Heath Hayes & Wimblebury
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Heath Hayes & Wimblebury Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 6th March 2013. Hayes Green Community Centre, Heath Way, Heath Hayes.
Cllrs J. Bernard (Chair), D. Baker, Val Baker, J. Beddows, A. Bernard, B. Bottomer, L. Bullock, A. Dean, D. Todd, R. Todd, A. Spicer & M. Sutherland.
In Attendance;
Ms. Elizabeth Nock – Victim Support. Mrs Victoria Tolliss – Cannock Chase Council. Mr Colin Haywood. Heath Hayes Constitutional Club. Mr John Deans – Heath Hayes Football Club. Mr Christopher Dale – Resident of Wimblebury Road. District Councillor Janos Toth. Clerk, Mr R. Smythe.
Chair’s Announcements and Public Participation.
Cllr J. Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Mr John Deans wanted to ask some questions about Cannock Chase District Council’s plans for sports facilities and it was agreed to invite the District Council Portfolio Holder and / or the appropriate to a future meeting to discuss the position.
Resolved: To contact the District Council.
Mr Christopher Dale asked about the current position with parking issues with Heath Hayes School and was informed that arrangements were in hand for the School Crossing Patrol to have a video-enabled stop sign. The County Council was also looking at safety improvements and it was agreed it would be beneficial for him to liaise with the County Council officer to discuss the matter further.
Mr Colin Haywood was presented with a cup and a shield from the Parish Council to the Heath Hayes Constitutional Club to congratulate the club on their centenary. The cup was plated with Staffordshire silver and would be presented annually to the winner of the bowls competition. The shield was for the runners-up. Mr Haywood thanked the Council for the donation. ……………………………………..Chair Page 14/13 Mrs Tolliss gave a report on her work for the District Council over the last year to improve community engagement in the area and introduced Ms Elizabeth Nock.
Ms Nock worked for Victim Support, covering Staffordshire as a restorative justice co- ordinator and dealing with the Neighbourhood Resolution Panel Project. This was a national trial, initially only being conducted in Staffordshire under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice.
Victims and offenders were brought together to discuss the consequences and impact of crime and this scheme, initiated by police officers in appropriate cases of low level crime, it was intended to avoid taking persons into the more formal, recorded and costly criminal justice system if this could be dealt with at an early stage to avoid a life of crime. The need for disclosure under the Criminal Records Bureau checks would be at the discretion of the Chief Constable.
The meeting began at 8.10pm.
1. Apologies.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Vyv Baker and Ann Bernard. Cllr Bernard was unavoidably detained but later attended the meeting.
Resolved: To accept the apologies.
2. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations on Agenda Items.
Cllrs L. Bullock, A. Spicer and R. Todd – Planning Five Ways School. (5.1 Planning Application 13/02).
These Councillors declared a non-prejudicial interest, solely by being School Governors.
3. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting on 6 th February 2013.
Approval of the minutes was proposed, seconded and agreed.
Resolved: To approve the minutes.
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes.
There were no matters arising.
.…………………………………..Chair Page 15/13 5. Planning.
5.1 Applications dealt with by the Planning Committee.
13/02 – FIVE WAYS PRIMARY SCHOOL, LANGHOLM DRIVE, HEATH HAYES – Temporary provision of a two classroom modular unit for two years.
3/19 – 177 HEDNESFORD ROAD, HEATH HAYES – Residential development: Erection of two, three-bedroomed detached houses.
13/40 – 26 ROCHESTER WAY, HEATH HAYES – First floor side extension, conversion of existing garage to habitable space and a single storey rear extension.
13/50 – JASMINE RESTAURANT, 125 HEDNESFORD ROAD, HEATH HAYES – Single story rear extension.
13/53 – 2 INGESTRE CLOSE, HEATH HAYES – Demolition of sunroom and erection of a single storey rear extension and re-modelling of front elevation to facilitate a gable end and alterations to porch and addition of a front canopy.
The Council had no objections to the above applications.
Resolved: To comment as above to the District Council.
5.2 Decisions reported by Cannock Chase Council.
The Council noted the approval of the following applications;
12/399 – 38 HEDNESFORD ROAD, HEATH HAYES – Change of use from shop to dental surgery.
12/400 – 38 HEDNESFORD ROAD, HEATH HAYES – Replacement of internally illuminated fascia sign.
13/5 – 34 WATERMINT CLOSE, HEATH HAYES – Two-storey rear extension.
6. Clerks Report.
The Clerk’s Report was noted and agreed with the following additional comment;
6.1 (Item 7) It was agreed to distribute the bags and badges to promote recycling and the identity of the Council.
Resolved: To distribute the bags and badges. ………………………………….Chair Page 16/13 7. Report of Meetings.
There were no reports.
8. Current traffic matters.
8.1 Wimblebury Road / Heath Hayes School.
See Page 14/13.
8.2 Newlands Lane flooding.
It was reported that work had started on clearing the drainage ditches and the situation would be reviewed when the work had been completed. If the flood did not clear, further investigation and work would be carried out.
It was agreed to update the residents that attended the February meeting about the position with the work undertaken and planned.
Resolved: To inform the residents.
8.3 Neighbourhood Highway Team (NHT).
It was agreed to ask the NHT to assist with any potholes on the Fair Lady Coppice car park in Newlands Lane, Heath Hayes.
Resolved: To inform the NHT.
9. Overnight closure of Stafford Hospital Accident and Emergency Unit..
The Council had been extremely concerned and disappointed about the recent developments and press coverage regarding Stafford Hospital and the possibility of loss of further services at Cannock and Stafford Hospitals.
It was hoped that the improvements in clinical and financial performance that had been clearly evident in recent years would be positive factors in consideration being given to keeping and increasing facilities at Cannock and Stafford Hospitals.
10. Newsletter – Consideration of proposals for March Edition.
It was agreed to produce a full-page newsletter and to include items about the Hayes Green Community Centre and Heath Hayes Cabin, Best Kept Village and current events. …………………………………Chair Page 17/13 The Council was impressed with the last newsletter and there had been a lot of positive feedback. It was agreed to be a very cost effective way of delivering the newsletter four times a year as required for Quality Status and also to publicise the work of the Council.
It was also agreed to advertise the BKV poster competition.
Resolved: To publish the newsletter.
11. Foodbank – Discussion about the creation and operation of a foodbank in the area.
A foodbank was operating at the Bourne Methodist Church and this was one of 13 operating in Cannock Chase. The scheme was administered from Pye Green and it was agreed to invite a representative to a future meeting.
Resolved: To invite a representative.
12. Best Kept Village Competition 2013 – Current position and developments.
The Council noted the report and the benefit that identifying areas of improvement would be to the area. It was agreed to continue with the application and to identify areas that needed attention and to consider the appropriate course of action.
It was also agreed to investigate the requirements and costs for installing hanging baskets or some other kind of floral decoration in the area.
Resolved: To continue with the application.
13. To note the Incoming and Outgoing Correspondence.
The incoming post and outgoing post, numbered 44 to 57/13 was noted.
Resolved: To note the incoming post.
14. Accounts for Payment.
Authorisation of the payments listed at Appendix 1, totalling £3,243.51, was proposed by Cllr M. Sutherland, seconded by Cllr B. Bottomer and agreed. Income of £3.00 (Bank Interest) was noted.
Resolved: To authorise payment of the above accounts. ……………………………………Chair Page 18/13 15. Items for Information and Future Agendas.
15.1 It was reported that some residents of Stafford Road hoped to attend the next meeting to discuss parking problems.
15.2 The next Community Networking meeting would be held in April at St John’s Church, Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes.
15.3 The Welcome Club would be celebrating their 60th anniversary this year and it was agreed to place this on the next agenda.
15.4 It was reported that the path next to the Cabin was becoming muddy and it was agreed to investigate options for improvement. This was on County Council land.
Resolved: To enter the Welcome Club anniversary on the next agenda. To investigate a problem with the path by the Cabin.
16. Date of Next Meeting.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Wednesday 3rd April 2013. Cllr J. Bernard thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm.
Resolved: To meet on 3rd April 2013.
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