Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2005
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Second Sunday of Advent December 08, 2013 “I baptize you with water for repentance, but one that is more powerful than I is coiming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthtew 3:11))
† MASS SCHEDULE † St. Bernard’s: Thursday @ 9:30 AM, Saturday @ 4:00 PM Sunday @ 11:00 AM St. Vincent: Sunday @ 9:00 AM St. Clement's & St. Bartholomew's: Saturday @ 7 PM (alternating) Priest is available for Confessions prior to Saturday Mass upon request. PASTORAL MINISTRY TEAM : Priest Moderator: Rev. Allison S. Carroll Social Justice: Claudia McCloskey Assistant: (part-time) Rev. Charles Broderick Catechetics: Lorella Dunnett Liturgy: Rick Shaw, Deb Gillespie Adult Faith:Dr. Andrew Wilson STAFF: Secretary: Darlene McGraw, [email protected] Custodian: Michel Saulnier Bookkeeper: Barb Bowes, [email protected] Catechetical Coordinator: Lorella Dunnett, [email protected] Facilities & Activities Coordinator: Sam Ermen OFFICE: 43 Botsford St. Moncton, NB E1C 4W9 Phone 857-0425 Fax 857-9565 Web Site: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9 AM– 12 PM & 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Mass Intentions for this Week Thurs. Dec. 12th @ 9:30 AM—late Robert Biggs Estate Sat. Dec. 14th @ 4:00 PM—late Noreen Cassidy Al & Shirley Baglole Sun. Dec. 15th @11:00 AM—anniv. late Bob Lennox Jane & family OFFERINGS from Nov. 30 th & Dec, 01 st , 2013 Envelopes (388) $ 9,850.00 Loose $ 608.65 Karing Kitchen $ 58.50 Christmas Flowers (17) $ 435.00 Capital Expenditure (110) $ 5,629.83 For People In Need (28) $ 387.00 Philippines Relief $ 283.13 All Soul's Day (1) $ 20.00 Christmas Offering (2) $ 20.00 Donation (1) $ 5,000.00 Thank you for your generous and continued support! MARK YOUR CALENDARS Carmelites 3rd Tuesday of the Month @ 7 PM Catechism - see note in bulletin Next Baptism Preparation Course - Tuesdays, January 7th & 14th, 2014 RCIA - Wednesdays - 7 PM Circle of Friends - Thursdays after Mass (last one before Christmas-Dec 12th) Next Baptisms - Sunday, January 26th @ 2 PM Advent Evening Prayer - Thursdays @ 7 PM - Dec. 12th & 19th Penitential Service @ St. Bernard's - Sunday, December 15th @ 2 PM
Prayers for our Troops…we pray for all those who serve and for families separated from their loved ones in the military; and for the strength they need to face this time of isolation and uncertainty...
Ecclesiastes3…Under every season there is a time… A TIME TO HEAL…we remember in our prayers those who are sick... Anne Stevenson, Joe Sweeney, Betty Wedge, Ben Evers, Catherine McGowan, Cecile Fowler, Mario Di Saverio, Pat Lawlor, Father Bob LeBlanc, Ernie MacMillan, and Ray Boudreau.
A TIME TO MOURN…our sincere sympathies to the families of... Ralph Donkin and Marie Russell.
A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT – Give a ticket to The MetroTones Pop Chorus Classic Christmas Concert on Sat., Dec. 14, 7:30 PM at the Wesleyan Celebration Centre. Admission is $10. plus two or more non-perishable food items. For more information, call 852- 9664 and
Someone new to our parish is in need of a drive to our Sunday morning Mass at 11 AM. This individual lives on First Ave. (near Canadian Tire on Mountain Road). If you would be interested in helping this individual please contact the parish office @ 857-0425.
Copies of Guy's Gagne’s book, South of Damascus, are still available for $ 24.95. For info call Guy and Sheila 383.7919.
EMERGENCY RELIEF FOR THE PHILIPPINES: Donations can be made payable to St. Bernard's Church and they will be forwarded. Thank you for your generosity!!! Update on Christmas Boxes. Throughout the past month the committee working on the Christmas boxes has been meeting with the Food Depot, the East End Boys and Girls Club and volunteers to develop and cross check lists to ensure fair distribution. At this time we have reached the capacity of boxes we can manage here at St. Bernard's, except for a case of extreme emergency. Does this mean our work is finished? Absolutely not, the Social Justice Committee deals with situations of various sorts of need all year long, and especially during the winter. The support and prayer of parishioners is always a blessing. The donations received through the envelope "For People in Need' aids us in this charitable work. Thank you.
The Story of the Travelling Mittens. As the chilly days of Dec. approach, a familiar site for our Advent season will be the return of the Advent Mitten Tree at the main entrance beside St. Patrick’s statue. For many years, parishioners have brought mittens, scarves, hats, socks, in all colors & sizes to keep those who need them warm. Some have been made by hand, some have been chosen by hand, either way, they give warmth to the giver and the receiver. These items do some travelling to reach their destination. Some go in the Christmas Boxes for those in need, some go to Crossroads for Women, some to Reconnect, some to local schools with children in need and some made their way to the Albert County Foodbank last year, when they ran short of knitted items for families they served. It seems like a simple gift, but it has great care in it. Thank you all for your contributions.
Calling All Knitters. Yarn has been donated for knitters who wish to make hats, mittens, etc. for the Advent Mitten Tree. If you wish to do some knitting, you can pick up the yarn at the rectory office. Thank you to all the dedicated knitters past and present.
Supporting the Karing Kitchen For over 25 years, the Karing Kitchen has been serving a hot meal from Mon. to Fri. at noontime to the homeless and needy. For many individuals this is their only opportunity to interact with others. Currently the Karing Kitchen is serving into the thousands of meals each month. A sign of the face of poverty is that many children are among the number ministered to in this way. St. Bernard's has been an ongoing supporter of the Karing Kitchen, and one of the annual events we have participated in is, 'Let's Do Lunch'. You will see the little red cards at the church entrances. You can send these to a friend or family member and the note on the card says that a donation to the meals has been made in their honor. Then you fill out the white paper inside the card, put it and your donation in an envelope marked Karing Kitchen and simply place it in the collection basket at mass. We will deliver these envelopes to the Karing Kitchen. Thank you from the hungry of the downtown area.
DONATIONS TO THE PARISH -- YEAR END All donations must be received prior to December 31 st if they are to be included in the 2013 tax year. From the Offices of Faith Development, Liturgy and Youth Faith Development To contact us: Ellen - 857- 9952 or [email protected]; Trevor - 857-4879 or [email protected] Deb at [email protected]
Books for Breakfast: Our meeting to discuss What's So Amazing About Grace, by Philip Yancey, has been postponed until Sat., Dec. 14 th at 10 AM Moncton Casino Buffet Restaurant. Anyone between the ages of 19-39 is welcome to participate in our book discussion! For more information, contact Trevor Droesbeck.
Theology on Tap: Our next Theology on Tap for young adults 19-39 will be held on Tues., Dec. 17th at 7 PM, at Cafe Archibald (216 Gauvin Road, Dieppe). Our guest speaker will be Claudette Derdaele, and she will be speaking to us about the Christmas Season. For more information, contact Trevor Droesbeck.
World Youth Day 2016: There will be two evening sessions held to give out information about World Youth Day 2016, to be hosted by the Diocese of Kraków, Poland. The sessions will take place on Weds., Jan. 8th and Thurs., Jan. 9th, 2014, at the Diocesan Centre (45 York Street, Moncton just next to Christ the King Parish). This will be for young adults who will have turned 19 years of age by July 1st, 2016. For more information, contact Trevor Droesbeck.
CATECHISM We are constantly looking for new catechists and helpers to help catechize our children in our parish community. If this is something you’re interested in, feel free to contact me as soon as possible, as a screening process must be completed. You may contact me at the parish office at 857-0425 or by email at [email protected]
Last regular gatherings before Christmas Break will be on December 15th (Includes the 9:45 AM, 12:00 noon and Level 5 @ 6:00 PM gatherings).
Classes will resume at regular gathering times on Sunday, Jan. 5th, 2014. Lorella Dunnett
BARRA MacNEILS Christmas Concert - Sat., Dec. 14th at 7:30 PM at St. John’s Church, 75 Alma St. Moncton. Tickets: $38 and are available at: MacArthur’s Flower Shop (Mountain Rd.); Gifts Galore (Main St.); Read’s Newsstands (Main St. Moncton & Coverdale Rd. Riverview); Church Office (858-8289).
“Breakfast” Sunday, December 8 , 8 AM to 12.30 PM at the Knights of Columbus hall at 200 Halifax St., Moncton N.B. Everyone is Welcome. Price $7.00 Adults... $3.00 Children 5-12 years...Under 5 Free. “Thank you very much for your support” ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICES
St. Bernard's Church -- Sunday, Dec. 15th - 2 PM
Immaculate Heart of Mary Wednesday, Dec. 11th - 6:30 PM
St. Augustine's Monday, Dec. 16th - 6:30 PM
Christians are called in baptism to be people of prayer, to pray always, praising God and pleading for the world. Our priest- moderator, Fr. Carroll, encourages us at the beginning of Advent to be more cognizant of prayer during the Advent season. Why not try gathering with the faith community for Evening Prayer? It only takes up a half hour of your time. We follow the format for Evening Prayer that is offered in our Catholic Book of Worship.
All parishioners of our parish unit are invited and encouraged to gather for the Evening Prayer on Thursday evenings at St. Bernard’s Church at 7 PM on December 12 and 19.
Remembering our Deceased Family and Friends with Christmas Flowers
Once again this year, you are invited to make monetary donations for our Christmas floral arrangements in memory of deceased loved ones. All monies contributed will be used to purchase flowers that will decorate our church throughout the Christmas season. If you would like to donate funds for Christmas flowers in memory of a loved one you may do so by completing the information below & placing it with your donation in a plain envelope. That envelope can be put into the collection basket at mass or dropped off at the office. Names will be in the Christmas bulletin. Thank you to all those who donate to this yearly project.
In Memory of: ______
Donated by: ______
Address: ______
Envelope # MS51 ______$ Amount donated______
Schedule for Advent, Christmas, New Year’s Eve & New Year's Day
St. Bernard's - Evening Prayer
Thursdays during Advent @ 7 PM (December 12 th & 19 th )
Advent Penitential Service
St. Bernard's -- Sunday, Dec. 15th - 2 PM
Christmas Eve (Tuesday - December 24th)
St. Bernard’s @ 5 PM (family Mass), 8 PM & 10 PM St. Clement's - Port Elgin @ 5:30 PM St. Vincent’s - Sackville @ 8:00 PM
Christmas Morning (Wednesday - December 25th)
St. Bernard’s @ 11:00 AM
New Year's Eve (Tuesday - December 31st)
St. Bernard's -- 6:00 PM St. Vincent's @ 7 PM (includes both St. Clement's & St. Bartholomew's)
New Year's Day (Wednesday - January 1st)
St. Bernard's @ 11 AM