Manufacturing- Woods

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Manufacturing- Woods


Teacher: Mr. Moore Phone: 793-2225 x-125 E-mail: [email protected]

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a broad overview of the field of Woodworking as it applies to Manufacturing. It is a hands-on course meaning that a large percentage of the work will be done with tools and equipment in a shop setting. The student will learn the use and maintenance of both hand tools and power tools the wise use of supplies, and the use and care machinery as it applies to Woodworking. He/she will also learn design and problem solving skills while developing skills working in groups as well as on their own. Interspersed throughout the year will be lessons covering career development and planning. An important part of the curriculum is educating students on career possibilities after graduation. To that end, guest speakers representing the various areas we cover in Professional/Technical Education will be invited to share information about their jobs. At Horseshoe Bend High School, our motto is “An Attitude of Excellence.” In keeping with that motto, in the Industrial Technology Department, we are striving for excellence by focusing on accuracy, workmanship, and timeliness. We strive to offer a challenging environment where students learn to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners. It is our goal to provide a quality, safe curriculum and facilities that use technology to achieve stated unit objectives

FIRST SEMESTER UNITS: Unit 1- Machine and Hand Tool Safety Unit 2- Linear Measurement Unit 3-Mechanicle Drawings Unit 4- cost projection Unit 5- Layout Tools and Techniques

Unit 6-Power and hand tool demonstration and use of Tools -Screwdrivers -Pliers -Wrenches -Vices and Presses -Clamps -Cutting and Hand Tools -Hand Saws -Table Saw, Band Saw, Miter Saw -Chisels and Hand Planes -Hammers and Mallets - Drills, Drilling, -Sharpening and Maintenance of Drills, and Drilling Machines - Table saw -chop saw - Band saw - Jointer - Plainer -lathe -Router table -routers

Unit7construction phases -Cut -preassembly -assembly -pre-finish -finish - Abrasives Unit 10- Wood Finishing

GRADES: Grades will be based on 3 areas. They are; o Daily work ;The daily grade will account for half there grade working on a project in a shop requires a lot of self- motivation how productive they stay. Basically it comes down to Work ethic which takes into account absences, tardies, “goofing off,” too much talking, and other things that would detract from a students overall performance in the class. The student will always have a chance to make up absences but, tardies can not be made up. Grades and points will be recorded on a weekly basis with each day being worth 5 points. To help them and me know exactly where they are in respect to daily work grade or work ethic grade each student will be required to keep a daily work log. Each day at the end of class they will make notes as to what they did that day for example (ten min, cutting on table saw 45min, assembly. If they are goofing around or causing problems I will make a notation in there log book. Log books will stay in the class room and will be turned in every Thursday to be recorded for the week. o Written work; includes Log books, exams, homework and other written assignments. Each will be assigned a number grade between 0 and 100. It is expected that the student write legibly or use a word processor. It is expected that deadlines will be met but, also that extra time will be given for absences and unforeseen circumstances o Personal projects; Students will be required to produce personal projects. They can ether do several small projects two medium projects or one large project an example of what would be considered a medium size project is a hope chest using a raised panel construction method. Projects like duck calls on the lathe would be considered a small project. The whole point is that they are constructive in their use of time in the shop. Just in the same as if they were working for someone else or for themselves. o Project Grades; Projects will be grade on four different levels and will worth as much as their total daily work ethic grade. The four areas are 1; did they follow the plans they made. As a professional you can deviate very little from what the customer orders. 2; attention to detail how well they executed all the techniques it takes to complete a project. 3; Finish. No matter how well you build a project the finish you apply will make or break a project. 4; level of difficulty level of difficulty will be based on a 1 to 10 bases a small baseball bat shape on the lathe or what I would call a fish whacker would constitute a 1 or 2 a standard raise panel construction hope chest would be a five or six. However if you added a chip carving, cedar lining, toe kick or pillow rest these would raise the level of difficulty. o Shop time ; Because there are more students then there are power tools and the fact that quality takes time. Most students will have to come in on their own time in order to complete their projects. To this end the shop will be open on Fridays and one evening a week ( to be determined) almost every week as well if the student ask I will keep the shop open after school if I at all can. o Cost ; I understand that the students pay shop fees these shop fee go to pay for misc. supplies that we buy in bulk like glue, nails, screws, sand paper etc. Students will be responsible for the cost of materials/wood and special hardware they use. In order that the parents know what these cost will be students will be required to make mechanical drawings of anything they intend to build. Drawings will include a cut list and a materials list this list will have an estimated cost of the project based on board footage and materials needed. Plans will be copied and signed off by the parents or legal guardian before the student will be allowed to start. The school will purchase the needed materials up front but the project must be paid for before the student can take it home. I don’t want money to be a limiting factor if affordability is a problems come talk to Mr. Moore there are things we can do from arranging payments to having the student work it off. The project does not need to be a physically large project to be large / difficult project. A queen Ann table or chair takes a minimal amount of wood but is a huge undertaking. o TSA: Technology Student Association (TSA) is our state organization whose purpose is “to foster student growth, leadership, and opportunities in innovation, design and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and math concepts through co-curricular activities, competitive events and related programs.” Design Drafting students are expected to participate in TSA by competing in at least 1 event at the state convention to be held in the spring. o TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, and Fees All tools and equipment will be provided to the student. If however he/she has equipment such as welding helmets at home and wants to bring them for use that is fine. A $15.00 shop fee per semester will be assessed. The student is however, expected to bring old clothing to wear during finishing. Open-toed shoes are not allowed at any time in the shop.

TEXT: We will be using a number of resources for information. Dear Parent;

On the front is my phone number and e-mail address. Please do not hesitate to notify me if you would like a conference or have questions. You are a valuable asset in the education of your kids and I appreciate your input.

Enclosed is a Calendar indicating dates, deadlines and units covered for the entire year.

Also, please sign in the place provided indicating that you have read this syllabus for Manufacturing Woods. I will give 10 points of extra credit when your student brings me this signature.


Eric R Moore Industrial Tech Horseshoe Bend High School

Parent Signature ______

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