Rubric: Marketing Research Proposal
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Rubric: Marketing Research Proposal
Criteria Professional Experienced Developing Novice
Content All components of the All components of the Most of the marketing research Many of the marketing marketing research marketing research proposal proposal’s components were in research proposal’s The information proposal were complete were addressed in writing, but writing; the missing elements components lacked contained in and and in writing. some aspects needed further diminished the proposal’s sufficient detail to take communicated by description. effectiveness. action or were missing the marketing 10 9 altogether. research proposal 8 7 60 points The marketing research The marketing research The marketing research The marketing research proposal’s marketing proposal’s marketing problem proposal’s marketing problem proposal’s marketing problem clearly and described the focus of the was difficult to problem was incomplete or concisely described the research well, but some follow/understand. missing altogether. focus of the research. clarification was required. 7 10 9 8 Research objectives were Research objectives were The research objectives were The research objectives clearly identified and identified and appropriately difficult to follow/understand. were not attainable or appropriately described the described the research missing. research project goals. project goals for the most part, but some clarification was necessary. 10 9 8 7 The selected research The selected research design The selected research design The selected research design was clearly stated, was clearly stated, somewhat was stated and appropriate for design was inappropriate explained, and appropriate explained, and appropriate for the research project, but no for the project or missing for the research project. the research project, but explanation of the design was altogether. some further explanation was provided. needed. 8 10 9 7 Data collection method(s) Data collection method(s) Data collection method(s) were Data collection method(s) were clearly identified, were clearly identified, identified and appropriate for were inappropriate or explained in detail, and somewhat explained, and the research project, but no missing. appropriate for the research appropriate for the research explanation was provided. project. project, but further detail was required. 10 8 9 7 Rubric: Marketing Research Proposal
Criteria Professional Experienced Developing Novice
The marketing research For the most part, the The marketing research The marketing research proposal clearly specified marketing research proposal proposal did not clearly specify proposal did not contain a time, personnel, and clearly specified time, time, personnel, and supplies listing of time, personnel, supplies needed to carry personnel, and supplies needed to carry out the and supplies needed to out the marketing research. needed to carry out the marketing research. carry out the marketing marketing research. research. 9 10 8 7 Communication Information was clear and Information was clear with Information was not clear and Information was too vague Skills easy to understand. only a few items being difficult took much effort to understand. to understand. 10 to understand. The ability to 9 8 7 express oneself so Completed marketing Completed marketing Completed marketing research Completed marketing as to be understood research proposal was research proposal was neat proposal contained spelling and research proposal was by others neat, grammatically correct, but contained minor errors. grammatical errors that were messy, with many errors in 20 points and error-free. distracting. spelling and grammar. 10 9 8 7
Organization Marketing research Marketing research proposal Marketing research proposal Marketing research proposal components were components were identified, components were identified, but proposal components were The way in which the clearly identified. but not always clearly. not clearly. not identified at all. information is put 10 9 8 7 together Information presented was Information presented was Information presented was Information was difficult to 20 points logical and easy to follow. generally logical and easy to sometimes difficult to follow. follow and illogical. 10 follow. 8 7 9