1. the Goal of Cancer Screening Is

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1. the Goal of Cancer Screening Is


1. The goal of cancer screening is o to detect the primary cancer site o to diagnose a specific cancer at an early stage o to prevent all kind of cancer o to prevent cancer at a specific site 2. The concept "the earlier a cancer is diagnosed and the treatment starts, the better the patient´s prognosis" is: o true for all kind of cancers o true for most of kind of cancers o true for only the minority of cancer o tumour stage and time to treatment are not relevant

3. The diagnosis of cancer has to be usually confirmed by: o radiation oncologist o surgeon o radiologist o medical oncologist o pathologist

4. Which of the following factors is affecting the patients´ prognosis the most? o patients´ age o patient´s co-morbidities o biological behaviour of the tumour o the tumour stage o patient´s sex

5. Which of the following disciplines is NOT part of the general interdisciplinary / multimodal treatment approach in oncology: o nephrology o clinical oncology o surgery o pathology o radiotherapy o radiology

6. Which of the following statements about palliative care is NOT true? o supports patients and their relatives o palliative care maintains patient´s quality of life o prolongs patient´s live expectancy o palliative care focuses on symptom relief

7. The overall cancer mortality in a population can be significantly reduced by: o more doctors o cessation of smoking o health promotion o prostate cancer screening

8. What does neoadjuvant chemo- and/or radiotherapy mean? o treatment of distant metastasis o chemo- and/or radiotherapy after radical surgery o radical surgery without any additional chemo- and/or radiotherapy o chemo- and/or radiotherapy before radical surgery


9. Which chemotherapy is a typical alkylating agent? o Cyclophosphamid o Methotrexat o Flououracil o Vincristine

10. Which agent has the highest emetogenic potential? o Gemcitabine o Vincristine o Erlotinib o Cisplatin

11. Which side effect is typical for 5-FU?

o cholinergic syndrome o skin rash o increased transaminases o hand and foot syndrome

12. What is the RBE in ion beam therapy? o radioactive boson excitation o radon body exposure o relative biological effectiveness o regulated beam energy

13. What is the Bragg peak? o the perfect time point to start an ion beam treatment o a boost to the residual treatment given by proton or carbon ion therapy o a small mountain in Austria, not far from MedAustron o the maximum of the characteristic energy loss curve of charged particles

14. What is NOT a technique used for radiotherapy treatment? o Targeted Therapy o Brachytherapy o Proton Therapy o Photon Therapy

15. Which one of the following cancers IS NOT an AIDS-defining cancer? o Invasive cervical carcinoma o Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoma (NHL) o Kaposi Sarcoma o Colorectal cancer

16. The cellular origin of the Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is: o Melanocytes o T-lymphocytes o Plasma cells o venular endothelial cells

17. The following virus is detected in more than 90% of Primary CNS Lymphomas in HIV-infected patients: o Epstein Bar Virus (EBV) o Herpes simplex type 2 virus o Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) o Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

18. Which of the following is NOT a priority for patients with a life-limiting illness receiving palliative care? o prolonging life at all costs o strengthening relationships with loved ones o relieving burden o obtaining a sense of control

19. Which of the following is the most reliable indicator of pain? o results of multidimensional assessment o patients´ self-report o results of functional assessment o results of physical examination

20. When managing dyspnoea in patient with terminal disease o providing supplemental oxygen should be the primary approach, even in patients without hypoxia o non-pharmacological interventions are generally ineffective o evidence supports the use of morphine for patients with advanced lung cancer o the first step is the treatment of symptoms rather than the underlying cause

21. The following statement is correct for late complications of radiotherapy: o their late time is depending on the radiation dose o They are, in general, reversible o They are exclusively based on radiation damage to the vasculature o Their clinical manifestation is complete within the first year after radiotherapy

22. Radiosensitivity of organs and tissues: o Tissues with a high proliferation rate are highly sensitive to changes in dose per fraction o Changes in the overall treatment time of radiotherapy significantly impact on the severity of early complications o The most radiosensitive normal tissue is the spinal cord o The radiation sensitivity of tissues is closely related to their proliferation rate

23. The fractionation effect in normal organs and tissues: o In all tissues, the α/β value remains constant throughout a series of fractionated irradiation o The repair half-time of cells and tissues is comparable between cell cultures, rodent and human tissues o The fractionation effect is the most pronounced for late responding tissues o The fractionation effect is exclusively related to the DNA repair capacity of cells

24. Which percentage of all urothelial tumours presents in Upper Tract (Ureter, Kidney)? o 10% o 25% o 15% o 6%

25. Golden standard in management of high grade Upper Tract Urothelia Carcinoma located in Kidney Upper Calix is: o Radiotherapy o Nephroureterectomy and bladder cuff resection o Nephrectomy o Nephroureterectomy

26. Next step in patient with high suspicion of prostate cancer and negative transrectal biopsy is: o Androgen deprivation therapy o Radical prostatectomy o re-biopsy o PSA control in 3 months

27. What is the most common primary malignant intraocular tumour in adults? o Uveal melanoma o Metastatic lesions o Retinoblastoma o Intraocular lymphoma

28. What is the most common treatment for uveal melanoma? o Evisceration of the affected eye o radiotherapy o Enucleation of the affected eye o surgical resection of the tumour

29. What is the most common malignant ocular adnexal tumour? o Basal cell carcinoma o Orbital lymphoma o Squamous cell carcinoma o Conjunctival melanoma

30. Which is not a typical part of cancer rehabilitation? o Radiation o Psycho-Oncology o Exercise o Nutrition

31. Which is a typical part of cancer rehabilitation? o Bioresonance o Reiki o Spiritual Healing o Information

32. What kind of exercise is not typical for cancer rehabilitation? o Strength exercise o Senormotor training o Weight management exercise o Endurance exercise

33. Which of the following statements regarding targeted therapies is correct? "Targeted therapy... o ..takes advantage of genetic changes in malignant cells!" o ...avoids normal cells and goes directly to the cancer cell!” o …is mainly cytotoxic!" o ...can not be combined with chemotherapy!"

34. Which of the following characteristics is NOT regarded as a hallmark of cancer? o tumour promoting inflammation

o sustaining proliferative signals o resistance against chemotherapy o resisting cell death

35. Which statement about side effects in targeted therapies is correct? o Severe side effects are never observed in targeted therapies! o Can lead to interruption or stop of targeted therapy! o Side effects only occur, if targeted therapy is combined with chemotherapy or radiation! o Is mainly seen as skin toxicity!

36. Which epidemiologic fact about lung cancer is true? o the lung cancer mortality is decreasing worldwide o lung cancer is the leading cause of death in women in some countries o only current smokers are affected by lung cancer o lung cancer incidence is decreasing worldwide

37. Which screening method has the potential to reduce lung cancer mortality? o sputum cytology o chest x-ray o low dose CT-scan o measurement of exhale breath condensate

38. Which among the following risk factors shows the lowest influence on developing breast cancer? o alcohol consumption o high breast tissue density o high dose radiation to the chest o one first-degree relative with breast cancer

39. The most common first symptom of early breast cancer is: o excretion of fluid from the nipple o shortness of breast o back pain o painless mass or node in the breast

40. Median survival from diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer is o 6 month o 36 month o 12 month o 24 month

41. In locally advanced cervical cancer in which both parametriae are involved, the right one to the pelvic wall, the treatment of choice is: o palliative treatment as the patient is too advanced to be cured o neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical hysterectomy o definitive radio-chemotherapy o radical hysterectomy and lymph node staging

42. Please select the true statement o surgery is mandatory in all patients with gynaecological malignancies o radiotherapy in the treatment of gynaecological malignancies could have a curative role in the treatment of endometrial cancer, cervical cancer and an adjuvant role in the treatment of ovarian cancer o radiotherapy in the treatment of gynaecological malignancies is used only in rare cases in which surgery is contraindicated

43. Which of the following statements is NOT true: o the main risk factors for developing uterine cancer are: obesity, DM II, hypertension, infertility o vulva carcinoma is a very frequent malignancy in women o the treatment of gynaecological malignancies requires a multidisciplinary approach o ovarian cancer treatment requires extensive surgery followed by chemotherapy in the majority

44. Decision making in oncology is depending on.... Please indicate the wrong statement o general condition of the patient o histology o amount and spared of gross tumour volume o patient´s sex

45. Increase of secondary cancers occurs after ..... Please indicate the wrong answer o chemotherapy o chemo radiation o radiotherapy o surgery

46. What does LINAC stand for? o Linear accelerator o Long intense non-alcoholic cocktail o Linear arc o Tram line in Vienna

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