TABLE S3. Common Gene Signature of Epithelial and Stromal Sps in Human Endometrium

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TABLE S3. Common Gene Signature of Epithelial and Stromal Sps in Human Endometrium

TABLE S3. Common gene signature of epithelial and stromal SPs in human endometrium.


Gene Gene Symbol Function Fold Change

Description Von Willebrand VWF Cell-substrate adhesion -3,09 (EPIT)

factor -4,33 (STR) Gap junction GJB1 Cell-cell signalling -3,91 (EPIT) protein, beta 1, Integral to membrane -2,85 (STR)

32kDa Transmembrane TMEM101 Positive regulation of I-KappaB -4,08 (EPIT) protein 101 kinase/NF-KappaB cascade -1,48 (STR)

Integral to membrane

Signal transducer activity THC2624264 -4,15 (EPIT)

-1,84 (STR) Histone cluster 1, HIST1H1A Nucleosome assembly -4,50 (EPIT)

H1a DNA binding -2,29 (STR) V-myc MYCN Regulation of transcription from -4,78 (EPIT) myelocytomatosis RNA polymerase II promoter -1,53 (STR) viral related Protein binding oncogene, neuroblastoma derived (avian) THC2598362 -4,99 (EPIT)

-1,30 (STR) Hemoglobin delta HBD Oxygen transport -5,04 (EPIT)

1 -1,21 (STR) Homeobox B6 HOXB6 Regulation of transcription, -5,55 (EPIT)

DNA-dependent -2,76 (STR) Sp5 transcription SP5 Regulation of transcription, -5,71 (EPIT) factor DNA-dependent -1,48 (STR) FERM domain FRMD4A Binding -5,87 (EPIT) containing 4A -1,66 (STR) Hemoglobin beta HBB Nitric oxide transport -6,48 (EPIT)

Oxygen transport -1,89 (STR)

Positive regulation of nitric oxide

biosynthetic process LOC146325 -7,31 (EPIT)

-1,39 (STR) Proprotein PCSK1N Neuropeptide signalling pathway -11,15 (EPIT) convertase -1,87 (STR) subtilisin/kexin type 1 inhibitor


Gene Description Gene Symbol Function Fold Change Interleukin 1beta IL1B Anti-apotosis +19,82

Negative regulation of cell (EPIT)

proliferation + 4,49 (STR)

Positive regulation of mitosis

Positive regulation of vascular

endothelial growth factor

production Chemokine (C-X- CXCL1 Negative regulation of cell +19,06

C motif) ligand 1 proliferation (EPIT)

2 (melanoma Intracellular signalling cascade + 4,33 (STR) growth stimulating activity, alpha) Heat shock HSPA6 Stress response +16,88

70kDa protein 6 (EPIT)

(HSP70B') + 4,12 (STR) Tubulin alpha-1 TUBA1 Protein polymerization +13,66 chain (EPIT)

+ 1,98 (STR) Growth GDF15 Cell-cell signalling +12,48 differentiation Transforming growth factor beta (EPIT) factor 15 receptor signalling pathway + 5,36 (STR) Adrenomedullin ADM Hormone activity +9,41 (EPIT)

+5,32 (STR) Solute carrier SLC2A14 Cell differentiation +9,30 (EPIT) family 2, Transmembrane transport +2,14 (STR) facilitated glucose transporter member 14 Chemokine (C-C CCL3 Cell-cell signalling +8,90 (EPIT) motif) ligand 3 Cellular calcium ion homeostasis +1,33 (STR)

Cell motion Nuclear receptor NR4A3 Transcription regulation +8,87 (EPIT) subfamily 4, +3,80 (STR) group A, member

3 Amphiregulin AREG Cell-cell signalling +8,63 (EPIT)

3 Cell proliferation +1,76 (STR)

Positive regulation of DNA

regulation Tumor necrosis TNFAIP3 Anti-apotosis +8,52 (EPIT) factor, alpha- Negative regulation of I-KappaB +2,01 (STR) induced protein 3 kinase/NF-KappaB cascade

Ubiquitin-dependent protein

catabolic process Pleckstrin PHLDA2 Apoptosis +8,29 (EPIT) homology-like +3,22 (STR) domain, family

A, member 2

Chemokine (C-X- CXCL2 Chemotaxis +8,08 (EPIT)

C motif) ligand 2 Immune response +2,93 (STR) Inhibin, beta A INHBA Induction of apoptosis +7,92 (EPIT)

Negative regulation of cell cycle +5,67 (STR)

G1/S transition of mitotic cell


Negative regulation of cell

growth Serpin peptidase SERPINB2 Anti-apoptosis +7,27 (EPIT) inhibitor, clade B +6,27 (STR)

(ovalbumin), member 2 Olfactory OR2C3 G-protein coupled receptor +6,89 (EPIT) receptor, family protein signalling pathway +1,72 (STR)

2, subfamily C,

4 member 3 Angiopoietin-like ANGPTL4 Negative regulation of apoptosis +6,68 (EPIT)

4 Cell differentiation +5,82 (STR)

Response to hypoxia Rho family RND3 Cell adhesion +6,34 (EPIT)

GTPase 3 Small GTPase mediated signal +6,41 (STR)

transduction Interleukin 8 IL8 Negative regulation of cell +6,19 (EPIT)

proliferation +4,46(STR)

Cell-cell signalling

Cell adhesion Hairy and HES1 Transcription regulation +5,96 (EPIT) enhancer of split +1,56 (STR)

1 Immediate early IER3 Anti-apoptosis +5,91 (EPIT) response 3 +5,57 (STR) BCL2-related BCL2A1 Anti-apoptosis +5,83 (EPIT) protein A1 +1,69 (STR) Colony CSF2 Positive regulation of DNA +5,62 (EPIT) stimulating factor replication +3,85 (STR)

2 (granulocyte- Positive regulation of Tyrosine macrophage) phosphorylation of Stat5 protein Matrix MMP3 Proteolysis +5,61 (EPIT) metallopeptidase Collagen catabolic process +6,53 (STR)

3 (stromelysin 1, progelatinase) Serine/threonine- PLK3 Cell cycle +5,25 (EPIT) protein kinase Protein amino acid +2,31 (STR)

phosphorylation Solute carrier SLC2A3 Transmembrane transport +5,19 (EPIT)

5 family 2 +2,11 (STR)

(facilitated glucose transporter), member 3

Early growth EGR2 Transcription factor activity +4,96 (EPIT) response 2 (Krox- +2,94 (STR)

20 homolog,

Drosophila) Phorbol-12- PMAIP1 Caspase activation Induction +4,93 (EPIT) myristate-13- apoptosis +1,70 (STR) acetate-induced protein 1 Superoxide SOD2 Oxygen homeostasis +4,90 (EPIT) dismutase 2, Regulation of transcription from +5,18 (STR) mitochondrial RNA polymerase II promoter Early growth EGR3 Regulation of transcription, +4,88 (EPIT) response 3 DNA-dependent +2,33 (STR) GTP binding GEM Cell surface receptor linked +4,79 (EPIT) protein signal transduction +4,08 (STR) overexpressed in Small GTPase mediated signal skeletal muscle transduction Interleukin-4- IL4I1 Oxidation reduction +4,73 (EPIT) induced protein 1 +1,34 (STR) Chemokine (C-C CCL3L3 Negative regulation of cell +4,72 (EPIT) motif) ligand 3- proliferation +1,26 (STR)

6 like 3 Chemotaxis FLJ39575 +4,60 (EPIT)

+3,86 (STR)

Ras-related RRAD Small GTPase mediated signal +4,55 (EPIT) associated with transduction +2,95 (STR) diabetes Interleukin 6 IL6 Negative regulation of cell +4,49 (EPIT)

(interferon, beta proliferation +4,96 (STR)

2) Positive regulation of anti-


Positive regulation of osteoblast

differentiation Heat shock 70 HSPA1A Anti-apoptosis +4,44 (EPIT) kDa protein 1 +1,79 (STR) Cysteine-rich, CYR61 Cell adhesion +4,41 (EPIT) angiogenic Cell proliferation +3,13 (STR) inducer, 61 Regulation of cell growth Interleukin 23, IL23A Tissue remodelling +4,31 (EPIT) alpha subunit p19 +1,98 (STR) SERTA domain SERTAD1 Regulation of transcription, +4,23 (EPIT) containing 1 DNA-dependent +2,63 (STR)

Positive regulation of cell


Regulation of cyclin-dependent

protein kinase activity Intercellular ICAM1 Transmembrane receptor activity +4,23 (EPIT) adhesion Cell adhesion +2,87 (STR) molecule 1 Dual specificity DUSP5 Protein tyrosine phosphatase +3,76 (EPIT)

7 phosphatase 5 activity +3,62 (STR) Growth arrest and GADD45A Apoptosis +3,64 (EPIT)

DNA-damage- Cell cycle arrest +2,68 (STR) inducible, alpha DNA repair G-protein EBI2 G-protein coupled receptor +3,55(EPIT) coupled receptor protein signalling pathway +1,24 (STR)



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