Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Backus, Cass County, Mn
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CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mike Aulie at 6:03 pm.
ROLL CALL: Council members present: Mayor Aulie, Severson, Richau, Nixon. Absent: Leonard.
MOTION: A motion was made by Richau and seconded by Severson to approve the minutes from the January 13, 2014 regular meeting. All in favor. Motion carried.
CLAIMS LIST: The claims list presented to the council totaled $72,473.62.
MOTION: A motion was made by Nixon and seconded by Richau to approve the claims list as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.
AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: The Mayor added a Public Comment section to the agenda. Also added, under General Government, a letter from John and Florette Chenevert and a letter of request from Salem Lutheran Church.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Phil Martin from Bolten & Menk was present to thank the council for the past city engineering business and to offer their services should they be needed in the future.
ENGINEER’S REPORT: Chad Katzenberger of SEH reported that the citizen survey regarding the Comprehensive Plan have been coming in. The Public Input meeting for the Comp Plan will be held on February 10. Katzenberger also stated that the Wellhead Protection Plan Committee is meeting again on February 12. Both projects are moving along fine.
PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Steve Windorski of Townline Auto was present to address the council about his frozen sewer line. Windorski stated that this happens every year and now that one of the city maintenance building are gone and there is additional snow plowing, there is even less protection from freeze ups. Windorski said he thought of insulating the 349 foot line, but doesn’t know if that is the correct solution and would be a costly process. The council agreed to have the city engineer and city staff help find a solution. Townline Auto will be responsible for any repairs from the sewer main to onto his property. If any reasonable digging was necessary on city property, there would be no objection.
Patrick Radtke, Public Works Supervisor presented quotes for new holiday street light decorations. Radtke stated that there is $3,800 budgeted for the decorations, however, this quote was $300 over the budgeted amount. Some designs were looked at and the council felt the Recreation Committee would best choose the design and tabled the issue. FEBRUARY 3, 2014
MOTION: A motion was made by Nixon and seconded by Severson to table the issue of holiday street decorations and wait for input from the Recreation Committee. All in favor. Motion carried.
RECREATION COMMITTEE: The Recreation Committee presented a revised fee schedule and use policy for the Auditorium. There was discussion of the term “non-profit” in the policy. The council decided that there would not be strict enforcement of the term “non-profit.”
MOTION: A motion was made by Richau and seconded by Severson to adopt Resolution 2014-4 Deerwood Auditorium Rental and Use Policy. All in favor. Motion carried.
FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Chief John Taylor presented his written report for the past month. He also reported a new smart phone application that will inform responders of where the fire/emergency is along with a map. It will also inform who is responding and how far away they are. The fee for this application is $11 per year. Taylor asked the council if some funds that were from the Fire Department’s 2013 budget due to a late payment could be allocated to equipment. The City Clerk and Council will have to review the budget before allowing this request.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Harry Gottsch presented the department’s monthly written activity report. Gottsch also requested the department hire and additional part-time police officer to assist in covering the hours in Deerwood and Ironton. Gottsch stated that there would be no change in the budget because the work hours are already accounted for. Gottsch also reported that the Police Liaison Committee had interviewed Jesse Smith. Gottssh stated that Smith interviewed well among the other part-time officers and if hired, would be number four on the roster. This began a discussion regarding the protocol on hiring an additional part-time officer. After considerable discussion, Councilmember Nixon recommended that before hiring any additional part-time employees that the City Attorney be contacted to ensure that correct hiring procedures are followed. Councilmember Severson will contact the attorney as he is a member of the Police Liaison Committee.
MOTION: A motion was made by Severson and seconded by Nixon to hire an additional part-time officer after contacting the city attorney regarding procedure. All in favor. Motion carried.
MAYOR’S REPORT: The Mayor gave an update on the Police District committee. The group is still in the “information gathering” period and that the goal is to have a workshop involving all councils in March to discuss budget and the joint powers agreement drafts.
The Mayor also commented on his observations during the CliftonLarsonAllen audit. He said that the staff did a good job.
FEBRUARY 3, 2014
The City Clerk presented a resolution approving the delegation of authority to pay claims for the city. The purpose of this is to pay claims on a timely basis and avoid any late fees.
MOTION: A motion was made by Nixon and seconded by Richau to adopt Resolution 2014-5 Approving the Delegation of Authority for Paying Claims to the City of Deerwood. All in favor. Motion carried.
A letter of complaint was presented to the Council regarding Butternut Lane. The content of the letter basically states that the former fire lane is not owned by the City and the City should pay rent to its owners, The Chevernet’s on Cross Drive. This is a long standing issue with the City of Deerwood going back to the owner prior to the Chenevert’s purchasing their property. The council has received all the letters leading up to this current complaint, along with copies of minutes dating back to 2004. The City Clerk will continue to work on getting a replacement deed for the city-owned land.
The Council was presented with a request from Salem Lutheran Church to use the Auditorium two times per month during the school year and asked that the $50 fee be waived for each use. The council agreed to waive the fee until April 1, 2014, but after that a new request would have to be made and reviewed by the City Council.
MOTION: A motion was made by Nixon and seconded by Richau to waive the $50 fee for Salem Lutheran Church for the dates discussed. All in favor. Motion carried.
There being no other business to come before the Council, Mayor Aulie adjourned the meeting at 7:57pm.
Signed:______Jeff Turk, City Clerk/Treasurer
Signed:______Mike Aulie, Mayor