1. Read Chapters 9 Through 13 in Your Textbook (Pages 240 - 369)

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1. Read Chapters 9 Through 13 in Your Textbook (Pages 240 - 369)


DUE ______

1. Read Chapters 9 through 13 in your textbook (pages 240 - 369)

2. Complete the definitions crossword. (73 pts).

3. Economic effects through loss of sales for businesses who depend upon power to run their computers and cash registers would be effected by what (1 pt)?______

4. Answer the skills assessment questions on page 245 (2 pts). 1 - ______2 - ______

5. Read the viewpoint titled “Japan” on page 245 and then complete the following sentence. The word vigorously means (1 pt). A. energetically B. quietly C. directly D. slowly

6. The pictures located on pages 246 and 247 represent what (1 pt)? ______

7. Using today’s technology we are able to send message instantly utilizing satellite transmission. Who predicted this would happen? (1 pt) ______8. Who was instrumental in improving sanitation, insisting that military staff and medical staff clean barracks, dig latrines, do laundry, and get the wounded off the bare ground (1 pt) ______

9. Read the section titled “The Changing City Landscape” on page 250. Which of the following was not a result of urban renewal (1 pt)? A. Settlement patterns shifted B. Poor areas of cities were rebuilt C. The rich lived near city centers D. Many new jobs were created

10. Who believes that an education would teach women the skills needed to be personally responsible and self-sufficient (1 pt). ______

11. Read, “The Suffrage Struggle” on page 256. Which of the following statements does not explain why there was so much opposition to women’s suffrage (1 pt)? A. Women were thought to need protection from politics. B. A woman’s place traditionally was in the home and not out in society. C. Women were thought to be too emotional to vote. D. Some liberals and socialists were supportive of women’s suffrage.

12. Women’s groups supported this movement, which was a campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages. Leaders of this movement argued that drinking threatened family life. What was the name of this movement (1 pt)? ______

13. By the late 1800s women in some countries had won the right to control their own property. The struggle for political rights proved to be more difficult. In the United States, the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 demanded that women be granted the right to vote. What was another name for women’s right to vote (1 pt)? ______14. Movement in Europe and the United States in which many Protestant churches urged Christians to social service. In this movement they campaigned for reforms in housing, health care, and education. What was the name of this movement (1 pt)? ______

15. The ability of whose music was able to arouse strong emotions that reflected romanticism (1 pt)? ______

16. The concept of applying Charles Darwin’s idea of Theory of Natural Selection to social ideas. Thinkers applied his idea of survival of the fittest to war and economic competition. Industrial tycoons argued that Darwin’s ideas made them more fit than the companies they put out of business. What would Darwin’s idea become known as (1 pt)? ______

17. Read the last paragraph in the section labeled “The Novel” on page 262. Which is the main idea in the paragraph (1 pt)? A. Poverty drove people to crime. B. French novelists of the time wrote about social skills. C. The Enlightenment’s faith in reason did not matter. D. Hugo and Zola were great novelists.

18. Read the 3rd paragraph under the heading, “The Franco-Prussian War” on page 271. What was the “Ems dispatch” (1 pt)? A. A telegram that insulted the German king. B. A telegram that insulted the French king. C. A telegram that insulted the French ambassador. D. A telegram that insulted the German ambassador.

19. According to Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke Prussia went to war with what country to establish its power and to assert its leadership of the German states (1 pt)? ______20. Read the Bismarck quotation on the bottom of page 273 to answer this question. Why does Bismarck advocate giving government benefits to workingmen (1 pt)? A. To prevent workingmen from supporting the socialists. B. To give workingmen a fair deal. C. To keep workingmen from putting up banners. D. To keep socialists from singing siren songs.

21. Giuseppe Garibaldi’s displayed qualities like personal involvement and conviction, bravery, commitment to people who fight with him are examples of (1 pt)? ______

22. Read the quotation by W.B. Brooke on page 277 and answer this question. What does the word guttural mean in this passage (1 pt)? A. Loud B. Deep C. Harsh and grating D. Excited

23. Read the paragraph that begins at the bottom of page 280 and answer this question. What does fraternal solidarity mean in this paragraph (1 pt)? A. A pact between brothers B. Unity between brothers. C. Unity among all peoples. D. Unity among Slavic peoples.

24. Read “Bloody Sunday” on page 287 and answer this question. Why was Bloody Sunday a turning point for Russians (1 pt)? A. People were massacred. B. It destroyed people’s belief in the czar as a protector. C. It destroyed people’s faith in God. D. Blood wa shed in the snow. 25. Trials were held within 24 hours after arrest, and execution came immediately after conviction is how who dealt with terrorism (1 pt)? ______

26. Read the excerpt on page 292 from Benjamin Disraeli’s Sybil, and then complete the following sentence. Disraeli believed that (1 pt) A. rich people sympathized with the poor. B. England consisted of two nations – the rich and poor. C. poor people had bad manners. D. both rich and poor are subject to the same laws.

27. Caption analysis. Look at the caption on page 293. The plate includes many images of crowns and the lion, symbol of strength and power. The words around the plate express a belief in progress and in man’s ability to “conquer nature.” What country is the plate (image) representing (1 pt)? ______

28. Refer to page 294 and then answer this question. What do political caricatures and cartoons show that people have the freedom to laugh at and criticize their leaders (1 pt)? ______

29. Read the “Disaster!” on page 299 and answer the following question. What was the greatest cause of death during the Great Hunger (1 pt)? A. starvation B. malnutrition C. hypothermia D. homelessness 30. Red the section “War With Prussia” on page 303 and complete this sentence. The Franco- Prussian War (1 pt) A. created a coalition government in France B. brought about new military tactics. C. was a disaster for France D. helped bring about social reforms in Europe.

31. Review the map on page 307 and then answer this question. Identify three countries that sold territory to the United States (3 pts). ______

32. Complete the skills assessment, questions 1 and 2, on page 308 (2 pts). 1 - ______2 - _____

33. Read the section under the heading “immigration and Growth of Cities” on page 310 and complete the following question. The Industrial Revolution (1 pt): A. pushed people back to the farms. B. brought rapid urbanization. C. caused a decline in the nation’s population. D. benefited farmers.

34. In 1833 what country outlawed slavery (1 pt)? ______

35. Laws banning child labor, limiting working hours, regulating monopolies, giving voters more power, and giving women the vote were goals of who (1 pt)? ______35. Read “Humanitarian Goals” on page 317 and then complete the following sentence (1 pt). Europeans referred to Africans and Asians as “little brothers” because they thought that A. most Africans and Asians were short B. most Africans and Asians were young males C. Africans and Asians, like children, needed help and guidance. D. Africans and Asians were sickly.

36. Who thought that the “captive” peoples would benefit from the imperialists’ efforts to end famine and disease (1 pt)? ______

37. Who were able to defeat African and Asian forces because of more modern weapons due to economics and technology (1 pt)? ______

38. Read the second paragraph after the heading “Livingstone” on page 321 and then answer this question (1 pt). Why are Stanley’s words remembered? A. They were the first words he spoke to Dr. Livingstone. B. They were a supreme understatement from a man who had spent so long searching for Livingstone. C. They were very stilted. D. Stanley was a very famous man.

39. Refer to the map on page 321 and answer the following question (1 pt). In which part of Africa were most of France’s colonies located? ______

40. King Njoya presented a gift to Kaiser William II in order to establish good relations with Germany to avoid war. What gift did King Njoya give Kaiser William II (1 pt)? ______

41. Complete the Skills Assessment, questions 1 and 2, on page 323 (2 pts). 1 - ____ 2 - ____ 42. Answer the Skills Assessment question on page 327 (1 pt). ______

43. If OPEC cuts the production of oil then there is less oil to meet the demand. If this were to happen what would happen to the prices (1 pt)? ______

44. The British East India Company earned huge profits by importing what (1 pt)? ______

45. What country’s policy contributed to famine in India because it replaced food crops with cash crops in some regions, which led to food shortages and famine (1 pt)? ______

46. Read “Population Growth and Famine” on page 331 and then complete this sentence (1 pt). During a famine, people die from a lack of A. shelter. B. clothing. C. water. D. food.

47. The British’s implementation of this reduced the divisions among Indians by allowing them to travel and share ideas, which encouraged Indian nationalism (1 pt)? ______

48. The Jwangtung joined what rebellion because they were desperate for food and no way to earn a living (1 pt)? ______

49. Read the first three paragraphs under “Reform Efforts” on page 334 and answer the following question (1 pt). Which is a fact from the passage? A. New industries would not have improved China’s economy. B. New industries were springing up in Western Europe. C. China’s wealth did not come from merchants. D. Western missionaries had a bad influence on the Chinese people. 50. Answer question 2 on the Skills Assessment on page 336 (1 pt). ______

51. His travels and education prepared him for leadership describes who (1 pt)? ______

52. Resentment over the requirement that sepoys serve overseas, anger caused by a new law allowing widows to remarry, which went against Hindu traditions; fear that the British were trying to force them to give up their religion by causing them to ingest animal fat that coasted rifle cartridges; opposition to British domination and interference in traditional life are causes of what (1 pt)? ______

53. The goal of this uprising was to drive foreigners out of China (1 pt)? ______

54. Answer questions 27, 31, and 34 (3 pts) 27) ______31) ______34) ______

55. Answer Skills Assessment questions 1 and 2 on page 344 (2 pts). 1 - ______2 - _____

56. Read the section titled “Japan Rules Korea” o page 347 and answer this question (1 pt). Which of the following events does not show how the Japanese modernized Korea? A. They repressed Korean culture. B. They built communications systems. C. They built factories and railroads. D. They increased agricultural output. 57. Answer the Skills Assessment questions 2 and 3 on page 349 (2 pts). 2 - ______3 - ______

58. Read the section titled “Siam Survives” on page 349 and answer the following question (1 pt). How did Siam escape becoming a European colony? A. By accepting unequal treaties. B. By abolishing slavery. C. By modernizing and reforming. D. By underestimating western power.

59. These people speak different languages, feel a historic connection more to France than to England, and have different ethnic customs describes the people of what Canadian province (1 pt)? ______

60. Answer the Skills Assessment questions 2 and 3 on page 352 (2 pts). 2 - ______3 - ______

61. Read the section titled “Dominion of Canada” and then answer this question (1 pt). Which of the following was not a result of Canada’s unification? A. It maintained control over its own foreign policy. B. It fought a war with the United States. C. It escaped domination by the United States. D. It helped the country develop economically.

62. Primary Source: Who had to work long hours in appalling conditions and received poor rations that we hard to get in Australia (1 pt)? ______63. Read the section titled “Santa Anna and War” on page 358 and answer the following question (1 pt). Which act by the United States did Mexico perceive as a declaration of war? A. Settlers in Texas began an independence movement. B. The United States invaded Mexico. C. American settlers and some Mexicans in Texas revolted. D. The United States annexed Texas.

64. Read section titled “Schools and Hospitals” on page 363 and answer this question (1 pt). Which of the following was a mistake on the part of missionaries? A. They introduced vaccines to prevent disease. B. They provided education and job training. C. They ignored the knowledge of healers and herbalists. D. They promoted modern methods of hygiene.

65. Review the image on page 363 and answer the question: What element of the king’s clothing shows European influence (1 pt)? The king is on the right. ______

66. What country avoided colonization by a European nation by modernizing and introducing reforms without western involvement and because its location led Britain and France to view it as a useful buffer state between their neighboring colonies (1 pt)? ______

67. What country backed Panama in a revolt against Cambodia in order for the country to build the Panama Canal (1 pt)? ______

68. What four countries dominated the global economy that emerged in the late 1800s (4 pts)? ______

69. What encouraged economic dependence because of competition from industrialized nations destroyed firms in non-industrialized nations. Also, the need for trade with industrialized nations made non-industrialized nations dependent on high-priced foreign exports (1 pt)? ______

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