Conus Wakayamaensis Kuroda, 1956

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Conus Wakayamaensis Kuroda, 1956

Conus wakayamaensis Kuroda, 1956

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in NSMN Mike Filmer Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Venus Vol. xix, no. 1, p. 9, pl. , f. 2 Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Off Kii, Japan Type Data: Holotype in NSMN deposited and catalogued Type Size: 26.5 x 13.8 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: A valid species Current Group Names:- Family:-CONILITHIDAE SubFamily:-CONILITHINAE Genus:-Conasprella Species:-wakayamaensis Synonyms:- nereis Petuch, 1979 Geographic Range:-Japan - Taiwan; S. Africa Habitat:-Found at depths of 30-240 m. Description:-Source Living Conidae Small to moderately small, light to moderately solid; form nereis smaller than typical form. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical, also broadly conical to broadly and ventricosely conical in form nereis; outline straight to convex adapically, straight right side) or concave (left side) below. Shoulder angulate to carinate, with deep exhalant notch. Spire of moderate height to high, outline concave. Larval shell of 3.0-3.5 whorls, maximum diameter 0.85-0.95 mm. First 3-6 postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat to concave, with arcuate radial threads and often obsolete, fine or coarse spiral striae. Last whorl with axially striate spiral grooves from base to or occasionally beyond centre and 1-4 fine spiral grooves below shoulder; grooves separated by ribs at subshoulder area and by ribbons below. Ground colour white. Last whorl with spiral rows of brown dots varying in number and size. Overlying brown flecks forming 3 solid or interrupted spiral bands, below shoulder, at centre, and near base. Larval whorls white. Postnuclear sutural ramps with irregular brown radia markings, sometimes forming a row of brown dots on shoulder. Aperture white. Shell Morphometry L - (-typical form 23- 34 mm; -form nereis 20- 27 mm) RW -(-typical form 0.06- 0.13 g/mm; -form nereis 0.05- 0.10 g/mm) RD -(-typical form 0.59- 0.70; -form nereis 0.58- 0.76) PMD -(-typical form 0.77- 0.94; -form nereis 0.82- 0.95) RSH -(-typical form 0.16- 0.26; -form nereis 0.20- 0.26) Discussion:- C. baileyi differs in having a usually narrower last whorl (RD 0.51- 0.63) and distinct spiral grooves on the late sutural ramps. C. memiae also differs from C. wakayamaensis in having distinct spiral grooves on the late sutural ramps; the outer margins of its teleoconch sutural ramps have regularly spaced brown dots and its last whorl pattern is more complex with usually narrower white spiral bands centrally. C. eugrammatus and C. wakayamaensis are extremely similar. RKK distinguish them primarily by colour pattern. C. wakayamaensis generally has more numerous and larger brown pigmented areas. Its spire has many irregular brown radial markings, and it lacks the widely and regularly spaced brown dots on the early postnuclear sutural ramps characteristic of C. eugrammatus. On the last whorl, C. wakayamaensis usually has 3 solid or interrupted brown spiral bands, while C. eugrammatus has 2-3 less regular and often less prominent bands.

Conus wakamayensis f. nereis Petuch, 1979

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in DMNH Mike Filmer Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Nemouria, no. 23, p. 18, f. 32 & 33 Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Off Panglao, Bohol Is., Philippines; ca. 250 m Type Data: Holotype in DMNH deposited and catalogued Type Size: 23 x 12 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus wakayamaensis Kuroda, 1956 Current Group Names:- Family:-CONILITHIDAE SubFamily:-CONILITHINAE Genus:-Conasprella Species:-wakayamaensis nereis forma Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms Geographic Range:-Philippines, Makassar Straits Habitat:-Found at depths of 30-240 m Description: Shells from Philippines described as C. nereis generally are smaller and may be broader but otherwise do not differ significantly from typical C. wakayamaensis. Discussion:-No Data


Conus wallacei Lorenz & Morrison, 2005

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in WAMP Original Desc.

Published in: Schriften zur Malakozoologie aus dem Haus der Natur Cismar, 21, 29-34 Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Pulau Kopoposang, Sulawesi, Indonesia Type Data: Holotype in WAMP deposited and catalogued Type Size: 6.6 x 3.7 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: Synonym of C. traillii A. Adams, 1855 Current Group Names:- Not appropriate for the name wallacei. ------

Conus wallangra Garrard, 1961

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in AMS Mike Filmer Picture Link: Paul Kersten Picture Link: Paul Kersten Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: J. Malacol. Soc. Aust. no. 5, p. 29, pl. 1, f. 3 Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: East of Stanwell Park, N. S. W., Australia; 75 fathoms Type Data: Holotype in AMS deposited and catalogued Type Size: 34 x 19 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: A valid species Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-PUNCTICULIINAE Genus:-Plicaustraconus Species:-wallangra Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms Geographic Range:-S Queensland, Australia; N New South Wales Habitat:-Found at depths of 100-200 m. Description:-Source Living Conidae Moderately small to medium-sized, moderately light to moderately solid. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical; outline convex at adapical fifth to half, straight below; left side variably concave at basal third. Basal part of columella with a tooth-like fold. Shoulder angulate. Spire usually low, outline concave to straight, with a projecting larval shell. Larval shell of 1.75-2 whorls, maximum diameter 1.1-1.3 mm. First 1-3 postnuclear whorls weakly tuberculate to almost smooth. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat, with 2-3 increasing to 7-9 spiral grooves. Last whorl with a few weak to obsolete spiral ribs and ribbons near base. Ground colour pale bluish violet or pale pink. Last whorl with partially reticulated brown to orange-brown flecks, blotches and lines fusing into an interrupted spiral band on each side of centre. Spiral rows of similarly coloured dots variably arranged between base and shoulder. Larval whorls white to light brown or light violet. Postnuclear sutural ramps with orange-brown to brown radial markings. Aperture light violet. Shell Morphometry L 25-50 mm RW 0.07-0.15 g/mm (L 25-40 mm) RD 0.64-0.68 PMD 0.81-0.89 RSH 0.05-0.13 Discussion:-C. wallangra resembles C. klemae, but the latter species is usually larger and differs in its higher and stepped spire (RSH 0.12-0.21), narrower larval shell (about 0.8 mm), and in the absence of a tooth-like fold from the basal part of its columella. C. angasi has a colour pattern that is not reticulated and comprises 3 rather than 2 spiral bands; the spiral rows on its last whorl consist of dots, dashes, spots and bars, and its aperture is white, suffused with cream and pink.


Conus wandae Cossignani, 2014

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in MMM Cupra Marittima Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Malacologia 82, p. 22 - 23 Ocean geography: East Atlantic and West Africa Type Locality: Baia Grande , Boa Vista, Cape Verde Type Data: Holotype in MMM, Cupra Marittima Type Size: 27,4 x 17,2 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: Possibly a morphotype of Africonus borgesi f. Tenorio based upon Tenorio et al., 2014 Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-PUNCTICULIINAE Genus:-Africonus Species:- borgesi f. wandae Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms Geographic Range:-Ervatao, Boa Vista Habitat:- The specimens studied were found at 0.5 to 3 meters deep, among rocks Description:-Source: Original description Malacologia Shell small pear-shaped profile ,with gentle convexity more pronounced adapically and almost zero in the anterior area. The height of the shells studied ranges from 22 mm to 33 mm. The spire has a low profile and is almost straight, but certain specimens is slightly higher, and there are 3 spiral striae visible on the whorl tops. The shoulder is slightly angular. The shell is smooth with light spiral grooves only in the anterior area. The aperture is wide and the color inside is marbeled white. The protoconch is flattened dome-shaped with suture lines just visible. Especially typical is the blotches of tawny -brown on last whorl. The blotches are shapeless like large clouds roughly zig- zag in shape, tawny -brown color on a white background. The area towards the siphonal canal is fawn-brown more consistent with darker smear of color towards the zenith. Discussion:-


Conus wendrosi Tenorio & Afonso, 2013

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in MNHN Paris Manuel Tenorio Picture Link: Paul Kersten Published in: Xenophora Taxonomy 1; p. 41 – 47; fig. 3 & 4; pl. 1 Ocean geography: Caribbean Type Locality: Barcadera, Leeward (West) coast of Aruba, in the Western Atlantic Type Data: Holotype in MNHN deposited and catalogued Type Size: 14,7 x 7,1mm Nomenclature: An available Name Taxonomy: A valid species Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE Genus:-Leptoconus Species:-wendrosi Synonyms:- Geographic Range:-Specimens have only been found at the type locality (Barcadera, Aruba) Habitat:-Found inside a sandbar adjacent to a mangrove swamp. The water between sandbar and the mangrove swamp is slightly acidic from decaying mangrove leaves, and is slightly brackish from rain water entering through the mangroves from the rolling hills. The shells can be found just under the sand on the sandbar from the shore to a depth of no more than 30 cm. Description:-Original description The shell is very small to small. General profile is conical, with a subangulated to slightly rounded shoulder. Spire high, sharp, often stepped in the 3-4 early whorls, concave in profile, with faint radial arcuate threads on the flat to slightly concave sutural ramps. Cords are absent. Protoconch paucispiral of 1.5 whorls, white, translucent. Sides of the last whorl are slightly convex. Body whorl is smooth except for 8-12 spiral grooves that occupy almost the entire anterior third of the body whorl. Posterior notch moderate deep. Anterior notch characteristic, well-developed. Spire is white with dark purplish axial flammules on the late sutural ramps. Last whorl bluish white covered by purplish brown axial flammules arranged in ziczac. This characteristic pattern can be dense or sparse. There are also rows of brown dots and dashes, usually concentrated around the midbody. Columella white, twisted. Aperture is white, with diffuse pale purplish blotches in some specimens. Discussion:-No Data


Conus whiteheadae da Motta, 1985

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in MHNG Mike Filmer

Published in: La Conchiglia xvii, no. 190-191, p. 26, f. 3a-b Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Vicinity of Lord Howe and Lady Musgrave Islands, Australia. Type Data: Holotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued Type Size: 96.5 x 51 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: Synonym of Conus sugimotonis Kuroda, 1928 Current Group Names:- Not appropriate for the name whiteheadae


Conus wilsi Delsaerdt 1998

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in IRSN Mike Filmer

Published in: Gloria Maris xxxvi, no. 4, p. 69, f. 1-4. Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Red Sea, S. of Quseir, Egypt Type Data: Holotype in IRSN deposited and catalogued Type Size: 30 x 16.6 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: A valid species Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-PUNCTICULIINAE Genus:-Rhizoconus Species:-wilsi Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms Geographic Range:-Red Sea Habitat:-No Data Description:-Source Original description Shell moderately small, conical; last whorl with a straight outline and smooth, almost flat spire: sutural ramps with 3 spiral grooves increasingly crossed by axial threads: shoulder angulate and undulate; aperture narrow and lip translucent. Pattern of brown spots veins on a (violet-) white ground colour: central white band edged by spiral rows of brown spots of flames. Discussion:------

Conus wistaria Shikama, 1970

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in KPMY Mike Filmer

Published in: Sci. Rep. Yokohama Nat'l. Univ. sect. II, no. 16 p. 24, text f. 3 & 4 Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Bungo Channel, Southwest Japan Type Data: Holotype in KPMY deposited and catalogued Type Size: 60.5 x 28.7 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: Synonym colour form of Conus fulmen Reeve, 1843 Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE Genus:-Pionoconus Species:-fulmen wistaria forma Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms Geographic Range:-Japan, Phillipines Habitat:-Deep water Description:-Source Living Conidae C. fulmen Medium-sized to moderately large, moderately solid to solid. Last whorl ventricosely conical; outline convex adapically, less so or straight below. Shoulder subangulate to rounded. Spire of low to moderate height, outline straight to slightly convex. Larval shell of about 2.75 whorls, maximum diameter about 0.9 mm. About first 4 postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps convex to almost flat, with 2 increasing to 4 spiral grooves in early whorls, and many spiral striae in later whorls. Last whorl with wrinkled spiral ribs abapically, often followed by spiral threads. Colour violet blending with white. Last whorl encircled with continuous, broad or narrow, violet to tan bands above and below a narrow light band at centre. Solid or dotted brown spiral lines and dark brown axial blotches and flames vary in number, arrangement and prominence; form kirai without axial flames and blotches. Larval whorls orangish red. Teleoconch sutural ramps with variably broad reddish to blackish brown radial blotches. Aperture white or pale violet. Shell Morphometry L 45-80 mm RW 0.18-0.34 g/mm (L 45-65 mm) RD 0.55-0.62 PMD 0.75-0.85 RSH 0.10-0.15 C. f. wistaria is solid violet shell with only traces of spiral brown bands; convex sides and shoulder not marked Discussion:-No Data


Conus wittigi Walls, 1977

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in DMNH Alan Kohn Picture Link: Paul Kersten Picture Link: Paul Kersten

Published in: Pariah no. 1, p. 1, pl. Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Lesser Sunda Is., North of Timor Type Data: Holotype in DMNH deposited and catalogued Type Size: 31.8 x 15 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: A valid species Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-PUNCTICULIINAE Genus:-Asprella Species:-wittigi Synonyms:- kongaensis da Motta, 1984 Geographic Range:-Sunda Islands (Indonesia) Habitat:-In shallow water, wittigi reported from 3- 10 m, on fine sand near living coral or in coral pockets Description:-Source Living Conidae Moderately small to medium-sized, generally moderately light. Last whorl ventricosely conical to conoid-cylindrical; outline slightly convex at adapical two-thirds, straight below; left side may be sigmoid. Aperture wider at base than near shoulder. Shoulder angulate. Spire of low to moderate height, outline concave. Larval shell of 2.25-2.5 whorls, maximum diameter 0.8-0.9 mm. Teleoconch sutural ramps flat, with 1 increasing to 3-4 major spiral grooves. Basal third to half of last whorl with wide spiral grooves at base and narrow grooves above; ribbons between grade to ribs at anterior end. Ground colour white. Last whorl with yellow to red brown reticulated lines, edging variably sized white tents and blotches. Pattern fuses into very interrupted to solid spiral bands of varying width above and below centre. Within colour bands, axially arranged dark lines, sometimes with a few spiral rows of alternating brown and white tents. Shells with a rather fine network that is only slightly concentrated on each side of centre (described as C. wittigi) intergrade with shells with a coarse brown network and broad rather solid brown spiral bands (described as C. kongaensis). Larval whorls beige. Postnuclear sutural ramps with orange to brown radial lines and blotches. Aperture white; in specimens described as C. kongaensis, aperture sometimes brown deep within. Shell Morphometry L 26-42 mm RW 0.08-0.13 g/mm RD 0.56-0.62 PMD 0.80-0.86 RSH 0.07-0.17 Discussion:-C. wittigi is a smaller species (L 26-42 mm) than C. spectrum with an often higher spire (RSH 0.07-0.17), and a reticulate pattern with triangular markings rather than axial markings on the last whorl.

Conus wittigi f. kongaensis da Motta, 1984

Pictures:. Picture Link: Holotype in MHNG Mike Filmer

Published in: La Conchiglia xvi, no. 182-183, p. 8-9 Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific Type Locality: Easternmost island called Konga off Laran Tuka, SE Flores, Banda Sea, Indonesia Type Data: Holotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued Type Size: 36 x 20 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus wittigi Walls, 1977 Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-PUNCTICULIINAE Genus:-Asprella Species:-wittigi kongaensis forma Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms Geographic Range:-Sunda Island (Indonesia) Habitat:-In shallow water, wittigi reported from 3- 10 m Description:-Source Living Conidae Shells described as C. kongaensis differ from those described as C. wittigi in having generally broader last whorls, often slightly wider apertures, darker larval shells, and coarser reticulate pattern with pronounced, wide red-brown spiral bands. Discussion:-No Data


Conus worki Petuch, 1998

Pictures: Picture Link: Holotype in FMNH C. Meyer Picture Link: Paul Kersten Picture Link: Paul Kersten Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio

Published in: La Conchiglia xxx, no. 287, p. 25, figs. Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean Type Locality: Vitoria, Espiritu Santo, Brazil, 35 m. Type Data: Holotype in FMNH deposited and catalogued Type Size: 35 x 18 mm Nomenclature: An available name Taxonomy: A valid species Current Group Names:- Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-PUNCTICULIINAE Genus:-Dauciconus Species:-worki Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms Geographic Range:-Brazil Habitat:-Offshore in 10-40 m. Description:-Source Original description Shell of average size for subgenus, smooth, glossy, sharply angled, carinated; anterior end ornamented with 10-12 thin cords; spire flattened, with only earliest whorls projecting; spire whorls distinctly canaliculate, incised with 3 faint spiral threads; early whorls and protoconch pale orange; base colour yellow-orange or orange-pink with distinct, thin white or pale orange mid-body band; band overlaid with large brown flammules and rows of large brown dots; some specimens (holotype) with scattered lines of large brown dots; interior of aperture pale pinkish- white; spire yellowish-orange with numerous evenly spaced, pale orange-tan crescent-shaped flammules. Discussion:-Conus worki is most similar to the widespread Caribbean C. daucus Hwass, 1792 (southern Florida to northern Brazil), but differs in consistently being a narrower, more slender shell that is less broad across the shoulder. The spire whorls of the species are distinctly more channeled than those of C. daucus and are bordered by a raised carina. Although often being orange in color like C. daucus, C. worki never is as intense, being mostly a much paler yellow orange on orange-pink. The new species also differs from C. daucus in consistently having a white mid-body band that is bounded by brown flammules and dots and, most importantly, having a yellow protoconch instead of a pink one. Conus daucus is also a more textured shell, having numerous fine spiral threads that give the shell a silky appearance. Conus worki is a much smoother shell, lacking the spire threads and having a glossy, polished appearance. The new species is also similar to the sympatric C. riosi Petuch, 1986, but differs in being a smaller and much narrower shell with more projecting early whorls and a more canaliculate spire. Conus riosi is a much more colorful shell, with numerous dark longitudinal flammules and a much wider and more heavily marked mid-body band.


Copyright Paul Kersten. Rights to all images remains with the originator. Every effort has been made by the editor to respect copyright and image rights and to seek the appropriate approvals. The source of any text quoted from original descriptions or other publications is acknowledged. Acknowledgements and References can be viewed by clicking on the links provided. Should you have any queries or material which would improve the content of the website, you may contact the author at the E mail address on home page.

Last update April 2014

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