Sample Manuscript for Opto-Electronic Engineering

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Sample Manuscript for Opto-Electronic Engineering

Sample manuscript for Opto-Electronic Engineering

Title of Article(Font size 15, 1.5 line spacing)

A. Author 1,2, B. Author 2, C. Author2*, D. Author3 1Department, University, City, Postal code, Country 2Corporation or Laboratory, Street address, Postal code, City, Country 3 Department, University, City, State (spell out full name), Zip code, Country

Abstract: This is an abstract. It gives the reader an overview of the manuscript. Abstracts are required for all manuscripts. The Abstract should be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references).……(Font size 9, single line spacing) Key words: Key words 1; Key words 2; Key words 3; Key words 4

1 Introduction (Font size 13, 1.5 line spacing) The Introduction should summarize the rationale for the study and outline pertinent background material, mainly includes the following contents : 1) the reviews of the background in this research field; 2) short description about the related achievement of other scholars [1-2]; 3) explaining the significance and purpose of this scientific research; 4) brief introduction about the research work in the paper. The Introduction should not contain either results or conclusions. (Font size 10, single line spacing) 2 Theory(First-Order Heading) (Font size 13, 1.5 line spacing) 2.1 Second-Order Heading (Font size 10, single line spacing) 2.1.1. Third-Order Heading Main Text Paragraphs. (Font size 10, single line spacing)

3 Experiment or Simulation 4 Analysis 5 Conclusion

Acknowledgements Acknowledgements, general annotations, funding. Other references to the title/authors can also appear here, such as “Author 1 and Author 2 contributed equally to this work.”

References [1] Pendry J. B. Negative Refraction Makes a Perfect Lens. Physical Review Letters, 2000, 85(18): 3966-3969. [2] Zhu Wenbo, Liu Yu, Chen Genlin. Fiber Optic Gyroscope Strap-down North-seeker of Full Face Tunnel Boring Machine. Opto- Electronic Engineering, 2016, 43(10): 1-5.(Chinese) [3] Kim K, Chalidabhongse T. H, Harwood D, et al. Back ground modeling and subtraction by codebook construction. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, Oct 24-27, 2004: 3061-3064. [4] Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association. Future Vision of the Optoelectronics Industry. Digest Version [PDF on Internet]. Tokyo: Japan, [updated 6 March 2005; cited 6 May 2005]. Available from:

Received: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff)) Revised: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff)) Published online: ((will be filled in by the editorial staff)) Authors:

Author Photograph(s) , 25 mm broad, 30 mm high Introduction about the first author and corresponding author, including of author name, academic degree, professional qualifications , research field, etc . The corresponding author has to supply the email addresses and the full contact details.

Please use this “sample manuscript” as a guide for preparing your article. This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format for Peer Review. Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety. All files will be submitted through the online system: http:// Articles can be prepared as a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file, and we cannot accept TeX or LaTeX (.tex) files.

1. Title page The title should be concise(less than 50 words). Avoid beginning with an article or a preposition. The words "new" or "novel" should be avoided in the title and the text for legal reasons. The full names of all authors including their given names should be given, such as “Jiaguo ZHANG”, “Michael B. Wilson”. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk, such as “Jason T. Huff * ”. Affiliations for all authors should appear on the title page.

2. Abstract and key words Abstracts are required for all manuscripts, should be no longer than 250 words. The Abstract should be self-contained, including of the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study. It should be written as one paragraph and should not contain equations or references. Four to six key words should be supplied below the abstract. They are not capitalized, plural, separated by commas.

3. Equations Equations should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure and should be numbered on the right, and numbered consecutively through the entire paper as simply (1), (2), (3)..... Equations need to be editable so we recommend that you create them with Mathtype. Variables are expressed in italics, Vector and matrix expressed in bold italic. Some examples follow: (1) (2) (3)


4. Figures Figures and images should be labeled sequentially, numbered and cited in the text. Each figure, e.g. Fig.1, Fig.2, Fig.3, should be saved in a separate file, and have its own caption. If a table or figure has been published before, the authors must obtain written permission to reproduce the material in both print and electronic formats from the copyright owner and submit it with the manuscript. The original source should be cited in the figure caption. OEE receives color images and free to authors, image should be suitable (resolution above 300 dpi) for immediate reproduction and embedded in the text. 2 For the figures, the main lines thicknesses should be about 0.5 pt in a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file, and the assistant lines should be about 0.3 pt. Some examples follow:

5. Tables Tables must be should be labeled sequentially in order of appearance, e.g. Fig.1, Fig.2, etc, and must have titles which should be brief, goes above the table. A table should consist of at least two columns, and each column should have a heading. Authors should ensure that the data in the tables are authentic, and consistent with those cited in the relevant places in the text. Please do not submit tables as graphics, use Word’s “insert table” function. One example follow:

6. Acknowledgements Acknowledgements, general annotations, funding. Other references to the title/authors can also appear here, such as “Author 1 and Author 2 contributed equally to this work.” If this work was supported by a fund or project, please identify all appropriate funding sources by name and contract number, such as “This work was supported by the National “973” Program of China (2013CBxxxxxx), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (01020304 , 11223344)”.

7. References References should be numbered consecutively in order in which they first appearance in the body of the manuscript, marked as a superscript. Two or more consecutive references should be indicated by the bounding numbers and an dash, e.g. [1-4], discontinuous references should be included together, e.g. [2,5], When reference authors are mentioned in the text, use surnames only (unless further clarity is needed), and use "et al." and first author name when three or more authors are given. The reference list will be given at the end of the text, the format of references is as follows:

Journal Article [1] Pendry J. B. Negative Refraction Makes a Perfect Lens. Physical Review Letters, 2000, 85(18): 3966-3969. [2] Fang N, Zhang X. Imaging properties of a metameterial superlens. Applied Physics Letters, 2003, 82(2): 161-163.

Article not in English [3] Zhu Wenbo, Liu Yu, Chen Genlin. Fiber Optic Gyroscope Strap-down North-seeker of Full Face Tunnel Boring Machine. Opto- Electronic Engineering, 2016, 43(10): 1-5.(Chinese)

Book [4] Zhang Y. M. Applied Optics. Beijing: China Machine Press, 1987.

Processing [5] Kim K, Chalidabhongse T. H, Harwood D, et al. Back ground modeling and subtraction by codebook construction. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, Oct 24-27, 2004: 3061-3064.

Electronic Material [6] Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association. Future Vision of the Optoelectronics Industry. Digest Version [PDF on Internet]. Tokyo: Japan, [updated 6 March 2005; cited 6 May 2005]. Available from:

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