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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

International Plant Protection Convention Report of the TPFQ 10 September 2012 Virtual Meeting


Virtual Meeting Technical Panel on 10 September 2012 Forest Quarantine September 2012

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations TPFQ Report September 2012

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Opening of the meeting...... 3 1.1 Orientation Refresher for GoToTraining...... 3 1.2 Welcome by the IPPC Secretariat...... 3 1.3 Introductions...... 3 1.4 Review and Agree Record of last Virtual Meeting...... 3 2. Updates from the Secretariat and other relevant bodies...... 3 3. Update on the IFQRG/TPFQ work programme 2012...... 4 4. Discussion/status on Dielectric heat treatment for IPSM 15...... 4 5. Discussion/status on IPSM 15 Treatment Criteria...... 4 5.1 Options document for approaches to the criteria...... 4 6. Work Programme for 2012...... 5 6.1 The Draft ISPM for the Movement of Wood...... 5 7. Recommendations to the SC...... 5 8. Other business...... 5 9. Follow-up Actions for next TPFQ Virtual Meeting...... 5 10. Close of the meeting...... 5 APPENDIX 1 – Agenda...... 6 APPENDIX 2 – Documents List...... 7 APPENDIX 3 – Participants/Members List...... 8 APPENDIX 4 – 2011/12 IFQRG/IPPC Joint Intersession Work Programme...... 11

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1.1 Orientation Refresher for GoToTraining Before beginning the meeting, the IPPC Secretariat gave an overview of the virtual meeting software connection program Go-To-Meeting (GTM) via the training tool GoToTraining and also noted the etiquette and ground rules for participants to follow during the meeting.

1.2 Welcome by the IPPC Secretariat The IPPC Secretariat welcomed the participants to the meeting. In attendance were nine members of the Technical Panel on Forest Quarantine (TPFQ) including a Steward from the Standards Committee, and two members of the IPPC Secretariat. The other member was unable to attend due to previous engagements. The Secretariat noted the primary purpose of the meeting was to review and agree recommendations and documents for November Standards Committee meeting. The panel approved the agenda (2012_TPFQ_Sept_01) (see Appendix 1 to this report) and reviewed the documents list (2012_TPFQ_Sept_02) (see Appendix 2 to this report).

1.3 Introductions The meeting participants introduced themselves and agreed to update their contact information on the participants list if necessary (2012_TPFQ_Sept_03) (see Appendix 3 to this report).

1.4 Review and Agree Record of last Virtual Meeting The panel members present reviewed and agreed to the record of the July Virtual Meeting of the TPFQ (2012_TPFQ_Sept_04_July_Meeting_Report).

2. UPDATES FROM THE SECRETARIAT AND OTHER RELEVANT BODIES The Secretariat provided an update on the Bureau (of the CPM) considerations of the role of expert working groups (including technical panels) on developing guidance material for standards (ISPMs) (2012_TPFQ_Sept_05). The SC will consider this issue at its November meeting. The TPFQ has been asked to finish work on the guidance material it is developing and submit this material to the SC for consideration at the November meeting. Panel members were also asked to identify potential consultants to complete the guidance material if necessary. The panel noted that members of expert work groups were chosen for their expertise in the area of the standards they were working on, and were often the best placed to prepare guidance material. ACTION: The Panel members were requested to complete (stop) work on the guidance material under development and instead send the material to the Secretariat before the next virtual meeting in September. ACTION: Panel members to identify possible consultants to complete the guidance material (if necessary). Panel members themselves may act as consultants. The panel also discussed the suggestion of a possible symposium at the next CPM meeting (CPM 8 - March 2013) on treatment efficacy and “probit 9”. ACTION: The Chair of IFQRG to liaise with the organiser of the symposium on possible support for the topic of treatment efficacy and “probit 9”. The Secretariat also raised the need for TPFQ to have a face-to-face meeting to resolve the more complex issues associated with drafting the wood handicraft ISPM and completing the treatment

International Plant Protection Convention Page 3 of 11 TPFQ Report September 2012 criteria for ISPM 15. Brazil has offered to support a meeting in June 2013 (17th-21st) however SC still needs to agree to a meeting.

3. UPDATE ON THE IFQRG/TPFQ WORK PROGRAMME 2012 There were no changes to the joint work programme (2012_TPFQ_Sept_06) (see Appendix 4). A discussion paper on the effects of wood moisture content on the penetration (and therefore efficacy) of methyl bromide (2012_TPFQ_Sept_08) was presented. The 2012 meeting of IFQRG (IFQRG 10) will be in Cardiff later this month. The agenda for IFQRG 10 will cover the following topics:

 Treatments and environmental impacts – the work on this is exhausted.

 Test organisms for the ISPM 15 treatment criteria – these were identified in 2011 and may come up for discussion again this year.

 Efficacy of heat treatment – a paper has been drafted for the NAPPO forestry committee.

 Risks associated with plants for planting – issue has been raised by IUFRO with a suggestion that NPPOs could be surveyed on the availability of integrated measures to improve pathway management. TPFQ discussed this issue and considered any such survey would need to be justified e.g. to support ISPM implementation. ACTION: IFQRG will consider the matter further and report back to TPFQ.

 The effect of frozen wood on microwave treatment efficacy – issue will be discussed. IFQRG will review wording of ISPM 15 annex for dielectric heating and provide advice to the Steward if any changes are warranted. ACTION: Allen will report back on IFQRG 10 to TPFQ at the next virtual meeting.

4. DISCUSSION/STATUS ON DIELECTRIC HEAT TREATMENT FOR IPSM 15 A draft of the guidance material for dielectric heating (2012_TPFQ_Sept_09) was provided for discussion. The guidance will be presented to IFQRG for discussion with experts. The dielectric heating update to the annex to ISPM 15 (annex 1) will be presented by the Steward to SC in November and (all going well) go to CPM 8 in 2013.


5.1 Options document for approaches to the criteria A document (2012_TPFQ_Sept_10) was provided to TPFQ describing a model that could be used to determine a number of target pests for treatment development based on volumes of trade and characteristics of pest biology (such as wood infestation rates etc). The document will be presented and discussed at the September meeting of IFQRG later this month. ACTION: An IFQRG recommendation will be drafted and passed to TPFQ before being presented to SC in November. It was also noted that there is currently no Steward for this item of work.

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6. WORK PROGRAMME FOR 2012 The TPFQ discussed the work programme for 2012/13 (2012_TPFQ_Sept_11).

6.1 The Draft ISPM for the Movement of Wood The panel discussed the draft ISPM for the Management of phytosanitary risks in the international movement of wood (2006-029) (2012_TPFQ_Sept_13). The panel noted the changes made to the draft after the discussions in the July meeting (2012_TPFQ_July). Discussion on the draft text included:

 Should the ISPM cover any pests or just quarantine pests. This issue was raised as countries may want to take action on the interception of pests that have yet to be labelled “quarantine pests” (e.g. a pest is yet to be listed on the EU A1 list of quarantine pests). The presence of these pests may indicate that the treatment system has failed to deliver the required level of protection or may represent a new and as yet unexpected risk. The panel considered the ISPM should refer to “quarantine pests” and the NPPOs develop appropriate systems to support action against pests that pose or indicate a risk. The Steward has noted the issue.

 The word “present” in tables 2 and 3 was raised as a problem by the Steward. A small working group was established to identify a more appropriate word or phrase. ACTION: Sela, Allen and Schroder to identify an alternative word or phrase to “present” in tables 2 and 3.

7. RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE SC It is expected that after the IFQRG meeting in September, TPFQ and the associated Stewards will submit 4 documents to the SC meeting in November.  The Stewards response to member comments on Annex 1 to ISPM 15 so it can go forward for approval at CPM 8 in 2013;  The draft ISPM for the international movement of wood for approval for member consultation in 2013;  A paper on the effects of wood moisture content on the penetration (efficacy) of methyl bromide;  A paper on an alternative to probit 9 in the draft treatment criteria for ISPM 15.

8. OTHER BUSINESS No other business was discussed.

9. FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS FOR NEXT TPFQ VIRTUAL MEETING At its next virtual meeting, the panel will consider the SC decisions from their November 2012 meeting.

10. CLOSE OF THE MEETING The TPFQ agreed that the next virtual meeting should take place on or around the 11 th December 2012. The IPPC Secretariat will select a meeting time and confirm with TPFQ members. The TPFQ members will also adopt outstanding virtual meeting reports via email.

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1. Opening of the meeting 1.1 Orientation Refresher for GoToTraining 2012_TPFQ_Sept_00 DUBON/ ORMSBY 1.2 Welcome by the IPPC Secretariat 2012_TPFQ_Sept_01 ORMSBY 2012_TPFQ_Sept_02 1.3 Introductions 2012_TPFQ_Sept_03 ORMSBY 1.4 Review and agree record of last meeting 2012_TPFQ_Sept_04_ ORMSBY July_Meeting_Report 2. Secretariat Maintenance and Updates from relevant 2012_TPFQ_Sept_05 ORMSBY Bodies (inc Standards Committee) 3. Update on IFQRG/IPPC work programme 2012 2012_TPFQ_Sept_06 ALLEN 3.1 Agenda for IFQRG 10 meeting 2012_TPFQ_Sept_07 ALLEN 3.2 Moisture content and Methyl-Bromide fumigation 2012_TPFQ_Sept_08 SELA/MATSUI 4. Options for moving forward with the Dielectric heat ORMSBY treatment 4.1 Guidance document for the application of DH 2012_TPFQ_Sept_09 SELA 5. Discussion/status on IPSM 15 Treatment Criteria ORMSBY 5.1 Options document for approaches to criteria 2012_TPFQ_Sept_10 ALLEN/ MAGNUSSON/ MATSUI 6. Work Programme for 2012 2012_TPFQ_Sept_11 ORMSBY 6.1 ISPM 15 (2009) explanatory document 2012_TPFQ_Sept_12 SELA 6.2 HT explanatory document 2012_TPFQ_Sept_12 SCHRÖDER 6.3 MeBr explanatory document 2012_TPFQ_Sept_12 MATSUI / ORMSBY 6.4 Latest Draft of the Standard for the International 2012_TPFQ_Sept_13 SELA/ALLEN Movement of Wood 6.5 ISPM 15 implementation information on IPP ORMSBY 7. Recommendations to the SC (if applicable) ORMSBY 8. Other business ORMSBY 9. Follow-up Actions for next TPFQ Virtual Meeting ORMSBY 10. Close of the meeting ORMSBY

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Meeting Documents

2012_TPFQ_Sept_00 1.1 Virtual meeting using GOTO Training (DUBON) 2012-07-26

2012_TPFQ_Sept_01 1.2 Agenda (DRAFT V1) (ORMSBY) 2012-07-26

2012_TPFQ_Sept_02 1.2 Documents List (V2) (ORMSBY) 2012-09-09

2012_TPFQ_Sept_03 1.3 Participants List (ORMSBY) 2012-07-26

2012_TPFQ_Sept_04_J 1.4 Draft Meeting Report 06 July 2012 (ORMSBY) 2012-07-26 uly Meeting Report

Update from IPPC Secretariat (June 2012) 2012_TPFQ_Sept_05 2.0 2012-08-31 (ORMSBY)

IFQRG/IPPC joint work programme 2012 2012_TPFQ_Sept_06 3.0 2012-09-09 (ALLEN)

Agenda IFQRG 10: 17-21 September 2012 2012_TPFQ_Sept_07 3.1 Not Available (ALLEN)

(DRAFT V2) TPFQ Submission to SC on Wood 2012_TPFQ_Sept_08 3.2 2012-09-03 MC and Methyl Bromide fumigation (MATSUI)

Guidance document for the application of DH 2012_TPFQ_Sept_09 4.1 2012-09-03 (SELA)

Options for ISPM 15 Treatment Criteria 2012_TPFQ_Sept_10 5.1 2012-09-09 (ALLEN/MAGNUSSON/MATSUI)

2012_TPFQ_Sept_11 6.0 Work Programme 2012-2013 (ORMSBY) 2012-07-26

TPFQ Consolidated Guidance Documents 2012 2012_TPFQ_Sept_12 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 2012-08-31 (ORMSBY)

DRAFT ISPM Wood in International Trade 2012_TPFQ_Sept_13 6.4 2012-07-31 (SELA/ALLEN)

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APPENDIX 3 – PARTICIPANTS/MEMBERS LIST Participant Name, mailing address, Email address Membership Term role telephone Confirmed expires Steward Ms Julie ALIAGA [email protected] Program Director, International Standards Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service U.S. Department of Agriculture 4700 River Road, Unit 140 Riverdale, MD 20737 USA

Tel: (+1) 301 851 2032 Fax: (+1) 301 734 7639 Steward Ms Marie-Claude FOREST marie- (Management International Standards Advisor [email protected] of the Office of Chief Plant Health Officer phytosanitary Export and Technical Standards risks in the Section international Canadian Food Inspection Agency movement of 59 Camelot Drive wood) Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9 CANADA

Tel: (+1) 613 221 4359 Fax: (+1) 613 228 6602 Member Mr. Victor AGYEMAN [email protected] 2011 2016 Director, Forestry Research Institute (SC Nov) of Ghana (FORIG) University Box 63, KNUST, Kumasi, GHANA

Tel: +233-24-4844171 or +233-51- 60122 Fax +233-51-60121 Member as Mr. Eric ALLEN [email protected] 2011 2016 Chair of IFQRG Chair, International Forestry (SC Nov) Quarantine Research Group, and Research scientist Canadian Forest Service Natural Resources Canada Pacific Forestry Centre 506 West Burnside Road Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5, CANADA

Tel: (+1) 250 298 2350; Fax: (+1) 250 363 0775 Member Mr Marcos Beéche CISTERNAS [email protected] 2011 2016 Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SC Nov) Division de Protección Agrícola Subdepartamento de Vigilancia y Control de Plagas Forestales Av. Bulnes 140, Piso 3 Santiago, CHILE

Tel: (+56) 2 345 1200; Fax: (+56) 2 345 1203

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Participant Name, mailing address, Email address Membership Term role telephone Confirmed expires Member Mr Edson Tadeu IEDE [email protected] 2011 2016 EMBRAPA Centro Nacional de (SC Nov) Pesquisa de Florestas Estrada da Ribeira Km 111 CEP: 83.411-000 Colombo, Paraná, BRAZIL

Tel: (+55) 41 3675 5600 / 5727 Fax: (+55) 41 3675 5601 / 5737 Member Mr Shane SELA [email protected] 2011 2016 Chief, Forest Product Market (SC Nov) Access Plant Biosecurity & Forestry Division Canadian Food Inspection Agency Room 358, 506 West Burnside Road Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5, CANADA

Tel: (+1) 250 363 3432; Fax: (+1) 250 363 0144 Member Mr. Sven Christer MAGNUSSON [email protected] 2011 2016 Research manager, Plant Health o (SC Nov) and Plant Protection Division Department of Entomology Bioforsk Plantehelse Fellesbygget, N-1432 Ås, NORWAY

Tel: (+47) 952 05 304 Member Mr. Mamoru MATSUI [email protected] 2011 2016 Senior officer, Kobe Plant Protection (SC Nov) Station Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Kobe 2nd joint government building Hatoba-cho 1-1, Chu-ou-ku Kobe city, Hyogo prefecture 650- 0042, JAPAN

Tel: (+81) 78 331 1350 / 2386 Fax: (+81) 78 391 1757 Member Mr. Thomas SCHRÖDER [email protected] 2011 2016 Scientist/Project Manager (SC Nov) Julius Kuhn-Institut Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants Institute for Plant Health Messeweg 11/12 38104 – Braunschweig, GERMANY

Tel: (+49) 531 299 3381; Fax: (+49) 531 299 3007 IPPC Mr. Michael ORMSBY [email protected] N/A N/A Secretariat Senior Adviser, Science and Risk Assessment Ministry for Primary Industries P.O. Box 2526 Wellington, NEW ZEALAND

Tel: (+64) 4 894 0486; Fax: (+64) 4 894 0733

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Participant Name, mailing address, Email address Membership Term role telephone Confirmed expires IPPC Mr Brent LARSON [email protected] N/A N/A Secretariat Standards Officer AGPP – IPPC Secretariat Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, ITALY

Tel: +39 06 5705 4915 Fax: + 39 06 5705 4819 IPPC Mirko MONTUORI [email protected] N/A N/A Secretariat Standard Setting Programme AGPP – IPPC Secretariat Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, ITALY

Tel: +39 06 5705 3806 Fax: + 39 06 5705 4819

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TPFQ member IFQRG Expected responsible to Related IFQRG Action TPFQ Issues Members Outcome Date report back to Items reporting TPFQ 1. Efficacy of heat Consider efficacy See TPFQ treatment for Eric Allen schedules for test Eric Allen issues 3 controlling wood organisms. and 4 packaging pests 2. Evaluation of No action Chuck Ray treatments for at present Presentation at IFQRG impacts to the Eric Allen 2011 [email protected] environment and biodiversity 3. A document that Mike Ormsby Discussion considers the David Rees at IFQRG- advantages and Eric Allen Tom Searles 10 Consider efficacy disadvantages of two April Christer Chuck Dentelbeck including schedules for test possible methods for 2012 Magnusson Hugh Evans sub-group organisms treatment Mamoru Matsui Jacques Gagnon document development (added Ecki Brockerhoff (2012 IFQRG-10- Feb 2012) (March 2012) 13) 4. A document on the Review what is Discussion Ron Mack efficacy of heat collectively known about at IFQRG- April Ken Thomas treatment against Eric Allen efficacy of HT & MBR on 10 2012 Mike Ormsby wood pests (added key taxa (e.g. PWN, ALB, (Jan 2012) Feb 2012) etc) Finalize a discussion paper regarding the applicability of the current standards for heat Eric Allen treatment for wood (NAPPO FP) products considering that (Sept 2012) certain pests such as the emerald ash borer have demonstrated a tolerance to treatments.

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