1. Services

a. Book Bags

a.i. Price a.i.1. $.25 for plastic bag a.i.2. $.10 slightly used

a.ii. Supply a.ii.1. Box in Circulation office underneath front window a.ii.2. Alert Mary M. if supply dwindles

b. Book Sale

b.i. Fee storage b.i.1. Can underneath the cash register. b.i.2. Also ok to make change in cash register

b.ii. Price List b.ii.1. Paperbacks - $.25 b.ii.2. Hardback - $.50 b.ii.3. Magazines - $.10 b.ii.4. Video or DVD - $.50 b.ii.5. Audio books - $.50 b.ii.6. Special hardbacks - $1.00 - bookmark inside and no barcode

b.iii. Special Sales b.iii.1. There are occasionally special “sales” - flyer is typically posted near the cash register b.iii.2. Refer questions about sales to Asha

c. Check-Out

c.i. Resources

c.i.1. CD case opener: Plastic device at check-out desk for removal of compact discs from library security cases

c.i.2. Checkout transaction printed receipt: Give to patron as a reminder of when books are due

c.i.3. MNL stickers: c.i.3.a. Place one on front cover (top left corner) of any MNL book that lacks a barcode on front of book

c.i.3.b. Supply can be replenished from supply cabinet or near check-in machines in Circulation office c.i.4. Large envelopes for multiple periodicals checkouts - on shelves underneath check-out computer

c.i.5. Large barcoded envelopes on shelves underneath check-out computer, for vertical file checkout, one file per envelope

c.i.6. Emergency check-out sheets (green “Turtle” sheets) - for use when Polaris is offline - fill in patron barcode, item barcodes, return dates

c.ii. Procedures

c.ii.1. On the Polaris shortcut bar, click the circulation tab and select Check Out.

c.ii.2. Scan patron’s library card: Cursor will pop into the item field of the Check Out window.

c.ii.3. Find the appropriate barcode of the item being checked out. Barcode location will vary depending on the owning library.

2. Closing Procedures

a. Book Bag and Book Sales a.i. Ring up in register a.ii. Register tape goes to Mary M.

b. Z Report b.i. Run at 5 minutes until closing b.ii. Register tape goes to Mary M.

c. Turn off machines c.i. Thursdays leave machines on c.ii. Blink out the monitors

d. Closing Announcements d.i. First announcement is at half hour before closing d.ii. Second announcement (quarter to closing) must include reminder to update or apply for a borrower’s card. d.iii. Give five minute warning