Company Profile - Description of the Company

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Company Profile - Description of the Company

Business Offer

Name of the company

Business Offer Profile Company Profile - Description of the company (All fields are mandatory - The fields in grey are confidential and for internal use only) Company: City: Country: FORMTEXT Street: Postal Code:

www-Address: Contact person:

Position in the company: Telephone: Fax

General e-mail address: E-mail contact person:

Year established:

Turnover in million Euro: Number of employees in the enterprise: Up to 2 million 1 – 9 2 to 10 10 – 49 10 to 50 50 – 249 More than 50 Million More than 250 (uputstvo: obeležavanje željenog polja se vrši duplim klikom na kvadratić za čekiranje i odabirom: Default value → checked u pomoćnom prozoru)

Field Title Field To be populated


Internal Reference ovde upisite maticni broj preduzeca


(1-500 characters)

Advantages and Innovations*2

1 Summary should have: About the company: What is the sector activity of the company? (In relation to the NACE keywords), Where is the company from? (country of origin); About the products: What products/services is the company offering? What will the products/services be used for?; About the cooperation types: What types of partnership are considered? All the selected types of partnership should be mentioned in the summary. Therefore it is strongly recommended to focus on 1-3 cooperation types as a maximum. Are 5 or less countries targeted? If so, which ones? 2 Advantages should have: When offering services, mention elements such as experience in the sector, knowledge of the market, long lasting existence, innovative distribution services, reliability, information about the sales force, commercial networks….; Benchmark the services in comparison to the competition; For products: consider mentioning elements such as: performance, ease of use. Indicate if there is a potential for

Page 2 of 7 Date: April 30, 2018 (50-2000 characters)

Stage of Already on the market Development Available for demonstration Concept Stage Field Tested / Evaluated Project Already Started Project in Negotiations - Urgent Proposal under development Prototype available for demonstration Under development / lab tested Comments Regarding Stage of Development

Profile Origin CIP Eurostars FP4 FP5 FP6 FP7 National R&D programme Other Other European R&D programme Private (in-house) research Regional R&D programme Description *3

(100-4000 characters) the product to cross-over into other industry sectors/markets; Back up the information with quantitative data if possible (e.g. thirty years’ experience in the market). 3 Description should have: The company and its background: The country of origin, The field of activity of the company (be coherent with the selected NACE codes), The particular expertise or know-how of the company, Any additional information you deem relevant, such as a short company history, its position in the market, its previous experience with international cooperation, etc. The product or service on offer/requested: Indicate clearly what the product or service on offer is; give a clear description including the main features and application fields. Provide quantitative data and an illustration (picture/drawing…) if possible. The desired partnerships for each partnership: WHY was this cooperation type selected? What would be the desired outcome of the international partnership?, HOW is the international cooperation envisaged?

Page 3 of 7 Date: April 30, 2018 Technical Specification or Expertise Sought

IPR Status Copyright Design Rights Note: Multiple fields can be selected. Exclusive Rights Granted patent or patent application essential Other (registered design, plant variety, etc.) Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted Patents granted Secret Know-how Trade Marks Comments Regarding IPR Status

Technology Keywords

Market Keywords*

Market keywords 2015.docx

NACE Keywords*

NACE code 2015.docx

Responsible* *In Merlin, select who from your organisation will be responsible for this profile* Sector Group Agrofood Automotive, transport and logistics Bio Chem Tech Creative Industries Environment

Page 4 of 7 Date: April 30, 2018 Healthcare ICT Industry and Services Intelligent Energy Maritime Industry and Services Materials Nano – and Microtechnologies Services and Retail Space and Aerospace Sustainable Construction Textile and Fashion Tourism and Cultural Heritage Women entrepreneurship Restrict Dissemination to specific countries

Type and Size of Industry SME <= 10 Your company* Industry SME 11-49 Industry SME 50 – 249 Industry 250-499 Industry >500 Industry MNE >500 Inventor Other R&D institution University Year Established*

Turnover of your <1M company* 1-10M (Euros – Millions) 10-20M 20-50M 50-100M 100-250M 250-500M >500M Already Engaged in Yes (In Merlin tick the check box for yes) Trans - national

Page 5 of 7 Date: April 30, 2018 Cooperation? No Additional Comments

Certification Standards

Language Spoken*

Client Country

Type and Role of Partner Sought*

Type: describe the type of organisation sought (e.g. industry/academia). Activity: describe the Type: field of activity of the desired partner (e.g. Activity: pharmaceuticals, Role: agrofood, etc.) and/or the qualities/expertise it should have. Role: describe what the partner will be expected to do (e.g. co- development of new drug)) Profile is Opened for Yes (In Merlin tick the check box for yes) Expressions of Interest? No

Type and Size of SME < 10 Partner Sought SME 11-50 Note: Multiple fields SME 51 – 250 can be selected. 251-500 >500 MNE >500 Inventor R&D institution University Type of Partnership Acquisition Agreement (an agreement governing the merger or the transfer of Considered* shares between companies) - You offers the company or shares of the company for sale. Note: Multiple fields Commercial Agency Agreement (an agreement establishing a fiduciary can be selected. relationship whereby an agent represents a principal and may take actions that bind the principal legally. Payment to the agent is usually made in the form of a commission) – You are looking for an agent to represent your products or services.

Page 6 of 7 Date: April 30, 2018 Distribution Services Agreement (an agreement between a company in need of having its products distributed and the distributor that specializes in providing that function. A distribution agreement can be exclusive or not. A distributor is a company that buys and sells products from another company) – You are looking for a distributor to sell your products. Financial Agreement (an investment agreement in a project or endeavour. It can take the form of a loan or a partial transfer of shares for example) – You are looking for investors/investments in their company/project. Franchise Agency Agreement (a franchise is the right to market or sell goods or services under the trademarked name, or patented process, of an established business. Under a franchise agreement, the franchisee is permitted and encouraged to use the trademarks and brand name of the franchisor as part of its everyday business practices, but must follow specific guidelines. The franchisor also provides marketing and training support to help the franchisee succeed) – You are offering your trademark or process to potential franchisees. Joint Venture Agreement (a business agreement whereby two companies decide to develop a new entity, usually for a well-defined period of time or for a specific project. Both parties contribute in terms of equity to the creation of this temporary partnership) - You have a specific project and are looking for a partner. License Agreement (A transfer of rights involving an authorization (by the licensor) to use the licensed material (by the licensee), in return for a fee or share of royalties) – You are offering a license/ looking for licensees. Manufacturing Agreement (an agreement between a company which has developed a product and a manufacturer with the eye on production of the product) – You are offering to manufacture certain products. Outsourcing Agreement (an agreement between a company and a service provider in which a business process is contracted out to the service provider) – You are offering to perform a service (a business process) within the frame of an outsourcing contract. Reciprocal production (an agreement between two or more parties to share their resources to achieve a common objective of production) Services Agreement (an agreement between two entities where one agrees to provide a specified service to the other) – You are offering a service. Subcontracting (a contract with an independent contractor that assigns some of the obligations of a prior contract to this independent contractor) – You are offering to become a subcontractor. Attachments *Only can be added in Merlin* File Size max 4Mb. Only jpg, gif and jpeg files allowed.

Page 7 of 7 Date: April 30, 2018

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