Voluntary State Curriculum-Reading/English Language Arts

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Voluntary State Curriculum-Reading/English Language Arts


1.0 General Reading Processes: Phonemic Awareness: Students will master the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words by the end of grade one. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 A. Phonemic Awareness A. Phonemic Awareness A. Phonemic Awareness A. Phonemic Awareness A. Phonemic Awareness 1. Discriminate sounds and 1. Discriminate sounds and 1. Discriminate sounds and words words words a. Tell whether sounds are a. Identify whether isolated a. Identify initial, medial, and same or different sounds are same or final sounds in one-syllable b. Recognize that letters different words represent sounds b. Identify initial and final b. Compare one-syllable c. Identify and repeat initial sounds in a word words using initial, medial, sounds in words c. Categorize words as same and final sounds d. Classify words by initial or different by initial or c. Categorize words as same sounds final sounds or different by medial sounds 2. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and 2. Discriminate and produce 2. Discriminate and produce alliteration rhyming words and rhyming words and a. Repeat rhyming words alliteration alliteration b. Repeat phrases and a. Repeat and produce a. Produce sentences with sentences with alliteration rhyming words rhyming and alliteration c. Discriminate rhyming b. Identify and repeat words from non-rhyming sentences that use words alliteration

3. Blend sounds and syllables 3. Blend sounds and syllables to form words 3. Blend sounds and syllables to form words a. Orally blend syllables into to form words a. Blend 3-4 phonemes into a a whole word, such as fun- a. Orally blend syllables into word, such as f-a-s-t=fast ny=funny a whole word, such as fun- ny=funny b. Orally blend onset and rimes (word families) into a whole word, such as b- at=bat c. Orally blend 2-3 phonemes 4. Segment sounds in spoken into one syllable words, 4. Segment and manipulate words and sentences such as m-e=me; f-u- sounds in spoken words a. Clap words in a sentence n=fun a. Segment words into b. Identify the initial sound in syllables a word 4. Segment and manipulate b. Segment one-syllable 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 1 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Phonemic Awareness: Students will master the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words by the end of grade one. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 sounds in spoken words words into phonemes and sentences c. Delete sounds to form new a. Clap words in a sentence words b. Clap syllables in a word d. Add sounds to form new c. Say syllables words d. Identify the initial sound in e. Substitute sounds to form a word new words e. Segment individual sounds in words f. Substitute initial sounds in words to form new words

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 2 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Phonics: Students will apply their knowledge of letter/sound relationships and word structure to decode unfamiliar words. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 B. Phonics B. Phonics B. Phonics B. Phonics B. Phonics 1. Recognize that letters have 1. Identify letters and 1. Identify letters and 1. Identify letters and their 1. Use a variety of phonetic corresponding sounds corresponding sounds corresponding sounds corresponding sounds skills to read unfamiliar a. Recognize similarities and a. Identify in isolation all a. Produce letter/sound a. Identify digraphs, such as words differences in letter shapes upper and lower case correspondences rapidly (1 ch, ph, sh, th, and wh a. Apply phonics skills b. Match familiar consonant letters of the alphabet per second) b. Identify diphthongs, such Assessment Limits: sounds to appropriate b. Identify letters matched to b. Combine sounds to form as oy, ow, ay  Hard and soft letters, such as m, b, f, t, sounds letter combinations, such consonants p c. Generate the sounds as pl-, bl-, tr-, -nt  Initial consonant associated with individual blends (2 letters) letters and letter patterns,  Vowel patterns such as s-,  Short vowels st-, -at, -ack, -ed  R-controlled vowels  Digraphs  Final consonants 2. Decode words in grade- 2. Decode words in grade-  Diphthongs 2. Decode words in grade- level texts level texts level texts a. Recognize and apply short a. Use phonics to decode 2. Decode words in grade- a. Identify and name some 2. Decode words in grade- vowels, long vowels, and words level texts upper and lower case level texts “y” as a vowel b. Break compound words, a. Sound out common word letters in words, especially a. Identify similarities and b. Decode words with letter contractions, and parts those in the student’s own differences in letters and combinations, such as inflectional endings into b. Break words into familiar name words consonant digraphs, known parts parts b. Blend letter sounds in one- blends, and special vowel c. Identify and apply vowel Assessment Limits: syllable words (CVC) patterns patterns to read words,  Compound or other c. Use onset and rime (word c. Read one-syllable words such as CVC, CVCE, CVVC multi-syllabic words families) to decode one- fluently (CVC, CVCE) d. Read blends fluently, such  Contractions syllable words d. Use known word/part to as spl, str  Possessives decode unknown words,  Inflectional endings such as carcard  Word roots/base words  Prefixes  Suffixes c. Use word meanings and order in sentences to confirm decoding efforts

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 3 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Phonics: Students will apply their knowledge of letter/sound relationships and word structure to decode unfamiliar words. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 4 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Fluency: Students will read orally with accuracy and expression at a rate that sounds like speech. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 C. Fluency C. Fluency C. Fluency* C. Fluency* C. Fluency* 1. Engage in imitative reading 1. Engage in imitative reading 1. Read orally from familiar 1. Read orally from familiar 1. Read orally from familiar at an appropriate rate at an appropriate rate text at an appropriate rate text at an appropriate rate text at an appropriate rate a. Listen to models of fluent a. Listen to models of fluent a. Listen to models of fluent a. Listen to models of fluent a. Listen to models of fluent reading reading reading reading reading b. Recite nursery rhymes, b. Recite nursery rhymes, b. Read familiar text at a rate b. Read familiar text at a rate b. Read familiar text at a rate poems, and finger plays poems, and finger plays that is conversational and that is conversational and that is conversational and with expression with expression consistent consistent consistent c. Develop beginning sight c. Reread text multiple times c. Reread text multiple times vocabulary of familiar to increase familiarity with to increase familiarity with words, such as first name, words words color words 2. Read orally from familiar 2. Read grade-level text texts at an appropriate rate 2. Read grade-level text 2. Read grade-level text accurately a. Read familiar text with accurately accurately a. Reread and self-correct accuracy and expression a. Reread and self-correct a. Reread and self-correct while reading b. Use knowledge of end while reading while reading b. Decode words punctuation to signal b. Use word context clues b. Decode words automatically expression in reading (meaning), sentence automatically c. Use word context clues c. Recognize some words by structure (syntax), and c. Use word context clues (meaning), sentence sight, such as student’s visual clues to guide self- (meaning), sentence structure (syntax), and first and last name, a, the, correction structure (syntax), and visual clues to guide self- I, my, you, is, are c. Read sight words visual clues to guide self- correction automatically, such as correction d. Increase sight words read have, said, where, two d. Read sight words fluently automatically 3. Read grade-level text with 3. Read grade-level text with expression 3. Read grade-level text with expression a. Demonstrate appropriate expression a. Demonstrate appropriate use of phrasing when a. Demonstrate appropriate use of phrasing reading familiar text use of phrasing when  Attend to sentence  Use end punctuation, reading both familiar and patterns and structures commas, and unfamiliar text that signal meaning in quotation marks to  Use punctuation marks text guide expression to guide expression  Use punctuation cues  Use intonation  Use intonation to guide meaning and (emphasis on certain (emphasis on certain expression *Independent level text (Put Reading First) is relatively easy text for the reader, with no more than approximately 1 in 20 words that are difficult for the reader (95% success). Instructional level text (Put Reading First) is challenging but manageable text for the reader, with no more than approximately 1 in 10 words difficult for the reader (90% success). 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 5 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Fluency: Students will read orally with accuracy and expression at a rate that sounds like speech. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 words) to convey words) to convey  Use pacing and meaning meaning intonation (emphasis on certain words) to convey meaning and expression  Adjust intonation and pitch (rise and fall of spoken voice) appropriately to convey meaning and expression

*Independent level text (Put Reading First) is relatively easy text for the reader, with no more than approximately 1 in 20 words that are difficult for the reader (95% success). Instructional level text (Put Reading First) is challenging but manageable text for the reader, with no more than approximately 1 in 10 words difficult for the reader (90% success). 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 6 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Vocabulary: Students will use a variety of strategies and opportunities to understand word meaning and to increase vocabulary. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 D. Vocabulary D. Vocabulary D. Vocabulary D. Vocabulary D. Vocabulary 1. Develop and apply 1. Develop and apply 1. Develop and apply 1. Develop and apply 1. Develop and apply vocabulary through vocabulary through vocabulary through vocabulary through vocabulary through exposure to a variety of exposure to a variety of exposure to a variety of exposure to a variety of exposure to a variety of texts texts texts texts texts a. Acquire new vocabulary a. Acquire new vocabulary a. Acquire new vocabulary a. Acquire new vocabulary a. Acquire new vocabulary through listening to a through listening to and through listening to and through listening to and through listening to, variety of texts on a daily reading a variety of texts reading a variety of grade- independently reading a independently reading, and basis on a daily basis appropriate text daily variety of literary and discussing a variety of b. Discuss words and word b. Discuss words and word b. Discuss words and word informational texts literary and informational meanings daily as they are meanings daily as they are meanings daily as they are b. Discuss words and word texts encountered in texts, encountered in texts, encountered in texts, meanings daily as they are b. Discuss words and word instruction, and instruction, and instruction, and encountered in texts, meanings daily as they are conversation conversation conversation instruction, and encountered in texts, c. Asks questions about c. Asks questions to clarify c. Asks questions to clarify conversation instruction, and unknown objects and meaning about objects and meaning about objects and c. Make connections to prior conversation words related to topics words related to topics words related to topics knowledge and new c. Collect 12-20 new words discussed discussed discussed vocabulary by listening, for deeper study each d. Listen to and identify the d. Listen to and identify the d. Listen to and identify the reading, and responding to week meaning of content- meaning of new meaning of new a variety of texts specific vocabulary vocabulary in multiple vocabulary in multiple d. Make inferences about the e. Identify some signs, labels, contexts contexts meaning of a word based and environmental print e. Listen to and identify the e. Connect unfamiliar words on its use in a sentence f. Collect and play with meaning of content- from texts, instruction, and e. Identify simple multiple favorite words specific vocabulary conversation to prior meaning words f. Read signs, labels, and knowledge to enhance f. Learn 8-12 new words environmental print meaning every week (independent g. Collect and manipulate f. Learn 5-8 new words every reading) favorite words week (independent 2. Develop a conceptual reading) 2. Develop a conceptual 2. Develop a conceptual understanding of new 2. Develop a conceptual understanding of new understanding of new words understanding of new 2. Develop a conceptual words words a. Use words to describe size, words understanding of new a. Classify and categorize a. Identify and sort common color, and shape a. Use words to describe words words into sets and words into conceptual b. Name common objects location, size, color, and a. Sort grade-appropriate groups, such as animals, categories, such as general shown in pictures shape words with or without adult/baby to specific, lesser to b. Name pictures of common pictures into categories b. Identify and explain greater concepts, such as sleeping, b. Identify antonyms and common antonyms, b. Identify and explain word 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 7 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Vocabulary: Students will use a variety of strategies and opportunities to understand word meaning and to increase vocabulary. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 running, walking synonyms synonyms, and relationships to determine c. Use names and labels of c. Identify and use correctly homophones to increase the meanings of words basic concepts, such as new words acquired vocabulary skills Assessment Limits: stop, go, boys, girls, in, through study of their c. Identify and use correctly  Antonyms, synonyms, out, poison relationship to other words new words acquired homophones, and d. Identify and sort pictures through study of their homographs of common words into relationship to other words c. Identify and use correctly basic categories, such as new words acquired 3. Understand, acquire, and colors, numbers, seasons through study of their use new vocabulary relationship to other words a. Use illustrations to find 3. Understand, acquire, and meaning of unknown words 3. Understand, acquire, and 3. Understand, acquire, and use new vocabulary b. Use newly learned use new vocabulary use new vocabulary a. Use context to determine vocabulary on multiple a. Use text and illustrations 3. Understand, acquire, and a. Determine the meanings of the meanings of words occasions to reinforce to identify meaning of use new vocabulary unknown words Assessment Limits: meaning unknown words a. Determine the meanings of  Reread  Above grade-level b. Use newly learned words using their context  Use context clues words used in context vocabulary on multiple  Reread  Read on  Words with multiple occasions to reinforce  Use context clues  Use text features meanings meaning  Examine illustrations b. Use unfamiliar words  Connotations versus c. Use word structure to b. Use unfamiliar words introduced in literary and denotations determine meanings of introduced in literary and informational texts  Grade-appropriate words informational texts c. Use word structure to idioms and figurative  Inflectional endings c. Use word structure to determine meanings of expressions d. Use resources to determine meanings of words b. Use word structure to determine meanings of words  Prefixes determine the meanings of unknown words  Contractions  Suffixes words Assessment Limits:  Picture dictionaries  Inflectional endings  Root/base words  Prefixes and suffixes  Charts  Compound words d. Use resources to  Grade-appropriate  Diagrams  Root/base words determine meaning of roots and base words  Posters d. Use resources to unknown words  Grade-appropriate determine meanings of  Dictionaries compound words unknown words  Textbook glossaries  Grade-appropriate  Picture dictionaries  Thesauruses inflectional endings  Charts c. Use resources to determine  Diagrams the meanings of words  Posters Assessment Limits: 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 8 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Vocabulary: Students will use a variety of strategies and opportunities to understand word meaning and to increase vocabulary. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3  Content texts  Dictionaries  Glossaries  Thesauruses d. Use new vocabulary in speaking and writing to gain and extend content knowledge and clarify expression

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 9 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Comprehension: Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning). Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 E. General Reading E. General Reading E. General Reading E. General Reading E. General Reading Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension 1. Demonstrate an 1. Demonstrate an 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension understanding of concepts understanding of concepts skills through exposure to a skills through exposure to a skills through exposure to a of print to determine how of print to determine how variety of texts variety of texts variety of texts print is organized and read print is organized and read a. Listen to, read, and discuss a. Listen to, read, and discuss a. Listen to critically, read, a. Understand that speech a. Understand that speech texts representing texts representing and discuss texts can be written and read can be written and read diversity in content, diversity in content, representing diversity in b. Understand that print b. Read a minimum of 15 culture, authorship, and culture, authorship, and content, culture, conveys meaning books, both literary and perspective, including perspective, including authorship, and c. Demonstrate the proper informational areas, such as race, areas, such as race, perspective, including use of a book c. Identify title, cover page, gender, disability, religion, gender, disability, religion, areas, such as race, d. Identify the title of a book front and back of book, and socio-economic and socio-economic gender, disability, religion, e. Demonstrate that text is table of contents, page background background and socio-economic read from left to right and numbers, and describe b. Self-select appropriate text b. Self-select appropriate text background top to bottom what information is for a variety of purposes for a variety of purposes b. *Read a minimum of 25 f. Identify pictures, shapes, presented on the title and c. *Read a minimum of 25 c. *Read a minimum of 25-30 self-selected and/or letters, and numerals cover pages books representing various self-selected and/or assigned books or book d. Track print from left to genres assigned books equivalents representing right and top to bottom d. Discuss ideas/information representing various various genres e. Make return sweep to next gained from reading genres c. Discuss reactions to and line of text experiences with adults d. Discuss reactions to and ideas/information gained f. Match oral words to printed and peers ideas/information gained from reading experiences words from reading experiences with adults and peers in g. Differentiate numerals, with adults and peers in both formal and informal letters, and words both formal and informal situations h. Recognize that printed situations words are separated by 2. Use strategies to prepare spaces for reading (before i. Recognize that letters build reading) words and words build 2. Use strategies to prepare a. Make connections to the sentences for reading (before 2. Use strategies to prepare 2. Use strategies to prepare text using reading) for reading (before for reading (before illustrations/photographs 2. Use strategies to prepare a. Make connections to the reading) reading) from prior knowledge for reading (before text using their prior a. Make and explain the a. Survey and preview the b. Make predictions by reading) knowledge and connections made from text by examining features, examining the title, cover, a. Make connections to the experiences with the text prior knowledge and such as the title, pictures, Note: *New Standards identifies the need for students to process 1 million words per year to maintain academic progress. Books at K-2 level are too short for necessary yield. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 10 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Comprehension: Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning). Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 illustrations/ photographs, text using illustrations, b. Make predictions or ask experiences with the text illustrations, photographs, and familiar author or topic photographs, and prior questions about the text b. Make predictions or ask charts, and graphs c. Help set a purpose for knowledge by examining the title, questions about the text b. Set a purpose for reading reading b. Make predictions by cover, illustrations/ by examining the title, the text examining the title, cover, photographs/text, and cover, illustrations/ c. Make predictions and ask illustrations/ familiar author or topic photographs/text, and questions about the text photographs/text, and c. Set a purpose for reading familiar author or topic d. Make connections to the familiar author or topic and identify type of text c. Set a purpose for reading text from prior knowledge c. Ask questions about the (fiction or nonfiction) and identify type of text and experiences text by examining the title, (fiction or nonfiction) cover, illustrations, photographs, text d. Set a purpose for reading

Note: *New Standards identifies the need for students to process 1 million words per year to maintain academic progress. Books at K-2 level are too short for necessary yield. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 11 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Comprehension: Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning). Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 3. Use strategies to make 3. Use strategies to make 3. Use strategies to make 3. Use strategies to make 3. Use strategies to make meaning from text (during meaning from text (during meaning from text (during meaning from text (during meaning from text (during reading) reading) reading) reading) reading) a. Use illustrations to a. Use illustrations to a. Recall and discuss what a. Recall and discuss what a. Reread the difficult parts construct meaning construct meaning from they understand they understand slowly and carefully b. Make and confirm text b. Identify and question what b. Identify and question what b. Use own words to restate predictions b. Make, confirm, or adjust did not make sense did not make sense the difficult part c. Connect events, predictions c. Reread difficult parts c. Reread difficult parts c. Read on and revisit the characters, and actions in c. Make comments and ask slowly and carefully and slowly and carefully and difficult part stories to specific life relevant questions use own words to restate use own words to restate d. Look back through the text experiences d. Reread sentences when difficult parts difficult parts to search for connections meaning is not clear d. Make, confirm, or adjust d. Read on, revisit, and between and among ideas e. Connect events, predictions restate the difficult parts in e. Make, confirm, or adjust characters, and actions in e. Look back through the text your own words predictions stories to specific life to search for connections e. Make, confirm, or adjust f. Periodically summarize experiences between topics, events, predictions while reading characters, and actions in f. Ask and answer questions g. Periodically paraphrase stories to specific life about the text important ideas or experiences g. Periodically summarize information while reading h. Visualize what was read for h. Visualize what was read deeper understanding i. Look back through the text i. Explain personal to search for connections connections to the ideas or between and among ideas information in the text j. Explain personal connections to the topics, events, characters, and actions in texts

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 12 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Comprehension: Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning). Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

4. Demonstrate 4. Demonstrate 4. Use strategies to 4. Use strategies to understanding of text understanding of text demonstrate understanding 4. Use strategies to demonstrate understanding (after reading) (after reading) of the text (after reading) demonstrate understanding of the text (after reading) a. Recall information from a. Recall and discuss a. Describe what the text is of the text (after reading) a. Identify and explain the text information from text about a. Review/restate and explain main idea b. Respond orally to b. Respond to questions b. Describe what is directly what the text is mainly Assessment Limits: questions (who, what, and where) stated in the text (details, about  In the text or a portion c. Respond to text in a and verify answers using literal meaning) b. Identify and explain what of the text variety of ways illustrations/text c. Engage in conversation to is directly stated in the b. Identify and explain what is  Retell c. Respond to text by understand what has been text (details, literal directly stated in the text  Dramatize drawing, speaking, read meaning) Assessment Limits:  Draw dramatizing, or writing d. Answer simple questions c. Identify and explain what  Main ideas, supporting d. Review the purpose for d. Compare information in (who, what, when, where, is not stated in the text details, and other reading text with prior knowledge and how) in writing (implied or inferential information stated in e. Retell a story as though e. Validate/determine the e. Respond to text by meaning) the text or a portion of reading a book purpose for reading drawing, speaking, d. Summarize the text orally the text f. Retell a story using text as dramatizing, or writing e. Confirm, refute, or make c. Identify and explain what is support f. Retell the main idea of predictions to form new not directly stated in the texts ideas text by drawing inferences f. Connect the text to prior Assessment Limits: knowledge or personal  Implied information experience from the text or a g. Engage in conversation to portion of the text understand what has been d. Draw conclusions based on read the text and prior h. Retell explicit and implicit knowledge main ideas of texts Assessment Limits: i. Answer questions (what if,  Stated or implied why, and how) in writing information from the text e. Confirm, refute, or make predictions and form new ideas 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 13 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Comprehension: Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning). Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Assessment Limits:  Stated and/or implied information from the text f. Paraphrase the main idea Assessment Limits:  Complete text or a portion of the text

g. Summarize Assessment Limits:  The text or a portion of the text h. Connect the text to prior knowledge or personal experience Assessment Limits:  Prior knowledge or experience that clarifies, extends, or challenges the ideas and/or information in the text

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 14 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

1.0 General Reading Processes: Comprehension: Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning). Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 15 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 A. Comprehension of A. Comprehension of A. Comprehension of A. Comprehension of A. Comprehension of Informational Text Informational Text Informational Text Informational Text Informational Text 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension skills by reading a variety skills by reading a variety skills by reading a variety skills by reading a variety skills by reading a variety of informational texts of informational texts of self-selected and of self-selected and of self-selected and a. Listen to nonfiction a. Listen to nonfiction assigned informational assigned informational assigned informational materials materials texts texts texts  Nonfiction trade books  Nonfiction trade books a. Listen to nonfiction a. Read and recognize a. Read, use, and identify the  Magazines  Picture dictionaries materials nonfiction materials to gain characteristics of nonfiction  Multimedia resources  Simple maps  Textbooks information and content materials to gain b. Listen to and read  Magazines  Trade books knowledge information and content functional documents by  Newspapers  Grade-appropriate  Textbooks knowledge following simple oral or  Multimedia resources reference materials  Trade books Assessment Limits: rebus directions b. Listen to and use  Newspapers  Grade-appropriate  Textbooks  Recipes functional documents by  Articles reference materials  Appropriate reference  Rules following simple oral or  Magazines  Newspapers materials  Personal narratives  Signs rebus directions  Questionnaires/intervie  Articles  Diaries and journals  Center activities  Science investigations ws  Magazines  Biographies  Labels  Recipes  Multimedia resources  Questionnaires/intervie  Newspapers   b. Read and recognize ws Classroom schedules Rules  Letters functional documents  Multimedia resources  Signs and posters  Articles  b. Read and identify  Center activities Sets of directions  Web sites and other functional documents  Labels  Science investigations online materials   Classroom schedules  Posters Sets of directions  Other appropriate  Flyers  Science investigations content-specific texts  Forms  Posters b. Read, use, and identify the  Invitations  Flyers characteristics of functional  Menus  Forms documents  Maps  Invitations Assessment Limits:  Recipes  Menus  Sets of directions  Rules  Maps  Science investigations  Classroom schedules  Recipes  Atlases  Rules  Posters  Classroom schedules  Flyers  Surveys  Forms  Instructional manuals  Menus 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 16 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3  Pamphlets  Rules  Invitations  Recipes c. Listen to and use personal  Advertisements interest materials, such as c. Listen to and use personal  Other functional books and magazines interest materials, such as documents books and magazines c. Select and read personal c. Select and read personal c. Select and read to gain interest materials, such as interest materials, such as information from personal brochures, books, brochures, books, interest materials, such as 2. Recognize and use text magazines, and web sites magazines, and web sites brochures, books, features to facilitate 2. Identify and use text magazines, cookbooks, and understanding of features to facilitate web sites informational texts understanding of a. Recognize print features informational texts 2. Identify and use text 2. Identify and use text 2. Identify and use text  Print size a. Identify print features features to facilitate features to facilitate features to facilitate b. Recognize graphic aids  Bold print understanding of understanding of understanding of  Photographs  Print size informational texts informational texts informational texts  Drawings  Labels a. Use print features a. Use print features a. Use print features  Maps  Numbered steps  Large bold print  Large bold print Assessment Limits:  Graphs b. Identify graphic aids  Font size/type  Font size/type  Large bold print  Diagrams  Illustrations  Colored print  Italics  Font size/type  Pictures  Headings and chapter  Colored print  Italics  Colored print  Photographs titles  Headings/subheadings  Quotation marks  Drawings  Labels and chapter titles  Underlining   Captions  Labels Maps b. Use graphic aids  Numbered steps  Captions  Graphs Assessment Limits: b. Use graphic aids  Numbered steps  Charts  Illustrations and  Illustrations b. Use graphic aids  Diagrams pictures   c. Use informational aids Pictures Illustrations  Photographs  Materials lists  Photographs  Pictures  Drawings  Labels  Drawings  Photographs  Sketches  Numbered steps  Maps  Drawings  Cartoons  Graphs  Maps  Maps (key, scale,  Charts/tables  Graphs legend)  Diagrams  Charts/tables  Graphs  Materials lists  Diagrams  Charts/tables 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 17 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 c. Use informational aids  Materials lists  Diagrams  Materials lists c. Use informational aids c. Use informational aids  Captions  Materials lists Assessment Limits:  Glossed words  Timelines  Introductions and  Labels  Captions overviews  Numbered steps  Glossed words  Materials lists  Labels  Timelines  Captions  Numbered steps d. Identify organizational aids  Glossed words  Title  Labels  Numbered steps  Table of contents d. Use organizational aids  Pronunciation key  Numbered steps when reading  Transition words d. Use organizational aids  Title  Boxed text when reading  Table of contents  Title d. Use organizational aids  Numbered steps Assessment Limits:  Table of contents  Glossary  Titles, chapter titles,  Numbered steps  Headings and subtitles  Transition words  Transition words  Headings, subheadings  Tables of content  Numbered steps  Glossaries  Indices  Transition words e. Use online features Assessment Limits:  URLs  Hypertext links  Sidebars  Drop down menus  Home pages f. Identify and explain the contributions of text features to meaning Assessment Limits:  Connections between text features and the main idea and/or the 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 18 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 reader’s understanding

3. Develop knowledge of organizational structure of informational text 3. Develop knowledge of a. Recognize sequential order organizational structure of informational text to 3. Develop knowledge of understand what is read organizational structure of a. Recognize sequential order 3. Develop knowledge of informational text to b. Recognize similarities and organizational structure of understand what is read differences informational text to a. Distinguish between fiction 3. Develop knowledge of c. Recognize description understand what is read and nonfiction text organizational structure of a. Distinguish between fiction b. Recognize words that informational text to and nonfiction text signal the structure of understand what is read b. Recognize words that informational text a. Identify and analyze the signal the structure of c. Recognize sequential and organization of texts informational text chronological order Assessment Limits: c. Recognize sequential order d. Recognize cause/effect  Sequential and d. Recognize cause/effect relationships chronological order relationships e. Recognize similarities and  Cause/effect e. Recognize similarities and differences  Problem/solution differences f. Recognize description  Similarities/differences f. Recognize main idea g. Recognize and use main  Description idea and supporting details  Main idea and supporting details b. Identify and use words and phrases associated with common organizational patterns Assessment Limits:  Words that show chronology (first, 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 19 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 second, third)  Words that show description (above, beneath, next to, beside)  Words that show cause and effect (because, as a result)  Words that show sequence (next, then, 4. Determine important ideas finally) and messages in informational texts 4. Determine important ideas a. Retell important facts from and messages in a text informational texts b. Identify how someone a. State the text’s purpose 4. Determine important ideas might use the text b. Identify the main and messages in idea/text’s message 4. Determine important ideas informational texts c. Retell important facts from and messages in a. Identify the author’s/text’s a text informational texts purpose d. Identify how someone a. Identify the text’s purpose b. Identify main might use the text b. Identify main ideas/messages ideas/messages c. Identify information not c. Distinguish between a fact related to the main idea 4. Determine important ideas and an opinion d. Draw conclusions and and messages in d. Retell important facts from generalizations from text informational texts a text to form new understanding a. Identify and explain the e. Identify how someone e. Distinguish between a fact author’s/text’s purpose and might use the text and an opinion intended audience f. Identify prior knowledge f. Identify how someone Assessment Limits: that clarifies the main idea might use the text  Purpose of the author of the text g. Summarize the text or a or the text or a portion portion of the text of the text h. Identify prior knowledge  Connections between that clarifies the main idea the text and the of the text intended audience b. Identify and explain the author’s opinion 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 20 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Assessment Limits:  Texts or portions of texts in which the author’s opinion is evident c. State and support main ideas and messages Assessment Limits:  The whole text or a portion of the text d. Summarize or paraphrase Assessment Limits:  The text or a portion of the text e. Identify and explain information not related to the main idea Assessment Limits:  Information in the text that is peripheral to the main idea

f. Identify and explain relationships between and among ideas Assessment Limits:  Comparison/contrast  Cause/effect  Sequence/chronology  Relationships between 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 21 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 and among ideas in one or more texts  Relationships between and among ideas and prior knowledge in one or more texts g. Draw conclusions and inferences and make generalizations and predictions from text Assessment Limits:  From one text or across multiple texts  Connections between and among ideas that lead to a new understanding h. Distinguish between a fact and an opinion Assessment Limits:  In one or more texts i. Identify and explain how 5. Identify and explain the someone might use the author’s use of language text a. Identify words and phrases Assessment Limits: 5. Identify and explain the with a specific effect on  Application of the text author’s use of language meaning (similes, for personal use or a. Recognize specific metaphors) content-specific use punctuation that create b. Recognize specific words j. Connect the text to prior tone and punctuation that knowledge or experience create tone Assessment Limits: c. Recognize repetition of  Prior knowledge that words clarifies, extends, or challenges the ideas or information in the text or a portion of the text 5. Identify and explain the author’s use of language 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 22 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 a. Identify and explain specific words or phrases that contribute to the meaning of a text Assessment Limits:  Significant words and phrases with a specific effect on meaning  Similes, metaphors, personification  Content vocabulary  Denotations of above- grade-level words in context b. Identify and explain specific words and punctuation that create tone 5. Evaluate informational text Assessment Limits:  Grade-appropriate 5. Evaluate informational text words that describe a. State whether the text tone fulfills the reading purpose  Tone in the text or a b. Tell what the author could portion of the text have done to make the  Specific punctuation text easier to understand that contributes to the c. Tell whether the author’s tone of a text or a ideas are clear 6. Read critically to evaluate portion of the text 6. Read critically to evaluate informational text c. Identify and explain the informational text a. State whether the text effect of repetition of a. State whether the text fulfills the reading purpose words or phrases fulfills the reading purpose b. Explain what the author Assessment Limits: b. Tell what the author could could have done to make  Repetition for have done to make the the text easier to emphasis of ideas or text easier to understand understand information c. Explain whether the c. Explain whether the author’s ideas are clear author’s ideas are clear d. Identify words that affect d. Identify words that affect 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 23 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 the reader’s feelings the reader’s feelings

6. Read critically to evaluate informational text a. Explain whether the text fulfills the reading purpose Assessment Limits:  Connections between the content of the text and the purpose for reading b. Identify and explain additions or changes to format or features that would make the text easier to understand Assessment Limits:  Connections between effectiveness of format and text features in clarifying the main idea of the text c. Identify and explain what makes the text a reliable source of information Assessment Limits:  Fiction versus nonfiction text (real versus fantasy) d. Explain whether or not the author’s opinion is presented fairly 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 24 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Assessment Limits:  Evidence that the author has presented all slides of the issue or topic

e. Identify and explain information not included in the text Assessment Limits:  Information that would enhance or clarify the reader’s understanding of the main idea of the text or a portion of the text  Connections between the main idea and information not included in the text f. Identify and explain words and other techniques that affect the reader’s feelings Assessment Limits:  Significant words and phrases that have an emotional appeal

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 25 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

2.0 Comprehension of Informational Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate informational text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 26 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 A. Comprehension of Literary A. Comprehension of Literary A. Comprehension of Literary A. Comprehension of Literary A. Comprehension of Literary Text Text Text Text Text 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension 1. Develop comprehension skills by reading a variety skills by listening to a skills by listening to and skills by reading a variety skills by reading a variety of self-selected and variety of self-selected and reading a variety of self- of self-selected and of self-selected and assigned literary texts assigned literary texts selected and assigned assigned literary texts assigned literary texts a. Listen to critically, read, a. Listen to and discuss a literary texts a. Listen to, read, and discuss a. Listen to, read, and discuss and discuss a variety of variety of literary texts a. Listen to and discuss a a variety of literary texts a variety of literary texts literary texts representing representing diverse variety of literary texts representing diverse representing diverse diverse cultures, cultures, perspectives, and representing diverse cultures, perspectives, and cultures, perspectives, perspectives, ethnicities, ethnicities cultures, perspectives, and ethnicities ethnicities, and time and time periods b. Listen to and discuss a ethnicities b. Listen to, read, and discuss periods b. Listen to critically, read, variety of different types of b. Listen to and discuss a a variety of different types b. Listen to, read, and discuss and discuss a variety of fictional literary texts, such variety of different types of of fictional literary texts, a variety of different types different types of fiction as stories, poems, nursery fictional literary texts, such such as plays, poems, of fiction and nonfiction and nonfiction texts rhymes, realistic fiction, as stories, poems, nursery stories (folktales, fairy texts and fairy tales rhymes, realistic fiction, tales, fantasy, fables, c. Identify characteristics of fairy tales, and fantasy realistic fiction, and different types of fictional historical fiction) literary texts, such as plays, poems, stories (folktales, fairy tales, fantasy, fables, realistic fiction, and historical 2. Use text features to 2. Use text features to 2. Use text features to 2. Use text features to fiction) facilitate understanding of facilitate understanding of facilitate understanding of facilitate understanding of literary texts literary texts literary texts literary texts 2. Use text features to a. Identify and explain how a. Identify and explain how a. Identify and explain how a. Identify and explain how facilitate understanding of organizational aids the title contributes to the title contributes to the title contributes to literary texts contribute to meaning meaning meaning meaning a. Identify and explain how Assessment Limits: b. Identify and explain how b. Identify and explain how b. Identify and explain how the title contributes to  Title of the book, story, text features, such as text features, such as text features, such as meaning poem, or play illustrations, punctuation, illustrations, punctuation, illustrations, punctuation, b. Identify and explain how b. Identify and explain how and print features, and print features, and print features, text features, such as graphic aids contribute to contribute to meaning contribute to meaning contribute to meaning illustrations, punctuation, meaning and print features, Assessment Limits: contribute to meaning  Pictures and illustrations  Punctuation 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 27 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3  Print features c. Identify and explain how informational aids contribute to meaning Assessment Limits:  Footnoted words and phrases  Captions 3. Use elements of narrative 3. Use elements of narrative 3. Use elements of narrative 3. Use elements of narrative texts to facilitate texts to facilitate texts to facilitate texts to facilitate understanding understanding understanding understanding 3. Use elements of narrative a. Identify and distinguish a. Identify the beginning and a. Identify the beginning, a. Identify the elements of a texts to facilitate among types of narrative end of a story middle, and end of a story, story, including characters, understanding texts b. Identify the characters of a including the problem, and setting, problem, and a. Identify and explain the Assessment Limits: story solution solution elements of a story,  Characteristics of the b. Identify the characters, b. Identify and explain including the problem, the general categories of sequence of events, and character traits and actions sequence of events, and fiction versus setting of a story c. Sequence the important the solution to the problem nonfiction events b. Identify the setting and  Realistic fiction explain its importance to  Tall tales the story  Legends c. Identify the main  Fables character(s) and explain  Fairy tales their importance in the  Biographies story b. Identify and explain the d. Identify characters’ elements of a story actions, motives, emotions, Assessment Limits: traits, and feelings  Narrative text with a e. Identify and explain main problem, relationships between and sequence of among characters, setting, chronology of events, and events and solution to the problem c. Identify and describe the setting and the mood Assessment Limits:  Stories that have 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 28 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 settings with a distinct time and place d. Identify and analyze the characters Assessment Limits:  Main versus minor characters  Conclusions about the characters’ traits based on what the character says and does  Conclusions about the characters’ motivations based on the characters’ actions and interactions with other characters e. Identify and explain relationships between and among characters, setting, and events Assessment Limits:  Connections between and among characters  Connections between and among situations  Cause/effect relationships between characters’ actions and the results of those actions  Cause/effect relationships between and among situations and events f. Identify and describe the narrator 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 29 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Assessment Limits:  Narrator of the story; speaker of the poem  First versus third person point of view

4. Use elements of poetry to facilitate understanding 4. Use elements of poetry to 4. Use elements of poetry to a. Identify rhyme, rhythm, facilitate understanding facilitate understanding and repetition in poems a. Identify rhyme, rhythm, a. Identify rhyme, rhythm, read to them and repetition in poems and repetition in poems read to them read to them 4. Use elements of poetry to b. Retell the events of the b. Summarize the events or facilitate understanding poem tell the meaning of the a. Identify the structure, poem shape, and form of a variety of poetic texts, 4. Use elements of poetry to including their lines and facilitate understanding stanzas a. Use structural features to b. Analyze the meaning of identify poetry as a literary words, lines, and stanzas form c. Identify and use sound Assessment Limits: elements of poetry, such  Structure, including as rhyme, no rhyme, and lines and stanzas rhythm  Shape  Form, including lines and stanzas  Refrain, chorus  Rhyme scheme b. Identify and explain the 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 30 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 meaning of words, lines, and stanzas Assessment Limits:  Specific meaning of words, lines, and/or stanzas c. Identify and explain sound elements of poetry Assessment Limits:  Rhyme, rhyme scheme  Rhythm  Alliteration and other repetition d. Identify and explain other poetic elements, such as setting, mood, tone, etc. that contribute to meaning

5. Use elements of drama to facilitate understanding a. Recognize that a play has 5. Use elements of drama to 5. Use elements of drama to characters, dialogue, facilitate understanding facilitate understanding scenery, and tells a story a. Identify the characters, a. Identify the characters, dialogue, and scenery of a dialogue, and scenery of a play read to them play read to them 5. Use elements of drama to facilitate understanding a. Identify the structure of a play, including characters, costumes, dialogue, and 5. Use elements of drama to scenery facilitate understanding a. Use structural features to identify a play as a literary form Assessment Limits:  List of characters (cast), including narrator 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 31 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3  Introductory information about the setting  Stage directions  Dialogue  Acts b. Identify and explain the action of a scene Assessment Limits:  Specific actions and events that occur in a scene c. Identify and explain stage directions that help to create character and movement Assessment Limits:  Connections between the stage directions and the physical 6. Determine important ideas movement of the and messages in literary characters texts 6. Determine important ideas 6. Determine important ideas d. Identify and explain stage a. Retell the story by and messages in literary and messages in literary directions and dialogue sequencing the main texts texts that help to create events a. Retell the story by a. Recognize the main idea character b. Identify a personal sequencing the main b. Recognize a similar Assessment Limits: connection to the text events message in more than one  Connections among b. Identify a personal text 6. Determine important ideas the stage directions, connection to the text c. Summarize the text by and messages in literary the character’s lines, stating the main idea and texts and how the character sequencing the important a. Recognize the main idea or delivers those lines events message of the text d. Identify personal b. Recognize a similar connections to the text message in more than one text c. Retell the text or part of the text 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 32 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 d. Summarize the text 6. Determine important ideas e. Identify personal and messages in literary connections to the text texts a. Identify and explain main ideas and universal themes Assessment Limits:  In the text or a portion of the text  Literal versus interpretive meanings of a text or a portion of text  Message, moral, or lesson learned from the text b. Identify and explain a similar idea or theme in more than one text Assessment Limits:  Main ideas across texts  Messages, morals, or lessons learned across texts  Different versions of the same story across eras or cultures 7. Identify and describe the c. Retell the text author’s use of language 7. Identify and describe the Assessment Limits: a. Identify descriptive words author’s use of language  Restatement of the in text read to them a. Identify language that text or a portion of the appeals to the senses and text in student’s own feelings words b. Identify repetition d. Summarize c. Identify specific words and 7. Identify and describe the Assessment Limits: punctuation that create author’s use of language  The text or a portion of tone a. Explain how the use of the text dialogue contributes to a e. Identify and explain story personal connections to 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 33 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 b. Identify specific words and the text phrases that contribute to Assessment Limits: the meaning of a text  Connections between c. Identify specific words and personal experiences punctuation that create and the theme or main tone ideas d. Identify language that appeals to the senses and feelings e. Identify repetition and exaggeration 7. Identify and describe the author’s use of language a. Identify and explain how the use of dialogue contributes to a story Assessment Limits:  Character and plot development advanced through dialogue b. Identify and explain specific words and phrases that contribute to meaning Assessment Limits:  Significant words and phrases with a specific effect on meaning  Denotations of above- grade-level words used in context  Connotations of grade- appropriate words and phrases in context  Multiple meaning words c. Identify and explain words and punctuation that create tone 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 34 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Assessment Limits:  Grade-appropriate words that describe the tone of a text or a portion of text  Tone in the text or portion of the text  Specific punctuation that contributes to the tone of a text or a portion of the text d. Identify and explain figurative language Assessment Limits:  Simile  Personification  Onomatopoeia

e. Identify and explain language that appeals to the senses and feelings Assessment Limits:  Specific words and phrases that appeal to the senses f. Identify and explain repetition and exaggeration Assessment Limits:  Specific examples of repetition that affect meaning  Specific examples of exaggeration  Alliteration

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 35 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

3.0 Comprehension of Literary Text: Students will read, comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate literary text. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 8. Read critically to evaluate literary texts a. Identify and explain the believability of the characters’ actions and the story’s events Assessment Limits:  Realism versus fantasy  Characters and events that parallel everyday life b. Identify and explain questions left unanswered by the text Assessment Limits:  Questions and predictions about events, situations, and conflicts that might occur if the text were continued

7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 36 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

4.0 Writing: Students will compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 A. Writing A. Writing A. Writing A. Writing A. Writing 1. Compose texts using the 1. Compose texts using the 1. Compose texts using the 1. Compose texts using the 1. Compose texts using the prewriting and drafting prewriting and drafting prewriting and drafting prewriting and drafting prewriting and drafting strategies of effective strategies of effective strategies of effective strategies of effective strategies of effective writers and speakers writers and speakers writers and speakers writers and speakers writers and speakers a. Recognize that writing a. Generate ideas and topics a. Generate ideas and topics a. Generate ideas and topics a. Generate topics based on conveys meaning for writing and make a plan for and make a plan before discussion of common b. Generate ideas by using b. Dictate or write words, writing writing experiences using letter-like shapes, symbols, phrases, or sentences b. Write a first draft with a b. Write a first draft with a techniques, such as and letters, dictating words related to ideas or main idea and supporting main idea and supporting graphic organizers, journal and phrases, and using illustrations details details writing, listing, webbing, drawings to represent c. Organize related ideas into and discussion of prior ideas a simple paragraph experiences b. Plan and organize ideas for writing by using an appropriate organizational structure, such as chronological or sequential order, comparison and contrast  Complete an idea by providing topic, support, and concluding sentences

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4.0 Writing: Students will compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

2. Compose oral, written, and 2. Compose oral and visual visual presentations that 2. Compose oral, written, and 2. Compose oral, written, and presentations that express express personal ideas and visual presentations that visual presentations that personal ideas inform express personal ideas, express personal ideas, 2. Compose oral, written, and a. Write to express personal a. Write to express personal inform, and persuade inform, and persuade visual presentations that ideas using letter-like ideas using drawings, a. Write to express personal a. Write to express personal express personal ideas, shapes, symbols, and symbols, letters, or words ideas using drawings, ideas using a variety of inform, and persuade letters b. Contribute to a shared symbols, letters, words, forms, such as journals, a. Compose to express b. Contribute to a shared writing experience or topic sentences, and simple narratives, letters, and personal ideas to develop writing experience or topic of interest paragraphs reports fluency using a variety of of interest c. Use sensory details to b. Contribute to a shared b. Contribute to a shared forms, such as journals, c. Use drawings, letters, or expand ideas writing experience or topic writing experience or topic narratives, letters, reports, symbols to express d. Dictate, draw, or write to of interest of interest and paragraphs personal ideas inform c. Use sensory details to c. Use sensory details to b. Describe in prose and e. Dictate, draw, or write a expand ideas expand ideas poetry by using sensory response to text, such as d. Use details that support a d. Compose to inform using details and vivid language response logs and journals topic with a clear major points and examples with active verbs and beginning, middle, and end to support a main idea colorful adjectives to inform e. Write persuasive text to c. Compose to inform using e. Write persuasive text to support a stated opinion summary and selection of support a stated opinion f. Write a variety of major points and examples f. Write a variety of responses to text, such as to support a main idea responses to text, such as response logs, journals, d. Compose to persuade response logs and journals and constructed responses using significant reasons and relevant support  Agree or disagree with an idea and generate convincing reasons with relevant support  Consider effective forms e. Use writing-to-learn strategies, such as journals, admit/exit slips, 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 38 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

4.0 Writing: Students will compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 diagrams, drawings, graphic organizers, and “think-aloud’s on paper” to connect ideas and thinking about lesson content f. Manage time and process when writing for a given purpose

3. Compose texts using the revising and editing 3. Compose texts using the strategies of effective 3. Compose texts using the revising and editing writers and speakers revising and editing strategies of effective a. Prepare writing for display strategies of effective writers and speakers by revising and editing writers and speakers a. Improve writing by using rules, such as capital a. Improve writing by  Maintaining a topic letters and periods  Maintaining a topic  Adding ideas 3. Compose texts using the  Adding ideas  Deleting unrelated revising and editing b. Proofread and edit writing ideas strategies of effective for b. Proofread and edit writing writers and speakers  Capitalization at the for a. Revise texts for clarity, beginning of sentences  Complete sentences completeness, and  Capitalization for  Capitalization at the effectiveness names beginning of sentences  Eliminate words and  Punctuation at the end  Capitalization of proper ideas that do not of sentences nouns support the main idea  Accurate spelling of  Punctuation at the end  Clarify meaning by previously learned, of sentences rearranging words high-frequency words  Commas with dates, within a sentence c. Prepare writing for salutations and  Clarify meaning by publication closings, and items in a rearranging sentences series within a text for a clear  Apostrophes in beginning, middle, and contractions end b. Use suitable traditional and  Quotation marks in electronic resources to edit simple dialogue final copies of text for c. Prepare writing for 3. Identify how language correctness in language 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 39 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

4.0 Writing: Students will compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 choices in writing and 4. Identify how language publication usage and conventions, speaking affect thoughts choices in writing and such as capitalization, and feelings speaking affect thoughts punctuation, and spelling a. Identify and use words to and feelings  Self edit communicate feelings a. Identify and use words to 4. Identify how language  Peer edit b. Acquire and use new communicate feelings choices in writing and  Dictionary vocabulary b. Acquire and use new speaking affect thoughts 4. Identify how language c. Prepare the final product vocabulary and feelings choices in writing and for presentation to an a. Identify and use words to speaking affect thoughts audience express feelings, such as and feelings happiness, anger, sadness, a. Use colorful language to 4. Identify how language frustration convey thoughts and choices in writing and b. Acquire and use new feelings in formal and speaking affect thoughts vocabulary informal writing and feelings b. Acquire and use new a. Select words appropriate 5. Use effective details, vocabulary for audience, situation, or words, and figurative purpose language in the student’s b. Acquire and use new own composing vocabulary a. Use descriptive words and 5. Use effective details, c. Consider the effect of word other details to expand words, and figurative choices on the audience and improve student’s own language in the student’s 5. Use effective details, writing own composing words, and figurative a. Use descriptive words and language in the student’s other details to expand own composing and improve student’s own a. Use sensory words and 5. Assess the effectiveness of writing other details to expand choice of details, word and improve student’s own choice, and use of writing figurative language in the b. Examine and use basic student’s own composing transitions, such as “and,” a. Assess the effectiveness of “but,” “or,” “first,” choice of details and “second,” and “last” words/phrases that extend meaning in student’s own composing b. Explain how specific words/phrases used by the writer affects reader 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 40 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

4.0 Writing: Students will compose in a variety of modes by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate for a particular audience and purpose. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 6. Use word lists as a source response of information in writing c. Examine and use basic 6. Explain how textual transitions, such as “and,” changes in a work clarify “but,” “or,” “first,” 6. Use information from meaning or fulfill a purpose “second,” and “last” various sources to a. Revise own text for word accomplish a purpose choice 6. Explain how textual a. Identify sources of changes in a work clarify information on a topic, 7. Locate, retrieve, and use meaning or fulfill a purpose such as trade books, information from various a. Revise own text for word classroom dictionaries, sources to accomplish a choice glossaries, indexes, maps, purpose news magazines, etc. a. Identify and use sources of 7. Locate, retrieve, and use b. Use graphic organizers, information on a topic information from various such as webs and story b. Use various information sources to accomplish a maps to organize retrieval sources purpose information (traditional and/or a. Identify and use sources of electronic) to obtain information on a topic information on a topic b. Use various information c. Use note taking and retrieval sources organizational strategies to (traditional and/or record and organize electronic) to obtain information information on a topic  Participate in teacher- c. Use note taking and directed note taking organizational strategies to and organization of record and organize information information d. Use information to fulfill a  Participate in teacher- given purpose directed note taking and organization of information d. Use information to fulfill a given purpose

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5.0 Controlling Language: Students will control language by applying the conventions of standard English in speaking and writing.* Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 A. Grammar A. Grammar A. Grammar A. Grammar A. Grammar 1. Recognize elements of grammar in personal and academic reading 1. Use grammar concepts and 1. Use grammar concepts and 1. Use grammar concepts and 1. Identify and use grammar skills that strengthen oral skills that strengthen oral skills that strengthen oral concepts and skills that 2. Recognize, recall, and use language language and written language strengthen oral and written basic elements of grammar a. Use complete sentences to a. Use complete sentences in a. Use various parts of language to express ideas clearly** respond to questions conversation and to speech, such as nouns, a. Identify and use various a. Identify and use parts of respond to questions pronouns, and verbs parts of speech, such as speech, such as nouns, b. Distinguish between nouns, pronouns, verbs, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, complete and incomplete and adjectives adjectives (including sentences b. Compose declarative, articles) c. Compose simple sentences interrogative, imperative, b. Identify and incorporate using correct word order and exclamatory subjects and verbs when sentences composing simple c. Identify and use verb sentences forms, such as helping c. Compose complete and verbs correct declarative, d. Identify and use verb interrogative, imperative, tenses, such as present, and exclamatory sentences past, and future d. Identify and use verb forms, such as singular/plural, regular/irregular e. Identify and use verb tenses, such as present, past, and future

* Emphasis is on application of conventions rather than memorization of terms. **At each grade level, curricular options include more complex examples of previous years’ objectives. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 42 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

5.0 Controlling Language: Students will control language by applying the conventions of standard English in speaking and writing.* Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

* Emphasis is on application of conventions rather than memorization of terms. **At each grade level, curricular options include more complex examples of previous years’ objectives. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 43 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

5.0 Controlling Language: Students will control language by applying the conventions of Standard English in speaking and writing. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 B. Usage B. Usage B. Usage B. Usage B. Usage 1. Recognize examples of 1. Recognize examples of 1. Recognize examples of conventional usage in conventional usage in conventional usage in personal and academic personal and academic personal and academic reading reading reading 1. Comprehend and apply 1. Comprehend and apply standard English usage in standard English usage in 2. Comprehend and apply 2. Comprehend and apply 2. Comprehend and apply oral language oral language standard English usage in standard English usage in standard English usage in a. Use sentences with a. Use sentences with oral and written language oral and written language oral and written language** subject/verb agreement subject/verb agreement a. Recognize when subjects a. Recognize and use correct a. Use singular subjects with b. Use correct verb tense b. Use correct verb tense and verbs agree subject/verb agreement singular verbs and plural c. Use sentences with b. Recognize when personal and noun/pronoun subjects with plural verbs noun/pronoun agreement nouns and pronouns agree agreement b. Apply consistent and d. Use commonly confused b. Recognize and use appropriate use of verb words correctly, such as consistent and appropriate tenses, such as past, get/got, have/has verb tenses, such as past, present, and future; present, and future pronouns, such as personal and possessive; and modifiers c. Recognize and correct common usage errors, such as homophones, contractions, and commonly confused words d. Use available resources to correct or confirm editorial choices e. Explain editorial choices

**At each grade level, curricular options include more complex examples of previous years’ objectives. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 44 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

5.0 Controlling Language: Students will control language by applying the conventions of Standard English in speaking and writing. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

C. Mechanics C. Mechanics C. Mechanics 1. Explain the purpose of 1. Explain the purpose of 1. Explain the purpose of mechanics to make and mechanics to make and mechanics to make and C. Mechanics clarify meaning clarify meaning clarify meaning 1. Explain the purpose of mechanics to make and C. Mechanics clarify meaning in academic 1. Explain the purpose of and personal reading and mechanics to make and 2. Comprehend basic 2. Comprehend and use basic 2. Comprehend and use basic writing clarify meaning in academic punctuation and punctuation and punctuation and and personal reading and capitalization in written capitalization in written capitalization in written 2. Comprehend and apply writing language language language standard English a. Recognize that names a. Use periods at the end of a. Consistently use end punctuation and 2. Apply standard English begin with a capital letter sentences punctuation, such as capitalization in written punctuation and b. Recognize that space is b. Use capital letters for first period, question mark, language capitalization in written used to separate words letters of names and exclamation mark a. Use periods and other end language** beginning sentences b. Use periods in numbered punctuation a. Use correct end lists b. Use commas correctly in punctuation c. Use commas in dates and dates, addresses, b. Use commas correctly in salutations and closings salutations and closings, dates, addresses, cities d. Use capital letters to begin and items in a series and states, salutations and sentences and identify c. Use apostrophes in closings, and items in a proper nouns, such as contractions series names d. Use capital letters to c. Use underlining for titles of identify proper nouns and books to begin sentences d. Use apostrophes in contractions and singular possessives e. Use quotation marks in simple dialogue f. Use capital letters to begin a sentence and identify a proper noun g. Indent for paragraphs

**At each grade level, curricular options include more complex examples of previous years’ objectives. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 45 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

5.0 Controlling Language: Students will control language by applying the conventions of Standard English in speaking and writing. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 3. Explain editorial choices involving mechanics

D. Spelling

D. Spelling

1. Apply conventional spelling D. Spelling in written language a. Spell first and last name correctly 1. Apply conventional spelling D. Spelling b. Spell a few high frequency in written language 1. Recognize conventional words correctly a. Correctly spell several non- 1. Apply conventional spelling spelling in and through c. Use letters to represent phonetic high frequency in written language personal and academic phonemes in words words a. Spell non-phonetic high reading d. Use classroom resources to b. Spell phonetically regular frequency words spell unknown words, such high frequency words b. Spell phonetically regular 2. Apply conventional spelling as labeled objects, word c. Correctly spell grade level high frequency words in written language walls, charts, pictionaries appropriate pattern words c. Spell grade level a. Spell non-phonetic high d. Spell two syllable words appropriate pattern words frequency words that follow regular spelling d. Spell two syllable words b. Spell words with common patterns, including that follow regular spelling prefixes and suffixes compound words patterns, including c. Modify spellings when e. Encode words with simple compound words adding inflectional endings blends e. Spell words with simple and suffixes f. Spell words with simple prefixes and suffixes d. Spell words that follow prefixes and inflectional f. Represent all sounds in a regular spelling patterns in endings word when attempting multi-syllabic words g. Use temporary spelling to unknown words e. Spell previously studied attempt unknown words g. Access resources to spell contractions and h. Access resources to spell unknown words, such as possessives unknown words, such as word wall, content word f. Access resources as a **At each grade level, curricular options include more complex examples of previous years’ objectives. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 46 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

5.0 Controlling Language: Students will control language by applying the conventions of Standard English in speaking and writing. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 labeled objects, word chart, dictionary, spelling aid, such as word walls, charts, pictionaries technology wall, dictionary, technology

3. Maintain a personal list of words to use in editing original writing

E. Handwriting 1. Produce writing that is legible to the audience a. Develop fine motor skills necessary to control and sustain handwriting b. Form upper and lower case E. Handwriting manuscript letters 1. Produce writing that is E. Handwriting legible to the audience 1. Produce writing that is a. Form upper and lower case legible to the audience manuscript letters a. Form upper and lower case b. Control size and spacing of cursive letters E. Handwriting manuscript letters on b. Use manuscript in daily 1. Produce writing that is appropriately lined paper assignments to build legible to the audience c. Use manuscript in daily accuracy and automaticity a. Use manuscript fluently assignments to build c. Use connecting strokes to when appropriate to the accuracy and automaticity write continuous text task b. Form upper and lower case letters using cursive writing c. Use connecting strokes to write continuous text for daily assignments d. Use cursive writing for independent assignments to build accuracy and automaticity **At each grade level, curricular options include more complex examples of previous years’ objectives. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 47 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

5.0 Controlling Language: Students will control language by applying the conventions of Standard English in speaking and writing. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 e. Use word processing technology when appropriate

**At each grade level, curricular options include more complex examples of previous years’ objectives. 7/8/2004 Indicators/objectives that include assessment limits are assessed on MSA. Page 48 of 52 VOLUNTARY STATE CURRICULUM-READING/ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grades PreK – 3

6.0 Listening: Students will demonstrate effective listening to learn, process, and analyze information. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 A. Listening A. Listening A. Listening A. Listening A. Listening 1. Demonstrate active 1. Demonstrate active 1. Demonstrate active 1. Demonstrate active 1. Demonstrate active listening strategies listening strategies listening strategies listening strategies listening strategies a. Attend to the speaker a. Attend to the speaker a. Attend to the speaker a. Attend to the speaker a. Attend to the speaker b. Respond appropriately to b. Ask appropriate questions b. Ask appropriate questions clarify and understand c. Respond appropriately to c. Respond appropriately to clarify and understand clarify and understand

2. Comprehend and analyze 2. Comprehend and analyze 2. Comprehend and analyze 2. Comprehend and analyze 2. Comprehend and analyze what is heard what is heard what is heard what is heard what is heard a. Determine a speaker’s a. Determine a speaker’s a. Determine a speaker’s a. Determine whether a a. Determine whether a general purpose general purpose general purpose speaker’s general purpose speaker’s general purpose b. Identify rhythms and b. Identify rhythms and b. Identify rhythms and is to inform, to persuade, is to inform, to persuade, patterns of language, patterns of language, patterns of language, or to entertain or to entertain including rhyme and including rhyme and including rhyme and b. Identify rhythms and b. Identify rhythms and repetition repetition repetition patterns of language, patterns of language, c. Demonstrate an c. Demonstrate an c. Demonstrate an including alliteration, including alliteration, understanding of what is understanding of what is understanding of what is onomatopoeia, rhyme, and onomatopoeia, rhyme, and heard by retelling and heard by retelling and heard by retelling, asking repetition repetition relating prior knowledge relating prior knowledge questions, and relating c. Demonstrate an c. Demonstrate an d. Follow a set of two- or d. Follow a set of two- or prior knowledge understanding of what is understanding of what is three- step directions three- step directions d. Follow a set of multi-step heard by retelling, asking heard by retelling, asking e. Listen carefully to expand e. Listen carefully to expand directions questions, relating prior questions, relating prior and enrich vocabulary and enrich vocabulary e. Listen carefully to expand knowledge, and knowledge, and and enrich vocabulary summarizing summarizing f. Make judgments based on d. Follow a set of multi-step d. Follow a set of multi-step information from the directions directions speaker e. Listen carefully to expand e. Listen carefully to expand and enrich vocabulary and enrich vocabulary f. Make judgments based on f. Make judgments based on information from the information from the speaker speaker

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6.0 Listening: Students will demonstrate effective listening to learn, process, and analyze information. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

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7.0 Speaking: Students will communicate effectively in a variety of situations with different audiences, purposes, and formats. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 A. Speaking A. Speaking A. Speaking A. Speaking A. Speaking 1. Use organization and 1. Use organization and 1. Use organization and 1. Use organization and 1. Use organization and delivery strategies delivery strategies delivery strategies delivery strategies delivery strategies at an a. Speak clearly enough to be a. Speak clearly enough to be a. Speak clearly enough to be a. Speak clearly enough to be appropriate level heard and understood in a heard and understood in a heard and understood in a heard and understood in a a. Speak clearly enough to be variety of settings variety of settings variety of settings variety of settings heard and understood in a b. Use verbal and non-verbal b. Use verbal and non-verbal variety of situations for a techniques useful in techniques useful in variety of purposes communication, such as communication, such as b. Use appropriate non-verbal volume and/or gestures volume and/or gestures techniques to enhance communications  Posture  Eye contact  Facial expressions  Gestures 2. Make oral presentations 2. Make oral presentations 2. Make oral presentations 2. Make oral presentations a. Speak in a variety of a. Speak in a variety of a. Speak in a variety of a. Speak in a variety of 2. Make oral presentations situations to inform and/or situations to inform and/or situations to inform and/or situations to inform and/or a. Speak in a variety of relate experiences, such as relate experiences, such as relate experiences, relate experiences, situations to inform and/or retelling stories retelling stories and/or including retelling stories including retelling stories relate experiences, b. Use props in situations, state an opinion b. State a position and b. State a position and including retelling stories such as show-and-tell b. Use props in situations, support it with reasons support it with reasons b. State a position and such as show-and-tell c. Use props when c. Participate in dramatic support it with reasons appropriate presentations c. Participate in dramatic d. Plan and deliver effective presentations oral presentations d. Plan and deliver effective e. Use props when oral presentations appropriate e. Use props when appropriate

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7.0 Speaking: Students will communicate effectively in a variety of situations with different audiences, purposes, and formats. Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

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