Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

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Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______ Early English Period/Beowulf Unit

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 1 5.01 What is expected of me in -Students begin class by writing a -Course -Intelligences 6.01 this course? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. handouts Quiz 6.02 -Students receive handout on Course -Out of What were three important Description, Class Rules, Class Class Passes events that occurred in Procedures, and Class Expectations. Brittan during the Early -Students receive five “Out of Class -Student England Period? Passes” to use for the entirety of the Infor- semester. mation Sheet What are the characteristics -Students complete Student of an epic? Information Sheet and Student Interest -Student Sheet. Interest -Students complete the questionnaire Sheet on Intelligences. -Intelli- -Students take notes on the Early gences Quiz England Period. -Students take notes on the -Early characteristics on an epic. England Period Handout

-Defining the Epic Handout Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 2 1.03 How does Beowulf adhere to -Students begin class by writing a -Notes quiz -Notes quiz 5.01 the conventions of an epic? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. -Beowulf 5.02 -Students take a quiz on the notes from -Beowulf Character 5.03 -What is a kenning? the previous day. handout Analysis Sheet 6.01 -Students receive a handout with 6.02 -What are some information regarding Beowulf. -Kenning characteristics of Hrothgar? -Students receive Kenning Worksheet. Worksheet The concept of a kenning is explained to students. Students practice writing -Beowulf kennings of their own. As a class, we Literary review the kennings the students came Terms up with for the nouns provided on the worksheet. -“Early -Students receive a Beowulf Literary History of Terms Worksheet. Students look up the Danes” the definition of the literary term in the Handout glossary of the textbook. Students will find examples of the literary terms as -Beowulf we read Beowulf. Character -Students receive a summary of the Analysis “Early History of the Danes.” Student Sheet volunteers begin reading the summary aloud, so the students will have a basic understanding of the lineage of the Danish monarchy before beginning Beowulf. -Students receive Beowulf Character Analysis sheets to analysis specific characters in Beowulf. Students begin by analyzing Hrothgar. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 3 1.01 Name the accomplishments -Students begin class by writing a Wrath of -Quiz on -Notes quiz 1.02 Beowulf has completed that journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Grendel: previous -Cartoon of one of 1.03 makes him believe that he is -Students take a quiz on the notes from p. 41 day’s class Beowulf’s 5.01 capable of defeating Grendel. the previous day. -Beowulf Accomplishments 5.02 -Read the following selections from The Literary 5.03 Beowulf in the textbook: Coming Terms 6.01 “The Wrath of Grendel” of -Beowulf 6.02 “The Coming of Beowulf” Beowulf: Character -Complete more selections in the p. 43 Analysis Beowulf Character Analysis Sheet for Sheet Hrothgar, Beowulf, and Grendel. -Overhead -Begin filling out the Beowulf Literary for Cartoon Terms Sheet for any literary terms of located in the text so far. Beowulf’s -Complete a cartoon of one of Accom- Beowulf’s three accomplishments. plishments Students are given a piece of white assignment computer paper on which to draw. Students must write the line from the text which describes the accomplishment that they drew. Students also must include the line number. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 4 1.01 -Name an attribute that the -Students begin class by writing a “The -Quiz -Quiz 1.02 Anglo-Saxon culture valued journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Battle -Written Boast 1.03 in their heroes. -Students take a quiz on the reading with -“Write an (understanding of 4.02 from the previous day. Grendel” Anglo- literary terms) 4.03 -“Write an Anglo-Saxon Boast”: p. 48 Saxon 5.01 Students write a boast about an Boast” 5.02 accomplishment they have achieved. Overhead 5.03 The achievement should be exaggerated 6.01 to make it sound as superhuman as -“The 6.02 possible. Students must include the Battle with following conventions of Anglo-Saxon Grendel” poetry: Alliteration, Allusion, Caesura, from and Kenning. Each literary term needs Grendel’s to be underlined and labeled. point of -Read “The Battle with Grendel.” view— -In groups, students re-write “The Assignment Battle with Grendel” from Grendel’s point of view. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 5 1.01 -Do you think Grendel’s -Students begin class by writing a “The -Quiz -Quiz 1.03 mother is justified in her journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Monster’ -Summary 4.03 actions? Why or why not? -Students take a quiz on the reading s Lair”: of 5.01 from the previous day. p. 51 “Grendel’s 5.02 -In groups, students finish re-writing Mother” 5.03 “The Battle with Grendel” from “The -“Dear 6.01 Grendel’s point of view. Battle Geats” 6.02 -Students present their re-writes of with Overhead “The Battle with Grendel” from Grendel’s Assignment Grendel’s point of view. Mother”: -Read the summary of “Grendel’s p. 52 Mother” -Read the following selections from Beowulf in the textbook: “The Monster’s Lair” “The Battle with Grendel’s Mother” -“Dear Gears Letter”: Write a letter from the point of view of one of Beowulf’s men. Describe the events you have encountered since you arrived in Denmark. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Informal Day Daily Essential Question Lesson (from NC-SCOS) Text Other Assessments

6 4.01 -Do you believe that Beowulf’s -Students begin class by writing a journal “The Last -Quiz -Quiz 4.02 actions are heroic? Why or why entry for 5-10 minutes. Battle”: -Summary of -Critical Analysis 5.01 not? -Students take a quiz on the reading from p. 56 “Beowulf Questions 5.02 the previous day. Battles the -Literary Analysis 5.03 -Read “The Last Battle” “The Dragon” Questions 6.01 -Read the summary of “Beowulf Battles the Spoils”: -Beowulf 6.02 Dragon” p. 60 Projects -Read the following selections from handout Beowulf in the textbook: “The “The Spoils” Farewell” “The Farewell” p. 61 -Complete all critical analysis questions on p. 62. Critical -Complete questions 3 and 6 on p. 63 Analysis -Students receive handout on Beowulf Questions Projects. p. 62

Literary Analysis Questions p. 63 7 1.01 -How can you synthesize your -Students begin class by writing a journal -Beowulf -Quiz 4.01 knowledge of Beowulf into a entry for 5-10 minutes. Projects -Progress on 4.02 project? -In groups or individually, students work handout Beowulf Project Goal 5 on Beowulf Projects Goal 6 8 1.01 -How can you synthesize your -Students begin class by writing a journal -Beowulf -Progress on 4.01 knowledge of Beowulf into a entry for 5-10 minutes. Projects Beowulf Project 4.02 Goal 5 project? -In groups or individually, students work handout Goal 6 on Beowulf Projects Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Lesson Resources Informal SCOS) Assessments 9 1.03 -What is an elegy? -Students begin class by writing a journal “The - Poem -Poem Analysis 1.02 entry for 5-10 minutes. Seafarer” Analysis Sheet 3.01 -In groups or individually, students present p. 19 Sheet 5.01 their Beowulf Projects. 5.02 -Teacher provides students notes on elegies. “The -Read the following selections from the 5.03 Wanderer” textbook: 6.01 “The Seafarer” p. 23 6.02 “The Wanderer” “The Wife’s Lament” “The -In groups, begin completing a Poem Wife’s Analysis Sheet for each poem. Lament”: p. 27

10 1.03 -How are all three characters -Students begin class by writing a journal “The -Quiz -Quiz 2.01 in the elegies in some type of entry for 5-10 minutes. Seafarer” -Venn -Poem Analysis 4.02 exile? -Students take a quiz on the reading from p. 19 Diagram Sheet 5.01 the previous day. -Study -Venn Diagram 5.02 -In groups, complete a Poem Analysis Sheet “The Suggestions for each of the following poems: 5.03 Wandere of Beowulf “The Seafarer” 6.01 “The Wanderer” r” Test 6.02 “The Wife’s Lament” p. 23 -Pick two of the elegies and construct a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting “The the plots, themes, and conventions in each. Wife’s -Discuss Venn Diagrams. Lament”: -Students receive “Study Suggestions” for p. 27 the Beowulf test. Students work together to identify items on the sheet that are unfamiliar. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 11 1.01 -What elements in Beowulf -Students begin class by writing a Beowulf “Beowulf in “Beowulf in the 1.02 are unfamiliar to you? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the News”: News” Assignment 1.03 -Teacher reviews for Beowulf Test with Handout 5.01 students. Students ask questions about 5.02 anything on the “Study Suggestion” 6.01 sheet that they need clarification on. 6.02 -“Beowulf in the News”: In groups or as individuals, students complete the “Beowulf in the News” assignment. Students write a newspaper article concerning one of Beowulf’s battles. They also need to include a captioned picture with the article. 12 1.03 -How did the knights’ armor -Students begin class by writing a -Beowulf Beowulf Test 2.02 change over the centuries? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Test 2.03 -Students take the Beowulf Test. - Knights 2.04 -Students begin watching Knights and and Armor 4.01 Armor to gain an understanding of Movie 4.03 knights during the Middle Ages. Goal 5 Goal 6 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______ Middle English Period/The Canterbury Tales Unit

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 1 5.03 -What characteristics made -Students begin class by writing a -Quiz Quiz 6.01 up the code of chivalry? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 6.02 -Students take a quiz on the part of the - Knights movie viewed on the previous day. and Armor -Students finish watching Knights and Movie Armor to gain an understanding of knights during the Middle Ages.

2 5.03 -How did coats of arms -Students begin class by writing a -Quiz -Quiz 6.01 symbolize a person in journal entry for 5-10 minutes. -Coat of arms 6.02 particular or a family in -Teacher reviews Beowulf Test with -Knights banners general? students, so they can be aware of their and Armor mistakes. Movie -Students take a quiz on Knights and Armor. -Paper, -Students begin making a coat of arms Magazines, banner that describes them. Absolutely Art no words or letters can be used. Supplies, Everything about them must be etc. represented by a picture or symbol. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 3 5.01 -Why was Henry II -Students begin class by writing a -Middle Presentations of 5.02 dethroned? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. English Coats of Arms 5.03 -Students will complete the Coat of Period banners 6.01 -Who is Richard the Arms assignment. Notes 6.02 Lionhearted -Students will present their Coat of Arms banners. -Why was King John forced -Students will begin to take notes on the to sign the Magna Carta? Middle English period.

4 5.01 -What was daily life like for -Students begin class by writing a -Middle - Middle English 5.02 knights? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. English Period notes quiz 5.03 -Students take quiz on the Middle Period 6.01 -Was Chaucer respected for English Period notes from the previous Notes 6.02 his literary talents while he class. was alive? -Students finish taking notes on the -Middle Middle English period. English -What is a heroic couplet? -Students take notes to learn facts Period about Geoffery Chaucer. notes quiz -Students write a letter from Chaucer to familiarize themselves with -Facts Chaucer’s style of writing (heroic About couplets). Students write a letter from Chaucer Chaucer while he is imprisoned by the notes French. Students write letter to either King Edward to request a ransom or -Chaucer write a letter to a friend describing the Letter conditions while imprisoned. assignment Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 5 5.01 -What is a heroic couplet? -Students begin class by writing a -Chaucer -Chaucer Letter 5.02 journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Letter 5.03 -What is the difference -Students finish Chaucer Letter. assignment -Characterization 6.01 between direct and indirect -Students present Chaucer Letters. Activity 6.02 characterization? -Students take notes on frame story, - characterization (direct/indirect), and Characteriz social commentary. ation notes -Characterization Activity: Write five sentences using direct characterization. - Then re-write those five sentences using Characteriz indirect characterization. ation Activity 6 5.01 -How similar is Middle -Students begin class by writing a p. 99-103 -quiz -Characterization 5.02 English to Modern English? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Quiz 5.03 -Students take a quiz on the life of -Character 6.01 -Where did Chaucer begin Chaucer and Characterization. Chart -General Prologue 6.02 his pilgrimage? -Students translate the first 18 lines of translation the General Prologue as best they can. -How does the nun not -Review the first 18 lines of the General adhere to her holy vows? Prologue. Review where the pilgrims are going and why. -Read General Prologue from line 1 through the Nun. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 7 5.01 -How does Chaucer use -Students begin class by writing a p. 103- -General -General Prologue 5.02 social commentary through journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 110 Prologue quiz 5.03 describing his pilgrims? -Students take a quiz on the General quiz 6.01 Prologue (what was read during the -Social 6.02 previous class). -Social Commentary / -Students reading General Prologue Commentar Direct and from Nun through the Wife of Bath. y / Direct Indirect -Students begin Social Commentary / and Characterization Direct and Indirect Characterization Indirect Sheet Sheet. For each of the pilgrims we have Characteriz learned about so far, students will write ation Sheet what Chaucer was attempting to say about society as a whole through that -Character character. Then students must identify Chart a specific detail from that character that proves the social commentary. Students will then locate a direct and indirect characterization detail for each pilgrim. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 8 5.01 -How does Chaucer use -Students begin class by writing a p. 110- -General -General Prologue 5.02 social commentary through journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 112 Prologue quiz 5.03 describing his pilgrims? -Students take a quiz on the General quiz 6.01 Prologue (what was read during the -Social 6.02 previous class). -Social Commentary / -Students finish Social Commentary / Commentar Direct and Direct and Indirect Characterization y / Direct Indirect Sheet. For each of the pilgrims we have and Characterization learned about so far, students will write Indirect Sheet what Chaucer was attempting to say Characteriz about society as a whole through that ation Sheet character. Then students must identify a specific detail from that character -Character that proves the social commentary. Chart Students will then locate a direct and indirect characterization detail for each pilgrim. -Students continue reading the “General Prologue” and filling out the Character Chart while we read (Parson-Miller) Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 9 5.01 -Why does Chaucer ask for -Students begin class by writing a p. 113- -General -General Prologue 5.02 forgiveness before reporting journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 119 Prologue quiz 5.03 on the events of the -Students take a quiz on the General quiz 6.01 pilgrimage? Prologue (what was read during the -Baseball cards 6.02 previous class). -Character -Students finish reading the “General Chart Prologue” and filling out the Character Chart while we read (Manciple-end). -Baseball -Students pick 10 pilgrims and make Cards baseball cards for them. Students draw transparenc a picture of the pilgrim on the front of y the card and then put at least 5 “statistics” of the pilgrim on the back of the card. 10 5.01 -Name one characteristic -Students begin class by writing a p. 99-119 -General -General Prologue 5.02 that describes each pilgrim. journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Prologue quiz 5.03 -Students take a quiz on the General quiz 6.01 Prologue (what was read during the -Baseball cards 6.02 previous class). -Character -Students finish making baseball cards Chart for 10 of the pilgrims. -Baseball Cards transparenc y Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 11 1.02 -Name one of the archetypal -Students begin class by writing a p. 124- Notes -Critical analysis 1.03 elements in “The Pardoner’s journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 133 questions 5.01 Tale”. -Students take notes on the following 5.02 literary terms: allegory, exemplum, 5.03 archetypal narrative elements. 6.01 -Read “The Pardoner’s Prologue” and 6.02 “The Pardoner’s Tale”. -Critical Reading questions: p. 133, 1-8

12 1.01 -What is an important lesson -Students begin class by writing a p. 124- Notes -Exemplum 1.02 that people in today’s society journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 133 5.01 should learn? -Students take a quiz on “The 5.02 Pardoner’s Prologue” and “The 5.03 Pardoner’s Tale”. 6.01 -Students watch a short video 6.02 reenacting “The Pardoner’s Prologue” and “The Pardoner’s Tale”. -Students write their own exemplum on an important less that people in today’s society should learn. Students will read their exemplums to the class during the next class period. Students will vote on the best story, and that student will win breakfast. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 13 1.03 -What are some of the ideals -Students begin class by writing a -Code of -Exemplum 4.03 the knights lived by with the journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Chivalry 6.01 Code of Chivalry? -Students read their exemplums to the worksheet -Code of Chivalry 6.02 class. Students vote on the best story, worksheet and that student wins breakfast. -The Three -Students begin watching the movie Musketeers The Three Musketeers to analyze and identify the characteristics of the Code of Chivalry. While watching the movie, the students fill out a worksheet on which traits of the Code of Chivalry the characters demonstrate.

14 1.03 -What are some of the ideals -Students begin class by writing a -Comic -Code of Chivalry 4.03 the knights lived by with the journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Strip worksheet 5.01 Code of Chivalry? -Students finish watching the movie 5.02 The Three Musketeers to analyze and -The Three -Comic Strip 5.03 identify the characteristics of the Code Musketeers 6.01 of Chivalry. While watching the movie, 6.02 the students fill out a worksheet on which traits of the Code of Chivalry the characters demonstrate. -Students create a Romance comic strip detailing an adventure of a knight. Students work in groups. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 15 5.01 -What are the romance -Students begin class by writing a -“The - Knight - Knight /Old 5.02 elements of the “Wife of journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Wife of /Old Lady’s Lady’s Argument 5.03 Bath’s Tale”? -Students turn in their Romance comic Bath’s Argument Worksheet 6.01 strip detailing an adventure of a knight. Tale”: p. Worksheet 6.02 -Students read “The Wife of Bath’s 137-155 -Critical Reading Tale”. questions, 1-8 -Students complete the chart on the -Critical Knight/Old Lady’s Argument. Student Reading analyze the Old Lady’s reasons why it questions should not matter that she is old, ugly, : p. 155, poor, and low class. 1-8 -Students complete the Critical Reading questions, 1-8

16 1.03 -What might have been the -Students begin class by writing a -“The - “Wife of - quiz 4.02 consequences if the knight journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Wife of Bath’s 4.03 had made a choice instead of -Students take a quiz on “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” -progress on 5.01 letting the old lady decide on Bath’s Tale”. Tale”: p. storybook storybook 5.02 their future? -Students construct a storybook based 137-155 handout 5.03 on “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” 6.01 -Students may work individually or in 6.02 groups, but each person is responsible for having at least 10 pages. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 17 1.03 -What might have been the -Students begin class by writing a -“The - “Wife of -Storybooks 4.02 consequences if the knight journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Wife of Bath’s 4.03 had made a choice instead of -Students finish their storybooks based Bath’s Tale” 5.01 letting the old lady decide on on “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” Tale”: p. storybook 5.02 their future? -Students present their storybooks. 137-155 handout 5.03 6.01 6.02

18 5.01 -What are the characteristics -Students begin class by writing a -“The -Storybooks 5.02 of fabliaux? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Miller’s 5.03 -Students present their storybooks Tale” 6.01 based on “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” 6.02 -Students review the characteristics of fabliaux. -Students read the prologue to “The Miller’s Tale.”

19 5.01 -What elements of fabliaux -Students begin class by writing a -“The - Questions for 5.02 are present in “The Miller’s journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Miller’s “The Miller’s 5.03 Tale”? -Students take a quiz on the prologue to Tale” Tale” 6.01 “The Miller’s Tale” as well as the 6.02 characteristics of fabliaux. -Questions -In groups, students read “The Miller’s for “The Tale” and answer the provided Miller’s questions. Tale” Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 20 5.01 -What elements of fabliaux -Students begin class by writing a -“The - Questions for 5.02 are present in “The Miller’s journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Miller’s “The Miller’s 5.03 Tale”? -In groups, students finish reading Tale” Tale” 6.01 “The Miller’s Tale” and answer the 6.02 provided questions. -Questions -Students receive a study guide for the for “The Canterbury Tales test. With a partner, Miller’s students review the items on the study Tale” guide. -Study guide 21 5.01 -What elements of fabliaux -Students begin class by writing a -“The -Discussion about 5.02 are present in “The Reeve’s journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Reeve’s test and “The 5.03 Tale”? -Students review items on the study Tale” Reeve’s Tale” 6.01 guide and ask questions that need 6.02 clarified for the Canterbury Tales test. -Study -Students read “The Reeve’s Tale” (as a guide class). Students discuss the fabliaux elements present in the tale.

22 4.01 -What do you know about -Students begin class by writing a -The - The Canterbury 4.02 the medieval period? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Canterbury Tales test 4.03 -Students take The Canterbury Tales Tales test 5.01 test. 5.02 5.03 6.01 6.02 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 23 5.01 -What do you know about -Students begin class by writing a -King - Movie note 5.02 King Arthur? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Arthur: His taking. 5.03 -Students watch a documentary on the Life and 6.01 life and legends of King Arthur. Legends 6.02 Students take notes while watching the movie to prepare for tomorrow’s quiz.

24 4.01 -How were knights supposed -Students begin class by writing a -Sir -comic strip -comic strip 4.02 to act under the Code of journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Gawain 4.03 Chivalry? -Students take a quiz on the King and the 5.01 Arthur documentary. Green 5.02 -Students read Part 1 of Sir Gawain and Knight 5.03 the Green Knight. p. 162- 6.01 -Students make a “comic strip” of Part 169 6.02 1. They must have a picture in each square. They must have a caption in each square that goes along with their picture. And their caption must be taken from the text (word for word). Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 25 1.01 -Why did Gawain apologize -Students begin class by writing a -Part 2 & 3 -quiz 1.02 to the Green Knight at the journal entry for 5-10 minutes. p. 169- summary 1.03 end of the story? -Students take a quiz on Part 1 of Sir 175 -critical reading 5.01 Gawain and the Green Knight. questions 5.02 -Students read Part 2 and 3 of Sir p. 175- 5.03 Gawain and the Green Knight critical 6.01 (summary). reading 6.02 -Students read Part 4 of Sir Gawain and questions the Green Knight (textbook) -Students answer the critical reading questions.

26 4.01 -What does your favorite -Students begin class by writing a -Color -quiz 4.02 color represent? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. p. 161- symbolism 4.03 -Students take a quiz on Part 2, 3, and 4 175 handout -Color symbolism 5.01 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. story 5.02 -Students discuss the symbolism of the -Gawain 5.03 color green in Sir Gawain and the Green story 6.01 Knight. assignment 6.02 -Students are given a hand out on the sheet color symbolism, pairing many different colors with corresponding characteristics. -Students write a story about Gawain meeting three other knights of different colors and the lessons he learns from those knights. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 27 1.01 -What does your favorite -Students begin class by writing a -Color 1.02 color represent? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. p. 161- symbolism -Color symbolism 1.03 -Students finish working on their color 175 handout story 6.01 symbolism story. Volunteers present 6.02 their stories. -Gawain story assignment sheet

28 5.01 -How did Merlin affect the -Students begin class by writing a -Merlin 5.02 King Arthur legends? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. p. 161- video -From Gawain’s 5.03 -Students watch a documentary on the 175 Point of View: 6.01 wizard Merlin. Writing 6.02 -Students re-write a scene from Sir Assignment Gawain and the Green Knight from Gawain’s point of view.

29 5.01 -How do legends differ from -Students begin class by writing a Morte 5.02 romances? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. D’Arthur -Discussion of 5.03 -Students take notes on romances and , p. 176- Morte D’Arthur 6.01 -How are they similar? legends. 184 6.02 -Students read Morte D’Arthur in the -Critical Reading textbook. Critical questions: p. 184, -Critical reading questions: p. 184, 1-7 Reading 1-7 Questions : p. 184, 1-7

Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 30 2.01 -How would people react if -Students begin class by writing a Short Story 2.02 King Arthur returned today? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Morte assignment -quiz 2.03 -Students take a quiz on Morte D’Arthur sheet 2.04 D’Arthur. , p. 176- -progress on short 5.01 -Students write a short story based on 184 stories 5.02 the return of Arthur. The story can be 5.03 set in any time. Students write about 6.01 Arthur returning to the throne. (It 6.02 could be modern day, 2 years after his “death,” etc.) Students finish stories for homework.

31 2.01 -How should people honor -Students begin class by writing a Morte -Eulogy 2.02 the life of a loved one? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. D’Arthur Transparen -eulogies 2.03 -Students write eulogies for King , p. 176- cy 2.04 Arthur to express the good deeds that 184 -knowledge during 5.01 he has accomplished. This will be read -King the review for the 5.02 at an upcoming “ceremony.” Sir Arthur Test test 5.03 -Students review for the King Arthur Gawain Study 6.01 Test. and the Guide 6.02 Green Knight p. 162- 175 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 32 2.01 -Name one of Arthur’s great -Students begin class by writing a Morte -King 2.02 accomplishments? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. D’Arthur Arthur Test -eulogies 2.03 -Students take the test on King Arthur , p. 176- 2.04 legends. 184 -King Arthur Test 4.01 -Students share their eulogies for King 4.02 Arthur in a remembrance “ceremony.” Sir 4.03 Gawain 5.01 and the 5.02 Green 5.03 Knight 6.01 p. 162- 6.02 175

33 5.01 -Who are King Arthur’s -Students begin class by writing a - The Mists 5.02 parents and who is his sister? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. of Avalon- -discussion of 5.03 -Students begin watching The Mists of DVD movie 6.01 Avalon to further their knowledge on 6.02 the King Arthur legends.

34 5.01 -Who are King Arthur’s -Students begin class by writing a - The Mists 5.02 parents and who is his sister? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. of Avalon- -discussion of 5.03 -Students continue watching The Mists DVD movie 6.01 of Avalon to further their knowledge on 6.02 the King Arthur legends. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 35 5.01 -Who are King Arthur’s -Students begin class by writing a - The Mists 5.02 parents and who is his sister? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. of Avalon- -discussion of 5.03 -Students finish watching The Mists of DVD movie 6.01 Avalon to further their knowledge on 6.02 the King Arthur legends. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______ Renaissance/Macbeth Unit

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 1 1.01 -Why is Hamlet mad at his -Students begin class by writing a -Hamlet -Hamlet character 1.02 mother? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. -Hamlet handout 1.03 -Students begin watching Hamlet. character 5.01 -Students complete the character handout 5.02 handout while watching the film. 5.03 6.01 6.02

2 1.01 -Why is Hamlet hesitant to -Students begin class by writing a -Hamlet -Hamlet character 1.02 avenge his father’s death? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. -Hamlet handout 1.03 -Students take a quiz on what they character 5.01 watched the previous day from Hamlet. handout -Hamlet quiz 5.02 -Students continue watching Hamlet. 5.03 -Students continue to complete the 6.01 character handout while watching the 6.02 film. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 3 4.01 -How is Hamlet a tragic -Students begin class by writing a -Hamlet -Hamlet character 4.02 hero? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. -Hamlet handout 4.03 -Students take a quiz on what they character 5.01 watched the previous day from Hamlet. handout -Hamlet Quiz 5.02 -Students finish watching Hamlet. 5.03 -Students take notes on continue to -Tragedy -Tragedy 6.01 complete the character handout while Notes discussion 6.02 watching the film. -Students take notes on Tragedy, Tragic Hero, Aside, and Soliloquy. -Students discuss how Hamlet adheres to the tragedy and tragic hero concepts.

4 1.01 -Identify a “dark” time in -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth -Macbeth -Hamlet and 1.02 your life and report your journal entry for 5-10 minutes. p. 307 Tragedy Quiz 1.03 feelings? -Students take a quiz on what they -Macbeth 4.01 watched the previous day from Hamlet Pre- -Macbeth Pre- 4.02 as well as the tragedy notes. Reading Reading 4.03 -Students complete the Macbeth Pre- Worksheet Worksheet 5.01 Reading Worksheet. 5.02 -Students begin Act I of Macbeth. -Macbeth -Macbeth Act I 5.03 -Students answer questions on the Act I Act I reading guide 6.01 reading guide while we read. reading 6.02 -Students complete the Macbeth guide -Macbeth Character Chart. Character Chart. -Macbeth Character Chart. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 5 2.02 -How does Lady Macbeth -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth, -Macbeth - Macbeth Quiz 4.01 convince Macbeth to kill journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Act I, p. 4.02 Duncan? -Students take a quiz on what they read 307-323 -Macbeth -Macbeth Pre- 4.03 from Act I of Macbeth. Pre- Reading 5.01 -Students discuss the Macbeth Pre- Reading Worksheet 5.02 Reading Worksheet. Worksheet 5.03 -Students finish Act I of Macbeth. -Macbeth Act I 6.01 -Students answer questions on the Act I -Macbeth reading guide 6.02 reading guide while we read. Act I -Students answer the Critical Reading reading -Critical Reading questions, p. 323, 1-6. guide questions, p. 323, -Students complete the Macbeth 1-6 Character Chart. -Critical Reading - Macbeth questions, Character Chart. p. 323, 1-6

- Macbeth Character Chart. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 6 1.01 -How does Macbeth -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth, -Macbeth - Macbeth Quiz 1.02 mismanage the murder of journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Act II, p. Quiz 1.03 Duncan? -Students take a quiz on Act I of 327-339 -Macbeth Act II 4.01 Macbeth. -Macbeth reading guide 4.02 -Students read Act II of Macbeth. Act II 4.03 -Students answer questions on the Act reading -Critical Reading 5.01 II reading guide while we read. guide questions, p. 339, 5.02 -Students answer the Critical Reading 1-6 5.03 questions, p. 339, 1-6. -Critical 6.01 Reading 6.02 questions, p. 339, 1-6 7 1.01 -Why is Macbeth afraid of -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth, -Macbeth - Macbeth Quiz 1.02 Banquo? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Act III, p. Quiz 1.03 -Students take a quiz on Act II of 343-357 -Macbeth Act III 4.01 Macbeth. -Macbeth reading guide 4.02 -Students read Act III of Macbeth. Act III 4.03 -Students answer questions on the Act reading -Critical Reading 5.01 III reading guide while we read. guide questions, p. 357, 5.02 -Students answer the Critical Reading 1-4 5.03 questions, p. 357, 1-4. -Critical 6.01 Reading 6.02 questions, p. 357, 1-4 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 8 5.01 -How does the movie version -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth - Macbeth Quiz 5.02 of Macbeth compare to the journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Quiz 5.03 written version? -Students take a quiz on Act II of -Macbeth 6.01 Macbeth. -Macbeth discussion 6.02 -Student watch Acts I and II of movie Macbeth.

9 1.01 -What do the three -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth, -Macbeth - Macbeth Quiz 1.02 apparitions tell Macbeth, journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Act IV, p. Quiz 1.03 and what further vision does -Students take a quiz on Act III of 361-377 -Macbeth Act IV 4.01 he see? Macbeth. -Macbeth reading guide 4.02 -Students read Act IV of Macbeth. Act IV 4.03 -Students answer questions on the Act reading -Critical Reading 5.01 IV reading guide while we read. guide questions, p. 377, 5.02 -Students answer the Critical Reading 1-6 5.03 questions, p. 377, 1-6. -Critical 6.01 Reading 6.02 questions, p. 377, 1-6 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 10 1.01 -What motivates people to -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth - Macbeth Quiz 1.02 fight for their country? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Quiz 1.03 -Students take a quiz on Act IV of -Motivational flyer 4.01 Macbeth. -War 4.02 -Students watch Acts III and IV of Posters 4.03 Macbeth. 5.01 -Students reflect on British, American, 5.02 and German war posters from World 5.03 War I and World War II. 6.01 -Students create a motivational 6.02 flyer/poster that will inspire young working-class English men to join in the enemy army that will be invading Scotland. 11 1.01 -How did the three -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth, -Macbeth -Macbeth Act V 1.02 apparitions mislead journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Act V, p. Act V reading guide 1.03 Macbeth? -Students read Act V of Macbeth. 381-394 reading 4.01 -Students answer questions on the Act guide -Critical Reading 4.02 V reading guide while we read. questions, p. 394, 4.03 -Students answer the Critical Reading -Critical 1-6 5.01 questions, p. 394, 1-6. Reading 5.02 questions, 5.03 p. 394, 1-6 6.01 6.02 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 12 5.01 -How does the movie version -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth, -Macbeth -Macbeth 5.02 of Macbeth compare to the journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Act V, p. study sheet Discussion 5.03 written version? -Students take a quiz on Act V of 381-394 6.01 Macbeth. 6.02 -Students watch Act V of Macbeth. -Students receive the study sheet for the Macbeth Test.

13 1.01 -Who is responsible for -Students begin class by writing a -Macbeth -Macbeth -Macbeth Test 1.02 Macbeth’s downfall? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Test 1.03 -Students take the test on Macbeth. 4.01 4.02 4.03 5.01 5.02 5.03 6.01 6.02 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______ Research Paper Unit

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 1 2.01 -What controversial topic -Students begin class by writing a -Guidelines -Students choose a 2.02 relevant to my life would I be journal entry for 5-10 minutes. for Honors research topic. 2.03 interested in researching? -Students receive the “Guidelines for English IV 2.04 Honors English IV Research Paper” Research 3.01 handout. Paper 3.02 -Students receive a “Research 3.03 Schedule” handout. -Research 6.01 -Students receive a packet of possible Schedule 6.02 research topics. Students will review the packet and choose a topic they -Research would like to research for their Topics research paper. Students are required Packet to tell teacher their topic on a date noted on the “Research Schedule.” No more than two people per topic. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 2 2.01 -Why is my research topic -Students begin class by writing a -Sample -Letter of Intent 2.02 important to me? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Letter of 2.03 -After students choose their topics, they Intent 2.04 write a Letter of Intent to explain why 3.01 they chose their topic, how they are 3.02 planning to research their topic, what 3.03 difficulties they may experience during 6.01 the research process, and why they will 6.02 not cheat on this paper. The due date for the letters is noted on the “Research Schedule.” -Students receive a sample Letter of Intent. -After all the Letters of Intent have been reviewed, the students will be notified if they may keep their topic or if they need to choose a new topic. 3 2.01 -How do I correctly cite a -Students begin class by writing a -Citation -Written citations 2.02 work? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. examples 2.03 -Students receive “How to Write a 2.04 Citation” worksheet. The teacher 3.01 reviews the different types of sources 3.02 and how each source is cited. The 3.03 teacher guides students through writing 6.01 citations correctly. 6.02 -In groups, students practice writing citations for books, websites, and online journal articles. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 4 2.01 -What information can I find -Students begin class by writing a -“Research -Complete 2.02 on my topic? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Citations “Research 2.03 -Research Day 1: Students research and Notes” Citations and 2.04 their topic in the media center. They worksheet Notes” worksheet 3.01 complete the “Research Citations and 3.02 Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will 3.03 tell them from what source(s) they must 6.01 research for this day (book, website, 6.02 online journal).

5 2.01 -What information can I find -Students begin class by writing a -“Research -Complete 2.02 on my topic? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Citations “Research 2.03 -Research Day 2: Students research and Notes” Citations and 2.04 their topic in the media center. They worksheet Notes” worksheet 3.01 complete the “Research Citations and 3.02 Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will 3.03 tell them from what source(s) they must 6.01 research for this day (book, website, 6.02 online journal).

6 2.01 -What information can I find -Students begin class by writing a -“Research -Complete 2.02 on my topic? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. Citations “Research 2.03 -Research Day 3: Students research and Notes” Citations and 2.04 their topic in the media center. They worksheet Notes” worksheet 3.01 complete the “Research Citations and 3.02 Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will 3.03 tell them from what source(s) they must 6.01 research for this day (book, website, 6.02 online journal). Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 7 2.01 -What information can I find -Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 -“Research -Complete 2.02 minutes. Citations and on my topic? -Research Day 4: Students research their topic in the “Research 2.03 media center. They complete the “Research Citations and Notes” Citations and 2.04 Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will tell them from what worksheet 3.01 source(s) they must research for this day (book, website, Notes” worksheet 3.02 online journal). 3.03 6.01 6.02

8 2.01 -What information can I find -Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 -“Research -Complete 2.02 minutes. Citations and on my topic? -Research Day 5: Students research their topic in the “Research 2.03 media center. They complete the “Research Citations and Notes” Citations and 2.04 Notes” worksheet. This worksheet will tell them from what worksheet 3.01 source(s) they must research for this day (book, website, Notes” worksheet 3.02 online journal). 3.03 6.01 6.02

9 2.01 -What is the thesis for my -Students begin class by writing a journal entry for 5-10 -Intro. -Introductory 2.02 minutes. Paragraphs paper? -Students take notes on introductory paragraphs and thesis Paragraph and 2.03 statements. and Thesis Thesis Statement 2.04 -Students review sample introductory paragraphs. Statement 3.01 -Students receive “In-Text Citations” worksheet. Students notes 3.02 review how to write in-text citations. Students then practice -Intro. -In-text citation writing in-text citations from sample excerpts, so they don’t 3.03 plagiarize. Paragraph practice 6.01 -Students receive a brainstorming worksheet to organize and Thesis 6.02 their paper. Students write their own introductory Statement paragraph—with the thesis statement clearly stated on this worksheet worksheet. -Students receive a worksheet with tips for writing their -Samples to rough drafts. practice -Students receive a sample first page and a sample works writing in-text cited page, so they will format these pages correctly. citations Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 10 2.01 -What do I want my -Students begin class by writing a -Rough Draft 2.02 audience to know about my journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 2.03 research topic? -In the media center or computer lab, 2.04 students begin writing their rough 3.01 draft. 3.02 3.03 6.01 6.02

11 2.01 -What do I want my -Students begin class by writing a -Rough Draft 2.02 audience to know about my journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 2.03 research topic? -In the media center or computer lab, 2.04 students continue writing their rough 3.01 draft. 3.02 -The due date for the rough drafts is 3.03 noted on the “Research Schedule.” 6.01 6.02

12 2.01 -What corrections do I need -Students begin class by writing a -Final Draft 2.02 to make to my Rough Draft? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 2.03 -The teacher provides the students with 2.04 a worksheet with tips for writing their 3.01 final draft. 3.02 -In the media center or computer lab, 3.03 students make corrections to their 6.01 rough draft. 6.02 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 13 2.01 -What corrections do I need -Students begin class by writing a -Final Draft 2.02 to make to my Rough Draft? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. 2.03 -In the media center or computer lab, 2.04 students make corrections to their 3.01 rough draft. 3.02 -The due date for the final drafts is 3.03 noted on the “Research Schedule.” 6.01 6.02 Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______ Novel: Lord of the Flies

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 1 1.01 -Can a person be born -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 1 -Chapter 1 and 2 1.02 “good” or “evil”, or does a journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies and 2 Guiding Reading 1.03 person learn to be good or -In groups, students complete the Guiding Questions 4.01 evil? discussion questions on the major Reading 4.02 theme of “good versus evil” in the Questions -Class Discussion 4.03 novel, Lord of the Flies. 5.01 -The class discusses their answers to the 5.02 discussion questions. 5.03 -Students read Chapter 1 in class 6.01 (aloud and silently). 6.02 -Students finish read Chapter 2 for homework. -Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read. 2 4.01 -What keeps Roger from -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 3 -Lord of the Flies 4.02 hurting Henry? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies and 4 Quiz 4.03 -Students take a quiz on Chapters 1 and Guiding 5.01 2. Reading -Chapter 3 and 4 5.02 -Students discuss Chapters 1 and 2. Questions Guiding Reading 5.03 -Students read Chapter 3 in class. Questions 6.01 -Students read Chapter 4 for 6.02 homework. -Class Discussion -Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 3 4.01 -What do Ralph, Piggy, and -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 5 -Lord of the Flies 4.02 Simon respectively say about journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies Guiding Quiz 4.03 the beast? -Students take a quiz on Chapters 3 and Reading 5.01 4. Questions -Chapter 5 5.02 -Students discuss Chapters 3 and 4. Guiding Reading 5.03 -Students read Chapter 5 in class and Questions 6.01 finish it for homework. 6.02 -Students answer the Guiding Reading -Class Discussion Questions while they read. 4 1.01 -What do the main -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 6 -Lord of the Flies 1.02 characters symbolize? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies Guiding Quiz 1.03 -Students take a quiz on Chapters 5. Reading 4.01 -Students discuss Chapters 5. Questions -Chapter 6 4.02 -Students receive “Lord of the Flies— Guiding Reading 4.03 Part I Project.” Questions 5.01 -Students work on project in class and 5.02 in groups. They must create a three- -Class Discussion 5.03 dimensional representation from a 6.01 bird’s eye point of view of one of the 6.02 scenes from Chapters 1-5. They must also use symbols to represent the characters in the book. -Students read Chapter 6 for homework. -Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 5 1.01 -How can I create a scene -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 7 -Lord of the Flies 1.02 from the novel by using journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies Guiding Quiz 1.03 4.01 symbols to represent -Students take a quiz on Chapter 6. Reading 4.02 characters? -Students discuss Chapter 6. Questions -Chapter 7 4.03 -Students continue working on the Lord Guiding Reading 5.01 of the Flies Project. Questions 5.02 -Students read Chapter 7 for 5.03 homework. -Class Discussion 6.01 6.02 -Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read. 6 1.01 -How can I create a scene -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 8 -Lord of the Flies 1.02 from the novel by using journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies Guiding Quiz 1.03 4.01 symbols to represent -Students take a quiz on Chapter 7. Reading 4.02 characters? -Students discuss Chapter 7. Questions -Chapter 8 4.03 -Students finish working on their Lord Guiding Reading 5.01 of the Flies Project. Questions 5.02 -Students read Chapter 8 for 5.03 homework. -Class Discussion 6.01 6.02 -Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read. 7 1.01 -How did I create a scene -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 9 -Lord of the Flies 1.02 from the novel by using journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies Guiding Quiz 1.03 4.01 symbols to represent -Students take a quiz on Chapter 8. Reading 4.02 characters? -Students discuss Chapter 8. Questions -Chapter 9 4.03 -Students present their Lord of the Guiding Reading 5.01 Flies Projects. -Lord of the Questions 5.02 -Students read Chapter 9 for Flies Test 5.03 homework. study sheet -Class Discussion 6.01 6.02 -Students answer the Guiding Reading Questions while they read. Curriculum Alignment and Pacing Guide

School: Harnett Central High School______Subject:_English IV______

Lesson Resources Objective Formal and Day (from NC- Daily Essential Question Lesson Informal SCOS) Text Other Assessments 8 1.01 -Who remains loyal to -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 10 -Lord of the Flies 1.02 Ralph? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies and 11 Quiz 1.03 -Students take a quiz on Chapter 9. Guiding 5.01 -Students discuss Chapter 9. Reading -Chapter 10 and 5.02 -Students reading Chapter 10 in class. Questions 11 Guiding 5.03 -Students read Chapter 11 for Reading Questions 6.01 homework. -Lord of the 6.02 -Students answer the Guiding Reading Flies Test -Class Discussion Questions while they read. study sheet 8 1.01 -Who is responsible for the -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Chapter 12 -Lord of the Flies 1.02 events that took place on the journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies Guiding Quiz 1.03 island? -Students take a quiz on Chapters 10 Reading 5.01 and 11. Questions -Chapter 12 5.02 -Students discuss Chapters 10 and 11. Guiding Reading 5.03 -Students reading Chapter 12 in class. -Lord of the Questions 6.01 -Students answer the Guiding Reading Flies Test 6.02 Questions while they read. study sheet -Class Discussion -Students receive a study sheet for Lord of the Flies. 10 1.01 -What are the important -Students begin class by writing a -Lord of -Lord of the -Lord of the Flies 1.02 themes of the novel? journal entry for 5-10 minutes. the Flies Flies Test Test 1.03 -Students take a test on Lord of the 5.01 Flies. 5.02 5.03 6.01 6.02

2007-2008 Work in Progress Prepared by: Melissa Mustard & Cara Duryea for HCHS department use.

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