City of Marquette Heights s3

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City of Marquette Heights s3


August 24, 2015


The City Council meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Dearborn.


The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Dearborn.

ROLL CALL The following Aldermen were present for Roll Call: Alderman Little, Neumann, Bradford, and Bumbalough.

Also present were Clerk Worent, Police Chief Elliott, Fire Chief Fortier, Public Works Director Ghidina, Deputy Treasurer Minson, and Attorney Tibbs.

Treasurer Babb, Alderman Steele, and Alderman Neuhaus were absent. Engineer Good was absent.

All present in council chambers observed a moment of silence to honor the passing away of Elmer Mayer and Fred Laurie. Both gentlemen had previously served Marquette Heights in various capacities, and they will be missed.

PRESENTATION OF JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS Alderman Little made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bumbalough to approve the regular minutes of August 10, 2015. Roll Call Votes: Ayes-Alderman Little, Bumbalough, Bradford, and Neumann. Nays – none. Motion passed.

Alderman Little made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bumbalough to approve the executive minutes of August 10, 2015. Roll Call Votes: Ayes-Alderman Little, Bumbalough, Neumann, and Bradford. Nays – none. Motion passed.


Mayor A letter was prepared and sent to Regina Naugle, 309 Hamilton Road, requesting a written statement from her attorney regarding repairs and a schedule for completion date of said repairs.

Mayor plans to meet with Attorney Tibbs to review the liquor ordinance.

1 Clerk No report.

Treasurer Absent. No report from Deputy Treasurer Minson.

Attorney No report.

City Engineer Absent. No report.

Communications: None.

CITIZENS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL Paul Huling, 1003 Lincoln Road spoke about his driveway approach. Drains are washing out the approach, creating an uneven surface. Public Works Director Ghidina informed him that he is meeting with Street Department Foreman Dan Brooks on Tuesday about this.


Water and Sewer - Alderman Steele Absent. No report.

Law Enforcement – Alderman Bradford Squad Car 13-2 is having engine trouble, and is in shop for repairs. This will be under warranty.

The July police report is available at the city office.

A memo was given to all council members from the police department inviting them for a “ride- along” during specified hours to observe what they do.

Streets - Alderman Bumbalough David Ghidina is attempting to contact Williams Brothers about concrete work that is needed since the Ameren pipeline work is done. He has been unable to contact them.

Meter installation to provide lighting at the entrance sign will be discussed at the September committee meeting.

Public Buildings/Parks – Alderman Neuhaus

2 Absent. Per Alderman Little, mosquito spray is needed. We have enough to spray this week only. Clarke Mosquito Products will charge approximately $3,000.00. This budgeted item will be on the agenda for September 14th.

We are still working on lighting of flagpole. The Ruyle Electric estimate was $6,688.00 for two flush mounted lights. Public Works Director Ghidina is going to KBL in Peoria to see what they have.

Fire – Alderman Neumann The annual Fire Department fundraiser at North Pekin McDonald’s last week was successful.

The air packs are being tested tomorrow, beginning at 8:00 a.m.

The September 19th city wide garage sale signage will be put up. Sign-up sheets are available at the city office for residents to put their address on the garage sale map.

Finance / Planning Alderman Little made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bradford, to approve paying the bills: General Fund: $37,419.70, Motor Fuel: $-.0-, Wheel Tax: $-0-, Water: $2,937.09, Sewer: $4,202.60, Water Replace: $8,658.11, IMRF: $1,844.44, and Social Security: $1,938.86. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Little, Bradford, and Neumann. Alderman Bumbalough abstained. Nays - None. Motion passed.



1. Approve Gasvoda payment Alderman Bumbalough made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bradford, to approve a $600.00 payment to Gasvoda & Associates for checking calibration and operation of controller with transducer at the water tower. Roll Call Vote: Ayes – Alderman Bumbalough, Bradford, Neumann, and Little. Nays-None. Motion passed.

2. Approve Turnbull Electronics payment Alderman Little made a motion, seconded by Alderman Neumann to approve a $540.00 payment to Turnbull Electronics for central station monitoring service from September, 2015 through August, 2016. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Alderman Little, Neumann, Bradford, and Bumbalough. Nays –None. Motion passed.


3 None.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS PERTAINING TO THE CITY Alderman Bradford made a motion to enter executive session to discuss possible release of certain executive minutes. Alderman Neumann seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed.

Council exited regular session and entered executive at 7:18 p.m.

Council resumed regular session at 7:55 p.m.

Council discussed state laws regarding space or distance of liquor being sold. Some are building to building. Some are from property to property.

ADJOURNMENT Alderman Bumbalough made a motion, seconded by Alderman Bradford to adjourn the regular City Council Meeting at 8:03 p.m. Voice Vote: All Ayes. Motion passed.

______Dana Dearborn, Mayor

______Rick Worent, City Clerk


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