Individual Planning Sheet
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Citizens Climate Lobby 2016 Individual Planning Sheet Name: ______
Instructions: Most likely, by Earth Day 2016 (April 22, 2016), Canada will have announced new national plans for addressing the climate crisis. We have everything we need to transition to a low carbon economy – except political will. Citizens’ Climate Lobby generates that political will at the grassroots level one riding at a time. Getting organized is key. Martin Luther King said, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” Think about: 1) what skills and talents you want to bring to your group, 2) your personal plan to become a champion for a sustainable climate in the coming year. Prioritize what are the most important things that must be done before the national climate policy is announced in most likely in April. Once complete post this plan somewhere where you can access it easily to remind of you of your world-changing plans for 2016.
1. What did our group do really well last year and what breakthroughs did we have that I would like everyone to celebrate?
2. What can I bring to our group to facilitate growth in the number of activists and in our effectiveness?
3. I want to be bolder in my work with CCL. I intend to do the following to develop my advocacy skills:
4. Circle or mark the Activist Milestones you would like to achieve by the end of this year:
Personal Empowerment: Becoming a Champion Forging Relationships with Parliamentarians, Staff and Political Parties #1 Learn laser #2 Talk to family #3 Attend CCL #1 Deepen the #2 Develop #3 Develop a #4 Write your #5 Work within talks – How and friends Events in relationship with relationship with relationship with Premier local riding many? about climate Ottawa and DC your MP + staff your MPP/MLA a Senator* associations change Ask the national office which Senators should be targeted. There are Senators with key portfolios or in your region that need CCL relationships.
Generating Media and Building Relationships with Local Media #1 Get a letter to editor #2 Write or generate #3 Meet with local #4 Generate an editorial #5 Generate a news # Send local radio published and send to an op-ed and send editorial board and send to MP article about CCL and/or TV stations with your MP to your MP our media packages
Empowering Community Members to Become Champions for a Sustainable Climate #1 Set up an #2 Organize #3 Empower #4 Build a coalition or #5 Get #6 Collaborate #7 Recruit new CCL LTE writing team outreach to engage members to attend community network endorsement regionally or volunteers in other in your group new activists a CCL conference of allies letters signed provincially with other ridings in your region (June or November) CCL groups
5. What will I do to achieve each of the milestones I’ve chosen? What new skills will I need? Examples of skills: public speaking, writing, helping with the national website, help with the Canadian national conferences, writing letters to the editor, working with MP, MPP/MLA, Senator, advanced lobbying, building action networks, building coalitions, community outreach, faith-based outreach, developing and presenting workshops, new volunteer mentoring, fundraising, etc.
Milestone or Goal New Skill Needed (if any) Actions I will take to develop skills and reach my goal
6. When I envision the end of 2016, I want to be able to say that me and my group has achieved the following: a) With our Parliamentarians: b) With our media (newspaper, radio, television, internet, other): c) With our community (e.g. find more people, build a coalition, create action network, organize a forum, get endorsement letters signed, other):
d) Other — Go wild with new ideas here (e.g. local cable TV or radio show, conference sponsors)