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The American Diet Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias. Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.

Food Labels School Nutrition Eating Habits Portion Control Healthy Fast Fast Food Food Taxing Eating & Psychology Foods Benefits(?)

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Food Labeling 1. Swartz, Jonas J., et al. "Simplifying Healthful Choices: A Qualitative Study Of A Physical Activity Based Nutrition Label Format." Nutrition Journal 12.1 (2013): 1-9. direct=true&db=aph&AN=88981155&site=ehost-live 2. DeVille-Almond, Jane, and Kate Halliwell. "Understanding And Interpreting Nutrition Information On Food Labels." Nursing Standard 28.29 (2014): 50-57. direct=true&db=aph&AN=95012584&site=ehost-live 3. Chu, Yong H., et al. "Improving Patrons' Meal Selections Through The Use Of Point-Of-Selection Nutrition Labels." American Journal Of Public Health 99.11 (2009): 2001-2005. direct=true&db=aph&AN=47508707&site=ehost-live 4. Wills, Josephine M., et al. "Exploring Global Consumer Attitudes Toward Nutrition Information On Food Labels." Nutrition Reviews 67.(2009): S102-S106. direct=true&db=aph&AN=38219170&site=ehost-live 5. "Get To Know Your Food Labels." Harvard Health Letter 38.12 (2013): 6. 6. Byrd-Bredbenner, Carol, Lisa Alfieri, and Laurie Kiefer. "The Nutrition Label Knowledge And Usage Behaviours Of Women In The US." Nutrition Bulletin 25.4 (2000): 315-322. direct=true&db=aph&AN=5609476&site=ehost-live 7. Bonsmann, S. Storcksdieck genannt, L. Fernández Celemín, and K. G. Grunert. "Food Labelling To Advance Better Education For Life." European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 64.(2010): S14-S19. 8. Nayga Jr., Rodolfo M. "Nutrition Knowledge, Gender, And Food Label Use." Journal Of Consumer Affairs 34.1 (2000): 97. 9. Drichoutis, Andreas C., Jr., Rodolfo M. Nayga, and Panagiotis Lazaridis. "Can Nutritional Label Use Influence Body Weight Outcomes?." Kyklos 62.4 (2009): 500-525. direct=true&db=aph&AN=44730223&site=ehost-live 10. Zarkin, Gary A., et al. "Potential Health Benefits Of Nutrition Label Changes." American Journal Of Public Health 83.5 (1993): 717-724. live

Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases Page 1 The American Diet 11. Winkles, Devon E. "Weighing The Value Of Information: Why The Federal Government Should Require Nutrition Labeling For Food Served In Restaurants." Emory Law Journal 59.2 (2009): 549-584. 12. Roberto, Christina A., et al. "Evaluating The Impact Of Menu Labeling On Food Choices And Intake." American Journal Of Public Health 100.2 (2010): 312-318. direct=true&db=aph&AN=47521828&site=ehost-live 13. Hersey, James C, et al. "Effects Of Front-Of-Package And Shelf Nutrition Labeling Systems On Consumers." Nutrition Reviews 71.1 (2013): 1-14. direct=true&db=aph&AN=84578447&site=ehost-live 14. HIEKE, SOPHIE, and CHARLES R. TAYLOR. "A Critical Review Of The Literature On Nutritional Labeling." Journal Of Consumer Affairs 46.1 (2012): 120-156. direct=true&db=aph&AN=73489785&site=ehost-live 15. Savage, L. C., and R. K. Johnson. "Labelling In Restaurants: Will It Make A Difference?." Nutrition Bulletin 31.4 (2006): 332-338. 16. Rigby, P.M., and Y. Tommis. "Improving Food Purchasing Choices Through Increased Understanding Of Food Labels, Using Itemized Till Receipts To Measure These Changes." Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 21.4 (2008): 400-401. 17. Sandroff, Ronni. "Misleading Food Labels." Consumer Reports On Health 22.1 (2010): 2. 18. Welsh, Teresa. "Does The FDA Need To Update Nutrition Labels On Packaged Food?." U.S. News Digital Weekly 6.9 (2014): 55. 19. "Why You Must Read Nutrition Labels." Prevention 65.6 (2013): 1. direct=true&db=aph&AN=88352994&site=ehost-live 20. Katz, David L. "Improving Nutrition Labels: Is 'Better' Good Enough?." U.S. News Digital Weekly 6.10 (2014): 9. 21. Sifferlin, Alexandra. "FDA Revising Food Nutrition Labels." Time.Com (2014): 1. 22. Lunau, Kate. "That's How Many Calories?." Maclean's 125.10 (2012): 58. 23. Pomeranz, Jennifer L. "A Comprehensive Strategy To Overhaul FDA Authority For Misleading Food Labels." American Journal Of Law & Medicine 39.4 (2013): 617-647. direct=true&db=aph&AN=93363233&site=ehost-live 24. "Be Aware And Beware Of What The Label Says." Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 31.5 (2013): 4-5. 25. Sifferlin, Alexandra. "Label Lift." Time 183.5 (2014): 20. direct=true&db=aph&AN=94182339&site=ehost-live 26. Chung-Jung, Chiu, et al. "Informing Food Choices And Health Outcomes By Use Of The Dietary Glycemic Index." Nutrition Reviews 69.4 (2011): 231-242. direct=true&db=aph&AN=59748526&site=ehost-live 27. Burling, Alexis. "NUTRITION: Look At The Label-Please!." Scholastic Choices 26.4 (2011): 18-20. 28. KITA, PAUL. "When Labels Lie." Men's Health (10544836) 28.10 (2013): 132-133.

Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases Page 2 The American Diet School Nutrition 1. Li, Ji, and Neal H. Hooker. "Childhood Obesity And Schools: Evidence From The National Survey Of Children's Health." Journal Of School Health 80.2 (2010): 96-103. direct=true&db=aph&AN=47657095&site=ehost-live 2. BLAD, EVIE. "School Breakfast Scorecard 2012-13." Education Week 33.19 (2014): 4-5. 3. Edwards, Charles. "Rollout Of School Meals Option Proves Popular, Study Says." Education Week 33.6 (2013): 24. 4. Robinson-O'Brien, Ramona, et al. "Associations Between School Meals Offered Through The National School Lunch Program And The School Breakfast Program And Fruit And Vegetable Intake Among Ethnically Diverse, Low- Income Children." Journal Of School Health 80.10 (2010): 487-492. direct=true&db=aph&AN=53568740&site=ehost-live 5. Cooper, Ann. "Lunch Lessons." Educational Leadership 68.8 (2011): 75-78. 6. "Federal Child Nutrition Programs." Congressional Digest 89.10 (2010): 292-320. 7. Blad, Evie. "USDA Opts To Keep In Place More-Flexible Lunch Rules." Education Week 33.17 (2014): 7. 8. JOHNS, STEPHANE. "The Feud Over Food The Truth About The School Lunch Wars. (Cover Story)." District Administration 46.1 (2010): 21-25. direct=true&db=aph&AN=47549556&site=ehost-live 9. Shah, Nirvi. "School-Meals Makeover Stirs The Pot. (Cover Story)." Education Week 30.27 (2011): 1-23. 10. Wharton, Christopher M., Michael Long, and Marlene B. Schwartz. "Changing Nutrition Standards In Schools: The Emerging Impact On School Revenue." Journal Of School Health 78.5 (2008): 245-251. 11. "Junk Food Epidemic." Christian Century 129.11 (2012): 7. direct=true&db=aph&AN=76252213&site=ehost-live 12. Agron, Peggy, et al. "School Wellness Policies: Perceptions, Barriers, And Needs Among School Leaders And Wellness Advocates." Journal Of School Health 80.11 (2010): 527-535. direct=true&db=aph&AN=54300992&site=ehost-live 13. Huber, Bridget. "Michelle's Moves. (Cover Story)." Nation 295.18 (2012): 11-17. 14. Shah, Nirvi. "Rules Aim To Make School Meals Healthier." Education Week 31.19 (2012): 16-19. 15. Bhatia, Rajiv, Paula Jones, and Zetta Reicker. "Competitive Foods, Discrimination, And Participation In The National School Lunch Program." American Journal Of Public Health 101.8 (2011): 1380-1386. 16. David, Jane L. "School Meals And Learning." Educational Leadership 67.4 (2009): 88-89. 17. Long, Michael W., Kathryn E. Henderson, and Marlene B. Schwartz. "Evaluating The Impact Of A Connecticut Program To Reduce Availability Of Unhealthy Competitive Food In Schools." Journal Of School Health 80.10 (2010): 478-486. 18. BEVANS, KATHERINE B., et al. "Children's Eating Behavior: The Importance Of Nutrition Standards For Foods In Schools." Journal Of School Health 81.7 (2011): 424-429. direct=true&db=aph&AN=61214796&site=ehost-live

Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases Page 3 The American Diet 19. "Got Breakfast?." Curriculum Review 49.4 (2009): 4. direct=true&db=aph&AN=46814442&site=ehost-live 20. Cullen, Karen Weber, Kathy Watson, and Issa Zakeri. "Improvements In Middle School Student Dietary Intake After Implementation Of The Texas Public School Nutrition Policy." American Journal Of Public Health 98.1 (2008): 111-117. 21. Chmelynski, Carol. "Free Student Breakfasts: Surest Way To Raise Performance." Education Digest 72.8 (2007): 59-61.’ 22. Shah, Nirvi. "New Federal School-Meals Rules Could Lead To Rising Lunch Prices." Education Week 31.3 (2011): 8. 23. Tokofsky, David. "Food For Thought." American School Board Journal June 2008: 25+. 24. GRAINGER, CORBETT, BENJAMIN SENAUER, and C. FORD RUNGE. "Nutritional Improvements And Student Food Choices In A School Lunch Program." Journal Of Consumer Affairs 41.2 (2007): 265-284. 25. GOSLINER, WENDI, et al. "Would Students Prefer To Eat Healthier Foods At School?." Journal Of School Health 81.3 (2011): 146-151. 26. Taylor, J. C., and R. K. Johnson. "Farm To School As A Strategy To Increase Children's Fruit And Vegetable Consumption In The United States: Research And Recommendations." Nutrition Bulletin 38.1 (2013): 70-79. 27. PRELIP, MICHAEL, et al. "Effects Of A School-Based Nutrition Program Diffused Throughout A Large Urban Community On Attitudes, Beliefs, And Behaviors Related To Fruit And Vegetable Consumption." Journal Of School Health 81.9 (2011): 520-529. direct=true&db=aph&AN=64728121&site=ehost-live 28. Kubik, Martha Y., et al. "The Association Of The School Food Environment With Dietary Behaviors Of Young Adolescents." American Journal Of Public Health 93.7 (2003): 1168-1173. direct=true&db=aph&AN=10164860&site=ehost-live 29. Upton, D., P. Upton, and C. Taylor. "Fruit And Vegetable Intake Of Primary School Children: A Study Of School Meals." Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 25.6 (2012): 557-562. direct=true&db=aph&AN=83585158&site=ehost-live 30. Cooper, N., and C. Jones. "Improving The Quality Of Packed Lunches In Primary School Children." Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 24.4 (2011): 384-385. direct=true&db=aph&AN=62957048&site=ehost-live 31. Dunsford, Elizabeth. "Healthy Schools: Promoting A Healthier Lifestyle." Practice Nurse 36.8 (2008): 36-38. 32. Fisher, C., P. Nicholas, and W. Marshall. "Cooking In Schools: Rewarding Teachers For Inspiring Adolescents To Make Healthy Choices." Nutrition Bulletin 36.1 (2011): 120-123. direct=true&db=aph&AN=58120806&site=ehost-live 33. "Healthy Schools?." District Administration 42.8 (2006): 24. direct=true&db=aph&AN=21816548&site=ehost-live 34. PASCH, KERYN E., et al. "Are School Vending Machines Loaded With Calories And Fat: An Assessment Of 106 Middle And High Schools." Journal Of School Health 81.4 (2011): 212-218. direct=true&db=aph&AN=59205781&site=ehost-live 35. BATHGATE, Katherine, and Andrea BEGLEY. "'It's Very Hard To Find What To Put In The Kid's Lunch': What Perth Parents Think About Food For School Lunch Boxes." Nutrition & Dietetics 68.1 (2011): 21-26. 36. "Schools Using Unique Ways To Get Kids Healthy." Nation's Health 37.3 (2007): 15.

Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases Page 4 The American Diet 37. Shahid, Barbara. "A Study Of School Principals And The Promotion Of Nutritional Health In Middle Grade Schools." Education 123.3 (2003): 552. direct=true&db=aph&AN=9557025&site=ehost-live 38. STORY, MARY, MARILYN S. NANNEY, and MARLENE B. SCHWARTZ. "Schools And Obesity Prevention: Creating School Environments And Policies To Promote Healthy Eating And Physical Activity." Milbank Quarterly 87.1 (2009): 71-100. 39. Thomas, Chandra R. "She Created The First Sugar-Free School." People 68.21 (2007): 97. 40. "Principals Feeling Impact Of New Lunch Regulations." Education Digest 78.7 (2013): 47-49. 41. Veugelers, Paul J., and Angela L. Fitzgerald. "Effectiveness Of School Programs In Preventing Childhood Obesity: A Multilevel Comparison." American Journal Of Public Health 95.3 (2005): 432-435. 42. Kummer, Corby. "Fixing Lunch." Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 304.1 (2009): 32.

Eating Habits of Americans 1. LIEBMAN, BONNIE. "The Changing American Diet." Nutrition Action Health Letter 40.7 (2013): 10-11. 2. Gregory, Sean. "Calorie-Conscious Menus." Time 173.25 (2009): 45-46. direct=true&db=aph&AN=42007507&site=ehost-live 3. Guo, X, et al. "Healthy Eating Index And Obesity." European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 58.12 (2004): 1580- 1586. 4. Basiotis, P. Peter, et al. "The Healthy Eating Index, 1999-2000: Charting Dietary Patterns Of Americans." Family Economics & Nutrition Review 16.1 (2004): 39-48. direct=true&db=aph&AN=14397396&site=ehost-live 5. Variyam, Jayachandran N., Young Shim, and James Blaylock. "Consumer Misperceptions Of Diet Quality." Journal Of Nutrition Education 33.6 (2001): 314. direct=true&db=aph&AN=5948427&site=ehost-live 6. Meisler, Jodi Godfrey. "Toward Optimal Health: The Experts Discuss The American Diet." Journal Of Women's Health & Gender-Based Medicine 10.6 (2001): 519-523. direct=true&db=aph&AN=5323796&site=ehost-live 7. "Mediterranean Diet Sails Well In The USA." Harvard Heart Letter 19.1 (2008): 6. 8. The, Lancet. "America's New "Food Pyramid&Rdquo." Lancet 365.9470 (2005): 1516. 9. "Care Needed When Studying Healthy Eating Habits." Nursing Standard 23.9 (2008): 16. 10. Sharkey, Joseph R., Cassandra M. Johnson, and Wesley R. Dean. "Less-Healthy Eating Behaviors Have A Greater Association With A High Level Of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Rural Adults Than Among Urban Adults." Food & Nutrition Research 55.(2011): 1-9. direct=true&db=aph&AN=65592569&site=ehost-live 11. "Build Your Own Food Pyramid." Nursing 35.7 (2005): 34. direct=true&db=aph&AN=17392686&site=ehost-live 12. "US Healthy Eating Drops." Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 31.12 (2014): 2. Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases Page 5 The American Diet 13. "Eating Your Vegetables And Fruit?." Consumer Reports On Health 23.3 (2011): 8-9. 14. Hollis, Paul L. "U.S. Fall Vegetable Production Area Expected To Decrease." Southwest Farm Press 35.23 (2008): 10. 15. "Who's Living Healthy?." Brandweek 50.8 (2009): 14. direct=true&db=aph&AN=36810337&site=ehost-live 16. Grimm, K. A., et al. "State-Specific Trends In Fruit And Vegetable Consumption Among Adults -- United States, 2000-2009. (Cover Story)." MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report 59.35 (2010): 1125-1130. 17. "America Gets A Poor Report Card On Fruit And Vegetable Intake." Environmental Nutrition 34.3 (2011): 1. 18. "Nutrition 101: Good Eating For Good Health." Harvard Men's Health Watch 13.12 (2009): 6-8. 19. "Americans Still Fall Short On Fruits And Veggies." Environmental Nutrition 35.10 (2012): 1. 20. Perelman, Alison. "The Pyramid Scheme: Visual Metaphors And The USDA's Pyramid Food Guides." Design Issues 27.3 (2011): 60-71. live 21. Currie, Donya. "USDA Unveils New Myplate Meal Icon To Replace Food Pyramid." Nation's Health 41.6 (2011): 9. 22. "New Dietary Guidelines Offer Sketch For Healthy Eating." Harvard Heart Letter 21.11 (2011): 4-5. 23. Watts, Mary Lee, et al. "The Art Of Translating Nutritional Science Into Dietary Guidance: History And Evolution Of The Dietary Guidelines For Americans." Nutrition Reviews 69.7 (2011): 404-412. 24. "2002 Then & Now 2012." People 77.1 (2012): 108-109. direct=true&db=aph&AN=70076709&site=ehost-live 25. "Study In US Finds Link Between Healthy Eating, Exercise And Longevity." Nursing Older People 24.6 (2012): 4. 26. Outland, Lauren, Hala Madanat, and Frank Rust. "Intuitive Eating For A Healthy Weight." Primary Health Care 23.9 (2013): 22-28. 27. Bleich, Sara N., et al. "Diet-Beverage Consumption And Caloric Intake Among US Adults, Overall And By Body Weight." American Journal Of Public Health 104.3 (2014): e72-e78. direct=true&db=aph&AN=94398891&site=ehost-live 28. Braveman, Paula A., et al. "Socioeconomic Disparities In Health In The United States: What The Patterns Tell Us." American Journal Of Public Health 100.S1 (2010): S186-S196. direct=true&db=aph&AN=52016313&site=ehost-live 29. Troost, Jonathan P., et al. "Temporal And Regional Trends In The Prevalence Of Healthy Lifestyle Characteristics: United States, 1994-2007." American Journal Of Public Health 102.7 (2012): 1392-1998. 30. Creel, Jennifer S., et al. "Availability Of Healthier Options In Traditional And Nontraditional Rural Fast-Food Outlets." BMC Public Health 8.(2008): 395-103. direct=true&db=aph&AN=51491797&site=ehost-live

Fast Food and Obesity (portion control)

Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases Page 6 The American Diet 1. FARIS, STEPHAN. "Eat Like An Italian." Time 179.7 (2012): 1-4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. 2. Piernas, Carmen, and Barry M. Popkin. "Food Portion Patterns And Trends Among U.S. Children And The Relationship To Total Eating Occasion Size, 1977-2006." Journal Of Nutrition 141.6 (2011): 1159-1164. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=60907391&site=ehost-live 3. Gary A. Wittert, et al. "Determinants Of Fast-Food Consumption. An Application Of The Theory Of Planned Behaviour." Appetite 57.2 (2011): 349-357. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. 4. Prentice, A.M., and S.A. Jebb. "Fast Foods, Energy Density And Obesity: A Possible Mechanistic Link." Obesity Reviews 4.4 (2003): 187. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=11301910&site=ehost-live 5. Anthony D. Okely, et al. "Influences On Consumption Of Soft Drinks And Fast Foods In Adolescents." Asia Pacific Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 18.3 (2009): 447-452. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. 6. Frazier, Dustin A. "The Link Between Fast Food And The Obesity Epidemic." Health Matrix: Journal Of Law- Medicine 17.2 (2007): 291-317. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. 7. Jeffery, Robert W., and Simone A. French. "Epidemic Obesity In The United States: Are Fast Foods And Television Viewing Contributing?." American Journal Of Public Health 88.2 (1998): 277-280. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. 8. Jasti, Sunitha, Lee Chang Hyun, and Colleen Doak. "Gender, Acculturation, Food Patterns, And Overweight In Korean Immigrants." American Journal Of Health Behavior 35.6 (2011): 734-745. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. live 9. "Are Fast-Food Establishments Making Americans Fat?." Journal Of Controversial Medical Claims 10.4 (2003): 1- 10. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=11611294&site=ehost-live 10. Beydoun, May A., Lisa M. Powell, and Youfa Wang. "The Association Of Fast Food, Fruit And Vegetable Prices With Dietary Intakes Among US Adults: Is There Modification By Family Income?." Social Science & Medicine 66.11 (2008): 2218-2229. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=31922093&site=ehost-live 11. Jr, J. Charles Huber, et al. "Availability Of Healthier Options In Traditional And Nontraditional Rural Fast-Food Outlets." BMC Public Health 8.(2008): 395-103. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. 12. Brownell, Kelly, and Marion Nestle. "Are You Responsible For Your Own Weight?." Time 163.23 (2004): 113. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=13241951&site=ehost-live 13. S. V. Subramanian, et al. "Proximity To Food Establishments And Body Mass Index In The Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort Over 30 Years." American Journal Of Epidemiology 174.10 (2011): 1108-1114. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=67133621&site=ehost-live 14. Ava Swartz, et al. "EDITOR's CHOICE. On The Front Lines Of Childhood Obesity." American Journal Of Public Health 100.11 (2010): 2018. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=55088364&site=ehost-live 15. Bell, A. C., and B. A. Swinburn. "What Are The Key Food Groups To Target For Preventing Obesity And Improving Nutrition In Schools?." European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 58.2 (2004): 258-263. Academic Search Premier. Web. 15 Mar. 2012.

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Fast Food Tax Not all article links may work; if you experience problems with a link, please contact the library for assistance

1. Colquhoun, Lachlan (2006-05-27). "Shouldn't we tax fatties? Daily Mail article by Giles Coren, host of 'Tax the Fat' More4 documentary.". Daily Mail (London). fatties.html. Retrieved 2006-08-30. 2. "Government unit 'urges fat tax'". BBC News. 2004-02-19. Retrieved 2006-05-09. 3. Leigh, Suzanne (2004-12-01). "'Twinkie tax' worth a try in fight against obesity". USA Today. Retrieved 2010-05-02. 4. "Small Taxes on Soft Drinks and Snack Foods to Promote Health".

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1. Nilsson, Kristine Lilholt. "Denmark: Taxes On Unhealthy Living, The Saga Continues." European Food & Feed Law Review 6.6 (2011): 357. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=70291001&site=ehost-live 2. B. Swinburn, et al. "'Traffic-Light' Nutrition Labelling And 'Junk-Food' Tax: A Modelled Comparison Of Cost- Effectiveness For Obesity Prevention." International Journal Of Obesity 35.7 (2011): 1001-1009. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=62547449&site=ehost-live 3. POWELL, LISA M., and FRANK J. CHALOUPKA. "Food Prices And Obesity: Evidence And Policy Implications For Taxes And Subsidies." Milbank Quarterly 87.1 (2009): 229-257. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. 4. Creighton, Robert. "Fat Taxes." Journal Of Legal Medicine 31.1 (2010): 123-136. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. 5. Green, Rebecca. "The Ethics Of Sin Taxes." Public Health Nursing 28.1 (2011): 68-77. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Feb. 2013.

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