Zoo Trip

At some point of your time here at the zoo, between doing research on your focus animal and checking out the snow leopard (my personal favorite!), go to the Bird & Reptile House to meet up with me (Mr. Whymer), for a start on my unit about dinosaurs. I know you are probably thinking, “How are we going to study dinosaurs at the zoo when they are extinct?” That’s a good question, but our goal is to look at characteristics of reptiles and birds today and think about how they are dinosaur-like. Then maybe we can find out why many scientists believe that birds are actually dinosaurs in the flesh!

While you are observing the animals in the Bird & Reptile House answer these questions and think about how they may be dinosaur-like. (Don’t forget to check out the ostrich and bald eagle exhibits!)

Questions 1. How are the legs positioned on the birds relative to their bodies? Reptiles? (Hint: Are they out to the side or directly under the body?)

2. Look at the feet of birds. How many digits do they have?

3. What do you notice about the differences in activity between reptiles and birds? Which ones are more active, and why are they more active?

4. Do birds have teeth? Reptiles?

5. What type of shape does an ostrich’s neck form?