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Clergy: Revd. Tim Saiet – Vicar Revd. Simon Braid Revd. Elizabeth Toy Revd. Andrew Wooding Jones Church website: www.stjohnshildenboro.co.uk Facebook page: St. John’s, Hildenborough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWS & INFORMATION SUNDAY 24th APRIL 2016 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are glad that you are worshipping with us today. Our activities for children and teenagers during term time take place at the same time as our 10am Service (except first Sunday of the month). A crèche for 0-3 year olds in the Church Centre – Foyer Sparklers 3-6 (up to school year 2) meet in the Family Room Trailblazers 7-11 (from school year 3) meet in Main Hall, Church Centre Pathfinders 12-14 (school years 7, 8, 9/10) meet in small room New Generation (school year 11) in the side room off main hall The Church is fitted with a hearing loop Toilets are located in the Church Centre including facilities for the disabled and for baby changing. If you are new and would like us to contact you, please fill in a welcome card and hand it to a sidesperson or leave it in the post box outside the office at the Church Centre. A bag collection is taken during our main services. Of course we appreciate that many of our church family give regularly through the gift aid scheme. If you are a visitor and would like to take advantage of gift aid, there are envelopes for this purpose at the front and back of the church. Thank you. Do stay and have coffee in the Church Centre after the Service (first Sunday of the month coffee is served at 10.30am between services) NEWS & INFORMATION FOR SUNDAY 24th APRIL - SUNDAY 1st MAY 2016 Sun 24th The Fifth Sunday of Easter 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP – Andy James 1: 17-21 & John 16: 5-15 9.30 am Prayer Meeting for today’s services in Church 10.00 am Morning Worship – Andy leading & Simon preaching Time to fess up! Confession James 5:13-16 We welcome Austin Winter for Baptism 5.00 pm New Gen @ the Moores 6.30 pm No service
Mon 6.00 am Prayer Meeting in Church – all welcome 8.00 pm Standing Committee at 65 The Ridgeway
Tues 8.45 am - 11.30am Tea & Coffee Corner in the Family Room & Foyer 9.00 am – 11.00am Farmers’ Market in Church Centre 8.00 pm Mission Support Prayer Meeting at 38 Brookmead Thurs 9.00 am ‘A Time to Pray’ - in Church 7.30 pm Changing our World – Prayer Event in the Centre (see notice) Sun 1st The Sixth Sunday of Easter Rogation Sunday 9.00 am Prayer Meeting for Today’s Services in Church 9.30 am Kidzservice with Tim 11.00 am Holy Communion – Simon leading & Mark Packer preaching Leaders and Followers Ephesians 6: 1-9 & Luke 2: 41-52 6.30 pm Contemporary Service Margaret leading & Andy preaching Continuing the series on letters to the churches in Revelation This week, the letter to Smyrna
*************** Home Groups meet at various times during the week. For details, or if you would like to join a home group, please speak to Simon.
Standing during services. It is our tradition at St. John’s to stand during our time of worship and for some other parts of the service. However, please feel comfortable to sit or stand as you are able.
After the 10am (or 11am) Service there are people available to pray with those who would like it. They can be identified by their blue and white badges.
CHURCH OFFICE Please note that Sal will not be in the office this Thursday 28th April, but emails to the office are checked daily. Thank you.
CAR PARKING Please take a moment to look at the enclosed flier which shows the best way to park in the newly extended car park to maximise the use of space. Thank you for your cooperation. A Verse for the week: ‘Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.’ Psalm 95: 1-3 NIV
Mission Support Prayer Meeting QUIET DAY – Friday 6th May This will now be on Tuesday 26th April 10am – 2.30pm, including lunch. at 38 Brookmead, Chris Mileham’s Come and enjoy the peaceful surroundings home. Please note change of date of the spring garden and woodlands with from that in the Church diary. All three short Bible studies followed by time to welcome. Do come to hear the latest pray and reflect. Book with Margaret news about those we support and Wooding Jones. to pray for their needs.
SIDESPERSONS MEETING – 8PM MONDAY 16th MAY in the Family Room Tim, Simon and our wardens Peter and Chris, would love to meet informally with all those who act on our behalf as Sidesmen and Sideswomen. It will be a brief time to be together to reflect on this vital role of welcome within our Church and a time of thanks and encouragement for all that you do. Please put the date in your diaries and we look forward to seeing you then. For refreshment purposes, please confirm with Sal if you are able to attend. Many thanks.
Hospitality for the Archdeacon’s Visitation – 18th May (evening) On the evening of 18th May, St John’s will be hosting the Archdeacon’s Visitation, at which event we shall be providing light refreshments. We need a hospitality team to help set up, serve and clear up. Please can YOU help? Many hands make light work so no offer of help will be turned down! Please let Sal or Amanda know if you can help. We also still need cakes for the refreshments. Thank you in anticipation.
Contemporary Service – Survey We want to make sure the Contemporary Service, which gives the opportunity to consider the Bible in the context of informal worship and prayer, is happening at the best time for those who would like to come. Please help us by completing the quick survey (before 25th April) which you can access through the Church FaceBook page
Book of Common Prayer Evening Service Unfortunately it has been necessary to cancel the BCP evening service on 29th May. The next BCP Evening Service will now be on Sunday 12th June. This will coincide with our celebrations to mark the Queen’s official birthday. These will include an Open Air Guest Service on the Rec. at 11am followed by ‘The Big Picnic’, plus a flower festival in Church across the weekend. ‘PRAYER BOX’ Prayer for Sunday 24th April The Fifth Sunday of Easter Almighty God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life: we humbly beseech thee that, as by the grace preceding us thou dost put into our minds good desires, so by thy continual help we may bring the same to good effect; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. If you know anyone who would value prayer, please let a member of the Clergy know.
MISSION NEWS. This week ... People International. PI would like us to pray for refugees in the South East of Turkey that one of their couples is continuing to help. The situation on the ground does not get easier with all the unrest between Kurdish people and the Turkish government. Also pray for the team working on the Bible translation project for Uzbekistan; for energy and accuracy. They are almost a year from completing the translation and the final stages (footnotes etc.) can be a real effort to complete.
The Absolute Gospel Company presents CHANGING OUR WORLD “The Day it Rained in Colours” An inclusive prayer event arranged by a musical for all the family at the E.M. Forster Rochester Diocese World Missions th Forum and the Venerable Clive Mansell Theatre, Tonbridge, Friday 6 to Saturday th 7th May. Tickets £8 adults, £6 children and Thursday 28 April 7.30pm St. John’s Church seniors from www.tonbridgearts.com or Light refreshments. All welcome. 304241. Posters in Church and Centre. See poster in Church and Centre
Memorial Service for Dai Lewis There will be a memorial service for Dai Lewis on Saturday 21st May 2016, 2.30pm for a 3.00pm start, at Longbarn Camp, Hamptons Road, Hadlow TN11 9RG. Please RSVP as soon as possible to facilitate organisation to [email protected]. Thank you.