News Letter Inpur

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News Letter Inpur

June 2012 Volume 43 #6

THE COLUMBAN NEWSLETTER Knights of Columbus Council 6192


General Membership Meeting..……..……..… 5 June at 7:30 p.m. Planning/Building Corporation Meeting……. 19 June at 7:00 p.m.

COUNCIL OFFICERS FOR THE FRATERNAL YEAR 2011/2012 Grand Knight Jon Stevens 402-292-1672 – [email protected] Deputy Grand Knight Robert McFarland 402-293-0048 – [email protected] Chancellor Robert Hasiak 402-293-8535 - [email protected] Chaplain Rev. Dennis Hanneman 402-291-1350 - [email protected] Recorder Ray Romero, Sr. 402-292-3409 – [email protected] Financial Secretary Larry Reed 402-292-2799 – [email protected] Advocate Kenneth LeRoy 402-614-8095 - [email protected] Treasurer Michael Cook 402-293-9092 – [email protected] Warden Larry Gold 402-916-0291 - [email protected] Outside Guard Gus Haggerty 402-215-9665 – [email protected] Inside Guard Frank Zelazny 402-292-5452 – [email protected] Trustee 1 yr. Mike Parente 402-292-3785 - [email protected] Trustee 2 yr. Chuck Karnik 402-291-0556 – [email protected] Trustee 3 yr. Bill Kibler 402-291-7167 - [email protected]

BUILDING CORPORATION OFFICERS President Michael Parente 402-292-3785 – [email protected] Vice-President Larry Reed 402-292-2799 – [email protected] Treasurer Larry Gold 402-916-0291 - [email protected]

HOW TO REACH US Hall Rental Mike Parente 402-291-6887 - (Cell) – 402-706-9481© Club Manager Mike Parente 402-292-3785 - (Cell) – 402-706-9481 Sick or in Distress Ray Guggenberger 402-291-5925 - [email protected] Insurance Agent Doug Kelly 402-884-0364 – [email protected] Newsletter Editors Mike Parente 402-292-3785 - [email protected] Pete Peterson 402-292-6360 – [email protected] Ray Guggenberger 402-291-5925 - [email protected] HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Craig Rudolf 1st, Edward Gilbert 1st, Angelo Zieno 1st, James Sis 1st, Geoffrey Nielson 3rd, Keith Frederick 3rd, Patrick Gloeb 3rd, Stephen Riese 3rd, Andrew Swartzer 4th, John Lukes 6th, James Hammes III 7th, Ronald Heinz 8th, Harold Bares 9th, John Simon 10th, Lynn Trimpey 12th, Michael Fairlie 12th, Christopher Kunik 12th, Robert O’Rourke 13th, John Mullen 14th, Ray Romero 14th, Brian Trimpey 15th, Peter Vos 15th, Mark Mireles 16th, Charles Karnik 17th, Ronald Yenko 18th, Daniel Schreiber 18th, Jerry Quintana 18th, Kevin Riese 19th, John Bezy III 20th, David Cain 22nd, Leroy Kloch 24th, Todd Andreasen 24th, Timothy Holman 27th, Grant Zimmer 27th, Jeremy Achterhoff 30th.

CHAPLINS MESSAGE: The downward spiral in the economy in recent years has made life harder for countless people throughout the world. Many seemingly rock-solid companies — and even some Countries — have gone bankrupt. Many once comfortable individuals whose livelihoods have been affected by outsourcing and downsizing are now struggling to make ends meet. Fortunately, there is another economy that assures the security and the well-being of all humankind, regardless of their monetary circumstances. Theologians refer to this plan as the economy of salvation: God, as oikoumene or steward of the universe, has chosen to be fully and intimately invested in the human condition so that every person might realize their fullest potential and, at the same time, reflect ever more perfectly the image of the God in whose likeness each is created. At the heart of this economy is a wondrous transaction — God provides the means of salvation through Jesus. Believers, for their part, accept and appropriate God’s gift and Jesus’ efforts through faith. But how will this salvation come, if not through our cooperation with God in Jesus? When will salvation be experienced in Syria, in Chad, in the Sudan, in Haiti? Answers to these questions, solutions to salvation lie within the grasp of those who know God’s grace and unending willingness to save. On Pentecost Sunday, we celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit. On the first two Sundays of June, we celebrate the gifts of the Trinity and the Eucharist, a divine trifecta to be sure! Although these three feasts memorialize profound theological mysteries, these sacred realities become simple in the experience of them. God loves extravagantly as Father; God loves and gives life to those he loves as Son; and, through the gift of the immeasurable and uncontainable Spirit, God lavishly breathes the divine presence into every good and bad moment and into every happy and hurting heart. Through the Trinity, God has made manifest a holy hospitality toward every human person; we are forever a part of the very circle of God. We are children of God, siblings of Jesus and holy places where the Spirit chooses to live and move and breathe forever. In this economy, all thrive, all grow, all prosper. This is already an embarrassment of riches, and God gives us even more. God has also chosen to nurture us with the living bread from heaven, i.e., with Jesus, in his body and in his word. Through the gift of Eucharist, we become table-mates at a feast where food is never scarce, love is never wanting and no one is turned away. May God bless you abundantly in these months of summer. Fr. Denny Hanneman

PLEASE PRAY FOR US: Here is a list of our Brother Knights, immediate family members, and widows are ill and in need of our Prayers: Jim Kotera, Thomas Parente, John Jefferson, Jim and Irene Davis, and Dr. Adolph Brazis. This list is for only our Brother Knights and the Widows of our deceased Brothers in order that those members and friends that are not on our prayer chain are made aware of their need for prayers. Should we have missed anyone in need of prayers, please contact Ray Guggenberger or Jon Stevens. Their contact information is on the front page of this newsletter. Please contact Ray Guggenberger via phone or email if you know of a Brother Knight or a widow of a deceased Brother Knight who is sick or in distress. He will place their name in need for prayers on our electronic prayer chain and if appropriate have a Mass said by the Columban Fathers.

MILKCAN DRAWING: Tears to: Leroy Kloch, Geoffrey Nielson, Clifford Wallingford, and David Woods, who were not present to win $25.00 each. Congratulations to Larry Gold who was present to win $25.00. June Drawing will be for $25.00, $25.00, $25.00 and $25.00. FS Report: Congratulations to Donald Pearce on becoming an Honorary Member.

GRAND KNIGHT: Brother Knights: This is my last month, June 2012, serving as the Council’s Grand Knight. I have the same feelings as several of our Past Grand Knights - one of pride as we continued to grow, and performed as Fr McGivney would want us to, and looking forward to being a PAST Grand Knight. It has been a privilege to hold this office. BIG THANKS goes to the Council Officers and you, my Brother Knights, for doing all the work. Thanks also goes to the Past Grand Knights for your support and counsel. May, 2012, was another good month for our Council. First a big thanks to Mike Parente, Dave Cote &his crew for a great Mother’s Day Breakfast. Wish more of our Knights would discover the fantastic event it is. An equally BIG THANKS to Virg Love for his leadership at the Tootsie Roll Drive at Offutt AFB May 19-20. He solved problems with the Afes Exchange management and stood several shifts -- the Council’s “Offutt Team” collected over $500.Thanks Bill Kibler and the 1st Degree Team for the excellent Degree Sunday, 20th. Five candidates received their degree which exceeded our recruiting quota for the year. Well done to all. Finally, thanks to Bob McFarland and Tony Nykiel, our new Church Director, who will escort the “Altar Server Appreciation” function to Warner Park for the Storm Chasers ball game. Although we settle down for the summer, we still have some great activities coming up. The “Deceased Knight Memorial Fund” golf tourney is June 3, 2012, at Fontenelle Hills G.C. Give me a call or email if you can play and/or donate. Flag Day will be led by Alan Swiecicki on June 14. Father’s Day Breakfast is at the Hall on Sunday, June 17, serving from 9am – 10:30am. Finally, we will celebrate the installation of the new officers on Sunday, June 24, after the 5pm Sunday Mass. We then have a great dinner party, with a fantastic meal and complimentary beverages. Please join us to say WELCOME to our new Grand Knight, Bob McFarland, and boot me out. It’s always a great celebration. You’ll need to call Mike Parente for reservations. Thanks again for your great support, and I look forward to Bob’s leadership as our Council continues to support our Parish, Community and Council through every member’s gift of our Time, Treasure, and Talent. Thanks -- Jon Stevens, Grand Knight

NEED A RIDE: Any fellow Knight needing a ride to the Knight’s Hall to attend Monthly meetings or events can contact: Doug Kelly, 402-884-0364.

FIELD AGENT REPORT: The promises of Million Dollar Round Table agents. I am proud to be a member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), the leading association of life insurance and financial services professionals. A mere 3 percent of life insurance professional in North America can qualify to join this elite organization. Their Code of Ethics calls for member agents to “always place the interests of their clients above their own interests,” and to “give the best possible advice to clients by seeking to maintain and improve professional knowledge, skills and competence.” MDRT expects of their members exactly what you expect of me: exemplary sales practices, outstanding service and high ethical standards. What does “exemplary sales practices” mean for you and your family? It means that I won’t simply try to push a policy on you. I’ll take the time to review your current coverage with you. I’ll ask questions about your needs, goals and budget. I’ll recommend a plan to help you meet your needs and move toward accomplishing your goals. Most importantly, I’ll answer your questions. I want your purchase to be an informed one. The promise of “outstanding service” is not common in our service-driven world. Whether or not you purchase life insurance coverage through the Order, our relationship won’t end. Things like needs, goals and budgets change over a lifetime. What is an appropriate amount of coverage today may not be appropriate tomorrow. I’ll meet with you annually to make sure you and your family stay adequately protected. Above all, I am held to the highest ethical standards. As a member, I am held to these by MDRT, by the Order and by ourselves. In a culture where big business ethics are often questionable at best, isn’t it reassuring to know that you can trust your insurance agent? As a brother Knight, I have the best interests of you and your family at heart. I’ll render that service, which, under the same circumstances, I would apply to myself. In June, I will travel to Anaheim, California to attend the annual meeting of MDRT. I attend these meetings so I can better meet your needs. I am always available to assist you. God bless, Douglas Kelly, Field Agent (402) 884-0364 Call me – let’s talk. THE HOLY FATHER’S GENERAL INTENTIONS FOR JUNE 2012: Christ, Present in the Eucharist, that believers may recognize in the Eucharist the living presence of the risen One who accompanies them in daily life. THE HOLY FATHER’S MISSION INTENTIONS FOR JUNE 2012: European Christians. That Christians in Europe may rediscover their true identity and participate with greater enthusiasm in the proclamation of the Gospel.

^^^^^^WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES^^^^^^^ The following members celebrate their wedding anniversary this month. Note, we only list the anniversaries in 5-year increments to conserve space. However, we wish all of our Brother Knights and their Wives who have an anniversary during month of June. Blessed and Happy Anniversary.

Phillip and Amelia State 1st 10 Years James and Elaine Williams 3rd 45 Years Joseph and Esther Guertin 4th 60 Years Charles and Alice Reed 4th 40 Years Robert and Dolores Ryan 5th 60 Years Rey and Nancy Ermitano 7th 15 Years Joseph and Barbara Norris Jr. 8th 30 Years Christopher and Sandy Kaiser 14th 15 Years Nicholas and Lenore Wieler 17th 65 Years Joseph and Frans Lang 19th 25 Years Patrick and Laura Horn 21st 15 Years Salvatore and Christina Zieno 27th 25 Years

MAY FAMILY OF THE MONTH Knights Council 6192 is pleased to award Todd and Jody Andreasen as Family of the Month for May. Todd joined the Knights in January, after Dan Whitehead asked him in December and he prayed about it for several weeks. Since joining, Todd has helped with our fish fries, attended meetings and helped with the meet-and-greet breakfast socials when it is the Knights’ turn in the parish center. Todd has agreed to be a server at funerals, and he prays daily for people on the Knights’ prayer chain. Todd said he joined the Knights because he discerned God asking him to do more for others. Todd appears to be answering the call. He is a member of the core team that is putting on “That Man Is You!” in our parish. He also has been on the school board, the parish council and he and his wife co-chaired the parish’s silent auction about 10 years ago. Before becoming active in the school and parish, Todd coached girls select soccer teams for 13 years. Jody helps with a parish group called “Angels Among Us,” which arranges meals for families whose mom or dad cannot cook because of medical or other difficulties. She also helps with bake sales for the parish, and for the public school, Jody writes “thank you” cards to teachers as part of teacher appreciation. Years back, Jody was a Girl Scout leader, and most recently she has agreed to be on the core team for the women’s edition of “That Man is You!” Todd and Jody have been members of St. Mary Parish for 16 years. They have three living children: Jessica, 24, Terra, 22, and Jace 12. Their daughter, Tori, died shortly after birth, and the Andreasen’s have lost two other children to miscarriages. For all Todd and Jody do for our council , the parish and the wider community, please, let’s give him a round of applause.

INSTALLATION OF NEW OFFICERS CEREMONY & DINNER: All Brother Knights, their families, and widows are invited to attend the “New Officer’s Installation Ceremony” on Sunday, June 24, 2012, after the St Mary’s 5pm Mass. This is a unique ceremony where the newly elected Officers take their oath to serve our council for the coming year. A sit down dinner of either Prime Rib or Baked Chicken, both served with all the trimmings immediately following at our Hall. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. A dinner fee of $8/person paid in advance. Please call Mike on his cell phone 402-706-9481 or call the hall at 291-6887 for reservations. Leave a message if there is no answer, by Wednesday, June 20, 2012. FLAG DAY: Tuesday, June 14th is Flag Day and our Council is committed to raising and lowering of flags at the Bellevue Cemetery. This function strongly supports our Knight’s Principle of Patriotism. Volunteers are requested to be at the cemetery to raise the flags at 6:30 a.m., and lower the flags at 6:30 p.m. We will fold and case the flags after lowering them. Please volunteer for this worthy cause. A sign-up sheet to pass around at the June 5th Council meeting. Thank You. Alan Swiecicki-Council 6192.

FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST: Our Council will hold its Second Annual Father’s Day Breakfast at 9 a.m., June 17, 2012. All Brother Knights and their extended families and friends are invited to attend this function. The price for the breakfast is $5 per person. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Please call Mike at the Hall, 402-291-6887 or his cell phone 402-706-9481 for reservations. Leave a message if there is no answer, Deadline for reservations is June 12, 2012.

COUNCIL DIRECTORY: Add: Thomas Smejkal, Retired, 13708 Shirley Circle, Omaha, NE 68144, wife: Linda, DOB: Sept 8, 1954, Annv: Aug. 8, 2003, 402-691-8476, [email protected] Michael Sedlacek, Psychiatrist, 13501 S. 20th Street, Bellevue, NE 68123, wife: Debra, DOB: July 29, 1959, Annv: May 14, 1982, 402-731-8097, [email protected] Terry Tooley, Retired, 1707 Scarborough Drive, Apt. 1Q, Bellevue, NE 68123, wife: Gloria, DOB: Feb. 23, 1948, Annv: Jan.1, 2009, 402-408-3961, [email protected] Change: Jeremy Achterhoff, 1604 Grandview Ave, Apt 1, Papillion, NE 68046-5818 Thomas Odell, 59014 Hilman Road, Glenwood, IA 51545-5201 Drop: Nathan Hall transferred to Council 3736


June 2012 July 2012 3rd Deceased Memorial Fund Golf Tournament 4th Independence Day 5th Membership Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 8th First Degree, Council Hall, 7:00 p.m., 14th Flag Day show time is 6:30 p.m. 17th Father’s Day Breakfast after 7:30 a.m. Mass 10th Membership Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 19th Planning Mtg 7:00 p.m., Bldg Corp Mtg 14th–15th Grand Knights Seminar, Grand Island immediately following 17th Planning Mtg 7 p.m., Bldg Corp Mtg 24th Installation of Officers after the 5:00 p.m. immediately following Mass, Dinner following at K of C Hall 23rd Priest Appreciation Dinner, Mt. St. Michael’s

ELECTIONS: Council elections will be held at the June meeting for our 2012 -2013 Officers. To date here are the Brother Knights that have declared; Grand Knight – Bob McFarland, Deputy Grand Knight - Dan Whitehead, Chancellor – Bob Hasiak, Treasurer – Mike Cook, Warden – Larry Gold, Recorder – Ray Romero Sr., Outside Guard – Gus Haggerty, Inside Guard – Frank Zelazny, Trustee 3 yrs – Mike Parente, Bldg Corp. – Jon Stevens and Larry Gold. We invite you to see For Greater Glory in theaters June 1st. For theater listings please visit today!

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