Day 1 As We Begin This Season of Prayer, Ask the Father to Open Our Hearts and Minds To
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Day 1 As we begin this season of prayer, ask process. Joshua 1:9 is his life promise from for the Association finances to be met by the Father to open our hearts and minds to His God’s word. generous contributions from member churches. desires and will for us as individuals, churches, and the Association. Hebrews 10:19-22 is the Day 9 Pray for the pastors of PCBA churches Day 16 Dr. Tommy Snyder is our Moderator passage we pray. to be men of vision, to lead their congregation to this year. He also serves on the Administrative have a vision for their church. Proverbs 29:18 is Committee. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 and Day 2 Today we pray for Dr. Selvy and the the verse we read today as we lift up our pastors pray for Bro. Tommy, his family, and his Administrative Committee as they launch this in prayer. ministry today. journey to make a good association great. Joshua 4:3 and John 16:13. Day 10 A project like this will be filled with Day 17 We can be sure Satan does not want us details and deadlines. Pray for the Association to move courageously forward, advancing the Day 3 Rev. Bill Duncan, Strategy Consultant staff and your Administrative Committee (Re- Kingdom of God. Pray today for the Lord’s for MBCB, will be helping PCBA in this Re- genesis team) to be able to stay focused and on protection from evil attacks. John 17:15 and genesis process. Pray for Bro. Bill as he leads. course. Read Ephesians 3:20-21 as you pray Proverbs 1:13 are the scriptural platforms we Read Psalm 125:4. faithfully today. pray from today.
Day 4 One principle in great associations is Day 11 One of the vital elements in this Re- Day 18 As you read John 4:35-36 and seek the serving the churches to meet their needs. Ask genesis process is the information we gather Father’s calling of workers, pray for your God to help us discover what are the needs of from each church. Pray for the Re-genesis team church’s efforts to impact lostness in its our churches and how the Association can help as they develop the church survey which will be community. them to be stronger, missional congregations. distributed and returned from each church. Read 1 Peter 2:9 as you pray. Philippians 3:13-14 is our passage to read as we Day 19 Dr. Selvy and the Administrative lift up this request today. Committee will need wisdom and guidance as Day 5 Pray for the Administrative Committee they work through the Organization phase of the (Dr. Tommy Snyder, Rev. Steve Phillips, and Day 12 Personal holiness is a major aspect of Re-genesis process. Read Romans 15:13 and Rev. Henry Wall, Jr.) to be united in spirit and Christian living. Today we read I John 1:9 and pray this for them today. tireless as they work together. Pray Romans confess our sins to our Savior and Lord and 15:5-6 for each of them today. enjoy the cleansing which flows so generously Day 20 Mrs. Terrie Louise Harwood serves from above. PCBA as Administrative Assistant. Pray for her Day 6 We pray today asking God to protect our as she is called on to publish and distribute the hearts so that we do not lose momentum over Day 13 As you pray today, lift up the church surveys, schedules the interviews, and the next 12 months. Read Philippians 1:27 as Association staff, Dr. Selvy and Mrs. Terrie, for assimilates the information gathered. Pray 1 you pray today. them to have spiritual, physical, and mental Thessalonians 1:3 for her today. strength. Read Hebrews 12:2-3 as you pray for Day 7 Read Amos 3:7 as God’s promise to them. Day 21 As Southern and Mississippi Baptist reveal His plans to His servants and ask God to churches, we hold in high esteem the Great show us where He is at work in Panola County Day 14 Read Habakkuk 3:19 and pray for the Commission. Read again Matthew 18:18-20 so we can join Him in His work. Re-genesis team as they work through the and pray earnestly for our churches and our Discovery phase of the process. members to accomplish the Great Commission. Day 8 As Mission Strategist and Associational Administrator, Dr. Selvy leads PCBA to be on Day 15 Philippians 4:19 promises an adequate Day 22 Rev. Steve Phillips serves on the Re- mission with God. Pray for him today as he supply of resources to operate our budget. Pray genesis team as a member of the Administrative gives general leadership to this Re-genesis Committee. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 and lift him up in prayer for his ministry and his Day 30 Today is the final day of our 30 day “ … since you have never been this way family today. prayer event. Today we offer up our praises and before.” thanksgiving for the prayers heard and the Joshua 3:4 Day 23 Once again we pray for Dr. Selvy and mighty answers rendered from our Father, the Administrative Committee as they Almighty and Wonderful. Sing the “Doxology” aggressively seek the agenda of the Kingdom of in your heart as you pray. God. Read Ephesians 3:10-11 and pray these verses over them powerfully. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below; Day 24 Rev. Henry Wall, Jr., is a member of Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host, the Administrative Committee and serves of the Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Re-genesis team. As you read 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, lift him, his family, and his ministry to the Lord in prayer.
Day 25 There will be additional demands placed Four Step Re-genesis Process: upon the Administrative Committee members who are already busy with ministry and family 1. Prayer – Seeking the heart of obligations. Read Hebrews 12:2-3 and pray they God and aligning our hearts to are made strong spiritually, mentally, and God’s agenda. physically. 2. Discovery – Finding out what Day 26 It is very important in Kingdom work to “it” is. finish that which is started. Read Luke 14:28-30 and pray that the Re-genesis team finishes the 3. Organization – Developing the task well, making a good association a great strategy to do “it”. association.
Day 27 There is a fourth step in this journey— 4. Implementation– Endoresement Implementation. Pray for the Re-genesis team as and doing “it”. they put into action the new strategy and structure. Read Proverbs 15:22.
Day 28 In the Sermon on the Mount, one of the “O LORD, God of heaven, the great and Kingdom traits Jesus identified is a hunger for awesome God, who keeps his covenant love righteousness. As you pray today, ask the with those who love him and obey his Father to give each of us a hunger for commands, let your ear be attentive and your righteousness. The scripture to read today is eyes open to the prayer your servant is praying Matthew 5:6. before you day and night “ Day 29 Read John 16:33. Pray on this day for Nehemiah 1:6 NIV God’s people, wherever they are and whatever they may be doing, to have courage as they overcome the tribulations of this current age.