed in IT posts relevant to the subject. Over 20% of students pursue further postgraduate study or research.
The employer links with the School are encouraged in a number of ways e.g. by inviting practitioners from industry as guest speakers in lectures; through links with companies where students are employed as part of their Industrial placement and through alumni both in the UK and overseas
Campus Careers Offices can be found on each campus for advice, support and guidance – or go to
17. Particular support for learning (if applicable) The School’s Teaching and Learning Strategy is compliant with those of the University, in seeking to develop learner autonomy and resource-based learning In support of the students learning experience: All new students go through an induction programme and some have early diagnostic nu- meric and literacy testing before starting their programme. Learning Resources (LR) provide workshops for those students needing additional support in these areas. Students are allocated a personal email account, secure networked computer storage and dial-up facilities New students are provided with a CD containing the Schools Subject Handbook at enrol- ment New and existing students are given module handbooks for each module they study. Soft copies of all module handbooks can be found on Oasis. Web-based learning materials are provided to further support learning Extensive library facilities are available on all campuses. Visit for pages on learning resources. Students can access advice and support on a wide range of issues from the UniHelp Stu- dent Information Desk. Placements are supported by Campus Placement Offices and School academics; please refer to section 15 of this programme specification High-quality specialist network, software, digital and wireless laboratories equipped with industry standard software, hardware and tools as appropriate, for formal teaching as well as self-study. Middlesex University is a Cisco Local Academy and a Xilinx Univer- sity partner Teaching staff are available for each subject offering personal academic advice and help if needed. Staff availability for this purpose is posted outside staff office doors. Formative feedback is given on completion of student coursework Past exam papers with solutions and marking schemes for all modules are available for students in module handbooks Research activities of academic staff feed into the teaching programme, which can provide individual students with ad-hoc opportunities to work with academics on some aspect of research
Middlesex University encourages and supports students with disabilities. Some practical aspects of Science and Technology programmes may present challenges to students with particular disabilities. Students are encouraged to visit our campuses at any time to evaluate facilities and talk in confidence about their needs. If we know students’ individual needs we’ll be able to provide for them more easily. For further information contact the Disability Support Service (email: [email protected]).
18. JACS code (or other relevant coding system) I100/H100 (60%/40%) 19. Relevant QAA subject benchmark group(s) Computing/Engineer- ing
20. Reference Points The following reference points were used in designing the programme: QAA Computing subject benchmark statements, Computing (2007) and Engineering (2010) QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ire- land QAA guidelines for programme specifications QAA Code of Practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in HE CBI - Future Fit: Preparing graduates for the world of work, 2009. Available at: UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence; Chartered Engineer and Incorpor- ated Engineer Standard, Engineering Council UK, 2010 UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence; The Accreditation of Higher Educa- tion Programmes, Engineering Council UK, 2008 Middlesex University Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy (2012 – 2014) University Regulations Module Narratives British Computer Society (BCS) Guidelines for Exemption and Accreditation Middlesex University and School of Science and Technology Teaching Learning and Assess- ment policies and strategies University policy on equal opportunities.
21. Other information Middlesex University has formal links with 250 institutions world-wide, including student exchange agreements with more than 100 institutions. Currently a number of students both from the UK/EU and overseas take part in such exchanges. For further details please visit
Please note programme specifications provide a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve if s/he takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information about the programme can be found in the student programme handbook and the University Regulations. Module Narratives
In this section you will find details of all the modules associated with your programme so that you can see what is involved in your programme and make any choices over option modules (if applicable).
The narratives were correct at the time this handbook went to print but details change over time and therefore you should always refer to the latest version available on the My Study area of myUniHub:
Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of myUniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules your are registered on.
Module Code CCE2000 Module Title Data Communications Level 5 Credit 30
Aims This module addresses the fundamental principles of electronic communication, particularly as applied to digital data. A key development in the last decade has been the seamless integration of many different data types (Documents, images, speech etc) on to common communications platforms. These communications platforms (legacy hardwired telephone systems, wired and wireless computer networks, broadcast television, mobile phone systems, to mention a few) have themselves spawned new functionality so that we are well on the way to being able to access any data/function on any device, anywhere.
The main aim of the module is to provide you with an operational understanding of how current communications systems work, and specifically how we can communicate information over any distance with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. As part of this, issues of encoding data, capacity, data compression, bandwidth, security and cryptography are covered. Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the: 1. Three principal communications media in terms of the primary constraints – bandwidth, signal to noise ratio, accuracy, reliability, security and cost 2. The radio frequency spectrum, and the suitability and limitations of different parts of the spectrum for various applica- tions Skills On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Identify different methods available for compressing, encrypting, modulating, multiplexing, and transmitting digital data 2. Apply mathematics, data communications theory and principles relevant to the efficient, secure transmission of data for problem solving. 3. Model computer/digital communication systems using a variety of recognised methods to design, clarify, and evaluate system design concepts. 4. Apply mathematical skills and understanding to tasks requiring modelling, system analysis and problem-solving. Syllabus Principles of cable, wireless and fibre optic communications Cable bandwidth/distance limitations. Twisted pair, RS232 and USB. Shielding Fibre Optics: Total Internal Reflection, Dispersion and BDP Radio wave propagation, Space sky and ground waves, Antennae, Power Density, Antenna gain, effective line of sight distance, Reflection refraction and diffraction. Near field (induction) comms Data and signals, frequency domain representation, including Huffman coding and signal/noise concepts, digital detect- ors Data encoding/representation and compression techniques, Hamming code Communications systems performance constraints: data carrying capacity, Nyquist and Shannon laws, bandwidth and latency
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 13 Analogue/digital data: conversion techniques, performance characteristics, sampling, aliasing etc Modulation techniques: ASK, FSK PSK and CDM, Modulation index, Deviation and Carson’s rule, Carrier and sideband power relationships, single sideband techniques Multiplexing: FDMA, TDMA, SDMA & CDMA Communications protocols and standards: IEE 802.11, VoIP standards, Integration, N-ISDN, B-ISDN, DSL and VoIP. Scientific and medical telemetry Reliability, error checking and correction in communications systems Communications security, algorithmic and non algorithmic techniques, cryptography, social and legal issues arising Specific communications systems: BWBA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wibree, Zigbee, Wi-Max, Power Line Networking Introduction to mobile communications: Infrastructures Cellular Systems, cell clusters, frequency re-use, case study: GSM. Access protocols- contention and conflict free methods, carrier sensing, collision detection, slotting and reservation methods, Satellite systems Integration of communications systems, optimisation and cross technology handover issues. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Theoretical material will be delivered during the weekly lecture (1 hour). Weekly seminars/labs (2 hours) will be used to extend the theoretical material using real life case studies and problem solving exercises. A series of three two hour practical sessions will be used to consolidate the taught material (data representation, centre sampling threshold detection, Bit error rate). Personal study (6 hours per week) will be used for further reading and completing weekly exercises. Assessment strategy comprises: Formative assessment Formative feedback is provided by the seminar tutor for tasks set in class during seminar sessions. Summative assessment 1. Multiple choice tests comprise six questions. They are completed in seminars. The student’s best five marks are aggreg- ated. 2. Unseen examination (50%); (Outcomes 1-2 & 4) 3. Coursework comprising: o In class group presentations (20%) (Outcome 3) o 2 Laboratory tests and reports (30%) (Outcomes 5-6) Group presentations are 10 minutes duration followed by questions, and are conducted in seminars. Students normally work in groups of 4. Presentation topics are typically: Fibre Optic Communications Data Compression Mobile Communications Communications Security Satellite Systems Future trends in Communications These are very broad topics and students are encouraged to confine their presentations to a few specific aspects of the subject. Feedback is provided by the seminar tutor in the form of questions and comments following each presentation. In order to pass this module, students must pass all assessed components. Assessment Weighting Unseen examination: 50 % Coursework: 50 % Exam Duration Examination, 2 hours Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 14 Module Code CCE2010 Module Title Advanced Connection of Network Devices Level 5 Credit 30
Aims This module provides students with the skills needed to succeed in networking-related degree programs and also helps students develop the skills necessary to fulfil the job responsibilities of network technicians, network administrators, and network engineers. It provides a theoreticallyrich, hands-on introduction to networking and the Internet. The primary focus of this module is on LAN switching, wireless LANs and accessing wide area networks (WAN). The goal is to develop an understanding of how a switch communicates with other switches and routers in a small- or medium-sized business network to implement VLAN segmentation, develop an understanding of various WAN technologies to connect small- to medium-sized business network. Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: 1. Explain in detail switching concepts and their operation and describe enhanced switching technologies such as VLANs, VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), Per VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol (PVSTP), and 802.1q. 2. Identify and describe standards associated with wireless media, such as IEEE WI-FI Alliance and ITU/FCC. Identify and describe the purpose of the components in a small wireless network, such as Service Set Identification (SSID), Basic Ser- vice Set (BSS), and Extended Service Set (ESS). 3. Describe the impact of Voice over IP and Video over IP applications on a network. Identify and correct common network problems at layers 1, 2, 3, and 7 using a layered model approach. Describe the components required for network and In- ternet communications. 4. Demonstrate detailed understanding of current network security threats and explain how to implement a comprehensive security policy to mitigate common threats to network devices, hosts, and applications. Skills On successful completion of this module, successful students will be able to: 1. Design switched networks, perform and verify switch configuration tasks including remote access management. Config- ure, verify, and troubleshoot VLANs, trunking on Cisco switches, interVLAN routing, VTP, and RSTP. 2. Manage configuration files of internetworking devices, including configuring, verifying, and troubleshooting NAT, DHCP, DNS and ACLs operations on a router. 3. Design WANs, configure, troubleshoot, and verify WAN connections. Syllabus LAN Design Basic Switch Concepts and Configuration VLANs VTP (Vlan Trunking Protocol) STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) Inter-VLAN Routing Basic Wireless Concepts and Configuration Introduction to WANs The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Frame Relay Network Security (identify security threats, configure basic router security, manage configurations and IOS files) ACLs (Access Control Lists) Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy The intended aim and learning outcomes and aims will be realised through a combination of weekly lectures (1 hour) that present a knowledge basis for the understanding on LAN switching, wireless LANs and accessing wide area networks (WAN). Weekly laboratories (2 hours) will be used to consolidate student understanding of material delivered in lectures and will require students to analyse and solve problems, provide a focus in applying taught materials by providing the opportunity to demonstrating your understanding in a practical, lab-based environment supported by industrystandard equipments.
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 15 Formative assessment Students will be required to complete online chapter tests and 20 lab exercises. Formative feedback will be given for each chapter test and on selective laboratory work. Summative assessment Assessment strategy comprises: Coursework (100%) including: 1. Two online final Chapter tests (60% - CCNA 3: 40% CCNA 4 40%) 2. Laboratory reports (40%) Assessment Component - Learning outcome assessed Online Chapter Tests - 1-4 Laboratory Reports - 5-7 In order to pass this module, students must pass all assessed components. Assessment Weighting Coursework (no examination): 100% Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
Module Code CCE2060 Module Title Research Methodology and Professional Project Development Level 5 Credit 30
Aims The aim of this module is to enable the students to gain knowledge of professional project management in the context of their degree and likely future profession. It will enable them to use this knowledge by participating in a ‘real world’ group project which is relevant for their level of study. It will focus on all aspects of professional practise including project management. In addition the students will study ethical, legal, regulatory, organisational and business issues in order to further the student’s employability within the computer and communications fields. Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate an appreciation of the scope and requirements of all phases of a project life cycle and of the tools and meth- odologies used to manage those phases. 2. Apply appropriate management strategies and tools to analyse, plan, implement and evaluate a real world computer and communications project. 3. Articulate the relevance and ramifications of a range of professional, legal, managerial, business, organisational, ethical, social, and sustainability considerations relevant to professional practice within the computer and communications fields. 4. Explain the business, organisational and management techniques relevant to those engaging in enterprise and the produc- tion of communications systems, products and processes. 5. Exercise judgement to ensure successful project outcomes within the constraints of professional practice. Skills On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Successfully demonstrate a sophisticated application of information searching, critical evaluation, writing, and commu- nication skills to enable effective documentation and communication for this module and for the final year project, as well as life-long personal and career development. 2. Work effectively both autonomously in independent project-oriented activity and co-operatively as a member of a group or project-team, and manage time and other resources. 3. Learn effectively for life-long personal and career development and to reflect on progress of learning. Syllabus Real world projects and the Project Life Cycle
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 16 Formal Project Management Methodologies and Tools (Theory and Application). The Business context including the ethical, legal, regulatory, organisational and business issues within the computer and communications fields. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Weekly lectures (1 hour per week) will be used to present the knowledge base. 2 hours per week workshops will enable the students to further their knowledge, acquire and practise their research skills, debate the issues and to be supported on their assessed activities. Formative feedback The workshops will be used as platforms to discuss various stages of project management and development. Formative feedback will be given following students’ input to discussion sessions. Prior to submission of required deliverables, formative feedback will be given by workshop tutors/ Summative assessment The module is assessed by 100 % coursework The coursework is composed of 2 elements (each worth 50%). The two elements are as follows: A set of three individual assignments; A formal essay to demonstrate an understanding of the use and application of formal project management techniques. This will be based on a real world case study (20%). An individual project proposal focusing on the same real world case study to demonstrate an understanding of the in- formation requirements of a project in the computer and communications field (10%). An individual presentation used to demonstrate an understanding of the ethical, legal, regulatory, organisational and busi- ness issues within the computer and communications fields (20%). A Group project, used to enable the student to demonstrate their individual and group project management skills on a rel- evant computer or communications real world project. (50%) The module will run as follows; Weeks 1 – 8 The management of Computer and Communications Projects Formal essay and project proposal to be submitted by week 8. Weeks 9 - 12 The ethical, legal, regulatory, organisational and business issues. Presentations to be presented in weeks 12 or 13. Weeks 13 - 24 - Group Project Group project result to be demonstrated and report to be submitted by week 24 Assessment component - Learning outcomes assessed Coursework - 1-5 Group Project - 6-8 In order to pass this module, students must pass all assessed components. Assessment Weighting Coursework (no examination): 100% Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on. Module Code CCE2020 Module Title Protocols and Network Performance Simulation Level 5 Credit 30 Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate detailed understanding of a range of mathematical and data communications concepts, rules and engineer- ing principles needed to analyse and model the behaviour of networks and the design of network protocols including those of the TCP/IP suite, Mobile-IP and custom network protocols; 2. Describe in depth the purpose, structure and role of contemporary operating systems and their support for network com- munication
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 17 3. Have a detailed understanding of the software concepts, methods, and principles required in the construction of sequen- tial and concurrent network client-servers, using a range of protocols, 4. Apply a range of analytical tools and techniques for assessing operational characteristics and quality aspects of network protocols and network performance evaluation Skills On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Design and implement ad-hoc standard-compliant network protocols having fine structure and given operational require- ments; implement a range of data communication or multimedia services; configure and use an operating system effect- ively for a range of purposes, including network communication-based applications; 2. Model and simulate a range of network environments and evaluate network performance for a given set of applications executing under a variety of potential network conditions and operational scenarios 3. Select and apply appropriate quantative methods or techniques to critically analyse a range of networks; to solve a range of problems and to collect data needed to evaluate protocol, network or operating system performance; effectively docu- ment and report on technical work. 4. Effectively present technical material verbally and in writing; solve networking and other problems using accepted prin- ciples and techniques; research a selection of operating systems, protocols and network characteristics and performance topics. Syllabus 1. Linux operating system Structure and organization; role in resource management; computer organisation; interrupt struc- tures; threads, I/O subsystem, device management; kernel timers, kernel objects; scheduling; pre-emption; synchronisa- tion; inter-process communication; memory and memory management; virtual memory; sharing data across networks 2. Socket programming Raw sockets; thread-creation; exception handling, streams, readers, writers; Posix API; paradigm uni- and multi-threaded TCP/IP-based server and client construction and development within a Linux environment. Ap- plicability of queuing theory. 3. Routing and routing devices: Layer-2 Technology essentials. RIP,OSPF: Distance Vector and Linkstate algorithms; met- rics; router implementation; ports, fabrics; routing areas, inter-domain routing; IPv6; multicasting; MPLS, among mobile hosts; communicating processes; reliable byte streams; connections, performance; protocols in use for the transport of multimedia; UDP/RTP; RTP and related protocol- based application design. Congestion control and resource allocation; issues; queuing disciplines, FIFO, fair queuing; TCP Reno and Tahoe’s congestion control, detection and avoidance mechanisms. QoS. Multimedia data; lossless compression; 4. Multimedia and its Transmission: Techniques for its effective network transmission; imagesrepresentation and compres- sion. Audio and video compression; transmitting MPEG, MJPEG; network security issues; applications needing their own protocols. Live and stored streaming at transport and application layers. Multimedia applications. Infrastructure ser- vices; overlay networks; CDNs; outline of cloud/utility computing structures; 5. Network modelling and protocols: Layer-2 Technology; Simulation and implementation where relevant; use of finite state machines to represent operational characteristics of a given range of protocols. Introducing Reliability and Availab- ility with mathematical definitions. Silly Windows syndrome, generic stop and wait protocols, Go-Back-N, Selective Re- peat; Performance evaluation methods (benchmarking, simulation, analytical modelling). Performance metrics; band- width, latency, delay x bandwidth product; high speed network application performance requirements; Contemporary is- sues and developments; 6. The rationale underlying benchmarking, simulation and analytical modelling Performance parameters and metrics; mod- els. Introducing to Queuing Theory, applications, contexts. Single and Multiple server queue systems. Modelling of TCP’s Slow Start, M/M/1 queues, CSMA, Congestion avoidance and detection algorithms, Fast Recovery, Preemptive Priority and Weighted Fair Queuing. Basic concepts of simulation. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy The intended aims and learning outcomes will be realised through a combination of weekly lectures (1 hour) that present the theory and knowledge base for the understanding of key operating system concepts, programming, protocol design and network modelling. Weekly seminars (1 hour) are used to consolidate and deepen understanding of material delivered in lectures; these require students to discuss a range of topics; to analyse and solve problems arising within practical design and implementation tasks. Students are required (and encouraged) to prepare for seminar activity by reading one or more papers relevant to the seminar topic/activity and present an overview. Fortnightly laboratories (2 hours) offer the opportunity of applying taught concepts, principles and techniques to demonstrate understanding of programming, modelling and simulation in practical tasks involving industrystandard modelling and simulation
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 18 tools and software development tools. Laboratory sessions will include tasks involving the implementation of threads, the use of raw, TCP and UDP socket-based network communications, and a variety of network modelling and simulation tasks. Students are encouraged to research syllabus topics. Seminars involve periodic on-line tests and short technical presentations. Typically, formative feedback on presentations of individual and group problem solving tasks, preparation for and participation in seminars is given in situ. Students will record their presentations online. Formative assessment Formative feedback will be provided, both during discussion and presentations of work and during the laboratory sessions. Formative feedback is offered fortnightly in both seminars and laboratory sessions. Summative assessment 1. Short reports are required on completion of lab work. Four laboratory tasks are assessed and require formal reports. 2. There are three written assignments. Summative individual feedback is given for each piece of work submitted. Assessment schedule: Labs to be submitted for assessment at the end of weeks 12 and 24; Coursework assignments to be submitted in weeks 10, 15 and 20 Assessment component - Learning outcomes assessed Labs 20% - 5 and 6 Coursework 20% - 7 Seminar activity 10% - 8 Exam 50% - 1-4 In order to pass this module, students must pass all assessed components. Assessment Weighting Unseen examination: 50% Coursework (no examination): 50% Exam Duration Examination, 2 hours Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 19 Module Code CCE3050 Module Title Individual Project Level 6 Credit 30
Aims This module provides you with the opportunity of choosing and working on a project that reflects your interests and aims and outcomes of your programme. It should constitute a practical problem-solving project relevant to current network or communication technology. The primary aim of the module is to consolidate and deepen your understanding of material taught on your programme, to exercise professional judgement, to undertake individual research and to conduct an investigation and/or develop a product, process or application relevant to the focus of your programme. It provides you with the opportunity of engaging in significant system development, the typical output of which represents the solution of a problem akin to those that you as a fledgling professional practitioner are likely to encounter in future employment. The module intends that your choice of individual project will provide you with a significant opportunity to reflect on your learning progress and to develop your learning for life-long and career development. Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed understanding and knowledge of the nature of the problem whose solution is addressed within the project, and express the overall aims of the project providing clear evidence that an investigation has been undertaken of relevant literature, products and technology, identifying the main economic, business and product, process or application development issues arising 2. Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed understanding of professional standards, and the life-cycle of the object of your work (product, process or application), and show a critical appreciation of the selection of the tools used in its de- velopment. Skills On successful completion of the module, the student will be able to: 1. Accurately report, at each stage of development, how the outcome of that stage was verified and validated 2. Critically evaluate the overall outcome of work done, indicating the reasons for choosing one alternative amongst others (where such alternatives exist) in the process of designing and implementing your work, justifying any deviation from your initial project plan and assessing its conformity to current and/or future needs, taking into account economic, ethic- al, social and environmental issues or concerns arising in your project, and exercise appropriate judgement within the constraints of professional practice 3. Conduct research effectively, drawing on a wide variety of sources (including libraries, the Internet and electronic cata- logues) under minimal direction, and be proficient in the use of referencing sources of information 4. Communicate effectively and explain technical information, concepts and present arguments and design information ef- fectively, using a variety of media, and range of methods for the reader of the report and include relevant technical ap- pendices, and software or hardware documentation as appropriate 5. Reflect on the progress on learning and consolidate learning for life-long personal and career development Syllabus Research methods Project management methodologies The professional context including the professional, ethical, legal, regulatory, organisational and business issues within the computer and communications fields. Thesis writing Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Provisional versions of project proposals are formulated by the end of Year 2 in the CCE2060 Research Methodology and Professional Project Development module. Students are encouraged to reflect on and develop their project ideas prior to the start of this module.
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 20 The scope and content of student projects will be negotiated with and approved by their supervisors in the first four weeks. Students will submit their final project proposals by the end of the fourth learning week in the Autumn term. This will be assessed (learning outcome 1) and contributes 10% of the total project marks. Students are offered a weekly period of supervision; work in progress is monitored and reflectively discussed. In particular, issues concerning the clarity of problem specification, the particular objectives set, the required relevance to taught materials and programme focus and its relevance to one or more current or future needs will be discussed during the first six weeks. Formative assessment Formative feedback is given during periodic meetings with the allocated supervisor. Summative assessment Students are required to undertake a subject review of relevance to the project within the first six weeks of study. The quality and breadth of the content of initial subject review is evaluated by the tutor. This will be assessed as part of a formal report on work undertaken in the first twelve weeks period Specific milestones are set for the remaining eighteen weeks of work. Typically, these involve analysis and initial design targets, negotiated with and agreed by the project supervisor. Toward the end of the first twelve weeks period, the candidate is required to submit a written report on work completed (including a subject area review), which is assessed summatively (learning outcomes 2), carrying 20% of the total project marks. The remaining milestones are reviewed use for formative assessment. Student work will culminate in the submission of a final, formal project report. This is assessed and contributes 60% of the total project marks (learning outcomes, 1, 3, 5, and 7). A viva and practical demonstration based on the student’s project will be assessed (learning outcomes 4 and 6). Workshop 1 - Research Methods / Project Management in week 1 Workshop 2 - Thesis Writing in week 18 The module is assessed by 100 % coursework, consisting of the following elements: Individual Project Proposal 10% Intermediate milestone 20% Final project report 60% Viva Voce/ demonstration 10% In order to pass this module, students must pass all assessed components. Assessment Weighting Seen examination n/a Unseen examination n/a Coursework (no examination) 100% Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 21 Module Code CCE3040 Module Title Advanced Networks Design and Security Level 6 Credit 30
Aims This module is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement, secure, maintain, and troubleshoot converged enterprise networks. Students will learn how to implement complex enterprise LAN and WAN routing and switching solutions. Comprehensive labs emphasize hands-on learning and practice to reinforce configuration skills using a range of routing protocols in IPv4 and IPv6 environments and the secure integration of VLANs, WLANs, voice, and video into campus networks. The course also covers the configuration of secure routing solutions to support branch offices and mobile workers. The module reflects the job skills and responsibilities that are associated with professional-level job roles such as network engineer, systems engineer, network support engineer, network administrator, and network consultant Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, the students will be able to: 1. Explain in detail complex network requirements and design models for implementing advanced routing and switching services in an enterprise network. 2. Plan and prepare for advanced services in a campus infrastructure. 3. Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of firewall and secure router design, security policy design, and management 4. Describe an implementation for branch office and mobile worker connectivity Skills On successful completion of this module, the students will be able to: 1. Operate in complex and unpredictable contexts, requiring selection and application from a range of interior and exterior routing protocols to evaluate, select, and implement such protocols in a large scale enterprise network. 2. Design, implement, configure, and troubleshoot fault tolerant switched networks for enterprises, and evaluate the per- formance of such systems with particular emphasis on both hardware and software aspects of them. Syllabus Routing Services Configuring the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol Configuring the Open Shortest Path First Protocol Manipulating Routing Updates Implementing Path Control Implementing a Border Gateway Protocol Solution for ISP Connectivity Implementing Routing Facilities for Branch Offices and Mobile Workers Implementing IPv6 in the Enterprise Network Analyzing the Cisco Enterprise Campus Architecture Implementing VLANs in Campus Networks Implementing Spanning Tree Implementing InterVLAN Routing Implementing High Availability and Redundancy in a Campus Network Securing the Campus Infrastructure Preparing the Campus Infrastructure for Advanced Services Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Theoretical material will be delivered during weekly lectures (1 hour)
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 22 Weekly labs (2 hours) will be used to consolidate and extend the theoretical material and to facilitate problem solving activities, and provide practical experience to support the taught material. Self study will be used for researching information for case studies. The coursework gives students the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge gained from this module and the skills of problem solving. Students are expected to submit two assignments. All assessed components must be passed in order to pass this module. Ongoing formative feedback will be given verbally to students in weekly lecture and lab sessions. Provisional summative feedback on coursework will be given to students two weeks after submission. Assessment strategy comprises: 3 hour unseen examination (60%), Coursework (40%) Assessment component Learning outcomes assessed Coursework 5-6 Exam 1-4 In order to pass this module, students must pass all assessed component Assessment Weighting Unseen examination 60% Coursework 40% Exam Duration Examination, 3 hours Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
Module Code CCE3070 Module Title Network Management: Design and Support Level 6 Credit 30
Aims This module is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to consolidate many computer networking concepts and introduces elements of network design, equipment selection and configuration, and LAN and WAN addressing. An integrated case study presents critical thinking scenarios to help students develop skills such as analyzing business objectives, determining technical requirements and constraints, planning timelines and resources, and preparing and delivering customer presentations. The module reflects the job skills and responsibilities that are associated with entry-level career opportunities in networking. Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed understanding of network management theory to adapt, plan and manage a range of networks in light of standards and security needs 2. Demonstrate a critical and in depth understanding of a variety of recognised techniques and methods used in modelling, and evaluating communication systems with emphasis on aspects such as secure system design 3. Develop a critical understanding of the nature of security plans and policies, and deploying appropriate safeguards for se- cure operation of a network Skills 1. Analyse system requirements, propose, plan, design and evaluate a secure internetwork 2. Operate in complex and unpredictable contexts, requiring selection and application from a range of management tools to manage and maintain a network. 3. Develop a framework to apply network management and security strategies with minimum guidance in order to design novel solutions for network problems Syllabus Introducing network design and management concepts Requirement analysis; user, application, network, host, functional requirements. Flow analysis
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 23 Identifying performance metrics, and examining network performance Network Design; Logical and Physical design, and selecting appropriate routing strategies Principles of Network Management Development of frameworks for network management and security Documenting network design, development and management Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Theoretical material will be delivered during weekly lectures (1 hour). Weekly labs (2 hours) will be used to consolidate and extend the theoretical material and to facilitate problem solving activities, and provide practical experience to support the taught material. Self study will be used for researching information for case studies. The coursework gives students the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge gained from this module and the skills of problem solving. Students are expected to submit two assignments Formative assessment Ongoing formative feedback will be given verbally to students in weekly lab sessions and during the process of coursework completion. Summative assessment 1. Unseen exam (60%) 2. Coursework One assignment (10%) Laboratory work (30%) Assessment component Learning outcomes assessed Coursework 4-6 Exam 1-3 In order to pass this module, students must pass all assessed components. Assessment Weighting Unseen examination 60% Coursework 40% Exam Duration Examination, 3 hours Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 24 Module Code CCE3080 Module Title Wireless LANs and Mobile Computing Level 6 Credit 30
Aims This module aims to develops a critical understanding of the principal ways in which a mobile computer, or device, can access a network through theoretical discussions and practical laboratory work. Specifically, it aims to develop an appreciation of the design, characteristics, operation, and Quality of Service issues of a WLANs and Cellular networks supporting mobility. The course focuses upon Wireless Local Area networks in the home, hotspots and business, wide area wireless communication and cellular networks as well as mobile computing. A central theme is the associated protocols including use of the Internet Protocol in mobile scenarios. The use of cellular networks (e.g. 1G to 4G and beyond) to interconnect mobile computing devices is explained. The module covers the theory of radio propagation and antennas related to wireless networking and mobile communications. It also addresses the application of mobile technologies to business. Learning Outcomes Knowledge On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the protocols and operation of Wireless LANs and mobile networking as well as secure communications 2. Appreciate the security issues of wireless operation and techniques to resolve them 3. Elaborate the theory of systems and services using mobile technologies. Skills On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: 1. Deploy mathematics, wireless and data communications theory and principles relevant to the efficient, secure transmis- sion and storage of data in the analysis and solution of wireless network problems, and the simulation of systems 2. Model wireless networks using a variety of recognised methods to clarify, evaluate and communicate system design con- cepts 3. Critically evaluate the use of mobile technologies in enterprises. Syllabus Near field communications (NFC), and wireless networks: BANs, HANs, SANs, PANs, CANs, LANs, WSNs, MANs, and WANs; standards, protocols and QoS issues Cellular networks: GSM, 3G, 4G, LTE and beyond Mobile IP and WAP Access methods for wireless systems: Spread spectrum, OFDMA, and CDMA Modelling, design and performance evaluation of wireless systems. Access to mobile computing services Applications of mobile technologies in virtual enterprises Securing wireless networks Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Theoretical material will be delivered in weekly one hour lectures. Each week a 2-hour seminar or laboratory session will operate on an alternating pattern. Seminars consolidate lectures, facilitate problem solving activities and explore real-world examples. Laboratory sessions will include exercises to link lecture material to practical activities including installation, configuration, operation and management of wireless networks, and computer simulation of wireless systems. Formative assessment Formative assessment will be carried out through multiple choice, in-class tests and feedback will be given to students on their work/progress via: Seminar tutor Comments on work in progress prior to coursework submission Summative assessment Summative assessment will be in the form of a written exam (60%) and coursework (40%)
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 25 1. Unseen examination (learning outcomes 1-3) 2. Coursework (learning outcomes 4-6) comprising: Case study report – 20% Laboratory reports – 20% In order to pass this module, all assessment components must be passed in order. Assessment Weighting 3. Unseen examination (learning outcomes 1-3) (60%) 4. Coursework (learning outcomes 4-6) comprising (40%) Exam Duration Examination, 3 hours Learning Materials Your online reading lists can be accessed from the My Study area of UniHub. They highlight essential and recommended reading for all modules you are registered on.
Programme Handbook 2014/15 Page 26