Gunnison City Council Public Hearing Minutes

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Gunnison City Council Public Hearing Minutes

Gunnison City Council Meeting Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 7:00 PM Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Gunnison City Mayor Bruce Blackham, Councilmembers: Robert Andersen, Shawn Crane, Blake Donaldson and Andy Hill, City Recorder Janell Braithwaite, Robert Stevens with the Sanpete Messenger and Surveyor Chad Hill

Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham Invocation: Councilmember Shawn Crane

Public Comment

There were no citizens in attendance requesting public comment time.

Discuss and Proposed Approval to Adopt Resolution 2017-5, Increasing County Fire District Fee

Recorder Braithwaite reported the County Fire District had increased their fee by another .50¢ in July, and since the city is the conduit for collecting then giving the revenue to the County Fire District for the fees they impose, the fee will need to be increased from $3.50 to $4.00.

Councilmember Hill made the motion to approve Resolution 2017-5 increasing the County Fire District Fee from $3.50 to $4.00 per month. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval to Purchase Rubber Mulch for Fall Protection at the Park

Councilmember Hill noted the problems seen with the wood chips used for fall protection at the park. He reminded the Council this has been discussed previously, and Supt. Reber is now looking at getting some type of a different mulch to replace them. He referred to the quote Supt. Reber had received for some rubber mulch noting the pricing is fairly reasonable. Councilmember Crane suggested putting down the mulch then purchasing some turf to put over it to keep it from getting scattered or blowing away. The two quotes received for the rubber mulch were reviewed. Councilmember Hill stated he would like to do a little more homework on this prior to making a decision since it was a big expense when they don't know what all of the options are yet. Mayor Blackham referred back to the park improvements questioning what all of the options were, and if they should plan more playground items. Councilmember Donaldson pointed out the aging and dilapidation of the tables at the south pavilion, and reported Supt. Reber would like to replace those tables as well. The new tables have been priced out at $1,600 each noting the expense it would be to replace them all. Councilmember Hill would like to move forward with having Supt. Reber build a new little pavilion on the north side with a cement slab just north of the playground with benches so the parents can watch their kids on the playground. He felt there weren't so many skateboarders, but a lot of bikes and would like to use some of that the skate park equipment for the kids to use as a bike park. Councilmember Donaldson felt there was all kinds of grants available for recreational improvements and would like to see that avenue pursued. Councilmember Hill wanted to be sure a plan was put together that made sense for this area, and noted it really isn't hurting anything right now, it does get noisy, but other than the 4th of July, we don't need a huge area there. Councilmember Donaldson reported the features had come for the splash pad, but there was an issue that would need to be addressed with some of them being painted the wrong colors. Councilmember Crane showed a video he had taken with the features in use with some kids playing in the water. Councilmember Hill would like to postpone the mulch purchase and have Supt. Reber come and discuss what the critical issues are. Councilmember Andersen suggested someone talk to the entities with large playgrounds and see what they use to see what will hold up the best. Mayor Blackham would like to see the Pool Committee get together to help think this project through.

-1- -2- Discuss Proposed Police Fee and Call for a Public Hearing

Mayor Blackham discussed the reasons why it would be good to put a police fee into place.

7:37 p.m. Chad Hill arrived

Councilmember Donaldson questioned what was decided on code enforcement, and mentioned the problems he has seen around the city with the semi trucks parking on the side streets. Councilmember Crane voiced his concern that he thought Councilmember Jensen had said the code enforcement was included in the amount we are paying the police now. Mayor Blackham would like to know how many letters have been sent out in the past few years for public nuisance items. Recorder Braithwaite will get those numbers put together for him. Mayor Blackham reported the Police Board would be putting a meeting together shortly, and from what he is hearing the police work is going forth in a very professional manner. Councilmember Hill stated the city has had quite a range of incidents happening within the past year which have been taken care of by the police.

Discuss Surveying Property Within the City, Chad Hill ~ Councilmember Hill

Chad Hill introduced himself stating he is a professional surveyor for Provo City. He reviewed his background, education and degree he has received. Among the many things he does, he likes to educate students and city councils about land surveying and why it is important. He explained the many careers in land surveying and how useful it is to so many functions within the city. He presented a slide show in which he explained the importance of brass caps, siting peaks, block corner monuments, and showed many areas within the state he has worked at recovering as much information as possible. Chad then presented the area of 500 South on the projector stressing the importance of having the property surveyed prior to constructing the planned sidewalk, and mentioned he had sent Councilmember Crane a per hour price to survey 500 South. Councilmember Crane stated he would like to go back to CIB for the sidewalk feeling the city needed to do its due diligence on the project. Mayor Blackham questioned the Council if they would like to go back to CIB mentioning the sidewalk construction would then be delayed until next spring. The Council unanimously agreed to this, and Mayor Blackham responded they would keep their October appointment with CIB. Chad stated the rate he had sent to Councilmember Crane would be good for anything the city needed and invited the Council to call him with any questions.

Proposed Approval of Part-time Seasonal Maintenance Employees

Recorder Braithwaite reminded the Council of their agreement to hire two seasonal employees at the August 9th council meeting, but would like an official motion on the hiring.

Councilmember Crane made the motion to hire Jeff Goble and ShyAnn Bukowski as seasonal part- time maintenance employees to help with the weed abatement throughout the city streets. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Update on Weed Abatement ~ Councilmember Crane

Councilmember Crane reported the weeds had been mowed and Pickett's were currently in the process of getting the streets sprayed. The Council discussed some problem areas within the city and noted some areas have already had people helping them get cleaned up. Mayor Blackham mentioned he had sent some pictures to Recorder Braithwaite showing the encroachment of old cars, trailers, etc. upon the city streets at some homes, and he would like to discuss this further at a future meeting in determining how to handle these nuisances. Mayor Blackham will continue to work on the list to present.

Proposed Approval of Donation to the Sanpete County Food Pantry, Jeff Jarman

The Council lightly reviewed the previous discussion with Jeff Jarman who represented the Sanpete County Food Pantry noting the help it has given to people within the city. Councilmember Andersen stated Mr. -3- Jarman had suggested the donation amount of $240 which is figured on a per capita basis of those helped. Mayor Blackham suggested the city donate no less than $100 if possible.

Councilmember Andersen made the motion to approve a $240 donation to the Sanpete Food Pantry. Councilmember Crane seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Future Items

Signage: Councilmember Donaldson reported he has had Lyle Young work on the new sign that goes on the bridge at the River Walk. He reminded the Council of the $4,500 that was approved for the sign, and stated they are ready to drill the two holes needed then put in two columns of cement prior to installing the sign. Jim Keisel will then come in and clean it off and paint the letters on the sign then Manager Havey will mount the electronic portion of the sign.

Court: Councilmember Hill noted he has discussed the combining of the Justice Courts throughout the valley with Councilmember Jensen and Judge McIff to see if they could be combined and what makes sense for the city. It was mentioned that the County isn't interested in combining with Gunnison. Mayor Blackham suggested an offer be made to Centerfield to combine for the same rate they are currently paying the County services. He reminded the Council the court is providing a service for the folks in the valley. Councilmember Hill stated he would have more information by the next meeting.

Proposed Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes for Wednesday, June 14, 2017, Open and Closed Sessions and Wednesday, August 9, 2017, Open Session

Councilmember Crane made the motion to approve the city council meeting minutes from Wednesday, June 14, 2017, open and closed sessions and Wednesday, August 9, 2017, open session. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Culinary Water: Councilmember Donaldson reported the main water line had been hit while they were drilling the holes for placement of the anodes for the cathodic protection and has had to be repaired.

Councilmember Donaldson also noted the money for the new sign on the River Walk had been approved out of the Economic Development Fund. He also mentioned the sign would be painted the same color as the clock tower, but was unsure of the coloring of the letters at this time.

9:00 p.m. Robert Stevens left

Proposed Approval of Bills and Adjustments

Councilmember Crane made the motion to approve the bills and adjustments as presented. Councilmember Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

9:02 p.m. Adjourn

______Janell Braithwaite, City Recorder

______Bruce A. Blackham, Mayor

______Approval Date

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