Non-Executive Director and Chair of DVLA Audit Committee

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Non-Executive Director and Chair of DVLA Audit Committee

DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency

Appointment of:

Non-Executive Director and Chair of DVLA Audit Committee

Candidate Brief (V10) Introduction DVLA’s goal is to get the right drivers and vehicles taxed and on the road, as simply, safely, and efficiently for the public as possible. Since 1969, DVLA has been getting safe drivers and vehicles on the road simply and easily. The final consolidation on to our sites in Swansea represents the completion of a project that began right at the start - one body for licensing, serving the whole country with pride and a quality service.

Background & Current Challenges The DVLA is an Executive Agency of the Department for Transport and is responsible for maintaining over 45 million driver records and almost 38 million vehicle records. These registers underpin action by DVLA, the police and others to maintain the high levels of road safety experienced in the UK and the effective collection of vehicle excise duty (VED). DVLA registers are used to deliver other departmental and government initiatives such as traffic management and reducing carbon emissions. With headquarters in Swansea, and employing around the equivalent of 5,000 full time staff, it collects over £6bn in vehicle excise duty each year, handles 175 million customer transactions, including 27 million phone calls from customers and issues 10 million driving licences and 16 million vehicle registration documents. In the 2014/15 business year, DVLA’s running costs will be around £486m including staff costs of about £156m and £308m on goods and services purchased from third parties. More than £530m is raised through fees for services. With a new Board and Executive Team in place and a three-year strategic plan agreed, DVLA is increasingly recognised as a centre of excellence in digital services seamlessly integrating physical and digital services to best meet customer needs effectively; generating and growing income for government and value for the taxpayer from continuing efficiency gains, high levels of car tax collection and our own commercial enterprise. So what does this mean for staff, the customer, and Government?

DVLA’s strategic plan sets out a clear agenda for change:  Simpler Licensing: simplify the policy and technology landscape to improve customer service, give a better result for the taxpayer and fee payer, and make it easier for safer drivers to get on the road.  Excellent Services: build seamless, lean, digital and physical services that exceed expectations and attract people to more cost-effective channels.

2  New Opportunities: use our assets to grow new revenue, efficiency and transactional opportunities across government.  The Best of DVLA: develop our capabilities as an important centre of excellence in licensing technology and identity assurance. Build a unique culture in Swansea –commercial, confident, and focused on the customer.

Appointment title: Non-Executive Director and Chair of the DVLA Audit Committee Location: Swansea Responsible to: Chairman Start date: Immediate Length of appointment: Initially, a fixed period of three years with the possibility of extension for a further period of up to three years. Time commitment: Approximately 32 days per year, this includes attendance at Board meetings and an allowance for preparation. Remuneration: £436.00 gross per day Expenses: Travel and subsistence at standard Civil Service rates

The role As a Non Executive Director and Chair of our Audit Committee you will play a key role in our corporate governance model. As a Non Executive Director, you will attend and make an effective contribution to the DVLA Board and Board meetings by:  Supporting and constructively challenging the executive members of the Board.  Using your skills and experience to examine major projects and programmes, together with strategic and organisational issues.  Drawing upon your commercial business understanding and experience to support the development and delivery of DVLA strategic and business plans. As Chair of our Audit Committee, you will chair four meetings each year, though additional meetings may be called as deemed appropriate by you and/or the Chief Executive. The Audit Committee is established to support the Chief Executive in his role as Agency Accounting Officer by advising on:  the comprehensiveness of assurances in meeting the Accounting Officer’s assurance needs, and reviewing the reliability and integrity of these assurances;

3  the strategic processes for risk, control and governance and the Statement on Internal Control;  the adequacy and effectiveness of the governance, risk, control and assurance arrangements established by the Agency, and the associated assurance processes;  the planned activity and results of both external and internal audit and other review bodies, ensuring that plans support wider DfT requirements;  the adequacy of Management response to issues identified by audit and other assurance functions;  the accounting policies, annual reports and accounts including the Business Accounts; and the Statement of Internal Control;  assurances relating to the corporate governance requirements for the organisation;  anti-fraud policies, whistle-blowing processes and arrangements for special investigations;  the appointment and performance of the Head of Corporate Assurance and the purchase of audit services. You may also be invited to sit on the Departmental Audit Committee, and if required to do so this would require an additional time commitment of five days. As a member of the DVLA Board, you will attend at least ten Board meetings each year and will also be invited to attend occasional meetings with other Non Executive Directors from across the Department for Transport. You will use your experience and knowledge to provide an external perspective on the strategic direction of our work and contribute to the scrutiny and constructive challenge of our performance whilst maintaining independence of thought. You will provide an informal source of independent advice to the Chief Executive and other directors as appropriate.

Candidate profile We wish to appoint an experienced qualified Accountant with a proven track record at board-level in a large and complex organisation and with previous experience leading or working as a member of an audit committee. You will be able to demonstrate:  commercial business understanding – experience of strategy development and implementation, diversification and commercial development would be particularly helpful;  a clear understanding of internal controls and a control environment within a large organisation with significant information systems dependencies;

4  proven ability to bring customer focus and a value for money focused delivery challenge to the Board, together with an understanding of how to balance this against control and delivery risks;  the ability to develop a clear view of what we are trying to achieve and to contribute to delivering against this vision;

 evidence of a personal motivation and commitment to UK public services and an interest in DVLA business and our objectives;  a demonstrably collaborative way of working, for example with fellow Board members, other senior members of the Agency and wider agency stakeholders to enable the delivery of complex agency priorities both within and outside their own areas of responsibility;  excellent communication of key messages to both internal and external audiences, and the ability to listen to and a willingness to act upon feedback;  experience of working with government and/or public sector organisations is desirable as is knowledge of governance issues and processes in large organisations.  you should hold a professional qualification from a CCAB (or equivalent) recognised body.

5 Timing, time commitment and remuneration You will be expected to take up post as soon as possible. We expect the basic time commitment for formal Audit Committee & Board activities will be around 32 days per year, which includes an allowance for preparation. You will be paid a fee of £436 gross per day together with other appropriate expenses at standard civil service rates. DVLA Head Office is located in Swansea and Board and Audit Committee meetings are normally held there; an overnight stay is frequently necessary, therefore.

As DVLA Audit Committee Chair, there will be a requirement to attend an annual one day meeting of the Audit Committee Chairs and an occasional meeting with other Non-Executive Directors from across the Department for Transport. Further details about the DVLA and our services can be found on the Gov.UK website Duration of appointment The appointment will initially be for a fixed period of three years with the possibility of extension for a further period of up to three years. Contact For more information, please contact Robert Foot Corporate Secretary Chief Executives Office Driver & Vehicles Licensing Agency Longview Road Swansea SA6 7JL tel: (01792) 782709 email: [email protected]

6 Application and Appointment To apply, please send a CV, explaining how your qualifications, skills and experience meet the requirements of this appointment to: [email protected] Please quote the reference number clearly in the title of your email. Reference Number: DVLA NED 06/15 Please also include telephone contact details of 2 referees who can be contacted to provide a reference prior to interview. The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 30th November 2015. Please see the timetable below for indicative dates:

Closing Date 30th November 2015

Short listing meeting 7th December 2015

References Taken W/C 7TH DECEMBER

Interviews 16-17th December 2015

If you are invited to interview but are not able to attend on the given date, we will do our best to arrange an alternative date but this may not be possible. Please note that returning the equality monitoring questionnaire is mandatory. If you do not return the form your application will automatically be sifted out of the process. The form will not be seen by anyone involved in the appointment process and is simply a method to collect diversity information for us to improve the diversity in the Department for Transport.

1. Contact Information Should you wish to have an informal, confidential discussion about the appointment, please email your contact details to [email protected] and you will be contacted to arrange an appointment.

2. Equal Opportunities The Department for Transport values equality and diversity in employment and a socially inclusive transport system. We are committed to being an organisation in which fairness and equality of opportunity is central to the approach in business and working relationships and where the organisational culture reflects and supports these values. In DfT you have the right to a working environment free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation regardless of race, ethnic or

7 national origin, age, religion, sex, gender identity, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, working hours, union membership, union office or union activity.

3. Complaints If you feel your application has not been treated appropriately, and you wish to make a complaint, you should, in the first instance, contact: Debbie Riley Head of DfT Resourcing Group DRG, Richard Ley Development Centre Swansea Vale Swansea SA7 0AN

4. Nolan Principles Non-Executive Directors are expected to adhere to the standards set out in the Nolan 7 Principles of Public Life: Selflessness - Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. Integrity - Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties. Objectivity - In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit. Accountability - Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office. Openness - Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. Honesty - Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interests.

8 Leadership - Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.

9 Restricted - (when completed) Equality Monitoring Questionnaire

Name: Vacancy Ref:

Post applied For:

Everyone who is eligible to join the Department will receive equal treatment, regardless of their race, ethnic or national origin, gender, disability, marital status, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation or working pattern when applying for jobs.

Monitoring data is essential to analyse the progress the Department is making towards meeting its commitments on diversity. We would therefore like your personal help to improve the level of the DfT recruitment equality monitoring by completing the attached questionnaire. The data you provide will be held confidentially and used solely for monitoring purposes and will not affect your application in any way.

Please note that DfT operates a mandatory declaration policy and if you do not complete and return this equality monitoring form your application will be automatically sifted out.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.


The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) defines a disabled person as someone with a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Do you consider yourself to be disabled as defined by the DDA? Yes No


What is your gender? Male Female


Please tell us your age:

10 What is your date of birth dd/mm/yyyy

Restricted - (when completed) Equality Monitoring Questionnaire

Nationality/Ethnicity Please state which group you most identify with and tick one box in column A, and one box in column B.

Column A: Nationality Column B: Ethnicity

British or Mixed British White English Any white Group Irish Mixed ethnic background Scottish White and Black Caribbean Welsh White and Black African Any other? (please specify) White and Asian Any other Mixed Ethnic group Prefer not to say Asian Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian group Black African Caribbean Any other Black group Chinese

11 Chinese Any other Chinese group Arab Any Arab group Gypsy, Irish or Scottish Traveller Any Gypsy or Traveller group Any other ethnic group (Please specify)

Prefer not to say Restricted - (when completed) Equality Monitoring Questionnaire

Sexual Orientation

Please state groups with which you most closely identify with.

Heterosexual Gay Man Lesbian Bisexual Prefer not to say

Religion or Belief

Please state groups with which you most closely identify with.

Atheist Agnostic Buddhist Christian (includes: Church of England, Catholic, Protestant & all other Christian denominations) Hindu Jewish

12 Muslim Sikh Any other Religion or Belief (please specify) Prefer not to say

Please state where you saw this vacancy advertised

The Equality Monitoring form will not be disclosed to anyone involved in assessing your application. Please return to: [email protected] DfT values equality and diversity in employment and a socially inclusive transport system


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