Tennis Unit Outline

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Tennis Unit Outline

Individual/Duel Activities Workshop


ObBJECTIVES: To teach many valuable skills including body awareness, coordination, use of space, cooperation and relationships.

TOPICS: (10 Classes) 1) Footwork & hand movement – feet placement and movement directions 2) Forehand – overhead & underhand 3) Backhand – underhand 4) Serve – underhand 5) Volley – varying skills in play 6) Rules 7) Tactics & strategies – team offensive & defensive strategies 8) Singles play 9) Doubles play 10) Mini tournaments

REASONING/RATIONALE FOR ORDER:  Footwork is the single most important thing in being a good tennis player. It develops body awareness, and use of space. It teaches you to get to the ball fast.  The basic skills should follow with the use of spongeballs as a start so that its slows the pace down and allows students an opportunity to hit the ball.  These units can be taught indoors with the use of the walls.  The rules are taught after basic skills as it will be easier to focus on rules once the basic skills are mastered.  Tactics and strategies should follow to give students an understanding of how to score points in differing situations, which will be implemented in the following units of singles and doubles play.  Ending the unit by teaching singles play and doubles play, which will allow students to play on their own time with friends, as well as teaching the importance of co- operation and developing relationships.  Mini tournaments would be the last as a form of enjoyment, as well as providing an opportunity for assessment.

INCLUSIVE/ADAPTATION STRATEGIES: o Practice the forehand swing with a cover on the racket (the added resistance will help improve your forearm and wrist strength) o Use sponge balls for those students having difficulty with the regular tennis balls

SAFETY STRATEGIES: o Check area/space that will be used, remove debris, obstacles, water spills etc. o Consider age appropriate use of utilized implements (ex. Racquet size, use of sponge balls) o Establish signals and boundaries

1 o Make sure students wear proper attire o Provide appropriate warm up and stretching time

LESSON 1: Objectives: To develop an understanding of body awareness & space. Footwork & hand movement – feet placement and movement directions o Handshake or pistol grip - it's a good idea to place your hand flat on the racket strings, then slide your hand down to the handle. Now wrap your fingers around the racket and keeping tension out of your fingers. Your first finger should be forward slightly as if your were holding the trigger of a gun. . practice dribbling a tennis ball on the floor or court . turn your palm up and bounce the ball off the strings into the air as many times as you can without letting it touch the ground. o Drop the ball with your left hand, simulate the forehand serving and catch the ball with your right hand. Next drop the ball to your forehand side and hit it over the net with a forehand stroke . Turn your side to the net, extend your left arm and hand holding the ball and drop the ball. As it bounces up, lean forward and swing smoothly, aiming for a spot on the other side of the net. o Mark a court or open area at home with x’s spaced several feet apart to the right of a starting point. . Shuffle to the marked position, planting right foot first and leaning forward into the swing. . After each shot, return to the starting point . Practice the forehand serving in front of a mirror . Practice saying “Ready, pivot, swing” or “Ready, pivot, step, swing”

ASSESMENT: 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never 1) Rushes to the net at the wrong time 2) Plays too far from the net 3) Spectating 4) Shuffles back to centercourt after each shot 5) Reaching for the shot

LESSON 2: Objectives: To be able to make contact with the ball repeatedly Forehand – overhead & underhead o Practice hitting forehands against a wall . Stand close to the wall and focus on accuracy as well as form . Set goals for the number of consecutive hits without a miss . As you become more consistent, move progressively further away from the wall o Have a partner throw balls to your forehand o Play a game with a partner using only the service courts o Hit down the line forehands only. Practice forehand strokes using only the alley on one side of the court ASSESSMENT: 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never 1) Is able to make contact with the ball individually 2) Is able to make contact from a partner assisted toss 3) Student is able to make consecutive hits 4) Student is able to direct the ball 5) Student is able to repeatedly bounce the ball off the racket into the air


Main Tennis – footwork, hand movement, body awareness Concept/skill s Curriculum Movement, AL, PSR Organizers Movement Games Category Prescribed  Active Living (cognitive) – Use body mechanics to describe the Learning performance of self and others. Outcomes  Movement (psychomotor) –Demonstrate ways to send, receive, and retain an object with increased speed, accuracy, and distance.  PSR (affective) – Demonstrate positive behaviors that show respect for individuals’ potential, interests, and cultural backgrounds. Instruction To get students to manipulate their tennis racket and ball with some Objectives degree of accuracy, while demonstrating positive behaviors towards peers. Facility Gymnasium or Outdoors Equipment Tennis rackets, tennis balls, sponge balls, nets, full gym or outside area that has a wall to hit balls against, or tennis courts off campus. Introduction  Safety – equipment used properly, no running, gymnasium floor (15min) clear of debris (i.e. bags should be left in changing room lockers, or off to the side of the gym), verbal cue “eyes on me” and use of whistle to get students attention when needed, students must demonstrate proper use of equipment.  Outline rules & regulations  Hook – Video introduction about Vanessa and Serena Williams (5min)  Warm-up – toilet-tag (5min) to increase activity levels and prevents injury.  Review of badminton key concepts as it relates to tennis (3min)  Introduce the parts of the racquet (2min) Body (25-30min)  Teaching hand movement (10min) Exploration & - Teach the forehand grip (handshake/pistol grip) Development Work on eye/hand coordination individually. (20min) - Carry ball on racquet “stationary”, progress to moving from walking slowly then speeding up. (i.e. walking, jog, run) - With a forehand grip, turn your palm up and bounce the ball off the strings into the air as many times as you can without letting it touch the ground. (Allow one bounce between hits for those with difficulty). - Using the forehand grip, practice dribbling a tennis ball on the floor or court.

3  Teach the swing (10min) - Drop the ball with your left hand, simulate the forehand serving and catch the ball with your right hand, while holding the racket. - Drop the ball to you forehand side and practice hitting the ball against a wall (use sponge balls for beginners to slow the ball down). - Turn your side to the net and extend your left arm and hand holding the ball and drop the ball, as it bounces up, lean forward and swing smoothly, aiming for a spot on the other side of the net.  Teaching footwork (5-10min) - Mark several X’s about the court and an x as a starting point, shuffle to the marked positions, planting right foot first and leaning forward into the swing. - After each attempt shuffle back to the starting position. Body cont…  Partner assisted toss (5min) Practice & - Have pairs use a direct toss of a ball to their partner and Application practice the swing, alternate turns after 5 attempts. (10min) - Have partners toss the ball off-centered to allow for footwork shuffle  Free play (5min) - individual practice against wall for ball control Conclusion  Cool down – brisk walk around the gym (10min)  Review – forehand grip, shuffling to the ball  Have students demonstrate their understanding by having a student model for the class. Group discussion about the key aspects (i.e. footwork shuffling, holding the racket as a handshake grip)  Preview – forehand stroke  Equipment put away by assigned students as per rules & regulations.


Main Concept Tennis – forehand stroke Skills  Overhead & underhand Curriculum Movement, AL, PSR Organizers Movement Games Category Prescribed  Active Living (cognitive) – Explain the benefits of and Middle School PE Rubric Learning Not yetdemonstrate within Expectation warm-up and cool-downMeets Expectation activities. Fully Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation OutcomesParticipation, ○ Rarely Movement comes on (psychomotor) time or ○ Usually –Demonstrate comes on ways time and to send, ○ Consistently receive, comes on time ○ Consistently comes on Preparation & preparedand for retain class an object withprepared increased for class speed, accuracy, andand ready time and prepared for class Safety ○ Rarelydistance. follows established Select, combine, ○ Can and usually perform follow movement concepts○ Can identify, describe and & encourages others proceduresand skills to create co-operativeprocedures game with minimalactivities. follow class rules with little ○ Identifies, describes & ○ Appears PSR unaware (affective) of safety – Demonstratesupervision positive behaviors thatreminders show follows class rules Usually reacts appropriately Makes correct decisions to Contributes to creating a proceduresrespect for individuals’ potential,○ interests, and cultural○ ○ in safety situations ensure safety safe environment backgrounds. Demonstrate etiquette and fair play. Etiquette, Fair ○ Rarely displays etiquette & ○ Usually demonstrates fair ○ Demonstrates etiquette & fair ○ Consistently PlayInstruction & Respect fairStudents play will understand theplay importance & etiquette of warming up beforeplay demonstrates etiquette & Objectives ○ Hasactivity difficulty and beaccepting able to demonstrate○ Usually properaccepts form others for tennis○ forehandGracefully accepts others fair play decisionsstrokes, and some degree ofdecisions ball control. decisions ○ Demonstrates positive Facility ○ Doesn’tGymnasium display or Outdoors ○ Sometimes tries to avoid ○ Takes responsibility for own social behavior Equipment responsibility;Tennis rackets, often tennisblames balls, responsibility; sponge balls, blames nets, others full gym oractions outside & accepts referees ○ Takes responsibility for othersarea that has a wall available○ Generally for hitting respectful balls against, but or tennisdecisions own actions ○ Rarelycourts listens;off campus. ridicules doesn’t intervene when peers ○ Listens attentively and values ○ Listens actively & others are ridiculing others others opinions and encourages intervenes when peers are Body (30min)  Review the swing (10min) the development of others ridiculing others Self-ConfidenceExploration & ○ Rarely- Practice encourages the swing others with ○a Sometimescover on the encourages racket if possible,○ Encourages the others ○ Consistently encourages Development& Personal ○ Unwillingadded to resistancetry new will helpothers improve forearm & wrist strength.○ Receptive to try new ideas others (10min)Goals activities- Individual practice against○ Occasionally the wall tries new ○ Listens and responds to ○ Actively seeks opportunity ○ Rarely- Students listens orstand receives close toactivities wall and gradually increase distanceconstructive feedback to try new activities constructivewith consistency criticism well and accuracy.○ Occasionally listens and ○ Has an understanding of ○ Actively seeks and ○ Doesn’t- Set understandgoals for the the number follows of consecutive constructive hits feedback without aattributes miss. required for a variety of incorporates feedback attributesAllow required for one for bounce adaptation.○ Has some awareness of the careers in PE ○ Actively explores careers related to PE attributes required for careers attributes required for Body….cont  Partner activity (10min) related to PE careers related to PE Practice & Roles & ○ No- awarenesshave a partner of throw balls○ Usually to the distinguishes forehand ○ Recognizes appropriate ○ Consistently supports ResponsibilitiesApplication appropriate- play with leadership a partner skills usingbetween only the appropriate service courts and leadership skills appropriate leadership skills (20min) ○ Undermines- Play with appropriate a partner downinappropriate the line only practice forehand○ Takes strokes on leadership in others leadershipusing skills only the alley on one○ Cooperates side of the with court. leaders responsibility when asked ○ Demonstrates leaderships  Group play (10min) skills and provides a role - Have partners team-up with another set of partners of equal model ability, to play a mini game; practicing only the forehand stroke (overhead or underhand). No Score Kept. Conclusion  Cool-down – partner assisted stretches (10min)  Review – forehand stroke (models again for students and allows 5 for an opportunity for feedback and comments).  Use verbal cues to remind the forehand overhead stroke is like throwing a baseball, the forehand underhand stroke is similar to golf.

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