Most Holy Trinity

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Most Holy Trinity

Sunday, May 18 2008

Most Holy Trinity Reflections

Exodus 34: 4b-6, 8-9/2 Corinthians 13: Holy Trinity Sunday is a time to honor our Triune God, 11-13 Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier! St. Paul offers us three means to pay homage by mending our ways, John 3: 16-18 (164) encouraging one another, and living in harmony and peace. He also tells us three things that last: faith, hope, and love. Let us make this Holy Trinity Sunday a time to choose three specific concerns to contemplate, pray over, and act upon in reverence to the Trinity, in service to one another, and as expressions of our faith, hope, and love. “ Having come down in a cloud, the Lord stood with Moses there and proclaimed his name ‘Lord.’ Thus, the Lord passed before him and cried out, ‘The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity.’ Moses at once bowed down to the ground in worship. Then he said, ‘If I find favor with you, O Lord, do come along in our company’ … ‘Mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and May 17, 2008 peace will be with you.’” John Henderson to Vera Reading from Exodus today, we are like the anchor on Zlatarski the evening news, accompanying Moses on Mt. Sinai. and We know well what were inscribed on the stone tablets. Patricia Zwerling to David The commandments have been written in our hearts. But Potter the Lord reveals Himself providing a list of virtues and characteristics that are so inviting when we think about our relationship with God. He is merciful, understanding our needs, weaknesses, and filled with compassion. He First Holy is gracious, as a parent looking out and caring for the Communion hurts and welfare of a child. Anger, an emotion, is not the priority, although at times we see the Lord upset at Sunday, May 18th our hardness of heart. He reflects kindness, showing a warmth and friendship, and is faithful in carrying out His 9:00 AM Mass promises.

This is the God whom Moses discovered and then asked Him to accompany him and his people. He complied. Jane Beck-Policoff Sebastian Garrubbo Paul provides a positive spin in his litany today – mend Luca Brattesani Hansen Han ways, encourage others, be agreeable and live in peace. We are called, as the document “Church in America” Marcello Brattesani Tiffany Lu teaches us, to meet the living Christ through conversion, Lauren Colasanti Isabella Scannell communion and solidarity. From Moses to Pope John Bobby Coll Gabriel Soluri Paul II, the teaching continues. We are called to There will be a reception in comply.*By Rev. Monsignor William J. Reilly, in His is Word Today Bon Casserly Hall after the Mass. Venture Svcs., LLC Flanders, N.J.

Our NEW Permanent Parishioner list serve is up and Last Sunday’s collection was $7, 592.00 Thank you, again, running! for your generosity. This will greatly help towards the Church’s renovations Subscribe now via our website: to receive timely information via email that merits attention beyond the FEAST DAYS, SCRIPTURE CITATIONS bulletin! AND SPECIAL INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK

Flute and piano recital, SATURDAY, May 17 James 3: 1-10/Mark 9 2-13 (340) Vigil: Most Holy Trinity Celina Charlier & Eshantha Peiris 12:30 PM Saturday, May 24th, 7:30pm 5:30 PM Peter and Stephen Cossu SUNDAY, May 18 – Most Holy Trinity St. Joseph's Church 9:00 AM Patty Flanngan Repertoire: a blend of classical and jazz 11:30 AM John Buzzard 6:00 PM John O’NeilL Free admission MONDAY, May 19 James 3: 13-18/Mark 9: 14-29 (341) Hi Everyone, 12:10 PM Rose Arias 5:30 PM It's that time of year when many parishioners leave town on TUESDAY, May 20 weekends, and we struggle to cover the liturgical needs at the James 4: 1-10/Mark 9: 30-37 (342) or (566) front of the church, as well as at the entrance. 12:10 PM William Mazza 5:30 PM I am asking everyone to consider one Sunday during May and WEDNESDAY, May 21 June to be the welcoming disciple of Jesus for an hour. We'll James 4: 13-17/Mark 9: 38-40 (343) get to July and August later. But for now this is serious. 12:10 PM KathrynWalsh Many of us who serve as hospitality hosts will be away on 5:30 PM Mary Andrade Sundays during the period from May thru the end of October THURSDAY, May 22 and we need volunteers to cover out duties. James 5: 1-6/MARK 9: 41-50 (344) I will have sign-up sheets for May and June with me on 12:10 PM Sunday. Please review your calendars and speak to me, about 5:30 PM a convenient Sunday. FRIDAY, May 23 (346) James 5: 9-12/Mark 10: 1-12 (345) Thank you. Judy Magida 12:10 PM 5:30 PM Jill Ann James Events & Activities SATURDAY, May 24 James 5: 13-20/Mark 10: 13-16  May 17, Saturday, the Bapitism of Scott Thomas, 12:30 PM son of David Rywelski & Dana Zebroski 5:30 PM Patricia Mary Corcoran  May 18, Parish celebration of First Communion at the 9 am Mass. (No religious education, Liturgy of  1st. Thurs. of the mo. Pax Christi Bd. Mtg. – 6:30 p.m.- in the Word for children, or quilting group) the Pax Christi Office  May 18, 12:30 pm in Casserly Hall, Trinity Sunday  1st. Fri. of the mo. Novena to the Sacred Heart after the Casserly Brunch. Come meet your fellow 5:30 p.m. mass parishioners  1st. Sat. of the mo. Blessings for the Sick after the 12:10  May 21, Wednesday, Reception for Fr. Tom’s mass Kids, 6:00 – 8:00 Rectory  May 24, Saturday, Flute & piano recital, 7:30 PM  2nd. Wed. of the mo. Altar Rosary 7:00 p.m. - Library  May 25, Sunday, The Roman Forum Lectures, The Growth of Chivalry and Social Complexity PARISH ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK Please visit the new website often: for the latest news on the NYU Catholic Center, St. Joseph’s Parish and links to lots of Catholic organizations and interests. MONDAY The Pastoral Council will be voting on a significantly 6:30 PM Centering Prayer Music Room revised constitution at its meeting on June 2, 2008. WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM Altar Rosary Library Copies of the new constitution are available in the Parish FRIDAY Office. You can also go to the parish's website at 6:15 PM St. Egidio Prayer Church 8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Casserly Hall to download a SATURDAY copy. (Once on the site, go to Parish Organizations and 10:00 AM or 1:00 PM Soup Kitchen Casserly Hall then Pastoral Council.) 6:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Casserly Hall SUNDAY 9:15 AM Children’s Religious Instruction Farrell Hall 10:00 AM Sunday Scripture Discussion Library

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