General Semantics Bulletin
General Semantics Bulletin Yearbook of the Institute of General Semantics Number 71, Membership Year 2004 Fort Worth, TX Honorary Trustees, 1940 Executive Director APPOINTED BY ALFRED KORZYBSKI Steve Stockdale Gaston Bachelard Maxim Bing Assistant Executive Director Abraham A. Brill Jennifer Carmack W. Burridge Ross McC. Chapman, George E. Coghill Arthur Stone Dewing Board of Trustees Franklin C. Ebaugh Officers P. H. Esser President, Andrea Johnson David Fairchild Vice President, Irene S. Ross Mayper Clarence B. Farrar Treasurer, Lynn Schuldt William Healy Lancelot Hogben Secretary, Susan Presby Kodish Earnest A. Hooten Recording Secretary, Robert R. Potter Smith Ely Jelliffe Edward Kasner Board Members Cassius J. Keyser George J. Barenholtz Nolan D. C. Lewis Sanford I. Berman Ralph S. Lillie Laura Bertone Bronislaw Malinowski Walter W. Davis Raymond W. McNealy Milton Dawes Adolf Meyer Allen Flagg Winfred Overholser James Douglas French Stewart Paton Raymond Pearl Gregg Hoffmann William F. Petersen Bruce Kodish Roscoe Pound Susan Presby Kodish George S. Stevenson Martin Levinson M. Tramer Harry Maynard Walter L. Treadway Jeffrey A. Mordkowitz Richard Weil, Jr. Gerard I. Nierenberg George K. Zipf Frank Scardilli Honorary Trustees APPOINTED 1963 AND SINCE Robert Blake, Joseph Brewer, Douglas G. Campbell, Hadley Cantril, Stuart Carter Dodd, R. Buckminster Fuller, Henri Laborit, Abraham Maslow, Myres S. McDougall, Joost A. M. Meerloo, Russell Meyers, E. DeAlton Partridge, Allen Walker Read, J. Gordon Roberts, F. J. Roethlisberger, Jesse H. Shera, Alvin M. Weinberg © Institute of General Semantics The Scientific Philosophy of General Semantics General Semantics (GS) qualifies as an unusual, tough- to-‘pin down’, interdisciplinary field. “Is it a science or a philosophy?” Perhaps GS may best be seen as neither ‘science’ nor ‘philosophy’ but rather as both/and––a scientific philosophy applicable moreover to the life concerns of ‘the man and woman in the street’.
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