Which of the Following Lower Lip Diseases Is Obligate Precancerous Lesion?

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Which of the Following Lower Lip Diseases Is Obligate Precancerous Lesion?

Which of the following lower lip diseases is obligate precancerous lesion? A. Lower lip hyperkeratosis B. Bowen’s disease C. Lower lip angiofibroma D. Keratoacanthoma E. Local erythroplakia ANSWER: E Which of the following lower lip diseases is facultative precancerous lesion? A. Focal dyskeratosis B. Bowen’s disease C. Lower lip hyperkeratosis D. Xeroderma pigmentosum E. Lower lip papilloma ANSWER: C Which of the following risk factors isn’t the cause of lower lip cancer? A. Smoking B. Actinic (sun) damage C. Chronic inflammation and trauma D. Hormonal disorders E. Long-term wind exposure ANSWER: D Focal hyperkeratosis is a pathognomonic sign for: A. Destructive dyskeratosis B. Erythroplakia C. Leucoplakia D. Keratoacanthoma E. Papilloma ANSWER: C Focal epidermodysplasia is a pathognomonic sign for: A. Productive dyskeratosis B. Leucoplakia C. Erythroplakia D. Keratoacanthoma E. Papilloma ANSWER: C Which of the following types of lower lip cancer is not? A. Papillary B. Warty C. Ulcerative D. Eczematous E. Infilrtative ANSWER: D Which of the following lower lip cancers has the worst prognosis? A. Papillary B. Warty C. Ulcerative D. Infiltrative E. Commissural ANSWER: E Which of the following histological types of lower lip cancers is most often? A. Squamous cell carcinoma B. Small cell carcinoma C. Transitional cell carcinoma D. Adenocarcinoma E. Mucoepidermoid tumor ANSWER: A Which of the following histological types of lower lip cancers is most often? A. Adenocarcinoma B. Squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization C. Squamous cell carcinoma without keratinization D. Transitional cell carcinoma E. Mucoepidermoid tumor ANSWER: B By which of the following routes does the lower lip cancer more often give metastases? A. Lymphogenic B. Hematogenic C. By implantation D. Perineural E. By salivary gland ducts ANSWER: A Which of the following methods is most effective for the lower lip cancer III stage treatment? A. Surgery B. Brachytherapy C. Combined D. Chemotherapy E. Distant gamma therapy ANSWER: C In which of the world regions the frequency of oral cavity cancer is the highest? A. West Europe B. Africa C. Australia D. South-East Asia and Kazakhstan E. South and Central America ANSWER: D Which of the following oral cavity diseases is obligate precancerous lesion? A. Leukoplakia B. Leucokeratosis C. Bowen’s disease D. Papillomatosis E. Red flat tinea ANSWER: C Which of the following tumors has epithelial structure? A. Fibroma B. Hemangioma C. Lymphangioma D. Papilloma E. Neurofibroma ANSWER: D Which of the following risk factors isn’t the cause of oral cavity cancer? A. Prolonged smoking B. Actinic (sun) damage C. Chronic inflammation and trauma D. Chronic burns E. Chronic chemical exposure ANSWER: B Which of the following sites is more prevalent for originates tongue cancer? A. Tongue radix B. Tongue apex C. Tongue dorsum D. Tongue margins E. All parts of tongue are affected equal ANSWER: D Which of the following sites is more prevalent for originates oral cavity cancer? A. Buccal mucosa B. Hard palate C. Soft palate D. Mouth floor E. Palatal arcus ANSWER: D Which of the following histological types of tongue cancers is most often? A. Squamous cell B. Small cell C. Transitional cell D. Adenocarcinoma E. Mucoepidermoid tumor ANSWER: A Which of the following methods is most effective for the tongue cancer treatment? A. Surgery B. Radiation C. Chemotherapy D. Hormonotherapy E. Combined ANSWER: E Which of the following cells of the thyroid gland are named after author (Hürthle –Askanazy’s cells)? A. A-cells B. B-cells C. C-cells D. Metaplastic epithelium E. Parafolicular ANSWER: B By which of the following routes does the thyroid gland follicular cancer more often give metastases? A. Lymphogenic B. Hematogenic C. By implantation D. Perineural E. Through folliculi of thyroid gland ANSWER: B By which of the following routes does the thyroid gland papillary cancer more often give metastases? A. Lymphogenic B. Hematogenic C. By implantation D. Perineural E. They give metastases very rare ANSWER: A What’s the feature of the bones metastases of thyroid gland cancers? A. Consolidative B. Osteoblastic C. Retentive D. Osteolitic E. Mixed ANSWER: D The bones metastases of thyroid gland cancers can be detected by: A. MRI B. CT C. Digital X-ray D. Bones scanning E. Thermography ANSWER: D Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of thyroid gland cancer? A. Subtotal resection B. Thyroidectomy C. Limited resection D. Thyroidectomy with resection isthmus E. Subtotal subfascial resection by Nikolaev ANSWER: D Which of the following effects gives hormonotherapy? A. Substitutional effect B. Hold malignancy cells growth C. Restoration effect D. Preventive effect E. Antagonist thyrotropin ANSWER: E Which of the following drugs is used for hormonotherapy of thyroid glad cancer? A. Antithyroid drugs B. Thyroxine C. Thyrotropin D. Antistrumine E. Lactotropin ANSWER: B Which of the following tumors may be monitoring by blood test of calcitonin level? A. Salivary gland B. Larynx C. Lower lip D. Parathyroid glands E. Thyroid gland ANSWER: E Which of the following tumor markers is useful for monitoring the thyroid gland medullary cancer? A. Calcitonin B. Thyroglobulin C. CA 15-3 D. β2 –Microglobulin E. Human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) ANSWER: A Which of the following tumor markers is useful for monitoring the thyroid gland follicular adenocarcinoma? A. Calcitonin B. Thyroglobulin C. CA 15-3 D. β2 –Microglobulin E. Human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) ANSWER: B Which of the following tumor markers is useful for monitoring the thyroid gland papillary adenocarcinoma? A. Calcitonin B. Thyroglobulin C. CA 15-3 D. β2 –Microglobulin E. Human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) ANSWER: B Which of the following 5-year survival rates have the patients with the thyroid gland follicular adenocarcinoma? A. 70 – 90 % B. 40 – 60 % C. 30 % D. 10 % E. 0 % ANSWER: A Which of the following 5-year survival rates have the patients with the thyroid gland papillary adenocarcinoma? A. 90 % B. 40 – 60 % C. 30 % D. 10 % E. 0 % ANSWER: A Which of the following 5-year survival rates have the patients with the thyroid gland medullary carcinoma? A. 90 % B. 40 – 60 % C. 30 % D. 10 % E. 0 % ANSWER: B Which of the following 5-year survival rates have the patients with the thyroid gland undifferentiated cancer? A. 70 % B. 50 % C. 30 % D. 20 % E. 0 % ANSWER: E Which of the following clinical manifestation is most typical for the thyroid gland aberrant cancer? A. Cannot be detected by visual B. Cannot be detected by palpable C. By thyroid fail D. By metastasizing ways E. None ANSWER: D Which of the following risk factors isn’t the cause of larynx cancer? A. Smoking B. Chronic laryngitis C. Chemical carcinogens D. Insolation E. Alcohols ANSWER: D Which of the following laryngeal diseases is obligate precancerous lesion? A. Papilloma B. Fibroma C. Cyst D. Laryngitis E. Basal fibroid ANSWER: A Which of the following viruses is associated with laryngeal papillomatoses? A. Herpes virus first type B. Herpes virus second type C. Human papillomavirus (HPV) D. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) E. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ANSWER: C Which of the following laryngeal diseases is manifested by membrane thickened? A. Fibromatosis B. Basal fibroid C. Wegener’s laryngitis D. Productive laryngitis E. Pachydermia ANSWER: E Which of the following treatments gives the best result in the patients with pachydermia? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Photodynamic lazerotherapy ANSWER: A Which of the following cysts doesn’t occur in the larynx? A. Lymphatic B. Mucinous C. Retention D. Traumatic E. Hereditary ANSWER: B Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of laryngeal cyst? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Photodynamic lazerotherapy ANSWER: A Which of the following treatments gives the best result in the patients with laryngeal hard papilloma? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Photodynamic lazerotherapy ANSWER: A Which of the following treatments gives the best result in the patients with laryngeal soft papilloma? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Photodynamic lazerotherapy ANSWER: A Which of the following treatments gives the best result in the patients with laryngeal fibroma? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Photodynamic lazerotherapy ANSWER: A The most prevalent site for originates larynx cancer is: A. Vestibular space B. Vocal folds C. Subglottic space D. Anterior commissure E. Posterior commissure ANSWER: A Which of the following sites isn’t prevalent for originates larynx cancer? A. Vestibular space B. Vocal folds C. Subglottic space D. Anterior commissure E. Epiglottis ANSWER: C Which of the following symptoms is more often on the onset disease if tumor located in vestibular space? A. Painful swallowing B. Hemoptysis C. Breathing difficulties D. Hoarseness E. Cough ANSWER: A Which of the following symptoms is more often on the onset disease if tumor located on vocal cords? A. Sore throat B. Pharyngeal foreign body feeling C. Breathing difficulties D. Hoarseness E. Cough ANSWER: D Which of the following symptoms is more often on the onset disease if tumor located in glottis? A. Sore throat B. Pharyngeal foreign body feeling C. Breathing difficulties D. Hoarseness E. Cough ANSWER: C Which of the following methods cannot assess the “T” (primary tumor) of larynx cancer? A. Endoscopy B. CT C. Digital X-ray tomography D. MRI E. Ultrasound ANSWER: E Larynx cancer gives metastases by: A. Hematogenic B. Lymphogenic C. By implantation D. By contact E. Doesn’t metastasizes ANSWER: B The site origin of larynx cancer influences on metastasizing. Which of the following more often gives metastases? A. Vestibular space cancer B. Vocal folds cancer C. Subglottic space cancer D. Anterior commissure cancer E. Posterior commissure cancer ANSWER: A The site origin of larynx cancer influences on metastasizing. Which of the following rare gives metastases? A. Vestibular space cancer B. Vocal folds cancer C. Subglottic space cancer D. Ventricle cancer E. Epiglottis cancer ANSWER: B Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of laryngeal cancer vestibular space I – II stages? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Photodynamic laserotherapy E. Surgery with neoadjuvant chemotherapy ANSWER: B Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of laryngeal cancer subglottic space I-II stages? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Surgery with postoperative RT ANSWER: A Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of laryngeal cancer subglottic space III stage? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Surgery with postoperative RT ANSWER: A One of the indications to cordectomy is location tumor. In which of the following cases this operation is most likely to be? A. Vestibular space B. Supraglottic space C. Vocal folds D. Subglottic space E. Any location if tumor I stage ANSWER: C Which of the following operations is not radical for the surgical treatment of laryngeal cancer? A. Larynx resection B. Cordectomy C. Laryngectomy D. Tracheostomy E. Pharyngotomy with surgical removal tumor ANSWER: D Which of the following sites is preferable for originates laryngeal mixed tumors? A. Palate tonsils B. Outlet sites of III, IV, VI cranial paired nerves C. Ostium auditory tubes D. Minores salivary glands E. Pyriform sinus ANSWER: D Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of laryngeal mixed tumors? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Photodynamic lazerotherapy E. Surgery with preoperative RT ANSWER: A To which of the following groups of laryngeal tumors does the basal fibroid belong? A. Benign epithelial B. Benign nonepithelial C. Malignant epithelial D. Malignant nonepithelial E. Local destructive ANSWER: E Laryngeal fibroids more often originate in: A. Child’s age B. Youth’s age C. Mature age D. Old age E. Senile age ANSWER: B Which of the following sites is more preferable for laryngeal fibroid? A. Larynx arc B. Palate pillar C. Posterior pharyngeal wall D. Pyriform sinus E. Epiglottic fossa ANSWER: A Which of the following methods gives the best result in the patients with laryngeal fibroid? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Surgery with preoperative RT E. Photodynamic lazerotherapy ANSWER: A Which of the following viruses is associated with laryngeal cancer? A. Herpes virus first type B. Herpes virus second type C. Human papillomavirus (HPV) D. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) E. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ANSWER: D Which of the following oropharyngeal tumors is more often? A. Epiglottic fossa cancer B. Palate pillar cancer C. Posterior pharyngeal wall cancer D. Lateral pharyngeal wall cancer E. Tonsils cancer ANSWER: E Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Hormonotherapy E. Biologic therapy ANSWER: B Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of oropharyngeal cancer? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Hormonotherapy E. Biologic therapy ANSWER: B Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of hypopharyngeal cancer? A. Surgery alone B. Radiotherapy (RT) C. Chemotherapy D. Hormonotherapy E. Biologic therapy ANSWER: B Which of the following histological patterns does Schmincke’s tumor have? A. Adenocarcinoma B. Squamouscells C. Mucoepidermoid cells D. Lymphoepithelial cells E. Sarcoma ANSWER: D Which of the following tumors has the worst prognosis? A. Nasopharynx B. Oropharynx C. Hypopharynx D. Palate pillar E. Tonsillar fossa ANSWER: C Which of the following methods is most effective for the treatment of metastases in the neck lymph nodes? A. Surgery B. Radiotherapy C. Chemotherapy D. Immunotherapy E. Photodynamic therapy ANSWER: A Which of the following types of operations gives the best result in the patients with bilateral neck’s metastases? A. Standard radical neck dissection B. Crile’s operation C. Vanach’s operation D. Ducuing’s operation E. Local surgical removal ANSWER: B Which of the following types of operations gives the best result in the patients with ipcilateral neck’s metastases? A. Standard radical neck dissection B. Crile’s operation C. Vanach’s operation D. Ducuing’s operation E. Local surgical removal ANSWER: A Who is author of submandibular lymph node dissection? A. Madden B. Crile C. Vanach D. Ducuing E. Halsted ANSWER: C Which of the following anatomical structures is removed during Crile’s operation? A. Remove ipsilateral neck lymph nodes and subcutaneous fat B. Remove bilateral neck lymph nodes with fat, sternocleidomastoideus muscle, and vein jugular interna C. Remove bilateral neck lymph nodes, fat, artery jugular externa ligation and hyoid resection D. Remove bilateral neck lymph nodes and lower lip resection E. Remove bilateral submandibular lymph nodes ANSWER: B Which of the following methods gives least of all information for diagnosis cancer of the lip and oral cavity? A. Laryngoscopy B. Biopsy C. Physical examination of the lips, oral cavity and regional lymph nodes D. Ultrasonography E. X-ray films of the chest and mandible ANSWER: D Which of the following etiology and risk factors are less associated with cancer of the lip and oral cavity? A. Occupational factors B. Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption C. Betel nut chewing D. Xeroderma pigmentosum E. Obesity ANSWER: E Which of the following methods gives least of all information for diagnosis of the larynx cancer? A. Laryngoscopy B. Biopsy C. CT D. MRI E. Laboratory studies ANSWER: E Which of the following etiology and risk factors are less associated with the larynx cancer? A. Occupational factors B. Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption C. Genetic factors D. Viruses E. Obesity. ANSWER: E Which of the following methods gives least of all information for diagnosis of the thyroid cancer? A. Symptoms and signs B. Thyroid ultrasonography C. Thyroid gland biopsy D. Complete Blood Count (CBC) E. Thyroid scans ANSWER: D Which of the following etiology and risk factors are less associated with the thyroid cancer? A. Radiation exposure B. Personal history C. Hereditary factors D. Nulliparity E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone ANSWER: D Which of the following histologic types of the thyroid cancers is the most common? A. Papillary cancers B. Follicular cancers C. Anaplastic cancers D. Medullary cancers E. Hurthle cell cancer ANSWER: A Which of the following diseases is obligate cutaneous melanoma? A. Dubreuilh’s melanosis B. Border nevus C. Blue nevus D. Pigmented papilloma E. Pigmented basal cell cancer ANSWER: A Which of the following diseases is facultative cutaneous melanoma? A. Dubreuilh’s melanosis B. Nevus C. Papilloma D. Wart E. Pigmented basal cell cancer ANSWER: B Which of the following diseases is not skin precancerous? A. Bowen’s disease B. Xeroderma pigmentosum C. Queyrat’s erythroplasia D. Paget’s disease E. Lyell’s toxic epidermal necrosis ANSWER: E Which of the following diseases is facultative skin precancerous? A. Xeroderma pigmentosum B. Bowen’s disease C. Hyper- and/or diskeratosis D. Paget’s disease E. Nevus ANSWER: C Which of the following diseases is skin precancerous? A. Keratoma B. Cutaneous horn C. Keratoacanthoma D. Papilloma E. Xeroderma pigmentosum ANSWER: E Which of the following diseases is obligate skin precancerous? A. Keratoma B. Cutaneous horn C. Bowen’s disease D. Nevus E. Papilloma ANSWER: C Which of the following diseases is facultative skin precancerous? A. Keratoma B. Bowen’s disease C. Papilloma D. Nevus E. Xeroderma pigmentosum ANSWER: A Which of the following factors suggests that basal cell cancer is malignant tumor? A. Lymphatic metastasizing B. Haematogenous metastasizing C. Metastasizing by contact D. Infiltrative growth E. Formation “metastases-satellite” ANSWER: D Which of the following factors suggests that basal cell cancer is benign tumor? A. Expansive growth B. There is capsule C. There is not relapse D. There are not atypical cells E. There is not metastasizing ANSWER: E Which of the following statements about basal cell carcinoma is wrong? A. Basal cell carcinoma appears due to sun exposure B. Basal cell carcinoma may appear from xeroderma pigmentosum C. Basal cell carcinoma may metastasizing D. For the treatment of basal cell carcinomas is usually used surgery E. Most common location is face ANSWER: C Which of the following locations of basal cell carcinoma is most common? A. Limbs B. Body C. Face D. Perineum E. Neck ANSWER: C Which of the following diseases has name “chimney sweeps' carcinoma”? A. Bladder cancer B. Scalp cancer C. Scrotum cancer D. Lower lip cancer E. Testis cancer ANSWER: C For which of the following diseases is Clark’s classification recommended? A. Skin squamous cell carcinoma B. Basal cell carcinoma C. Melanoma D. Bowen’s disease E. Nevus ANSWER: C Which of the following signs is more specific for melanoma? A. Metastasizing level is very high B. Occult manifestation C. Treatment always gives favorite results D. Multicentric growth E. There is not metastasizing ANSWER: A Which of the following metastasizing routes is more specific for skin cancer? A. Lymphatic B. Haematogenous C. Implantation D. There is not metastasizing E. By contact ANSWER: A Which of the following methods is recommended for morphological verification of melanoma? A. Only postoperative B. Incision biopsy C. Smear imprint D. Brush biopsy E. Forceps biopsy ANSWER: C Kaposi’s sarcoma more often localized on: A. Body B. Scalp C. External genitalia D. Limbs E. Internal organs ANSWER: D Which of the following metastases is called “metastases-satellite”? A. Metastases to adjacent organs B. Metastases to 2 cm from the primary tumor C. Metastases to symmetrical parts of the body D. Metastases to Sorgius’s lymph node E. Metastases to 5 cm from the primary tumor ANSWER: B Which of the following methods gives least of all information for diagnosis of the primary skin cancers and melanoma? A. Symptoms and signs B. Biopsy C. Physical examination D. CT and MRI E. Immunohistochemistry ANSWER: D Which of the following etiology and risk factors are less associated with the skin cancer and melanoma? A. Actinic (sun) damage B. Carcinogens (irradiation, coal tar) C. Betel nut chewing D. Hereditary factors E. Oncogene ANSWER: C The clinical oncology is the medicine branch which studies: A. Systemic malignancies B. Tumors C. Malignant tumors D. Solid tumors E. Clinical manifestation tumors ANSWER: B Which of the following statements describes the malignant growth? A. Growths which provokes danger of death B. Uncontrolled manner growth C. Cells fast dividing and proliferating tissues D. Expansive tumor growth E. Cells dividing which are provoked by gene mutation ANSWER: B Which of the following signs is most prognostic dangerous? A. Fast growth B. Volume of tumor mass C. Metabolic changes D. Uncontrolled manner growth E. Toxicity ANSWER: D What does “carcinoma in situ” mean? A. Tumor size less 1 cm B. Tumor which grows from apocrine glands C. Tumor’s growth doesn’t spread through basal membrane D. Tumor’s growth doesn’t spread through surrounding tissues E. Tumor which gives metastases at distance less 2 cm ANSWER: C Which of the following signs is not pathognomonic for “carcinoma in situ”? A. Absent lymphogenic metastases B. Absent hematogenic metastases C. Only local growth D. Invasive growth E. Growth doesn’t spread through basal membrane ANSWER: D How deep carcinoma in situ spreads? A. Absent B. Less 0.5 mm C. Less 1 mm D. Less 1.5 mm E. Less 2 mm ANSWER: A What does “paraneoplasia” mean? A. Synchronous tumors in the same organ B. Synchronous tumors in different organs C. Massive regional metastases D. Massive distant metastases E. Hormonal, clinical and biochemical disturbances associated with cancers ANSWER: E What does “metaplasia” mean? A. Cells regeneration after damage B. Abnormal replacement of cells of one type by cells of another C. Epithelium trophic disturbances D. Epithelium malignant transformation E. Epithelium differentiation disturbance ANSWER: B What does “dysplasia” mean? A. Cells regeneration after damage B. Transformation of one type epithelium into another C. Epithelium trophic disturbances D. Epithelium differentiation disturbance E. Epithelium malignant transformation ANSWER: D What does “hyperplasia” mean? A. Abnormal cells regeneration after damage B. Transformation of one type epithelium into another C. Epithelium trophic disturbances D. Epithelium differentiation disturbance E. Epithelium malignant transformation ANSWER: A The tumor growth is predetermined by: A. Ontogenetic changes B. Aging C. Concomitant diseases D. Disease progression E. Treatment ANSWER: A Which of the following tumors originates in the mesenchymal tissues? A. Ganglioma B. Pheochromocytoma C. Chemodectoma D. Sympathoblastoma E. Leiomyoma ANSWER: E Which of the following tumors originates in the nervous tissues? A. Myoma B. Ganglioma C. Fibroma D. Lymphangioma E. Synovioma ANSWER: B Which of the following tumors is not malignant? A. Melanoma B. Adenocarcinoma C. Fibrosarcoma D. Fibroadenoma E. Hypernephroma ANSWER: D In which of the following tissues originates sarcoma? A. Endocrine glands ductal epithelium B. Transitional epithelium C. Mesenchymal and neuroectodermal tissue D. Any cells E. Only connective tissue ANSWER: C In which of the following tissues doesn’t originate soft tissue tumor? A. Epithelial B. Muscular C. Adipose D. Vessels endothelium E. Connective ANSWER: A Which of the following diseases is not tumor? A. Lipoma B. Fibroma C. Sarcoma D. Hibernoma E. Tuberculoma ANSWER: E Which of the following cancer theories is not? A. Chronic irritation B. Evolution C. Genetic D. Infectious-virus E. Polyetiological ANSWER: B Which of the following cancer theories approved by “milk factor” (J. Bittner)? A. Carcinogenic B. Protooncogenic C. Genetic D. Dyshormonal E. Viral ANSWER: E Which of the following viruses is not the cause of lymphomas? A. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) B. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV, Types 1-2) C. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) D. Herpes virus E. Papilloma viruses ANSWER: E In which of the following phases of cell growth the cells are more sensitive to carcinogens? A. G0 B. G1 C. S D. G2 E. M ANSWER: E In which of the following phases of cell growth the cells are less sensitive to carcinogens? A. G0 B. G1 C. S D. G2 E. M ANSWER: A Which of the following tumors belongs to “visual”? A. Nasopharynx B. Esophagus C. Liver D. Thyroid gland E. Larynx ANSWER: D Which of the following tumors doesn’t belong to “visual”? A. Thyroid gland B. Nasopharynx C. Mammary gland D. Cervix E. Anal canal ANSWER: B What’s the purpose of epidemiology? A. Expose of disease cause B. Prognosticate cancer morbidity in definite region C. Prognosticate seasonal cancer morbidity D. Prognosticate age cancer morbidity E. Cancer diagnostic and treatment ANSWER: A What does “as early as possible diagnosis” mean? A. Diagnosis of obligate precancers B. Diagnosis of cancer in situ C. Diagnosis of cancer in T1-T2 D. Diagnosis of cancer in T3-T4 E. Diagnosis of cancer in any stage ANSWER: A What does “earliest diagnosis” mean? A. Diagnosis of obligate precancers B. Diagnosis of cancer in situ C. Diagnosis of cancer in T1-T2 D. Diagnosis of cancer in T3-T4 E. Diagnosis of cancer in any stage ANSWER: B What does “timely diagnosis” mean? A. Diagnosis of obligate precancers B. Diagnosis of cancer in situ C. Diagnosis of cancer in T1-T2 D. Diagnosis of cancer in T3-T4 E. Diagnosis of cancer in any stage ANSWER: C What does “late diagnosis” mean? A. Prenatal of cancer diagnosis B. Diagnosis of obligate precancers A. Diagnosis of cancer in situ B. Diagnosis of cancer in T1-T2 C. Diagnosis of cancer in T3-T4 with metastases ANSWER: E What does “tumors screening” mean? A. Modern diagnosis methods B. Modern microinvasive treatment methods C. Complex examination of strictly-practical organ interest D. Routine people investigation E. Anticancer vaccination of people ANSWER: D Which of the following properties doesn’t belong to screening? A. Low prices B. Atraumatic C. Simpleness D. Specificity E. Invasiveness ANSWER: E Which of the following procedures is fruitless for screening? A. Chest fluorography B. Cancer-associated antigen blood test C. Fecal occult blood test D. Laparoscopy E. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy ANSWER: D Which of the following acts may improve screening results? A. Forming people-groups with “high risk” of developing cancer B. Use expanded age diapason for screening C. Enlist high-skill oncologists to co-operation D. Use CT as screening method E. Use different form of punishment who tries to miss screening ANSWER: A What’s the purpose of screening? A. Detecting tumor location B. Planning treatment C. Revealing patients with cancer suspicion D. Staging tumors E. Verifying cancer ANSWER: C Screening is more fruitful for one of the following tumors. Which one is it? A. Lungs B. Rectum C. Mammary gland D. Cervix E. Thyroid gland ANSWER: D What is the most frequent premalignant lesion of oral cavity? A. Leukoplakia B. Erythroplakia C. Metaplasia D. Dysplasia E. Papilloma ANSWER: B Name the most beneficial technique of using chemotherapy together with radiotherapy for treatment cancer of head and neck? A. Neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy B. Adjuvant chemotherapy C. Concurrent chemotherapy D. Alternating chemotherapy and radiotherapy E. Palliative chemotherapy ANSWER: A What gene is associated with oral cavity carcinoma? A. p43 B. p53 C. p63 D. p73 E. BRCA ANSWER: B Which of the following structure is not removed in Crile radical neck dissection? A. Sternocleidomastoid muscle B. Submundibular gland C. Phrenic nerve D. Internal jugular vein E. Lymph nodes ANSWER: C Patient has tongue cancer with enlarged neck lymph nodes. What is the best treatment for the metastatic lymph nodes? A. Crile radical neck dissection B. Tele-radiotherapy C. Supra hyoid neck dissection D. Lower cervical neck dissection E. Sentinel lymph node biopsy ANSWER: A What location of the oral cavity cancer has favorable prognosis? A. Cancer of lip B. Carcinoma cheek C. Carcinoma tongue D. Carcinoma palate E. Nasopharingeal cancer ANSWER: A Regional metastases of buccal mucosa carcinoma present in: A. Neck lymph nodes B. Liver C. Heart D. Brain E. Lung ANSWER: A Regarding to lip cancer the statement is not true: A. Lower lip commonly involved B. Early cases – surgery and radiotherapy curative C. Early metastasis to lymph nodes D. “Kiss” cancer type E. Smoking value nothing ANSWER: C All are true about carcinoma tongue, except: A. It is due to smoking B. Tobacco chewing is risk factor C. More on lateral side D. Adenocarcinoma E. Surgery is main treatment ANSWER: D All of the following structures are removed in Crile radical neck dissection, except: A. Sternocleidomastoideus muscle B. External carotid artery C. Internal jugularis vein D. Spinal accessory nerve E. Lymph nodes ANSWER: B Commonest malignancy of oral cavity is: A. Adenocarcinoma B. Squamous cell carcinoma C. Adenosquamous carcinoma D. Pleomorhic adenocarcinoma E. Neuroblastoma ANSWER: B Commonest site of metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of lower lip is: A. Upper neck lymph node B. Supraclavicular lymph node C. Lungs D. Liver E. Mediastinal lymph nodes ANSWER: A What does N3 mean in the classification of oral cavity carcinoma? A. Metastasis in ipsilateral supraclavicular lyph node B. Lymph nodes larger than 6 cm C. No nodes D. Nodes larger than 3 cm E. Sentinel lymph nodes ANSWER: B What does T3 mean in the TNM classification of oral cancer? A. Tumor with deep invasion to muscle or bone B. Tumor large than 4 cm C. Tumor 2 cm or smaller D. Tumor 4 cm or smaller E. Tumor 1 cm ANSWER: B What is the main way of metastatic spread of oral cavity cancer? A. Lymphatic B. Hematogenous C. Implantation D. Perivascular E. Perineural ANSWER: A Call the most frequent complication of radical neck dissection from left side: A. Damage of neck part of thoracic lymphatic duct B. Damage of internal jugularis vein C. Damage of spinal accessory nerve D. Damage of submandibular salivary gland E. Brachioplexitis ANSWER: A What is the five-year survival for patients with I-II stage lower lip cancer after radical treatment? A. 40-50 % B. 60-70 % C. 20-30 % D. 75-100 % E. 10-20 % ANSWER: D Call the most frequent initial symptom in patients with oral cavity cancer: A. Bleeding B. Pain C. Hypersalivation and bad smell from mouth D. Difficulty with speech and swalloving E. Cachexia ANSWER: C Widespread of oral mucosal lesion may be estimated with the help of: A. Iodine solution B. Lugol iodine solution C. Toluidine blue D. Basic magenta solution E. Glucose solution ANSWER: C What dose of radiation treatment for lip cancer is recommended? A. 30 Gy B. 40 Gy C. 50 Gy D. 60 Gy E. 80 Gy ANSWER: D Diagnosis of oral cavity carcinoma must be confirmed by: A. Clinical examination B. Incisional biopsy C. Cytological examination D. Radionuclide scan E. Ultrasound exam ANSWER: B What does N1 mean in the classification of oral cavity carcinoma? A. No nodes B. Single homolateral node smaller than 3 cm C. Node(s) homolateral smaller than 6 cm D. Node(s) large than 6 cm and/or bilateral E. Sentinel lymph nodes ANSWER: B What does N2 mean in the classification of oral cavity carcinoma? A. No nodes B. Single homolateral node smaller than 3 cm C. Node(s) homolateral smaller than 6 cm D. Node(s) large than 6 cm and/or bilateral E. Sentinel lymph nodes ANSWER: C What does T1 mean in the TNM classification of oral cancer? A. Carcinoma in situ B. Tumor 2 cm or smaller C. Tumor 4 cm or smaller D. Tumor large than 4 cm E. Microcarcinoma ANSWER: B What does T2 mean in the TNM classification of oral cancer? A. Tumor 2 cm or smaller B. Tumor 2-4 cm C. Tumor large 4 cm D. Tumor large 4 cm and invasion to deep structures E. Microcarcinoma ANSWER: B What does T4 mean in the TNM classification of oral cancer? A. Tumor 2 cm or smaller B. Tumor 4 cm or smaller C. Tumor large 4 cm D. Tumor with deep invasion into muscle, bone or nerves E. Tumor with lymph node metastases ANSWER: D Which one of the following sentences best characterizes malignant growth? A. Form of growth of tumours, that is dangerous to life B. Form of proliferation, demonstrates irregular growth C. Fast distribution pattern and proliferation D. Expansive growth of tumours E. Distributing pattern, which is due to mutation genes ANSWER: B What is "carcinoma in situ"? A. Lump whose maximum size does not exceed 1 см B. Lump, that has developed from apocrine glands C. Lump, that does not spread over basal membrane of epidermis D. Lump, that does not go out of fascial layer E. Metastasis, turning i to 2 см from crisis principal tumours ANSWER: C Which of the following tumors has mesenchymal derivation? A. Ganglioma B. Pheochromocytoma C. Chemodectoma D. Sympathicoblastoma E. Leuomyoma ANSWER: E Which of the following tumors has neurogenic derivation? A. Myoma B. Ganglioma C. Fibroma D. Lymphangioma E. ynovioma ANSWER: B From which tissue develops sarcoma? A. From mucosal epithelium that has excretory duct of endocrine glands B. From epitheliam C. From mesenchymal tissue and neuroectodermal derivation D. From any cells but has high malignancy E. From connective tissue ANSWER: E From which of the tissues does not develop tumours of soft tissues? A. Epithelial B. Muscular C. Adipose D. Endothelial vascular E. Connective ANSWER: D Which confirms the theory of cancer detection "Bittner’s factors of milk"? A. Cancerogenic B. Protooncogenic C. Genetic D. Dishormonal E. Viral ANSWER: E What is the Holsted’s concept in breast cancer? A. Tumor metastatise in the preclinical stage B. Most active tumor develops in estrogenic phase of ovarian cycle C. Tumor remains localized for a long time, metastatise late D. Tumor produces substances that impede the growth of metastases E. Estrogen-positive tumors metastatise frequently than estrogen-negative ANSWER: C For which tumor is Dukes classification applicable? A. Malignant lymphoma B. Melanoma C. Hepatocellular carcinoma D. Cancer of the large intestine E. Pleural mesothelioma ANSWER: D Which of these cancers according to their localization showed significant decrease through screening in Ukraine? A. Lung cancer B. Cancer of the rectum C. Breast cancer D. Cancer of the cervix E. Cancer of the thyroid gland ANSWER: A What is the method of screening for lung cancer? A. Fluorography of the chest cavity B. Chest radiography C. Radioscopy D. Tomography E. Computer tomography ANSWER: A Which method of screening is used for colon cancer? A. Sigmoidoscopy B. Colonoscopy C. Hemoculture and digital rectal examination D. Irrigoscopy E. Computer tomography ANSWER: C What method of screening is used in breast cancer? A. Computer tomography B. Magnet resonance imaging C. Mammography D. Ductography E. Thermography ANSWER: C Which method of screening is used for cervical cancer? A. Rectovaginal test B. Hysteroscopy C. Research microflora D. Colposcopy and cytological study of smears cervical epithelium E. Hemoculture ANSWER: D Which of these tumors are benign? A. Melanoma B. Adenocarcinoma C. Fibrosarcoma D. Fibroadenoma E. Hypernephroma ANSWER: D Which of the following sentences defines the incidence of malignant tumors and mortality? A. The number of cases per 1 thousand people in 1 year B. The number of cases per 10 thousand of population in 1 year C. The number of cases per 100 thousand of population in 1 year. D. The number of cases per 1 million of population in 1 year E. The number of cases per 100 thousand of population in 5 years ANSWER: C What is the percentage of total mortality of malignant tumors? A. 8-10 % B. 3-15 % C. 23-25 % D. 30-33 % E. 35-38 % ANSWER: E What is the incidence of malignant tumors in Ukraine? A. 100-125 cases per 100 thousand people per year B. 150-180 cases per 100 thousand people per year C. 190-210 cases per 100 thousand people per year D. 260-300 cases per 100 thousand people per year E. 330-350 cases per 100 thousand people per year ANSWER: E What is the death rate from malignant tumors in Ukraine? A. 100-125 cases per 100 thousand people per year B. 150-180 cases per 100 thousand people per year C. 190-210 cases per 100 thousand people per year D. 260-300 cases per 100 thousand people per year E. 330-350 cases per 100 thousand people per year ANSWER: B What number of new cases of malignant tumors are recorded every year in Ukraine? A. 100-120 thousand B. 170-180 thousand C. 220-240 thousand D. 280-300 thousand E. 330-350 thousand ANSWER: B What type of cancer ranks first in the oncological diseases in men? A. Lung cancer B. Stomach cancer C. Colon cancer D. Prostate cancer E. Bone and soft tissue sarcoma ANSWER: A What type of cancer ranks first in the oncological diseases in women? A. Lung cancer B. Cancer of the uterus C. Colon cancer D. Ovarian cancer E. Breast cancer ANSWER: E Which of these tumors is most likely to occur in childhood? A. Leukemia B. Hodgkin's disease C. Lipoma D. Stomach cancer E. Bone and soft tissue sarcoma ANSWER: A What type of cancer ranks first in the structure of mortality in men? A. Lung cancer B. Stomach cancer C. Colon cancer D. Prostate cancer E. Bone and soft tissue sarcoma ANSWER: A What type of cancer ranks first in the structure of mortality in women? A. Lung cancer B. Cancer of the uterus C. Colon cancer D. Ovarian cancer E. Breast cancer ANSWER: A What statistical indicators retrospectively reflect the actual distribution of tumors by stages? A. Incidence of 100 thousand people B. Mortality rate per 100 thousand of population C. Mortality during the year since the detection of the disease D. % coverage of special treatment E. % of the cases identified in the prevention surveys ANSWER: C What is the figure actually reflects the quality of cancer care? A. Incidence B. Mortality C. The difference between the morbidity and mortality D. % coverage of special treatment E. Mortality during the year since the detection of disease ANSWER: C Which of these figures reflect the best possible quality of diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities in oncological services? A. Incidence B. % coverage of special treatment C. % of cases detected in the prevention surveys D. Karnovsky index E. The survival of patients ANSWER: E Which of these localized tumors is visualised? A. Nasopharynx B. Esophagus C. Liver D. Thyroid gland E. Larynx ANSWER: D Which of these localized tumors are not visual? A. The thyroid gland B. Nasopharynx C. Breast D. Cervix E. Anal cancer ANSWER: B What does the term "screening of malignant tumors” mean? A. Application of informative modern methods of diagnosis of tumors B. Application of modern methods of treating cancer C. Integrated deep examination of a particular organ for the detection of tumors D. The massive survey of people for the detection of presence of suspicious tumor E. Mass vaccination of antitumor vaccines ANSWER: D Which methods of diagnosis the tumor can not be used for screening? A. Fluorography of the chest cavity B. Determination of tumor-associated antigens C. Hemoculture and stool test D. Laparoscopy with biopsy E. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy ANSWER: D Which of the measures significantly improves the effectiveness of screening? A. Formation of high-risk groups B. Expanding the age range studied contingent C. Attracting experienced onco-specialists D. Including computer tomography as a method screening program E. Introduction of penalties for not appearing in the research ANSWER: A What is the main objective of screening for malignant tumors? A. Establishing the exact localization of the tumor in the body B. Drawing up a plan of special treatment C. Identifying persons suspicious of the existence of tumor D. Setting the stage for the system TNM E. Morphological verification of the tumor ANSWER: C Which of these signs of tumor is most dangerous for the prognosis? A. Rapid growth B. Significant dimensions C. Metabolism digression D. Uncontrolled growth of the organism E. Toxic effects on the body ANSWER: A What is the ideal goal of cancer epidemiology? A. Identifying the causes of the disease B. Predicting the incidence of tumors in a specific region C. Forecasting the seasonal disease D. The prognosis of diseases regardless of age E. Diagnosis and treatment of a particular patient ANSWER: B Which theory of cancer does not exist? A. Carcinogenic B. The cosmopolitan. C. Dyshormonal D. Infective E. Polyetiologic ANSWER: B What features are not found in cancer in situ? A. The absence of lymphogenous metastasis B. The absence of haematogenous metastasis C. Localization of tissue origin D. Invasive growth E. The lack of basal membrane damage ANSWER: D What is the definition of "paraneoplasm"? A. The emergence of synchronous tumors in one body B. The emergence of synchronous tumors in nearby organs C. The development of a massive regional metastasis D. The development of a massive metastasis in remote organs E. Production of hormones and hormone like factors from the tumors, as well as violations of the general exchange processes under the influence of the tumor ANSWER: E What provides a very early diagnosis of cancer? A. Antenatal recognition and diagnosis of tumors pre obligatory processes B. Diagnosis of cancer in situ and microinvasive cancer C. Diagnostics in the process T1-T2 D. Diagnostics in the process T3-T4 E. Diagnosis at any stage of T with metastases in the regional lymph nodes and distant organs ANSWER: B What provides early diagnosis of malignant tumors? A. Antenatal recognition and diagnosis of tumors pre obligatory processes B. Diagnosis of cancer in situ and microinvasive cancer C. Diagnostics in the process T1-T2 D. Diagnostics in the process T3-T4 E. Diagnosis at any stage of T in combination with metastases in the regional lymph nodes and distant organs ANSWER: B What provides timely diagnosis of malignant tumors? A. Antenatal recognition and diagnosis of tumors pre obligatory processes B. Diagnosis of cancer in situ and microinvasive cancer C. Diagnostics in the process T1-T2 D. Diagnostics in the process T3-T4 E. Diagnosis at any stage of T in combination with metastases in the regional lymph nodes and distant organs ANSWER: C What provides the late diagnosis of malignant tumors? A. Antenatal recognition of tumor B. Diagnosis pre obligatory processes C. Diagnosis of cancer in situ and microinvasive cancer D. Diagnostics in the process T1-T2 E. Diagnostics in the process T3-T4, or at any stage of T in combination with metastases in the regional lymph nodes and distant organs ANSWER: E How is immunodiagnostics of malignant tumors carried out? A. Determines contents of immunoglobulin in the blood B. Determines contents of immunoglobulin in tumors C. Determines contents tumor associated antigens in the blood D. Determines contents tumor associated antigens in tumors E. Defines the indicators of non-specific resistance in the blood ANSWER: C Which of the following type of localized tumors is most likely to have specific tumor-associated antigen CA-125? A. Cancer of the ovaries B. Tumors of the digestive tract C. Hepatocellular carcinoma D. Prostate cancer E. Pancreatic cancer ANSWER: A Which of the following type of localized tumors is most likely to have specific tumor-associated antigen CA-19-9? A. Ovarian cancer B. Tumors of the digestive tract C. Hepatocellular carcinoma D. Prostate cancer E. Cancer of the pancreas ANSWER: E Which of the following type of localized tumors is most likely to have specific tumor-associated antigen PSA? A. Ovarian cancer B. Tumors of the digestive tract C. Hepatocellular carcinoma D. Cancer of the prostate E. Pancreatic cancer ANSWER: D Which of the following type of localized tumors is most likely to have specific tumor-associated antigen AFP? A. Ovarian cancer B. Tumors of the digestive tract C. Hepatocellular carcinoma D. Prostate cancer E. Pancreatic cancer ANSWER: C Which of the following type of localized tumors is most likely to have specific tumor-associated antigen (CEA)? A. Ovarian cancer B. Tumors of the digestive tract C. Tepatocellular carcinoma D. Prostate cancer E. Cancer of the thyroid gland ANSWER: B Which of the following type of localized tumors is most likely to have specific tumor-associated antigen CA 15-3? A. Ovarian cancer B. Tumors of the digestive tract C. Breast cancer D. Prostate cancer E. Pancreatic cancer ANSWER: C What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific to hepatocellular carcinoma? A. CA-125 B. CA-19-9 C. AFP D. CEA E. PSA ANSWER: C What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific to ovarian cancer? A. CA-125 B. CA-19-9 C. AFP D. CEA E. PSA ANSWER: A What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific to pancreatic cancer? A. CA-125 B. CA-19-9 C. AFP D. CEA E. PSA ANSWER: B What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific to colorectal cancer? A. CA-125 B. CA-19-9 C. AFP D. CEA E. PSA ANSWER: D What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific to breast cancer? A. CA-125 B. CA-19-9 C. CA-15-3 D. CEA E. PSA ANSWER: C What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific to gastric cancer? A. CA-125 B. CA-19-9 C. AFP D. CEA E. PSA ANSWER: D What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific to prostate cancer? A. CA-125 B. CA-19-9 C. AFP D. REA E. PSA ANSWER: E What is the tumor-associated antigen most specific for skin melanoma? A. CA-125 B. S-100 protein C. AFP D. CEA E. PSA ANSWER: B What tumor marker used to monitor patients with medullary thyroid cancer? A. Calcitonin B. Thyroglobulin C. Neurospecific enolase D. β2-microglobulin E. Chorionic gonadotropin ANSWER: A What tumor marker used for monitoring patients with chorionepithelioma? A. CA-125 B. TG C. AFP D. β2-microglobulin E. Chorionic gonadotropin ANSWER: E What tumor marker used for monitoring patients with myelomic illness? A. CA-125 B. TG C. AFP D. β2-microglobulin E. Chorionic gonadotrophin ANSWER: D

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