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Become an Active Member in Your Community STONEGATE AT PATAPSCO

Volume 1 Issue 4 May, 2003 A Community Newsletter

Rosemary Robinson– Secretary THANKS FOR THE EASTER EGG HUNT [email protected] On Saturday April 12, the Social Committee held its 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt was open to Jacqueline Crosland – Treasurer all children ages 1-13. The weather was perfect and [email protected] Veronica Green - Director we had a great turnout. The Easter Bunny was in [email protected] attendance for personal photographs, game playing, egg hunt, and he passed out candy and prizes to all who attended. The winner of the adult Golden Egg Hunt was Robin Smith. The two winners of the count the jellybeans in the jar contest was Jamea Lott in the WELCOME TO STONEGATE 1-8 age group and Geneva Parker won the 9 to adults. The Stonegate at Patapsco Homeowners Association extends a warm welcome to all new residents of The event was very successful and all the children Stonegate. We encourage you to get involved in the who attended managed to find eggs hidden around many activities and committees that help make the grounds. The Board, offers their “sincere thanks Stonegate a close-knit community. If you are the Social Committee and to all volunteers for interested in volunteering, please contact Nancy at making the event possible and successful.” It couldn’t Comanco, on (410)793-0034 ext. 116, the Board have happened without you! Members or the Chairs of that committee.

Additionally, thanks to our two very special guests COMMUNITY YARD SALE – POSTPONED Mr. D. Parker, the “Easter Bunny” and Mrs. Lee Our May 3rd community sale has been postponed due Gonzales the “Artist” who did all the charming face to lack of interest. If you are interested in painting. You really help to make delightful participating in this event, you have to let us know. memories for our children. Please get in contact the Social Committee, Chair or any Board Member by May 17th. If there is enough Mark Your Calendar community interest we will schedule this again. We Grounds Beautification Day apologize for any inconvenience this may have Date: May 17, 2003 caused. Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm Our next Board Meeting Date: May 21, 2003 SPRING PICNIC IN THE PARK Time: 7:00am – 9:00pm. On May 24, 2003 Stonegate at Patapsco Social Place: Christ The King Episcopal Church Committee is hosting our 1st Spring Picnic in the Spring Picnic Park. This event is being held at pavilion #703 in the Date: May 24, 2003 Pickall picnic area of Patapsco State Park, off of Time: 11:00am-8:00pm Johnnycake Road, from 11:00am until 8:00pm. This is one of many social activities being planned for our BOARD OF DIRECTORS community this year.

Valerie Taylor – President, [email protected] Please, come join the fun, meet your neighbors, and enjoy the park. See attached flyer for more details. Cleve Bordley –V. President [email protected] GROUNDS BEAUTIFICATION DAY! As a follow-up to a recent walk through of the community, the Grounds Committee has planned

-1- community clean up on May 17th from 9:00-12:00 in the process of being towed by Baltimore County for neighbors to get together and have fun in service Police. to our community. Choose a task and help with plantings, replacing tree stakes, clearing tree debris You should notice a noticeable increase in available and cleaning up litter. Youth—it’s an opportunity for parking spaces in the overflow areas. This action will you to earn Community Service Hours! Light allow our guests to have sufficient parking and our refreshments will be served. If we all do a little, neighbors with additional vehicles to utilize the space none will have to do a lot! more effectively. We are looking into the guest parking signs and the suggestion about putting parking lines. Because our community streets are YARD OF THE MONTH CONTEST owned by Baltimore County, we may be limited in Spring is here! The Neighborhood what we can do. We will update you on this issue in Improvement Committee is sponsoring our 1st our next newsletter. Annual Yard of the Month contest it will be running from June through September. The other pressing problem is un-leased dogs. Pet owners that are in violation of Baltimore County and To kick things off the first judging will be held HOA rules are being report to animal control. If you June 7th or 8th during our Summer Barbeque. see an un-leashed dog in the community continue to Thereafter, the judges will select one call animal control (410) 887-5961. neighborhood home as the "Yard of the Month." shortly after each Board meeting, and all homes COMMUNITY INFORMATION & UPDATES are eligible to win. Another Break-In In many ways, we have been very fortunate as a The lucky homeowners will win a $25.00 home community as far as crime goes, but recently another improvement gift certificate, and they can proudly one of our neighbors’ home was burglarize. If we’re display the "Yard of the Month Winner" sign in not careful, if we don’t pay attention, if we don’t each their yard until the next Board meeting. The names take some responsibility for maintaining a standard of of the winners will also be posted in this newsletter. living, our community could change overnight.

COMMUNITY SURVEY RESULTS ARE IN Fortunately, there is a small, quiet, but effective AND WE’RE LISTENING group of residents who are moving forward with the Citizens on Patrol (COP) program. Maybe they’ve On behalf of Stonegate at Patapsco Homeowners been too quiet, because not enough of our neighbors Association, the Board of Directors would like to have bothered to join with them. Well, please thank everyone who returned the survey. We consider this an open invitation for you to join the received over 45 responses from our recent Safety Committee here at Stonegate. It will take only neighborhood survey. This is a return rate of 65%! a couple of hours a month for you to make a This positive response to the questionnaire difference. For more details see Safety Committee article. demonstrates that the residents of Stonegate at Patapsco are interested and committed to improving Juveniles Loitering & Causing Property Damage and enhancing their neighborhood. We are hard-working individuals who are very proud of our homes and community. Juveniles from other We are focusing on your priorities, to make areas have been seen in our neighborhood loitering improvements to our community, based on what you, and causing problems. We would like to caution you our neighbors, tell us, and what we see. Some of you a few bad acts could give our community a negative suggested some very interesting ideas about how we reputation, thus affecting the property value of our as a Homeowners Association can enhance and homes. If you see anyone, young or old in our increase the value of our properties. We heard you. community committing questionable acts, please notify the police. The overwhelming majority identified parking as the major problem. Baltimore County is working closely Stonegate’s Community Business Directory with the HOA Board to rectify the constant parking Do you own or work in a business that offers services problems. NO PARKING signs have been installed that could be utilized by the residents of Stonegate at throughout the community and unlicensed, expired Patapsco? The Board of Directors has authorized the and inoperable vehicles have been towed or they are publication of a Directory of such services. Any resident is eligible and encouraged to participate in

-2- this effort. Please complete the attached form and replacements); management and administrative costs; return it to any Board Member. Your submission attorney fees related to review and evaluation of should include your name, the name of the business, documents; postage and printing costs for mailing address, telephone number, email address and a brief community information (letters, newsletters, flyers); one-paragraph description of the services provided. rental costs for HOA meetings; taxes and insurance; Kids!!! A section of the directory will highlight kid property damage, bad debt; and community activities. services. What can I do I’m only a kid? With your parents consent you can provide a number of services These items and other miscellaneous costs help for fee for example: mowing, watering lawns and maintain our property value, which affects our flower gardens, painting, babysitting, pet sitting or investment in the community. When homeowners fail walking, car washing, snow removal, etc. You’ll be to meet their obligations, the community suffers. The surprised how many opportunities may be available, quality of our community is starting to be affected by which will allow you to earn some spending money. those who seem to think that paying their assessment Provide us with your name, telephone number and is only their neighbor’s obligation. Our community services you wish to perform and have your parents also suffers when homeowners do not become sign and return the attached form. We’ll include this involved in the community and destroy property that information in a uniquely highlighted section of the belongs to all of us. Please be a positive force in the directory just for you. community by paying your HOA assessments, volunteering just a little bit of your time, and being caring and responsible parents and neighbors. HELP COMMUNITY COMPLAINTS KEEP OUR COMMUNITY A WONDERFUL AND NOW A WORD FROM YOUR PLACE TO LIVE IN — MAKE A COMMITMENT NEIGHBORS… TO STONEGATE AT PATAPSCO TODAY. “ As a dog owner, I would like to thank all of you who clean up after your best friend when you are out VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! walking in the community. But to those who do not We are always looking for more volunteers and clean up after your dogs, I ask that you start doing so. leaders for these committees. If you are interested in Letting your pets leave their droppings in front of joining, or want more detail about the responsibilities someone’s home or beside the sidewalk can cause of any of the listed committees, please contact the disease and insect infestations and looks and smells Chairperson or the Board Liaison for that committee. bad to others walking in the community. You should also think of the kids who are out playing. You don’t Architectural Control Committee want it in front of your house or across from your The major purpose of this committee is two fold. One house and no one else does. is to establish and preserve a harmonious design for a community and; two, is to protect the property values Also, recently a neighbor’s dog that was allowed to has it relates to the entire neighborhood. The scope of roam unleashed bit a child. This is the second time this committee is to keep some semblance of this animal has bitten somebody. Animal Control uniformity and balance within the community. was notified of this incident. If your dog is an Chair – Still Vacant Chair Needed offender of the above mentioned it could be detained Board Liaison – Valerie Taylor, 23 Gemstone Court and you will be fined. Conversely, since you love [email protected] your dog and want to keep him, please lease him and clean up after him when outside of your home. Budget Committee The Budget Committee assists our Management Company and the Board in managing the budget and NOTE FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS finances of Stonegate at Patapsco. Once a year this WHAT DOES MY HOA FEE PAY FOR? committee assists the management company with the Are you asking yourself that question? Your $20 per yearly preparation of the fiscal budget. month homeowner’s fee (that you committed to pay Chair – Edward Walters, 19 Gemstone Court when you purchased your home) covers costs to Board Liaison – Jacqueline Crosland maintain the common areas of Stonegate at Patapsco. [email protected] If the fee is not collected, we would not be able to pay for minimum services that are required to keep Communication Committee the association operating. A breakdown of the items Communications committee is responsible for this your $20 contributes toward includes: grounds newsletter, community phonebook, and the (maintenance, improvements, repairs, and development of the HOA website. If you enjoy

-3- writing articles, are interested in learning how to streets and the misguided youngsters who vandalize design a web page, or have web development or destroy our property, as they pay to other illicit experience this committee needs your help. and illegal acts. We all are a part of the safety of our Chair – Still Vacant Chair Needed community. Become involved. Help ensure that your Board Liaison - Rosemary Robinson, 10 Gemstone property value continue to move upward, rather than Rosemary Robinson [email protected] in the other direction. Chair - Maurice Grant, 8 Gemstone Court Grounds Committee Board Liaison - Cleve Bordley The Stonegate Homeowners Association extends a [email protected] warm welcome to the new Grounds Committee Chair, Mr. George Barnes. With the new Chair in Social Committee place, and the beginning of spring, the Grounds The Social Committee will help develop relationships Committee will become increasingly active in that enhance the harmony and pleasure of living at monitoring and working to improve the appearance Stonegate. This committee will welcome new of the community. One of the primary objectives of neighbors and organize social events for the the committee is to assure that the grounds of the neighborhood, such as Easter egg hunts, Community community meet the highest standards. Yard Sale, Spring Picnic, Block party, Halloween, and Christmas events etc…. This new Committee is extremely interested in more Chair - Karen Hill , 21 Gemstone Court homeowners joining and becoming active in this Board Liaison - Valerie Taylor effort. They meet on the last Wednesday of each [email protected] month for a brief planning session at 7:00pm at 12 Gemstone Court. If you are interesting in becoming involved in your community and would like to join the grounds committee in this very critical effort, please contact Mr. George Barnes. New Chair – George Barnes, 12 Gemstone Court Board Liaison- Cleve Bordley [email protected]

Neighborhood Improvement Committee The Neighborhood Improvement Committee will help keep the neighborhood an attractive, safe, and New -Youth Committee desirable place to live by maintaining and improving Mrs. Sherise Galloway has volunteered to Chair our the neighborhood appearance. newest committee. I’m sure you will agree that it Chair Dana Walters, 19 Gemstone Court takes a special kind of person to volunteer to provide Board Liaison - Veronica Green this service. Sherise you are one in a million!! Having [email protected] planned activities and trips will help keep our children safe and out of the streets. For this group to Safety Committee be successful, they must have a mixed membership of The Safety Committee defines safety in a broader adults and youths. Kids! Please feel free to join this sense than perhaps a law enforcement organization committee, and have your say, make suggestions, or would. In the coming weeks, the Committee ideas. Parents, please give Sherise your support. If members will be attending COP training, sponsored our children are not given positive outlets; they will by Baltimore County Police Precinct II. COP will be find negative influences. Please contact Sherise for sharing a variety of information and safety tips with more information. you in an effort to get you involved. After all, what New Chair: Sherise Galloway, 15 Gemstone Court makes for a strong community? Concerned citizens, Board Liaison - Rosemary Robinson who are willing to be the eyes and ears for the Rosemary Robinson [email protected] neighborhood and who are willing to exchange information about what’s going on in the community SPECIAL POEM TO ALL MOTHERS with each other, and importantly, with police "Happy Mother's Day" means more… officials, should that become necessary. Than have a happy day. Within those words lie lots of things The role as Safety Committee members is to pay as We never get to say. much attention to the cars that speed through our

-4- It means I love you first of all, Bulk Trash Collection (410) 887-2000 Then thanks for all you do. Dogwood Elementary – (410) 887-6808 It means you mean a lot to me, And that I honor you. Emergency/Fire – 911 Fire Department (410) 887-4500 But most of all, I guess it means Non-Emergency - 311 That I am thinking of Your happiness on this, your day, Police Department – 2nd District With pleasure and with love. Non-Emergency (410) 336-8800 Southwest Academy – (410) 887-0825 Happy Mother’s Day! From the Board of Directors Street Lighting (410) 883-5650 Trash Collection (410) 887-2000 USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Animal Control (410) 887-5961 Water Emergency (410) 369-5352


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