Athabasca & District Minor Hockey Association s2
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Athabasca & District Minor Hockey Association Executive Meeting September 20, 2006
Attendance: Trevor Marks, Anita Duckering, Aaron Hodgins, Dustin Pysyk, Donna Gustafson, Deidre Runcer, Karen Tangedal, Melanie Opmeer, Jill Calliou, Virginia Gill, Pam Carlton, Wendy Hutchison, Tina Biro, John Parsons, Rick Bendall, Darcy Tangedal, Russ Strathdee
1.0 Call to Order – 6:35 p.m.
2.0 Approval of Agenda – Approved as presented.
2.1 A very Happy Birthday to Melanie.
3.0 Referee-in-Chief – Dustin Pysyk
Dustin reported that he attended a Referee-in-Chief meeting last Tuesday. Due to the new rule changes/emphasis, it was the highest attended meeting in 10 years. - The Atom division and above needs to give Dustin 1 month advance notice for any tournaments being held. This is so refs can be scheduled and as well, the North Zone is willing to send out senior refs (junior hockey/university) to do supervision. They will pay all travel. - The 2-day ref clinic is being held in Athabasca, October 28/29th. Level 3 is a 1-day course, which Athabasca does not host. Two refs in Athabasca have Level 3 and they would like to attend. Clinics are being held in Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Stony Plain and Leduc. If they can’t attend our clinic then executive would support paying travel for these referees to attend the Level 3 clinic. Last year we had 15 refs and 4 are returning (some are going away to school, hockey tryouts, etc.). Two new refs are joining. Dustin will prepare a 1 page info sheet to help recruit Bantam/Midget players. - Dustin watched the ½ hour video produced by Hockey Canada regarding the new rule emphasis. The video can be seen on Hockey Canada’s website, He felt that for the first while, it will cause a lot of problems for everyone involved. The emphasis will be to educate everyone. Referees not calling the rules set forward will be dealt with. Dustin recommends that this weekend everyone, players/parents, and coaches watch the video either prior to their practice or right after. Dustin is willing to attend each meeting to talk about the video and to answer any questions. The players/teams who start off playing by the new rule emphasis will have a jump-start on other teams (less penalties). - A must this year is to have a clinic on penalty timekeeping for the PeeWee/Bantam/Midget divisions. Dustin is willing to hold this session, so Directors are to coordinate something with each team. - For tryouts/scrimmages, Dustin will come out on the ice and explain the plays/penalties to the kids.
Dustin is prepared to do a lot of work and Trevor advised that we must support him.
4.0 Approval of the September 6, 2006 Minutes – Approved as presented.
Trevor clarified a few items from the September 6th minutes. - The ice is in on Friday, September 22nd. It will be a full weekend of hockey. - Regarding the position for the kitchen, he pointed out that the person would be paid an honorarium, not wages as such. - Paying refs at tournaments – according to Policy 10 – 10.4, teams are to budget for referees. The kitchen can choose to donate the ref fees back to the team. - Item 8.0 – SPHL – discuss when Mark is in attendance. - Midgets – Trevor noted that last year, it was a tougher year for the executive rather than the players. Only 4 games were played under the ‘ghost’ team and no kids sat out. - Something should go in the LTIS and EPC newsletters recruiting players from the Atom- Midget level. - Rule Changes from Hockey Canada – it was noted that these are not changes from Hockey Canada but different emphasis on rules.
5.0 Business Arising from Minutes
5.1 Vacant Positions
Trevor reviewed Bylaw 3.6 Resignation of Executive Members. Four positions were not filled at the last AGM. The following have asked to fill these positions: Treasurer – Aaron Hodgins Girls Director – Donna Gustafson Ice Scheduler - Russ Strathdee/Karon Friesen (if Russ is willing to continue as ice scheduler, then Karon would withdraw her name). SPHL Director – Tina Biro Motion: (Rick/Darryl) Moved to appoint Aaron Hodgins as Treasurer, Donna Gustafson as the Girls Director, Russ Strathdee as Ice Scheduler, and Tina Biro as the SPHL Rep. All in favor. Carried.
5.2 Kitchen Scheduling – No report.
5.3 Tournament Referees
Refer to Policy 10.4. – teams are to budget for refereeing unless the kitchen donates it back to the team.
6.0 AHPA (Athabasca Hockey Parents Association)
6.1 President – Virginia Gill
Virginia reported that at the end of the season AHPA thoroughly cleans out the kitchen. We rent the kitchen from the Town for $300/month. Over the summer it was rented out and AHPA came back to a disaster. Due to mice, another thorough cleaning was done. The kitchen won’t be open for Friday, but should be up and running on Saturday. It was mentioned that the Town should have a checklist, which must be signed off. Virginia to check into our rental agreement to see if it states anything that the kitchen is returned in the condition that we left it.
Virginia reviewed a draft letter to hockey parents regarding the additional $250 charge if kitchen duties are not fulfilled (require a minimum of 2 weeks notice if not working the kitchen). As well, if you don’t work your full shift in the kitchen, the $250 kitchen cheque will be cashed. The Parent of the Week is to oversee this and speak to Virginia if anything should happen. Trevor reviewed Bylaw 2.1 whereby a player may be suspended by a majority vote for a specified period at any duly called executive meeting. The above would fall under this Bylaw whereby the players would not be on the ice if parents don’t comply with the new kitchen changes. The Hockey Parents Newsletter will go out to everyone and this may be put in next year’s registration package. Virginia will re-do the letter and will email Trevor with the changes.
Virginia is in the process of hiring kitchen staff.
6.2 Treasurer – Deidre Runcer
No report.
7.0 Treasurer – Aaron Hodgins
Aaron advised that he has some computer problems, but a financial report should be ready for the next meeting. Trevor reviewed a letter from Terry Lovelace regarding ½ price registration. The letter was reviewed in-camera and discussion was held. Motion: (Virginia) Moved to support Terry’s request for ½ price registration. 2 in favor, 13 opposed. Defeated. Trevor will respond to Terry’s letter by telephone and will also follow-up with a letter.
Aaron advised that the Credit Union account, which was used as the casino account, be closed. Any funds will be transferred to the ATB Financial casino account. All accounts are now at ATB Financial. Motion: (Aaron/Melanie) Moved to close the Credit Union account which was used for the casino. All in favor. Carried. As Tracy Baron has resigned as Treasurer at the AGM, her name needs to be removed from the bank accounts. Aaron Hodgins is to be put on as a signing authority along with Trevor Marks and Mark Kanzig.
8.0 SPHL (Sturgeon Pembina Hockey League) – Tina Biro
Tina reported on the following:
- Boyle only has teams at the Novice/Bantam level. - Mayerthorpe is interested in the SPHL Girls League – only need 4 teams to commit. - Boyle has Midget player for our girl’s team. - Banners vs. trophies – In the past division winner received the trophy and the playoff winner received the banner. Tina asked if we would like to switch this around. Medals would be stopped at the PeeWee level. Discussion was held and executive decided to stop at the Bantam division. - ‘A’ commitments have been given - ‘B’ commitments will be done at the next meeting - Coaching lists need to given to the SPHL director ASAP. - SPHL is still looking to fill positions for directors. Tina advised that she is now the SPHL secretary. - Directors meeting will be held on September 24th. - Tina attended the Hockey Alberta meeting. Safety books will go to the arena for teams/trainers and the calendar book will go to the coaches. - Referee rates have increased. - Co-ed dressing rooms – an adult is to be present at all times. - Hockey Alberta only wants to deal with the President, Registrar or an official contact person. - October 15 is the deadline for coach names, courses and certifications. - SPHL decides the ‘B’ tiering. There are 19 teams at the Atom B level and 5 teams at the Atom A level.
10.0 NAFMHL (Northern Alberta Female Minor Hockey League) – Jill Calliou Jill reported on the following:
- Jill attended a meeting Sept. 6th. At this meeting the rest of the league executive was voted in. - Jasper and Hinton do not have teams. - There are 4 Midget teams, 1 Bantam team, and 3 PeeWee teams. Redwater is taking a leave of absence from the league. - Next league meeting is October 4th. - Three overage players have applied to play – this needs review. - Jill needs a cheque prior to Oct 4th’s meeting for the team fee.
10.0 Hockey Alberta/Registrar – Wendy Hutchison
Wendy reported on the following:
- More registrations have been received. Wendy reviewed the updated player lists for each division. Pre-Novice – possibly 23 Novice – 27 Atom – 27 PeeWee – 22 – several people are concerned about the small teams Bantam – 27, possibly 30 Midget – 22 Girls – 18, 3 are overage, so at this time 15. - Registrations are being entered online so anyone interested in helping Wendy out is to let her know. - At Registration Night there was some confusion with the Pre-Novice parents and the late registration fee. No additional charge was taken as it is not applied at the Pre-Novice level. This will be noted in next years registration package. Players new to the area or to hockey, do not pay the additional $100.
11.0 Division Directors
11.1 Girls – Donna Gustafson
Donna reported that there was concern from a parent regarding a player trying out outside of our league and that she had no release form. Trevor indicated that at the Bantam/Midget level, when players are trying out for ‘AAA’ teams, we automatically give them permission to try out. If the player makes the team, then we give the release, otherwise they come back to Athabasca.
Regarding the overage players, a 3-step system is in place. Trevor indicated there are 3 overage applications for the Girls division. He would like to see a decision made tonight. Hockey Alberta has set criteria for overage players. The 3 steps include our executive approval, the league approval and then Hockey Alberta (Zone Manager of Operations). A decision cannot be made tonight as we don’t have the criteria here. The girls cannot play until approved – not even at practice. We could have a decision by early October if everything goes well. Motion: (Tina/Russ) Moved that Trevor, Jill, and Donna review the criteria of the overage players and then move forward. Discussion held. Donna noted that there are 15 girls on the team. The numbers are not great, but the girls need to grow and develop and might not with the overage players on the team. There would be more development with fewer lines. Trevor stated that the league minimum is 12 players, we have 14 for sure (10 are Midget players). Aaron said that if the criteria are met, then fair play should be upheld. Trevor reviewed our mission statement. Motion: (Tina/Russ) Moved that Trevor, Jill, and Donna review the criteria of the overage players and then move forward. All in favor. Carried. Trevor will follow-up with Lori Silkie for the overage player criteria and then set a time to meet.
Donna spoke with Scott Gray as Fort Saskatchewan approached him for an exhibition game this Saturday. He spoke to Diane Shaw. It was not their impression that it was a tiering game but Fort Saskatchewan is the Provincial champion and they are all Midget players. It is for the coach and parents of the Athabasca Girls team to decide if they want to play. The coach for our Girls team will be decided tonight and he/she will require a travel permit if going to the game on Saturday.
11.2 Pre-Novice – Melanie Opmeer
Melanie thanked Wendy and Pam for their time at Registration Night and for helping out the Pre-Novice parents. A notice was put in the WHPS newsletter for Pre-Novice and a few calls were received. Playschool is a late start this year. Melanie made mentioned of the coaching at Pre-Novice in that they will need to take the required courses. Most of the ‘seasoned’ coaches are moving up. Trevor indicated that a start date for Pre-Novice hasn’t been set.
11.3 Novice – Darcy Tangedal
Darcy noted that we have 27 players.
11.4 Atom – Karen Tangedal
The Atom B tiering doesn’t start until mid-October, so we have a bit of time to start evaluations. Trevor will forward the schedule to Karen.
11.5 PeeWee – Pam Carlton
Pam reported that several parents are concerned that the teams are too small (22 players in total). The final decision of teams is up to the executive. The next SPHL meeting is Sept. 24th. The minimum for a team is 12. We now have 11 players/team and these are committed players. There is no goalie at the PeeWee level. For evaluations, if someone dresses as goalie that is what they are evaluated for. As for the parents concern, we must be diligent in our decisions and we would like their support.
11.6 Bantam – Darryl Anderson (Absent)
Trevor reported that player numbers are good at the Bantam level. A call was received from a Boyle parent asking to come to our tryouts. They need permission from their association. Discussion was held. Although he can tryout from Hockey Alberta’s standpoint (we are a ‘B’ town and they are ‘D’). If we took this player on, our numbers would change and we would then be an ‘A’ community for Bantam Provincials. We need to look at how it would affect our association and at this point it would be a negative effect. Trevor will call the parents from Boyle advising them that we won’t consider a tryout at this time.
11.7 Midget – Randy Reimer (Absent) Trevor advised that two players have moved and we now have 22 Midget players. Trevor reported that a number of Midget age players were caught in a criminal activity. It is now in the police hands.
Of the 22 players, 3 are trying out, 1 player is having surgery but wants to play after that. This player could be carded as a ‘coach’ and he could skate with the team, but no games would be played. Another player has had surgery and wants to continue skating.
Trevor noted that Hockey Alberta has said no oversizing teams. Midgets have to be carded by September 30th. Evaluations will be done under the assumption of a ‘ghost’ team and we will see from there.
12.0 Equipment Manager – John Parsons
John reported that he still doesn’t have the keys from the Bantam AA’s – Roland Lux has them. Other equipment missing includes: Pre-Novice - no white jerseys Novice 1 – no puck bag/pinneys, 3 jerseys Atom A – no white jerseys PeeWee B1 – first aide kit, puck box key Midget A –no puck bag Girls – no goalie equipment
Directors are to call John as to the whereabouts of the above or he will have to go and buy it. John will hand out keys for this weekend. Pre-Novice, Novice and Atom jerseys are in bad shape. We should try to solicit for jerseys or maybe Minor Hockey could pay for them. Equipment not needed will be donated.
Trevor advised Directors that December 1st is Moonlight Madness. Part of the activities is a parade (gather at 6:00 p.m., riverfront, parade starts at 6:30 p.m.) If teams are interested, contact Patty Lynn at 675-2565.
13.0 Coaching Director – Rick Bendall
Directors are to let Rick know when evaluations will start. Friday’s ice time will include the Midgets. Evaluations for Midgets will start Saturday, as we need to know who is carded by September 29th. For evaluations, Rick has 3 evaluators. Bantam AA league starts October 6th. They should skate this weekend and start evaluations on Monday. PeeWee – league starts October 20th. Evaluations will be the following weekend. Atoms – league starts October 20th. Evaluations to start October 1st. Directors are to call players/parents.
Rick recommended the following coaching applications. Pre-Novice – 1 coaching application, Glenn Martin. There are 2 teams. Glenn has talked to Rick regarding coaching clinics. Novice – 3 coaching applications, Darcy Tangedal, Rick Bendall, Jeff Summers. As only 2 head coaches are required, discussion was held. A vote was taken and Darcy Tangedal and Rick Bendall will coach the 2 teams. Midget Girls – 1 coaching application, Shawn Gustafson. Midgets – 2 coaching applications, John Parsons and Brian Rudyk. Rick discussed each. A vote was taken and John Parsons will be the coach.
All other coaching selections will be made after evaluations. Bantam ‘AA’ league starts October 6th – evaluations start Monday and will be completed by the following Sunday. Trevor suggested a meeting on October 2 to decide coaches for the Bantams.
14.0 Ice Scheduler – Russ Strathdee
Trevor reviewed the ice schedule – ice times were discussed. One hour has been lost to figure skating and we have 1 less team. Possible ice times for Pre-Novice was mentioned. Trevor will contact the Town regarding ice time availability Saturday 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. for Pre-Novice.
15.0 Other
15.1 Fundraising – to be discussed at the next meeting.
16.0 Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 6:30 p.m., Room 101, EPC. . 17.0 Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.