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Fresno County Office of Education

Instructional Strategies To Improve English Learner Student Achievement

Strategy Name Strategy Definition or Context for Instructional Explanation Strategy Categories 1. Brainstorming Participants write/say all the Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree ideas and background Want knowledge and information Clarification they may have around a Analyze Compare and particular topic. Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade

2. Think-Pair-Share During a workshop, the During Reading Predict or Infer After Reading Disagree participants are given a point Want or topic, then are asked to Clarification “think” independently, then Analyze Compare and turn to a partner and share Contrast their thoughts and/or Report reactions. Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 3. Highlight/Underline During individual reading, During Reading Predict or Infer Disagree participants will highlight or Want underline the key points of a Clarification reading, to remember those Analyze Compare and points for processing later. Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009 Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 4. Table Talk An opportunity to process During Reading Predict or Infer After Reading Disagree information with others Want seated at the same table or Clarification group. Analyze Compare and Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 5. Exit Slips A “checking for During Reading Predict or Infer After Reading Disagree understanding” tool. A small Want piece of paper given to each Clarification participant, where each Analyze Compare and participant will write a key Contrast thought or idea, showing what Report they understand in a lesson. Information Express Cause They give the slip to the and Effect presenter before they “exit” Express an the room. Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade

6. Modeling/ Opportunities for the Before Reading Predict or Infer Practicing During Reading Disagree presenter to “model” the After Reading Want targeted behavior or Clarification knowledge, and the Analyze Compare and opportunities for the Contrast participants to practice that Report “modeled” targeted behavior Information Express Cause or knowledge. and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009 Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 7. Drawing on The presenter asks questions Before Reading Predict or Infer Background Disagree or inquiries to see what the Want Knowledge participants know about the Clarification assigned topic, before Analyze Compare and reading or doing the activity. Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 8. Academic The presenter models and Before Reading Predict or Infer Questioning During Reading Disagree has the participants practice After Reading Want asking questions containing Clarification academic vocabulary and/or Analyze Compare and academic content. Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 9. Academic The presenter offers an After Reading Predict or Infer Language Frame Disagree oral or written question, Want then asks the participants Clarification to respond orally or in Analyze Compare and writing, using one of a Contrast given list of sentence Report options. Information Express Cause Examples: and Effect  Although our views were slightly Express an different, we think the solution lies with… Opinion  My partner and I both agree that… Acknowledge  We believe the main cause is… Ideas of Others  The most likely reason is… Summarize and SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009  What it seems to come down to Synthesize is… Persuade  One way to approach this issue “Test Words” is… Power 10. Sentence Frame The presenter offers an Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree oral or written topic or After Reading Want prompt, then asks the Clarification participants to respond Analyze Compare and using the sentence frame Contrast given. Report Examples: Information Express Cause and Effect  Could you tell me ...? Express an  Could you tell me how to ...? Opinion  Would you mind telling me ...? Acknowledge Ideas of Others  Do you know ...? Summarize and  What happens if ...? Synthesize  Where can I ...? Persuade  When can I ...? “Test Words”  How can I ...? Power

 Something else I'd like to know is .... 11. Partner Work The presenter presents Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree materials then allows the After Reading Want participant to discuss, Clarification process, and resolve Analyze Compare and questions with one other Contrast person. (partner) Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 12. Anticipation Guide Before presenting the Before Reading Predict or Infer Disagree material, the presenter Want distributes a sheet of paper Clarification the accesses the background Analyze Compare and knowledge of the participants Contrast in the form of a list of Acknowledge true/false questions, or a Ideas of Others quiz, or graphic organizer, etc. so that the participants are “anticipating” what will SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009 come in the lesson. 13. Content Objective The presenter prepares and Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree states what the participants Want will learn in the lesson. Clarification Analyze Compare and Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade

14. Language The presenter prepares and Before Reading Predict or Infer Objective During Reading Disagree states throughout the lesson After Reading Want what the participants will Clarification need to do to prove to Analyze Compare and him/her that the learning has Contrast taken place, including the Report form and function in the Information Express Cause language objective. This may and Effect include their current language Express an acquisition level ability. Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade

15. Frayer Model Word Picture Before Reading Want The value of During Reading Clarification After Reading Analyze market Compare and Contrast Report Information Definition Reminder Express Cause and Effect current price or The stock market Express an value Opinion Summarize and A process of making meaning Synthesize of a word. These pages can be collected into a student dictionary or handbook. 16. Cloze Activity The presenter presents After Reading Predict or Infer Activity Disagree sentences or thoughts with Want “blanks.” The participants are Clarification Analyze SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009 to “fill in the blanks” either Compare and Contrast orally or in written form. Report Example: Information Express Cause Detroit now has an ______that is and Effect made of three car companies. Express an Opinion Recently the ______has drastically Acknowledge changed for the auto ______. The Ideas of Others ______s have asked for billions in Summarize and aid. Synthesize Detroit automobiles Persuade Chrysler “Test Words” manufacturer Power oligopoly industry market

17. Structured Giving participants After Reading Predict or Infer Academic Disagree Conversation opportunity to practice the Want taught vocabulary and/or Clarification Analyze academic language form. Compare and Example: Contrast Share a summary of the article that you just Report read. As you say your summary you must Information use each of the following words at least Express Cause once: and Effect Detroit Express an automobiles Opinion Chrysler Acknowledge manufacturer Ideas of Others oligopoly Summarize and industry Synthesize market Persuade “Test Words” Power 18. Tea Party The participants walk around Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree the room with music playing, After Reading Want until the music stops. They Clarification then find someone close to Analyze Compare and them to have a conversation, Contrast directed by the presenter. Report The process repeats as Information Express Cause needed. and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 19. 3x3 Sentence The participants will write a After Reading Predict or Infer Builder Disagree sentence that includes three Want SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009 of the taught vocabulary Clarification Analyze words. They will choose three Compare and in a line, across, up and Contrast down, or diagonally. Report Information Express Cause Example: and Effect Express an Detroit Market Emerged Opinion Oligopoly automobiles manufacturer Acknowledge Chrysler Industry firm Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize “There is a firm in Detroit that Persuade sells automobiles.” “Test Words” Power 20. Note Taking Participants will write the key During Reading Predict or Infer Disagree ideas and important Want vocabulary that they need to Clarification remember as the presenter Analyze Compare and teachers, or as they read, Contrast discuss, or process new Report information. Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 21. Give One Get One After reading, each After Reading Predict or Infer Disagree participant writes down an Want important idea, summary, or Clarification conclusion from the reading. Analyze Compare and Each member then walks Contrast around the room, and Report randomly stops to talk to Information Express Cause another participant to read and Effect what is on his/her writing, Express an (give one) and then the Opinion Acknowledge partner reads his/her Ideas of Others response (get one). Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 22. Choral Response Together, all participants Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree reply orally to a question or After Reading Want situation posed by the Clarification SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009 presenter. All the responses Analyze Compare and are exactly the same, and Contrast they are stated together. Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 23. Numbered Heads The presenter assigns a Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree number to each participant. After Reading Want This is usually used to assign Clarification readings or for group Analyze Compare and processing. Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 24. Pose a Question Participants will practice and Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree learn to pose a question to After Reading Want help with predicting what is to Clarification come. Analyze Compare and Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power 25. Random Response Presenters will use a method Before Reading Predict or Infer During Reading Disagree to randomly select After Reading Want participants to answer a Clarification question, rather than a raised Analyze SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009 hand or shout out. Compare and Contrast Report Information Express Cause and Effect Express an Opinion Acknowledge Ideas of Others Summarize and Synthesize Persuade “Test Words” Power

SB 472 English Learner Professional Development Fresno County Office of Education March 2009

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