Ballyragget Community Playgroup
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Child’s Full Name: ______Boy/Girl______
Date of Birth: ______/______/______Religion: ______
Home Address:
Child’s Nationality: ______Child’s First Language: ______
Date of Commencement: ____/____/_____ Date Ceased Attending: ____/____/__
Parent / Guardian:
Name: ______Name: ______
Address: ______Address: ______
Nationality: ______Nationality: ______
First Language: ______First Language: ______
Mobile No: ______Mobile No: ______
Home No: ______Home No: ______
Work No: ______Work No______
Person(s) authorised to collect my child (other than parents and over 18 years of age)
Name: ______Name: ______
Address: ______Address: ______
Contact No ______Contact No ______Other:
Name (1) ______Name (2) ______Name (3) ______Name (4) ______
(If a person is not named in this section, they will be unable to collect your child from the service)
Nominated Emergency Contacts
Name: ______Name ______
Relationship to Child: ______Relationship to Child; ______
Contact Number: ______Contact Number: ______
Personal Details:
Family Doctor: ______
Address: ______
Telephone Number: ______Public Health Nurse ______
Is your family receiving support from a Family Social Worker? Yes No
If yes, please provide their name: ______
AGE WHERE VACCINE DATE RECEIVED Birth Hospital/Clinic BCG(TB) 2 months GP 6 in 1 + PCV 4 months GP 6 in 1 + Men C 6 months GP 6 in 1 + Men C +PVC 12months GP 6 in 1 + PCV 13months GP MMR + HIB 4-5 Years GP /School Special / Additional Needs
Does your child suffer from any medical conditions, illness, special needs, disability and/or allergies?
If yes, please outline details and special requirements: Yes No
Does your child suffer any physical / learning disability?
If yes, please outline details and special requirements: Yes No
Does your child have any specific dietary/cultural requirements?
If yes, please outline details and special requirements: Yes No
Does your child use ‘pet’ language for special comfort toys? Yes No
Name of siblings and /or close personal relationships in your child’s life:
Please outline details and special requirements/needs if any, your child may have (that is not mentioned) Notes provided by parents concerning any of the above are attached to file Yes ( ) No ( ) Parental Consent Form
The Following relates to Policies and Procedures in the Parents Handbook:
1. Emergency Medical Care
I understand that every effort will be made to contact the named guardian or next of kin in the event of an emergency, requiring medical attention. However, if now of these can be contacted, I hereby authorise the service to transport my child to the doctor’s surgery or to the appropriate hospital A & E Department by ambulance or as is necessary and to secure the necessary medical treatment for my child.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
2. Emergency Medical Treatment
I give Permission for my child to be given appropriate emergency medical treatment in the case of an emergency.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
3. First Aid:
I authorise that staff trained in First Aid may administer First Aid to my child as appropriate
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
4. Antipyretic
I give consent to teething gels and temperature control: medication (Calpol/Nurofen) in accordance with the policy and procedures of the service.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
5. Child Illness and Exclusion Policy
I understand that it is in the best interest of my child’s health and welfare and that all other children attending the service to adhere to the services Child illness and Exclusion policy in relation to infections/contagious ailments and to notify the service of any such illness
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
6. Trip/Outing/Walking Permission I authorise that my child may be taken on outings/walks that may be planned outside the childcare centre grounds on the understanding that the adult/child ratio as recommended by the Insurance Company will be adhered to at all times. I understand that all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure my child’s safety. A trained Firs Aid person will be present on all outings.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
7. Permission to Change Clothes
I hereby give permission for my child’s clothing to be changed should the need arise.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
8. Photo and Video Permission
I give permission for my child to be photographed or video recorded within the service.
Photographs/Videos may be used for:
1. Child observations and feedback to parents 2. HSE inspection and service evaluation 3. Displays and information. Photos/Videos may be shared with other parents, HSE inspectors and other authorised personnel.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
9. Child Observation Permission
Child observations will be used in the service to ensure that the individual needs of children are met through the curriculum and programme. I give permission for child observations to be conducted in the service as outlined in the policy and procedures of the service.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
10. (1) Child’s Class :
(2) I give permission for my child to walk home on his/her own at 5.45pm Yes ( ) No ( )
Parent / Guardian’s Signature ______Date ____/____/____
11. Access to Animals/Insects
I give permission for my child to be in contact with or have supervised access to animals or pets. Care will be taken to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of the children are not put at risk.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
12. Sun Cream Permission
I give permission for the application of sun cream to my child as outlined in the service Sun Protection Policy.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
13. Fees and Payment Policy
Fees are payable weekly and where possible in advance in cash payments. In the case of absences due to illness, family holiday etc fees are still payable as this secures your child’s place in the service. Fees payable are dependent on individual circumstances and will be agreed with the Childcare Manager prior to start date.
I acknowledge the terms and conditions set out in the Fee Policy.
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
Form completion checklist:
I have supplied all required details for my child and parents/guardians Yes ( ) I have named all person authorised to collect my child Yes ( ) I have provided 2 emergency contact numbers Yes ( ) I have provided details for my family doctor & child immunisation Yes ( ) I have provided any details additional/special needs for my child Yes ( ) I understand, acknowledge & give signed consent to the above policies Yes ( )
14. Parent/Service Childcare Declaration
I will notify management of changes to any of the details in this form. I will give at least two weeks’ notice before I terminate my child’s placement
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ___/___/____
Manager /Supervisor’s Signature ______Date: __/____/____
This Childcare project is funded by the Irish Government and part-financed by the European Union Structural Funds under the National Development Plan, 2007 – 2013.