SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE AANNDD CCOONNDDIITTIIOONN OOFF ZZAAMMBBEEZZII VVAALLLLEEYY DDRRYY FFOORREESSTTSS AANNDD TTHHIICCKKEETTSS January 2002 Published by The Zambezi Society STRUCTURE AND CONDITION OF ZAMBEZI VALLEY DRY FORESTS AND THICKETS by R.E. Hoare, E.F. Robertson & K.M. Dunham January 2002 Published by The Zambezi Society The Zambezi Society is a non- The Zambezi Society P O Box HG774 governmental membership Highlands agency devoted to the Harare conservation of biodiversity Zimbabwe and wilderness and the Tel: (+263-4) 747002/3/4/5 sustainable use of natural E-mail:
[email protected] Website: resources in the Zambezi Basin Zambezi Valley dry forest biodiversity i This report has a series of complex relationships with other work carried out by The Zambezi Society. Firstly, it forms an important part of the research carried out by the Society in connection with the management of elephants and their habitats in the Guruve and Muzarabani districts of Zimbabwe, and the Magoe district of Mozambique. It therefore has implications, not only for natural resource management in these districts, but also for the transboundary management of these resources. Secondly, it relates closely to the work being carried out by the Society and the Biodiversity Foundation for Africa on the identification of community-based mechanisms FOREWORD for the conservation of biodiversity in settled lands. Thirdly, it represents a critically important contribution to the Zambezi Basin Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation (ZBI), a collaboration between the Society, the Biodiversity Foundation for Africa, and Fauna & Flora International. The ZBI is founded on the acquisition and dissemination of good biodiversity information for incorporation into developmental and other planning initiatives.