Log Day 31 020925

Scott Reynolds is the person within Pennsylvania DEP that we asked to approve our Quecreek/Saxman mine mapping proposal. Scott called today, and we chatted about the request. Scott will be looking into the matter, and we will stay in communication.

We reviewed our process for prototyping the first-look mine mapping robots as unprecedented unmanned work systems. We took stock of where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. We listed and discussed lessons learned from prototyping Groundhog and Ferret. Categories were technology, program, enterprise and team/people. We considered and discussed how much that we know now that we did not three weeks ago.

We revisited our consensus commitment to develop the Magellan robot for mobile exploration and access to old mines through borehole deployment. We brainstormed Magellan Design and considered configuration options and eliminated infeasible candidates like worms and walkers. We began by considering tricycles that would stuff down a borehole, then open into three-point stance with enlarging wheels, rolling locomotion and explicit steering.

Joy Mining offers explosion-proof enclosures and safing expertise. Since there is limited availability of mine-certified, low-voltage, small DC motors and electrical components, we have been unsuccessful in readily producing a certifiable all-electric vehicle. We are considering the idea of changing primary drives from electric to hydraulic, if called upon to do so for satisfying mine safety interests. We would then be electric-over-hydraulic, like a continuous miner or bolting machine. The difference is that instead of primary power from cabling to AC wall power, we will obtain our prime power from onboard batteries. If we used available hydraulic scissor lift components, these would be small enough for us to fit a primary motor, pump and valves in an enclosure. Chuck is point man for the enclosures and hydraulic drive option.