Self Assessment Report of Program of B

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Self Assessment Report of Program of B

Self-Assessment Report


Bachelor of Computer Sciences (BCS)

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 1 Program Team members

Mr. Awais Adnan (Convener)

Dr. Furqan Aziz (PT-Member)

Mr. Zahid Ullah (PT-Member)

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 2 About IMSciences

The Institute of Management Sciences, based in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, is a young, innovative, and enterprising business school en route to compete with the foremost management schools of the country. The Institute is dedicated to its unique approach (at least in the region) of providing management education based in cutting-edge research and comprehensive training. Unlike conventional academic institutes, IMSciences broadens its educational focus in response to new trends in the developing field of management. Based on the social values of integrity, honesty, professional excellence and a broad vision of life, the Institute aims to provide educational experience that transforms its students into business leaders at par with international managers, executives, and entrepreneurs. Since its inception in 1995, the school’s academic rigor and avant-garde approach to management education have produced alumni that shape the world of business at regional, national, and international level. Presently, the Institute is offering a range of courses, undergraduate programs, and graduate degrees in the fields of Management, Computer Science and Information Technology, Planning and Policy Analysis, Banking, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, Health Service and Hospital Management, and Local Government and Public Enterprises. The enrichment of academic programs over the years, the establishment of Liberal Arts Program, and the construction of our new inspiring, and state-of-the-art campus have provided us with a great platform to build upon and we aim to transform the Institute into a full-fledged top-notch university.

Institute Vision

To be the premier management institute of the region that systematically combines education, training and research in its programs to prepare faculty and students for diverse and challenging roles in a complex domestic and global environment.

Institute Mission

Our mission is to provide quality management education and new knowledge based research that enables IMSciences to be a school with foundations in excellence at all levels. Our faculty aims at advancing management theory and practice and to broadly analyze knowledge through learning, classroom applications and service in the public and private sectors.

IMSciences education enables individuals to manage existing businesses, critically evaluate theory, and inculcate values of energetic entrepreneurship in support of public policy that encourages economic development balanced with social and environmental responsibility. Through its focus on teaching and learning, research and outreach, the Institute creates, conveys and applies knowledge to expand personal growth and opportunity, to advance social and community development in order to foster economic competitiveness and improve the quality of life.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 3 Bachelor of Computer Sciences (Hons)


The Bachelor of Computer Science combines a solid core of computer science courses as well as an understanding and appreciation for arts, humanities, and social sciences, and their importance in today's society. This is a 4 year degree program which aims to enable students to apply scientific and engineering methodologies to the analysis of problems and the design, implementation and evaluation of computer based solutions. At the same instance it attempts to utilize the breadth and depth of theoretical computer science and mathematics to emerging technologies and the ever changing needs of industry as well as the cutting edge of computer science research.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 4 Criterion 1:


Standard 1-1: The program must have documented measurable objectives that support Faculty / College and institution mission statements.

Program Mission To produce highly skilled computer science graduates by providing quality education and laboratory work in a state-of-the-art environment and through industry linkage that meets the needs of both local and global market, who can pursue their careers as computer scientists in industry, government and academia and who can support society by encouraging technology transfer.

 State program objectives. Program educational objectives are intended to be Statements that describe the expected accomplishments of graduates during the first several years following graduation from the program.

Program Objectives

1. Apply learned knowledge to solve real world problems and design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system. 2. Exploit their awareness of persistent concepts in computer science to understand and be able to effectively utilize current platforms and tools. 3. Display competence and efficiency when working on individual or team projects. 4. Reflect on their understanding of the ethical and social impacts of computer technology as it pertains to their current position. 5. Continue to enhance their technical skills and their development as computing professionals through life-long learning.

 Describe how each objective is aligned with program, college and institution mission statements.

IMS Mission Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 Yes No Yes Yes No

Program Mission Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 5  Outline the main elements of the strategic plan to achieve the program mission and objectives.

Institute has not documented strategic plan for the Program of BCS. It is suggested that the strategic plan may be documented.

 Provide for each objective how it was measured, when it was measured and improvements identified and made. Table 4.1 provides a format for program objectives assessment.

Objective How When Improvement Improvement Measured Measured identified made 1. Apply learned knowledge to solve real world problems and design, implement, and evaluate a computer- based system. 2. Exploit their awareness of persistent concepts in computer science to understand and be able to effectively utilize current platforms and tools. 3. Display competence and efficiency Currently this is the first time of Self-Assessment when working on individual or team projects. process, so the objectives identified are not measured 4. Reflect on their understanding of the yet. ethical and social impacts of computer technology as it pertains to their current position. 5. Continue to enhance their technical skills and their development as computing professionals through life- long learning.

Table 4.1: Program objectives assessment

Standard 1-2: The program must have documented outcomes for graduating students. It must be demonstrated that the outcomes support the program objectives and that graduating students are capable of performing these outcomes.

 Describe how the program outcomes support the program objectives. In Table 4.2 show the outcomes that are aligned with each objective.

Program Outcomes

The graduate shall be able to;

1. Develop a computerized system for a real world business problem. 2. Efficiently adopt the technical advancements. 3. Can work as an effective team member in a project. 4. Use technical skills for the betterment of the society. 5. Efficiently fulfill the technical requirements of an organization.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 6 Program Program Outcomes Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 √ √ √ 2 √ √ √ 3 √ √ 4 √ √ 5 √ √ √

Table 4.2: Outcomes versus objectives

 Describe the means for assessing the extent to which graduates are performing the stated program outcomes/learning objectives.

Following are the means of assessing. 1. Examinations (Three Monthly and One comprehensives exam) 2. Quizzes and Assignments 3. Class participations and Presentations 4. Projects (semester and final year)

 Carefully designed questions asked during senior projects presentations. These questions should be related to program outcomes.

Already designed questions (Attached at Annexure?)

Standard 1-3: The results of program’s assessment and the extent to which they are used to improve the program must be documented.

 Describe the actions taken based on the results of periodic assessments.

Currently it is the first time of self-assessment process. So there are no previous assessment results.

Standard 1-4: The department must assess its overall performance periodically using quantifiable measures.

 Present students enrolment (undergraduate and graduate) during the last three years indicating percentages of honor students, student faculty ratio, average graduating grade point average per semester, average time for completing the undergraduate program and attrition rate.

Years No of students No of graduate students 2014-2018 47 --- 2013-2017 87 --- 2012-2016 56 ---

Years Average GPA of Percentage of honor Attrition rate

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 7 students students 2014 ------2013 ------2002 ------

 Indicate percentage of employers that are strongly satisfied with the performance of the department’s graduates. Use employer’s survey.

Employer survey has not been conducted by QEC, however it is planned.

 Present performance measures for research activities. These include journal publications, funded projects, and conference publications per faculty per year and indicate the % of faculty awarded excellence in research award.

Performance Paper Published Papers published in Research Conference Measures/Name of in International National Journals Projects attended Teachers Journal (last with impact factor approved (2014) three years) (last three years) (2014)

Dr. Muhammad Ali 6 3 1 0 Dr. Tamleek Ali Tanveer 4 1 0 0 Dr. Sajid Anwar 7 7 0 12 Dr. Fakhri Alam Khan 1 0 0 0 Mr. Awais Adnan 2 1 0 1 Dr. Tayyaba Azim 2 2 0 2 Dr. Imran Ahmed 3 0 1 1 Mughal Dr. Furqan Aziz 3 3 0 2 Dr. Muhammad Nawaz 2 2 0 6 Ms. Afsheen Khalid 0 0 0 0 Mr. Zahid ullah 1 0 0 1 Mr. Ahmed Hassan 0 0 0 0 Afridi Ms. Huma Samin 0 0 0 0 Mr. Bashir Hayat 0 0 0 0 Average Average per Average per faculty Average per Average per faculty faculty) faculty

 Present performance measures for community services. This may include number of short courses per year, workshops and seminars organized.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 8 Year Workshops Short courses / Seminars Community based service Organized Trainings 2014 ------2013 ------2002 -- -- Average -- -- 02 --

 Indicate faculty and students satisfaction regarding the administrative services offered by the department. Use faculty and students surveys.

 Students Exit survey has already been conducted. It will soon be analyzed and accumulated.  There is no such survey designed yet to indicate faculty satisfaction regarding administrative services.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 9 Criterion 2:


Title of degree

 Bachelor of Computer Sciences (BCS).


 4 years (8 semesters)

Credit hour Definition

 One semester credit hour is defined as one hour of contact teaching in a class room setting in a week for 16 weeks in a semester. A three credit hour course translates to three hours of teaching in a class room setting per week in a semester.

A. Degree plan: attach a flow-chart showing the prerequisites, core, and elective courses.

B. Complete Table 4.3 showing curriculum breakdown in terms of mathematics and basic sciences, major requirements, social sciences and other requirements.

C. For each course in the program that can be counted for credit provide 1-2 pages specifying the following:

 Course title  Course objectives and outcomes  Catalog description  Text book(s) and references  Syllabus breakdown in lectures(Course Specification forms attached as in (Annex B)  Computer usage  Laboratory  Content breakdown in credit hours (if applicable) as basic science, math, engineering science, and design for engineering discipline, general education requirements, business requirements and major requirements for the Business Studies and others.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 10 Degree Plan

The BCS Program has a Four-year curriculum requiring 130 credit hours. In a given year there will be two semesters namely the Fall Semester (August to December) and the Spring Semester (January to May).

Curriculum breakdown

Category (Credit Hours) Math and Basic Humanities Universit Semester Course Code Science Core and Social y Math Basic Courses Sciences Electives Science 1st 1. CS-111 2. CS-112 03 07 Credit 07 3. MTH-113 Credit Hour Credit Hour 4. CPM-111 Hour 5. ENG-111

2nd 1. CS-121 2. MTH-122 06 04 03 03 Credit 3. MTH-123 Credit Credit Credit Hour Hours 4. ENG-121 Hour Hour 5. INSTITUTE ELECTIVE- I

3rd 1. CS-211 2. CS-216 3. CS-214 03 09 Credit 03 Credit Hour 03 Credit 4. MTH-211 Credit Hour Hour 5. ENG-212 Hour 6. INSTITUTE ELECTIVE- II

4th 1. CS-222 2. CS-224 03 03 11 3. CSE-454 Credit Credit Credit 4. CS-227 Hour Hour Hour 5. MTH-223

5TH 1. CS-312 2. CS-315 3. CS-316 15 Credit 03 Credit 4. CS-318 Hour Hour 5. CS-319 6. INSTITUE ELECTIVE- III

6TH 1. CS-322

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 11 2. CS-323 3. CS-324 15 Credit 3 Credit 4. CS ELECTIVE-I Hour Hour 5. CS ELECTIVE –II 6. INSTITUTE ELECTIVE-IV


8th 1. CS-422 15 Credit 03 Credit 2. SOFTWARE DESIGN Hour Hours PROJECT-II 3. CS ELECTIVE-V 4. CS ELECTIVE-VI 5. CS ELECTIVE-VII 6. INSTITUTE ELECTIVE-VI 15 Credit 03 88 13 18 Total Hour Credit Credit Credit Hour Credit Hour Hour Hour 137 Credit Hours

Table 4.3: Curriculum course requirements

Standard 2-1: The curriculum must be consistent and support the program’s documented objectives.

Curriculum The BCS Program has a Four-year curriculum requiring 130 credit hours

Semester vise Distribution of Course

Semester 1 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 CS-111    2 CS-112     3 MTH-113  4 CPM-111 

5 ENG-111  

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 12 Semester 2 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 CS-121     2 MTH-122  3 MTH-123  4 ENG-121  


Semester 3 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 CS-211   

2 CS-216   

3 CS-214   

4 MTH-211  

5 ENG-212  


Semester 4 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 CS-222   

2 CS-224   

3 CSE-454     

4 CS-227   

5 MTH-223  

Semester 5 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 CS-312      2 CS-315    3 CS-316   4 CS-318      5 CS-319   

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 13 6 Institute Elective-III  

Semester 6 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 CS-322    2 CS-323    3 CS-324     4 CS Elective-I    5 CS Elective-II    6 Institute Elective-IV  

Semester 7 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 CS-412   2 CS Elective-III    3 CS Elective-IV    4 Institute Elective-V  

5 Software Design Project-I     

Semester 8 S.No Subject Program Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 1 7. CS-422     2 8. SOFTWARE DESIGN PROJECT-II      3 CS ELECTIVE-V 9.    4 10. CS ELECTIVE-VI    5 11. CS ELECTIVE-VII    6 INSTITUTE ELECTIVE-VI  

Semester vise Distribution of Course Table 4.4: Courses versus program outcomes

Standard 2-2: Theoretical background, problems analysis and solution design must be stressed within the program’s core material.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 14 Elements Courses Mode of Assessment Theoretical MTH-113, MTH-122, MTH-123, CS- background 216, CS214, MTH-211, CS-222, CS- 227, MTH-223, CS313, CS-315, CS- 316, CS-318, CS-412, CS-422 Problem analysis CS-111, CS-211, CS-224, CS-319, CS-324, Project-I Solution design CS-112, CS121, CSE-454, CS-322, CS-323, Project-II

Table 4.5: Standard 2-2 requirement

Standard 2-3, 2-4: The curriculum must satisfy the core requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body. Examples of such requirements are given in Table A.1, Appendix A. The curriculum is satisfying the core requirements for the program, as specified by the Academic council of HEC.

Standard 2-5: The curriculum must satisfy general education, arts, and professional and other discipline requirements for the program, as specified by the respective accreditation body / council.

The curriculum is satisfying the general requirements for the program and is approved by the Academic council of HEC. The program has subjects related to General Education, arts, professional and other disciplines.

Standard 2-6: Information technology component of the curriculum must be integrated throughout the program.

 Indicate the courses within the program that will satisfy the standard.

Since the degree is specialization in computer science (BCS), so all the relevant courses of Information Technology are included in the curriculum.

 Describe how they are applied and integrated throughout the program.

As the program has specialized in Computer therefore its whole curriculum is consist and entrenched with IT Components.

Standard 2-7: Oral and written communication skills of the student must be developed and applied in the program.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 15  Indicate the courses within the program that will satisfy the standard.

This area is heavily focused in the program. The subject “English-I”, “English-II” and “English-III” are dedicated to this area and useful to improve the oral and written communication skills of the students throughout their career and subjecting them to practice the oral communication in graduate seminars.

 Describe how they are applied.

Computer skills are applied when students are given tasks to present their assignments on Power Point Presentation. Theses writing and assignments reflect the students’ communication skills.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 16 Criterion 3:


Standard 3-1: Laboratory manuals/documentation/instructions for experiments must be available and readily accessible to faculty and students.

 Explain how students and faculty have adequate and timely access to the manuals/documentation and instructions.

The BCS (H) program is facilitated by the IT-Section in availability of computers labs. There are Six (6) computer labs in total. Out of these, Five (5) labs (each of which has at least 30 computers) are used for lectures and One (1) labs (General Lab with more than 50 computers) are used by student for their research and assignments. . Two labs are located on each floor of the Institute. Along with this the students have access to computer facilities in the library as well. Students also have access to HEC digital library and can download new research articles from the registered websites which is paid by the Institute. Different Registered software for advance research are taught in the program and the software are all available to students in computers lab. Recommendations: There must be lab manuals/Documentation/instructions for every Lab Course designed by lab and course instructors.

Standard 3-2: There must be adequate support personnel for instruction and maintaining the laboratories.

 Indicate for each laboratory, support personnel, level of support, nature and extent of instructional support

Each computer lab is being looked after by qualified computer lab attendants. Recommendations: There must be at least two Lab Attendants per lab.

Standard 3-3: The University computing infrastructure and facilities must be adequate to support program’s objectives.

 Describe how the computing facilities support the computing component of your program.

All faculty members and student have access to the modern technology of computing. Multimedia facilities are available in each class for lectures and presentation. Wireless connection to internet is provided throughout the campus. Apart from the lab access, computers along with the internet are being provided to faculty members for their offices. Video conferencing facility is available in the Institute through which students of BCS (Hons) program and other programs are able to attend conferences, lectures and workshops at international and national universities and organizations.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 17 Recommendations: There is a little shortage of computer Labs. So there must be at least 3 to 4 more computer labs.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 18 Criterion 4:


Standard 4-1: Courses must be offered with sufficient frequency and number for students to complete the program in a timely manner.

 Provide the department’s strategy for course offerings.

Our main aim is to produce the best graduate, which will be the best representative of the Institute. Along with the taught courses, the other focus is on the development of personality traits and vision of the students. The student Counselling is considered as an important responsibility in this regard. Our faculty dedicates extra time for students counselling to help them in various problems regarding their education, career and social life.

 Explain how often required courses are offered.

Courses are offered as per the curriculum approved with the scheme of studies and is delivered within the stipulated time.

 Explain how often elective courses are offered.

Elective courses (CS Electives and Institute Electives) are offered almost every semester. Computer Sciences (CS) Electives comprises of different subjects from different specialized area Networks, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence and Web technologies.

 Explain how required courses outside the department are managed to be offered in sufficient number and frequency.

Visiting faculty and faculty from other Programs are hired for the purpose.

Standard 4-2: Courses in the major area of study must be structured to ensure effective interaction between students, faculty and teaching assistants.

• Describe how you achieve effective student / faculty interaction in courses taught by more than one person such as two faculty members, a faculty member and a teaching assistant or a lecturer.

Effective Faculty/Student Interaction

The student/teacher interaction is an essential pillar of BCS (H) program. The following principles are observed to ensure successful achievement of program objectives:

 Each class is made of 45 students at most.  75% attendance during the semester in each subject is mandatory.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 19  At least 2 CGPA must be maintained by the students to retain their position in the program  Students are assessed for their academic progress through monthly exams, Assignments, Presentations, and a final comprehensive exam  Faculty distributes outlines in the beginning of the semester and devotes their office hours for students counselling.  Students are instructed to be punctual and efficient in fulfilling the requirements of class based or take-home tasks and assignments.

Standard 4-3: Guidance on how to complete the program must be available to all students and access to academic advising must be available to make course decisions and career choices.

• Describe how students are informed about program requirements.

Students are informed about their courses through notifications, individually.

• Describe the advising system and indicate how its effectiveness is measured.

Recommendation: There is dire need of a proper Advising system for the students.

• Describe the student counseling system and how students get professional counseling when needed.

The selection of best career and area of specialization according to the intellectual and learning abilities is the one of the important decision for the students. The committed faculty makes sure their availability and provides the best advice and counselling in this regard. Students are provided up-to-date knowledge about the market demands.

• Indicate if students have access to professional counseling; when necessary.

There is no such formal arrangement. Faculty members of Program respond students’ queries when required. Also the career development center (CDC) has specially been developed for students counseling so that they make the best possible decision about their career.

• Describe opportunities available for students to interact with practitioners, and to have membership in technical and professional societies.

Institute arranges frequently lectures and seminars by the professional practitioners for the students. Students are also taken to the field visits for their professional awareness. A group of students are provided opportunities to visit USA for one semester under the culture exchange program each year. The students actively participate in various activities. They organize and participate in annual parties, sports gala, winter and spring festivals. The program sponsored them to visit other national universities in order to compete in academic and non-academic competitions.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 20 Criterion 5:


Standard 5-1: The process by which students are admitted to the program must be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria and clearly documented. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

 Describe the program admission criteria at the institutional level, faculty or department if applicable.

Program admission criteria, policies regarding program / credit transfer The process of admission to undergraduate degree program, BCS (Hons) is carried out on annual basis which is duly approved by Academic Committee of the institute. This process is reviewed and evaluated annually on regular-basis in meetings of semester committee and coordinators’ committee meetings chaired by the Director of the institute. In such meetings, the processes of forthcoming admissions are evaluated step-by-step.

These steps include the number students to be admitted, review and approval of advertisement for admission and proposed time and dates for admission etc. The students are admitted to the program on the basis of the following criteria: 1. The prospective candidate must have obtained secondary school certificate or an equivalent qualification of twelve years of education. 2. The candidate must qualify entrance / admission test arranged by the institute in coordination with testing-authority. 3. The candidate must qualify the interview for admission. 4. Must complete other conditions the institute may deem necessary at the time of admission. The candidates desirous of getting admission in BCS (Hons) shall be with F.A., F.Sc. or equivalent qualification and having at least second division, securing 45% marks in aggregate. Qualifying admission test and interview separately are compulsory. A candidate securing less than 40% marks in test or interview stands disqualified for admission. Students admitted to the program are exposed to the most basic and relevant courses in the first semester such as introduction to Computing, Programming Fundamentals, Calculus and Analytical Geometry, Pakistan Studies and English-I. These courses are fundamental in nature and form the basis for courses in higher semesters.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 21 The performance of students is evaluated through a continuous testing process spread over entire period of studies/ semester. Students must maintain a minimum GPA/CGPA of 2.2 on a cumulative basis during the course of their academic program. Students with GPA/CGPA less than 2.0 are dropped from the rolls of the institute forthwith. Students securing a GPA/CGPA between 2.0 and 2.2 remain on probation for one semester.

 Describe policy regarding program/credit transfer.

There is no such policy approved for Program Transfer or Credit Hours Transfer or Migration from other University or Institute.  Indicate how frequently the admission criteria are evaluated and if the evaluation results are used to improve the process.

Admission criteria is monitored and evaluated annually through Admission section and committee.

Standard 5-2: The process by which students are registered in the program and monitoring of students’ progress to ensure timely completion of the program must be documented this process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

• Describe how students are registered in the program.

The registration process ensures enrolment of all active students. Registration process is conducted at the start of a program usually in first semester and in some cases, second semester depending upon the response from a respective board/ institution necessary in the verification of documents issued by such institutions.

• Describe how students’ academic progress is monitored and how their program of study is verified to adhere to the degree requirements.

To monitor the students’ performance the following system in place:  Eligibility criteria to sit in the exam is 75% of attendance in respective modules

 Three Monthly Exams 40% weightage

 Assignments/Presentations 20% weightage

 Comprehensive 40% weightage

 Thesis/Project Defense (Internal & external evaluation)

• Indicate how frequently the process of registration and monitoring are evaluated and if the evaluation results are used to improve the process.

There is no such process for evaluation of registration process.

Standard 5-3: The process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified faculty members must be in place and clearly documented. Also processes and procedures for faculty evaluation, Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 22 promotion must be consistent with institution mission statement. These processes must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting with its objectives.

• Describe the process used to ensure that highly qualified faculty is recruited to the program.

The recruitment process starts with the receipt of application & resumes of the candidate. Resumes are forwarded to the Director, IMSciences, which are forwarded to the relevant course coordinators. Course Coordinators review the resumes and if they feel the qualifications and experience are relevant with the objectives of the Institute and program, they forward it to the Coordinator Establishment for demo. So, demos are called on the recommendations of Course Coordinators.

The existing roadmap for appointment of faculty members is given below:

1. Appointment on Visiting Basis 2. Appointment on Contract Basis on Fixed Pay Package 3. Appointment on Contract Basis on IMSciences Pay Scale 4. Confirmation of Services in IMSciences Pay Scale 5. Miscellaneous

Details are given below:

1 st Step: Visiting Faculty Appointment Recommendations of the panel are ascertained as:  Recommended Candidates: Minimum Marks ≥ 70  Call for Next Demo: Minimum Marks ≥ 60  Not Recommended Candidates: Marks < 60

Recommended Candidates: Subject to the availability of courses relating to specialization of the applicant and on recommendations of Demo Panel Members courses are assigned on visiting basis to the new appointee initially for a semester.

Based upon satisfactory performance of first semester, courses for second semester are offered.

Two consecutive semesters satisfactory evaluations spreading over a year makes a visiting faculty eligible for contract appointment on a fixed package.

Call for Next Demo: The candidates under this category have potential to teach, however, in order to improve their teaching skills the Advisory Committee in its meeting held on June 8, 2010 has recommended minimum of six months duration. After six months the Institute may give a chance to these candidates to give a 2nd demonstration.

Not Recommended: These candidates cannot be assigned classes. However, the Advisory Committee in its meeting held on June 8, 2010 has recommended that candidates on their request may be called for demo second time after a period of six months.

2 nd Step: Contract Appointment on Fixed Pay Package:

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 23 The Course Coordinator determines performance of the visiting faculty. The parameters of performance are:

 Students’ evaluation which includes course level and teaching ability of faculty  The visiting faculty code of conduct during stay at the Institute

On the basis of performance and evaluations during a year the Coordinator forwards case of visiting faculty for contract appointment on fixed pay package which is offered in the respective scale.

3 rd Step: Contract Appointment on IMSciences Pay Scale: On the basis of satisfactory performance and evaluations during another year makes, a fixed pay contract faculty eligible for contract appointment in IMSciences Pay Scale on the minimum pay-scale of the position, which allows them CPF contribution, health facility and other benefits under the rules of the Institute.

4th Step: Confirmation of Service in IMSciences Pay Scale: The confirmation of services in IMSciences Pay Scale is subject to availability of budgeted positions and qualifying the Selection Board.

Miscellaneous On the recommendations of Director and keeping in view the qualification and experience the applicant may be called for interview with the panel. Successful applicant may be assigned contract or visiting classes.

• Indicate methods used to retain excellent faculty members.

The Institute has adopted IMS Pay-Scale and Model Tenure Track Scheme offered by HEC. Faculty members with high research profile are even awarded a maximum of 4 advance increments but the criteria for these increments is not well defined.

 Competitive salaries based on qualification and experience  Two months annual vacations  Increment in salaries based on the ratings of the faculty performance each year.  Facility in offering and organizing short courses.  Funds are granted for establishment of labs and research.  If a faculty member gets the acceptance of his research paper in an impact factor journal, the processing fee is paid by the Instiute.  On publishing a paper in an impact factor journal, the 1st and 2nd authors are given Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively.

• Indicate how evaluation and promotion processes are in line with institution mission statement.

Promotions rules and regulations are mentioned in University Statues.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 24 Standard 5-4: The process and procedures used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course material to the students emphasizes active learning and that course learning outcomes are met. The process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

Teaching and delivery of course material Evaluation and process control takes place at regular intervals in order to achieve excellence in teaching and learning. The coordinating units put resilient importance on employing modern resources for teaching, such as multimedia, audio-visual facilities, computers in order to enhance the quality of course delivery.

Processes, methods and procedures, well approved from relevant forums, are used to ensure that teaching and delivery of course are effective and focus at student learning are conducted through implementing measures and responsibilities, well addressed in TORs of concerned persons.

a) Coordinator’s role A program coordinator is, in general, engaged in the following academic activities:  Prepares teaching assignments and course schedules for all batches.  While preparing course schedules, ensures workload of faculty members in terms of minimum credit-hour teaching.  Keeps liaison with semester committee and other academic forums.

 Monitors & ensures smooth conduct of classes, content coverage and teaching quality. b) Curriculum and course syllabus An Office assistant distributes a copy of the detailed course outline well approved from concerned body to students that contains the course title, code, prerequisite or co-requisite if any, topic and subtopic of the course and recommended books and other material. c) Attendance Every student of the institute is required to maintain at least 80% of the attendance. A student who fails to meet the minimum requirements of attendance in any course is not allowed to sit for the exam in that course(s). d) Evaluation and grading The performance of a student is evaluated through a continuous testing procedure spread over the entire period of studies/semester. Besides the semester’s final examination, which carries forty percent marks, hourly examination are administered every month and thus the student are required to appear in three such examination for each course in a semester. The two best scores are counted towards the final grade.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 25 Standard 5-5: The process that ensures that graduates have completed the requirements of the program must be based on standards, effective and clearly documented procedures. This process must be periodically evaluated to ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

• Describe the procedures used to ensure that graduates meet the program requirements.

Degree Requirements

 For BCS 4 year degree, completion of all specified and elective courses according to the degree plan of the program (minimum of 130 credit hours (as per HEC policy) including 6 credit hour research thesis/project).  Achievement of GPA of 2.2 or better for all courses offered.

GPA Requirements  Students must maintain a minimum GPA/CGPA of 2.2 on a cumulative basis during the course of their academic program.  Students with a GPA/CGPA of less than 2.0 will be dropped from the rolls of the Institute forthwith.  Students securing a GPA/CGPA between 2.0 and 2.2 will be on probation for one semester.  At the end of the semester, students on probation will be required to improve their GPA/CGPA to a minimum of 2.2.  If a student on probation shows an improvement, but his/her CGPA is still below 2.2 his/her probation may be extended for another semester.  Otherwise the student will be dropped from the rolls of the Institute.  If a student fails certain courses but manages to maintain the required GPA/CGPA, he/she may be allowed to repeat and clear the course(s) or substitute(s) (wherever permissible) before the degree is awarded.  The GPA is computed as follows: Sum of (credit hours x grade point) ÷ Sum of Credit hours For Project/Dissertation, the evaluation of a student will be based on (a) Project Report/Dissertation submitted by the student and (b) performance in Viva Voce.


The normal duration of BCS program is 8 semesters. • Describe when this procedure is evaluated and whether the results of this evaluation are used to improve the process.

The above mentioned standard is not evaluated before to ensure the flaws and weaknesses in the processes.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 26 Criterion 6: FACULTY

Standard 6-1: There must be enough full time faculty who are committed to the program to provide adequate coverage of the program areas/courses with continuity and stability. The interests and qualifications of all faculty members must be sufficient to teach all courses, plan, modify and update courses and curricula. All faculty members must have a level of competence that would normally be obtained through graduate work in the discipline. The majority of the faculty must hold a Ph.D. in the discipline.

• Complete the following table indicating program areas and number of faculty in each area.

S.No Faculty Name Area of Specialization Qualification Contract/ Visiting 1 Dr. Muhammad Ali Network-on-chip PhD TTS (Contract) 2 Dr. Tamleek Ali Tanveer Network Security PhD TTS (Contract)

3 Dr. Sajid Anwar Software Engineering PhD TTS (Contract)

4 Dr. Tayyaba Azeem Image Processing PhD TTS (Contract)

5 Dr. fakhri Alam Khan Grid Computing PhD TTS (Contract)

6 Mr. Awais Adnan Image & Signal Processing MS Contract

7 Dr. Imran Ahmad Mughal Image & Signal Processing PhD TTS (Contract)

8 Dr. Muhammad Nawaz Multimedia Technologies PhD TTS (Contract)

9 Dr. Furqan Aziz Pattern Recognition PhD TTS (Contract)

10 Ms. Afsheen Khalid Computer Engineering PhD Contract

11 Mr. Zahid ullah Computer Networks MS Contract

12 Mr. Ahmad Hassan Afridi Artificial Intelligence MS Contract

13 Ms. Huma Samin Information Engineering MS Contract

14 Mr. Bashir Hayat Networks and Wireless MS Contract Communication 15 Dr. Shahid Ali Statistics PhD TTS

16 Mr. Shahzad Hanif English MA Contract

17 Mr. Fazle-Subhan Philosophy MA Contract

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 27 18 Dr. Arshad Ali Khan Maths PhD Visiting

Faculty Information:

Full time PHD MS Full Associate Assistant Lecturer Visiting Faculty Size Professors Professor Professor Faculty 14 09 05 -- -- 11 03 varies

S # Program area No of courses Faculty No. of PhDs Specialty available 1. Data Bases  Introduction to Database system  Distributed Computing  Intro. To Software Development 3 2 PhD  Software Design Project-I  Software Design Project-II 2. Networks  Data Communication  Computer Communication and Networks 4 2 PhD and 1  Wireless Networks in Progress  Data & Network Security  Telecommunication system 3. Programming  Programming Fundamentals  Object Oriented Programming  Data Structure & Algorithm  Discrete Structures  Assembly Language 7  Design and Analysis of Algorithm 4 and 1 in  System Programming Progress  Digital Image Processing  Operating system  Compiler Construction  Object oriented Analysis and Design Total 21 number of courses 14 2 In Progress

• Each faculty member should complete a resume, prepared in a format included in Appendix B.

Faculty resume of faculty members is attached as (Attached at Annexure?)

Standard 6-2: All faculty members must remain current in the discipline and sufficient time must be provided for scholarly activities and professional development. Also, effective programs for faculty development must be in place. Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 28 • Describe the criteria for faculty to be deemed current in the discipline and based on these criteria and information in the faculty member’s resumes, what percentage of them is current. The criteria should be developed by the department.

 The IMSciences faculty is deemed current and competent in their discipline due to the following factors: • Education • Diversity of background • Industrial Experience Teaching Experience • Ability to communicate • Enthusiasm for developing more effective programs • Scholarships  A number of research and teaching centers have been established on campus to foster academic growth and development as well as community involvement.  Trainings and workshops are also arranged to strengthen the research and teaching skills of teaching faculty.  Meetings are held by university’s authorities to evaluate the programs and modify if needed.

• Describe the means for ensuring that full time faculty members have sufficient time for scholarly and professional development.

Workload of faculty members is evaluated by Concerned Coordinator and QEC and all the faculty members have sufficient time to fulfill their scholarly activities.

Workload of the faculty is based on HEC Rules i.e.  Associate Professor 6 Credit Hours per Week  Assistant Professor 9 Credit Hours per Week  Lecturer 12 Credit Hours per Week

• Describe existing faculty development programs at the departmental and university level.

 Faculty members are sent abroad on HRD scholarship for PhD.  Many faculty members avail the opportunity to attend seminars, trainings and workshop to enhance their capabilities. Along with the teaching responsibility, the faculty has an excellent contribution in scholarly activities.  The institute regularly organizes workshops for the faculty to improve their research skills.

• Demonstrate their effectiveness in achieving faculty development.

Faculty after studying PhD from International universities will be helpful for Institute to initiate M.Phil./PhD program. Workshop on teaching methodology is helpful for their class delivery. .

• Indicate how frequently faculty programs are evaluated and if the evaluation results are used for improvement.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 29 Academic department of KMU monitor the progress of faculty Programs but still there is need to formulate proper procedures for the said purpose.

Standard 6-3: All faculty members should be motivated and have job satisfaction to excel in their profession.

• Describe programs and processes in place for faculty motivation.

 Handsome salaries with extra incentives are given to faculty members.  The Institute offers its faculty many opportunities for professional development.  The institute provides faculty members with funds for Journal paper registration

 Research award Policy o Rs. 10,000 to publish Y category journal o Rs. 25,000 to publish journals indexed by ISI, Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Science citation Indexed (SCI), Science Citation Indexed Expanded (SCIE) and Thomson Reuters.

 Incentive on publication of research articles and adoption of TTS package are also valuable for faculty motivation.  Faculty input through a survey (appendix) on program from faculty motivation and job satisfaction is carried out.

• Obtain faculty input using faculty survey (Appendix C) on programs for faculty motivation and job satisfaction.

Not Done.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 30 Criterion 7:


Standard 7-1: The institution must have the infrastructure to support new trends in learning such as e-learning.

 Describe infrastructure and facilities that support new trends in learning.

 IMSciences Faculty and students has access to computers, Internet connection and significant repository of Microsoft-related software.  The Technical support personnel are readily accessible and work hard to troubleshoot and fix problems related with software and hardware.  Printing and copying are also available in the department.

All of the above factors help in implementing modern trends in learning, including e- learning

Standard 7-2: The library must possess an up-to-date technical collection relevant to the program and must be adequately staffed with professional personnel.

 Describe the adequacy of the library’s technical collection.

The university Main Library is well shelved with contemporary books and references and other facilities listed below.

 Library has the following types of resources available. o Books (approximately 8000) o Research journals (renewed every year) o Magazines (2500) o Research reports (2000) o Reading material in form of CDs o Daily 15 National Newspapers (Urdu and English) o Computers in Library with fast Internet facility o Different Digital Library is accessible throughout the campus o Soft Books are also available for all students and staff members o Reference service for Research Scholars will be available soon o Audio and Visual facility to learning will also be available soon. o Lincon corner reading area.

Books available in the library are adequate to support the program.

Standard 7-3: Class-rooms must be adequately equipped and offices must be adequate to enable faculty to carry out their responsibilities.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 31  Describe the adequacy of the classrooms.

o Presently, all classes are equipped with network connected computers and in- focus projectors. They are primarily used to deliver electronic class notes and perform in-class demos and presentations. o Every Faculty member is provided with a well-furnished office that helps them in carrying out their responsibilities.

Infrastructure facilities Available Required Classrooms 48 Nil Auditorium 06 Nil Computer Labs 06 03 Video Conferencing Room 01 Nil Faculty offices 60 + Need more Offices

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 32 Criterion 8: INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT

Standard 8-1: There must be sufficient support and financial resources to attract and retain high quality faculty and provide the means for them to maintain competence as teachers and scholars.

 Describe how your program meets this standard. If it does not explain the main causes and plans to rectify the situation.

Faculty Support and Resources:

To attract qualified faculty and to maintain competence of the existing faculty, the Institute offers the following support and financial resources:

 The Institute has adopted Model Tenure Track Scheme offered by HEC.  Study leave with pay for scholarship holders  Research rewards to improve research profile  Competitive salary packages  Health insurance (Group Medical Insurance)  Group life insurance  Gratuity fund  Contributory provident fund  Support for scholars who are unable to get HEC’s travel grant  Support for researchers for research grant  Research funds

Moreover, the Institute also supports faculty members to attend conferences (national and international), training courses in their area of interest.

 Describe the level of adequacy of secretarial support, technical staff and office equipment.

Secretarial Support, Technical Staff and Office Equipment

Support Description Available Required IT Manager 0 1 System Administrator 0 1 Technical staff Network Administrator 1 0 Web administrator 1 0 Lab technicians 2 2 Lab attendants 7 3 (2 for each lab) Secretarial Support Office Assistant ? ? Office equipment’s Printers, Scanners. One Required for each faculty member Computer with Internet, Available for all

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 33 stationery, Photocopier, faculty members

Standard 8-2: There must be an adequate number of high quality graduate students, research assistants and Ph.D. students.

 Provide the number of graduate students, research assistants and Ph. D students for the last three years.

The MS (CS) and PhD (CS) programs are currently running by the institute.

Number of BCS Students in Number of MS Students in Number of PhD Students in Last Three Years Last Three Years Last Three Years -- -- Nil

Recommendation: Currently the institute has no policy to hire research assistants or Teaching assistants. There must be a policy for this.

 Provide the faculty: graduate student ratio for the last three years.

The subject information is also Nil in this regard.

Standard 8-3: Financial resources must be provided to acquire and maintain Library holdings, laboratories and computing facilities.

 Describe the resources available for the library.


The university Main Library is well shelved with contemporary books and references and other facilities listed below.

 Library has the following types of resources available. o Books (approximately 8000) o Research journals (renewed every year) o Magazines (2500) o Research reports (2000) o Reading material in form of CDs o Daily 15 National Newspapers (Urdu and English) o Computers in Library with fast Internet facility o Different Digital Library is accessible throughout the campus o Soft Books are also available for all students and staff members

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 34 o Reference service for Research Scholars will be available soon o Audio and Visual facility to learning will also be available soon. o Lincon corner

Books available in the library are adequate to support the program.

 Describe the resources available for laboratories.

Laboratory and Computing Facilities:

Financial resources for laboratories and computing facilities are satisfactory. In total the Institute has 6 computer laboratories, equipped with latest computers and printing facilities. Out of the 6 computer laboratories, 5 computer labs have 35 computers each, whereas 1 computer laboratory (General Lab) has 50 computers. 15 computers have also been placed in the Library for research purposes.

LABS Computing equipment 5 computer Labs 35 Computers each 1 PhD student Lab (SERG Lab) 10 Computers 1 General Computer Lab 50 Computers Library 15 computers DLD Lab Contains the DLD equipment such as circuit boards etc.

Self Assessment Process for the Academic Year 2015 (SAP-2015) Page 35

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