QQML2009 International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries

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QQML2009 International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries

5th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 4 - 7 June 2013, "La Sapienza" University, Rome Italy

This year is the 5th organization of the International conference «Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries – QQML» Previous conferences: In 2009 and 2010 the conference took place in Chania, Crete, Greece, the 3rd in the Pan-Hellenic National Research Foundation in Athens, Greece and the 4th in Limerick, Ireland. The international library and information science community accepted it enthusiastically from the beginning and important submissions from all over the world joined. Every year the submissions increased, the same the nationalities. The program of the 3rd QQML included 179 paper presentations, 3 workshops and 3 panel discussions. The emphasis was given to the Information Literacy. The program of the 4th QQML included 256 paper presentations and posters (415 submissions). The success of the 4 conferences is that professionals acknowledge it from the early beginning, additionally the following:  International organizations, such as IFLA, ARL, ICSTI were actively participated and contributed to the success of them.  2009 ALA President was included in the honorary committee and presented a paper.  Scientific committee consists of scientific and professional members from the 5 continents.  The papers come from 49 countries (2009), 51 (2010), 55 (2011).and 57 (2012).  Library and Information science professors compile Special sessions and their postgraduate students present their master theses.  Library administrators, Decision makers, project managers presented papers and the best practices and problems solving.  There is a balance between speakers from developed countries in LIS and developing countries.

1  Some of the Keynote speakers are Peter Hernon, F. W. Lancaster, Roswitha Poll, Nils Ore Pors, Carol Tenopir, Teresa Welsh, Carla Basili, Markku Laitinen, Ching-chih Chen et al.

Sessions 1. Workshop on LibQUAL+(R) and Other Practical Assessment Applications in Libraries Workshop organizer: Raynna Bowlby, Association of Research Libraries, USA 2. Adding Rigor to Program Evaluation: A Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating Library Leadership Development Programs. Mary-Jo Romaniuk, Chief Librarian (Acting), Adjunct Professor – School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Canada Ernest B. Ingles, FRSC, Vice Provost, & Director of the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Canada 3. Assessing and Evaluating Reference: Views from the Academic Library Reference Desk Coordinator: Lynne M. Rudasill, Associate Professor of Library Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, USA 4. Bibliometric research Coordinator: Teresa S. Welsh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Library & Information Science, University of Southern Mississippi, USA 5. Core Skills, Competencies and Qualifications for Today′s Reference Librarians. Coordinator: Serap Kurbanoglu, Professor, Hacettepe University, Department of Information Management, Ankara, Turkey 6. Demonstrating the Value of the Library in the Academy (Panel) Convenor: Bruce Thompson, Texas A&M University, USA 7. Digital Sustainability Coordinator: Dr Gillian Oliver and Professor G E Gorman, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 8. E books: Changing hearts and minds. Coordinator: Bethan Bligh, Learning Resource Centre Manager, Warrington Collegiate, UK 9. Historical and comparative case studies related to librarianship. Coordinator: Teresa S. Welsh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Library & Information Science, University of Southern Mississippi, USA 10. Impact! IFLA and the grantees of the Global Libraries Initiative present reports from the front line of impact assessment Coordinator: Dr. Stuart Hamilton, Senior Policy Advisor (International Federation of Library Associations), The Hague, Netherlands 11. LibQUAL+ Lite and Related Experiments: All you ever wished to know and some of it in Greek Moderator: Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries, USA

2 12. LibQUAL+(R): Charting Library Service Quality and other assessment initiatives. Session organizer: Bruce Thompson, Texas A&M University, USA 13. Library and Information Science Post-Graduate Student Research. Coordinator: Prof., Teresa S. Welsh, University of Southern Mississippi School of Library and Information Science, USA 14. Library management and marketing Coordinator: Dr. Angela Repanovici, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania 15. Managing Change in Academic Libraries in a Strategic Way: The nature of evidence for change management. Convenors: Stephen Town, Director of Information and University Librarian at the University of York, UK & Martha Kyrillidou, Senior Director of ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs at the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), USA & Paul Hanges, Professor at the Industrial Organizational Psychology epartment at the University of Maryland, USA 16. Marketing & Communication in Libraries Coordinator: Dinesh Gupta, Dept. of Library & Information Science, Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, India 17. Measuring usage and impact of online content provided by academic libraries Session organizer: Herbert Gruttemeier, International Relations, INIST-CNRS, President ICSTI, France 18. Organizing Libraries for Effective Decision Making: the Role of Library Assessment through Four Case Studies. Convenor: Martha Kyrillidou, Senior Director of ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs at the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), USA 19. Performance Measurement: Describing the Value of the Academic Libraries to the University Session organizer: Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries, Senior Director of ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs, USA 20. Quality evaluation and promotion of infodocumentary institutions services methods. Coordinator: Angela Repanovici, Prof. Dr., Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania 21. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Library Management: a Practical Approach. Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Angela Repanovici, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania 22. Reference services: responding to users? changing needs and information behaviour Coordinator: Dr. Maria G. N. Musoke, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa 23. Research Centres in Academic Libraries Coordinator: Dr. Teresa Welsh, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, USA 24. Research tendencies in Ibero-American countries. Coordinators: Egbert Sαnchez Vanderkast, Researcher, University Librarianship

3 Research Centre, National Autonomous University of Mexico & Ana Lucia Terra, Associate Professor, School of Industrial Studies and Management, Oporto Polytechnic Institute, Portugal 25. Social Justice in Library and Information Science. Coordinator: Bharat Mehra, School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA 26. Trends in health information services. Coordinator: Maria G. N. Musoke, Ph.D., Professor, Library & Information Science and University Librarian, Makerere University, Uganda 27. Using qualitative and quantitative methods in digital library education and research Coordinators: Sirje Virkus, lecturer, & Aira Lepik, Associate Professor, Tallinn University, Institute of Information Studies, Estonia


1. Empatic Workshop, Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning 2. Greening the Library by Building Partnerships and Opportunities: Creating Authentic Learning Experiences for Students, Librarians and Faculty Using a Theme-Based Interdisciplinary Approach to Education. Workshop organizer: Sarah Passonneau, Assistant Professor, Assistant to the Dean of the Library, Iowa State University (USA) 3. Information Literacy (IL) in the curriculum Workshop based on UNESCO Training The Trainers in Information Literacy (TTT) workshops (http://albertkb.nl/unesco-ttt.html). Workshop instructor: Albert K. Boekhorst (www.albertkb.nl), Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands, Media Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa, Dept. Information Science. IL Workshop is organized in cooperation between QQML International Conference and the IFLA-Information Literacy Section (http://www.ifla.org/information-literacy) 4. Information Literacy Policies: methodological aspects Coordinator: Prof. Carla Basili, The National Research Council, Italy, The European network on Information Literacy (EnIL), co-ordinator 5. LibQUAL+(R) in Ireland and elsewhere (Workshop) Convenor: Martha Kyrillidou, Senior Director, Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Statistics and Service Quality Programs, USA 6. Open Access Workshop An Institutional Response to the Evolvement of Open Access Coordinator: Natalia Timiraos (BioMed Central) 7. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Workshop. Workshop organizers: Bruce Thompson, Texas A&M University, USA

4 & Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries, Senior Director of ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs, USA 8. Statistics for library associations, IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section. Workshop organizers: Tord Hoivik (Norway), Associate professor in Library and Information Studies at Oslo and Akershus University College & Colleen Cook, Dr. Dean of Libraries, Texas A&M University Libraries (USA)

Publications Every year a book is published by World Scientific which contains a collection of selected papers. An important number of the others are published by international scientific journals.

The Books 1. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN LIBRARIES: Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference on QQML2009. Chania, Crete, Greece, 26 – 29 May 2009. Εdited by Anthi Katsirikou & Christos H Skiadas. 520pp, ISBN: 978-981-4299- 69-5, 978-981-4299-70-1(e-book). http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/7691.html 2. NEW TRENDS IN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN LIBRARIES:Selected Papers Presented at the 2nd Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Proceedings of the International Conference on QQML2010. Chania, Crete, Greece, 25 – 28 May 2010. Εdited by Anthi Katsirikou & Christos Skiadas. 470pp (approx.). ISBN: 978-981-4350-29-7. http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/8144.html

Future conferences 2014 Istanbul, Turkey Next conferences: invitation from Portugal, Romania, France.


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