7Th Grade Spring Final Review

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7Th Grade Spring Final Review

7 th Grade Spring Final Review Using your knowledge of the Latin and Greek roots we have studied, identify the meanings of the following words. 1. Aquarium means 2. Equator means 3. Malignant means 4. Portable means 5. Unicycle means 6. Octagon means 7. Pedestrian means 8. Geology means 9. Monarchy means 10. Psychologist means

Using your knowledge of the Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes we have studied, answer the following questions. 11. The prefix co- as in coworkers means A. away B. together C. after

12. The prefix de- as in deactivate means A. off/away B. between C. to make

13. The prefix non- as in nonrefundable means A. after B. under C. not

14. The prefix post- as in postmortem means A. before B. away C. after

15. The prefix re- as in recalculate means A. not B. again C. the same

16. The prefix pre- as in predetermine means A. under B. last C. before 17. The prefix anti- as in antiperspirant means A. after B. one C. opposite

18. The prefix hyper- as in hyperactive means A. excessive B. last C. happy

19. The prefix neo- neonatal means A. time B. under C. new

20. The suffix –ify as in solidify means A. to make B. last C. first

21. The suffix –ible as in flexible means A. capable of B. the study of C. new

22. The suffix –ism as in criticism means A. the study of B. the act of C. one who does

23. The suffix –ist as in activist means A. the study of B. the act of C. one who does

24. The suffix –phile as in bibliophile means A. fear B. someone who has a love for something C. one who does

25. The suffix –phobia as in claustrophobia means A. fear B. someone who has a love for something C. the act of Read the following poem, and answer the questions that follow. Undertaker By J. Milton Brooks, 41 Dying is not an easy trip, no matter what they say The night ahead is long and how short was the day I’ve carried these boxes, wheeled them down the aisle And drove them slow past the Apollo for that last mile 5 For some it’s all tears and bitter grief Others are tired and glad of the relief I try to move it along, try to ease the pain I tell the kin, it’s just the tired body lain On satin sheets, faces powdered, hair combed 10 They lie there sleeping, they’ll wake up home But there comes a time when I have to weep It’s when we lay some teenage boy so deep I close my eyes and pray the Lord to save Me from watching old men shuffling children to the grave

26. The narrator of Undertaker weeps when he buries the teenage boy because

27. Mood is how the reader feels after reading a text. The mood of this poem is

28. The narrator describes people feeling two different ways when their loved ones die. Those two ways are

29. In line 2, what is “night” and why is it long? What is “day” and why is it short?

30. What can you infer about the speaker from his statement, “I close my eyes and pray the Lord to save me”?

Read the following excerpt, and answer the questions that follow.


By Sophocles CAST

ANTIGONE, daughter of Oedipus ISMENE, daughter of Oedipus CREON, King of Thebes EURYDICE, his wife HAEMON, his son TEIRESIAS, the blind prophet GUARD, set to watch the corpse of Polyneices FIRST MESSENGER SECOND MESSENGER, from the house CHORUS OF THEBAN ELDERS


The same as in Oedipus the King, an open space before the royal palace, once that of Oedipus, at Thebes. The backscene represents the front of the palace, with three doors, of which the central and largest is the principal entrance into the house. The time is at daybreak on the morning after the fall of the two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, and the flight of the defeated Argives. ANTIGONE calls ISMENE forth from the palace, in order to speak to her alone.

ANTIGONE : Ismene, sister, mine own dear sister, knowest thou what ill there is, of all bequeathed by Oedipus, that Zeus fulfils not for us twain while we live? Nothing painful is there, nothing fraught with ruin, no shame, no dishonour, that I have not seen in thy woes and mine.

And now what new edict is this of which they tell, that our Captain hath just published to all Thebes? Knowest thou aught? Hast thou heard? Or is it hidden from thee that our friends are threatened with the doom of our foes?

ISMENE : No word of friends, Antigone, gladsome or painful, hath come to me, since we two sisters were bereft of brothers twain, killed in one day by twofold blow; and since in this last night the Argive host hath fled, know no more, whether my fortune be brighter, or more grievous.

ANTIGONE : I knew it well, and therefore sought to bring thee beyond the gates of the court, that thou mightest hear alone.

ISMENE : What is it? 'Tis plain that thou art brooding on some dark tidings.

ANTIGONE : What, hath not Creon destined our brothers, the one to honoured burial, the other to unburied shame? Eteocles, they say, with due observance of right and custom, he hath laid in the earth, for his honour among the dead below. But the hapless corpse of Polyneices-as rumour saith, it hath been published to the town that none shall entomb him or mourn, but leave unwept, unsepulchred, a welcome store for the birds, as they espy him, to feast on at will.

Such, 'tis said, is the edict that the good Creon hath set forth for thee and for me,-yes, for me,- and is coming hither to proclaim it clearly to those who know it not; nor counts the matter light, but, whoso disobeys in aught, his doom is death by stoning before all the folk. Thou knowest it now; and thou wilt soon show whether thou art nobly bred, or the base daughter of a noble line.

31. The excerpt above is an example of a A. Myth B. Personal narrative C. Biography D. Drama

32. The relationship between Antigone and Ismene is A. Mother and daughter B. Cousins C. Sisters D. Friends

33. The back and forth conversation Ismene and Antigone have is called A. Expression B. Dialogue C. Cast D. Stage directions

Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow.

The Baba Yaga

Once upon a time there was an old couple. The husband lost his wife and married again. But he had a daughter by the first marriage, a young girl, and she found no favor in the eyes of her evil stepmother, who used to beat her, and consider how she could get her killed outright. One day the father went away somewhere or other, so the stepmother said to the girl, "Go to your aunt, my sister, and ask her for a needle and thread to make you a shift." Now that aunt was a Baba Yaga. Well, the girl was no fool, so she went to a real aunt of hers first, and says she, "Good morning, auntie!" "Good morning, my dear! What have you come for?" "Mother has sent me to her sister, to ask for a needle and thread to make me a shift." Then her aunt instructed her what to do. "There is a birch tree there, niece, which would hit you in the eye -- you must tie a ribbon round it; there are doors which would creak and bang -- you must pour oil on their hinges; there are dogs which would tear you in pieces -- you must throw them these rolls; there is a cat which would scratch your eyes out -- you must give it a piece of bacon." So the girl went away, and walked and walked, till she came to the place. There stood a hut, and in it sat weaving the Baba Yaga, the bony-shanks. "Good morning, auntie," says the girl. "Good morning, my dear," replies the Baba Yaga. " Mother has sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to make me a shift." "Very well; sit down and weave a little in the meantime." So the girl sat down behind the loom, and the Baba Yaga went outside, and said to her servant maid, "Go and heat the bath, and get my niece washed; and mind you look sharp after her. I want to breakfast off her." Well, the girl sat there in such a fright that she was as much dead as alive. Presently she spoke imploringly to the servant maid, saying, "Kinswoman dear, do please wet the firewood instead of making it burn; and fetch the water for the bath in a sieve." And she made her a present of a handkerchief. The Baba Yaga waited awhile; then she came to the window and asked, "Are you weaving, niece? Are you weaving, my dear?" "Oh yes, dear aunt, I'm weaving." So the Baba Yaga went away again, and the girl gave the cat a piece of bacon, and asked, "Is there no way of escaping from here?" "Here's a comb for you and a towel," said the cat; "take them, and be off. The Baba Yaga will pursue you, but you must lay your ear on the ground, and when you hear that she is close at hand, first of all, throw down the towel. It will become a wide, wide river. And if the Baba Yaga gets across the river, and tries to catch you, then you must lay your ear on the ground again, and when you hear that she is close at hand, throw down the comb. It will become a dense, dense forest; through that she won't be able to force her way anyhow." The girl took the towel and the comb and fled. The dogs would have rent her, but she threw them the rolls, and they let her go by; the doors would have begun to bang, but she poured oil on their hinges, and they let her pass through; the birch tree would have poked her eyes out, but she tied the ribbon around it, and it let her pass on. And the cat sat down to the loom, and worked away; muddled everything about, if it didn't do much weaving. Up came the Baba Yaga to the window, and asked, "Are you weaving, niece? Are you weaving, my dear?" "I'm weaving, dear aunt, I'm weaving," gruffly replied the cat. The Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl was gone, and took to beating the cat, and abusing it for not having scratched the girl's eyes out. "Long as I've served you," said the cat, "you've never given me so much as a bone; but she gave me bacon." Then the Baba Yaga pounced upon the dogs, on the doors, on the birch tree, and on the servant maid, and set to work to abuse them all, and to knock them about. Then the dogs said to her, "Long as we've served you, you've never so much as pitched us a burnt crust; but she gave us rolls to eat." And the doors said, "Long as we've served you, you've never poured even a drop of water on our hinges; but she poured oil on us." The birch tree said, "Long as I've served you, you've never tied a single thread around me; but she fastened a ribbon around me." And the servant maid said, "Long as I've served you, you've never given me so much as a rag; but she gave me a handkerchief." The Baba Yaga, bony of limb, quickly jumped into her mortar, sent it flying along with the pestle, sweeping away the while all traces of its flight with a broom, and set off in pursuit of the girl. Then the girl put her ear to the ground, and when she heard that the Baba Yaga was chasing her, and was now close at hand, she flung down the towel. And it became a wide, such a wide river! Up came the Baba Yaga to the river, and gnashed her teeth with spite; then she went home for her oxen, and drove them to the river. The oxen drank up every drop of the river, and then the Baba Yaga began the pursuit anew. But the girl put her ear to the ground again, and when she heard that the Baba Yaga was near, she flung down the comb, and instantly a forest sprang up, such an awfully thick one! The Baba Yaga began gnawing away at it, but however hard she worked, she couldn't gnaw her way through it, so she had to go back again. But by this time the girl's father had returned home, and he asked, "Where's my daughter?" "She's gone to her aunt's," replied her stepmother. Soon afterwards the girl herself came running home. " Where have you been?" asked her father. "Ah, father!" she said, "mother sent me to aunt's to ask for a needle and thread to make me a shift. But aunt's a Baba Yaga, and she wanted to eat me!" "And how did you get away, daughter?" "Why like this," said the girl, and explained the whole matter. As soon as her father had heard all about it, he became furious with his wife, and shot her. But he and his daughter lived on and flourished, and everything went well with them.

34. After reading the beginning of this passage, the reader can infer that the stepmother A. Really needed a needle and thread B. Intended for the girl to get hurt when she sent her to the aunt’s house C. Wanted the girl to take a walk

35. The word imploringly in paragraph 12 implies that the girl was A. Begging B. Happy C. Angry

36. The dogs, the doors, the birch tree, and the servant girl helped the girl get away because

37. The author’s purpose of this passage is to A. Entertain B. Persuade C. Explain something in nature

38. This passage can be described as a A. Myth B. Folk tale C. Persuasive essay

Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow. An Atom Apart by Leslie Cargile

Have you ever walked through a cloud of gnats on a hot summer, only to have them follow you? No matter how you swat at them, or even if you run, they won’t leave you alone. If so, then you have something in common with an atom. Atoms are the building blocks of molecules, which when combined, make up everything. From the smallest one-celled amoeba, to every person who has ever lived, to the largest and brightest stars in the sky, atoms are everywhere. Even way back in the time of ancient Greece, they wondered about atoms. That’s where the word comes from, ancient Greece. The word A’tomos, when translated into English, means: something that cannot be divided any further. So what’s an atom look like? Up until very recently no one could say one way or another. Technically we can’t see individual atoms, since there are no microscopes powerful enough. Since technology improves all the time, it may not be long before we can actually see a whole atom through a special microscope. Even though scientists cannot see atoms with microscopes, they have developed ways to detect them and learn about them. Atoms are made up of three basic parts; protons, neutrons, and electrons. There is a core, or nucleus, and an electron cloud. The nucleus is made up of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. The nucleus is held closely together by electromagnetic force. Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus of the atom. A cloud of electrons orbits the nucleus. The negatively charged electrons are bound to the nucleus, and zap around it in a cloud. Do you remember the cloud of gnats? The gnats would be the electrons zipping around you, the nucleus. There are different ways atoms are classified. They can be classified into elements, like oxygen, carbon, or hydrogen. All of the elements known to man so far can be found on the periodic table. The number of protons an atom has decides the chemical element. The number of electrons defines the atom's chemical properties, like its melting temperature and boiling point. The study of atoms and tiny particles that are even smaller is called quantum mechanics. Scientists still have much to learn about atoms. Maybe you will enter the study of quantum mechanics and find a brand new element. Maybe they’ll even name it after you!

39. What are atoms? a. tiny particles that make up all matter b. tiny particles that can only be seen with a microscope c. tiny particles that look like gnats d. particles that are so large they cannot be seen

40. What does the word A'tomos mean in ancient Greece?

41. Complete the graphic organizer. 42. What is quantum mechanics?

43. If you wanted to find the chemical element of an atom, you would need to... a. know how many electrons it has b. know how many protons it has c. know its melting temperature d. see it with a microscope

44. The author begins this article by comparing a cloud of gnats to an atom. In this scenario,what do the gnats represent? What does the person walking through the gnats represent?

45. What is the author’s purpose of this passage? A. explain B. persuade C. entertain D. teach a lesson

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. The Inner Solar System by Leslie Cargile

The inner solar system is the name of the terrestrial planets and asteroid belt. Terrestrial is just a fancy way of saying rocky. Like the Earth, terrestrial planets have a core of iron and rock. At the center of the solar system is the Sun. The Sun is a big ball of hydrogen powered by nuclear reactions. Massive explosions are going on all of the time inside the Sun. It’s what makes the light every day and keeps our planet warm. Light zips from the Sun to us in about eight minutes. The Sun is the most massive thing in our solar system. It is so big you could fit about a million Earths inside of it! Closest to the Sun is the planet Mercury. You could squeeze about eighteen Mercury’s inside of Earth. It is made of mostly rock, but it has a huge iron core and it generates a big magnetic field. Speedy little Mercury sails around the sun in only eighty-eight days. Mercury was the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology, known for his speed. Second in line comes Venus, which is sometimes called Earth's twin. It's about the same size as Earth, but that’s where the similarities end. Venus is always covered in thick clouds full of sulfuric acid. They whip around the planet at more than two hundred twenty mph. Violent winds shoot sand made of silicate around Venus’s very dry, arid surface. The temperature averages nine hundred degrees, and the pressure’s ninety times that on Earth. It takes two hundred and twenty four days to orbit the sun. Like Mercury, Venus was also named after a Roman Goddess, the Goddess of love. You know what planet is next. You live on it! Yup, the Earth is number three. We have a rocky iron core at the center of our planet. We have liquid water, and our air is made of mostly nitrogen and oxygen. It takes three hundred and sixty-five days for us to circle the sun. We only have one moon. Next to us in is Mars. Mars also has a core of rock and iron. It is a little more than half the size of Earth. The most distinct feature about Mars is its red color. Dust rich in iron oxide covers the planet. It’s sort of like the planet is rusting. White caps at the poles are water, forever frozen because of the colder temperatures further from the Sun. The only place the temperature rises above freezing is at the equator, or the middle of the planet. Mars has two moons, Deimos and Phoebe but they are much smaller than our own moon. It takes nearly twice as long for Mars to circle the sun at almost 684 days. The last part of the inner solar system is called the Asteroid Belt. It’s the line between the inner rocky planets and the outer gaseous planets. Unlike the rest of the Inner Solar System, the Asteroid Belt isn’t a planet at all. It is a bunch of large rocky chunks, mostly meteoroids. There's also a dwarf planet named Ceres in the asteroid belt. The rest aren’t very large. The Earth is the only planet that we know of with life on it, but universe is a big place. Much of our solar system is still a mystery, there is still plenty to explore. 46. How does the size of Mercury compare to Earth? a. Mercury is 18 times the size of Earth b. Mercury is 1/18 the size of Earth. c. Earth is 1/18 the size of Mercury. d. Earth is 18 times smaller than Mercury.

47. Which statement about the inner planets' orbits is true? a. Venus orbits the sun more quickly then Mercury. b. Mercury orbits the sun more slowly than Mars. c. Earth orbits the sun more quickly than Venus. d. Mars orbits the sun more slowly than Earth.

48. What two types of gas make up most of Earth's atmosphere?

49. According to information in the article, where would you find water on Mars?

50. How long does it take light to travel from the sun to the Earth?

51. Which would be the most appropriate nickname for Venus? a. the cold desert planet b. the first inner planet c. the windy planet d. the triple mooned planet

Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow. Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day A lot of people, especially young people, go though the day without having breakfast. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don’t have time for that, and begin their day with no meal. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of breakfast, especially for students. The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a disease because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long. It’s very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty. All you are going to get is gastritis and a lot of problems with your health if you don’t eat breakfast. Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food to do well in your classes. You body and your brain are not going to function as well as they could because you have no energy and no strength. When you try to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are going to have a lot of trouble concentrating. A lot of people think that they should not eat because they are going to feel tired, but that’s not true. Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary, you’re going to feel tired if you don’t have breakfast because you have spent the previous night without food. The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid diseases if you eat something in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are going to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on you because you’re going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast every day. I know what you’re thinking. You don’t have time for breakfast. Well, you can have a quick, portable breakfast that is still nutritious. For example, fruits such as apples or bananas are quick food choices that won’t slow you down. Also, granola bars and juice or milk boxes provide you with the same nutrients you need, and you can take them with you and eat them on your way to school. You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you cannot skip it without consequences to your health. It is better to wake up earlier and have a good breakfast than to run to school without eating anything. It is time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better way to start your day. 52. The author’s purpose of this passage is

53. The author’s claim in this passage is

54. Identify 3 pieces of evidence the author uses to support their claim.

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients

1 cup packed dark brown sugar 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 cup butter, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 (12 ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips (2 cups) Directions:

1. Heat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Beat brown sugar, white sugar and butter in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed about 3 minutes or until fluffy.

3. Beat in eggs and vanilla, then stir in the baking soda, salt and flour. Add the walnuts and chocolate.

4. Drop dough by large scoops onto ungreased cookie sheet, 2 inches apart. Flatten slightly with fork.

5. Bake 11 to 14 minutes. Cool on pan for five minutes, then cool on wire racks.

55. The author’s purpose for this passage is

56. It is important to follow these steps in order because

57. The author lists the ingredients before giving the reader directions because

Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

An Afternoon at the Movies

(1) As I starred at the flickering images on the screen, I had to shake my head to keep from falling asleep. (2) I was annoyed with myself for having spent $10 on such a dumb movie. (3) I hate wasting money, and even more than that, I hate wasting time. (4) Because I seldom have the opportunity to see movies, I had asked some of my friends to recommend a good one. (5) Most of my friends are in choir. (6) Several people had mentioned Rabbits from Outer Space.

(7) “It’s the funniest movie of the year” Tony had assured me. (8) “You’ll laugh from the beginning to the end.” (9) “It’s fantastic!” Sharon had agreed. (10) “The people who made this film are the most creative folks in hollywood. (11) I don’t know how they ever came up with the idea. (12) Just imagine—giant rabbits hopping out of spaceships and heading right for the vegetable section at the supermarket! (13) What a concept!”

(14) “You won’t believe the spechial effects,” Manny had added. (15) “The sound track is incredible, too. (16) If you’re going to see only one film this summer, this is the one you should see.”

(17) After hearing all these rave reviews. (18) I decided I had to see Rabbits from Outer Space. (19) Now I was sitting in the theater, bored out of my mind. (20) As I seethed with frustrating, something finally occurred to me. (21) I hate animated films! (22) In fact, I have always hated them. (23) I didn’t even like cartoons when I was a little kid. (24) Why had I listened to my friends! (25) I should have investigated the film myself.

(26) As another giant rabbit popped a handful of carrots into its mouth, I closed my eyes. (27) Since I had already paid for the seat, I was determined to at least get a good nap for my money!

58. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 14? F Change spechial to special G Change effects to affects H Delete the comma J Make no change

59. What change should be made in sentence 10? A Delete the quotation marks B Insert a comma after film C Change folks to folk’s D Change hollywood to Hollywood

60. What change, if any, should be made insentence 7? F Change funniest to funnyest G Insert a comma after year H Change had assured to assures J Make no change

61. What change should be made in sentence 1? A Change starred to stared B Delete the comma C Change I had to having D Change falling to fallen 62. What revision, if any, is needed in sentences 17 and 18? A I heard all these rave reviews, then I decided I had to see Rabbits from Outer Space. B After hearing all these rave reviews, I decided I had to see Rabbits from Outer Space. C I heard all these rave reviews. And decided I had to see Rabbits from Outer Space. D No revision is needed.

63. Which sentence does NOT belong in this story? F Sentence 5 G Sentence 6 H Sentence 25 J Sentence 27

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