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231 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1EH

Zimbabwe Update March 2011

In the March edition of the Zimbabwe Update we cover the increased harassment of MDC politicians and supporters, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s tour of southern Africa and new trade deals signed with China and India. We also feature the disruption of International Women’s Day Celebrations, Mugabe’s anti ‘sanctions’ campaign and the deployment of soldiers to rural areas. You’ll read about the Daily News returning to Zimbabwe, the trial of six activists on charges of treason, increasing food shortages and the latest news on diamonds.

You can find more details about ACTSA’s campaign work on Zimbabwe on the ACTSA NEWS website IN BRIEF

Police and judiciary target MDC Soldiers deployed to rural areas The MDC has come under increasing pressure from the state and the police The minister of defence over the last month. The party’s headquarters in Harare were raided on 13 Emmerson Mnangagwa has March. Three employees and seven supporters were arrested, accused for denied claims that heavily assaulting an unidentified person. armed soldiers had been On 10 March MDC MP Lovemore Moyo was deposed as Speaker of deployed to Matebeleland Parliament, after the Supreme Court ruled that his election was irregular. On and Midlands Provinces, the same day Energy and Power Development Minister, Elton Mangoma, was amidst growing reports that arrested and charged for corruption for a fuel deal with a South African soldiers are intimidating and company. He was released on bail on March 14 and ordered to reappear for harassing people accused of trial on 28 March. Mangoma was rearrested on 25 March over a deal to buy not supporting Zanu PF. It is electrical equipment. The MDC claim it is part of a harassment campaign by believed that the soldiers ZANU PF. have been deployed to Costin Muguti MP was arrested on 25 March for failing to appear in court on strengthen Zanu PF, whilst political charges. The MP was receiving hospital treatment at the time, but was weakening opposition parties remanded in custody and denied medical treatment. On the same day another operating in rural areas. MP, Douglas Mwonzora, was remanded until 29 April by Nyanga magistrates court, along with 30 MDC supporters, charged with political violence. Daily News returns to Police blocked an MDC rally at the Glammis Arena in Harare on 19 March. Zimbabwe MDC supporters, unaware that the rally had been cancelled were beaten by Seven years after it was shut police as they arrived. down by the government, There is increasing speculation that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangari might Zimbabwe's Daily News was also face arrest after he accused Supreme Court judges of being biased and on sale again on 18 March loyal to Mugabe. for a one off special edition, with plans to resume its daily Tsvangirai prepares for Zimbabwe Summit publication from 25 March. The Daily News is the Zimbabwe’s Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai conducted a tour of southern second independent daily Africa in the middle of March, holding meetings with four leaders on the newspaper to publish since deteriorating situation in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s media Tsvangirai met with President Banda of Zambia, chairperson of the SADC commission was established Troika Organ on Politics, Defence and Security, President Guebbuza of in June 2010. Mozambique, King Mswati III of Swaziland and Botswana’s President Ian Khama. In a statement following his tour, he said “I have told these fellow leaders that the time for SADC to act and deliver is now. And we are all agreed that Zimbabwe should not be allowed to decelerate into an implosion.” On 26 March he will meet with South Africa’s president, Jacob Zuma to brief him on the current situation in the country, including the crackdown against the MDC and his fears that the country will return to the violence of the 2008 presidential elections. The tour comes ahead of the planned SADC Troika Organ on Politics, Defence and Security, in Zambia, at the end of the month, which is expected to discuss the situation in Zimbabwe and the implementation of the Global Political agreement. Tsvangirai is also expected to meet with other SADC leaders ahead of the summit.

231 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1EH Telephone: 202 3263 2001 Email: [email protected] Zimbabwe signs new deals with China and India.

Zimbabwean Vice President Joice Mujuru announced a major trade deal and Treason trialists released loan with China on 21 March. The deals, worth over $585 million, include $342 on bail million for agricultural machinery scheme, $99.5 million on healthcare and $144 The trial of the 45 people million to repair Harare's dilapidated sewers. The two countries also discussed arrested for attending a a $102 million loan from China's Eximbank. lecture on the uprising in The deals were announced during Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Qishan’s Egypt was held on 7 March. official visit to the country. He reaffirmed China's support for Zimbabwe's 39 had their charges for economic recovery, promised to lobby for the lifting of targeted measures and treason dropped, whilst six urged the government to protect Chinese interests in their indigenisation policy. remained in custody until 17 China has invested heavily in Zimbabwe as part of its drive for resources. The March when they were country’s mineral deposits include the world's second largest reserve of released on bail. They are platinum. next expected to appear in Zimbabwe’s state owned ZISCO Steel Company will be taken over by India’s court on 20 April. Essar Group, in a $750 million deal announced on 10 March. The company collapsed in 2008, at the peak of hyper inflation, with debts of $340 million, but Food shortages in six plans to reopen in 15 months. ZISCO was formerly one of the biggest steel provinces producers on the continent, producing one million tonnes per year. Zimbabwe is facing food shortages in six of the International Women’s Day celebrations disrupted country’s 10 provinces, after a dry spell during February On 8 March, 16 members of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and March resulted in crop were arrested whilst attending a peaceful march in Bulawayo, despite court failures. Although Zimbabwe permission being granted for the event. They were later released. The event has 270,000 tonnes of grain was one of a number of rallies and gatherings across the country organised by reserves, the Agriculture ZCTU, which were disrupted by police, in an attempt to stop them going ahead. Minister Joseph Made has Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) held an early International Women’s Day said that there is no funding march in Bulawayo, in an attempt to avoid police harassment. Three members to transport it to the 1.7 were arrested and detained in Bulawayo Central Police Station for two nights. million people who need it. Their lawyer was also arrested when a request was made to speak to the women. The demonstration, demanding respect for Women’s rights and for Diamond exports peace in Zimbabwe also accused two police officers of torturing WOZA authorised? members, earlier in the month. The Kimberley Process (KP) Chairperson Mathieu Lapfa Zanu PF step up anti ’sanctions’ campaign Lambang Yamba has allowed diamond exports to In a climate where numerous opposition rallies and protests have been blocked be resumed from by police, Zanu PF took to the streets of Harare on 2 March calling for an end Zimbabwe’s Marange fields, to targeted measures against the regime. Thousands of people were bussed to according to deputy mines the capital for the rally where President Mugabe launched his campaign. minister Gift Chimanikire. Hundreds more were harassed into joining the demonstration as shops and The World Diamond Council schools were forced to close. responded to the Zanu PF has for a number of weeks been promoting a petition calling for announcement on 25 March ‘sanctions’ to be dropped, which they blame for the country’s economic decline. advising its members to The European targeted measures include a European travel ban and financial refrain from trading in the assets freeze for Mugabe and his inner circle and a ban on the sale of arms to diamonds. According to Zimbabwe. media reports the decision ______was made unilaterally by the DRC, which currently holds Take action on anniversary of Zimbabwean Independence the chair of the KP, but some countries, including the The 18 April is the 31 anniversary of Zimbabwe’s independence. ACTSA will be United States, view the holding a vigil at 1pm outside the Zimbabwean Embassy, 429 Strand, near diamonds as non compliant. Trafalgar Square. Join us as we call for an end to the violence in Zimbabwe and for democracy and development.

231 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1EH Telephone: 202 3263 2001 Email: [email protected]

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