Weekly Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Katie Cooke Course: Ints. Reading/Eng II Period(s): 1-6 Date Range: 9/19-9/23

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1) Students will be able 1) Students will be able 1) Students will be able 1) Students will be able 1) Students will be able to identify and sequence to identify character to identify character to identify character to identify character important events in a traits. traits. traits. traits. Unit Learning Goal(s): story. 2) Students will be able 2) Students will be able 2) Students will be able 2) Students will be able 2) Students will be able to use a thinking map to to use a thinking map to to use a thinking map to to use a thinking map to to use a thinking map to organize and analyze organize and analyze organize and analyze organize and analyze organize and analyze characters from a short characters from a short characters from a short characters from a short events from a short story story or novel story or novel story or novel story or novel or novel 3) Analyze how complex 3) Analyze how complex 3) Analyze how complex 3) Analyze how complex 3) Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those characters (e.g., those characters (e.g., those characters (e.g., those characters (e.g., those with multiple or with multiple or with multiple or with multiple or with multiple or conflicting motivations) conflicting motivations) conflicting motivations) conflicting motivations) conflicting motivations) develop over the course develop over the course develop over the course develop over the course develop over the course of a text, interact with of a text, interact with of a text, interact with of a text, interact with of a text, interact with other characters, and other characters, and other characters, and other characters, and other characters, and advance the plot or advance the plot or advance the plot or advance the plot or advance the plot or develop the theme develop the theme develop the theme develop the theme develop the theme 3)Initiate and participate 3)Initiate and participate 3)Initiate and participate 3)Initiate and participate 3)Initiate and participate effectively in a range of effectively in a range of effectively in a range of effectively in a range of effectively in a range of collaborative discussions collaborative discussions collaborative discussions collaborative discussions collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, (one-on-one, in groups, (one-on-one, in groups, (one-on-one, in groups, (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with and teacher-led) with and teacher-led) with and teacher-led) with and teacher-led) with diverse partners on diverse partners on diverse partners on diverse partners on diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, grades 9–10 topics, texts, grades 9–10 topics, texts, grades 9–10 topics, texts, grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on and issues, building on and issues, building on and issues, building on and issues, building on others’ ideas and others’ ideas and others’ ideas and others’ ideas and others’ ideas and expressing their own expressing their own expressing their own expressing their own expressing their own clearly and persuasively. clearly and persuasively. clearly and persuasively. clearly and persuasively. clearly and persuasively. 4) Analyze how an 4) Analyze how an 4) Analyze how an 4) Analyze how an 4) Analyze how an author’s choices author’s choices author’s choices author’s choices author’s choices concerning how to concerning how to concerning how to concerning how to concerning how to structure a text, ordered structure a text, ordered structure a text, ordered structure a text, ordered structure a text, ordered events within it and events within it and events within it and events within it and events within it and manipulate time create manipulate time create manipulate time create manipulate time create manipulate time create such effects as mystery, such effects as mystery, such effects as mystery, such effects as mystery, such effects as mystery, tension or surprise. tension or surprise. tension or surprise. tension or surprise. tension or surprise. 5) Students will be able to identify and analyze cause and effect events 1)Students will be able to 1)Students will be able to 1) Students will be able 1) Students will be able identify and discuss 1)Students will be able to identify and discuss Daily Learning Goal(s): to identify a flow map to identify a flow map cause and effect events identify and discuss cause and effect events and participate in and participate in in a story cause and effect events in a story collaborative thinking to collaborative thinking to 2) Student will in a story 2) Student will construct a flow map construct a flow map understand how cause 2) Student will understand how cause 2)Students will be able to 2)Students will be able to and effect events help understand how cause and effect events help participate in academic participate in academic shape a story and effect events help shape a story discussion concerning discussion concerning 3) Students will be able shape a story 3) Students will be able events in a story events in a story to read a grade level text 3) Students will be able to read a grade level text 3) Students will be able 3) Students will be able a construct a multi-flow to read a grade level text a construct a multi-flow to identify the central to identify the central map based on a construct a multi-flow map based on idea of a story idea of a story information derived from map based on information derived from the text information derived from the text 4)students will be able to the text 4)students will be able to identify and create a 4)students will be able to identify and create a multi-flow map in order identify and create a multi-flow map in order to organize cause and multi-flow map in order to organize cause and effect events in a story to organize cause and effect events in a story effect events in a story Florida LAFS.910.RL.1.3 LAFS.910.RL.1.3 LAFS.910.RL.1.3 LAFS.910.RL.1.3 Standard(s) LAFS.910.RL.2.6 LAFS.910.RL.2.6 LAFS.910.RL.2.6 LAFS.910.RL.1.3 LAFS.910.RL.2.6 from CPALMS LAFS.910.RL.4.10 LAFS.910.RL.4.10 LAFS.910.RL.4.10 LAFS.910.RL.2.6 LAFS.910.RL.4.10 or FLDOE LAFS.910.SC.1.1 LAFS.910.SC.1.1 LAFS.910.SC.1.1 LAFS.910.RL.4.10 LAFS.910.SC.1.1 Frameworks: LAFS.910.SL.2.5 LAFS.910.SL.2.5 LAFS.910.SL.2.5 LAFS.910.SC.1.1 LAFS.910.SL.2.5 LAFS.910.RI.1.1 LAFS.910.RI.1.1 LAFS.910.RI.1.1 LAFS.910.SL.2.5 LAFS.910.RI.1.1 LAFS.910.W.3.9 LAFS.910.W.3.9 LAFS.910.W.3.9 LAFS.910.RI.1.1 LAFS.910.W.3.9 LAFS.910.SL.1.1 LAFS.910.SL.1.1 LAFS.910.SL.1.1 LAFS.910.W.3.9 LAFS.910.SL.1.1 LAFS.910.SL.24 LAFS.910.SL.24 LAFS.910.SL.24 LAFS.910.SL.1.1 LAFS.910.SL.24 LAFS.910.RI.1.3 LAFS.910.RI.1.3 LAFS.910.RI.1.3 LAFS.910.SL.24 LAFS.910.RI.1.3 LAFS.910.RL.1.1 LAFS.910.RL.1.1 LAFS.910.RL.1.1 LAFS.910.RI.1.3 LAFS.910.RL.1.1 LAFS.910.RL.1.1 SAT/ACT Vocabulary SAT/ACT Vocabulary SAT/ACT Vocabulary SAT/ACT Vocabulary SAT/ACT Vocabulary Lesson #3 word 1: Lesson #3 word 2: agile Lesson #3 word 3: relent Lesson #3 word 4: Lesson #3 word 5: coerce Bellwork/Writing abdicate Write definition, come Write definition, come transient Write definition, come Component: Write definition, come up with 3 synonyms and up with 3 synonyms and Write definition, come up with 3 synonyms and up with 3 synonyms and 3 antonyms and a 3 antonyms and a up with 3 synonyms and 3 antonyms and a 3 antonyms and a sentence sentence 3 antonyms and a sentence sentence sentence Look at the Categories listed on the board- sort the story vocab cards into the categories they belong. Copy down the tree map in your bell work adding in the vocab words. Activities: Whole Group: Whole Group: Small Group: Round Robin share your Whole Group: Get out flow charts from Stand-up, hand-up, Pair- Discuss bell work- pairs tree maps – correcting or 1)Finish sharing out flow yesterday. Up: Share your three volunteer to share out adding to maps wishes with your partner their Your map as you go. Closely examine each synoymns/antonyms 2)Read: “The Wife’s sentence. Independent Work: Look Whole Group: Have a Story” Under each sentence box over “The Wife’s Story” Small Group Work: Each volunteer share out their Set purpose for reading: on the flow chart answer again. Take what you person in your group is tree maps. Pay close attention to the following questions underlined and circled responsible for 3 words. the transformation about the sentences: yesterday day and create Take your assigned 1)Introduce Tone/Mood taking place- circle or 1) What are the a multi- flow map listing words and find them Take notes- on hand out highlight anything having most powerful all cause and effects that with in the story- read Discuss difference to do with the words in the you can find related to the word in context and between tone and mood transformation. sentence? the transformation. then write what you and how authors word 2) Why are these think they mean on your choices help create a Begin reading story words the most Round Robin Share with paper. Share the words tone and mood. together- stop after pg.3 powerful? your group- Add or with your group mates. Have student write a 3) What kind of eliminate things on your Independent Activity: prediction- What do they feelings do these personal chart based on Whole Group: Hand out 2) Read each set of think the “bad thing that words evoke in your group discussion. BOY Testing results look sentence decided on a happened” is? you? at them and discuss as a tone and mood of each, Whole Group: One class, what do they me supply context clues that At Pg 7 stop again- asked Round robin share with representative from your for me as a leaner. help you come to that students if their group members your group share your ideas. Graph results-keep in conclusion. predictions were correct. ideas about the Discuss the event data binder What assumptions had sentences surrounding the Whole Group: you made about the transformation and how Independent: Log in to 3)Discuss answers characters that had to be Whole Group: they help us understand USA TEST prep begin Show how circle maps changed? Discuss students ideas our characters. series of USA test prep can be used to deduce about language and word assignments on tone mood. Partner Words: choice by the author Fluency Testing 2A/2B integration of knowledge and ideas 4) Talk about story With your partner look at Introduce to students the sequencing. Show flow the sentence strips given multi flow thinking map- map and how it can be to you, put the sentences explain that multi- flow used to sequence a story. in the order in which maps are used to help us Have students help they happened. Once organize cause and effect create a sequencing you believe sentences events in a story. chart as a group. are in the correct order, share your sequence Do a quick demo of Partner work: with the pair across from cause and effect using a you. Come to a generic scenario like a 5) Get with your partner consensus on the order car accident. Have read assigned children’s of events. Then fill in the students help give you book create a flow map flow chart from the ideas for things that to show the sequence of board using the sentence cause car accidents and the story order you all agreed on. then give you examples of effects of car accident. 6) Share out sequencing Groups Share out their maps with the class. order of events. Correct Discuss primary cause event order as needed and ultimate effects vs immediate cause/immediate effect

Tell students we are going to reread the events surrounding the transformation students should underline any cause they can see for transformation and circle and any effects of the transformation