Ngarrindjeri Genealogies

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Ngarrindjeri Genealogies

Ngarrindjeri Genealogies

c. 1840-1912

Compiled by Maria Rigney and Joe Lane from the Raukkan Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages, and from R.M. and C.H. Berndt, A World That Was, 1993. January 1996. Location and Clan Associations of Places mentioned by Taplin

(Major Source: Berndt and Berndt, 1993)

Notes: Taplin and the Berndts recorded names of clans (local descent groups, extended families) nearly a century apart, so there are bound to be differences. Names may have changed over the past one hundred and forty years. Also some clans/lakalinyerar may have amalgamated)

Taplin Berndt Location Bowman’s Campbell Park Station on western side of Lake Albert (Liwurindjerar, Panggalindjira & Talkundjerion )

Campbell House Campbell Cattle Station Station southwest of Lake Albert (Talkundjerion and Yirangulindjera country)

Hiakkung, Ngiakkung Ngekangk North-eastern side of Loveday Bay (Reinindjera)

Lovegrove’s Box Farm 8-10 km East of Lake Albert (Manggurupa)

Lowanyeri Lowindjerung North-east tip of Narrung Pensinsula north of the ferry crossing (Retjurindjera)

Lullaway Loluwar Point on extreme south-west shore of Lake Albert just west of Dodd’s landing (Loluwa)

MacBeath’s From Wommeran down towards Yalkuri, western side of Narrung Pensinsula (Reinindjera, Turior and Lindingdjera country)

Ngarrarrar Ngararang, Narrung Station South-west side of the narrows to Lake Albert (Ngararindjera)

Ngoingho Ngoinung, Ngoinguwong Point just south of Narrung ferry crossing (Ngararindjera)

Ngoulawar Ngalijewar Point east of Narrung Station (Ngararindjera) Piltangk Piltang On southern shore of Lake Alexandrina, 2-3 km east of Poltalloch (Piltindjera)

Poltuwar, Pultewar Poltuwar Poltalloch Station (Piltindjera)

Pomont Point Pomanda Peninsula west of Murray-Lake junction (Walerumaldi)

Pullewewal Puleweiwald Hill 1-2 km south of Raukkan (Retjurindjera)

Rumpele Point Ngalaiung Point on Campbell Park peninsula (Liwurindjerar)

Tuldurrug Tolderangk, Tolderol Point in the bight of Lake Alexandrina (Malganduwa-Wonyakaldi) Warrindye Point Waringdjung Point Point just west of Meningie mud-flats (Waringdjera-Kropindjera)

Warringer - Station south-west of Meningie

Wommeran Womerang Central-western shore of Narrung Peninsula south of Teringi and north of Ngekangk (Reinindjera)

Yauoitpiri Yawaiperung On a lagoon between Narrung and Raukkan (Retjurindjera) Ngatjis and Lands of Ngarrindjeri Clans/lakalinyerar

(Source: Berndt and Berndt, 1993: i.e. only those known to Karloan and Pinkie Mack)

Dialect Groups and Clans Ngatjis Location

NABERUWOLIN ngakuri black duck West of Murray River from below Monteith to below Wood’s Point

POTAWOLIN kungari black swan; West of Murray from Jervois to ngunundi red-bellied black snake opposite Marunggung, to head of Lake Alexandrina

YARALDI Mulbarapa Nongkalalwori mountain duck; South-eastern shore of Lake Alexandrina trewari shag from above Blind Creek down past Ashville to Albert Hill range

Yankundjera ngori pelican; pamuri catfish; South-east corner of Lake Alexandrina piwingi fish hawk west of Ashville and south to the pines

Piltindjera pamuri catfish; South-east shore of the Lake manggaraiperi/ngori/rurik pelican; around Poltalloch south to the pines puri hawk; maningki leech

Witju-indjera witjeri pig-face (nginingi), Hottentot fig North-western corner of Point Malcolm peninsula

Karatindjera palkudji, keli wild dog South side of Pt Malcolm peninsula

Ruwekindjera palkudji, keli wild dog Small area just south of the above

Rangarindjera palkudji, keli wild dog; North-eastern shore, Lake Albert, manari sleepy lizard in to Mt Misery and Albert Hill

Manggurupa palkudji, keli wild dog Narrow eastern shoreline of Lake Albert, inland 12-15 km past Sandy Point to Tatiara country (Note: Tatiara ngatji: keli )

Kaikindjerin palkudji, keli wild dog Small area on central east shore of Lake Albert

Limpindjerar limpi. plimuwi sprat Eastern shore of Lake Albert north of Meningie

Yukundjerar keki duck hawk Strip inland from Lake Albert near Meningie

Wutaltinyerar wutalti heat of the sun; Strip inland north of & adjoining wulta-waltindjeri small plover the above

Kulmatindjera keli wild dog Inland south and east of Box Farm

Munggulindjera keki duck hawk Very small area just north of Meningie township

Kropindjera pranggi-watjeri tiger snake; Meningie shoreline and inland pelanggi butterfish; east and south to Mt Sandy pungga-ngalateri spiky lizard; retju-rukeri willy wagtail

Paregelindjera keki duck hawk Small arc of land from Lake Albert around Meningie Hill to the north

Turion turi blue coot Loveday Bay to Polygonum Swamp

Talkundjeri-on talkundjeri wild swamp turkey; South-western Lake Albert shore tulatji swamp kangaroo to Coorong; Campbell House

Lindingdjera turi blue coot Pelican Point inland to swamp

Katungindjera pelberi myrtle, ti-tree South-west of Lower Lake Albert

Ragalindjera rekali water rat Near tip of Younghusband Pen.

Kandukara kanma-indjeri saltwater mullet; Land on both sides of the rekali water rat; Murray Mouth 1-2 km tenetjeri red-beaked gull

Reinindjera wongkuri freshwater jumping mullet From centre of Narrung Pen. to bani rain Loveday Bay

Retjurindjera tukeri silver bream; North-east Narrung Pen. from ferry waiyi brown water-snake; around past Big Hill (Nepelle’s Hill) wururi tarantula

Tiringge-rindjera ngori pelican From Teringi to Womerang

Manangka rekali water rat; Central western shore of Lake malantaiperi small tortoise Albert inland to centre of Narrung lamateri shea-oak Peninsula

Liwurindjerar ngori pelican; tukeri bony bream Rumpele Point west past Polygonum Swamp

Panggalindjira ngori pelican; tukeri bony bream Very narrow strip north of above

Polpoldera peldi musk duck South-western Lake Alexandrina, around Reedy Point

Peltindjera peldi musk duck Point Sturt Peninsula to Goat I.

Ngararindjera malantaiperi small tortoise From Narrung township east past Narrung Homestead.

Many other clans whose ngatjis were unknown to Albert Karloan or Pinkie Mack

TANGANI Yirangulindjera pangki reed roots; From just south of Campbell main-nguni stinging nettle House Station S & W to Coorong

Wiriltindjera wirilti wattle; kungari black swan South of Lower Lake Albert to Coorong

Tatjarapa kraiyi snake East shore of Lower Lake Albert (or pranggi-watjeri tiger snake)

Kangalindjera kalu night bird; Western half of Kumarangk wongkuri freshwater jumping mullet

Lungundindera morindjeri white-bellied seagull; Peninsula from Goolwa almost to tenetjeri red-beaked gull Murray Mouth

Wonyara-on wonyari, puyurangki oval berry Younghusband Peninsula across from Pelican Point

Kondilindjera kondili whale Peninsula just south of above

Timpurumindjerar maluwi butterfish, mulloway; Across the Coorong near Mt tjili blue fly Anderson

Kagarindjera ngalngarindjeriorn bull-ant; Mt Anderson to The Needles kanmera mullet

Kanmerarorn kanmera mullet

Milmeindjera trokeru seagull Peninsula from above The Needles to Rabbit Island across to Magrath Flat inland 5-8 km

Pankinyeri maluwi butterfish

Many other clans whose ngatji are unknown

MALGANDUWA waiyi brown water snake Head of Lake Alexandrina to Strathalbyn

WONYAKALDI laulwuri Cape Barren goose; Western side of Lake Alexandrina keltuwi yabby, crayfish from Tolderol down past Milang

WAKEND: Melgindjera ? peldi musk duck ? Inland west of Milang to Currency Creek to Goolwa, and northeast part of Kumarangk RAMINDJERI

Ratalwerindjera pangari seal Goolwa to Middleton

Latalindjera kondili whale Inland from Port Elliott to Hindmarsh River

Ngarakerindjera ngarakani shark Inman River to Newland Head

Krilbalindjera krilbali brown skylark Hindmarsh Valley to Eagle’s Nest

Limindjera limi stingray or carpet shark Port Elliott to Hindmarsh River estuary

Wati-erilindjera wati-eri jaybird Second Valley to Mt Hayfield

Lepuldalindjera lepuldali possum Wirrina east to Mt Robinson south almost to Tunkalilla

Yaltalindjera yoldi, yalti cormorant Inman Valley south to main ridge

Pariwarindjera tjirbuki blue crane Cape Jervis around to Tunkalilla

Yangkalyarindjera kalaipani butterfish; North of Rapid to Carrickalinga in tinemari bream to Inman Valley

Ruwurindjera uwal, kuratji tommy rough Mt Compass to Sellick’s Beach north to Port Willunga

Tainbarindjera mulgali red ochre MacLaren Vale to Morphett Vale and Moana to Hallett Cove Clan Associations of Ngarrindjeri and other Families (Major Source: Berndt and Berndt, A World That Was, 1993 )


: Tangane Dialect Group Bonney, Bull, Carter, Dodd, Hack, Holloway, Holmes, Kelly, Lampard, Paddy Smith, Seymour, Solomon?, Trevorrow, Tripp, Walker Kagalindjera Cameron, Kutuwondjini Loluwa/Tumbalinderar? Dora Martin Milindjera Rialari (Low) Milmeindjera Gollan (1), Long, Maratinyeri, Meteringula? Muldjongurindjera Pondji, Russell Wonandarindjera (Tuwitjeri I.) Felix

: Jaralde Dialect Group Karatindjera Black, Kartinyeri Kropindjera Kropindjeri, Love Lindingdjera Close, Jackson, Redman, Varcoe Liwurindjerar Nangowane, Stephens?, Wilson Manangka Karloan, Pombinga, Stephens?, Talkindjeri, Tangkabi Manggurupa Boord, Captain Jack, Giles, Hall, Henry, Kundiuwe, Laelinyeri, Ngaraminyeri, Petembitepiri, Pullame, Teenminne, Taikarapi (Milang) Parker Mulbarapa Boothby Paregelindjera Ngulgare, Robinson?, Wassa, White Peltindjera (Pt Sturt) William Campbell's mother Piltindjera Blackmoor, Gollan (2), Karpany, Lawson?, Mack, Morris, Ngaikinyeri, Polteena, Unaipon ? Polpoldera Hooper, Jeanparry, Martin, Nambalare, Rigney Raginyera (Mundoo I.) Kitty (Captain Jack's wife) Retjurindjera Baalpulare, Minora?, Talkundjerion Sumner Tulerarindjera Rankine, Lovegrove? Turion Campbell (1), Wutaltinyerar Deah/Dat/Dodd?, Emily Lewinne, Harris, Koolmatrie, McHughes, Proctor?, Putteri, Ulingbow, Tom Tom Walker

: Potawolin Dialect Group Cryton, Davison (Jervois), Lawson?, Unaipon

: Ramindjeri Dialect Group Newland, Pantuni, Poole, Wilkins Ratalwerindjeri or Malganduwa Bennett

: Warkend Dialect Group Annie Kerookare

KAURNA Armstrong, Rodney, Stubbs

BUNGANDITJ/MEINTANGK Dunn?, Gibson, Hewitt, Owens, Watson

TATIARA/W. Victoria: Clarke?, Cook?, Harradine, Pinkie, Taylor

WALKANDI-WONI/RIVER Nganguruku ? Beck, Bull, Domascenz?, Hodgkins?, Hunter, Lindsay, Mason, Turpin, Lambert?, Milera?, Nettoon?, Singh, Wanganeen? Ngaiawang? Disher?

POONINDIE etc. Adams, Spender, Taylor, Yates? OTHER SOUTH AUSTRALIAN Streaky Bay: Lovegrove/Buckskin West Coast: Barton, Brodie, Brown/Rollison, Day, Richards Canowie?: Combo Narungga: Goldsmith, O'Loughlin, Sansbury, Walsh? Ngadjuri: Warrior North: Abdulla, Stanley, Williams Nukunu? Reid?

INTERSTATE : N.S.W. Mack (Wentworth) : Victoria Campbell (2: Cummeragunga), Kennedy ? : N.T. Murray : Tasmania Winslow : W.A. Clinch, Rigney



Prince Albert (c1845 - 1893) - Esther (c. 1857 - ) = Sarah Anne 1876 (Bronchitis) (Tippoo's sister's daughter) (Tarainbalinyeri) = Lavinia 1882 = child 1888 - 1891



John (white? African?) - Amelia ? = Amelia 1859 - Edward Kropinyeri (from Clare district: = Joanna ?? - Matthew Kropinyeri Tankaira's sister, = Ellen 1858 - 1891 Everetji/Naritji's aunt (Hydatids)

Amelia --- Edward Norman Kropinyeri(1864-1944) = Katherine Maude -- Harry Taylor KROPINDJERA POONINDIE ?

Joanna -- Matthew Kropinyeri (1865-1922) q.v. KROPINDJERA

Ellen (1858-1891) - Prince Albert ? (1845 - 1893) = Archie [Kartinyeri] (1880 - )



Arthur (1871 - 1952) ---1894 --- Martha Varcoe (1877 - ) = Constance ? (1899? - ) LINDINGDJERI

May (1888 - 1950) (Diabetes, heart) BECK, BECKS, BEX, BACK NGANGURUKU ?

George (1856 - 1900) -1877- Mary Jane (1862 - ) = Tabitha 1879 = Robert 1884 ?

Mary Jane (1862 - 1912) -1910- Frederick Hirschausen (1856 - )

Robert (1884 - ) -- Elizabeth Hodgkiss (1887 - 1908) = George 1908 + (Bronchitis)

Robert (1884 - ) -- Rachel Sumner (1874 - 1911) TALKUNDJERION

Polly Beck (1880? - ) -- Clarence Long MILMEINDJERA

Ethel Beck -- Charles Mason NGANGURUKU ? BLACKMOOR PILTINDJERA see KARPENY Bob (c.1820 - 1880)

Old Blackmoor (1827- 1877)? -- Eliza Petembitepiri = Archie 1858 - 1933 (1845?-1876) = Alice ? 1864 - ?

Archie (1858 – 1933) -1877- Elvina Wassa (1861 - 1878) = Child 1878 + PAREGELINDJERA (Enteritis)

Archie (1858 - 1933) -1881- Lily Turpin (1868 - ) = Frank 1880 - 1943 (Bronchitis/Cardiac failure) NGANGURUKU ?

Alice (1864 - ) --1881-- George Muckray (1855 - )

Frank (1880 - 1943) -1902- Sophia Gibson (1878 - 1917) = Winifred 1895 - 1908 (Consumption) (Carcinoma) MILIPI = Gladys 1898 - 1922 (Consumption) (Pneumonia) = Frank 1907

Florence (Flora) (1873 - 1907) (Inflammation of lungs)

= Garnet 1890 - 1892 (Consumption) = Vondes? 1892 - 1893 (Measles) = Child 1897 + = Child 1907 +


Billy Bol-- Maria = Child 1862 + BONNEY, BONNY TANGANE

Napoleon (c.1850 - ?) -1874- Elizabeth Johnson = Bertie 1875 - 1878 (Pneumonia) (c.1855 - 1923) = Charlotte 1877 - 1878 (Whooping Cough) (Dropsy) = Child 1878 + = Lucy 1879 - -- Robert Yates = Bertie 1882 - 1883 = John Thomas 1892 - = Mary 1894 - = ? Esther 1897 - 1908 (Consumption) = Lettie Lena 1898 + (Whooping Cough) = Kate 1899 - 1900 (Influenza) = Philip Norman 1905 - 1908 (Cons. of bowels) = Dorrie 1901 - 1915 (Consumption)

John? (1848 - 1924)


Boord (? - ? ) -- Kitty (c.1845 - 1870) = Emily 1859 - = Child 1865 +

Boord? -- Munyur (Emily Campbell) = Nathan 1874 - 1875 (Thrush) TURION = Jeffrey 1883 - 1894 (Spinal dis.?)


Jack -- Nellie = Phoebe 1895 -

Crofton ( ? - 1916) -- Lotta, Lottie Carter = Sheila 1898 - TANGANE = Teemy ? 1877 - 1895 (Diarrhoea) BUCKSKIN STREAKY BAY/POONINDIE

Frank (1881 - ) -1909- Rosemaria Mack 1891


BULL RIVER ? -- (Mrs) Bull (c.1822 - 1872)

Dick (1848 - 1889) -1876- Eliza (1855 - 1895) = Child 1875 + ?? = Ava 1876 - 1889 (Consumption) (Consumption) = Daniel 1880 - ? = Egbert 1886 - 1889 (Consumption)


Maggie = Willie 1880 - 1937

Willie (1880 - 1937) -1899- Tokie (1880 - 1952) = Child 1899 + (TB) (Alice Springs) = Janie 1901 - CAMERON TANGANE: KAGALINDJERA

Lizzie (c.1820 - 1903) = ? Alfred

= Archibald 1880 - 1950 (Congestion of lungs) = John 1885 -

Alfred ( ? - ? ) -1888- Jessie Forrest? (1857?- ) = Alfred 1890 ? = Lilly 1892 = Pearl 1893 = Sallie 1897 = Jessie Violet 1900 = Allan 1901 = David Bruce 1903 = Simpkins 1906 = Child 1910 +

John (1885 - ? ) -1911- Sarah Karpany (1888 - ? ) PILTINDJERA

Alfred (1890 - ) -- ?? = Lola 1925 - 1993 -- Ronald Bonney CAMPBELL TURION

Jumbo (c.1790-1800 - 1876) -- Renungi = John c.1820-30 - 1910 MANGGURUPA = Peter c.1838 - 1912 = Louisa c.1833 - 1897 = Betty ?? d.1868

John (c.1830 - 1910) -- Poiitindjeri ( ? - 1869 = Pethuenunkar (William) 1850-5 - 1923 Exxxv PELTINDJERA = Munyur (Emily) - Boord (Pt Sturt clan, = ? Sam 1864 - 1879 (Shot) (ngatji: musk-duck)

Peter (c.1838 - 1912) -1868- Ngaraminyeri(c1848- ?) = Child 1863 + MANGGURUPA = Leonard 1870 = Child 1871 + = Arabella 1872 -1874 = Kezie 1875 - 1876 (Teething) = Josiah 1877 - 1878 (Diarrhoea) = John 1879 - = Andrew 1882 - = Peter ? - 1891 = Yaranrimyeri 1891 -

Pethuenunkar -1874- Waldaninyeri (Susan Koolmatrie)= Arthur 1875 - 1876 (Diarrhoea) (William) WUTALTINYERAR = Emily 1877 - = Miriam 1879 - 1880 (Dysentery) = Keziah 1885 - 1899 = Miriam 1890 + = Emmy 1897 - 1898

Leonard -1898- Margaret Buckskin (1881 - 1936) = Horace 1899 - 1900 (Influenza) POONINDIE = Clara 1900 - = Toraper 1902 - = Walter Pitonuele 1905 - 1908 = Ada 1907 - 1937 (TB) = Curvilinear 1909 - 1911 (Convulsions) = Randill Tangent 1909 +? = Lucretia 1912 - 1934 (TB) = Evelyn Maud 1913 - 1914 (Convulsions) = Githa Ellen 1915 -1955 (Stroke) CAMPBELL TURION

?? = Allan Bell 1904 - 1905 (Convulsions)

Yaipan ( ?? - ?? ) -- ?? = Allan Bell 1915 -

Toraper? (1902 - ?? ) -1931- M. Tripp (1910 - ?? ) TANGANE

Clara (1900 - 1957? ) -- Manuel Karpany (1897 - 1968?) q.v. PILTINDJERA

Lucretia (1912 - 1934) -- Horace Wilson (1916 - ) q.v. LIWURINDJERAR


Donald ( ?? - ?? ) -- Flora Kropinyeri = Donald A. 1930 - KROPINDJERA CARTER TANGANE

Mary (c.1830 - 1891) -- = ?Harry? 1851 - = ?Bessie? Cissie? 1857 - 1917 (Consumption) = Geoffrey 1872 - 1951

Harry (1851 - ?? ) -1873- Eva Kutuwondjini (1857 - ?? ) = Sarah 1875 - (Panbali) KAGARINDJERA = Child 1882 - 1883 + (Diarrhoea) = Mercy 1883 - 1895 (Consumption) = child+

Lottie (1875-1939) -- = Essie 1899 - 1906 (Consumption) = Child 1903 + = Isabella 1913

Colleen Nettoon -- Guthrie?

Geoffrey (1872-1951) -1896- Rosie Rankine (1879-1938) = ?Marjory? 1895 - TULERARINDJERA = Freeland 1898-1926 (Consumption) (Hydatids) = Prowton 1902 = Grace 1904 + (Dysentery) = Geoffrey 1905 - = Irene Clarice 1908-1928 (Consumption) = Dudley Simpson 1915 + (Stomach inflammation) = Douglas Haig 1918 -

?? = Mercy 1907 + (Teething and Whooping Cough)

?? = Amy 1918 + (Birth injuries)

Katherine (1884 - ?? ) -1901- David Unaipon (1872 - 1967) POTAWOLIN CARTER TANGANE

Roland (1892- ?1958? ) -1920- Vera Rigney (1900-1955) POLPOLDERA

Geoffrey (1905 - ?? ) -1925- Isabella Gollan (1902 - ?? ) PILTINDJERA


Edward (1873 - ?? ) -1895- Edith Yates (1875 - ?? ) = Edith Evans 1885 LAKES/POONINDIE = Edward Russell 1897 = Harold 1900 = Daisy Ivy 1901 = Millicent 1902 = Grace 1903 = Sydney 1905


David (1862 - 1922) -- Elsie (1855 - 1920) (Drowned)


James (1863 - 1908) -- Eva Reid (Dat) (1867 - 1935) = Reginald 1882 (Markungari) WUTALTINYERAR = ? Arnold? 1887-1909 (Consumption) = Willie 1890-1892 (Diarrhoea) = Norman 1894-1918 (Consumption) = Alexander 1898 + = Child 1903 + (Haemorrhage)

Mary Jane ( ?? - 1907?) -- Henry Ulingbow (1872 - 1943) q.v. WUTALTINYERAR COMBO, CUMBO, CAMBO? from Canowie ?

Aggie -- Philip Sumner (first wife) TALKUNDJERION

Aggie -- John Godfrey

Aggie ?-- Edward Rigney ? q.v.

Edward (1865 - ?? ) -1894- Emma Williams (1862- ?? ) = Selma/Selina 1895 ? = Cecil 1909 + (Bronchitis)

Ned --- Dora? Russell (1884 - 1913) = Child 1911 + (Bronchitis) MULDJONGURINDJERA (TANGANE) = Laurel 1912-1913 (Infant debility)


Archie -- Mary = Child 1899 +


Coorong --- Lottie Carter = Finny 1893 TANGANE


D. David (1911 - ?? ) -1938- Charlotte Tripp (1912 - 1940) TANGANE?/RAMINDJERI? (TB)


?? --- Lottie ?Carter? (1875 - 1939) DAVISON POTAWOLIN (Jervois Swamp, Piwingang)

John (c.1843 - 1908) -1872- Amy Minora = Henry 1874? RETJURINDJERA = Jessie 1876-1880 (Pneumonia) (1858-1879) = Cissy? 1878 (Childbirth) = Mary 1879

John (c.1843-1908) -1883- Sarah Mangki (Tangkabi) (1859 - ?? ) = Carrie 1884? - (Quinsy) MANANGKA

Cissy? (1878 - ?? ) -1894- Fred Gollan q.v. TANGANE

Carrie (1884? - ? ) -- Cornelius Gollan q.v. TANGANE


Seth (c.1838 - 1875) --- Pombinga, Pombingul = Maggie 1868 (Enteritis) MANANGKA = Rhoda 1874-1875 (Fall) = Bessie 1872

see also DODD


Richard (1853 - 1926) -1898- Annie (1854 - 1913) = Margaret 1877 (‘Old Disher’) NGANGURUKU ? = ? Rachel (1876? - ) m. Benjamin Rigney. = ? George (1883-4? - )

Jane Disher (1856 - ?? ) -1877- Joseph Newland (1855 - ?? ) RAMINDJERI

George (1883 - ??) -1903- Una Hodgkins/Hodgkiss = Child 1904 + (Premature) (1885 - ?? ) = Lilian Teresa 1905 = Richard 1908 + = John 1910 DODD (see also DEAH) TANGANE

Margaret (c.1835 - 1897) -- ? = Sam 1850 - 1920 = Frederick 1855 - 1913

Sam (1850 - 1920) --- Charlotte Ringgati Lawson = Seth 1889 (Paralysis) POTAWOLIN ? TANGANE ? WW? = Owen 1892-1925 (Consumption) = Elliott 1894-1945 (Cellulitis) = Gertrude 1896-1908 (Consumption) = Melescia 1899-1900 (Influenza) = Cassy 1901-1913 (Meningitis) = Lina Edna Furnie (Innes) 1904-6 (Wh. Cough) = Eunice 1907 = Lola Annie 1910-1987

Frederick (1855-1913) --- Jessie = Child 1876-1877 + (Dentition) (Alcohol & heart) = Fanwell 1881- ? = Dean 1880-1907 = ? Frederick 1887-1953

Frederick (1887-1953) --- Ruth Hewitt (1887 - 1948) = Vivian Herbert 1910-1911 (Coronary Occlusion) BUNGANDIDJI = Samuel Crawford 1911-1913 (Bronchitis)

? = Mary ?


Lola (1910-1987) --- = Cassie Blanche 1929 -- Bruce Carter

Lola (1910-1987) -- Howard Sumner q.v.


George (1862- ?1916) --1894-- Elsie Felix (Moromati) (1875- ?? ) SOUTH-EAST ? WONANDARINDJERA (Tuwitjeri I.)


Michael (1886- ?? ) --1911-- Edith Gardiner (1888- ?? )


Emilare ( ?? - 1864)


Frank ( ?? ) --- ? Esther ? (1867-1907) = Tottie 1896- ??

Gussie ?


= Ted 1859-1912 = Bessie - Dan Wilson q.v. = ? Sophia 1878--Frank Blackmoor q.v.

(Laughing) Ted (1859-1912) --- Celia Wilson (1870-1897) = Dorothy (1893?-1973) - Andrew Sumner (Warindji, Tawullar) LIWURINDJERAR (Shot) = Edith 1887-1895 (Int. fever) = Caroline 1897 + (Diarrhoea) GILES MANGGURUPA

= Giles = Louisa Tuparinyeri = Henry = Teenminne ? = Captain Jack ?

Giles --- Myawongge ( ?? -1865) (Consumption)

Giles (c.1835-1903) --- Nyaikinyeri (c.1840-1911) = Rebecca 1860-1928 - John Sumner q.v. PILTINDJERA = Crofton 1865 = Mary Jane 1869-1877 = Polly 1870-1876 (Marasmus)

Crofton --- Alice = Constance 1888-1890 (Dysentery) = Roy 1890 = Stanley 1893 = Clemis 1895-1897 (Burns) = Kingsley 1896 = Teenie 1898 = Lottie (Tottie?) 1900-1910 (Consumption) = Mumsie 1902 - 1910? (Consumption?) = Maria 1904-1910 (Cons. of throat) = Wallace 1907-1910 (Convulsions)

Roy (1890- ?? ) --- Kate Cook = Sarah Jean 1915 TATIARA ? = Keith 1916

Stanley (1893- ?? ) --- Maud = Crofton Wallace 1916


J. (John?) --- Aggie Sumner (Cumbo) = Nellie 1899 Canowie = Ruby 1902 = George Harold 1905 GOLLAN TANGANE

(N.B. Originally two different GOLLAN families)

Old Gollan (c. 1810-1877) --- Caroline ?

Peter (c.1831-1907) -1876- Lizzy Maratinyeri, Niltinyeri = Fred 1873-1945 (Influenza) Fxix MILMEINDJERA = Blanche 1877 (1847 - ?? ) = Cornelius 1879 = Simon 1881-1883 (Diarrhoea) = Enoch 1883 = ?Michael 1886 = Bessie 1888 -1965 -- Percy Rigney = Gilbert Hugh 1893-1916

Fred (1873-1945) -1894- Cissie Davison = Mona 1894 -- Fred Kelly (Coronary Occlusion) POTAWOLIN = Alma 1896 (1879-1922) = Walter 1898 (Childbirth) = Dossy Caroline 1900 = ? Daisy 1901?-1908 (Consumption) = Lily Irene 1905-1906 = Grace 1907 - Daniel Alfred Gollan Eiv = Child 1911 + (Debility) = Randolph Clive 1914-1920 (Pneumonia) = Alfred Henry 1917-1918 (Meningitis) = Child 1922 +

Blanche (1877 - ?) - BALLARD (Meningie?)

Cornelius (1879-1944) --- Carrie Davison = Beatrice (Bessie) 1903 - Kenneth Karpany (Heart) POTAWOLIN ? = Hurtle Goyder 1904-1906 (Whooping Cough) (1886-1928) = Meldrum 1906 (Vascular heart disease) = Jessie 1907-1911 (Meningitis) = Vida Jubilee 1909-1928 (TB & Meningitis) = Winifred Violet 1910 = Leonard 1912 = Jessie 1914-1917 (Scalded) = Gladys Elsie 1915 -- Desmond Sumner = Sarah Elizabeth 1917 = Ruth Blanche 1919 = Matilda Maude 1922 = Jean Bessie 1924 + (Convulsions) GOLLAN TANGANE

Michael (1886- ?? ) -1910- Adeline Sumner = Bessie Jean 1910-1914 (Meningitis) TALKUNDJERION = Oswald Cecil 1912 (1890-1938) = Eileen Elizabeth 1916 + (Heart failure) = Alfred Lionel 1918-1921 (Acute Nephritis) = Child 1920 + = Gertrude Elizabeth 1920 = Catherine Blanche 1922?

Walter (1898-1950) -1922- Myrtle Sumner (1904- ? ) (Pulmonary TB) TALKUNDJERION

Meldrum (1906- ?? ) --- Mamie (Marnie?) Harris WUTALTINYERAR (1910-1950) (congestive cardiac failure)

Oswald Cecil (1912- ? ) --- Jean ?

Leonard (Davison) (1912- ? ) -1944- Bertha Wilson LIWURINDJERAR (1920- 2001? )


Daniel Alfred --- Grace Gollan (1907- ? ) TANGANE

HACK = Jimmie 1847-1917 = Wilson 1852-1918 = Christina 1953-1908 HALL cf. GILES MANGGURUPA

Captain Jack, Henry, Teenminne, Louisa Tuparinyeri ??

Tooreetparne (Captain Jack) -- Kitty RAGINYERA? (Mundoo I)

Captain Jack ( ? -1864) -- Polengane (Nourailinyeri's sister)= Ben 1858 = Anton 1860 = Rundimere Mary Jane 1864

Henry -- Nourailinyeri (Ngaikinyeri??)

Nipper -1869- Polengane

HARDING = Archie 1860-1908 (Inflamm. of lungs) HARRIS WUTALTINYERAR

Wekweki --- = Harris

George (c.1840-1916) --1876-- Eliza Petembitepiri = Clara 1865 (Loru Nompe) MANGGURUPA = Jacob 1871 (1848-1892) = Moses 1874-1875 (Thrush) (Consumption) = Samson 1876-1877 (Teething)

George -1899- Emily (Munyur) Boord TURION (1859-1907) (Pneumonia)

Jacob (1871- ?? ) --1896-- Laura Spender (1880- ? ) = Rebecca 1897-1973 -- Dan Wilson (Cancer) POONINDIE ? = Nora Muriel 1899-1901 (Enteric fever) = Matilda Eliza 1902-1905 (fever) = Nancy Naomi 1904-1939 = Daphne 1906-1938 -- Percy Rigney (Aplastic anaemia) = Mamie Sylvia 1910 = Alton George Gufford 1915-1917 (Meningitis) = Norman Roland 1917-1946 (Bronchieotasis)


Henry (Harry) (1864-1907) --1884-- Mary Unaipon = Ruth 1887-1945 -- Frederick Dodd (Meningitis) POTAWOLIN = Child 1891 + (1872-1891) (Childbirth)

Henry (1864-1907) --1895-- Agnes Holloway (1863??-1935) TANGANE HODGKINS, HODGKISS FLEURIEU PENINSULA?

James --- Theresa (1867?-1897) = ? Una 1885- ? -- George Disher ? (Heart disease) = Elizabeth 1890-?1910?

Una (1885- ? ) --1903--George Disher (1883- ?) = 4 children NGAIAWANG ?

Elizabeth 1890 - 1910? --- = Eveline Angelina 1906 + (debility)

Elizabeth (1890-1910?) --- Robert Beck (1884- ? ) = George 1908 NGANGURUKU


Tommy? George? (c.1845-1910) --- Rialari (Low) = Child MILINDJERA

Rialari --- George Low = George

Rialari --- William Rankin TULERARINDJERA

Rialari (Low) Holmes --- Newton Karpany (Marinpin, Jimmy Cook) F: MILINDJERA PILTINDJERA

Rialari --- ?? Bonney = Child TANGANE


Sally --- = Jack

Jack --- Agnes (Tippoo?) = boy 1862 (‘Mary Limbery’ – cf. Poonindie files)

Jack --1870-- Tycarabbe (Taikarapi Kropinyeri) (1848? 1852?- ?? ) KROPINDJERA HUNTER NGANGURUKU

Bill (c.1819-1879)

Harry --- Beatrice = Gertie 1894

Bill (c.1834-1902) --- ?? (c.1837-1902)

Isaac (1880? - 1962?) --??-- Alma Cook = Harry 1912-1916 (Intest.) TATIARA ? = Emily Christina 1916- ? = Amy 1918-1979 = Laura 1910?-1975 -- Ted Lindsay = Harry 1920- ?? = Madge 1930? - 1972? -- Creswell Clothier = Mary 1932? - 1981? -- Norman Tripp?

Creswell (?1894-1934) (Heart failure)


Frederick (1856- ? ) --1910-- Mary Bex (1860-1912) JACKSON LINDINGDJERA (or Fxvi KAGARINDJERI?) Pompey Jackson, Redman and Benjamin Varcoe – brothers.

Jimmy Jackson (C.1830-1865) --- Tinukinyeri (c.1840-1864) (Dropsy) ?? (Liver disease)

Charlotte --1866-- John Laelinyeri (Koolmatrie) WUTALTINYERAR

Pompey (1851-1917) --1872-- Preitpul Kropinyeri = Ebenezer 1877-1955 (Heart failure) KROPINDJERA = Walter Wankeri 1873-1882

?? = Kathleen 1894-1907 (Consumption) ?? = Gertrude (Lovegrove?) 1896-1916

Pompey ? --- Diana Lovegrove POONINDIE = Phoebe 1901

Ebenezer (1877-1955) --- Effie Sumner (1881-1943) = Marguerita Hazel 1899-1917 (Childbirth) TALKUNDJERION

Marguerite (1899-1917) --- = Walter Everett 1917


Jerry ( ? -1866) --- Meteringula


Nicholas --- Amy = Nicholas Aolias 1895 KARLOAN MANANGKA

Karloan -- ?? = Taramindjeri MANGGURUPA

Taramindjeri -- Nelly Muldugine/Paleliwal/Jenny Ponge/Pondji = Albert Karloan Fxiv: MULDJONGURINGDJERA = Minminare (c.1835? - 1911) = Child = Adam Ponggi Plombanggin 1872-1881 (Peritonitis) = ? Kate ? - 1888 (Diarrhoea)

Albert (1864-1943) --- Flora Kropindjeri (1868-1926) = Clement 1894 KROPINDJERA = Miriam 1896-1908 (Consumption) (Kelmy disease) = Fergus 1898-1914 (Consumption) = Cora 1904-1905 (Teething)

= Myrtle 1889-1895 (Int. fever)


Old Karpeny --- Mary Yalkeri (Wommerang = Karpeny, Talpeni (sister of Ellen Sumner) = Newton Karpeny = McDougal, Tuta-m’kal = Old Blackmore q.v.

Newton Karpeny (Jimmy Cook) --- Holmes (TANGANE )

Old Karpeny --- Louisa (Mason? McHughes?) (1840-1921) = Annie ?1860-1864 ( ? – 1895) WUTALTINYERAR = Margaret, Pinkie (1870-1954) (Louisa Ngewatainindjeri) = Mildja Lily = Priscilla = Wilhelmina, Milly = George

George -- Lol Rankin, aka Sara Turner = Bill LINDINGDJERA = George II = Kenneth = Manuel (?1897? – 1967?) = Jack Morris = Donald

Mildja Lily -- Jack White q.v. PAREGELINDJERA

Wilhelmina -- Jack White q.v.

Priscilla -- Fred Wassa q.v. PAREGELINDJERA

George II -- Dora Mason = Keith Karpany NGANGARUKU

'Granny' (1855-1945)?? (cerebral haemorrhage)

William (1895- ? ) --1922-- Ivy Cora Rankine (1899- ? )

Simon --- Mary Rankine TULERARINDJERA

Manuel (1897-1968?) --1920-- Clara (Wartook) Campbell TURION ? (1901-1957) (TB, Pneumonia)

Donald (1902- ? ) --1924-- Beatrice (Bessie) Gollan (1903- ? ) TANGANE

Kenneth (?1904- ? ) --1923-- Ada Campbell (1907-1937) TURION (Tuberculosis)

Kenneth (?1904- ? ) --1944-- Beatrice Gollan (1903- ? ) TANGANE KARTINYERI KARATINDERA

Katyirene ( ? - 1864) Salt Lagoon

Albert (c. 1823-1893) (Chronic bronchitis) = Lena 1873? -- John Stirling

John ? --- Wilhelmina = Child 1877 + (Birth injuries) = Abel 1873-1874 (Measles) (= Archie? 1880)

[Ellen Armstrong --- = Archie 1880[

(Prince) Albert (1859-1893?) --1883-- Ellen Armstrong (1858-1891) (Hydatids)

?? = Alma Louisa 1896-1954 (Post-op. growth in stomach)

Archie (1880- ? ) --1903-- Sarah (Sally) Varcoe (1881-1959) = Archibald Arthur Rangi 1904 Canowie? LINDINGDJERA = Martha Isabella 1906 = Oswald Saunders 1908 = Estelle D. 1911-1928 (Bowel Haem) = Ellen Alma 1913 + (Tetanus) = Theodore Albert 1914 = Matthew Benjamin 1917 = Francis Frederick 1919

Archie A. Rangi (1904- ? ) --- Laura Sumner (1906-1995) TALKUNDJERION Martha Isabella (1906- ? ) -- Ridgeway Rankine TULERARINDJERA

Oswald (1908- ? ) --1927-- Vida Jubilee Gollan (1909-1928) TANGANE (TB & Meningitis)

Oswald (1908- ? ) --- Thelma Rigney (1910-1945) POLPOLDERA (Embolism: childbirth) KELLY WEST COAST?/TANGANE

Fred (1889-1923) --1910-- Mona Gollan (1894-1921) = Florrie 1910 -- von Doussa Long (Consumption) TANGANE ? = Hazel Owen 1912 + (Consumption) = Sylvia Norah 1913 = Jonathan Fred 1915-1951? = Nathalie Edna 1917-1918 (teething)


Ngarkun (? c.1770-1790? - ?) -- = Pulami (King Peter) c.1810-1888

Pulami (c.1810-1888) --- Mingkuluti (c.1820-1893) = Nymberindjeri/Nymbulda c.1845 LINDINGDJERA = John Lelindjeri (1846? - ?? ) = Susan Pelngemini/Waldaninyeri 1857-79 (Consumption?) = David (1862? - 1872?)

Pulami --- Nangowane = Nipper LIWURINDJERAR = Turtle = Maggie Ngaramindjeri (c.1843-1873) = Eliza ?Pitembitepiri Nymbulda --- James Unaipon q.v. POTAWOLIN

John Lelindjeri --1866-- Charlotte (Christina) Jackson LINDINGDJERA

Maggie Naranrimyeri (c.1843-1873) --- Peter Campbell q.v. TURION

Susan (1857-1879) -- William Campbell q.v. TURION

Eliza Pitembitepiri -- Loru Nompe (George Harris) q.v. WUTALTINYERAR KOOLMATRIE WUTALTINYERAR

Kulmateri/Kulmatintjeri --- ?? = Joseph 1848?-1918? MANANGKA = George 1849?

Joseph -1866- Christina Karatindjeri (Black), Yon-gari, Ngerapi KARATINDERA = ? Gertrude Ada (1875-1934)? ?? = Charlotte 1870-1944 (Cer. haem.)

Joseph -1909- Ellen ?Sumner (1851-1925) TALKUNDJERION (Cancer of mouth & throat)

George (c.1846-1886) --1870-- Agnes Stephens = Gertude Ada 1875-1934 (Diabetes) LIWURINDJERA = Ernest George 1877 = Joseph 1881

Gertrude Ada (1875-1934) --- (Jack Stanley?) ?= Mildred 1896 from the North ? Qld ? ?= Matilda Harriet 1901

Ernest George (1877- ? ) --1905-- Rachel Walker (1888- ? )= Henry Albert 1908-1985? TANGANE = Child 1910-1911 (debility)

?? = Rose 1904-1952 (heart trouble)

Mildred (1896- 1934? ) --- ?? = ?George 1910 = Lionel Owen Steve 1914 = Harriet 1916-1920 (Diarrhoea/brain) = Gustave William Charles 1918 = Rachel Maggie 1921 -- Jacobs = Augustine 1923 = Sara Yvonne 1934

Mildred (1896- ? ) --- James Rankine = Roma Gertrude 1928 TULERARINDJERA = Lawrence 1930

Henry Albert (1908-1985) --1939-- Isabel Trevorrow ?? Joseph (Jack) --- Annie Mason (Trevorrow) NGANGURUKU

William (1912?-1979) --- Clarice Marjorie Sumner TALKUNDJERION (1922-1993) KROPINYERI KROPINDJERA

Kropinyeriorn (c.1815-1875) --- ?? WUTALTINYERAR = Taikarapi, = William c.1841

Taikarapi -- Talkindjeri = Tangkabi/Tongkabi/Sara Mangki 1865? MANANGKA

Taikarapi -- Redman TURION

William (c.1841- ? ) --1876-- Yinberi, Jean Parry (1849-99) = Matthew 1865-1922 POLPOLDERA = Edward Norman 1864-1944 (Cancer) = Flora 1868 = William 1881 + = Miriam ?-1888 (Diarrhoea) = Harold Theodore 1882 = Richard 1890 = Alma? 1891 + (Teething) ? = Augusta 1893 + (Thrush)

Matthew (1865-1922) --- Joanna (Janna) Armstrong = Hannah 1890 KAURNA ? = Willie 1892 (1868-1914) = Alick 1895 (Dropsy) ?= Nina 1896 + (Diarrhoea) = Constance 1897 = ?Harold 1903 = Child 1904 + = Roland = Nathaniel 1886 = Margaret 1887

Edward Norman (1864-1944) -- Amelia Armstrong = Katherine Maude -- Harry Taylor Canowie/Clare District S-E?/POONINDIE?

Edward Norman (1864-1944) --1895-- Ellen Sumner = Claude Lawrence 1897-8 (Marasmus) TALKUNDJERION (1878-1946) (Heart)

Richard (1890- ? ) --- Ruby Lindsay (1894-1929) = Richard 1909 + (Convulsions) NGANGURUKU = Flora Jane 1911 -- Don Campbell (Peritonitis after Childbirth) = Meredith 1912

Hannah (1890- ? ) --- Roland --- Connie Varcoe = Alban

Nathaniel 1886 --- Iris Sansbury

Nathaniel 1886 --1912-- Rosetta Rigney (1891-1982) = ? POLPOLDERA

Harold (1903- ? ) --1930-- Myra Wilson (1912-1987?) LIWURINDJERAR

Margaret --- Robert Yates

Flora Jane, Taikarap -- Donald A. Campbell CUMMERAGUNGA, VIC.

Meredith (1912- ? ) --- Sudah & Semaschko Singh = Edith


John (c.1842-1926)--1866--Charlotte Jackson, Witurindjina = Jessie ?1868 + WITJUINDJERA = Henry

see also KING PETER


Henry Lambert --1872-- Elizabeth Proctor (Teenminne's daughter) (1857-1873) MANGGURUPA ?

Henry(Hugh?) Lampard 1849? -1929) --Agnes Stephens = Edgar 1888 LIWURINDJERAR = Ruby 1888-1911 (1854? - 1912) = Harry 1890 = William 1893 = Allan Stephen 1898-1939

Henry Lampard (1849? -1929) --1914-- Elizabeth Maratinyeri Gollan (c.1847-1933) (Lizzie Niltinyeri) MILMEINDJERA

Edgar (1888- ? ) --- Stella Watson (1895-1918)

Henry (1890-1955) --- Tottie Watson (Haemorrhage) (Stroke) BUNGANDIDJI

Allan Stephen (1898-1939) --- Rose (Lovegrove?)


I., Jack, Tom --1871-- Hannah? Emily ? = Lena 1867 = Charlotte 1870 -- Sam Dodd qv. = Nora 1873 = Samuel Leo 1875-1894 (Consumption) = Thomas 1878-1916 (drowned) LINDSAY NGANGURUKU

= Child 1895 + (Marasmus)

George --- Priscilla Karpany (Mack?) PILTINDJERA


George Long (Lungalinyeri)

Clarence, Wiantal (1876-1941) --- Lydia Bull = Banks 1895 (Pinkie Mack's ngengampi) TANGANE = Charlotte 1899-1900 (Teehing) ?= Annie 1900-1912 (Swamp Fever/Bronch)

Clarence (1876-1941) --- Polly Beck (1883-1928) = von Doussa 1903 NGANGURUKU = Annie 1917-1972 -- Hendle Rankine qv. von Doussa (Van Doussa) (1903- ? ) --1927-- Florence Kelly TANGANE (1910- ? )


Henry (George ?) (1886- ? ) --1906--Margaret Kropinyeri (1887- ? ) = George Claude ?

Claude -- Agnes Lampard TANGANE LOVEGROVE PILTINDJERA ? originally BUCKSKIN from Poonindie

Melissa (1864-1889) ? = Arnold 1889-1897 (Apoplexy)

? = Ethel 1891-1907

Lina (Dinah? Diana?) --- Leonard Campbell?Lovegrove? = Catherine 1894 TURION = Gertrude 1898

? = Phoebe 1901-1903 (Teething) ? = Eileen Edna ?? -1914

Frank --- Rose Mack (1890-1945) = Kathleen M. 1910-1911 (Convulsions) PILTINDJERA = Arthur Frank 1912 (Blood poisoning) = Edna Rose 1915 -- Victor Read Rigney = Gertrude Joyce 1917 ……..


George Low --- Rialari = George Low (c.1850-1923) MILINDJERA

George --- Christina Karatindjeri, Yon-gari, Ngerapi (c.1850-1923) KARATINDERA (Paralysis) (c.1860-1930)


= William 1877-1883 (Peritonitis)

Fred --1888-- Letty McLean McHUGHES WUTALTINYERAR

Dick Dat (Big Jimmy?) --- Miiltinda (Mutinda) = William 1850-1931 (c.1820-1866) ?? = Alan 1858 = Henry Ulingbow 1872-1943 = Eva

Louisa McHughes? --1869-- William Nambalare (Tommy Martin) ?POLPOLDERA?

Louisa --- Mt Gambier Tom BUNGANDIDJI

William (1850-1931)--1873--Sarah Smith (1857- 1900? ) = Henry 1874-1876 (Atrophy) (Heart failure) (Sally Paddy Smith/Walker) = Ruth 1877 + (Diarrhoea) TANGANE = Hetty 1879 = William 1881 = Frederick 1883 = Hughie

Hughie --- ?? Gollan = Hatty (1924-1975?) – Mervyn Winslow TANGANE = Stella (1926?- ) – Allan Bell Campbell

Addam (Alan?) --- Mary (Mary Jane?) Close LINDINGDJERA

Eva --- Albert Karloan q.v.

Frederick (1883-1954) --1906-- Topsy Walsh (Welsh? Welch?) = Arthur Campbell 1906 ? NARUNGGA ? = Talbot 1908-1909 (Debility)


Modranke (1780/1790? - 1850/1855?) = Jack

John (c. 1835 - 1895) (Consumption) MACK PILTINDJERA

John (c. 1840-1918) --- Pinkie Karpany = Albert 1886-1957 (Pneumonia) YAKAMULDAK PILTINDJERA = Rose Marie ? - Frank Lovegrove q.v. (S.W. NSW) (1869? -1954) = Edith ? - Victor Rigney q.v. = David 1887-1911 (Consumption) ? = Arthur 1895-1896 (Meningitis) = ?Arthur?

Albert (1886-1957) --1912-- Susanne Rankine (1894 ) = Herbert ? 1925 ? TULERARINDJERA

David (1887-1911) --1909-- Lottie Carter (1879- ) = Priscilla Amelia 1908-1944 (Cardiac TB) TANGANE = Amelia 1910-1911 (Convulsions) = Isabella 1913-1914 (Teething)

Pinkie Mack --- Philip Sumner q.v. TALKUNDJERION

Priscilla Amelia (1908-1944) --- (TB)


Old Dick? --- ?? = William c.1841-1877 = Nambalare (Tommy Martin) 1860

Old Dick (c.1820-1872) (Shot) ? = Yinbari, Jeanparry -- William Kropineri ? = Peter – Esther/Hester ? = Tommy

William (1841-1877) -- 1876-- Ellen (1846- ? ) (Bright's disease)

Tommy --- Louisa McHughes (1856 - ? ) = Jeanette Ruth 1882 + (Diarrhoea) WUTALTINYERAR

Tommy --- Charlotte Turpin RIVER ? MASON NGANGURUKU

Charles (c.1865-1933) -- Ethel Beck (1878-1908) = Charles 1899-1910 NGANGURUKU = Nesbitt 1905-1911 (Convulsions) (Childbirth?) = Horace 1906-1907 (Teething) = Violet 1908 + = Maggie 1895 -

? = Annie1887-1937 (Heart)

Henry --- Buna? = Jerry 1907 + (Debility)

Margaret (1895- ? ) --1911-- Creighton Unaipon POTAWOLIN

Robert --- Rita Lindsay = Tarby 1910? NGANGURUKU = Jerry 1915-1974 (Heart attack) = Annie 1918?-1985


George (c.1853-1923)


Wira Maldina (Peter) (c.1810? - 1842) -- ?? = Meteringula (hanged for murdering McGrath)


= 4 Brothers, Minora the second. (ngengampi to James Unaipon)

Minora (c.1836-1880) --1876-- Mary Ann = Amy 1860-1879 ??

Amy (1860-1879) --1872-- John Davidson (Davison) POTAWOLIN MIALATINYERI

Mialatinyeri ( ?? - 1863)


Agnes Moore -- Marshall Morris = Mabel Sarah 1928 PILTINDJERI = Bernice Morris 1929

MORRIS PILTINDJERA see KARPANY Jack (c.1853-1918) (Pneumonia)

James (1864 - ? ) --1894-- Eliza (Lisha) Bull (1854-1895) = Child 1895 + TANGANE (Consumption)

Marshall --- Agnes Moore = Mabel Sarah 1928 TANGANE = Bernice Morris 1929


George (1855- ? ) --1881-- Alice Blackmoor (1864 - ? ) PILTINDJERA



William ( ? -1880) --1869-- Louisa McHughes ? (1856- ? )= Andrew 1871-1875 (Spinal disease) (Enteric fever) WUTALTINYERAR ?? = Simon 1873 + ? = Jessie 1872 + = Mitchell William 1875-1877 (Diarrhoea) = Hannah 1877-1879 (Marasmus) = Phoebe 1879-1880 (Dysentery) NELSON

John (1880-1941) (Drowned at Renmark)


Charley (c.1840 - 1895) (Native School, Adelaide) (Bronchitis)

Colin (Colleen, Kalim?) --- Guthrie? Carter = Mercy 1906 TANGANE

Colin --- Ivy/Lucy Lindsay = Gwyney 1915 NGANGURUKU ? = Colin 1916? = Doris 1915-1978 -- Bill Cook 1912-1995

Colin (1916? - 1950?) --- Amy Hunter (1916-1979) = Dottie -- George Turner NGANGURUKU ? = Isaac (Finang) 1945? - 1989 -- Pansy Wilson


Charlotte (c.1847-1899) (Consumption)

William (c.1850-1920) (Paralysis)

Joseph (1855 - ? ) --- Mary = William Joseph 1875

Joseph (1855- ? ) --1877-- Jane Disher 1856 NGAIAWANG ?

? = Timmy ( ? -1916)


Louis (1849- ? ) --1873-- Alice (1857- ? ) NGANGURUKU ?


Ngiampinyeri ( ? -1865) (Consumption)


Henry ( ? -1871)

James (1840? -1907) --1866-- Nymbulda, Nymberindjeri, Nimbildjinyeri (Influenza) MANGGURUPA = Jemima 1869 (1848? - 1936? ) = Mary 1871 -- Henry Hewitt = David 1872-1967 = Sophia 1875 + = Leah 1876 = James Reid 1878 = Timothy 1880-1882 (Hydrocephalis) = Ruth 1882 = Creighton (Crayton) 1890

Mary (1871- ? ) -- Harry Hewitt q.v. BUNGANDIDJI

? = Cissie 1874-1924 (Fit)

David (1872-1967) --1901-- Katherine Carter (1884- ? ) = Talmadge de Witt 1903 TANGANE

Creighton (1890- ? ) --1911-- Margaret Mason (1895- ? )= Telford 1913 NGANGURUKU = Jemima 1916


Nyitinyeri ( ? -1867, Pt Sturt) --- ?? = Son 1864

OLIVER John (c.1846-1876) --1871-- Christina White 1854 (Consumption)


George --1872-- Amelia Rankine = Mabel TULERARINDJERA

Mabel --- Djara Singh = Sudah Singh AFGHAN = Semaschko Singh

Sudah & Semaschko Singh --- Meredith Kropinyeri = Edith KROPINDJERA


Johnny --- Lizzie Wilkins (1845-1878?) = Child 1863 (Milang)


= Pinkie = Bob = Fred

John (c.1869-1919) =---- Kate Taylor (Pneumonia) S.-E./POONINDIE

Robert (1883- ? )--1911-- Christina Bonny (1886- ? ) = Lydia 1915 TANGANE = Bonney Bert 1919-1987

Bert (1919-1987) --1941-- Annie (Rebecca Glanville) Sumner TALKUNDJERION (1914-1984?) POLTEENA PILTINDJERA see WALKER PILTINDJERA

Mark --- Jemima Unaipon POTAWOLIN

Mark (1867-1909) --- Rachel Sumner (1874-1911) = Julia 1889-1906 (TB) (Consumption) TALKUNDJERION = Heccle 1891-1893 (Bronchitis) = Doris 1893-1894 (Dysentery) = Herbert Lueng? 1895-1917 (TB)


Old Pelican -- = Bulpuminne ? - 1865

Pelican -- Teenminnie (c.1835-1869) = Lizzie 1858-1873 (c.1821-1871) = Child 1860-1862 (Croup)

Lizzie (1857-1873) --1872-- Henry Lambert RANKINE TULERARINDJERA

N.B. Rankine men came over from Kangaroo Island after about 1868, and may not have been related: they probably all worked for Dr Rankine and took his name.

Betty (c.1825 - 1901)

Louise (c.1825-1901)

Edward (c.1849-1916) (Tuberculosis)

= Margaret (Maggy) 1847?-1907 (Hemiphlegia)

? = James (?1867 -1932) (Heart failure & dropsy)

? = William 1865?

? = Henry 1870

John (c.1830-1895) --- Ellen Sumner = Rosie 1880 TALKUNDJERION = ? Abel 1877 (c.1850 - 1925) = ? Andrew 1868? -1906 (TB) (Cancer of mouth & throat)

Rosie 1880 --1896-- Geoffrey Carter q.v. TANGANE

? = Herbert 1888-1892 (Hydatids) ? = Lily 1891-1892 (Marasmus)

William (1864-1941)---Clara (Harris?) (1865-1923) = Olive Rose 1889 (Hypostatic pneumonia) WUTALTINYERAR = Muriel 1890 (Pneumonia) = Wilfred John 1893 + (Thrush) = Laseler? Lancelot? 1894-5 (Brain influenza) = Cecil 1897-1898 (Marasmus) = ?Lizzie? 1898 + (Bronchitis) = Ivy Cora 1899 = Beryl Iris 1904 = Willie Nelson 1911-1912 (Infl. jaundice)

Andrew (1864? - 1906) --- Blanche = Andrew 1898 (TB) RANKINE TULERARINDJERA

Henry (1870- ? ) --1892-- Martha Wilson [Lampard?] = Susan 1894 LIWURINDJERAR = Emanuel George 1896-1923 (1874-1940) = Lionel 1899 + (Consumption) = Hendle 1899-1980 = Nellie Eileen 1902 = Priscilla Joyce 1907 = Madge Iris 1907 = Jasper Vernett 1909-1910 (Debility) = Miranda Kate 1912 = Keith Ambrose 1915-1955 (Stroke) = Eliza Ellison Rose 1917-1973

Abel (1877- ? ) --1896-- Flora Yates 1880 = Ridgeway 1896 Milang?/S.E.?/POONINDIE = Miriam 1896 = Dulcy? 1899-1929 (Meningitis after childbirth) = Abel John 1901 = Child 1904 +

Lucy (1866? - 1911) ? = Dulcy 1899 + (Dysentery)

Dulcy (1899-1929) --- ?? Gollan TANGANE

Ivy Cora 1899 --- = Eileen Linda 1922

Ivy Cora 1899 --- William Karpany q.v.

Horace (1901-1949) --1933-- Lucretia Campbell TURION (1912-1934) (TB)

James -- Isabella Mutjuli (Rigney) (1856-1934) 1856-1926

James --- Matilda Harriet Koolmatrie (1901- ? ) (1856-1934) WUTALTINYERAR

James --1926-- Mildred Koolmatrie (1896- ? ) WUTALTINYERAR RANKINE TULERARINDJERA

Abel John (1901- ? ) --1928-- Sylvia Norah Kelly TANGANE (1913- ? )

Ridgeway (1896- ? ) --1924-- Martha Kartinyeri KARATINDERA (1907- ? )

Andrew (1898- ? ) --1922-- Mary Jane Cameron KAGALINDJERA

Harold (1912- ? ) --1943-- Matilda Maude Gollan TANGANE (1922- ? )

Hendle (1899-1980) --1935-- Annie Long (1917-1972) TANGANE RIGNEY POLPOLDERA also see RIGNEY GENEALOGY by Doreen Kartinyeri for major details, especially between 1965 and the present.

Philip Henry (1851-1928) --1877-- Isabella Mutyuli = Benjamin (Challenger) 1874-1931 (Embolism) originally W.A. POLPOLDERA = Edward (Challenger) 1987-1944 (Heart) (Heart) (1855-1925) = Victor Herbert 1878-1918 (Tetanus) (cerebral haemorrhage) = Ethel May 1881-1882 (Diarrhoea) = Percy Philip 1883-1937 (Coronary Occlusion) = Gordon 1890-1953 (Heart) = Child 1892 + = Child 1893 + = Vera Queeney 1895 +

Benjamin (1874-1931) --- Rachel ?? (m. Disher) = Lily 1890 ?? = Ettie 1893 (1873-1920) = Leslie 1894-1897 (Childbirth) = Cyril 1897-1916 (Killed in action, WW I) = Rufus Gordon 1899-1918 (Died of wounds) = Allan Claud 1902-1908 (Paralysis) = Lazby Keith 1905-1906 = Ronald Harrison 1908-1978? (Cancer) = Thelma 1910-1945 (Childbirth) = Eileen Phyllis 1914

Thelma (1910-1945) -- Oswald Kartinyeri q.v. KARATINDERA

Eileen Phyllis (1914- ? ) ----

Edward (1876-1944) --1894-- Aggie Johnstone 1877 = Noel Buxton 1896-1897 (Marasmus)

?? Canowie ?


Edward (1876-1944) --1899-- Essie Wilkins = Vera Isabel 1899-1954 RAMINDJERI = Edmund 1901-1987 (1881-1950) = Annie (Bella) 1902-1988? (Cholecystitis) = Lawrence Victor (1905-1926 (Consumption) = Lionel 1906-1908 (Teething) = Bruce (Pom) 1908-1970? = Dulcie 1909-1978? = Elsa Mavis 1911- ?? = Spencer Lewis 1913-1975 (heart) = Child 1914 + = Earl Clive 1915-1965 (Car accident & heart) = Allan Edward (Alec) 1917-1973 (hanged) = Evelyn Isobel 1920-1976? = Jean Larraine 1921-1922 (Dentition) = Lester Arthur 1923 = Ralph Raymond 1925

Vera Isabel (1899-1954) --- Roland Carter q.v. TANGANE

Annie (1901-1988?) --- Seth Dodd q.v. TANGANE

Dulcie (1909-1978?) --- Garnett Wilson q.v. LIWURINDJERAR

Elsa Mavis (1911- ?? ) --- Leslie Proctor Sumner q.v. TALKUNDJERION

Evelyn Isobel --- Henry Lampard q.v. TANGANE

Victor Herbert (1878-1918) --1908-- Edith Mack = Gordon Phillip 1911 PILTINDJERA = Herbert Valentine 1913-1986 (1889- ?? ) = Evelyn Geraldine 1916-1918 (Teething) = Alice Isobell 1918-1920 (Dentition & conv.)

Percy Philip (1883-1937) --1904-- Bessie Gollan = Percy 1907 TANGANE = Vernon Clyde 1909-1971? (1888-1965) = Wilbur Ransford 1912-1938 (Pneumonia) = Eversley Peter 1916-1973 = Rufus Gilbert 1918- = Ernest Gilbert 1920 RIGNEY POLPOLDERA

Elva Maude --- Douglas Anzac Milera q.v. WALKANDI-WONI ?

Lilian Madge --- Charles Vernett Wilson q.v. LIWURINDJERAR

Gordon (1890-1953) --1910-- Tracey Sumner = Victor Read 1911 TALKUNDJERION = Graham Ivan 1914-1938 (Pneumonia) (1892-1923) = Elva Maude 1917-1955 (Clot on brain) (Pneumonia after childbirth) = Cyril Rufus 1920-1980? = Lilian Madge 1921-1976?

Gordon (1890-1953) --1925-- Joyce Rankine (1904- ? ) TULERARINDJERA

Ronald Harrison (1908-1978?) --1926-- Evelyn Sumner TALKUNDJERION (1908- ? )

Spencer Lewis (1913-1975) --1931-- Lorna Sumner TALKUNDJERION (1914-1944) (Childbirth)

Spencer Lewis (1913-1975) --1950-- Rita Sumner TALKUNDJERION (1927-1995) (Cancer)

Earl Clive (1915-1965) --1946-- Margaret Karpany

Allen Edward (1917-1973) --- Valeta May Wilson LIWURINDJERAR (1912-1985?)

Herbert (1913-1987) --- Agnes Sumner (1915-1987) TALKUNDJERION

Percy (1907- ? ) --1931-- Daphne Harris (1908-1938) TANGANE ?

Vernon Clyde (1909-1971?) --1932-- Fanny Sumner TALKUNDJERION) (1906-1980?) RIGNEY POLPOLDERA

Wilbur Ransford --- Rebecca (Annie) Sumner (1912-1938) TALKUNDJERION (1913-1984?)

Eversley Peter (1916-1973) --- Valerie Sumner TALKUNDJERION (1920-1988)

Victor Read (1911- ? ) --- Edna Rose Lovegrove TULERARINDJERA (1915- ? ) ROBINSON ? PAREGELINDJERA ?

Fred Robinson --- Lisa, Louisa Campbell (c.1833-1897) = Jenny TURION


= Nelly = Jenny Pongi = John

Nelly --- Joe Walker q.v. TANGANE

Jenny Pongi, Ponggi, Pondji, Nelly Muldugine, Paleliwal --- Taramindjeri see KARLOAN

John --- ?? (BUNGANDIDJI) = ??

?? (John's daughter) -- Dunn (MILIPI) = Andrew Dunn

Andrew Dunn --- Ann Murray (WEST COAST) adopted a child, ??

Timothy (Jim) (1883-1907) --1904-- Dora Martin = Leslie Lewis 1904 LOLUWA/TUMBALINDERAR ? = Linda 1905-1906 (Thrush) (Dodd's Landing) = Freda Victoria 1906-1915?


Gollan (Donald) --- Leah (Unaipon?) (1875? - 1908) = Barung , Barnabas 1891-1913 (Cons.) (1867-1941) POTAWOLIN = Raphael 1892-1917 (Consumption) (Paralysis) = Roy 1894-1908? = Reginald 1896-1939 (TB) = Fay 1896-1897 (Fever)

Donald Seymour --1909-- Eva ? Sumner? Carter?, Kutuwondjini (Gollan) TANGANE? / TALKUNDJERION ?? (1862-1932) (Haemorrhage) SINGH

Hizar (1873- ? ) --1904-- Mabel Martoni (1878) = ?Lullah 1910-1911 (Irritation of brain)

Sudah & Semaschko Singh ---Meredith Kropinyeri (1912- ? ) = Edith KROPINDJERA

Victor ( ? - ? ) --- Amy Hunter (1918-1979) NGANGURUKU


Yertabrida, Baalpulare

Tungkimutte ( - 1864) See POONINDIE


(James?) Spender --- Betty Campbell, Talmaninyeri = Alfred 1866 ( ? - 1868) = George ( ? - 1897) TURION

George Spender --- Rebecca (Glanville) Lartelare = Haus KAURNA ? = Lora, Laura 1880 (1856-1916)

Laura --1896-- George Harris q.v.

STANLEY, John 'the North’ ?

= James 1878-1893 (Infl. of lungs)

Leana (1870? - 1920) (Paralysis)

Jack (1875-1933) --- Ada Koolmatrie (1878-1934) = Rundel 1905-1906 (Bronchitis) (Diabetes/cardiac WUTALTINYERAR = Hazel 1909 failure) (Diabetes) ? = Wilfred 1904 + (Convulsions) ? = ? Laquace? 1906-1907 (Whooping cough) STEPHENS MANANGKA?/LIWURINDJERA?

Old Stephens --- ? Matilda ? = Agnes = Robert

Agnes --- George Koolmatrie qv. WUTALTINYERAR

Agnes --- Henry Lampard qv. TANGANE

Bob --- Ada (daughter of 'the last old man of the Ramindjeri, from Second Valley'). RAMINDJERI


Stirling --- Pembinga = Bessie 1872-1881 MANANGKA = Ernest 1882

John (1878- ? _ --1899-- Lena Kartinyeri (1873-? ) KARATINDERA SUMNER TALKUNDJERION

-- Malpurini ? = ? John 1845/1848-1905 POLPOLDERA? Benjamin --- Malpurini = Philip 1864-1921 (Heart)

Philip --- Pinkie Mack (1858-1954) = ? Philip 1883 PILTINDJERA = Benjamin Philip 1903-1906 (Wh. cough) = Laura Isabella 1906-1995 = Hurtle 1908-1979 = Wilhelmina 1911 = Nita Louisa 1913-

Laura Isabella (1906-1995) --- Archie Kartinyeri q.v. Canowie/ KARATINDERA

Nita Louisa 1913 = Child 1926 +

Hurtle (1908-1979) --1934-- Violet Cook (1912-1948) TATIARA ?

John (1845-1905) --1872-- Rebecca Giles = Rachel 1874-1911 MANGGURUPA = Jonathan 1876-1936 (Pulmonary Embolism) (1859-1925) = Ellen 1878-1946 (Heart) (Abscess on liver) = Elizabeth 1880-1882 (Chronic diarrhoea) = Effie 1881-1943 (cerebral haemorrhage) = Arthur 1883 + ? = Matthew 1884-1938 (Heart failure) = Major 1886-1909 (Consumption) = Andrew 1888-1957 (Coronary thrombosis) = Hector 1887- = Fanny 1888-1892 (Atrophy) = Adeline 1890-1938 (Heart failure) = Tracy1892-1923 = Wiltshire 1894-1971 (Stroke) = Everett 1896-1958?

Rachel (1874-1911) --1888-- Mark Polteena q.v. PILTINDJERA

Ellen (1878-1946) --1895-- Edward Norman Kropinyeri q.v. KROPINDJERA

Effie (1881-1943) --1898-- Ebenezer Jackson q.v. LINDINGDJERA SUMNER TALKUNDJERION

Adeline -- ??

Tracy (1892-1923) --- Gordon Rigney q.v. POLPOLDERA

Jonathan --1901-- Olive May (Mary?) Wilson = Clive Bowman 1901-1902 (Teething) (1876-1936) LIWURINDJERAR = Kenneth 1902-1933 (Meningitis) (1883- ? ) = Myrtle 1904- ? = Fanny 1905-1980? = Lindsay Howard 1907- ? (Pneumonia) = Leslie Proctor 1909-1952 (Haem. after oper.)

Myrtle (1904- ? ) -- Walter Gollan q.v. TANGANE

Fanny (1905-1980?) --- Vernon Clyde Rigney q.v. POLPOLDERA

Matthew (1884-1938) --1903-- Elsie Tripp (1886- ? ) = Minnie Gwendolyn 1904-1938 TANGANE = Herbert Lancelot 1906-1908 (Bronchitis) = Evelyn 1908 + ? = Althea Queenalina 1910-1937 (TB, Heart) = Lorna Ellen 1914-1944 (Embolism on lungs)

Minnie Gwendolyn (1904-1938?) ---- C.V. Wilson q.v. LIWURINDJERAR

Lorna Ellen (1914-1944) --- Spencer Lewis Rigney q.v. POLPOLDERA

Major (1886-1909) --1909-- Ada Varcoe (1892- ? ) = Warren Jessop 1910 + (Debility) TULERARINDJERA/POONINDIE SUMNER TALKUNDJERION

Hector (1887- ? ) --1911-- Marjorie Carter = Bernice 1912 TANGANE = Selina Agnes 1914 + (1895- ? ) = Agnes Selina 1915-1917 = Lena Jessie 1917-1925 (Cons. & peritonitis) = Agnes Bessie 1920-1986 = Nellie Rose 1921 = Beryl Madge 1924-1988 = Phyllis Melva 1926 = Jessie Laura 1928 = Cissie Lois 1930-1975 = Correllie Iris 1933

Bernice (1912- ? ) ---1938--- Cecil Welsh q.v.

Andrew (1888-1957) --1912-- Dorothy Gibson = Julia Cecelia 1913 MILIPI = John Lancelot 1915 + (Meningitis) (1891-1973) = Bertha Adeline 1916-1951 (Childbirth) = John Gibson 1919 + (Rupture) = Major Lancelot 1920-1945 (Pulm. TB, Mening.) = Clarice Marjorie 1922-1993 (Heart) = Andrew Gibson 1925-1984 (Cancer)

Bertha Adeline (1916-1951) --- Harold Wilson q.v. LIWURINDJERAR

Clarice Marjorie (1922-1993) --- Bill Koolmatrie q.v. WUTALTINYERAR

Wiltshire (1894-1971) --1914-- Ella Irene Wilson = Rebecca Glanville 1914-1985 LIWURINDJERAR = Desmond Major 1916-1980 (1897-1946) (Coronary occlusion)

Rebecca Glanville (1914-1985) -- Wilbur Rigney q.v. POLPOLDERA

Rebecca Glanville (1914-1985) -- Bert Pinkie q.v. W. VIC.

Kenneth (1902-1933) --1924-- Inis (Eunice?) Dodd 1907

Herbert? (1905- ? ) --1944-- Beatrice Karpany 1903 SUMNER TALKUNDJERION

Proctor Leslie (1909-1952) --1929-- Elsa Mavis Rigney POLPOLDERA (1911- ? )

Howard (1907- ? ) --1930-- Lola Dodd (1911-1987) TANGANE


Talkothere, Talkidjeri -- Taikarapi = Child 1860 + KROPINDJERA = Tongkabi, Tangkabi, Sara Mangki 1861

Sara Mangki --- John Wilkins q.v RAMINDJERI


George (1859?-1915) --- Jessie Wilkins (Elizabeth? 1857- ?)= Harry 1877 (raised by Ivaritji, Amelia Taylor) = William 1879 ?

Will (1877- ? ) --1901-- Nyumsi (Minnie Hannah) Kropinyeri = Audrey KROPINDJERA = Aurelia Ruby (1906- ? ) (1882- ? ) = Daphne = Bill = Mary = Darcy = William Edward (1913- ? )

Aurelia Ruby --- ? Kennedy (Dimboola, Vic.)

Daphne --- Lilima Harradine (east of Servicetown)

Harry --- Katherine Maud Kropinyeri ?? = Alma Kathleen KROPINDJERA

Alma Kathleen -- Lewis Charles Power ? NARUNGGA?

Naomi Anne ( ? -1936) THOMPSON

James (1849-1880) --1876--- Bella, Isabella?(1856- ?? ) = Lydia 1876 (Hydatids) = Child 1879-1880 + (Diarrhoea)


(Benjamin?) Tippoo (1847-1874) --1870-- Margaret = daughter 1871 (drowned at Goolwa)

--?-- Agnes 1863?


Old Paddy Smith (Walker) --- ?? = Joseph Walker = Sally Paddy Smith – Wm McHughes

Joseph --- ?? TANGANE

Joseph --- Nelly Russell(Albert Karloan's mz) = Rachel Florence Walker TANGANE: MULDJONGURINDJERA = Walker


Sally --- William McHughes = Joe Walker WUTALTINYERAR = Steve = Sister (Emily?)

Joe Walker (Jack Koolmatrie) --- Annie Mason = at least 2 children NGANGURUKU (MANNUM)

Steve (Bill) Walker --- Alf Cameron's daughter TANGANE

Bill --- ?? (white woman) = child +

Sister (Emily?) --- Jim Trevora (white)

Mary (1920?-1994) ---- TRIPP TANGANE?/RAMINDJERI?

Tripp --- Julia (PILTINDJERA)

Yirangulin, Tripp -- Kundiuwe = Ringyarte MANGGURUPA

Harry -- Eliza = Bertie 1866- 1905 = Walter Mansell 1872?

? = Eunice 1866-1896 (Infl. of bladder)

Bertie (1866-1905) --- Mums, Mamie = Cornell 1888-1907 (Influenza) = Daisy 1890-1937 (TB) = Adela 1895

? = Fletcher 1892-1896 (Meningitis)

Bertie --- Jennie Westendorff (1865- ? _

Walter Mansell (1872- ? ) --1898-- Selina Scott = Letty 1899-1900 (Influenza) (1881-1903)

Walter --- Julie Polteena (1890-1906) PILTINDJERA ( Acute TB)

? = Algernon 1904-1934 (TB)

Walter --1909-- Daisy (1890- ? )

? = Charlotte 1912-1940 (TB) -- D. David

? = Frank 1915-1933 TB)

? = Gwendolyn Lilian 1929-1933 (Wh. cough)

? = Elsie Jean 1930-1931 (Convulsions) TUMBOWANINYERI --- = daughter 1862


Dick (c.1840-1905) --- Ngalang = Werawalle 1867 (Paralysis) PILTINDJERA = Child 1874-1875 + (Bowels)

Dick? --- ?? = Lily ?

Lily? --- Archie Blackmore = Frank PILTINDJERA


Henry (1862-1943) --- Mary Jane (1877-1907) = Mary 1891-1892 (Cerebral affliction) TURION = Huntley 1892 + (Infant convulsions) (Heart failure) = Ambrose 1893-1897 = Stella Kate 1895-1897 = Hilda 1897-1909 (Consumption) = Child 1899 + (Debility) = Bertie 1901-1902 (Teething) = Gretta 1904-1905 (Teething) = child 1902 + (Teething) = Maud 1906-1907 (Debility)



Henry 1904-1934 (TB) VARCOE LINDINGDJERA To Poonindie 1870 ?, from Poonindie late 1893, early 1894?

?? --- ?? = Minkulutty -- King Peter MANGGURUPA = Redman = Pompey Jackson = Ben Varcoe

Redman --- Taikarapi KROPINDJERA

Edward 1848? - 1904 (Asthma)

? = Billa 1882-1894 (Spinal dis.)

? = Sarah 1881-1959

Ben (1850?-1908) --- ?? 1862-1909 = Gerald 1895 (Infl. of lungs) WEST COAST ? = Sarah ? (Childbirth & bronchitis) = Theodore Ralph 1899-1900 (Teething) = Jenny ? = Herbert Oswald 1902-1903 (Dysentery) = Rupert Guy 1909-1910 (Irritation of brain)

Martha -- Harold Theodore Kropinyeri q.v. KROPINDJERA

? Sarah (Sally) ---- = Alby 1895 = Constance Maud 1899

Sarah (1881-1959) --1903-- Archie Kartinyeri q.v. KARATINDERA

Wilfred (1885 - ? ) --1907-- Olive Rankine (1889- ? ) = Wilfred Cedric 1909 TULERARINDJERA = Hilda Muriel 1911 = Maxwell Arnold 1915 = Alvan Francis 1917-1920 (Pneumonia & measles) = Carry Ivy 1917-1920 (Pneumonia) = Cyril Nelson Davis 1923 = Jacob George 1924 = Gerald Albie 1924 WAIUNGARI

Sam (d. 1879) (Accidently shot)


N.B. At least three WALKER families (one based on the Coorong, one [Tom Tom] [Karpany] around Lake Alexandrina and Wellington] and one based on Goolwa and Victor Harbor); see also KOOLMATRIE and TREVORROW

Joseph (c.1836-1931?!) (Stroke)

George (1852-1882) ---1874--- Elizabeth Rankine (c.1847-1907?) (Dysentery) ? TULERARINDJERA ?

Joe (1st marriage) --- ?? (TANGANE) = Joe

Joe (2nd marriage) --- Nelly Russell MULDJONGURINDJERA = Rachel Florence = Walker

(Nelly Russell --- Ngandelelambelari, Ngandalambalar, Nambalari, Peter Martin: 1st husband) LOLUWA

Reuben, Pulpamini --- Charlotte Owens GOOLWA? W.A.? MILIPI? : Robe

= Mary d.1891

Charles (1903- ? _ ---1926--- Althea Q. Sumner TALKUNDJERION (1910-1937) TB., H's Chorea)


?? --- Kini = Tommy Walker,Tom Tom Walker, MANGGURUPA Poltpalingada

Tommy Walker --- Ada RAMINDJERI

Tommy Walker -- Mary Yukuwar = Mark Poltina q.v. POLTEENA Exvii? PAREGELINDJERA WASSA PAREGELINDJERA see also WHITE

Frank? Wasa -- Priscilla Karpeny = Elvina 1862 - 1878 (1840 ? – 1880 ? ) PILTINDJERI = Fred 1875? = Herbert 1876 = ?Wilfred?

Elvina (1862- 1878) --- Archie Blackmoor PILTINDJERA

Elvina --- ?? Nettoon WALKANDI-WONI

Fred --1898-- Emily Carter (1880-1937) = Elvena 1900 TANGANE = Valentine 1901-1906 (Nephritis)

Wilfred --- Louisa Nettoon (1909-1948) WALKANDI-WONI: NGANGURUKU (Childbirth: 2.5 days)


Alfred (c.1860-1938) (Cardiac failure)

John (1885-? ) ---1909--- Sylvia Bonny (1889- ? ) TANGANE

Alfred (1895- ? ) ---1920--- Yarparawinga, Yarpani, Yaipan? Bessie Campbell TURION

Mary Jane --- = Audrey 1914 + (Peritonitis)

?? Watson --- Stanley Karpany, Puwang = Dick PILTINDJERA = Allan = Poiitindjeri


"Webster Gustin" (1895-1918) (Consumption)

George? --- Mildred Koolmatrie (1896- ? ) WUTALTINYERAR


= James Rodney, Ityamautpinna, Perna Adjuna Rudki (Clarendon-Willunga) = Maria (c. 1830 -- 1909)

Rodney (c.1814-1860?) --- Charlotte,Tankaira = James Phillips 1837- ? (Clare District) = Ivaritji, Itjaman, Amelia Taylor c.1850-1929

Maria (c.1830-1909) --- = Selena 1858? - ?

[Maria Rodney? (c.1830-1909) --- Sam Stubbs = Annie 1860? KAURNA = Frances 1862? = Amelia Jane 1864?]

Maria (c.1824-1909) ---1880--- Phillip Welch : thence to Poonindie and Pt Pearce W.A.?/Upper MURRAY ?

James Phillips (Rodney) (1837-1897) --- Kate W.A.

Ivaritji (c.1850-1929) --- Charles Savage (Black American, born in Adelaide)(1850-1932) WHITE PAREGELINDJERA

= Jack White = Fred Wassa q.v.

Jack (1855- 1895? ) ---1878--- Tiny Kugatte = Maggie Flora 1878 (Eliza Tungkenserth) = Stanton 1895

Jack (1855- ?) --- Lily Mildja Karpany PILTINDJERA

Jack (1855- ? ) --- Wilhelmina, Millie Karpany PILTINDJERA

Jack (1855- ? ) --- Lakanemi Helen ?

Rose (1864-1878)


N.B. ‘Families’ from Kangaroo Island may not have been related.

Nell, Ellen? (1830?- ?) -- Harry? Wilkin = Lizzy? 1847? near Willunga ? Carter, Surveys Dept. = Nelly 1850? = John 1851? -1882 (Peake) = Eliza 1855? = Susan 1856? -1866 = Sarah 1857? -1869 = Charles? = Harry 1859?

Lizzy --- = Son 1863

Lizzy --- Johnny Parker ( ? -1868)

Lizzy ("Jesse") --- Rankine

John (1851-1882)---1875--- Sarah Tongkabi (1860- ? ) = Geoffrey 1876-1878 (Marasmus) KROPINDJERA = Harriet Kate 1878 + (Diarrhoea) = Essie 1879-1950 = Charles 1882- ?

Eliza (1852- ? ) ---- John Wilson q.v. LIWURINDJERAR

Essie (1879-1950) --- = Walter 1896+ (Diarrhoea)

Essie (1879-1950) --- Edward Rigney q.v. POLPOLDERA

[Sarah Wilkins ---1883 --- John Davison q.v.]

Elizabeth (Nelly)("Jessie") --- Eli Bewes (Johnnie) = Eli Jr. Moonta = Howard = Edith WILLIAMS ?

Burra? Williams (c.1832-1882)

Patrick (1880-1909) --1902-- Alice Blackmoor (1887-1907)= Nina Alice 1902-1906 (Wh. cough) (Consumption) PILTINDJERA = Sheila 1904 (Bronchitis) = Jemima Priscilla 1906-1908 (Debility) = Pat 1907 + (Debility)

? = Rhoda 1904-1906 (Diarrhoea) WILSON LIWURINDJERAR

= Liwuringari ‘Long Billy’ = Nangowane ?

Wilson? (1840- ? ) --- Rachel (? -1869) = Child 1861? + = Child 1868 +

'Long Billy', Liwuringari ---1873--- Emily Lewinne = Alice 1869? -1870 (c.1830-1870) WUTALTINYERAR = Daniel 1860 (c.1846-1886?) = Mark 1868 = Celia 1870 +

Robert Wilson --- Emily Lewinne ?= Bertha 1873 (c.1850?-1907) WUTALTINYERAR = Lina 1875-1878 (Pneumonia) (c.1846-1886?) = Joshua 1876-1878 (dropsy!) = Mary 1878 (Jeff Gray's 8-yr-old great-grandmother?) = ?Emmanuel 1879-1895 (Consumption) = Robert 1882

Robert Wilson ---1888--- Eva Carter, Kutuwondjini = Lena 1890-1908 (Consumption) (c.1850?-1907) MILINDJERA = Eric 1891- ? (1857- ? ) = Titus 1894-1895 (Meningitis) = Lush (Lucius) 1896 = Elizabeth 1898 + (Debility: 3 days) = Sarah 1899 -1900 (Dysentery) = Martin? 1900 = Mercy 1902-1903 (Teething)

Daniel (1860- ? ) --- Bessie (1867-1912) = Daniel 1890 ?? = Gerald Jones 1895-1896 (Teething) = Olga Lavine 1901-1902 (Teething)

Bertha (1873- ? ) --- = Dagmar 1897 (Olga?) -- Fudge? = Olga Lewine 1901-1992

Eric (1891- ? ) ---1926--- Ivy Nettoon (Lindsay) (1892- ? ) = Eric 1925 + (Premature) NGANGURUKU

Ruth --- = Olga Lavine 1932-1933 (Wh. cough) = Roseline Roda 1934

Mary --- = Reginald 1929 WILSON LIWURINDJERAR

Daniel (1890- ? ) --- Rebecca Harris (1897-1973)` WUTALTINYERAR

Lush (1896- ? ) --- Elizabeth Catherine Harrison = Lena Lottie 1928 Eastern Victoria ? = Pansy Maude 1933 = Violet Veronica 1936 + (Haemorrhage) = Lush David 1938-1990?

? = Edward Nigel ? -1888 ? = Harry ? -1889 ? = Isabella 1892-1893 (Thrush) ? = Lampard 1893 + (Dysentery) ? = Child 1893 + (Thrush)

John (1848?-1935 ---1869--- Eliza Wilkins (1850?-1913?) = John 1872 RAMINDJERI = Robert George 1876-1878 = Martha 1874 = Elizabeth Agnes 1878 + (Diarrhoea) = Charles 1882-1942 (Pulmonary TB) = Proctor Martin 1888- ? = Clifford Tony 1890-1955 (Heart) = Eustace Garnett 1897- ? = Valeta 1900-1902 (Bronchitis)

Martha (1874- ? ) --- Henry Rankine q.v. TULERARINDJERA

John (1872- ? ) ---1907--- Martha Reed, Reid (Angie) = Ella Irene 1897-1946 (Stroke?) NARUNGGA? = Clarence Oscar 1898-1899 (Wh. cough) (1875-1943?) = Charles Vernett 1900-1980? = Terence 1901-1925 (Consumption)

Ella Irene (1897-1946) --- Wiltshire Sumner (1894-1971) q.v. TALKUNDJERION

Charles (1882-1942) ---1907--- Blanche Watson = John Milton 1910- ? MILIPI? = Valeta May 1912-1983? (1883-1912?)

Valeta May --- Allan Edward Rigney (1916-1973) q.v. POLPOLDERA WILSON LIWURINDJERAR

Charles (1882-1942) --- Mary Jane Watson = Horace Charles 1916-1952? (heart, kidneys) MILIPI ? = Bertha 1920 ( ? - ? ) = Ida Essie 1922 = Lindsay 1924-1993 + (Heart)

Clifford Tony (1890-1955 ---1911--- Ada Varcoe = Myra Jean 1912-1988? LINDINGDJERA = Clifford Denis 1914-1942 (Appendicitis) (1893-1953)

Myra Jean --- Harold Kropinyeri q.v. KROPINDJERA

Eustace Garnett (1897- ? ) ---1924--- Dulcie Rigney POLPOLDERA (1909-1985?)

Charles Vernett ---1922-- Minnie Sumner (Tripp) (1900-1980?) TALKUNDJERION (1905-1937) (Childbirth?)

Charles Vernett ---1943-- Lilian Madge Rigney (1900-1980?) POLPOLDERA (1921-1976)

Clifford Denis (1914-1942) --- Eileen Phyllis Rigney POLPOLDERA (1914- ? )


Mervyn (1912-1973) ---1946--- Hetty McHughes (1922-1986?) YATES LAKES/POONINDIE

Andrew (c.1842-1907) (Influenza)

?Joe? (c.1848-1903)

Joe Yates ---1878--- Hannah Swamp (?1860- ) POONINDIE

Edith (1875 - ) -- Edward Chester

Robert Joseph (1878- ? ) ---1903--- Lucy Bonney = Lydia Charlotte 1903-1904 (Teething) TANGANE = Joseph Robert 1904 (1880-1917) = Hilda Violet 1912 (Consumption) = Evelyn Linda 1915

? = Alice 1905-1908 (Infantile Paralysis)

Bob ?(1878- ? ) --- Margaret Kropinyeri (1887- ?) = Bob KROPINDJERA = Bill = Biddy

Loris --- Abel Rankine = Mary TULERARINDJERA


William (1849- ? ) ---1875--- Amelia King (1854- ? )

Elizabeth (1862-1912) (Pneumonia)

Recommended publications