How Do You and the Justices View the Issues?
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CASES Kagan Kennedy Sotomayor Thomas Ginsburg Breyer Alito Roberts Gorsuch Majority Decision 1. n/a NO n/a NO YES YES n/a n/a n/a YES Stenberg v. Carhart 2. Boy n/a YES n/a YES NO NO n/a n/a n/a YES Scouts of America v. Dale 3. Snyder NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO n/a NO v. Phelps 4. Burwell YES NO YES NO YES YES NO NO n/a NO v. Hobby Lobby 5. NFIB v. YES NO YES NO YES YES NO YES n/a YES Sebelius 6. Bush v. n/a NO n/a NO YES YES n/a n/a n/a NO Gore 7. Perry n/a YES n/a NO YES YES n/a n./a n/a YES v. Johnson 8. Mitchell n/a YES n/a YES NO YES n/a n/.a n/a YES v. Helms 9. NO NO n/a YES NO NO YES YES n/a NO Obergefel l v. Hodges 10.Graham n/a YES NO NO YES YES NO NO n/a NO v. Florida 11 Citizens n/a NO NO YES NO NO YES NO n/a NO United v. FEC 12. Ricci v. n/a NO n/a NO YES YES NO NO n/a NO DeStefan o 13. n/a NO n/a NO YES YES NO NO n/a NO District of Columbia v. Heller
1. Circle the answer for every justice who voted as you would on each issue. See which justice’s opinions are most similar to your own. How Do You and the Justices View the Issues? Answer the following questions by circling YES or NO.
1) Stenberg v. Carhart - Should a Nebraska law that imposes criminal penalties on doctors 8) Mitchell v. Helms - In a Louisiana case, who provide “partial birth” late-term abortions should the court uphold a 1981 federal law be stricken? that allows public funding of equipment and Yes No materials for parochial schools? Yes No 2) Boy Scouts of America v. Dale - Has the Boy Scouts of America, as a private group, the 9) Obergefell v. Hodges - Should a state be right to exclude gay men as Scouts Masters? able to ban same sex marriage? Yes No Yes No
3) Snyder v. Phelps – Can anti-gay protestors 10) Graham v. Florida, Is it constitutional for who demonstrate on the public streets and in a juvenile to be given a life sentence without conformity with local law at military funerals the possibility of parole? non-homicide offe be held liable for damages because a jury Yes No concludes that their speech was "outrageous." Yes No 11) Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Can the government limit how 4) Burwell v. Hobby Lobby -Should much money a corporation can donate to a corporations controlled by religious families be political campaign in order to prevent required to pay for contraception coverage for corporate money from influencing voters? their female workers? Yes No Yes No 12) Ricci v. DeStefano – Should a city be able 5) NFIB v. Sebelius – Does Congress have the to throw out a set of promotional exams power to make Americans carry insurance or because no minorities do well on it (and the pay a tax penalty? Furthermore, can they city wants to avoid a discrimination law suit)? force insurers to cover people with “pre- Seventeen white firefighters in New Haven, existing conditions”? CT brought suit when the city did just that… Yes No Yes No
6) Bush v. Gore – Should the Florida recount in 13) District of Columbia v. Heller – Can the presidential election be allowed to individuals be denied the right to possess a continue? handgun in the city limits of Washington, DC? Yes No Yes No
7) Perry v. Johnson – Should the execution of a mentally retarded Texas man be overturned because the instructions given by the judge in his trial failed to give the jury an adequate opportunity to consider the circumstances such as his alleged mental disabilities? Yes No