Parent Involvement Plan 2013-2014

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Parent Involvement Plan 2013-2014

Title I Parent Involvement Plan 2013-2014

Northridge Middle School

I. Parental Involvement Policy A. List names and roles (teachers, administrators, parents, etc) of persons involved in developing Parental Involvement Policy. The School Leadership Team develops the Parental Involvement Policy. Raymond Barnes- Principal Kimberly J. Hazel – Assistant Principal John Kirkland – Assistant Principal Lawrence Durinick – Dean of Students Crasharnia Harman – Academic Facilitator Jacquetta Patrick – Math Facilitator Jarma Chisholm – SLT Chairperson and 8th grade Social Studies Alexis Rainey – SLT Data Processor for Indistar and 7th grade Language Arts Kyle Polk –SLT Secretary and 7th gr Exceptional Children department Keesa Stewart – 8th gr Language Arts Danita Anthony – 6th gr Language Arts Lisa Williams – Exceptional Children department Christopher Bandy – Timekeeper and 6th gr Math Kevin Emerson – 6th gr Science Darrell Whitaker – Fine Arts Shari Barber – Parent Gerrynell Griffey – Parent

B. Briefly describe the process your school used to: 1. select participants to develop the policy (school improvement team, parent involvement committee) Each department voted on representatives for the School Leadership Team. During the Title 1 Annual Parent Meeting, parents were invited to be on the School Leadership Team. Parents will also be invited to be on the School Leadership Team during our Fall Open House. Parents were given sign up forms. Parents completed the forms.

2. Develop policy (1-2 pages max) (policy should reflect Components II through XII taken from Parental Involvement Section 1118 of No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Refer to the Northridge Middle School Parent Policy 3. implement policy C. Copy of Policy See attached II. Annual Information Meeting A. Describe your plan to convene an annual meeting to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title I Part A. Include strategies to inform LEP parents. The Annaul Parent Meeting was convened on August 22, 2013. Letters were mailed home with the information. Connect Eds were sent out to parents. It was posted on the marqui outside of the school.

III. Flexible meeting times A. Describe your strategies to offer flexible times for parental involvement opportunities and meetings. Parents were able to complete on the sign up form for best meeting times for their schedules. Refer to Parent Policy

IV. Title I Part A Planning A. What timeline and strategies will you use to involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review and improvement of the Title I Part A Program. Refer to Parent Policy

V. Parent Information and Opportunities A. Describe how you will provide parents with the following: 1. Timely information about Title I Part A Programs 2. School performance profiles 3. Assessment results of their child’s performance 4. A description and explanation of the curriculum, assessment forms, and proficiency levels and state standards. Include strategies to inform parents with language barriers and/or disabilities 5. Opportunities for regular meetings to participate in decision making 6. Timely responses to suggestions and questions raised by parents 7. Reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in child’s class

Refer to the Parent Policy

VI. School-Parent compact A. Discuss timeframe and strategies to present and explain compact to parents as it relates to the child’s achievement. Include strategies to inform parents with language barriers and/or disabilities Refer to School-Parent-Student Compact B. Include a copy of the compact See attachment VII. Building Parent Involvement Capacity A. Briefly discuss how you will address the following: 1. Provide assistance to parents in understanding performance standards, assessment, Title I, monitoring their child’s progress and participating in decisions relating to the education of their child 2. Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children (literacy training, computer skills, homework assistance/workshops, family literacy nights, adult ESL, GED etc.) 3. Educate teachers and other staff to work with parents 4. Coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs/activities 5. Develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses 6. Conduct other activities as appropriate and feasible that is designed to help parents become full partners in the education of their child 7. Ensure that information related to parent involvement is sent home in the language used in the home Refer to Parent Policy and School-Parent-Student Compact VIII. LEP and Disable Parents A. Provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency or with disabilities Refer to School-Parent-Student Compact and Parent Policy

IX. Reservation of Funds: Not less than 1% of the LEA’s allocations SHALL be reserved to carry out parent involvement activities, including family literacy and parenting skills. (95% of this allotted to individuals Title I schools) A. How will your school assure a portion of your allotment will be spent on parent involvement? B. How will your school insure parent involvement regarding how funds will be allotted for parental involvement activities? Refer to Parent Policy and School-Parent-Student Compact X. Parent Request A. Describe how you will provide reasonable support for parental involvement activities requested by parents. – Refer to Parent Policy and School-Parent-Student Compact XI. Annual Evaluation A. Discuss timeline and plan for involving parents in an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of the schools. Refer to Parent Policy and School-Parent-Student Compact XII. Other Parent Involvement Practices (School may include the following). Only describe the ones you choose to implement A. Describe how your school addresses the following, only if practices are part of your schoolwide plan. 1. Involve parents in the development of training for teachers, principals and other educators 2. Provide necessary literacy training 3. Pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with local parental involvement activities, including transportation and child care cost 4. Train parents to enhance the involvement of other parents 5. Arrange school meetings at a variety of times or conduct in-home conferences for those unable to attend in school activities 6. Adopt and implement model approaches to improving parental involvement

Refer to Parent Policy and School-Parent-Student Compact The Northridge Middle Schools’ Title I Schoolwide program encourages each parent to be involved in his or her child's education. This policy outlines the parental involvement activities that will be conducted during the school year.

♦ Parents will receive a copy of the Parent Involvement Policy (this document) – which describes the

ongoing activities that are held to inform and involve parents in their child's education.

♦ Parents will receive a copy of the School-Parent-Student Compact - this is an agreement

between the home and school outlining everyone's responsibility for supporting student learning.

♦ School Open House will be held 8/22/13.

We look forward to seeing you.

♦ A Title I annual parent meeting will be held August 22, 2013 before the Open House.

This meeting will cover:

- the results of the annual review meeting from last spring;

- activities in which students will be involved;

-an explanation of the curriculum in use at the school;

- how students will be assessed to determine growth;

-the proficiency levels students are expected to meet; and

- how/when the assessment information will be sent home to parents.

This meeting will also give parents the opportunity to actively participate and have input into the

Title I School Wide Program.

♦ Monthly newsletters, suggestions on how parents may assist their child academically; lists of

appropriate books to read with your child, as well as other information, will be sent home

periodically to provide opportunities to train parents to help their children succeed in school.

♦ Parent-teacher conferences and Student-led conferences are scheduled for November 1, 2013.

Teachers will be available to review your child's progress and answer any questions you may have.

♦ A survey will be given to parents in the Spring of the year that will allow parents a chance to voice

their feelings about the Title I Schoolwide program. We look forward to suggestions or recommendations from you that can help us improve our Title I program.

♦ An annual review meeting is held each year in the Spring to review the Title I School Wide

program. Parents are welcome to attend. The results from the parent survey, as well as teacher

input will be considered when planning for the next year. The results of this annual review meeting

will be shared with parents at the annual parent meeting in the Fall.

♦ You may request a meeting at any time to provide input related to the Title I program, or to have

input in the decisions related to the education of your child.

We invite you to call the school or your child’s teacher at any time during the year to ask any questions you may have or to schedule a visit or meeting. It is our hope that your child will have a wonderful experience learning at Northridge Middle School. ------After reading the Parent Involvement Policy, please provide any feedback or suggestions you may have related to the Policy. If you have feedback, please return this portion to the school.

Date: ______Child’s Name: ______Grade: ______Parent(s) Name: ______Phone/Email (Optional): ______Suggestions/Feedback: ______Northridge Middle School School- Parent- Student Compact The Northridge Middle School and the parents of the student participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I agree that this compact outlines how they will share the responsibility for improved students academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.

This school-parent-student compact is in effect during the 2013-2014 school year.

School Responsibilities

Northridge Middle School will:

1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:  Teacher the NC Standard Course of Study  Provide a safe and pleasant atmosphere for learning  Explain assignment to students clearly  Provide a clear evaluation of student progress  Use differentiated instruction to meet the learns needs of the student  Set high expectations for students and progress monitor to ensure students meet those expectations. 2. Hold parent-teacher conferences to discuss student achievement at the end of each quarter at agreed times that are flexible for parental attendance. 3. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports every three weeks and at parent request. Parents may access student progress via Parent Assist. 4. Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents during scheduled conferences before and after school.

Teacher Signature______Date______Parent Responsibilities We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:  Monitoring attendance;  Making sure that homework is completed;  Monitoring amount of television my child watches;  Volunteering in my child’s classroom;  Participating as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education;  Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time;  Serving on policy advisory groups, such as being Title I parent representative on the school’s School Improvement Team, the School Support Team or other school advisory or policy group. Parent(s) Signature______Date______

Student Responsibilities

As a student, I will be responsible for the following:

 Coming to class prepared to work and completing all assignments to the best of my ability;  Respecting the rights of others to learn without distraction and disruption;  Asking my teachers questions when I am not understanding;  Discussing with my parents what I learned in school;  Meeting all expectations of Northridge Middle School

Student’s Signature______Date______

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