Attendees: Gregory Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Betty Harris, Cassandra White, Linda Earley, Larry

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Attendees: Gregory Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Betty Harris, Cassandra White, Linda Earley, Larry

M A I N E P H A R M A C Y ASSOCIATION June Meeting Minutes

JUNE 10, 2015


Attendees: Gregory Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Betty Harris, Cassandra White, Linda Earley, Larry Lamie, Jacob Turmel, Thomas Ventrella


1. Minutes from May meeting No edits requested. Motion to accept minutes from May Meeting. Motion seconded. Approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report (Eric)

Income $55,082 expenses $51,925.10 which leaves the budget in the black of $3156.47. Account Balance of $115,002.58. Right where we are supposed to be except accounting line item. Need to continue until we can transition. Still doing very well financially and on track for our budget. The income will be now getting is for the fall meeting in Bangor.

Motion to approve budget statement. Seconded. Approved.

Our CD at TD Bank is coming due, which prompted discussion of what the best course of action. Eric sent out information as to what the rates offered were at the bank and determine the best course of action. Need to be sure we capitalize on investments but stay liquid for the upcoming sesquential. It was suggested that there be 3 cods set up to expire in 3 month intervals. This would allow a better interest rate without being locked in.

Eric made a motion to look into setting up cds to roll over every 3 months. Seconded. Approved.

Eric term as treasurer is due and he agreed to run for treasurer for another 2 year term.

3. Conventions (Larry)  Fall 2015 – September 11-13, 2015 – Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME The programming is all set for the fall. Linda question who is going to conduct the Immunization Training. Greg will follow up with Tim Gladwell today. If he declines, we will see if Mac’s offer is still open. Linda also needed to confirm the topic for Sandra Bartlett, if it is Anti Coag or End of Life. Greg thought End of Life but will confirm today. Cory Theberge will be facilitating the last topic of Veterinary Care. Linda asked if there were any edits to the program that had been sent out with the agenda. Cassie added BCACP to Evans Title. Linda followed up with a previous discussion regarding offering the handouts for an additional charge. Linda went through the Spring programming to figure the cost to print. The cost would range from $8.00 - $16.00 for printing, depending on the number of slides/sheet. She added a $20.00 option for the fall program. It would be a good time to see the demand and the implementation. She will work with Pauline to adjust the dates to assure we have the slides in time to print. Also, there was discussion about having a set theme for the PowerPoint presentations to be sure they were easy to ready in person and on devices. Cassandra will send out the note that Pauline sends to the speakers to see if we need to make any changes.

Eric wondered what the cost for the champagne toast would be. Linda will look into the cost with the hotel.

 Sesquicentennial -2017 – Proposed: October 12-17, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME The contract needs to be signed for the Holiday in By the Bay. I have not heard back from Keith and Lynette from ASP as to whether or not they are going to commit for their regional meeting. Eric will follow up.

Frank has informed MSHP and has a verbal commitment. After our fall meeting, we should get a true commitment for both groups. Eric agreed that the contract as written was something we could meet as MPA with or without ASP.

Question as to whether or not the contract offered enough rooms. This number is based on what we could us and ASP rates. The way the contact is designed, it would be better to ask for more rooms to be added than to not reach our commitment.

Move to sign contract and deposit. Approved.

Currently working with vendors on commemorative coin as a giveaway. Hoping to have cost and designs by early fall. The idea is to have a commemorative coin has the hand out packet.

 Spring 2016 – April 1-3, 2016 - Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, ME No updates.

4. Awards and Scholarship (Lisa) Greg shared the report from Lisa. Linda forwarded the nominations to the board. The Innovation Award and Cardinal Health did not receive any nominations. Eric would like to add the diabetes work from the Penobscot tribe for the Innovations award. He will work on the nomination

Linda reached out to John Murray and Chris Guido regarding the Cardinal Health award. She will follow up with them and also Cathy Stratton from MPHP for nominations. 5. Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)

No legislative updates

Board of Pharmacy minutes were distributed. Much of the meeting was regarding PIC change dates. The board held firm to 7 days from the change. The arguments were if the dates are Calendar day vs business days and if it is in the mail. Greg suspects this will be appealed.

6. Golf Tournament (Laurie/Linda) Laurie confirmed the date of August 15, 2015 at 1:00pm for the scholarship golf tourney. The website is on line for registration. Linda will contact the sponsors and players from last year to see if they are on again for this year. The layout of the tournament is the same with the banquet to follow the scramble.

Laurie would like the support of the Board to try to solicit new sponsors and players. The hole sponsorship is a 100% donation to the scholarship fund since there is no cost to have the signage created.

For gifts, it will be a double wall cup (tervis like cup) that is imprinted with the MPA logo. We will use the credit from the power banks.

7. Membership Committee (Betty) Betty stated we are holding steady for membership. We down 100 total members from January. Betty and Linda did discuss membership and opportunities to increase it on the Technician side.

8. Education Committee No Updates

9. MPA Office Report (Linda) Linda requested to use the remaining credit from 4imprint to purchase stylus pens for the conventions where we are moving to personal devices. This is no cost to the association and will be taken from the credit.

When Eric met with Frank with MSHP President it was their desire to have an Executive Director Position. While the organizations will remain independent for each organizations, Eric suggested to give Linda the right of 1st refusal on the position. Linda said she would be interested in learning more about the organization and requirements. Sense that they are smaller than MPA.

10.Board Openings  Need to select new Technician representative – Nominations are Elwen Eaton and Diane Blanchette Greg request Linda to send out a ballot to board members. Whoever has the most votes will be the technician. 11.New Business Larry shared the liability application is being processed. He advised the vendor that we will need to know before September to add to the budget.

12.Next Meeting: July 14, 2015, 11:00am Deb requested to revisit the time the meetings are held since many of the committee meetings are scheduled for 12:00. After discussion, it was determined that the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00am would be our new meeting time.

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